Rosehip syrup: what are the beneficial properties and contraindications. Rosehip syrup is a healing delicacy

Almost every person at least once drank rosehip decoction. It contains healthy vitamins and microelements, so necessary for many. It is especially often remembered in the cold season, when the first signs of a cold appear, since it is rich in vitamin C. However, its use does not end there; rose hips have found their use in medicine, cooking, and even in cosmetology.

In addition, there is a syrup that is prepared from it ripe berries. Most often it is used during the period of autumn-winter colds to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Rosehip syrup, composition

This syrup contains the following ingredients:

  • extract, which is prepared on the basis of rose hips;
  • citric acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • sugar.

In addition, the syrup contains various vitamins: A, C, P, K, as well as tannins, and others.

The finished syrup has a viscous texture brown. It is usually packaged in dark glass bottles. The volume can vary from 70 to 300 ml.

Rose hip syrup: beneficial properties and contraindications

Few children will refuse this tasty and sweet syrup. It is worth considering the benefits of rosehip syrup and whether it is worth giving it to your child.

Rose hips contain vitamins and other beneficial substances that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, help improve immunity and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is in this regard that syrup from these berries is considered valuable and healthy. So, among the main useful properties are the following:

Exactly for valuable properties Rosehip syrup is used to treat many diseases, as well as general strengthening body. In addition, the cost of the product is low, which makes it accessible to anyone.

Indications for use

Rosehip syrup has many beneficial properties. In this regard, the range of its application is also wide. Typically, it is prescribed in the following cases:

It is important to understand here that rosehip syrup alone cannot cure many of these diseases. However, it speeds up the healing process and is used in complex therapy.

Although rosehip syrup has wide range actions, but sometimes, if there are some health problems, it can be harmful. In order not to aggravate your condition, you need to know the contraindications. It should not be used for the following diseases:

  • constipation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastritis and gastric ulcers;
  • diabetes mellitus, since the product contains sugar;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • at serious problems ah with blood circulation;
  • individual intolerance to any component.

The syrup should not be given to a child under 2 years of age. If age restrictions no, then when giving syrup to a child for the first time, you should carefully monitor his reaction, since sometimes children may develop allergies when using it.

In addition to these main contraindications, rosehip syrup, in case of overdose, can cause side effects, for example, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea.

How to take syrup for children

If the child has not yet reached the age of two, then this remedy should not be given to him, since it contains quite a lot of sugar. Children 2 years of age and older can take it in the following dosage:

Rosehip syrup for children can be washed down with water or dissolved in it. Treatment is carried out over a fairly long period of time, from 2 to 4 weeks.

Sometimes the drug can be prescribed to a child under 2 years of age, but only when there is an indication for it. How to drink rosehip syrup in this case? It is important to understand that the dosage for infants will be small. You should literally start with 1 drop and gradually increase the dose to the required amount. Typically, infants are not prescribed more than 10 drops. During the period of use of the drug, you should carefully monitor the child’s reaction, as an allergy may occur to the sweet syrup. An overdose of this drug may cause side effects such as constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

For small children, it is recommended to brew rose hips with boiling water and give them to the child in this form. There is no sugar in the broth and it is not as concentrated compared to syrup. The decoction is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to take some rose hips, pour boiling water and leave for 20 - 30 minutes.

How to make rosehip syrup at home

Some people prefer to use this remedy only homemade. This product is more natural and the person knows exactly what he put in it.

To prepare it at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rinse the berries and pass through a meat grinder (you can also grind them in a blender).
  • Place the resulting mass in a saucepan, add water and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Strain the resulting broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Pour it into the pan and return to the heat. Add lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 45-50 minutes over very low heat.
  • Cool the prepared liquid and pour into containers with lids. Store in the refrigerator, in a dark place.

Take ready-made syrup in the same way as purchased at a pharmacy.

During our childhood, rosehip syrup was in every family. The instructions indicate that it can be used by children and adults. But even today, when pharmacies abound different drugs, many people choose to buy a holosas that has beneficial properties. At what age should children take the product, are there any contraindications, the instructions will tell you all this.

Useful properties of syrup

Rosehip syrup has unique composition, so beloved by many modern mothers. Classic Senna Holosas, the price of which is much lower similar drugs contains only rosehip extract, citric acid and sugar.

Modern drug manufacturers have decided to enrich rosehip syrup with various “useful” properties. The instructions indicate that holosas may contain vitamins, calcium, iron and iodine. Reviews do not recommend taking such syrups, because they are of artificial origin and have contraindications. Today we will talk only about natural syrup, which is indicated even for children.

The use of senna is effective due to the properties of the rosehip itself. Berries have useful minerals and vitamins, among which it is necessary to highlight potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, keratin, copper, vitamins P, E, B, tannins, organic acids and phytoncides. But great value lies in ascorbic acid, the concentration of which rose hips is ahead of lemons, currants and apples.

It is the beneficial properties of vitamin C that provide the main current effect Therefore, it is also recommended for children to take rosehip syrup if there is a deficiency of it in the body. The use of syrup is carried out for the purpose of treating and preventing colds and viral diseases, increasing protective functions body and immunity, health promotion after illnesses and operations. You need to take syrup when you need to increase and restore health. It is recommended to use the product if it is necessary to improve physical and mental stress, exhaustion.

Rosehip syrup contains ascorbic acid, which allows it to regenerate cells and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The properties of the syrup make it possible to activate the work of the adrenal glands, support the functions of the biliary tract and liver, normalize the functioning of the intestines, help eliminate intoxication and increase the body's frequency, and are characterized by pronounced choleretic effect.

Holosas, the price of which is available in every pharmacy, is prescribed for liver diseases (including increased bilirubin in the blood). Reviews about the drug indicate that high efficiency means for undergoing acclimatization, many people take rosehip syrup when going on long trips with their children.

Instructions for use

Some parents admit that they give a similar rosehip syrup to their children instead of compote. But this method of using the drug carries some contraindications. You should not listen to reviews from other parents about the method of taking the drug; it is better to listen to the instructions.

First of all, rosehip syrup has its contraindications. Holosas should not be taken if you have diabetes, bronchial asthma, or gastritis. acute phase, stomach ulcer, cholelithiasis, as well as individual intolerance to the drug. Contraindications for the drug in some cases include intolerance with a number of medicines. You cannot start taking syrup on your own, much less give it to young children.

Contraindications It is not recommended to take rosehip syrup in childhood V large dosages. It is necessary to strictly follow the indicated dosage, especially if the baby is small. When starting to give holosas, be sure to consult with your pediatrician so that your child does not have any contraindications.

It should be noted that in in rare cases Contraindications to the drug may cause an allergic reaction and intolerance, manifested in the form of diarrhea.

At what age can syrup be given?

According to the instructions provided, holosas can be given to children from the age of two, if there are no contraindications. Some annotations may indicate an age limit starting from 12 years, but according to pediatricians, such a warning is not justified.

Moreover, in some cases, doctors themselves can prescribe rosehip syrup even to newborns and children up to one year old, setting the duration of use and dosage in each specific case. However, giving holosas on your own in such a at a young age forbidden.

Syrup dosage

The beneficial properties of the syrup allow it to be given starting from two years of age 2-3 times a day if indicated. A single dosage is half a dessert spoon diluted in water, as it is too concentrated and sweet. It is recommended to give the drug to children after eating. The course of treatment is usually no more than a month.

For children 4–6 years old, it is recommended to take one dessert spoon, for children 7–12 years old and adults – 1 tablespoon. The method of using rosehip syrup is the same for all children age categories. Exceeding the indicated dosage and duration of treatment is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to give syrup to children under one year old?

If we talk about the youngest children, then there is no direct ban on taking syrup. The instructions do not include age under one year in the contraindications section. But at the same time, pediatricians believe that syrup should not be taken at this age unless absolutely necessary. Secondly, it is not recommended for a baby under six months to take anything extra at all, except breast milk(except for the need to add water).

It is not advisable to introduce sugar into the menu of a child aged one year, and the properties of the syrup include it in large quantities. Another reason why it is recommended to give syrup with caution at this age is high probability formation of allergic reactions.

According to available indications, such a drug can be used as aid therapy, but in this case you need to start with a minimum dose (1 drop). Gradually increasing the amount of syrup to that recommended by the attending physician (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon), if children's body reacts normally to it.

It is best to replace rosehip syrup for children under one year old with a decoction that you can prepare yourself. Most parents, even when boosting immunity and treating older children, prefer freshly prepared natural decoctions. The reason for this is the very high sugar content in the syrup.

Syrup during pregnancy

Rosehip syrup during pregnancy is very often prescribed to expectant mothers. Its properties are very useful for a pregnant girl and her unborn baby. For example, it provides protection to the body from various colds and infections, helps keep the skin beautiful, healthy and not suffer from severe stretch marks in the future.

True, the instructions for the drug proposed by some manufacturers list pregnancy among the contraindications. The fact is that some products may exceed the daily norm of vitamin C for pregnant women. To solve the problem, just choose a syrup with a different amount of vitamin C in the composition. It is recommended to take it in pure form or with green tea. The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Rose hip syrup excellent remedy for people of all ages. It gives strength, reliably protects against viral diseases, and improves immunity. Before starting use, it is recommended to consult a doctor; do not self-medicate.

Rose hips have long been used not only for decorative purposes. It is used to treat diseases and prevent them. Traditional medicine suggests using decoctions, teas and tinctures from wonderful plant. Rosehip syrup is especially highly valued for its healing properties.

The syrup is obtained from bright red rose hips, which contain substances beneficial to the human body. The concentrated solution also has a rich composition. It contains valuable components in abundance.

Table: content of vitamins, minerals in syrup and their effect on the body

Vitamins, minerals Effect on the body
Vitamin A Prevents vision problems, promotes health immune system, is significant for cell growth and improves skin condition.
Vitamin B1, thiamine Serves as a catalyst for converting carbohydrates into energy and is necessary for muscle and heart function, and also improves health nervous system.
Vitamin B2, riboflavin The body needs it for growth, converting carbohydrates into energy and “production” of red blood cells.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid Necessary for the formation of collagen (tissue that serves to bind cells). This is important for healthy gums, teeth and bone growth. Acid also keeps you in good shape. blood vessels. It serves as a catalyst for the absorption of iron, stimulates brain function and accelerates wound healing.
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol Participates in the production and maintenance of red blood cells in healthy condition. Vitamin E is an antioxidant; its function is to protect cells from destruction and damage.
Potassium, K Participates in the process nerve impulses and transferring them to innervated organs. Improves oxygen supply to the brain.
Calcium, Ca Takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, is responsible for the balance of excitation and inhibition in the brain, and affects the activity of enzymes. It reduces blood cholesterol and is a factor in intracellular signaling.
Magnesium, Mg It has a cardioprotective function, having a beneficial effect on the heart, improving the supply of oxygen to the myocardium. At the same time, the mineral has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood pressure. Known for its anti-stress properties. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and its parts in combination with vitamin B6. Magnesium prevents vascular complications in diabetes, helps relieve bronchospasm, has a beneficial effect on reproductive function women.
Sodium, N Participates in the transfer various substances to each cell, generates normal nerve signals and takes part in muscle contraction. It prevents the occurrence of thermal or sunstroke. Sodium also has a pronounced vasodilating effect.
Phosphorus, Ph Inorganic phosphorus is part of bone tissue and supports acid-base balance. Its compounds are part of nucleic acids and take part in cell growth and storage of genetic information.
Iron, Fe A trace element is integral part proteins, hemoglobin. It is important for providing the body with oxygen, ATP and DNA synthesis, and detoxification processes. Iron supports the functioning of the immune system.

Syrup is a thick liquid dark brown. It has a pleasant sweet taste and floral aroma.

The pharmaceutical product is as useful as homemade syrup.

The benefits and effects of syrup on the body

Despite the fact that rosehip syrup is not used as the main means of treatment, it has a powerful healing effect. So, the drink has the following effects on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the brain;
  • prevents hypovitaminosis and education malignant tumors;
  • brings the body into tone after physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • levels out blood pressure;
  • stimulates the functioning of the hematopoietic organs;
  • heals the stomach and intestines;
  • cleanses of toxins;
  • increases bone and tissue regeneration.

Rosehip syrup heals the body

Possessing pronounced antioxidant properties, the syrup prevents early aging body, stimulates collagen production.

Rosehip syrup is successfully used in complex therapy as an effective adjuvant.

Preventive use of the drug strengthens the heart and reduces blood pressure. Rosehip in the form of syrup allows a person to more easily cope with emotional turmoil and prolonged depression.

For stomach ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction, since the syrup, due to the large amount of sugar, can aggravate the course of the disease.

Homemade recipes

You don’t have to buy rosehip syrup at the pharmacy; it’s easy to prepare at home.

Recipe No. 1

You will need the following components:

  • rose hips - 1 kg;
  • white sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l.


  1. Pre-washed rose hips should be crushed using a blender.
  2. The resulting mass must be poured with boiling water.
  3. Cook it over low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour the prepared mixture sugar syrup and cook for another 30 minutes.
  5. The resulting syrup must be stored in a cool place, protected from light, or in the refrigerator.

Rosehip syrup is easy to make yourself

Recipe No. 2

To prepare the syrup, take:

  • rose hips - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Rinse the rose hips under running water.
  2. Pour boiling water over them and, covering the pan with a lid, cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  3. The resulting broth must be cooled to room temperature. To do this, wrap the pan with a blanket or terry towel. It's best to leave it overnight.
  4. Strain the broth through a sieve. Add to it granulated sugar and place on the stove to simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. It is recommended to pour the resulting rosehip syrup into glass containers that have been previously sterilized.

Application of the product

Rosehip syrup is used as an adjuvant for the treatment of various diseases, for the prevention of certain conditions, as well as in dietetics.

For medicinal purposes

Rosehip syrup is used in complex therapy of various diseases, but as an auxiliary rather than a main remedy.

Indications Doses Action
Cough and cold Add 1-2 teaspoons to tea. Take 2-3 times a day. Increases the body's protective functions and accelerates recovery
Gallstone disease 1 tablespoon 3 times a day Improves general condition, removes secondary inflammation, makes it possible to reduce the dosage of pain medications
Hypovitaminosis 1.5 tablespoons (can only be combined with drugs that do not contain ascorbic acid and B vitamins) Replenishes vitamin deficiencies
Intoxication Up to 5 dessert spoons 3 times a day Removes toxins
Hepatitis 1 dessert spoon three times a day Reduces inflammation, stimulates bile flow, improves cellular respiration

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers should take the syrup with caution. It is better to consult a doctor before using it. The drink, for example, is not recommended for women with diabetes mellitus because it contains a lot of sugar. For the same reason, expectant mothers who experience a large weight gain during pregnancy should avoid syrup.

If there are no contraindications, then the doctor prescribes the usual dosage - 1 tablespoon of syrup twice a day.

For children

Not so long ago, rosehip syrup occupied its rightful place in every family’s medicine cabinet. Parents knew about the high medicinal and preventive effectiveness of the drug and used it to fight colds.

Today pharmaceutical market offers an abundance of drugs. However, many of us prefer to use time-tested methods. Meanwhile, rosehip syrup has some age restrictions.

The product can be given to a child as indicated from the age of two. The dosage is 0.5 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. It is recommended that the sweet and highly concentrated syrup be pre-diluted with water and taken immediately after meals. The course of admission is one month.

Children from 4 to 6 years old are prescribed one teaspoon per day, from 7 to 12 years old - a dessert spoon. For children over 12 years of age, the dosage is 1 tablespoon of syrup.

Children drink sweet aromatic rosehip syrup with great pleasure

For slimness

Rosehip in the form of syrup in its pure form is not used for weight loss, but it is used as a component of a special recipe that activates fat burning. Experts note that when using it, one should not forget about balanced diet and regular physical activity.

So, to prepare the drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • rosehip syrup - 300 ml;
  • senna leaves - 200 g;
  • light raisins - 200 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Separately, brew raisins and dry senna leaves in 1 liter of boiled water.
  2. Leave for one hour, carefully strain the decoctions and combine.
  3. Add rosehip syrup to the drink and mix thoroughly.
  4. We store the drink in the refrigerator.

Rosehip is used to cleanse the intestines

The drug should be drunk 0.5 cups a few hours before bedtime. Healthy Ingredients, working together, effectively cleanse the intestines, normalize the body's production of insulin and blood sugar levels.

The duration of the course should not exceed 10 days. Cleaning can be repeated only after 6 months.

To combat overweight Extract from rose hips - Kholosas - is widely used. This pharmaceutical product is often used in complex therapy for the treatment of digestive disorders and cholecystitis. It has a choleretic effect, excellently cleanses the liver and intestines, which helps speed up metabolism and fat metabolism.


You should refrain from consuming rosehip syrup if:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers and pancreatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects

Exceeding syrup dosages has a negative impact on health. It can stop the pancreas from producing insulin. In order not to harm the body, treatment with rosehip syrup must be taken in courses, taking breaks.

Failure to comply with dosages when using the drug can cause allergic reactions, low blood pressure and hypervitaminosis.

Rose hips can cause allergies in some cases

Reception features

To get maximum benefit from taking syrup and not encounter side effects, experts advise following some recommendations:

  1. The syrup negatively affects tooth enamel, so after you take it, you must rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
  2. To avoid problems with metabolism when taking syrup for a long time, enrich your regular diet with parsley, dill and celery.
  3. Children should drink the syrup with water or tea.

The beneficial properties of rose hips have been known for a long time. Our grandmothers really appreciated the elastic red berries and with the arrival of autumn they went to harvest them. Rose hips were collected and dried for future use in order to prepare tasty and healthy tea. All kinds of tinctures and even jam were made from it. Rosehip was in almost every home. He has a huge amount useful substances, and the preparation for future use helped in winter period replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Rosehip syrup

Of course, it’s good to have berries dried for the winter at home, but what if it’s impossible to make such a preparation for some reason? In this case, on help will come pharmaceuticals. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find ready-made rosehip syrup. The application and description of its beneficial properties are usually on the packaging or jar.

This product is obtained from fresh berries; the technology for its preparation is simple and does not require any third-party additives. The product will be an excellent addition to the winter diet. It is safe and effective, and costs literally pennies. The beneficial properties of rose hips can be described endlessly, but we will focus on the most important of them.

What is rich in rose hips?

Rosehip berries are a real storehouse of health. It contains a colossal amount of vitamin C - 50 times more than in lemon, and 10 times more than in black currant. There are no plants in the plant kingdom that can compete with rose hips in terms of iron content. These fruits are rich in vitamins B, P and K. Rose hips also contain manganese, lycopene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium salts, molybdenum, acids, pectin, essential oils, sugar and mass tannins and organic acids. In addition, it contains many bactericidal components.

What's in the syrup?

As part of the medicinal product - aqueous extract rose hips with a small addition ascorbic acid synthetic origin(0.3 g). Excipients- sugar and citric acid. It is a viscous liquid of dark brown color and has a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.

Let's start with what's so good about this rosehip. And there are a lot of good things in it, all the necessary ones to the human body vitamins and microelements.

What are the benefits of rose hips:

  • Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that improves immunity;
  • B vitamins - have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, skin, hair, nails and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Vitamin K, quite rare, is responsible for blood clotting and metabolism. With its deficiency, diseases develop connective tissue bones;
  • fiber is necessary for normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract;
  • tannins kill microbes well;
  • Vitamin E ensures elasticity of the skin and other body tissues;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

As you can see from the list above, rose hips are quite a valuable product. Especially in the cold season, when the body simply needs powerful vitamin support.

Of course, in fresh berries There are much more of all these microelements, but they are also contained in sufficient quantities in the syrup.

Table: content of vitamins, minerals in syrup and their effect on the body

Vitamins, minerals Effect on the body
Vitamin A Prevents vision problems, promotes a healthy immune system, is important for cell growth and improves skin condition.
Vitamin B1, thiamine Serves as a catalyst for converting carbohydrates into energy and is necessary for muscle and heart function, and also improves the condition of the nervous system.
Vitamin B2, riboflavin The body needs it for growth, converting carbohydrates into energy and “production” of red blood cells.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid Necessary for the formation of collagen (tissue that serves to bind cells). This is important for healthy gums, teeth and bone growth. Acid also keeps blood vessels toned. It serves as a catalyst for the absorption of iron, stimulates brain function and accelerates wound healing.
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol Participates in the production and maintenance of healthy red blood cells. Vitamin E is an antioxidant; its function is to protect cells from destruction and damage.
Potassium, K Participates in the process of conducting nerve impulses and transmitting them to innervated organs. Improves oxygen supply to the brain.
Calcium, Ca Takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, is responsible for the balance of excitation and inhibition in the brain, and affects the activity of enzymes. It reduces blood cholesterol and is a factor in intracellular signaling.
Magnesium, Mg It has a cardioprotective function, having a beneficial effect on the heart, improving the supply of oxygen to the myocardium. At the same time, the mineral has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood pressure. Known for its anti-stress properties. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and its parts in combination with vitamin B6. Magnesium prevents vascular complications in diabetes, helps relieve bronchospasm, and has a beneficial effect on a woman’s reproductive function.
Sodium, N Participates in the transport of various substances to each cell, generates normal nerve signals and takes part in muscle contraction. It prevents the occurrence of heat or sunstroke. Sodium also has a pronounced vasodilating effect.
Phosphorus, Ph Inorganic phosphorus is part of bone tissue and maintains acid-base balance. Its compounds are part of nucleic acids and take part in cell growth and storage of genetic information.
Iron, Fe The trace element is a component of proteins, hemoglobin. It is important for providing the body with oxygen, ATP and DNA synthesis, and detoxification processes. Iron supports the functioning of the immune system.

The syrup is a thick, dark brown liquid. It has a pleasant sweet taste and floral aroma.

The pharmaceutical product is as useful as homemade syrup.

Pharmacological action

The healing properties of rosehip syrup explained high content ascorbic acid plant origin, as well as other useful substances - flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins K, E, B, P, organic acids, pectins.

Spectrum of pharmacological action:

  • choleretic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • vitamin;
  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • restorative;
  • tonic;
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • vasodilator;
  • vaso-strengthening.

Rosehip syrup is used as an adjuvant for the treatment of various diseases, for the prevention of certain conditions, as well as in dietetics.

Medicinal use

Rosehip syrup is used in complex therapy of various diseases, but as an auxiliary rather than a main remedy.

Indications Doses Action
Cough and cold Add 1-2 teaspoons to tea. Take 2-3 times a day. Increases the body's protective functions and accelerates recovery
Gallstone disease 1 tablespoon 3 times a day Improves general condition, relieves secondary inflammation, makes it possible to reduce the dosage of pain medications
Hypovitaminosis 1.5 tablespoons (can only be combined with drugs that do not contain ascorbic acid and B vitamins) Replenishes vitamin deficiencies
Intoxication Up to 5 dessert spoons 3 times a day Removes toxins
Hepatitis 1 dessert spoon three times a day Reduces inflammation, stimulates bile flow, improves cellular respiration

Indications and contraindications

The biologically active components of rose hips stimulate blood circulation in the brain, prevent the development of malignant tumors and the occurrence of cancer cells. They tone and give the body energy. Rosehip improves digestion, removes toxins and other debris. Saturates cells with antioxidants, preventing aging. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Helps restore orgasm faster after colds, fractures, surgical intervention. Helps you get out of depressive states and cope with moral exhaustion. Improves cellular metabolism and thins the blood, which is a good prevention of heart attack.

Activates and improves all the main functions of the body. For example, removal excess liquid. Few known property rose hips - promotes the fastest and most comfortable acclimatization of the body.

What are the main indications for the use of rosehip syrup?

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Thanks to flavonoids and organic acids in the composition, the drug helps with inflammation of the gallbladder and liver. It's soft choleretic agent which promotes the flow of bile. Used for gallstones, peptic ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Regenerating agent. With cracks, non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers and bedsores, bruises and fractures, the syrup is taken orally. Vitamin C is known to promote rapid tissue regeneration, that is, healing, strengthening bones and producing collagen. It also stimulates the metabolism of all useful substances in cells and gives a good anti-inflammatory effect.
  • General strengthening. Thanks to the unique vitamin and mineral composition the medicine helps with rapid fatigue, balances the functioning of all body systems in unfavorable conditions. An effective remedy for the prevention of scurvy and vitamin deficiency, influenza and ARVI, improves vision.
  • Violation of exchange hormonal processes in the body. Syrup can be prescribed for thyroid disease, to stimulate the adrenal glands, and reduces cholesterol in the blood.
  • Powerful antioxidant. In case of poisoning, it cleanses the body well and helps restore water-salt balance. It can be taken with alcoholic, food intoxication. Helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.


  • acute form of all gastrointestinal diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure, inflammation of the heart wall;
  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction;
  • thrombophlebitis and predisposition to this disease;
  • dermatitis.

Rosehip has antidiabetic properties, but its use in the form of syrup for diabetes mellitus is prohibited. It is better to choose other dosage forms - decoctions and infusions.

How does it interact with other medications?

What should you pay attention to when treating with rosehip syrup?

  • Pharmacologists warn: ascorbic acid can enhance the effect of some antibiotics (especially the tetracycline and penicillin groups).
  • The drug weakens the effect of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Increases the absorption of iron; in some types of anemia, this can be harmful and lead to exacerbation.
  • Reduces healing effect anticoagulants, heparin.
  • When treated with sulfonamides and salicylates, the risk of crystal formation in the urine increases.
  • Ascorbic acid slows down the excretion of organic acids by the kidneys.
  • Enhances the removal from the body of alkaloids and other substances that create an alkaline environment.

When prescribing syrup and other rosehip preparations, you must inform your doctor about everything you are taking. at the moment medications. This will help avoid negative drug interactions.

The instructions for use mention side effects. Most often they arise from digestive tract in the form of diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea, cramping pain in the intestines and stomach. An allergic reaction is also possible if long-term use, skin rashes(especially in children). An overdose can lead to low blood pressure and hypervitaminosis. Excessive content Vitamin C in the body can disrupt metabolic processes.

Rosehip syrup - prevention of many diseases

Due to its composition, rosehip syrup fights “excellently” with depression, chronic fatigue, helps to cope with situations easier emotional stress, strengthens the body's immune properties. Rosehip syrup will be useful when changing climatic conditions, in the cold season. Has a strengthening effect on poor eyesight. Sometimes used as a remedy alcohol poisoning and hangovers. Removes various toxins from the body. Normalizes metabolism. It is used during intellectual and physical stress to strengthen and maintain strength.

Rules for taking rose hips

To avoid complications, you need to follow these recommendations when taking rosehip syrup:

1. After you take rosehip syrup, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water to protect your teeth from destruction of enamel.

2. If you use rosehip syrup for a long time, your metabolism may be disrupted, so at the same time, celery, dill, and parsley should be included in the diet.

3. Children can consume no more than half a teaspoon per day. It is recommended to drink tea and water.

4. An adult is allowed to consume rosehip syrup twice a day, no more than a dessert spoon; it is important to take into account the disease for which you are using the medicine.

Use in children and pregnant women

Reviews and discussions on forums mention that rosehip syrup is often prescribed to pregnant women and children. What are the features of its use in this group of patients?

How and when to give to children

Rosehip syrup for children - not healthy treat, but a medicine. It is necessary to follow a strict dosage and give this remedy to babies only after consultation with a pediatrician.

  • The first remedy for colds and fatigue. Syrup is often prescribed for preventive purposes during the cold season. But it also helps to cope faster viral infection and restore strength after illness. It is useful to take the medicine for schoolchildren who experience a lot of stress on the nervous system and are overworked mentally and physically.
  • How should children take rosehip syrup? It is necessary to strictly follow the age dosage. Dosage of rosehip syrup:
    • children from 2 to 4 years old - half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day;
    • children from 4 to 6 years old can take a whole teaspoon 2-3 times a day;
    • children 7-12 years old drink the drug 1 dessert spoon 2-3 times a day;
    • children over 12 years of age and adults can take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

    The drug is used as food, it is permissible to wash it down or dissolve it in clean water. The course of treatment with this drug is from 2 to 4 weeks.

    The instructions for the drug do not limit its use for children under 2 years of age. But pediatricians have the opposite opinion. Children under 6 months should not be given anything other than mother's milk or formula for food. There is also high risk the appearance of allergies in infants.

    At your discretion, in special cases, the pediatrician may prescribe the use of rosehip syrup for infants. The dosage in this case will be measured in drops, starting from 1. If the baby takes the drug well, then the dosage can be increased to 10 drops.

    For very young children there is a rosehip decoction. It has a lower concentration of vitamins and no sugar. It is easy to prepare at home. Pour boiling water over clean rose hips and let steep for about 30 minutes. Strain the broth and cool. This form of rosehip can be given instead of compote.

  • Syrup options. Other additives can be added to rosehip syrup - calcium, iron, synthetic vitamins, iodine. But these types of drugs are not recommended for children. You need to be especially careful when adding iodine. IN large doses it is harmful to children's health.
  • Age restrictions. For children under 2 years old this dosage form contraindicated. Although some pediatricians prescribe diluted syrup even to infants for therapeutic and preventive purposes, they believe that the drug in the correct dosage will not cause any harm to the baby. Other pediatricians are categorically against this medication at such a young age. Still others recommend giving infants decoctions and infusions instead of syrup.
  • Possible side effects . Most often, children have an allergic reaction to the syrup; less often, they have digestive disorders - constipation or diarrhea.

Indications and contraindications for the use of syrup in children are the same as in adults. It is only worth noting that the product is effective for liver diseases in children and reduces bilirubin well. It is also recommended to take it on trips. The process of acclimatization when traveling to distant countries is much smoother with this product.

How to use during pregnancy

The instructions indicate that rosehip syrup during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the health of the woman and the development of the fetus. However, its use without consulting a doctor is strictly contraindicated.

How to take this medicine? The doctor prescribes minimum doses- 1 teaspoon each, invites the patient to observe the reaction and condition. Then the doses can be increased to 1 dessert spoon - 2 times a day. The syrup is prescribed as a vitamin, tonic, choleretic medicine. For swelling during pregnancy, they have little effect. With this symptom much decoctions are more effective and rosehip infusions.

For slimness

Rosehip in the form of syrup in its pure form is not used for weight loss, but it is used as a component of a special recipe that activates fat burning. Experts note that when using it, one should not forget about a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

So, to prepare the drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • rosehip syrup - 300 ml;
  • senna leaves - 200 g;
  • light raisins - 200 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Separately, brew raisins and dry senna leaves in 1 liter of boiled water.
  2. Leave for one hour, carefully strain the decoctions and combine.
  3. Add rosehip syrup to the drink and mix thoroughly.
  4. We store the drink in the refrigerator.

The drug should be drunk 0.5 cups a few hours before bedtime. The most useful ingredients, working together, effectively cleanse the intestines, normalize the body's production of insulin and blood sugar levels.

The duration of the course should not exceed 10 days. Cleaning can be repeated only after 6 months.

To combat excess weight, an extract from rose hips - Holosas - is widely used. This pharmaceutical product is often used in complex therapy for the treatment of digestive disorders and cholecystitis. It has a choleretic effect, excellently cleanses the liver and intestines, which helps speed up metabolism and fat metabolism.

Rosehip syrup in cooking

The syrup has a sweet taste and herbal honey aroma. Therefore, it is used not only as a medicine, but is added to tea, baked goods, decorated with sweet dishes and desserts, made into fruit drinks, compote based on it, and eaten instead of jam (but little by little). This is useful during a cold, and indeed at any time: the body is saturated with vitamins and nutrients.

How to make rosehip syrup at home

Homemade syrup - more natural product and will be of great benefit, since it does not contain ascorbic and citric acid of synthetic origin.

For homemade rosehip syrup you will need:

  • 400 g berries;
  • 600 g granulated sugar;
  • 600 ml water;
  • juice of half a lemon.


  1. Grind 1 kg of rose hips in a blender.
  2. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Prepare syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 6 glasses of water.
  4. Place boiled berries in it.
  5. Cook for another 15 minutes.

It is better to store the finished syrup in the refrigerator. Take in the same dosage as the pharmaceutical drug.

The main use of rosehip syrup is liver and gall bladder diseases, treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and colds, increasing the body's protective functions, preventing vitamin deficiency, postoperative period to restore strength. The product promotes the outflow of bile, reduces high level bilirubin, leads to rapid tissue regeneration. Thanks to the increased dose of ascorbic acid, it acts as a strong antioxidant.

Along with medicines, magnificent healing effect have an effect on the body natural remedies. One of them is rosehip syrup, which is a real storehouse of vitamins and valuable microelements. This plant has long been used in folk medicine to treat numerous diseases.

Contents of nutrients and their healing effects

In rosehip syrup the richest composition, which includes the elements necessary to maintain health:

  • pectin;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins C and P;
  • amino acids;
  • carotenoids.

Thanks to these substances, rosehip syrup has multifaceted beneficial properties that make it an excellent addition to the treatment of various diseases. Indications for the use of this remedy are very numerous and varied, ranging from the prevention of seasonal colds to use in for cosmetic purposes to increase skin elasticity.

Among its qualities are:

  • immunostimulating;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • restorative;
  • restorative;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial.

Cosmetologists often use this remedy as protection against premature aging. Rosehip syrup is used as active component when creating anti-wrinkle creams, toning and improving the natural elasticity of the skin. It also helps accelerate the regeneration of epidermal cells, which makes it possible to use it to reduce scars and restore tissue after burns and other damage. It protects the skin from numerous external influences environment.

Taking rosehip syrup helps keep you alert during have a long day, helps remove toxins from the body and stimulates the immune system. It is very useful to simply add a teaspoon of this product to your tea every morning - this is enough to get a boost of energy and feeling great until the evening. During the cold season, when it is time for various colds to spread, rosehip syrup will help avoid colds and flu, as it has an excellent effect on the immune system, actively strengthening it. If a person has already caught a cold, then this remedy will help relieve symptoms, reduce temperature, and cope with a severe cough.

Scientific research has proven that rosehip syrup has the ability to restore vision if taken regularly in moderate quantities.

It has the ability to calm and stabilize the nervous system. Therefore, it is very useful for people who often encounter stressful situations and nervous feelings. It is used as additional means in the treatment of various emotional disorders and depressive conditions.

The substances that make up rose hips stimulate brain activity, as it helps improve blood circulation. The syrup helps to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Taking it can protect a person from developing hypertension, it helps clean blood vessels and remove blood clots, and is useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis. He also has valuable quality- may reduce blood cholesterol levels.

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Doctors highly value rosehip syrup for its ability to restore damaged bone tissue. At various fractures This aid is often prescribed to help bones heal faster and easier. It also helps to more easily endure the consequences of all kinds of injuries, helps in the postoperative period, during rehabilitation after suffering a serious illness.

In folk medicine, rosehip syrup is often used as effective remedy from a hangover and alcohol intoxication. It helps to quickly relieve the severe and unpleasant symptoms of this condition, easily removing toxic substances from the body.

With the help of this valuable tool you can significantly speed up the treatment of diseases respiratory systems s, such as bronchiectasis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia. Rosehip syrup also has a choleretic effect, which is actively used in folk medicine. With its help, malfunctions in the digestive system are treated, you can cleanse gallbladder, it is possible even to remove stones from it. The diuretic effect of the product is used to cleanse the kidneys of accumulated waste and toxins.

Thanks to the antioxidants contained in it in abundance, with regular use, the risk of developing malignant tumors is sharply reduced.

Possible harm from consuming rosehip syrup

As in many other cases, this remedy has beneficial properties and contraindications, which are important to consider before starting use. It is not advisable to use it in some specific cases.

  • If there are serious problems with blood circulation;
  • People who suffer from severe cardiovascular diseases should take it with caution;
  • In the presence of thrombophlebitis;
  • For any dermatological diseases rosehip syrup is also prohibited;
  • It is not recommended to take this remedy if a person has a tendency to constipation;
  • Rosehip syrup should not be taken by people with diabetes. This is due to the presence of sugar in the composition.
  • It is not recommended to use it if you have bronchial asthma.
  • It is forbidden to take rosehip syrup for diseases such as stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • Also worth considering individual intolerance and the possibility of allergic reactions.

Before you start taking rosehip syrup, it is advisable to consult your doctor so that he can indicate correct dosage and ensured that there were no contraindications to its use. If you take too much of this drug, then instead of benefit you can get serious harm to the body. This can affect the functioning of the pancreas and the production of the hormone insulin. Also, you should not use it constantly, you need to take a break to avoid possible stress or damage.

It is also worth remembering that this is natural healing agent may cause metabolic disorders in the human body. To soften it side effect, is worth adding to daily diet large number herbs: parsley, celery, dill.

Rosehip syrup, especially taken in its pure form, can seriously damage tooth enamel. Therefore, each time after use, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water.

How to give rosehip syrup to children

This healing remedy certainly has a lot of positive properties. However, it is worth paying attention to what age children can take it and in what volume. You shouldn’t give it up completely, as its benefits are invaluable, but you must follow certain rules. This product is a strong allergen, so most doctors are inclined to believe that children should drink it only with twelve years of age. You need to start using it gradually, starting with two or three drops dissolved in a cup of tea, juice or boiled water. If the body has not reacted negatively, then you can begin to gradually increase the dosage of rosehip syrup.

Some pediatric experts believe that such prophylaxis can be prescribed to children starting at three years of age. General instructions it looks like as follows: from 3 to 7 years, you can increase the volume of the product to 1 teaspoon per day, and after 7 years, the dosage increases to 1 dessert spoon per day.

Use of rosehip syrup during pregnancy

Some instructions included with pharmaceutical product, you can see that it is contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of vitamin C. In combination with standard vitamin and mineral complexes, which are usually prescribed to expectant mothers, an overdose of this substance can be caused.

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In fact, rosehip syrup during pregnancy is extremely beneficial for both the woman and the child. It helps to avoid colds, especially in spring and autumn, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and keeps the skin healthy, beautiful and elastic.

To avoid possible negative reaction, it is necessary that the dosage be prescribed by the woman’s attending physician, who is aware of what other drugs she is taking and in what quantity. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use rosehip syrup either in its pure form or mixed with green tea.

Making at home

This remedy can be purchased at almost any pharmacy in finished form, but it will be much healthier if you prepare it yourself, from berries collected with your own hands. In addition, the method of preparing it is very simple. To do this, you need to take 1 kg of rose hips; you can use both fresh and dry. Rinse and peel the fruits thoroughly, then pass through a meat grinder or grind in a powerful blender.

Then pour the resulting mixture into 1.2 liters of boiled water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. In a separate container, prepare syrup from 1 kg of sugar, add to the rose hips and cook for about another half hour. The finished syrup should be poured into prepared jars, closed with lids and stored in a dark place. You can use the product immediately after preparation.

The healing properties of natural rosehip syrup can hardly be overestimated, and possible side effects and contraindications are very small in comparison. Therefore, it can be argued that this is one of the most useful natural remedies amazing traditional medicine, and you shouldn’t ignore it.



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