What problems can morning eye pain be a symptom of? Why eyes hurt - causes and treatment of eye pain.

Don't be surprised if your eyes look tired. But it will take very little time to restore their freshness and beauty.

Exercise for the eyes

To help your eyes rest after working at the computer, you can do a few simple exercises; they can be performed in any position:

  • Bend your elbows so that your palms are slightly below eye level.
  • Open your fingers.
  • Make smooth turns with your head left and right, while looking through your fingers, into the distance, and not at them.
  • Let your gaze glide without lingering on one thing.
  • If you do everything correctly, your hands will “float” past you: it should seem to you that they are moving.

Make alternately three turns with your eyes open and three with your eyes closed (even closed eyes should not “linger” on anything). Do the exercise once, while breathing freely, without straining.

For those who find it difficult to open their eyes in the morning, you can do the following exercises:

  1. Stretch well, roll several times from side to side. Don't hold your breath while doing this. On the contrary, breathe deeply and calmly.
  2. Open your eyes and mouth wide several times.
  3. Close your eyes tightly (6 times), do 12 light blinks.
  4. Exercise for tired eyes “writing with your nose”: close your eyes. Imagine that the tip of your nose is a pen with which you can write. Now write whatever you want in the air with your pen.
  5. Eyebrow exercise: Raise your eyebrows as high as possible, while observing the sensation that appears at the top of your ears. In the future, this sensation will need to be done without raising the eyebrows. Take your time, this is difficult to do the first time.
  6. Palming: Sit up straight and relax. Close your eyes so that the middle of the palm of your right hand is opposite your right eye, the same with your left hand. The palms should lie softly, there is no need to press them forcefully to the face. The fingers can cross on the forehead, they can be located side by side - as is more convenient for you. The main thing is that there are no “slits” that let light through. Close your eyes. Now place your elbows on the table. The neck and spine should be almost in one straight line. Check that your body is not tense, and your arms, back, and neck should be relaxed. Breathing should be calm.

Now try to remember something that gives you pleasure. You can do this exercise to music. It is very difficult to consciously relax your eyes. Therefore, there is no need to try to control your condition - this will only harm the purpose of the lesson; instead, think about something pleasant.

Eye exercises will help relieve fatigue, and to make your eyes look rested, you can make special lotions and masks:

Eye toning lotions

Lotions can be done:

  • from steep black tea;
  • from herbs (chamomile, mint, sage, dill, parsley, cornflower);
  • you can prepare a mixture:
  • chamomile
  • sage.

Mix in equal proportions. Take one tablespoon of the mixture, one tablespoon of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, strain, and cool.

All lotions are made using cotton pads. They need to be moistened in the resulting product, squeezed out a little and applied to the eyelids for about 10-15 minutes.

You can alternate cold and hot lotions. To do this, take sage, make two containers: hot and cold, and alternate the lotions one minute at a time for 10-15 minutes. This will relieve puffiness, fatigue, and restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin.

To relieve swelling, you can use used tea bags without additives, after keeping them in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.


All masks should be applied to a gauze pad and kept for 10-15 minutes.

From raw grated potatoes

Add flour, sour cream or fresh milk to raw grated potatoes. Stir until creamy.

Add sour cream to the greens and stir.

It is best to make them from any kernel oils, such as apricot, peach, almond. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the eyelids.

After the mask, you need to wash your face with cool water and apply eye cream along the massage lines. After 20 minutes, blot the cream with a napkin.


Raw vegetables (potatoes, cucumber) also bring great benefits. They can be cut into circles and applied to the eyelids. As soon as the circle warms up, it needs to be replaced with another - and so on for 15-20 minutes.

  • You should not put too much strain on your eyes with computers and TV;
  • do not sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • do not drink or eat much at night.

Remember, your eyes are your most important source of communication with the world. Take care of them.

Ophthalmologist - online consultations

I can’t open my eyes after sleep, what should I do?

No. Ophthalmologist 06/28/2012

After sleep, it is difficult to open your eyes; the eyelids seem to stick to the eyeball. I have cataracts. Could there be another reason and how to treat it? The doctor did not say anything specific during the appointment.

Hello! This may be due to a subacute inflammatory process with discharge, which, when dried, can create a feeling of stickiness of the eyelids. In addition, there may be a violation of tear production - dry eye, which can also be accompanied by similar symptoms. The treatment of these processes is different, so it is difficult to recommend something specific remotely. Sincerely, Chief Physician of the JSC Clinic of Doctor Kurenkov Zhemchugova Alena Vladislavna www.visus-novus.ru

Good afternoon. Please help me decipher the tests - I need to understand what tests still need to be taken and which doctor to contact to determine the diagnosis. In addition to the test results, the symptoms are a sleepy state with 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Periodic headaches in the vernal area. Tired eyes (pain, cloudiness, loss of concentration), periodic stomach upset (loose stools) without pain. Bad habits - smoking no more than 10 pcs. In a day. Blood analysis

I have been wearing contact lenses for many years, more than 10 to be exact. I tried a lot of different lenses with different wearing periods. A month ago I was able to try air optix from Alcone. To say that I am delighted is to say nothing. Great lenses for every day! Do not cause dryness, redness or irritation of the eyes. Walking in them all day, in the evening you don’t feel them at all. Lenses tested using chlorine pool water and night sleep. I can confidently recommend them to anyone who cares about the health of their eyes. Even.

My son is 6 years old and he often cries hysterically in his sleep, without waking up, with his eyes open. He says something chaotic, it’s very difficult to wake him up, even washing his face doesn’t help, he can even talk quite clearly (the feeling that he sees something or someone in front of him), but then it becomes clear that he didn’t wake up, only after 20 minutes does he come to myself! In the morning I ask why he cried - he can’t answer. This is so creepy! (((

Good afternoon I have been suffering from back pain (lumbosacral) for several years. I contacted a surgeon, they answered that this was a consequence of heavy loads suffered previously (he worked in the construction industry) and nothing specific, it seemed like this was the “norm”. Over the past 2 years, constant aching pain in the legs (below the knee) has appeared. The pain does not go away even at rest or after a night's sleep. The pain intensifies with physical activity. My legs seem to go numb, like goosebumps. Visually there is nothing wrong with the legs.


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Health and Living Healthy with Elena Malysheva

Not the official website of the Health and Live Healthy programs, Elena Malysheva

What to do if the eye does not open

They will talk about the reasons why the eyes do not open.

They will talk about the reasons why people cannot open their eyes. Doctors take this problem seriously. Drooping eyelids are always a worrying sign. Drooping of the upper eyelid - ptosis - is a symptom of the disease. Myasthenia gravis can cause drooping eyelids. This disease is characterized by a condition of the immune system that begins to harm nerve impulses.

This disease results in muscle weakness. Muscles lose the ability to contract normally. Nerve impulses cannot transmit a signal from one nerve to another.

There are also signs of myasthenia gravis, such as double vision and strabismus. This disease is dangerous. A person may stop breathing due to muscle weakness. This condition needs to be treated.

Another cause of ptosis may be Horner's syndrome. It is characterized by drooping of one eyelid, a narrow pupil and the absence of tears in the eye. The body has a system of wakefulness and sleep.

It happens that a tumor in the apex of the lung compresses the nerves that go to the eyeball, the parasympathetic system predominates. We are talking about cancer of the apex of the lung. The tumor must be removed.

The cause of drooping eyelid may be conjunctivitis with swelling of the eyelids. Infection can lead to swelling, and allergies can also lead to swelling. It may also be unpleasant for a person to look at the light; he closes his eyes. This disease is treatable. Wen can form on the eyelids. Such wen often appears in older people.

We are talking about high cholesterol levels. The carrier of fat is cholesterol. If cholesterol levels are elevated, fatty deposits begin to appear. Sometimes this is a hereditary increase in cholesterol that is not associated with obesity.

High cholesterol levels are dangerous for blood vessels. Cracks appear in the vessels, fat becomes clogged in them, plaques appear, and then there may be a blood clot and a stroke or heart attack. Atherosclerosis leads to narrowing of blood vessels.

If one eyelid does not lift, this may indicate a serious illness. One of the manifestations of this disease is one eye that is slightly closed. Ptosis may be accompanied by constriction of the pupil and retraction of the eyeball.

These symptoms are characteristic of a number of neurological diseases. But today we will talk about a tumor in the upper part of the lung, which is connected to the neck by nerves. A spasm of the muscles that open the eyelids may occur.

It seems that the person is squinting very hard and cannot open his eyes. If the conduction system is disrupted, for example, with multiple sclerosis. The immune system attacks its organs in this disease. The immune system attacks the nerve sheaths, the nerves cannot conduct impulses, and a spasm occurs.

The eyes may become sticky due to the discharge of pus. This is conjunctivitis. The eyeball is covered by a membrane, it is white or blue, this is the protection of the eye. The conjunctiva is washed with tears. There should be no visible vessels in it. If there is inflammation, the eye turns red. Bacteria or viruses enter the eye. There is a burning sensation, lacrimation, and photophobia. The eye may stick together in the morning, and pus may ooze from the eye.

At night, you can put antibiotic ointment behind your eyelids. If the inflammation is very acute, you can even give a hormonal drug. There are antihistamines if you have allergies. If inflammation is caused by a virus, then there are interferon solutions. You should not instill tea infusion. It's useless.

For conjunctivitis, drops are used, but they must be dripped correctly; they must remain in the cavity for them to act. You need to raise your head, pull back the lower eyelid, apply drops, and hold the eyelid for a while. For bacterial conjunctivitis, antibiotic drops are used.

For viral conjunctivitis, antiviral drugs and interferon-based drugs are used for immunity. With viral conjunctivitis, a bacterial infection is often concomitant. Therefore, it is necessary to use antibacterial drops.

In case of allergic conjunctivitis, you need to exclude the allergen and not use mascara that caused the allergy. At home, you need to follow the rules of hygiene if someone is suffering from viral conjunctivitis. Wash your hands and use antibacterial hand gels.

Eyes may turn red when a foreign body enters the eye. Is it a chemical effect or physical. Corneal erosion may occur. A laser pointer or beam can damage your eyes. Doctors can see such damage during examination. The doctor will put drops in the eye and see the erosion.

The pain is severe with a corneal ulcer. Tears flow, the person cannot open his eyes. If something gets in, you need to remove it with a cotton swab or rinse with water. If you try to remove the foreign body with something, you may scratch the eye further.

The choroid of the eye may suffer. In this case, the eyes are red. Uveitis is a serious condition that can make you blind. The iris is supplied with blood. The vascular network envelops the eyeball from the inside. If a virus, including the herpes virus, gets inside.

The choroid of the eye becomes inflamed. Vision becomes blurred. 25% of blindness in the world is due to uveitis. It is important to quickly consult a doctor and treat the disease. There is no need to mindlessly drop eye redness drops. If you don't identify the causes of red eyes, you risk going blind. A person may have blepharospasm. It all starts with one eye, and then can move to the second. Attacks can increase in duration and are often a sign of multiple sclerosis. The brain cannot work due to cholesterol plaques. It is important to do an MRI of the brain.

We remind you that the summary is only a brief summary of information on this topic from a specific program; the full video release can be viewed here Live Healthy: Issue dated July 11, 2017

If your eyes don't open

I want to answer the question, why do my eyelids close and what should I do in this case? There was a time when in the morning I had to open my eyes with my hands. I had to go to an ophthalmologist. The doctor, a young girl, explained to me that the eye muscles had weakened.

That’s how it worked for me. Now I always remember that doctor with a kind word.

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    Drooping eyelids, three reasons why the eyes do not “open”

    If you have a drooping eyelid, then this is a reason to go to the doctor. In this article, you will learn about three diseases that cause your eyes to not “open.”

    If there is drooping of the upper eyelid, in medical parlance this is called ptosis, then this may be a signal that a person is developing myasthenia gravis.

    Myasthenia gravis is a common form of hereditary disease that causes muscle weakness. With this disease, muscles lose the ability to contract normally. Other manifestations of this disease are double vision and strabismus.

    The disease is quite dangerous, because... If left untreated, it can cause respiratory arrest due to weakness of the respiratory muscles.

    2. Horner's syndrome

    The inability to lift one eyelid may indicate Horner's syndrome. A person has one eyelid drooping (ptosis), a very constricted pupil (miosis) and no tears in that eye (anhidrosis). The cause of this syndrome may be cancer of the upper part of the lung. The tumor that forms begins to put pressure on the sympathetic trunk, which leads to disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses. Because If the tumor is located on one side, then the symptom appears in one eye. To return the eye to normal condition, surgical removal of the tumor is necessary.

    Inflammation of the conjunctiva with swelling of the eyelids also does not allow a person to look at the world normally. In this case, the disease occurs as an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. The causes of development may be allergic reactions, bacterial and viral infections. This eye disease can be treated perfectly; all you need is a consultation with an ophthalmologist who will prescribe adequate treatment.

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    Reasons why eyes may become stuck together?

    If you cannot open your eyes in the morning, and there are half-dried lumps of mucus on your eyelashes, this indicates a disease. Why do my eyes stick together? Is this hazardous to health? What should you do if your eyes are difficult to open in the morning and there is pus on your eyelashes?

    Sometimes eye disease goes undetected for a long time. Mild restlessness in the eye area is attributed to fatigue and overwork. Then a small discharge may appear. Their consistency can be liquid or semi-liquid. Accumulating on the surface of the skin, the discharge becomes hard.

    If measures are not taken, their number may increase. Perhaps pus will appear.

    Possible causes of discharge:

    Use of low-quality cosmetics in the area around the eyes;

    Obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

    If the eyes stick together due to pus, then this already indicates the infectious nature of the disease. At first, eye diseases may occur without alarming symptoms. But there are still some signs. You need to pay attention to causeless tears, burning, a feeling as if something is bothering the eye.

    When the cause of eye sticking is fatigue and lack of sleep, the remedy is very simple: you need to get enough sleep and rest your eyes. Limit the time you watch TV, spend time on the Internet, read less, go to bed earlier. After rest, your eyes will open normally in the morning. To quickly achieve the desired effect, you can do a set of exercises immediately after waking up:

    1. Alternately open your eyes and then your mouth, repeat 4 times.

    2. Close your eyes tightly, then blink (6 times).

    3. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible, then relax, repeat several times.

    4. There should be no long doubts about what to do when the eyes stick together and pus appears.

    5. If such signs occur, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

    Before visiting a specialist, symptoms can be relieved using folk remedies: rinse your eyes or apply a compress.

    To prevent the spread of infection, each eye is treated separately using a gauze swab. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. You can’t put off a visit to him: the development of eye disease can cost your sight!

    eyes stick together

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    Stinging and pain in the eyes in the morning: causes, symptoms, treatment

    Lately, in the mornings I have begun to experience quite severe discomfort in the form of pain and pain in the eyes, the same condition when you catch bunnies from welding, although the pain from them is completely unbearable, it is impossible to open my eyes at all, as if sand had been poured into my eyes, tears flow in a stream and you won't do anything.

    I gained experience with bunnies in my eyes from welding back in my distant childhood, when I was making a miniature welding machine on the balcony; in my life, as far as I remember, I only had two sleepless nights due to a burn from an electric arc. The feeling is such that I don’t want to repeat this at all.

    Now I began to wake up with similar sensations, but when you open your eyes and look closely, the pain and sting quickly go away. I decided to search the Internet for information and was very surprised, this problem is growing not only for me.

    I was very surprised when, after analyzing the requests of Runet users over the past two years, I discovered that the phrase “pain in the eyes in the morning” is being searched for by more and more people every month, trying to find an explanation, cause and methods of treating this ailment. Take a close look at this graph; it shows the distribution of this problem over the past two years.

    I have completely different and opposing thoughts on this matter. On the one hand, the first thing that comes to mind is that some unknown problem or disease is growing in society, on the other hand, maybe the Internet culture has only now reached the majority to search for its description and methods of treatment in search engines. But the question is that for the request “eyes hurt” or “sore eyes”, the demand is stable, i.e. However, it can be assumed that the problem is becoming widespread only in the last couple of years, then the question arises: what is it and what is the cause?

    As they say, after a little googling, I found some information, but I can’t call it exhaustive; the question remains open, especially regarding the fact that the problem worsened in 2014 and is growing by leaps and bounds, including me. On this matter, I ask you to express your conjectures and ideas in the comments to this article, but for now a little general information.

    Symptoms of eye inflammation

    Symptoms of this problem can be: lacrimation, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, photophobia. First of all, such symptoms can be diagnosed as acute conjunctivitis, which is provoked by cocci, pathogenic chlamydia, E. coli and other microbes. Favorable conditions for such a disease can also be contributed by poor personal hygiene, improper care of contact lenses, decreased immunity, and trauma to the mucous membrane.

    These symptoms are also signs of dry eye syndrome, which may indicate poor hydration of the mucous membrane. There have been cases when dry mucous membranes and sore eyes in the morning occurred in people who spent a lot of time in front of the computer. Large visual loads may occur with poor mobility of the eyeball and infrequent blinking. This can lead to changes in the tear film, which is responsible for keeping the eye moist and clean. Unfavorable conditions for this may include dusty or smoky rooms.

    Hormonal changes in the human body, such as, for example, menopause, can also affect eyelid pain in the morning.

    Pain and pain in the eyes: main causes

    After the treatment, the thought of the reasons for the occurrence of such a problem still lingers. A common cause of morning pain in the eyes is inflammation of the eyeball, which leads to diseases such as:

    Pain and pain in the eyes: treatment

    After waking up, some people are bothered by the discomfort of the eyelids, which many struggle with to no avail; morning pain in the eyes can simply drive one crazy, and then a completely understandable question arises, what to do? To get rid of pain in the eyes, mainly in the morning, ophthalmologists most often recommend pouring boiling water over a small amount, about one tablespoon, of birch leaves and letting it brew for half an hour. Then strain the resulting infusion and apply lotions to the eyes twice a day: morning and evening. This will help relieve fatigue, eliminate inflammatory processes, and also have a bactericidal effect. And for both women and, of course, men, such lotions have a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes.

    Of course, birch leaves are not the only way to get rid of morning discomfort. Lotions made from dill, sage and chamomile also turned out to be effective. However, the brewing method for them is slightly different: half a teaspoon of any of the herbs must be poured with half a liter of boiling water and allowed to brew for a quarter of an hour. Then divide the finished infusion into two parts, cool one, and leave the second warm. Apply lotions to closed eyelids, replacing warm ones with cold ones, and so on for 10 minutes. You will immediately feel the results.

    There is also a collection of rose hips, yarrow, and trifoliate. Add part of the celandine to it and mix the resulting mixture. The preparation method is the same, consume a third of a glass three times a day. The collection improves vision and relieves discomfort.

    The eyes do not have time to recover during the night, and in the morning there may be such unpleasant sensations. If it is still dry eye syndrome, there are a lot of medicines that can help with this discomfort, such as “Actipol” (one drop four times a day), “Vidisik” (a drop three times a day), natural tears or all kinds of ointments for the eyelids, for example, "Dexpanthenol", applied to the conjunctival sac at night.

    If such remedies do not help, you should think more seriously about possible diseases (corneal dystrophy, demodicosis - a disease in which microscopic mites live in the hair follicles of the eyelashes, in which case, in addition to pain, itching, tingling in the places where eyelashes grow, and a sensation of a foreign body may appear in the eyes, etc.) and contact a specialist.

    Please express your thoughts and ideas in the comments to this article, since I still have an unresolved problem on this issue, I will be waiting for your advice and comments.

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    I also have cramps periodically in the morning. It may go away in 10 minutes, or it may hurt all day. I saw the doctor, said it was dry gas, prescribed drops, came for a follow-up appointment, and cured everything. Unfortunately, the pain did not stop, I changed doctors, and again nothing was found..... That’s how I suffer... Mysterious disease.

Some people wake up in the morning with painful sensations in their eyes. But gradually the pain goes away, and the person does not attach much importance to it. However, such a symptom may indicate serious problems with vision and health in general, so it cannot be ignored. Let's figure out why your eyes may hurt in the morning.

Fatigue and poor sleep

If the night's sleep is too short (less than 6-8 hours) or inadequate, the eyes do not have time to rest. The fatigue that accumulated the day before makes itself felt through morning pain in the eyeballs.

Pain syndrome can also manifest itself if a person sleeps in a lighted room. Scientists have long proven that any, even the weakest light sources, such as a mobile phone screen or a burning indicator on a TV, prevent the eyes from completely relaxing and getting the necessary rest.

It is easy to solve this problem even without the help of a doctor - just review your routine, increase the time you sleep at night and ensure that the room in which you sleep is well darkened.


This inflammatory eye disease is common in both adults and children. Conjunctivitis can occur due to poor eye hygiene or contact lenses, traumatic effects on the visual organs, weak immunity, and allergies. With conjunctivitis, it is painful for the patient to open his eyes after sleep; pain is often accompanied by the release of pus, lacrimation, photophobia, and redness of the mucous membrane.

The discomfort and amount of pus associated with conjunctivitis may decrease during the day, but without treatment, the patient will have the same symptoms in the morning.

Some forms of this disease are infectious, so if hygiene is not observed, the next morning all family members can wake up with pain in their eyes.

If you suspect conjunctivitis or any other inflammatory disease, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment. Typically, morning eye pain goes away within one to two days after starting therapy.

Dry eye syndrome

If the eyes are constantly exposed to large visual loads, a person may develop the so-called “dry eye” syndrome. With this pathology, the visual organs lack moisture, the mucous membrane dries out, which causes discomfort and even pain. If a person uses special moisturizing drops, he may not notice the symptoms of the disease during the day. But after a long sleep, pain occurs in the eyes due to insufficient moisture. Treatment may include the use of artificial tears and limiting visual stress during the day.

Other causes of morning eye pain

Eye pain can occur in women who did not wash off their makeup in the evening or did not properly cleanse their face of cosmetics. Residues of cosmetics get into the eyelash follicles and can provoke inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by pain, pain and itching.
Sometimes eye pain in the morning can indicate high blood pressure or be a symptom of glaucoma.
To maintain the health of the visual system, consult an ophthalmologist if you experience any discomfort.

That's why morning discomfort in one of them is capable not only spoil the mood and reduce performance during the day.

This symptom is also may indicate serious problems(inflammation, viral infection, allergic reaction, etc.) that require immediate attention.

Various medications are used to relieve pain(drops, ointments) and folk remedies.

It is worth noting! If pain in the eyes after sleep persists for a long period of time and no medications work, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible and find out the cause of the discomfort.

Main symptoms

If it hurts to open your eyes after sleep or in the morning, then The following characteristic symptoms can be identified:

  • Cutting and burning sensation (as if sand had been poured into the eyes).
  • Severe itching (may recur periodically).
  • Redness and photophobia.
  • Intense lacrimation.
  • Purulent discharge (in the morning there may be sticky eyelids due to pus accumulated on the eyelashes).
  • Cloudiness.
  • Swelling (upper or lower eyelid).
  • Excessive dryness in the eye.
  • Sensation of a foreign object (as if a speck or eyelash had gotten into it).
  • Pain when blinking.

Sometimes at the same time(in addition to the above symptoms) vision may deteriorate or become fuzzy.

Causes of discomfort

Note! The causes of eye pain after waking up may be the following factors:

  • Poor personal eye hygiene(makeup not washed off at night, no water treatments before bed).
    As a result, dust accumulated on the eyelids and eyelashes can penetrate directly into the mucous membrane, causing pain.
  • Fatigue and overstrain of the eye muscles.
    It occurs when working at a computer for many hours, as well as when reading books from the screen of a tablet or smartphone, especially in low light.
  • Incorrectly selected contact lenses or glasses (including improper care of them).
  • Lack of proper sleep and rest.
    If a person goes to bed late and sleeps less than 5-6 hours, the eyes do not have time to recover properly.
  • Injuries and damage to the mucosa(for example, in a strong wind, sand can get into the eye and thereby cause irritation).
  • Allergy on cosmetics, cleaning products, food, flowering plants or pet hair used.
    A distinctive feature in this case is that the discomfort stops after the irritating factor is eliminated.
  • Decreased immunity and colds accompanied by cough and runny nose.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
    Insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane due to being in a dusty or smoky room, as well as as a result of prolonged work at the computer.
  • Hormonal changes in the body(for example, during menopause).

Know! Other causes of discomfort may be inflammatory diseases of the eyeball, including:

  • Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye either as a result of an allergic reaction or infection with pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi).
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye of traumatic or infectious origin).
  • Uveitis (inflammation of the choroid of the eye).
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids and swelling).
  • Cyclit(inflammation of the ciliary body).
  • Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

To identify the exact cause of pain(especially when they appear periodically) you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

This is explained by the fact that in the case of an existing inflammatory disease, serious complications are possible (the pathology can become chronic, and over time lead to blindness - in the absence of adequate and timely treatment).


Keep in mind! Depending on the cause of discomfort, experts recommend:

  • Eliminate irritants(for example, in case of allergies, use hypoallergenic products, wet clean the room, etc.).
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Give your eyes the rest they need(for example, if working at a computer, take a 15-minute break at least once an hour).
  • Get enough sleep(minimum 7-8 hours).
  • Maintain eye hygiene(carry out water procedures in the morning and evening, do not go to bed with makeup).
  • Recheck your vision with an ophthalmologist and, if necessary, select other lenses or glasses (including not touching lenses with dirty hands and using only clean containers for them).
  • Treat colds in a timely manner.
  • Be examined by an endocrinologist(for the presence of hormonal disorders).

Eye drops and ointments

Important! In case of inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • Aktipol (drops).
    An effective antiviral and immunomodulatory agent intended for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis and keratitis.
    In addition, the drug can be used for dry eye syndrome or in case of fatigue.
    It is recommended to instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac up to 6-8 times a day (for inflammatory diseases).
    Course of treatment: 5-7 days.
    And to eliminate dryness and pain, 1-2 drops are enough. 2-3 times a day.
    Average price - 300 rubles (5 ml).
  • Tetracycline ointment.
    Antimicrobial and bacteriostatic agent for the treatment of conjunctivitis and relief of pain after waking up.
    The ointment must be placed into the conjunctival cavity up to 3-5 times a day (in case of inflammation).
    Price - 75 rubles (5 g).
  • Opatanol (drops).
    Antiallergenic agent to relieve allergy symptoms and subsequent discomfort.
    Instill 1 drop 2 times a day. Price - 480 rubles (5 ml).
  • Oftocipro (ointment).
    A broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug intended for the treatment of diseases such as keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.
    Place behind the lower eyelid (in small quantities) up to 3 times a day.
    Course of treatment: 5-7 days (on average). Price - 180 rubles (3 g).
  • Tobrex (drops).
    A broad-spectrum antibiotic, effective for the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, cyclitis, etc.
    Instill 1-2 drops every 4 hours (until symptoms subside). Price - 185 rubles (5 ml).

Each specific case requires an individual dosage and course of treatment.(especially in the case of glaucoma) - for this you should consult a doctor.

Be careful! Self-medication is not recommended, because in the case of inflammatory diseases it can only worsen the situation.

Folk remedies

As folk remedies It’s worth trying lotions and rinses made from pharmaceutical herbs(chamomile, sage, etc.).

And, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, they will not cause harm.

To prepare the decoction you need 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs (or a filter bag) pour a glass of boiling water, then cool (strain if necessary) and apply to closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes (or rinse your eyes with the decoction).

Frequency of procedures: 5-6 times a day(until pain is eliminated).

Useful video

From this video you will learn the causes, symptoms and treatment of pain and pain in the eyes:

Eyes may hurt after sleep due to various factors., be it inflammatory diseases or basic lack of hygiene.

Everything you need to do to improve the condition - at remove irritants and provide your eyes with complete rest.

If the pain does not go away, you should consult a specialist, after which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

Important to remember: You should not ignore existing symptoms, because they can be an “alarm bell” of a serious pathology.

(Guest) Andrey 24.07.2011 07:17

Alla Pilipchuk |

(Female, 59 years old, Mozyr, Belarus)

08.10.2012 02:23

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Practically - during sleep, at the moment when you seem to wake up, severe pain occurs in one eye, so strong that it is scary not only to open it, but even to move your eyes with your eyelids closed. Then I gather my courage, press my hand to my eye and slowly try to open my eyelids. The pain is as if something hard was poked right into my eye, a strong tear appears and for some time all this cannot calm down. Repeats two or three times during the night. And only at night. WHAT IS THIS? The ophthalmologist said it was dry eye syndrome. But during the day, nothing like that happens, and all sorts of sand and scratches - that doesn’t exist either. What to do? how to live? Save with advice!

Headache (cephalgia) is a symptom that is characteristic of many diseases. Painful sensations of varying intensity, localization, and duration provoke the development of depression, autonomic disorders, and sleep disorders.

Headaches at night due to an uncomfortable pillow, sleeping position, or reasons related to the spine, blood vessels, or psychological stress. Night pain occurs when falling asleep, sleeping or waking up. The source of origin can be identified after examination by a specialist.

Non-pathological causes

Brain activity is disrupted due to minor disturbances in blood supply, metabolism, and innervation. The causes of cephalalgia at night are harmless:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • heat indoors;
  • alcohol in the evening;
  • stormy showdown;
  • overwork.

Healthy sleep depends on bedding and posture. On a high pillow, the cervical spine bends strongly. Even if there is no discomfort during sleep, muscles tense and blood flow is disrupted. Over time, this can result in headaches and insomnia. Sleeping on level ground without a pillow can also cause pain in the neck and head. Low-quality fabric dyes and conditioners used after washing bed linen often contain harmful components that cause breathing problems and cephalalgia.

Experiences and intense mental activity the day before lead to brain overstrain. At night he cannot switch off. Overwork prevents you from falling asleep, after waking up you feel discomfort, pain in the head, and fatigue.

Proper organization of sleeping space, routine, and the ability to relax will help normalize night rest and eliminate night headaches. Baths with lavender oil, chamomile, and auto-training help relieve nervous excitement before bed. To create a favorable microclimate in the room, you need to ensure air flow and solve the problem of humidification in winter.

Pathological causes

The most common cause of cephalalgia in the middle of the night is lack of oxygen. It may be caused by diseases of the respiratory tract and abnormalities of the nasal passages.

Blood supply to the brain is impaired during hypotension. Due to the decrease in the tone of the intracranial veins, the outflow of blood worsens. After waking up, a pressing heaviness is felt, headaches at night are localized in the occipital region.

In hypertensive patients, blood pressure rises at night due to difficulty falling asleep, age-related changes, apnea, and disruption of the routine. Vascular tone is disrupted by diseases of the thyroid gland and heart. Nocturnal hypertension is dangerous for the development of heart failure and stroke. The pain usually occurs at night or in the morning. An increase in blood pressure is often accompanied by nightmares, panic, and lack of air.

Stress, mental trauma, anxiety affect the nervous system and change vascular tone. This can provoke an increase in blood pressure and irritation of pain receptors in the walls of blood vessels. Night headaches caused by psychogenic causes are varied in nature and are accompanied by irritability and tachycardia. Painful sensations are not relieved by analgesics.
Cephalgia at night can be provoked by pathologies of the spine, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and neuralgia of the lower jaw. With back pain, a person is forced to take a position that is not always comfortable, which causes spasms of the neck muscles. Cephalgia disturbs in the evening and at night, when tense muscles relax.

Failure to comply with the dosage of medications or refusal to eat dinner in case of diabetes mellitus results in a sharp decrease in sugar and severe headache.

Histamine disease is characterized by prolonged attacks of acute pain in the evening and at night in the orbital area.

Cephalgia with brain tumors is especially pronounced in the morning and at night, and as the disease progresses it intensifies. My head hurts when I change position, my hands go numb.

With a migraine in the morning, intense throbbing pain is felt in the frontal part or one half of the head. It often intensifies when the light is turned on and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Brain infections are characterized by severe cephalalgia at night and during the day, photophobia, nausea, and nightmares.

Cluster headaches

Painful attacks occur in paroxysms and are difficult to bear. Penetrating pain:

  • localized in the eye area;
  • radiates to the forehead, cheek, temple;
  • accompanied by forehead sweating, lacrimation, and a rush of blood to the face;
  • in a supine position they are felt more acutely;
  • start and go away suddenly.

The headache starts to hurt for no reason between 21:00 and 9:00, the peak time is from 0:00 to 3:00. Attacks occur cyclically, followed by painless periods. Attacks are observed mainly in males and are aggravated by alcohol consumption. Risk factors include men whose relatives suffer from cluster pain. The risk increases with head injuries, sleep disorders, migraines, and physical and mental stress. Possible causes of the disorder include abnormalities of the hypothalamus, pathologies of blood vessels, and disruption of circadian rhythms. An acute attack can be treated at home with lidocaine drops in the nose. For symptomatic therapy, special medications and oxygen inhalations are prescribed; in difficult cases, electrical stimulation of the brain is performed, and the nerves that cause pain are removed. During the cluster period, it is recommended to give up nicotine and alcohol.

Cephalgia in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

During attacks, breathing stops and organs do not receive enough oxygen. In response, the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases, which cause vascular spasms and increased blood pressure. Headache appears at night during sleep and in the morning.

Hypnic headache

Mild or moderate pain is observed only during sleep and awakening. Several attacks may occur during the night, lasting from 15 minutes to 3 hours. After waking up, sensitivity to light and sounds increases. The pathological condition is not associated with intracranial disorders and occurs in old age. It has been noted that hypnotic headaches more often occur with increased blood pressure and during the rapid phase of sleep. Painful attacks persist until the end of life and are relieved with aspirin and lithium preparations.

Diagnosis and treatment

The specialist takes into account clinical data and prescribes additional studies:

  • Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels;
  • electromyography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • diagnostic spinal puncture (if a neuroinfection is suspected).

For cephalgia caused by hypoxia, take painkillers.

Night headaches caused by psycho-emotional stress usually go away on their own after rest and massage. To reduce the intensity, sedatives and analgesics are prescribed.

For blood pressure disorders, medications are prescribed to normalize blood pressure.

In case of infectious diseases, pain is relieved with painkillers, and treatment is carried out to eliminate the pathogen.

Migraine is treated with sumatriptans; hot compresses are applied to relax the spasmodic blood vessels.

  • ventilate the room before going to bed:
  • control blood pressure;
  • promptly identify infectious and neurological diseases;
  • treat spinal pathologies;
  • exercise;
  • Healthy food;
  • reduce body weight;
  • eliminate the causes of snoring;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • maintain a sleep schedule.

Single episodes of nocturnal cephalgia can be eliminated with analgesics, but if they recur regularly, you need to contact a therapist or neurologist, who, if necessary, will refer you to specialized specialists.

Some people experience severe pain in their eyes in the morning. At the same time, they do not understand why their eyes hurt in the morning. Usually such pain goes away after some time and the person does not go to the doctor. But this is a very important and frequently encountered symptom, which still cannot be ignored or ignored.

Eyes in the morning can not only hurt. The pain can be combined with purulent discharge from the eyes, headache and some other symptoms. All this must be taken into account and be sure to tell the doctor.

Why do my eyes hurt in the morning?

Why do my eyes hurt in the morning? There may be several reasons why your eye hurts in the morning. Especially if such a symptom occurs in a person over 50 years old, this may be due to high blood pressure. This is why you should definitely consult a doctor, because high blood pressure is a real risk of developing a stroke.

The second reason is migraine. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to cure such a disease, and migraine attacks can begin at almost any time of the day, and not only the head will hurt, but also the eye.

If pain in the eye in the morning is also accompanied by the discharge of pus, this means that the person most likely has conjunctivitis and should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

Often, pain in the eyes in the morning occurs with increased pressure in the eyes or glaucoma. This is a very unpleasant condition that requires mandatory treatment, otherwise a person may simply lose his vision.

Why do my eyes hurt in the morning and not in the evening? Pain in the eyes in the morning from eye fatigue, as a rule, does not occur. But this is only if the person slept all night and did not sit at the computer or read books. If this is so, then in the morning not only your eyes may hurt, but also your head. And people who spend a lot of time at the computer very often develop a condition called computer vision syndrome.

Eyes hurt in the morning - treatment

Treatment of eye pain should begin with finding out the cause of this symptom. This is very important, because this is the only way to prescribe the correct treatment. If eye pain in the morning occurs due to high blood pressure, then you should definitely visit a therapist, where the correct treatment will be prescribed.

If eye pain is caused by glaucoma, then you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe the necessary drops for treatment. And if the pain in the eyes is just simple fatigue, you should give your eyes a rest and not sit at the computer or read books or newspapers for several days, but get out into nature.

To understand why your eyes hurt, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain, the time and conditions of its occurrence, duration and other features. Sharp acute pain may indicate damage to the structures of the eye (,) due to injury, hemorrhage, or inflammation. When the eyes hurt due to any eye diseases, the painful sensations develop gradually, their intensity increases, sometimes it is possible to identify their relationship with certain environmental factors (long-term work at the computer, exposure to contact allergens, seasonality) or time of day.

Let us dwell in more detail on the most common causes of eye pain.

Eye inflammation

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes (,) are usually accompanied by severe pain, redness and general symptoms (malaise, fever), and purulent discharge from the eyes. A typical sign of eye inflammation is sticking of the eyelids after sleep. When your eyes hurt, become red and watery, you should immediately consult a doctor. Avoid rubbing your eyes to avoid spreading the infection and worsening the symptoms of inflammation. To prevent eye inflammation, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands regularly, use only an individual towel, handkerchief, and decorative cosmetics.

Visual fatigue

This is one of the most common causes of eye pain. Long-term work at the computer extremely tires the eyes and causes overstrain of the oculomotor muscles. The consequences of spending many hours in front of a monitor screen will not be long in coming, and usually avid “computer geeks” have a very characteristic appearance, and their eyes hurt, watery and red.

To understand why your eyes hurt, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain, the time and conditions of its occurrence, duration and other features.

Eye diseases

A fairly large number of eye diseases are accompanied by such symptoms as eye pain. One of the most dangerous eye diseases that causes gas pain is. The pain in glaucoma is chronic, quite intense, sometimes intensifies and sometimes weakens, and only one eye may hurt. Glaucoma is often accompanied by headache, nausea, dizziness, and narrowing of the visual field.

Diseases of the peripheral or central nervous system

Migraine-type headaches may be accompanied by eye pain. With the so-called ophthalmological form of migraine, one eye often hurts, “flashes” and “lightning” may appear before the eyes, a transient disturbance.

In some cases, the eyes hurt due to inflammation of the trigeminal or facial nerves; in this case, on the affected side there is an acute “jerking” pain radiating to the eye area, reminiscent in nature and intensity of toothache.

Allergic eye diseases

With allergic eye lesions, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes is observed; these symptoms are often accompanied by pain. The following symptoms may indicate the allergic nature of eye damage: sudden appearance of the above symptoms, excessive lacrimation, impaired visual acuity, severe itching of the eyes, runny nose.

Eye injury

Sometimes the cause of pain in the eyes can be trauma (for example, a bruise in the eye area) or microtrauma (when a foreign body enters). If your eyes hurt some time after the injury, you should urgently see an ophthalmologist, since a person without special education is usually not able to adequately assess the severity of the injuries and their danger to health.

Traumatic factors, even minor ones, violate the integrity of the eye tissues: the cornea and conjunctiva, which is manifested by swelling, redness, pain and burning, and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. To restore eye tissue after injury, products containing dexpanthenol, a substance characterized by a regenerating effect on tissue, have proven themselves to be effective, in particular, the Korneregel eye gel. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

Systemic connective tissue diseases

With systemic diseases of connective tissue (periarteritis nodosa, SLE), the vessels that feed are often affected, which can be accompanied by pain in the eye area.

Infectious diseases

Often, pain in the eyes can occur with inflammation of the organs that are located near the eyes (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), as well as with infectious diseases accompanied by intoxication and fever (flu) or damage to the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis).

Spinal diseases

Often, pain in the eyes can occur in the absence of infection or inflammation, for example, with diseases of the spine. Very often the eyes hurt with cervical osteochondrosis, since this pathology is accompanied by impaired circulation in the arteries of the spine.

Wearing contact lenses

Pain in the eyes during use indicates trouble: usually the eyes hurt when wearing lenses for too long during the day, using lenses that have expired, or lenses that are not suitable in size or optical power.

It is very important to choose the right contact lenses. First of all, you should seek advice from an ophthalmologist, who will explain to you how important it is that contact lenses not only allow sufficient oxygen to pass through to the cornea, but also remain moisturized throughout the day. This is why most doctors have recently advised paying attention to lenses made from a modern material called hypergel. This material fully matches the moisture content of the cornea and imitates the action of the natural lipid layer of the tear film, while allowing sufficient oxygen to pass through for eye health. One of these lenses is Biotrue ONEday daily lenses. These lenses remain comfortable even when worn for more than 16 hours, thanks to their unique ability to retain moisture, which has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes at the end of the day.



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