The strongest conspiracies so as not to offend. For all occasions

A new school year will soon begin in all schools across the country. The children will go to school. Some for the first time, and others to the already familiar doors of the school. But the parents of all children want their child’s visit to school to be truly joyful, and no one will offend him there. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for your child’s calmness and serenity in advance.

You need to use some magical methods:

  • a talisman that will bring protection from bullies;
  • spell during breakfast will help with easy studying;
  • a conspiracy to restore interest in learning;
  • rituals that will help the child not to be bullied at school;
  • a conspiracy for parents of first-graders so that their children learn without school negativity.

A special amulet for a child so that they are not bullied at school

In order for the new school year to be calm, without obvious problems, you can make a talisman for the student, in which a special spell will be used. In a specialized store you need to buy a small “cat’s eye” stone and sew it into the lining of the student’s clothes along with a piece of paper on which to write a spell on both sides:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell and stone, thanks to their magical powers, will help your child in school and in relationships with peers. But it must be hidden so that no one can see, including children.

Spell to study during breakfast on the first of September

To make learning easy for your child, on the first of September, during breakfast, before putting down the food, recite the following spell three times:

“As I follow you: I cook food, feed you, wash, protect you from harm, so I, my flesh and blood, servant of God (name), will force you to study. Eat everything to the end, the desire to study from morning to evening will always be there. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

When you speak for the third time, say “Amen.”

If a child studies, but without much desire

It happens that a child goes to school, but something prevents him from studying. It is necessary to wash the dishes on the full moon and throughout the entire cycle of the waxing moon, reciting the following plot:

Going to school is hard work

“I washed the dishes for the servant of God (name), I washed away his reluctance to study now and forever. Amen".

Then you need to go to church on Sunday and light a candle to Jesus Christ, asking God to illuminate the path of teaching for your child.

If a child is bullied at school

Ritual 1

To prevent your child from being bullied at school, you need to perform a special ritual during the waning moon. But it must be done so that the child does not see - secretly. In the eastern part of your house you need to light three church candles and place them in the form of an isosceles triangle. In the very center, place a photo of the child taken no more than two months ago. Next, focus your gaze on the candle and mentally concentrate. Say this plot three times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me the desired child, a slave (the name of the child). He will be my support and help in difficult times, an irreplaceable support. In the meantime, I will protect him and not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will comprehend him, they will bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the Holy Archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen".

Extinguish the candles, but under no circumstances blow them out and hide them away, and put the child’s photograph in the Bible where your inner voice tells you.

On the second day of the ritual, early in the morning, bury the remains of the candles at the base of the tree trunk. Three remains, therefore three different trees. And say this conspiracy:

“I separate with earth, I close the lips of evil with wax. I beat off the heavy hand forever and ever. With maternal love I protect and protect. So be it."

The next step should be to attend church. It is necessary to light church candles for the health of the child at the following icons: the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity.

Ritual 2

If you find out that your child was bullied at school, but he did not say so, then you should use the following ritual.

How to protect a child with a conspiracy?

You need to come to school on one of the even days and, looking at the school threshold, say out loud or to yourself, if the situation does not allow:

“How Mother carried the Lord in her arms, How She took care of and loved Her Son. So everyone would love my child, And the saints would bless him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

This plot will help even if you feel that your child is uneasy at school.

Ritual 3

This is another good ritual that is carried out so that hooligans do not offend a child at school.

It is necessary to collect water in an iron bucket. It should be clean, if possible from a spring. Next, place the bucket between your legs and take a sharp knife in your right hand, with the tip facing down. In the left you need to take a handful of salt. Stir the water counterclockwise with a knife, pronouncing the following spell, add salt little by little:

“Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of the enemy passes by my son (child’s name). My maternal word is strong, like a lead seal. Amen".

This spell must be read three times, without ceasing to stir the water counterclockwise with a knife. Then you need to pour a bucket of water at the intersection.

Ritual 4

A conspiracy to make teachers love you

It happens that the child is not only bullied by the children, but also by the teachers who do not treat him very well. After all, children often experience fear of the teacher, although they know the subject perfectly well, but find it difficult to answer. Therefore, the next ritual is aimed at making teachers love. You need to write this spell to your child so that he can learn it. You need to read mentally, looking straight into the teacher’s eyes three times:

“Whatever I think, whatever I do, the truth is mine. An angel is protecting me."

With the help of such a conspiracy, the child will not be afraid of the machinations of the teachers. He will simply stop noticing them. He will go to school with pleasure.

You can also teach one conspiracy that will not be superfluous to your child. Before entering the school, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

Spells for those whose kids are going to first grade

What plot is suitable for a first grader?

Those whose children go to school for the first time are truly overwhelmed with concern for their kids. Parents are constantly worried about whether their children will be bullied by their classmates, whether older schoolchildren will harass them, and how teachers will treat them. And I want to protect my baby from everything in the world. In order to protect your child from all the school negativity, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“There is an apostolic church, a small icon hangs in it, there is great holy power in it. I would ask for that icon: just as people do not take fire with their hands, so let not the servant of God (name) be scolded or beaten, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday and nor on Thursday , neither on Friday nor on Saturday, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any date. God's icon has been given power. Save, Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen".

Armed with all the methods to protect children during these difficult school years, parents will be calm, watching their children attend school, kindergarten, school clubs and not be afraid that someone will offend them.

Miraculous words: prayer so that a child in kindergarten is not offended in full description from all the sources we found.

A new school year will soon begin in all schools across the country. The children will go to school. Some for the first time, and others to the already familiar doors of the school. But the parents of all children want their child’s visit to school to be truly joyful, and no one will offend him there. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for your child’s calmness and serenity in advance.

You need to use some magical methods:

  • a talisman that will bring protection from bullies;
  • spell during breakfast will help with easy studying;
  • a conspiracy to restore interest in learning;
  • rituals that will help the child not to be bullied at school;
  • a conspiracy for parents of first-graders so that their children learn without school negativity.

A special amulet for a child so that they are not bullied at school

In order for the new school year to be calm, without obvious problems, you can make a talisman for the student, in which a special spell will be used. In a specialized store you need to buy a small “cat’s eye” stone and sew it into the lining of the student’s clothes along with a piece of paper on which to write a spell on both sides:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell and stone, thanks to their magical powers, will help your child in school and in relationships with peers. But it must be hidden so that no one can see, including children.

Spell to study during breakfast on the first of September

To make learning easy for your child, on the first of September, during breakfast, before putting down the food, recite the following spell three times:

“As I follow you: I cook food, feed you, wash, protect you from harm, so I, my flesh and blood, servant of God (name), will force you to study. Eat everything to the end, the desire to study from morning to evening will always be there. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

When you speak for the third time, say “Amen.”

If a child studies, but without much desire

It happens that a child goes to school, but something prevents him from studying. It is necessary to wash the dishes on the full moon and throughout the entire cycle of the waxing moon, reciting the following plot:

Going to school is hard work

“I washed the dishes for the servant of God (name), I washed away his reluctance to study now and forever. Amen".

Then you need to go to church on Sunday and light a candle to Jesus Christ, asking God to illuminate the path of teaching for your child.

If a child is bullied at school

To prevent your child from being bullied at school, you need to perform a special ritual during the waning moon. But it must be done so that the child does not see - secretly. In the eastern part of your house you need to light three church candles and place them in the form of an isosceles triangle. In the very center, place a photo of the child taken no more than two months ago. Next, focus your gaze on the candle and mentally concentrate. Say this plot three times:

Child is bullied at school

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me the desired child, a slave (the name of the child). He will be my support and help in difficult times, an irreplaceable support. In the meantime, I will protect him and not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will comprehend him, they will bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the Holy Archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen".

Extinguish the candles, but under no circumstances blow them out and hide them away, and put the child’s photograph in the Bible where your inner voice tells you.

On the second day of the ritual, early in the morning, bury the remains of the candles at the base of the tree trunk. Three remains, therefore three different trees. And say this conspiracy:

“I separate with earth, I close the lips of evil with wax. I beat off the heavy hand forever and ever. With maternal love I protect and protect. So be it."

The next step should be to attend church. It is necessary to light church candles for the health of the child at the following icons: the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity.

If you find out that your child was bullied at school, but he did not say so, then you should use the following ritual.

How to protect a child with a conspiracy?

You need to come to school on one of the even days and, looking at the school threshold, say out loud or to yourself, if the situation does not allow:

“How Mother carried the Lord in her arms, How She took care of and loved Her Son. So everyone would love my child, And the saints would bless him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

This plot will help even if you feel that your child is uneasy at school.

This is another good ritual that is carried out so that hooligans do not offend a child at school.

It is necessary to collect water in an iron bucket. It should be clean, if possible from a spring. Next, place the bucket between your legs and take a sharp knife in your right hand, with the tip facing down. In the left you need to take a handful of salt. Stir the water counterclockwise with a knife, pronouncing the following spell, add salt little by little:

“Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of the enemy passes by my son (child’s name). My maternal word is strong, like a lead seal. Amen".

This spell must be read three times, without ceasing to stir the water counterclockwise with a knife. Then you need to pour a bucket of water at the intersection.

A conspiracy to make teachers love you

It happens that the child is not only bullied by the children, but also by the teachers who do not treat him very well. After all, children often experience fear of the teacher, although they know the subject perfectly well, but find it difficult to answer. Therefore, the next ritual is aimed at making teachers love. You need to write this spell to your child so that he can learn it. You need to read mentally, looking straight into the teacher’s eyes three times:

“Whatever I think, whatever I do, the truth is mine. An angel is protecting me."

With the help of such a conspiracy, the child will not be afraid of the machinations of the teachers. He will simply stop noticing them. He will go to school with pleasure.

You can also teach one conspiracy that will not be superfluous to your child. Before entering the school, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

Spells for those whose kids are going to first grade

What plot is suitable for a first grader?

Those whose children go to school for the first time are truly overwhelmed with concern for their kids. Parents are constantly worried about whether their children will be bullied by their classmates, whether older schoolchildren will harass them, and how teachers will treat them. And I want to protect my baby from everything in the world. In order to protect your child from all the school negativity, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“There is an apostolic church, a small icon hangs in it, there is great holy power in it. I would ask for that icon: just as people do not take fire with their hands, so let not the servant of God (name) be scolded or beaten, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday and nor on Thursday , neither on Friday nor on Saturday, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any date. God's icon has been given power. Save, Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen".

Armed with all the methods to protect children during these difficult school years, parents will be calm, watching their children attend school, kindergarten, school clubs and not be afraid that someone will offend them.

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(c) 2017 Fortune telling, love spells, conspiracies

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A conspiracy so that the child is not offended

Parents will always worry about the well-being of their child, no matter how the child treats them, and therefore it is obvious that all mothers and fathers want to protect their child from the dangers that, as it seems to them, await him at every step. To protect your boy or girl from external physical dangers, loving parents, a conspiracy will help you so that the child is not offended. Whether your offspring has problems at school, whether there are clashes with peers in the yard - the conspiracy will do its job if you truly believe in it.

In order for the conspiracy to work, you need not only to heed his words, but also to properly prepare for the ritual. Take a photo of the child and place it facing you on the day of the new moon so that the light from the window falls on the card, and then say the spell.

For better memorization, rewrite the words of the conspiracy on a blank sheet of paper or wherever it is convenient for you.

A conspiracy so that a child is not offended - correct pronunciation:

As the Mother of God carried the Lord in her arms, as she cherished him and loved him, so let a happy star burn over my child, so that the grumbling people do not harm him! Let every evil eye and slander not touch my child and only pass by! May all the saints bless my child in the name of the Lord God! Amen.

Copying is permitted only with indication of the source NAMEDNE.RU © 2012 – 2017

All information is posted for informational purposes and does not call for action!

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy, smart, beautiful, and happy. There are special conspiracies that used to be passed down from generation to generation and helped parents raise their children. Use them - they will certainly help you too.

A spell to keep your child from being lazy

Try to guide your child on the right path with the help of an old prayer. You need to read it every evening 11 times, while holding a photograph of the child in front of you. The words of the prayer are:

“Create hard work, Lord, show us Your mercy, bless the servant of God (child’s name) Yourself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Full moon fright spell

It happens that a child stops speaking due to severe fright. In order for the child to speak again, there is such a ritual. On a night when the moon is full and the sky is clear of clouds, take your child out onto a deserted street. Lay down a white sheet, place the child on it and say:

“A moonlit night, a starry night, a cloudless night. And an angel lives on every star. My child, look – the Lord is looking at you from heaven.”

Having said this 3 times, pick up a mirror and point it so that the child can see the reflection of the Moon. Let him look through the mirror at the Moon, and you read the plot again, adding at the end:

“He remembers you, wants to hear, but you are silent - you offend him very much.”

After this, bring the child home and put him to bed. Usually after this ritual in the morning the children begin to speak.

A spell to stop a child from crying

Before bathing, the child is told about the water in which he will be bathed. Usually the conspiracy is read by the one who is the oldest in the family.

“Collect, water, tears from the baptized baby (name). Baby howlers, go to the water, the water will go into the earth, the earth will take tears, it will stop the baby’s roaring, so that there will be no more centuries. Amen".

They also read while washing a crying child, wiping him with the hem:

“Morning dawn, evening dawn, give sleep and peace for day and night (child’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a child grow up beautiful

“Just as the apple tree in the forest is green, strengthened by the Word of God, so you (child’s name) will grow beautiful (oh), strong (oh) and strong (oh). Eat well, like a plump apple. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy from bullies at school

Any mother can protect her child from bullies at school by making a magical talisman. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and write the magic words of the conspiracy on it:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter and send him success!”

Give a piece of paper with the words of the spell to your child, let him carry it with him for 3 days to school, on a walk, everywhere. You don’t need to tell anyone about this amulet, it should be secret, and no one should see the amulet with the words of the conspiracy.

Protect your child from illness

You can make a health amulet for a child like this. Take a pendant in the shape of the sun on a leather cord, go to the forest on a sunny day, and place it on a tree stump. Read a prayer to healer Panteleimon for 30 minutes. Then take the pendant, hang it around your neck, and while you go home, whisper the following words:

“Sun, our heavenly father, thank you for your warmth, for your light. Warm my child, God’s servant (name), warm with your light, like maternal warmth, protect from any illness, protect from adversity.”

When you come home, give the charmed pendant to your child. Let him wear it without taking it off.

Conspiracy against the evil eye in a child

To protect a child from the evil eye, you need to take water, three gray pebbles, three spoons. Pour water into the dish so that it runs over the spoons. This is done at dawn. Then the child must be washed with this water: wet the crown of the head, rinse the face, sprinkle on the chest, and then give it a drink. Then go outside, pour out the remaining water and say:

“It came from the forest, go to the forest, it came from the wind, go to the wind, it came from the people, go to the people.”

A spell to awaken interest in learning

There is such a ritual. You need to put a candle behind your back and light it, hold the second one, also lit, in your right hand. Read the plot:

“Heavenly powers, hear my prayer, servants of God (your name). I am addressing you (my name), the mother of my child (name). Give my child (name) an interest in learning, just as you gave me this light. Let your interest in learning burn longer and brighter than a candle burns. Soar his mind and illuminate the darkness of ignorance and ignorance with a bright light! Truly!

Conspiracy to make the child obey

At three o'clock in the morning, boil a hard-boiled egg. While it’s hot, spin it on the table with a top, but so that it doesn’t fall or break, and read the plot:

“There is no egg without a chicken, a servant of God (name) cannot grow up without a father and mother. I’ll call a pied hen, a good laying hen, I’ll take an egg from her and give it to my baby. Eat quickly, my child, so that you can obey me. I will tightly close the conspiracy with an iron lock. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

In the morning, feed an egg to a naughty child.

Prayer to protect a child from troubles and misfortunes

For every mother, the life and health of children is the most important. And how a mother’s heart hurts when she is far from her child! The reality around us can hardly be called calm, everywhere there are forces far from goodness and light: we are in danger on the roads, on vacation, in society, from the forces of nature, its cataclysms: thunder, rain, earthquake, wave, we are wounded by negative forces-moments. That is why it is so important to make a talisman for your children, so that a guardian angel will take care of your child if you are not around.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of children

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your roof my child (name), all youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants. Mother of God, bring me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood, heal the mental and physical wounds of my child (name), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen.

Another prayer for the protection of children to the Virgin Mary:

Mother of God, take your son Jesus Christ by the right hand, and my son (name) by the left and lead her from beginning to end, protected, preserved and unharmed among all troubles, fire, water, the machinations of the devil, from death on the way, with your hand take her away . Cover it with your canopy, your holy amulet. Save and preserve the slave (name) Amen. Mother Theotokos and Christ are with me.

Charms for children

A lucky charm for a newborn baby

You need to buy a new shirt (if in the maternity hospital, just a film or sheet and wrap the newly born baby in it. If you can’t do this, then do it in the ward and take this diaper with you.

Next Easter, before sunrise, read the plot over this shirt or sheet

“Whoever meets the servant of God (name), everyone will greet him with joy, seat him at an expensive table, feed him, give him something to drink, and the Lord Himself (name) will bless him. Happiness, joy, wrap yourself in a ring, cling to the servant of God (name). He doesn’t have to worry about living and making a fortune in gold and silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After reading the words, tie it in a knot and hide it away from prying eyes. As long as this shirt is intact, your child will be happy and lucky.

Important: this shirt should never be washed, only aired and dried.

If your child is already an adult and walks on the street himself, you can make such a conspiracy

Conspiracy for a grown child

The following words should be said every time you let your child walk alone in the yard, or on errands, even to school. The words of the amulets prayer are simple, easy to learn and say when crossing your son or daughter, or any child:

Go for a walk, child, and don’t lose yourself. May the Lord save you and bring you back to me. Ashe go away, my God. Amen.

Another charm charm. Place the child on a chair, give him an icon, any icon, maybe his name, stand behind him, bite his hair 3 times and read:

Great misfortune, strange hands, human enemies, evil tongues from a born baptized slave (child’s name). Your hands will go numb, your enemies will turn to stone, your tongue will be lost, you won’t know any trouble. Amen.

Amulet for grandchildren

Prayer “Angel of my child”, protecting a child on the street and at school

If your child complains that he is bullied at school, bullied in the yard by his peers, he does not find a common language in society - it’s time to figure out why this is happening. Where are the roots of this phenomenon? Maybe you didn’t pay attention to his physical training, because they usually don’t like the weak. Maybe he is conflictual by nature, does not respect people himself, treats other children poorly. Then you need to try to correct the situation by changing your child’s behavior.

However, there are often cases when the surrounding reality is such that sometimes bad companies do not accept calm and kind children, realizing that such children are better in development - they strive to take revenge on them, spreading rot and humiliating them in every possible way. It will be more difficult here. Think for yourself how you can influence the situation.

A prayer to your child’s guardian angel to help you:

My baby's angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you, protect him, hProtect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter and send him success!

Write the words of the spell on a piece of paper, read it yourself, and put the piece of paper in your child’s clothes or another secluded place so that he always carries it with him. This plot will protect your teenager from troubles with peers.

In general, you need to turn to your angel more often, thank him for his vigilant eye, for his love and eternal service to us.

Be healthy and may these simple prayers and conspiracies help you!

Read how to help your child study well, prayers for successful studies.

When my son turned 7 years old, all my relatives and acquaintances began pestering me with questions: “What, have you decided to send him to school? Do you know what the loads are there now? And your Dimochka is such a weak child. If you get sick all the time, you won’t be able to keep up. He's also quiet. They'll peck him there. Maybe you can wait another year?”

But I decided: no. Yes, my Dima almost did not go to kindergarten due to poor health, I often had to stay at home with him. But we didn’t waste time with him, but did a lot of work on our own. I myself taught my boy to read, count and write. He coped well with tasks that were more difficult for his age.

In a word, I was not afraid that Dima would have difficulty studying. Something else was troubling. Dima has always been distinguished by a quiet and meek character, so he will not be able to give change if something happens. But my friends are right: now children are cruel, it’s only a joy for them to offend the weak, what if they offend my Dimka?

It’s good that among my relatives there is Aunt Vera, a storehouse of wisdom and advice for all occasions. I was very happy when she arrived. I shared my concerns with my aunt, and she advised me to read the plot after my son was going to school. And, of course, continue to work with him and talk more often in order to be aware of his problems and respond immediately. “Parental word, Galya, is the most powerful amulet. The conspiracy will protect Dima from evil and various bad influences, it will be easier for him to get used to the new regime, and his health will become stronger,” said Aunt Vera.

Here is the text of the conspiracy

The plot goes like this: “If you can’t hold fire in your hand, if you throw it away, you’ll get burned. So let no one bother my son, no one offends me, otherwise he will get into trouble and burn his hands. I impose a ban: you cannot shout at my child, scold and put pressure on him, offend and curse, put pressure on him and torment him. Today, and tomorrow, and always, let trouble not touch him! I cover my angel son with a wing and send him off to study. May his talents be revealed every day and come in handy in life. Let the world be filled with love and light. Amen!"

So I whispered every morning, looking after my boy. And he boldly went to school, and then returned home and told me how his day went. Probably, the conspiracy helped: we got a kind and understanding teacher, there were no hooligan boys in the class, Dima immediately made many friends. My friends who use this spell claim that it also helps with problems in their studies. So, try it, I’m sure it will help your child too. Therefore, save this text to your bookmarks.

A conspiracy to prevent children from being beaten or bullied at school

A new school year will soon begin in all schools across the country. The children will go to school. Some for the first time, and others to the already familiar doors of the school. But the parents of all children want their child’s visit to school to be truly joyful, and no one will offend him there. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for your child’s calmness and serenity in advance.

You need to use some magical methods:

  • a talisman that will bring protection from bullies;
  • spell during breakfast will help with easy studying;
  • a conspiracy to restore interest in learning;
  • rituals that will help the child not to be bullied at school;
  • a conspiracy for parents of first-graders so that their children learn without school negativity.

A special amulet for a child so that they are not bullied at school

In order for the new school year to be calm, without obvious problems, you can make a talisman for the student, in which a special spell will be used. In a specialized store you need to buy a small “cat’s eye” stone and sew it into the lining of the student’s clothes along with a piece of paper on which to write a spell on both sides:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell and stone, thanks to their magical powers, will help your child in school and in relationships with peers. But it must be hidden so that no one can see, including children.

Spell to study during breakfast on the first of September

To make learning easy for your child, on the first of September, during breakfast, before putting down the food, recite the following spell three times:

“As I follow you: I cook food, feed you, wash, protect you from harm, so I, my flesh and blood, servant of God (name), will force you to study. Eat everything to the end, the desire to study from morning to evening will always be there. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

When you speak for the third time, say “Amen.”

If a child studies, but without much desire

It happens that a child goes to school, but something prevents him from studying. It is necessary to wash the dishes on the full moon and throughout the entire cycle of the waxing moon, reciting the following plot:

Going to school is hard work

“I washed the dishes for the servant of God (name), I washed away his reluctance to study now and forever. Amen".

Then you need to go to church on Sunday and light a candle to Jesus Christ, asking God to illuminate the path of teaching for your child.

If a child is bullied at school

To prevent your child from being bullied at school, you need to perform a special ritual during the waning moon. But it must be done so that the child does not see - secretly. In the eastern part of your house you need to light three church candles and place them in the form of an isosceles triangle. In the very center, place a photo of the child taken no more than two months ago. Next, focus your gaze on the candle and mentally concentrate. Say this plot three times:

Child is bullied at school

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me the desired child, a slave (the name of the child). He will be my support and help in difficult times, an irreplaceable support. In the meantime, I will protect him and not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will comprehend him, they will bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the Holy Archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen".

Extinguish the candles, but under no circumstances blow them out and hide them away, and put the child’s photograph in the Bible where your inner voice tells you.

On the second day of the ritual, early in the morning, bury the remains of the candles at the base of the tree trunk. Three remains, therefore three different trees. And say this conspiracy:

“I separate with earth, I close the lips of evil with wax. I beat off the heavy hand forever and ever. With maternal love I protect and protect. So be it."

The next step should be to attend church. It is necessary to light church candles for the health of the child at the following icons: the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity.

If you find out that your child was bullied at school, but he did not say so, then you should use the following ritual.

How to protect a child with a conspiracy?

You need to come to school on one of the even days and, looking at the school threshold, say out loud or to yourself, if the situation does not allow:

“How Mother carried the Lord in her arms, How She took care of and loved Her Son. So everyone would love my child, And the saints would bless him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

This plot will help even if you feel that your child is uneasy at school.

This is another good ritual that is carried out so that hooligans do not offend a child at school.

It is necessary to collect water in an iron bucket. It should be clean, if possible from a spring. Next, place the bucket between your legs and take a sharp knife in your right hand, with the tip facing down. In the left you need to take a handful of salt. Stir the water counterclockwise with a knife, pronouncing the following spell, add salt little by little:

“Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of the enemy passes by my son (child’s name). My maternal word is strong, like a lead seal. Amen".

This spell must be read three times, without ceasing to stir the water counterclockwise with a knife. Then you need to pour a bucket of water at the intersection.

A conspiracy to make teachers love you

It happens that the child is not only bullied by the children, but also by the teachers who do not treat him very well. After all, children often experience fear of the teacher, although they know the subject perfectly well, but find it difficult to answer. Therefore, the next ritual is aimed at making teachers love. You need to write this spell to your child so that he can learn it. You need to read mentally, looking straight into the teacher’s eyes three times:

“Whatever I think, whatever I do, the truth is mine. An angel is protecting me."

With the help of such a conspiracy, the child will not be afraid of the machinations of the teachers. He will simply stop noticing them. He will go to school with pleasure.

You can also teach one conspiracy that will not be superfluous to your child. Before entering the school, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

Spells for those whose kids are going to first grade

What plot is suitable for a first grader?

Those whose children go to school for the first time are truly overwhelmed with concern for their kids. Parents are constantly worried about whether their children will be bullied by their classmates, whether older schoolchildren will harass them, and how teachers will treat them. And I want to protect my baby from everything in the world. In order to protect your child from all the school negativity, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“There is an apostolic church, a small icon hangs in it, there is great holy power in it. I would ask for that icon: just as people do not take fire with their hands, so let not the servant of God (name) be scolded or beaten, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday and nor on Thursday , neither on Friday nor on Saturday, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any date. God's icon has been given power. Save, Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen".

Armed with all the methods to protect children during these difficult school years, parents will be calm, watching their children attend school, kindergarten, school clubs and not be afraid that someone will offend them.

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(c) 2017 Fortune telling, love spells, conspiracies

Copying materials is permitted only with an active link to the source

You may use any materials obtained by you using Nagadali at your own peril and risk.



Write this amulet to him on a piece of paper on both sides, and let him wear the amulet for three days.

Explain to your child that you can’t show it to anyone:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

During the waning moon, light three wax candles in the eastern part of your home. Place them in the center of the table, covered with a white tablecloth, in the shape of an isosceles triangle. Place a photo of your child in the center of this triangle. The photo must be taken no more than 10 weeks ago and the eyes must be clearly visible.

Concentrate your gaze on the flame of the top candle and say three times:

“In the name of Dazhbog and for the glory of the Ancestors! For my long efforts, for my heartfelt prayers, for my sincere thoughts, the Lord gave me the child I desired - (name of the child). He will be my support, support in a difficult moment, a terrible time, and until that moment I will protect my only begotten child, my flesh and the flesh of my Ancestors, and not give offense. No evil eye, no zealous heart, no slander will touch him, it will sweep by. My word is strong and molded, tested time after time, and the Sacred seal is on it. Truly!

When the candles burn out halfway, they must be extinguished, but without blowing them out, using your fingers or a metal object (not a knife). Place the child’s photo in a family album, preferably between the pages where there are photos of living relatives, and if there are none, then between the pages where there is not a single photograph.

The next morning, before sunrise, all three cinders must be buried in the ground under the roots of different trees (one cinder per tree root), while repeating:

“I seal with earth, I seal the lips of evil with wax. I beat off a heavy hand for all eternity and eternity. With parental love I assign a bad share, a crooked will. So be it!”

On the same day, before lunch, you need to spend at least 30 minutes in prayer for your child. You can pray at home. I warn all Christians: do not pray for someone close to you before the crucifixion. If you do everything correctly, the child’s problems will go away “on their own” within about 3 weeks.

We apply the runic amulet from left to right on the child’s chest (in the center) with a RED marker, ink, ink or gel pen.

We update in the morning, every day.

Attention! This is very important, don’t confuse anything!

We depict the runes as we see them in this picture. Where the top of the runes is the child’s head, and the bottom is the legs.

We apply the runes from left to right (as we write in a notebook: the beginning is the child’s right hand, the end is the left).

Under no circumstances should runes be depicted upside down, otherwise you will get the opposite of the expected result.

Amulet for children: Algiz-Bercana-Uruz-Perth-Gebo

If your child is being bullied at school

“I still decided to bother you and tell you about my grief. We moved and my son was forced to change schools, where he immediately started having problems. Vitya was very nervous at first, and then began to come home completely beaten. He did not answer my questions, but just sat silently in his room. It all ended with him stopping going to school. I scolded him and persuaded him, but to no avail. My until recently kind and obedient son insisted that he would never cross the threshold of this place again.

Without telling him anything, I went to school and found out something. It turns out that high school students beat him and extorted money. One day one of the teachers noticed bruises on Vitya’s face and asked what happened. My son told everything honestly, and the hooligans were called to the director. Of course, they denied it, they said that my son asked for it, and in the end they were scolded and released, and hell began for my son. Every day they mocked him: they beat him, spat on him, forced him to crawl, humiliated him, even urinated on him! He was constantly threatened with death if he “dare to rat again,” that is, to lie. In addition, he was registered as a debtor, and he was obliged to bring these creatures a certain amount of money every week, but my son knew that I worked alone, and besides, we had loans that needed to be repaid. I have a bad heart, and my son did not tell me anything about his problems, so as not to upset me, believing that I could not help his trouble. Coming home from school, I started a conversation with my son: “Go to school, you’re a man and you shouldn’t be a coward! How are you going to defend your homeland when you grow up and become a soldier?..."

Now that Vitya is no longer alive, I understand what nonsense I said then, instead of taking him and transferring him to home schooling or to another school, where perhaps the children would be more humane and the teachers not so indifferent. I am writing to you because I must not remain silent. Perhaps the mothers of these nonhumans, these monsters who brought my son to the ropes, will read my letter in your book. I want them to know: every day I curse their entire family from the first generation to the last! I am also writing for mothers whose children go to school: do not repeat my mistakes, be more attentive to your children! If you see anxiety and fear in your child’s eyes, if you begin to notice bruises on the face and body, do not console yourself with the thought that he fell or that all children are fighting. Remember, when our children leave us, they are left alone with a cruel world in which real animals meet. If you don’t understand this, you will, like me and like many other unfortunate mothers, carry flowers that are no longer needed to anyone on the grave mound.”

The following conspiracy will help you protect your child if he is being bullied at school:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ivan the Long-suffering, headless Ivan,

St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,

Do not allow any enemies to harm my child.

Seventy-seven pains, one and a half hundred sorrows,

They will become numb, they will not have time to do anything bad to my child,

The earth will swallow them up, God will deprive them of mercy,

Prayers will not help them, my conspiracy will not prevail,

They will not approach my child, God’s servant (name).

Ivan the Baptist baptized my conspiracy,

Ivan the Long-Suffering strengthened my affairs,

Jesus Christ affirmed it from word to word.

St. George the Victorious will defeat my enemies,

Panteleimon the Healer will heal my child,

My dear child will carry through the enemies.

And be you, all my words, eternal and endless,

A conspiracy so that the child is not offended

Parents will always worry about the well-being of their child, no matter how the child treats them, and therefore it is obvious that all mothers and fathers want to protect their child from the dangers that, as it seems to them, await him at every step. To protect your boy or girl from external physical dangers, loving parents, a conspiracy will help you so that the child is not offended. Whether your offspring has problems at school, whether there are clashes with peers in the yard - the conspiracy will do its job if you truly believe in it.

In order for the conspiracy to work, you need not only to heed his words, but also to properly prepare for the ritual. Take a photo of the child and place it facing you on the day of the new moon so that the light from the window falls on the card, and then say the spell.

For better memorization, rewrite the words of the conspiracy on a blank sheet of paper or wherever it is convenient for you.

A conspiracy so that a child is not offended - correct pronunciation:

As the Mother of God carried the Lord in her arms, as she cherished him and loved him, so let a happy star burn over my child, so that the grumbling people do not harm him! Let every evil eye and slander not touch my child and only pass by! May all the saints bless my child in the name of the Lord God! Amen.

Copying is permitted only with indication of the source NAMEDNE.RU © 2012 – 2017

All information is posted for informational purposes and does not call for action!

A conspiracy to prevent a child from being bullied at school

To prevent your child from being bullied at school, read a powerful magic spell. It won't harm anyone. No ransom required. The result is guaranteed.

You and I will completely discourage bullies and tomboys.

We will build a protective block that will not allow even a finger to touch the child.

Now school will not seem like a terrible institution to him.

Go to the Orthodox Church and buy exactly five candles.

Without bowing in prayer, go back.

When your child is not at home, retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles. Place a sheet of magic spell in front of you.

You should not curse the offenders by sending them smoldering negativity.

Mentally imagine school, recess and class.

Build a strong brick wall between your child and the bullies.

Start reading the magic spell repeatedly and confidently.

Whoever offends my child, let him see terrible adversity. At school they won’t push you or hit you, they’ll poison your soul with weakness. They’ll call me names, they’ll feel exhausted, I’ll bring desperate shame upon them. For a child to love school, let him gain a lot of strength. Not afraid of hooligans and bullies, there is a Universe, and there will be a whole world. I'm locking up the word. Whatever is planned, I create and execute! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Repeat the magic spell thirteen times in a row.

When all the candles go out, wrap their stubs in a handwritten piece of paper.

Rinse the package generously in the toilet room.

After about two weeks, repeat all occult activities.

Live in joy!

This article contains: a prayer so that a child is not bullied in the garden - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

A new school year will soon begin in all schools across the country. The children will go to school. Some for the first time, and others to the already familiar doors of the school. But the parents of all children want their child’s visit to school to be truly joyful, and no one will offend him there. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for your child’s calmness and serenity in advance.

You need to use some magical methods:

  • a talisman that will bring protection from bullies;
  • spell during breakfast will help with easy studying;
  • a conspiracy to restore interest in learning;
  • rituals that will help the child not to be bullied at school;
  • a conspiracy for parents of first-graders so that their children learn without school negativity.

A special amulet for a child so that they are not bullied at school

In order for the new school year to be calm, without obvious problems, you can make a talisman for the student, in which a special spell will be used. In a specialized store you need to buy a small “cat’s eye” stone and sew it into the lining of the student’s clothes along with a piece of paper on which to write a spell on both sides:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell and stone, thanks to their magical powers, will help your child in school and in relationships with peers. But it must be hidden so that no one can see, including children.

Spell to study during breakfast on the first of September

To make learning easy for your child, on the first of September, during breakfast, before putting down the food, recite the following spell three times:

“As I follow you: I cook food, feed you, wash, protect you from harm, so I, my flesh and blood, servant of God (name), will force you to study. Eat everything to the end, the desire to study from morning to evening will always be there. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

When you speak for the third time, say “Amen.”

If a child studies, but without much desire

It happens that a child goes to school, but something prevents him from studying. It is necessary to wash the dishes on the full moon and throughout the entire cycle of the waxing moon, reciting the following plot:

Going to school is hard work

“I washed the dishes for the servant of God (name), I washed away his reluctance to study now and forever. Amen".

Then you need to go to church on Sunday and light a candle to Jesus Christ, asking God to illuminate the path of teaching for your child.

If a child is bullied at school

To prevent your child from being bullied at school, you need to perform a special ritual during the waning moon. But it must be done so that the child does not see - secretly. In the eastern part of your house you need to light three church candles and place them in the form of an isosceles triangle. In the very center, place a photo of the child taken no more than two months ago. Next, focus your gaze on the candle and mentally concentrate. Say this plot three times:

Child is bullied at school

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! For my long prayers, good efforts, good deeds, the Lord God gave me the desired child, a slave (the name of the child). He will be my support and help in difficult times, an irreplaceable support. In the meantime, I will protect him and not give offense. Neither an evil eye, nor a heavy hand, nor a zealous heart will comprehend him, they will bypass him. My word is strong, and on it is the seal of the Holy Archangel Michael, the hand of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Amen".

Extinguish the candles, but under no circumstances blow them out and hide them away, and put the child’s photograph in the Bible where your inner voice tells you.

On the second day of the ritual, early in the morning, bury the remains of the candles at the base of the tree trunk. Three remains, therefore three different trees. And say this conspiracy:

“I separate with earth, I close the lips of evil with wax. I beat off the heavy hand forever and ever. With maternal love I protect and protect. So be it."

The next step should be to attend church. It is necessary to light church candles for the health of the child at the following icons: the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity.

If you find out that your child was bullied at school, but he did not say so, then you should use the following ritual.

How to protect a child with a conspiracy?

You need to come to school on one of the even days and, looking at the school threshold, say out loud or to yourself, if the situation does not allow:

“How Mother carried the Lord in her arms, How She took care of and loved Her Son. So everyone would love my child, And the saints would bless him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

This plot will help even if you feel that your child is uneasy at school.

This is another good ritual that is carried out so that hooligans do not offend a child at school.

It is necessary to collect water in an iron bucket. It should be clean, if possible from a spring. Next, place the bucket between your legs and take a sharp knife in your right hand, with the tip facing down. In the left you need to take a handful of salt. Stir the water counterclockwise with a knife, pronouncing the following spell, add salt little by little:

“Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of the enemy passes by my son (child’s name). My maternal word is strong, like a lead seal. Amen".

This spell must be read three times, without ceasing to stir the water counterclockwise with a knife. Then you need to pour a bucket of water at the intersection.

A conspiracy to make teachers love you

It happens that the child is not only bullied by the children, but also by the teachers who do not treat him very well. After all, children often experience fear of the teacher, although they know the subject perfectly well, but find it difficult to answer. Therefore, the next ritual is aimed at making teachers love. You need to write this spell to your child so that he can learn it. You need to read mentally, looking straight into the teacher’s eyes three times:

“Whatever I think, whatever I do, the truth is mine. An angel is protecting me."

With the help of such a conspiracy, the child will not be afraid of the machinations of the teachers. He will simply stop noticing them. He will go to school with pleasure.

You can also teach one conspiracy that will not be superfluous to your child. Before entering the school, say the following words of the conspiracy:

“The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

Spells for those whose kids are going to first grade

What plot is suitable for a first grader?

Those whose children go to school for the first time are truly overwhelmed with concern for their kids. Parents are constantly worried about whether their children will be bullied by their classmates, whether older schoolchildren will harass them, and how teachers will treat them. And I want to protect my baby from everything in the world. In order to protect your child from all the school negativity, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“There is an apostolic church, a small icon hangs in it, there is great holy power in it. I would ask for that icon: just as people do not take fire with their hands, so let not the servant of God (name) be scolded or beaten, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday and nor on Thursday , neither on Friday nor on Saturday, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any date. God's icon has been given power. Save, Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen".

Armed with all the methods to protect children during these difficult school years, parents will be calm, watching their children attend school, kindergarten, school clubs and not be afraid that someone will offend them.

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(c) 2017 Fortune telling, love spells, conspiracies

Copying materials is permitted only with an active link to the source

You may use any materials obtained by you using Nagadali at your own peril and risk.

A conspiracy so that the child is not offended

Parents will always worry about the well-being of their child, no matter how the child treats them, and therefore it is obvious that all mothers and fathers want to protect their child from the dangers that, as it seems to them, await him at every step. To protect your boy or girl from external physical dangers, loving parents, a conspiracy will help you so that the child is not offended. Whether your offspring has problems at school, whether there are clashes with peers in the yard - the conspiracy will do its job if you truly believe in it.

In order for the conspiracy to work, you need not only to heed his words, but also to properly prepare for the ritual. Take a photo of the child and place it facing you on the day of the new moon so that the light from the window falls on the card, and then say the spell.

For better memorization, rewrite the words of the conspiracy on a blank sheet of paper or wherever it is convenient for you.

A conspiracy so that a child is not offended - correct pronunciation:

As the Mother of God carried the Lord in her arms, as she cherished him and loved him, so let a happy star burn over my child, so that the grumbling people do not harm him! Let every evil eye and slander not touch my child and only pass by! May all the saints bless my child in the name of the Lord God! Amen.

Copying is permitted only with indication of the source NAMEDNE.RU © 2012 – 2017

All information is posted for informational purposes and does not call for action!

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

For the happiness of children, big and small

This book will become a good friend for you for many years.

To my students

I bless the hands that hold this book, the hands that prepared dinner and baked pies for the whole family, gave alms, supported the sick, rocked a child’s cradle or threw high into the air the joyfully laughing firstborn... How much you worked, how much hard work you did to help loved ones, trying to make them happier. So be blessed, enjoy a pleasant conversation, rest more, pray and believe in miracles. And let this book that you are holding in your hands now help you.

I pray for you, I believe that I am able to help you all, and therefore I will try to include in my books as many necessary and useful conspiracies as possible.

I want to please my students. Finally, the opportunity to receive the newspaper “Magic and Life” has appeared. In this wonderful and beautiful newspaper I talk about everything I know and can do. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful to you, in it I will try to personally answer each of your letters and help ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved. I sincerely thank all those who congratulated me on the holidays - I was very pleased to receive your congratulations.

I think that I will not sin against the truth if I say that every mother loves her children with all her heart. And what could be more valuable to a woman than a child? She, without hesitation, is ready to give her life for his happiness and health.

I would like to tell you a parable called “Mother and Death.”

One day, one mother heard the cry of her child, ran into his room and saw that the child was being carried away by Death. The unfortunate mother, undressed and barefoot, rushed after her from the house, despite the severe frost. She began to scream, to call her child, but he did not respond. The woman rushed to look for him. On the way, she met an ugly, gray-haired old woman who mumbled with her toothless mouth: “I saw everything. It was Death itself that visited your home. I could tell you where she took your child, but I won’t tell you until you give me your youth, health and beauty, and in return you take my old age, illness and ugliness.” Hearing her, the unfortunate mother cried out: “Take everything you want. I don’t need anything if my child is not with me!” “Over there, Death ran into that forest,” said the old woman.

The woman rushed into the forest. She ran for a long time among the trees, but never found anyone. Then the unfortunate mother burst into tears even more and suddenly heard someone’s voice. Looking around, she realized that the thorn bush was talking to her. He addressed her with these words: “If you warm me on your chest, I will tell you where Death has taken your child. You see, I'm completely icy and frozen. If you want to know where the child is, warm me up!” The mother, without a moment's hesitation, grabbed a branch of a thorn bush and pressed it to her chest. Sharp thorns tore the skin, blood flowed, but the woman did not feel physical pain, the mental pain was so strong. Having warmed up, the thorn bush blossomed, covered itself with bright red flowers, like blood, and said: “Death ran to the lake.”

The mother ran to the lake, but found no one there either. The unfortunate woman began to wring her hands and beg the lake to tell her where her child was. The lake answered her: “I want pearls at the bottom. If you cry into me and your eyes

If they come out in tears, then I will receive pearls, and I will take you to the other shore - Death lives there.” And the mother cried out: “Oh, what I wouldn’t give to get my child back!” She cried even more bitterly - and became blind, and her tears turned into beautiful pearls that fell to the bottom of the lake. At that same moment, the unfortunate woman found herself on the other side, where Death was waiting for her.

Looking at the blind, old and ugly woman in torn, bloody clothes, Death said: “It was I who took the form of an old woman, I spoke to you instead of a thorn bush, and you heard my voice from the lake. And now I see that your motherly love is limitless, it is stronger than me, so I will return the child to you.”

Having said this, Death gave the baby to the mother and restored her youth, beauty and sight.

This is such a beautiful parable.

And now I will tell you about the protective spell for children that I promised to teach. His words are:

Your hand, Lord, is reliable.

Step in and cover my children (names).

Save them, Lord, according to Your will,

Decorate them, Lord

Longevity and wisdom.

Take all evil away from them.

May he be with them always and everywhere.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers

Prayer for the birth of a child

“Natalya Ivanovna, my husband and I just can’t give birth to a child. We don’t have any serious illnesses, but still nothing works out. Tell me, maybe there are some prayers to beg for the child.”

In this case, you can turn with a prayer request to the holy prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth. I remind you of the words of the prayer:

O holy saints of God, prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth! Having fought a good fight on earth, we have naturally received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will therefore be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy, smart, beautiful, and happy. There are special conspiracies that used to be passed down from generation to generation and helped parents raise their children. Use them - they will certainly help you too.

A spell to keep your child from being lazy

Try to guide your child on the right path with the help of an old prayer. You need to read it every evening 11 times, while holding a photograph of the child in front of you. The words of the prayer are:

“Create hard work, Lord, show us Your mercy, bless the servant of God (child’s name) Yourself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Full moon fright spell

It happens that a child stops speaking due to severe fright. In order for the child to speak again, there is such a ritual. On a night when the moon is full and the sky is clear of clouds, take your child out onto a deserted street. Lay down a white sheet, place the child on it and say:

“A moonlit night, a starry night, a cloudless night. And an angel lives on every star. My child, look – the Lord is looking at you from heaven.”

Having said this 3 times, pick up a mirror and point it so that the child can see the reflection of the Moon. Let him look through the mirror at the Moon, and you read the plot again, adding at the end:

“He remembers you, wants to hear, but you are silent - you offend him very much.”

After this, bring the child home and put him to bed. Usually after this ritual in the morning the children begin to speak.

A spell to stop a child from crying

Before bathing, the child is told about the water in which he will be bathed. Usually the conspiracy is read by the one who is the oldest in the family.

“Collect, water, tears from the baptized baby (name). Baby howlers, go to the water, the water will go into the earth, the earth will take tears, it will stop the baby’s roaring, so that there will be no more centuries. Amen".

They also read while washing a crying child, wiping him with the hem:

“Morning dawn, evening dawn, give sleep and peace for day and night (child’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a child grow up beautiful

“Just as the apple tree in the forest is green, strengthened by the Word of God, so you (child’s name) will grow beautiful (oh), strong (oh) and strong (oh). Eat well, like a plump apple. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy from bullies at school

Any mother can protect her child from bullies at school by making a magical talisman. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and write the magic words of the conspiracy on it:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter and send him success!”

Give a piece of paper with the words of the spell to your child, let him carry it with him for 3 days to school, on a walk, everywhere. You don’t need to tell anyone about this amulet, it should be secret, and no one should see the amulet with the words of the conspiracy.

Protect your child from illness

You can make a health amulet for a child like this. Take a pendant in the shape of the sun on a leather cord, go to the forest on a sunny day, and place it on a tree stump. Read a prayer to healer Panteleimon for 30 minutes. Then take the pendant, hang it around your neck, and while you go home, whisper the following words:

“Sun, our heavenly father, thank you for your warmth, for your light. Warm my child, God’s servant (name), warm with your light, like maternal warmth, protect from any illness, protect from adversity.”

When you come home, give the charmed pendant to your child. Let him wear it without taking it off.

Conspiracy against the evil eye in a child

To protect a child from the evil eye, you need to take water, three gray pebbles, three spoons. Pour water into the dish so that it runs over the spoons. This is done at dawn. Then the child must be washed with this water: wet the crown of the head, rinse the face, sprinkle on the chest, and then give it a drink. Then go outside, pour out the remaining water and say:

“It came from the forest, go to the forest, it came from the wind, go to the wind, it came from the people, go to the people.”

A spell to awaken interest in learning

There is such a ritual. You need to put a candle behind your back and light it, hold the second one, also lit, in your right hand. Read the plot:

“Heavenly powers, hear my prayer, servants of God (your name). I am addressing you (my name), the mother of my child (name). Give my child (name) an interest in learning, just as you gave me this light. Let your interest in learning burn longer and brighter than a candle burns. Soar his mind and illuminate the darkness of ignorance and ignorance with a bright light! Truly!

Conspiracy to make the child obey

At three o'clock in the morning, boil a hard-boiled egg. While it’s hot, spin it on the table with a top, but so that it doesn’t fall or break, and read the plot:

“There is no egg without a chicken, a servant of God (name) cannot grow up without a father and mother. I’ll call a pied hen, a good laying hen, I’ll take an egg from her and give it to my baby. Eat quickly, my child, so that you can obey me. I will tightly close the conspiracy with an iron lock. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

In the morning, feed an egg to a naughty child.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs