The lump is above the wrist. Lumps and lumps under the skin

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? You will learn the answer to the question asked from the materials in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you how to get rid of this trouble using traditional and alternative medicine.

General information

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? Only an experienced specialist can answer this question unequivocally after a personal examination and passing all the necessary tests. That is why, with such a deviation, it is recommended to immediately visit a doctor and not self-medicate.

Probable causes

A lump on the hand under the skin can have completely different origins. This could be an ordinary boil, or the development of melanoma, or even a malignant tumor. In some cases, such a deviation appears as a result of professional activity. Due to an unnatural position, joints can become deformed, causing salts to accumulate in them, which ultimately leads to the formation of seals. In this case, a lump on the hand under the skin is often accompanied by severe pain.

It should also be noted that this formation can occur after accidental injuries or severe bruises. However, the most common disease of this kind is hygroma (a lump on the arm under the skin below the elbow or on the palm). This lump is a benign tumor. It usually occurs due to an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendons. At the very beginning, hygroma develops very slowly and practically does not cause any discomfort. But over time, it increases in size, becomes significantly denser and causes not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also painful sensations. In such cases, the patient should definitely consult a doctor.

Other reasons

Bumps on the hands under the skin, photos of which are presented in this article, can form from overexertion and stress, as well as metabolic disorders, the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. In any case, a person with such lumps should visit a doctor as soon as possible in order to rule out the presence of a malignant tumor.

Treatment with traditional methods

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? We discussed the possible reasons for the appearance of such seals above. Now your attention will be presented with information on how you can get rid of a benign formation on the hand.

After visiting a doctor, such patients undergo a procedure in which a small incision is made on the lump, and then all excess fluid is sucked out of it. However, there are situations when the compaction lies very deep. In this regard, it is more advisable for the patient to take a course of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants.

Alternative therapy

A lump under the skin on the arm - what could it be? Having answered the question posed earlier, we will also tell you how you can get rid of such seals at home.

Traditional methods for treating bumps on the hands include various lotions and baths. Although it should be added that such procedures will only be effective if the formation arose as a result of normal salt deposition.

So, let's present a few recipes against bumps on your hands:

A hygroma or, simply put, a lump on the wrist is a benign formation that resembles a cyst. Hygroma is a capsule that is filled with fluid with mucus, as well as fibrin threads (a type of protein). There may be several similar capsules. In this case, doctors call such a hygroma multilocular.

This disease causes quite severe pain. In addition, it causes discomfort from an aesthetic point of view, since the tumor can reach 5 cm in diameter.

Why does a lump appear on the wrist?

It is difficult to say what exactly causes hygroma, but doctors identify several groups of people in whom such neoplasms occur most often. First of all, people whose activities involve constant small and repetitive movements of the hands are at risk. These could be, for example, embroiderers, violinists, typists, seamstresses. The second risk group is athletes who constantly use their hands - badminton players, golfers, tennis players (especially table tennis players).

Injuries can also contribute to the formation of wrist lumps. If a person sprains a ligament, hits his hand hard, or falls on it, he runs the risk of discovering a hygroma after some time. In addition, the hereditary factor cannot be discounted. If one of the parents has had hygromas, then it is likely that they will occur in the child in the future.

Symptoms of hygroma of the wrist

At the beginning of its development, hygroma does not manifest itself in any way, and a person may not pay attention to it for several years. However, over time, the tumor develops and increases in size. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The bump on the wrist is quite dense, but at the same time elastic to the touch.
  • Under strong light, the hygroma is visible like a bubble. The liquid that fills it is visible.
  • The skin on a hygroma is usually darker and denser, like on a wart.
  • When trying to perform any maneuvers with the hand (lean on the hand, clench it into a fist, etc.), severe pain occurs.

Sometimes one of the symptoms is numbness in the palm and the inability to move the fingers (this symptom occurs when the hygroma has reached an impressive size and begins to put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels located near it).

Diagnosis of hygroma on the wrist

Diagnosing wrist hygroma is not difficult. The standard diagnostic procedure includes a doctor visually examining the lump and ordering an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. However, sometimes specialists are forced to resort to more thorough diagnostic methods, in particular, ultrasound, tomography or puncture.

The simplest and most accessible diagnostic method is ultrasound examination, that is, ultrasound. This inexpensive and painless analysis helps determine many nuances. With its help, the specialist will find out the structure of the formation (homogeneous or filled with liquid), and also determine whether there are blood vessels in the walls of the hygroma; this is very important if surgical intervention is planned.

If a malignant tumor (nodules) is suspected, the patient is referred for magnetic resonance imaging. No other research method will give as accurate an idea of ​​the structure of the formation as tomography. A significant disadvantage of magnetic resonance imaging is the high cost of this procedure.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to diagnose hygroma, like many other formations, by puncture. This type of diagnosis, such as puncture, is a puncture of the tumor wall in order to collect the fluid located in it for further study of this fluid in the laboratory. The puncture cannot be called a pleasant procedure, but it is not very painful either. The feeling of puncture of a hygroma of the wrist can be compared with taking blood from a vein, since these procedures are quite similar.

A lump on the outside or inside of the wrist - photo of wrist hygroma

Hygroma usually appears in the area of ​​large joints and tendons in the arms and legs. However, most often it occurs in the wrist area. In this case, there are two options for the occurrence of hygroma.

The first option is a hygroma in the area of ​​the wrist joint. In this case, the lump appears on the outside of the wrist, where it is literally impossible not to notice it. The second option is hygroma of the wrist joint (the joint that unites the forearm and hand of a person). In such a situation, the hygroma is located on the inside of the wrist in the area of ​​the radial artery. It is the second case that is considered the most difficult in terms of removal, since one awkward movement of the surgeon performing the operation and the artery will be damaged, which means that the blood supply to the hand will be disrupted.

Treatment of hygroma on the wrist - how to cure a lump on the hand

Some people who have discovered a hygroma in themselves wonder: is it necessary to treat it or, moreover, remove it? There is no clear answer to this question. If the hygroma does not hurt, does not cause discomfort and does not bother the patient from an aesthetic point of view, then there is no urgent need for its removal.

If a lump on the wrist hurts, causes discomfort or interferes with normal joint mobility, you need to treat it as soon as possible. The treatment of hygroma is not always exclusively surgical. There are other methods, both traditional and folk. The main thing is not to allow the disease to progress and not to progress the lump to the point where surgery is inevitable.

Non-surgical, folk remedies and methods for treating lumps or hygroma at home

For decades, people have found ways to treat hygroma at home without seeking professional help. Of course, if a lump on the wrist causes severe pain, then it is better not to experiment with traditional medicine. But if it does not cause any discomfort other than aesthetic, then the patient can easily cope with hygroma on his own at home, using one of the effective methods that have been proven over the years.

  1. One of the most effective methods is alcohol compresses. Regular alcohol, which is sold at the pharmacy, is suitable for them, but it is better to dilute it with a small amount of water. A piece of gauze should be soaked in diluted alcohol, applied to the bump, wrapped in a thick cloth and left for two hours. You cannot move your hand during the procedure. You need to repeat such procedures for two days in a row, and then rest for two days. You need to alternate days of compresses and days of rest until the hygroma completely disappears.
  2. Since ancient times, hygroma has been treated with a copper coin. To do this, the coin should be tightly tied to the bump and walked like this for at least two weeks. When the bandage is removed, the patient will find that the hygroma has disappeared without a trace.
  3. For the next recipe, you need to prepare red clay (it is sold in any pharmacy), sea salt and clean water. The proportions for preparing the folk remedy are as follows: a glass of dry clay, half a glass of warm water, 2 teaspoons of sea salt. As a result of mixing these components, a viscous substance should be obtained. It should be applied to the hygroma and wrapped tightly on top with a bandage. As soon as the clay dries, the bandage must be moistened with warm water. This bandage should remain on the wrist for a day. After this, you need to take a two-hour break and repeat the procedure again. The duration of the entire course of treatment, which will help completely remove the lump, is 10 days.

Surgical and medicinal means of treatment, removal of wrist hygroma

As mentioned above, in the most advanced cases, hygroma is treated surgically. To do this, the surgeon makes a puncture in the lump, draws fluid out of it, injects special hormones inside that prevent the hygroma from forming again, and bandages the hand. In cases where there was suppuration inside the hygroma, an antibiotic is additionally administered with hormones. Alas, even a modern set of drugs cannot give a 100% guarantee that hygroma will not recur in the same place. This once again confirms the fact that it is impossible to neglect this seemingly insignificant disease.

As for treatment without surgery, which is used in the initial stages of the disease, there are several types.

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Warm paraffin applications.
  • Mud therapy.
  • Heat therapy.

A very important point on which the effectiveness of the procedures depends is that during treatment patients refrain from their professional activities, which caused the lump on the wrist.

A lump on the wrist most often turns out to be a hygroma. This is a benign tumor or an ordinary cyst. Inside the capsule there is a viscous liquid - a mixture of mucus and fibrin (protein exudate). Overall the contents are jelly-like. Hygroma is located next to the joint of the hand.

In most cases, it is diagnosed on the back of the hand, sometimes on the inside or on the fingers. The lump is treatable, but with conservative therapy there is a risk of the tumor reappearing on the wrist. According to statistics, young women under 35 years of age are susceptible to hygroma.

Why does hygroma appear?

The exact causes of the tumor have not yet been determined. But doctors identify a number of factors that influence the development of cysts.

A lump on the hand under the skin on the wrist is formed for the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition as in - if there are representatives in the family line who are susceptible to this disease, then it can be passed on to descendants (children or grandchildren);
  • injury, blows or bruises to the wrist - if the patient falls on his hand or gets dislocated, then he may subsequently develop a hygroma;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the joints.

Doctors also distinguish two groups of people who are susceptible to the appearance of cysts on the hand and fingers.

Among them:

  • athletes - with strong and regular physical activity, the wrist can be injured, which leads to the formation of lumps;
  • craftsmen who constantly use the joints of the hand and fingers - seamstresses, embroiderers, violinists, guitarists. These are all people who make the same monotonous hand movements every day.

You can see what a hygroma of the wrist looks like in the photos posted online. But refrain from diagnosing yourself. This can only be done by a practicing surgeon.

Symptoms of the disease

Hygroma is easy to diagnose. The tumor is usually small in size, in advanced cases reaching up to five centimeters in diameter. A small cyst does not impede the motor function of the hand, does not hurt or cause inconvenience. The main drawback is a cosmetic defect.

A large cyst causes pain if a person clenches his hand into a fist and rests his whole body on the palm. There may be numbness in the fingers. This occurs because the tumor compresses blood vessels and nerve endings.

The main symptoms include:

  • the structure of the cyst, it can be either dense on palpation or soft. But in any case, the tumor will be elastic. Most often, the lump on the wrist is hard, like a bone, like from. Ordinary patients even confuse it with a bone growth;
  • dense attachment to tissues - despite the structure, the swelling is motionless;
  • the tumor looks like a ball, sometimes it is not noticeable, but if you bend your arm, it clearly sticks out from the wrist;
  • If you hold the cone up to the light, you will notice a liquid structure.

Sometimes a ball appears on a child’s wrist. In this case, you need to seek help from a pediatric surgeon. He will tell you what to do next and whether surgery is worth it.

Types of hygroma

There are several types of neoplasm:

  • hygroma on the wrist joint is a lump on the outside of the wrist;
  • compaction on the inside of the palm - hygroma appears in the palm area, such a neoplasm is quite rare;
  • A finger bump is a lump that forms on the knuckles of the fingers.


Initially, you should seek help from a surgeon. He will examine the tumor, palpate it, and then refer it for the necessary examinations. Doctors usually order an x-ray of the wrist joint.

Ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging may also be needed. If there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor, then doctors prescribe a biopsy and puncture.

After receiving the test results, doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. It can be both conservative and operational in nature.

How is hygroma treated?

In the initial stages, a lump on the wrist on the tendon is treated with conservative methods. Doctors resort to drug therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures. They help fight tumors. But in later stages, conservative treatment does not give the desired results.

Physiotherapy includes:

  • applying warm paraffin applications;
  • ultraviolet irradiation procedures;
  • electrophoresis - electric shocks are applied to the affected area;
  • application of therapeutic mud.

Typically, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out within a calendar month. At this time, doctors recommend refraining from professional activities (the main cause of the disease) and not straining the damaged joint.


This is a radical way to solve the problem. After surgery, hygromas almost never return. There are several ways to remove cysts on the wrist.

Among them are the following:

  • Laser exposure – a laser beam destroys the cyst. At the same time, the surrounding tissues remain uninjured. The rehabilitation process is much easier than after abdominal surgery. The procedure takes no more than twenty minutes. After the operation, a very small scar remains.
  • Puncture – in this case, the patient is given local anesthesia (pain-relieving injection). Then the hygroma is pierced from above, in the center and the liquid is sucked out through the needle. Afterwards, the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic and a bandage made of an elastic bandage is applied.
  • Complete incision of the cyst and removal of all exudate. This method is used only in advanced cases. This is a 100% method to remove a lump permanently. Doctors give an anesthetic injection in the area of ​​the hygroma. Then a tourniquet is applied just above the wrist. The cyst is completely excised, all contents are cleaned out. Doctors also remove the tumor membrane, since fluid will accumulate again. At the last stage, doctors sew up the wound and apply a tight bandage and splint. Sutures are usually removed on the seventh day after surgery, and walking without a bandage is allowed after two weeks.

Unconventional methods

Traditional medicine can slightly relieve pain symptoms and reduce the lump. Even if the tumor goes away, the membrane will not go anywhere, remaining on the joint.

The main treatment methods include the following:

  • A gauze bandage soaked in alcohol is applied to the hygroma. Next, you need to fix it and leave it for two hours.
  • A real copper coin is applied to the bump and secured with a thick bandage. After two hours, the bandage is removed and the coin is removed.
  • Dilute 20 crushed Analgin tablets in iodine. Apply the mixture to the cyst every day until it disappears. This method is similar to physiotherapeutic treatment.


Having discovered a lump on their wrist, many people panic. They don’t know what it is, whether the tumor is dangerous and how to treat it correctly. The surgeon will help answer all these questions. He will send you for an x-ray, after receiving the results of the image, he will make a diagnosis.

Usually the ball on the wrist turns out to be an ordinary hygroma - a benign tumor. The lump is removed surgically, but if it does not cause any discomfort (physiological and psychological), then you can calmly live with it for the rest of your life.

Hygroma on the hand (often called a tendon hernia) is a round formation of a benign tumor nature.

Such a lump looks like a bone that has jumped out of a joint, but is a capsule filled with liquid, in which fibrin threads are sometimes detected. The number of formations can be different - from one to several (multi-chamber hygroma).

In addition to its unaesthetic appearance, the formation brings a lot of problems: it increases in size over time, interferes with normal movements and is often accompanied by severe pain.


The exact reasons for the appearance of hygromas are unknown, but doctors tentatively identify a group of patients , most susceptible to the occurrence of this pathology:

Clinical manifestations

At the very beginning, the disease has no clinical symptoms and the patient, as a rule, does not pay attention to the formation. But over time, the ball begins to grow. At this stage the tumor is characterized by the following symptoms:

Diagnostic measures

Diagnose hygroma in the wrist area it is not difficult for a specialist.

First, the doctor examines the formation and prescribes radiography to confirm the diagnosis.

In some cases, a more detailed examination is required, including ultrasound, puncture or CT.

Localization of hygroma

As a rule , hygromas occur in the area of ​​large joints of the legs and arms(and much less often can form on other parts of the body, for example, on the neck), but most often such formations are found on the wrists. In this case, there are two options for tumor formation:

Treatment of a lump on the arm near the hand

Patients, having discovered a hygroma, often wonder: Is it necessary to treat this formation? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. If a lump appears on the hand like a bone, but it does not bother (that is, does not cause pain, does not interfere with work) and is acceptable from an aesthetic point of view, then there is no urgent need to eliminate it. In cases where the hygroma is painful and interferes with joint movements, treatment should begin as early as possible.

In addition to surgical methods for eliminating the defect, there are also conservative methods (both traditional and folk). However, such methods are effective in the initial stages of the disease and can be used only when the hygroma does not hurt and does not cause discomfort, except for aesthetic unattractiveness.

Folk recipes

Surgical treatment

As mentioned above, with advanced hygromas surgery is prescribed. In this case, the surgeon makes a puncture in the hygroma and draws out the contents from it, then injects hormones into the formation that stop its further growth, and bandages the wrist.

One of the unpleasant pathologies for which patients are in no hurry to see a doctor is a growth on the wrist. If the ball under the skin does not cause pain, the person does not pay attention to it, allowing the condition to worsen and the development of inflammation, suppuration or other complications. Such pathology at the initial stage is treated with therapeutic procedures without surgical intervention, and constant trauma to the formation can become the root cause of the development of oncology.

Causes of a lump on the wrist

Medicine does not name specific factors that cause a tubercle to appear on the wrist. Depending on the nature of the formation, it can be cartilage, a cyst, inflammation of the sebaceous gland, hair follicle, or tendon. The main reasons why a lump grows on the wrist joint of the hand:

  • overload due to professional activities;
  • inflammatory process in a tendon, tissue or joint;
  • injuries to soft or cartilage tissue.

If a bone pops out on your wrist, this may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • lipoma;
  • atheroma;
  • boils;
  • articular nodules.

Symptoms and localization

Often a person does not pay attention if an unpleasant lump appears on the back of the hand or on the bend of the joint until it begins to hurt or cause discomfort when bending the arm. But it is advised to consult a doctor after the first symptoms appear, then it is much easier to treat. Signs of pathology development:

Most often, a protruding lump appears on the back of the hand or on the bend of the joint, where the cartilage connects and the largest clusters of tendons are localized. If the pathology develops as a growth on the hand, then it can appear on the phalanges of the fingers or the elbow joint, as well as in other places near the joints in an adult patient and a child.

Atheroma on the hand

This nodule on the cyst is similar to a lipoma, but differs in the nature of its origin, so there is no need to confuse these two neoplasms. Atheroma develops if there is a pathological enlargement and thickening of the sebaceous gland. The pore above it often turns blue, and the skin becomes tight and inflamed. The recommended treatment is surgical removal.


They often appear on top or on the inside of the wrist or in areas where there is hair. A boil develops due to damage to the hair follicle and is accompanied by pain when palpated and an increase in temperature. Refers to diseases that require immediate treatment. Otherwise, severe inflammation may develop with further infection.

Hygroma of the wrist

If the lump grows and interferes, it should be removed.

A painless ball that often protrudes on the outside of the arm, which is easily palpable but immobile. It sticks out above the skin level and causes an aesthetic nuisance. To remove it at a late stage, you need to resort to the help of a surgeon, however, there are also traditional methods of therapy that are popular and bring results, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Hygroma refers to formations that do not need to be removed if it does not grow and does not hurt.

Lipoma or wen

Most often, wen appear on areas of the skin where there are hairs; these are not very hard formations, over which the skin is mobile and not inflamed. If the lipoma begins to grow and causes discomfort or pain, it is removed through surgery. In most cases, patients live with a wen all their lives and it does not cause discomfort.

Articular nodules

The formation on the joint, which protrudes, is immobile, similar to a bone growth. This disease is most often a consequence of gout or other pathology associated with accumulations in the joints or tendons. This lump on the bone of the hand can be one or several of them fit at once, on the fingers or places where the joints connect. Treatment of nodules should begin with elimination of the primary disease.



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