Cervical lymphadenitis in children. Lymph nodes in the child’s neck hurt

Lymph nodes are organs that are designed to filter lymph. In other words, these nodules trap all viruses, bacteria and harmful substances within themselves, preventing them from spreading further. They also produce immune cells. on a child’s neck is one of the main symptoms of the presence of a disease in the body. In young children it can be a common sore throat, laryngitis or mumps.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in children: causes

The appearance of this pathology can be caused by many factors:

  • tuberculosis;
  • various oral infections;
  • colds. It has been noticed that the child has a sign that he is constantly sick;
  • decreased protective functions of the immune system, which can be caused by anemia, hypothermia, vitamin deficiency, stress or overexertion;
  • infectious diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis, etc.);
  • damage or injury may also cause inflammation;
  • sometimes this disease can manifest itself against the background of allergic reactions, connective tissue diseases, or even chronic alcoholism.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in a child: symptoms

As a rule, the occurrence of this pathology is not so difficult to notice. To the touch, inflamed and enlarged lymph nodes look like balls that can move or roll whenever you touch them. Their size can range from a small pea to a voluminous tumor the size of a chicken egg. When touching them, the child complains of sharp pain. Inflammation may also be accompanied by fever and headache.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck: diagnosis

The first thing any mother needs to do when she discovers enlarged nodules in her child is to consult a pediatrician. If he confirms the presence of inflammation of the lymph nodes, then it will be necessary to determine the cause of this pathology. And for this purpose a whole range of studies is prescribed:

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child: treatment

After the manifestation of the causes of the disease, all efforts are directed towards removing its source. Only a doctor should do this, since in most cases antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs (Medron, Prednisolone) are required. It helps a lot and But, attention! This does not apply to warm compresses, heating pads, or other similar methods (the infection can spread to the blood vessels and brain). The patient also needs to follow the prescribed bed rest and take restoratives and vitamins.

There is nothing worse when children get sick. I want to cure them as soon as possible, and therefore all the efforts of the parents are put into their recovery. Very young children are especially susceptible to various diseases. For example, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck. An unpleasant situation that takes many moms and dads by surprise. But in this situation, having gathered yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor as quickly as possible to identify the causes of inflammation and quickly select treatment methods.

Lymphadenopathy - what is it?

Lymphadenopathy is a painful condition characterized by enlarged lymph nodes. The word is truly scary, and for many it causes panic and misunderstanding. In fact, this condition is not a rare one, since it occurs often in people.

The human body has about 600 lymph nodes. Under normal conditions, they are not increased in size, and therefore are completely invisible.
In medicine, there are several classifications of lymphadenopathy.

The first is by location

  1. Local. Only one node in one area increases (for example, on the neck).
  2. Regional. Several nodes become inflamed in one or nearby areas (neck and armpits).
  3. Generalized . Three or more areas are affected. This pathology is a serious signal from the body about the emergence of serious problems.

The second is by the nature of the flow

  1. Spicy. Signs: high temperature, swelling.
  2. Chronic . The severity of the symptoms is weak, the manifestations intensify when the body weakens, and disappear when it is restored.

Experts identify a number of signs that indicate lymphadenopathy:

  1. enlarged lymph nodes that can be felt independently;
  2. weight loss;
  3. increased sweating during sleep;
  4. maintaining elevated body temperature for a long time;
  5. increase in the size of internal organs - liver and spleen;
  6. pathology in the lungs.

The causes of lymphadenopathy can lie in many diseases. However, for an accurate determination, an examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Why does a child have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: reasons

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes is very difficult to determine, because they are very small and soft. But it often happens that when the lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged, they can be easily felt.
Why do they become inflamed? The answer is simple: inflammatory processes begin inside the body, caused by a high concentration of pathogenic bacteria. At this time, the node produces white blood cells, which trigger reactions to destroy bad elements. It is these processes that increase the knot and cause concern for parents.

There are many causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

  • Cold.
  • Infections. Inflammation occurs due to the fact that somewhere nearby there is a source of infection. For example, sore throat, cough.
  • Skin damage from cats. Animal saliva contains a certain set of bacteria that enter the bloodstream when bitten or scratched. When getting pets, you need to be very careful.
  • Mononucleosis. The symptoms are similar to a regular sore throat: difficulty breathing, high fever, and the lymph nodes located under the jaw become large. The knots feel dense and elastic to the touch. The liver and spleen enlarge. A complete blood test for the presence of mononuclear cells helps detect mononucleosis.

In any case, if in doubt, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Sizes of lymph nodes: norms and deviations

A logical question immediately arises: what size are the lymph nodes in normal condition? There is no consensus among doctors. Some adhere to the point of view that the normal size is 1 cm. Many textbooks give this exact figure.

Others say that less than a centimeter is the norm, and anything more is pathological. Exceptions are made for inguinal nodes, which have a size of up to 1.5 cm. In children, some experts consider the normal size of nodes to be 1.6 cm. And others allow the possibility of their increase in a healthy child to 1.5-2 cm.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusions. So, the norm is nodes up to 1 cm. 1-2 cm can be considered both a deviation and a completely normal size. More than 2 cm is already a size indicating the presence of a disease.

Unfortunately, there are many such controversial issues in medicine, and each individual case cannot be sized up with the same brush. All children are individual; this or that condition depends on age, the location of the lymph nodes, and the history of their enlargement.

How to cure inflamed lymph nodes in a child’s neck?

Before treatment, you must consult your doctor , undergo certain tests, undergo proper examinations and establish the exact cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes. Only then does the doctor prescribe treatment, the main goal of which is to eliminate the source of the disease. But there should be no amateur activity, since treatment is mainly carried out with strong antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. This is the first method of treatment.
Second ultra high frequency therapy . But this does not include warming compresses and heating pads, since under the influence of high temperature the infection can spread into the blood vessels and into the brain. Bed rest is also required!

In general, treatment of lymph nodes in children is ineffective, since their enlargement is only a consequence of the disease. First you need to find the cause, and then get rid of it. After some time after treatment, the size of the node will return to normal, the inflammation will go away.

Timely detection of the problem makes it possible to cure the child’s body as quickly as possible using complex treatment methods

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck occurs for a variety of reasons. Many factors lead to this disease.

Lymph nodes in the neck

On the neck there is several groups of lymph nodes:

  • Parotid;
  • Chin;
  • Retropharyngeal;
  • Posterior cervical;
  • Periocervical and tonsillar;
  • Occipital, etc.

Lymph nodes in the neck perform the following functions:

  1. Protects the head and organs located on the neck from tumors;
  2. Resists the development of infections;
  3. Fight foreign cells and substances;
  4. Eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

Features of lymph nodes:

  • Not visible if there is no inflammation;
  • They are found under the layer of skin, as well as in the internal cavities of the human body;
  • They are peripheral organs of the immune system;
  • Protect the most vulnerable areas.

Watch a video about the causes and treatment of a child's neck according to Dr. Komarovsky:

Causes of inflammation

Inflamed lymph nodes in the neck for the following reasons:

  • Infections: influenza, sore throat, chicken pox, periodontitis;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Improper functioning of the immune system. Occurs during hypothermia, stress;
  • Allergy;
  • Mechanical damage to the lymph node;
  • Impaired metabolism.

Lymph nodes in the neck can become inflamed in both an infant and a teenager. In any case, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist.

Symptoms and diagnosis

You can learn about inflammation of the lymph nodes thanks to following signs:

  • Entrainment of lymph nodes in the neck;
  • Pain when swallowing and palpation;
  • Lymph nodes in the neck area may become either soft or hard;
  • Their consistency changes;
  • The skin in the neck area turns red;
  • The person feels weak and the body temperature rises.

The photo shows inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck of an infant on the right side.

If you notice at least one symptom in a child, you should see a doctor to rule out inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck or start treatment on time.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a doctor upon examination of the patient. Additionally applicable Ultrasound of neck lymph nodes.

Types and forms

The form of inflammation can be acute or chronic. If the disease is acute, the child feels severe pain in the neck, and the site of inflammation turns red.

You can treat your child as follows:

  • Maintaining bed rest;
  • Drinking large amounts of warm liquid;
  • Elimination of any physical activity;
  • Taking pharmaceutical and traditional medicines.

For chronic inflammation There is no pain in the neck area, but the lymph nodes may become enlarged. The cause of this phenomenon is most often a weakened immune system. The following will help in treatment:

  • Rhodiola rosea tincture;
  • Ginseng tincture.

Treatment of inflammation

Pharmacy and folk remedies will help cure the child.

Traditional methods

  1. Helps cope with inflammation compress of celandine leaves. You will need a handful of plant leaves. She is scalded with boiling water and allowed to cool. Next, the product is applied to the affected area for twenty minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  2. You can fight inflammation with medicinal tea. It could be chamomile, mint or calendula tea. It is necessary to gargle with this remedy three to four times a day. The recipe is suitable for older children.
  3. You can reduce inflammation with rinses based on salt and soda. Add 1/3 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda to a glass of warm water. The components are mixed, you need to gargle with the product once or twice a day.

Pharmacy products

When treating inflammation Ampicillin helps. It is taken at 100 mg/kg body. Can be taken up to three to four times a day.

The dosage of this supplement should not exceed 0.5 g.

The product relieves swelling, inflammation, and fights harmful bacteria in the body. The medication can be used in children over eight years of age.

Usually the doctor prescribes a medicine and prescribes a certain dosage, which will not harm the body. If you choose a medicine on your own, you can make a mistake with the dosage and thereby cause harm, so the first thing you should do is visit the hospital.

At the doctor's

Doctors do not recommend self-medication, because the child’s body at this moment is weakened.

The wrong medicine can lead to complications and side effects.

Folk remedies should be used only after consultation with a doctor. You are allowed to purchase medications only if they have been prescribed by a doctor after examining the child.

The first step in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes is to show the baby to the doctor. He will examine the child, determine the stage of the disease, the cause and suggest the optimal medications. All medications are selected on an individual basis. This will avoid side effects.

Don't self-medicate! Normal inflammation can cause the development of, for example,.


Inflammation doesn't last long. There is no need to think that the baby will recover in a few days. This will take two weeks, and sometimes more. The treatment process must be supervised by a doctor.

The duration of treatment largely depends from the cause of inflammation, size of formations and characteristics of the body.

If recovery does not occur even after a long period of time, a doctor laser therapy is prescribed. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to surgery, which is performed under anesthesia. It is very important to start fighting the disease at the initial stage.


Preventive measures include:

Parents should give their child maximum attention. If neoplasms are noticed on the neck, it is necessary immediately seek help from a specialist. You should not self-medicate, as there is a high risk of complications.

When treating a cold, you must follow all doctor's recommendations. Then the baby will recover faster, the lymph nodes will not become inflamed.

Lymph nodes are the basic components of the human lymphatic system, the main task of which is to produce immune cells.

These cells suppress viruses and other negative factors that penetrate the body from the environment.

Let us consider in more detail the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck and methods for eliminating this disease.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck or lymphadenitis develops for the following reasons:

1. Infectious diseases are the most common cause of lymphadenitis in children. In this case, most often such diseases are acute viral or respiratory diseases (influenza, sore throat, rubella, stomatitis, mumps, chickenpox and others).

2. Mechanical damage to the pharynx.

3. Burn of the pharynx.

4. Development of a tumor in the lymphatic tissue.

5. Hypothermia.

6. Acute vitamin deficiency.

7. Prolonged nervous overstrain and stress in a child.

8. Anemia.

9. A cut or other damage to the soft tissue on the neck, through which germs can enter and cause inflammation.

10. General decrease in immunity and weakening of the body after a long-term illness.

11. Deterioration of metabolism.

12. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

13. Inflammation of the adenoids.

14. Caries.

15. Tonsillitis or sinusitis.

16. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck as a result of an allergic reaction that has developed to household chemicals, food or odors.

17. Enlarged lymph nodes as a reaction of the child’s body to a recent vaccination.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in a child

Typically, inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child’s neck has the following symptoms:

1. At first, as soon as the disease is still developing, the baby’s body gradually loses strength. The child becomes lethargic and apathetic. Loses appetite.

2. As inflammation develops, the baby’s temperature rises. Headaches may also appear.

3. Development of a feverish state and sleep disturbance.

4. Pain when swallowing and palpating the area where the lymph nodes are located in the neck.

5. Redness of the skin over the inflamed nodes and the appearance of swelling in the neck area.

6. General deterioration in the child’s well-being.

7. Compaction of the area of ​​inflamed nodes.

8. Malaise (possible rash on the body).

9. The appearance of purulent discharge from the larynx is possible with sore throat and purulent lymphadenitis.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child: diagnosis and treatment

In order to identify the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes and begin proper treatment, you should conduct a professional medical diagnosis. To do this, you need to take the following tests and undergo examinations:

1. General blood and urine analysis.

2. Examination by a therapist.

3. Examination of a piece of the lymph node (the procedure is painless and is done under local anesthesia).

4. Examination of the inflamed lymph node by inserting a special needle into it, through which its contents are sucked out. This procedure makes it possible to identify the root cause of inflammation of the lymph node.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in children has the following treatment features:

1. A small patient must be kept in bed.

2. The child should be given a lot of warm liquid and combined vitamin preparations to strengthen the immune system (only as prescribed by the attending physician).

3. You should adjust your diet and fill the menu with fresh fruits, vegetables and juices from them in order to enrich the body with useful substances.

4. If the disease is caused by viruses or pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, then the child is prescribed antibiotics. They will relieve acute inflammation and suppress infection activity. The duration of such therapy should be determined by the attending physician. Treatment usually lasts from five to ten days.

5. To maintain microflora, which may be disrupted when taking antibiotics, bifidobacteria and drugs to improve digestion (Linex, Hilak Forte) are prescribed.

6. If the disease does not progress with fever, the baby may be prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment (laser radiation, phonophoresis, UHF therapy).

7. If a child’s lymphadenitis is severely advanced and pus begins to collect in the area of ​​the nodes, then in this case the baby may be prescribed surgical treatment or the installation of special tubes (drainages) through which the pus will be removed.

It's important to know that inflammation of the lymph nodes is a rather specific condition, which, in the absence of timely treatment or incorrect diagnosis, can cause serious complications. For this reason, parents need to know that during therapy they cannot:

1. You cannot give your child medications without a doctor’s prescription.

2. Do not apply iodine mesh to the area of ​​inflamed lymph nodes.

3. You should not warm your throat or apply hot or cold compresses to your neck, as this will further increase inflammation.

4. Do not rub the area of ​​inflammation with alcohol or other warming liquids.

5. You cannot give your child hot teas (the liquid should be slightly warm).

The best decision if you suspect inflammation of the lymph nodes in your baby is to consult a therapist as soon as possible. After the initial examination, the doctor will decide what needs to be done and prescribe a list of necessary tests.

When you see a therapist, you need to be prepared for the following questions:

1. When was the child’s last vaccination and against what?

2. What is the nature of pain in the lymph nodes?

3. Does the baby’s throat pain get worse?

4. Have you had any recent bacterial or viral diseases?

5. How often does a child get flu and colds?

Having learned the answers to the above questions, it will be easier for the doctor to draw up a clinical picture of the baby’s health condition.

Most often, the problem of lymphadenitis in the neck affects children aged 5-8 years. This is due to the fact that during this period of life, children have not yet fully formed the immune system and the body’s defense system, so they are more susceptible to various diseases than an adult.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child: treatment, prevention, prognosis

In the absence of acute symptoms, you can practice alternative treatment for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in children. Of course, such remedies will not be able to completely cure the baby, but they can relieve some of the inflammation and pain. The best recipes in this area are:

1. Echinacea remedy is considered one of the most effective folk antiseptics that help get rid of germs when lymph nodes are swollen. To prepare it, you need to mix ten drops of echinacea tincture with 50 ml of warm water. Take this medicine three times a day.

2. Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, calendula and mint three times a day.

3. Eat a spoonful of honey every day, washing it down with warm milk. Honey will not only relieve inflammation, but also strengthen the immune system.

4. Soda remedy. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt in a glass of boiling water. Cool slightly and gargle three times a day. It will help relieve pain, eliminate germs and reduce inflammation.

5. Aloe remedy. To prepare it, you need to cut the aloe leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. The prepared liquid should be taken one teaspoon twice a day. Before giving this juice to your child, it is recommended to make sure that the baby is not allergic to this plant.

6. Apply a jadeite stone to the inflamed lymph node. It is distinguished by its healing properties and will help relieve swelling and inflammation.

7. Do a light massage with essential oils. To do this, you can use lavender oil, peach oil or regular olive oil. In this case, movements should be smooth and directed along the neck from top to bottom.

It's important to know that before using any traditional methods for treating inflamed lymph nodes in children, you should consult with your doctor in order to avoid harming the baby.

To prevent the appearance of lymphadenitis in a child, you should adhere to the following rules of prevention:

1. Temper the child.

2. Support the baby's immune system. To do this, he must eat well, avoid stress and exercise.

3. Make sure that the child regularly walks in the fresh air.

4. Eliminate the possibility of drafts or hypothermia.

5. Treat infectious or viral diseases in a timely manner.

6. Give your child vitamin complexes every season.

7. Visit the dentist on time.

8. Treat even minor abrasions and scratches in the neck area with antiseptic solutions, through which germs can penetrate and cause inflammation.

9. Monitor oral hygiene.

The prognosis for lymphadenitis in children is in most cases favorable, especially if the disease was detected in time and treatment was started. Otherwise, inflammation of the lymph nodes can lead to dangerous complications that are associated with the addition of a bacterial infection, exacerbation of existing diseases and the development of phlegmon.

More severe consequences of inflamed lymph nodes include the development of severe intoxication of the body, abscess and sepsis. In this case, a purulent process in the area of ​​the lymph nodes will require urgent surgical intervention, installation of drains and long-term antibacterial therapy.

Moreover, if inflammation of the lymph nodes is started or not treated at all, then pus will begin to collect on the child’s neck and over time it will break through and penetrate the tissue. This threatens blood poisoning, a general deterioration in the body’s condition and the appearance of severe intoxication.

Often with the birth of a child, parents learn about the insidiousness of lymphadenopathy (enlargement or inflammation of the lymph nodes). This pathology is often not a separate disease that requires special treatment: it is a signal from the body about disturbances in its functioning. Lymph acts as a protective barrier, because it produces immune cells (white blood cells) that can destroy pathogens. If the lymph nodes in a child’s neck are inflamed or swollen, it is important to detect the inflammatory process and completely cure the disease.

What are lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are peculiar filters of the body in which various toxins and other dangerous substances settle. They are scattered throughout the body, located near large blood vessels and major organs. In children, lymph nodes are round and oval in shape; in normal condition, their diameter does not exceed 5 mm. As a result of a malfunction of the body, the nodes may increase in size, which indicates the development of pathology and the onset of a serious inflammatory process.

The localization of an enlarged lymph node indicates a malfunction of a particular organ. In the neck area in children, there are several groups of nodes:

  • submandibular (under the jaw, in front of the neck);
  • submental (directly under the chin, in front of the neck);
  • supraclavicular;
  • posterior cervical;
  • occipital

Why does a child have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck?

The causes of enlarged lymph nodes are very varied. This pathology often appears as a result of an infectious disease, but can arise as a manifestation of general intoxication of the body. Localized (1 group of lymph nodes is affected), regional (2 groups of nodes) and generalized lymphadenopathy are divided. The enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck in children does not require special treatment. In children under 3 years of age, a slight increase is considered normal, because at this age babies put everything they see into their mouths.

The occurrence of generalized lymphadenopathy (inflammation of several groups of nodes at once) in a child has several causes that require special attention when diagnosing the disease:

  • infectious diseases (viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis);
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • metastases of a malignant tumor;
  • autoimmune diseases (lupus);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • influence of drugs.

What is the danger

In childhood, enlarged lymph nodes can be a structural feature of the body or a sign of reduced immunity after suffering a cold infectious disease (in cases where the lymph node is no more than 1 cm in diameter and does not cause pain). Parents need to sound the alarm if a “pea” larger than 1.5 cm in size appears on the child’s neck, which does not move well, causes pain, is dense to the touch, or does not decrease within a month. Severe enlargement of the lymph nodes can lead to compression of the esophagus and respiratory tract.

Even if a child has an inflamed lymph node in the neck, you should not start treatment without consulting a doctor. Some actions can greatly aggravate the situation and lead to complications:

  • Do not smear lymph nodes with alcohol-containing solutions:
  • It is forbidden to warm the lymph nodes or rub them;
  • massage of the lymph node can provoke its enlargement and accelerate rupture with the release of pus.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child

With reduced immunity, the body may not be able to cope with the pathogen, and then there is a risk of inflammation of the nodes or the development of a purulent process. If the skin in the area of ​​the node is red, swollen and causes pain when touched, this is an accurate sign of the onset of the inflammatory process. Inflammation can be primary (the pathogen enters the lymph system through wounds and cuts, bypassing other organs) or secondary (then such a pathology indicates the development of a serious infection, which stimulates the production and accumulation of a large number of immune cells in the lymph nodes).


Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck in children always have a specific cause, without identifying and eliminating which it will not be possible to reduce the node to normal size. In the baby’s body, the location of inflammation indicates problems in certain organs (for example, lymphadenitis of the cervical nodes indicates problems in the oral cavity, bronchi, pharynx or nose). The body's lymphatic system is built in such a way that, passing through all organs and tissues to the back of the head, the lymph nodes serve as reliable protection against infection and tumor development.

The causes of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in a child are varied. Among them are seemingly harmless ailments, the incorrect or untimely treatment of which can be accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes and cause an inflammatory process in them:

  • infectious colds (ARVI, influenza);
  • cat scratch disease (the introduction of pathogenic bacteria from cat saliva into the body through a bite or scratch);
  • mononucleosis (large elastic nodes that appear against the background of sore throat symptoms);
  • vaccination;
  • diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis), often the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • dental problems (caries).


In acute cases, lymphadenitis is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of acute viral infections. The child feels general malaise, weakness, and there are other signs of general intoxication. The temperature rises sharply (up to 39 degrees), palpation of the node causes pain. When trying to treat enlarged nodes without an integrated approach, short-term remission and rapid resumption of the development of the disease may occur. If the enlarged “pea” on the neck does not cause pain, the temperature rises slightly - this is a chronic form of cervical lymphadenitis.


An enlarged node can be easily palpated even in infants; such pathology may be the result of a previous illness and indicates the presence of infection in the lymph. Particular attention should be paid to the signs of lymphadenitis in the acute stage - red, hot to the touch skin, painful sensations on palpation, or if the lymph nodes are fused with surrounding tissues. In addition to palpation, blood tests, ultrasound, x-rays and the Mantoux test are used in diagnosis. Sometimes doctors prescribe a puncture of the lymph nodes followed by examination of the collected material.


Lymph nodes in a child’s neck are a signal to examine the body. When the cause of the disease is found, the doctor will be able to prescribe medication treatment in combination with physiotherapeutic methods and folk remedies. With the right treatment, inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes will go away within a month, without special treatment. In advanced situations (purulent lymphadenitis) or for cancer, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Antibiotics are often prescribed that can immediately affect the development and reproduction of several types of harmful bacteria. When treating lymphadenopathy, the following drugs and procedures are used:

  • antibiotic therapy to eliminate the cause of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes - Cefuroxime, Amoxiclav;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs – Prednisolone, Medrol;
  • taking immunostimulants;
  • consumption of multivitamins, vitamin C;
  • using probiotics or prebiotics for gut support;
  • taking antihistamines;
  • UHF therapy (exclusively as prescribed by a doctor)



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