Seven main virtues of TV stars. Creativity - what is it in psychology

Creativity(from Latin creatio - creation) - the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to produce fundamentally new ideas and included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor. According to P. Torrance, creativity includes increased sensitivity to problems, to the deficit or inconsistency of knowledge, actions to identify these problems, to find solutions based on hypotheses, to test and change hypotheses, to formulate the result of a solution. To assess creativity, various tests of divergent thinking, personality questionnaires, and performance analysis are used. Learning situations that are open-ended or open to the integration of new elements can be used to promote creative thinking, and students are encouraged to ask many questions.

The age of 3-5 years is the most sensitive for the development of creative abilities, and at 6 years a decline is already observed. The decline in creative manifestations by the age of 6, with the intensification of intellectual activity, is considered a consequence of the decreasing role of the unconscious in the regulation of behavior and the increasing properties of criticality and rationality in the child’s mind.

Creativity is a property that is actualized only when the environment allows it; It is important for the child that the environment contains examples of creative behavior, its results and subject-information enrichment. For the formation of creativity, a certain (optimal) level of socialization is required, which involves mastering basic communication skills, but at the same time, a minimal representation of behavioral stereotypes (five-year-old children). The formation of creativity as a personal characteristic in ontogenesis manifests itself first at the motivational-personal level, then at the productive (behavioral) level. As a result of enormous work, creativity researchers have found that it manifests itself unevenly, with an interval of four years (5, 9, 13, 17 years).

Process creativity development goes through at least two phases:
1) development of “primary” creativity as a general creative ability, unspecialized in relation to a specific area of ​​human activity. Sensitive period (3-5 years). At this time, imitation of a significant adult as a creative model is perhaps the main mechanism for the formation of creativity;
2) adolescence and youth (13 to 20). During this period, on the basis of “general” creativity, “specialized” creativity is formed: the ability to create, associated with a specific field of activity, as its complement and alternative.

The second phase ends with the denial of one’s own imitative production and a negative attitude towards the former ideal. The INDIVIDUAL either lingers in the imitation phase forever, or moves on to original creativity.

Creativity is more than intelligence, determined by environmental factors. Creators and intellectuals are not born. It all depends on what opportunities the environment will provide to realize the potential that is inherent in each of us to varying degrees. First of all, this ability is influenced, of course, by communication with adults who have developed abilities, while communication with low-intellectual people leads to the opposite result. It is interesting that unfavorable general factors can also lead to the development of creativity, for example, discord in family relationships: the need to communicate with parents who do not get along with each other requires remarkable manifestations of intelligence, including creativity. This explains why in unfavorable families there are surprisingly developed children. There is no doubt that in such cases the genotype of the child is very important.

Most psychologists agree that creativity is the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate in thinking from traditional patterns, and quickly resolve problematic situations; creativity covers a certain set of mental and personal qualities necessary for the development of the ability to create.

Today, many approaches have been developed to determine the nature of creativity. Therefore, it is impossible to provide a single generalizing definition that would satisfy all researchers.

Creativity often seen as something contrary to the ordinary, involving non-standard approaches. Charles Spearman believed that this is “the power of the human mind, creating new content by changing and creating new connections.” W. Simpson defined creativity as “the ability to destroy the generally accepted, usual order of ideas in the process of thinking.”

According to E. Torrance, creativity is not a special, but a general ability, which is based on a constellation of general intelligence, personal characteristics and the ability to think productively.

J. Guilford Highlighted main parameters of creativity:
1) fluency - the ability to generate a large number of ideas for a certain unit of time;
2) flexibility - the ability to apply a variety of strategies when solving problems, switch from one idea to another;
3) originality - the ability to produce unusual, non-standard ideas that differ from generally accepted ones;
4) elaboration - the ability to develop in detail the ideas that have arisen;

There are psychological tools for measuring creative thinking; The most famous in world psychological practice is the E. Torrance test. This test allows you to evaluate:
- verbal creativity;
- imaginative creativity;
- individual creative abilities: fluency, flexibility, originality, the ability to see the essence of the problem, the ability to resist stereotypes

According to E. Torrence, creativity includes increased sensitivity to problems, to the deficit or inconsistency of knowledge, actions to identify these problems, search for their solutions based on hypotheses, test and change hypotheses, and formulate the result of the solution. To assess creativity, various tests of divergent thinking, personality questionnaires, performance analysis are used. In order to promote the development of creative thinking, learning situations that are characterized by incompleteness or openness to the integration of new elements can be used, while students are encouraged to formulate a variety of questions.

Expert and experimental assessments of a person’s ability to produce knowledge show that his creative abilities are not very great. By involving all employees in the continuous improvement of the organization (Kaizen method), the creativity of the organization increases dramatically.

Creativity is not a craft where you have to justify your salary;

This is a craft where your salary justifies you.

From the movie "99 Francs"

Creativity as a personality quality is the ability to effectively engage in creative, creative, innovative activities; generate new ideas, go beyond stereotypes, find new, optimal ways to solve problems, be distinguished by a constructive way of thinking that brings practical benefits in various types of activities.

What is your name? - Basil. - Do you have children? - Yes, son Vasily and daughter Vasilisa! - Are there any animals at home? - Vaska the cat! - Unfortunately, we cannot accept you for the position of creative manager...

The teacher called his students “creative teenagers.” But they didn’t understand that the term needed to be made into an abbreviation.

Creativity (Creative approach) as a personality quality is the ability to create qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​that are valuable to people. Unlike creativity, which tends more toward art and aesthetics, creativity is entirely aimed at the area of ​​utilitarian, practical application. These two qualities of a human personality can manifest themselves simultaneously, but do not have to be in combination, and do not stem from one another.

A modern practitioner-innovator needs to show creativity - the ability, on the basis of acquired knowledge, skills and experience, to generate new ideas and methods that optimize the work process or create a unique product. The bearer of creativity is decisive, he is always ready to consciously take risks, he is quick-witted, has a reactive brain, a broad outlook and is capable of deep thinking.

Steve Jobs writes: “Creativity is simply making connections between things. When creative people are asked how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't actually do anything, but just noticed it. This becomes clear to them over time. They were able to connect different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new. This happens because they have experienced and seen more than others, or because they think about it more." .

A creative person is, first of all, responsible and committed. R. Warren writes: “ « People are ready to take responsibility. When they are trusted, they flourish and begin to grow. But if you treat them like inept babies, you will have to change their diapers and spoon feed them for the rest of their lives. When authority goes hand in hand with responsibility, people will begin to show amazing creativity. People are always as creative as their structure allows them to be."

What exactly is creativity? By what signs can you pick out a creative person from the crowd? According to psychologists, this is:

  • Creative people are brave people. They are not afraid to try new things.
  • Intuition is no less important a decision-making tool for them than logic.
  • Creative people have a great sense of humor.
  • Creative people are those who share their thoughts and ideas with others.
  • They easily understand the most intricate interweaving of information. Creative people subject the information received to critical reflection and never follow the crowd's lead.
  • They are interested in the process itself, and not just the result.
  • They love to learn new things and look for answers to the most difficult questions. The more difficult the task, the more willingly a creative, creative person will take on it.
  • Creative people are always in search of: solutions, answers, knowledge and ideas.
  • Creative people are excellent teachers. They easily explain things that are difficult to understand to others, trace connections between existing material and create new things from it.
  • A creative person does not tolerate boundaries or boundaries. He constantly expands his horizons, tries on new points of view.
  • Creative people are innovators. They are interested in testing new ideas and find themselves competitive in the future.

Writer Oleg Olgin notes in the context of creativity: “Take it and awaken your creativity! By the way! What is creativity? “Creativity,” Mitrich continued, in the now pathetic tone of a real lecturer, “is in Latin – creatio, creation.” These are the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to produce fundamentally new ideas and included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor.

Well, if we put it simply, in our own way: - then this is ingenuity! This is the ability to achieve a goal, finding a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation! Find a way out in an unusual way... Creativity is a witty solution to any problem!

Yes! It's not easy to be creative! To do this, you will have to leave the cozy zone of your everyday comfort! What, are you afraid that you might not be able to cope? Good! After all, failure is not a noun! It's an adjective! An adjective to your success! Failure is the path to success! And the reverse effect of failure will help you develop your creativity! But you shouldn’t rush to extremes! Just experiment with a set of skills you have already acquired!”

What is creativity for? This personality quality is in demand by life to optimize human productive activity, for a qualitative leap forward. In science and manufacturing, creativity is needed to invent advanced technologies. Creativity makes our life more colorful, interesting and comfortable.

A short story about creativity. My friend, let’s call him Sergei, once went into the waiting room of his native bank to withdraw some money from the ATM. I received the check and noticed the curious amount of the account balance: the first number (which he did not tell me), three zeros and Seryoga’s car number. Not a shameful amount, although I guess that this is not the only account he has.

After admiring the number, Sergei threw the check into the ballot box and left. While I was smoking at the exit, I saw through the glass that some young man of quite decent appearance, not a homeless person, was rummaging through the trash can. I thought that the guy accidentally threw away the required check, but then I noticed that he had already put a couple of checks in his pocket, but continued to rummage. Sergei, as a creative person and a lover of logical riddles, thought about what benefit could be derived from someone else’s used check, but came up with nothing.

A week later, having long forgotten about this incident, Seryoga saw that his student daughter was washing her neck under a large neckline, in other words, she was getting ready to go somewhere in full dress. When asked directly where she was soaping up, her daughter answered: “To a restaurant with Vadik.” - What is Vadik, why don’t I know? - Yes, I met him myself the other day. Just imagine, he came up right on the street. - Hit the neck. Another pantsless bastard. They see from your clothes that you have rich parents, so they stick to honey like flies. - No, Vadik is not like that. He himself has plenty of money. - How do you know? Did he tell you that himself? Believe more. Or is his iPhone gold? So I guess it was bought on credit. - No, dad, he wasn't bragging. He is generally very modest. But look at what he wrote down his phone number for me! Sergei turned over the piece of paper with the phone number and saw a receipt from an ATM with a very substantial balance. With a very familiar amount ending with Seryoga’s car number. “Well, well,” he drawled. – We’ve seen such Vadikov. Thin, shaggy, looks like this artist, what’s his name? Korch, Borch? Who played Holmes. - Benedict Cumberbatch? Really similar. Pa, how do you know? - Elementary Watson. I'll tell you more. Your Holmes doesn't have a ton of money, but he has even more wits than he needs. Swindler, what kind to look for. Okay, go and take a closer look at who Vadik is. We need creative people in our family.

Creative or imaginative thinking is a type of thinking characterized by the emergence of completely new, unique and original ideas. The creative process is impossible without the ability to think creatively.

The word “creativity” is used not only to denote creative thinking, but also as a characteristic of the personality of a creative person.

A person is a creative producer, the creator of his own destiny. Not a single living creature on Earth, except humans, can mentally imagine the image of an idea, imagine, and then bring it to life.

Children always think creatively, imaginatively, dream a lot, fantasize and imagine. In the process of education and training, the ability to think logically and be guided by logic in behavior, strictly within certain limits, develops. Creativity is often suppressed and even prohibited.

Creative thinking involves well-developed perception, imagination and memory. These mental cognitive processes determine the ability to think creatively.

A person who has been given talent or extraordinary ability for something from birth is able to generate a large number of original ideas in a fairly short period of time. But even if a person is not born with the ability to think creatively, it can be learned.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creative thinking and creative abilities, and the left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. If a person has a dominant right hemisphere, he can think imaginatively and generate creative ideas. If the left hemisphere is dominant, creativity will most likely have to be developed in order to be a more harmonious person.

Exercises to develop creativity

Every person is capable of developing creative thinking. The ability to perceive life creatively has a beneficial effect on performance, professional success, improves personal life, promotes quick resolution of conflicts, and is the key to personal growth.

Creative thinking develops if:

  • develop perception, attention, imagination, memory;
  • engage in creativity;
  • load the right hemisphere of the brain with work.

There are also many special exercises that develop creativity.

Exercises that develop creativity:

  1. Exercise “5+5”. Come up with any word (noun) and write five adjectives that describe it. Now you need to come up with five other adjectives that, on the contrary, should not fit the chosen noun in any way.
  2. Exercise "Mad House". Choose ten random words (nouns). Now you need to imagine yourself as an architect who was ordered to create a house project that would include all the characteristics of ten objects (one characteristic is selected for each object). These objects are words invented at the beginning of the exercise. Draw your masterpiece on paper.
  3. Exercise "Clip Maker". While listening to music, a song, or simply listening to the sounds around you, imagine yourself as a music video director, that is, come up with a clip as the song plays. The pictures that appear in the imagination should not be logically designed, but based on momentarily arising associations and emotions.

To develop the ability to think creatively, you need to learn every day to see the new in the familiar old, to be ready and open to the unexpected, attentive and inquisitive.

Do you consider yourself a creative person?


We are waiting for your assessment

Creativity is one of the most sought-after personality traits in the modern world. The presence of this quality is welcomed among young professionals; hopes for success and a career are associated with it. Creativity is required in business, in school, and in any field of professional activity.

However, constantly using this concept, people often vaguely understand its meaning, knowing only that creativity is somehow connected with. Let's understand this phenomenon and the possibilities of its development.

This phenomenon is mental, and psychology has been studying it successfully for a long time. Let's start with the fact that the concept of “creativity” can be literally translated by the somewhat clumsy Russian word “creativity”. But creativity, although related to creativity, is not synonymous with it.

Creativity is usually understood as a special type of activity aimed at creating something new: new things, ideas, methods of activity, etc. The term “creativity” was introduced by the famous psychologist and creativity researcher J. Guilford in the 50s of the 20th century. He united under this concept qualities that provide a person with the opportunity to create something new, original, and non-standard.

Creativity and creativity: what is their difference

In short, creativity is a special type, and creativity is related to this activity. Moreover, not only a certain internal potential and willingness to create, but also a set of mental qualities that ensure external activity, purposefulness, determination in creative activity.

Therefore, not all people with a high level of creativity can be classified as creative, but only those who are active enough to bring their ideas to life, organize and lead projects, and defend their point of view.

Creativity includes not only personality traits related directly to the creative process, but also such features that provide a person with a high level of activity:, and.

Creativity and Intelligence

For a long time it was (and is still considered) the most important quality of a professional. As an ability for mental activity, it is necessary in any field, but it is not enough for success, and even more so for creativity. For quite a long time, intelligence quotient (IQ) was the determining factor when hiring a specialist. Having a high IQ was prestigious, and it opened up wide opportunities for a person.

But by the 50s of the last century, it became clear that in those areas that require a creative approach, intellectual specialists are not always effective. Psychologists J. Guilford and E. Torrance (USA) conducted large-scale long-term studies that demonstrated that, it turns out, the ability to be creative is not directly related to the level of intelligence. And often people with a high IQ (more than 150%) turned out to be too rational for creativity, too pragmatic, calculating and... logical. But a low level of intelligence - less than 100% - also did not contribute to creativity.

To establish criteria for creativity and the connection of this quality with intelligence, J. Guilford and E. Torrance developed special tests that determine the level of creative activity and introduced the concept of “creativity quotient” (Cr), similar to IQ. As studies have shown, in which more than 150 thousand people took part, the most optimal level for creativity is a level of intelligence slightly above average. But a prerequisite for creativity is a person’s tendency to a special type of thinking, which J. Guilford called multidirectional.

Structure of creativity

Like any other ability, creativity is a combination of personality traits. We can distinguish three groups of individual psychological characteristics that ensure success in creative activity: cognitive, emotional and volitional.

Cognitive component

Cognito is translated from Latin as “cognition,” and cognitive abilities are associated with the development of cognitive processes, which occupy a major place in the structure of creativity. These primarily include a special type of thinking characteristic of creative people.

Creative thinking

J. Guilford called the thinking underlying creative abilities divergent (directed in different directions), E. de Bono - lateral (lateral) or unconventional, T. Buzan - radiant. Despite the difference in terms, the essence of this type of thinking is the same - it is non-linear, in contrast to unidirectional, strict and ordered logical.

Creative thinking is also distinguished by a number of features that allow people who possess it to make non-standard decisions and generate original ideas.

  • Originality is not just the ability to find new solutions and create new images, but also the need for this, as well as the spontaneity of out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Divergence is the ability to see different options for the development of events and ways to solve problems.
  • Flexibility is the ability to switch from one problem to another, look for answers in different areas of knowledge, thereby making the thought process more effective.
  • Speed ​​– high speed of thinking and mental reactions in general.
  • Associativity is the ability to create associations between various blocks of information and areas of knowledge, to include unexpectedly emerging images and ideas into the thought process.
  • Imagery – the predominance and development of imaginative thinking; in creativity it is not logical concepts that dominate, but images; it is in this form that new ideas arise.

The combination of these qualities creates a completely special type of thinking that is inherent in creatives. It seems strange and illogical, but it is effective when there is a complex problem that requires a creative approach. This is why creative people often find it difficult to solve intelligence test tasks, since these tasks require one, only correct solution. A creative person sees several solutions and is faced with the problem of choice.

Another important cognitive process in the structure of the cognitive component of creative abilities is. As a process of creating new images, it is considered the basis of creativity, its inner core. Imagination allows a person to combine elements of his experience, creating completely new designs endowed with original properties and qualities. No type of creative activity is possible without a well-developed imagination.

Perception, attention and memory

Other cognitive processes also play an important role because they ensure the acquisition and retention of information - the necessary material for creativity. We can even talk about a special type of creativity, which allows a creative person to see in the world around him what people with a low level of creativity do not notice.

In psychology there is such a thing as sensitivity, that is, sensitivity to external stimuli or influences. A high level of sensitivity is part of creativity. Creatives are able to feel the smallest changes in the world around them - they see many shades of color, hear the nuances of sounds, and notice changes in the mood of the people around them. Creative people are open to any new knowledge coming from the outside world or born from their own thinking. Such sensitivity is largely innate and is associated with the peculiarities of the processes of higher nervous activity. But if desired, sensitivity can be developed if you know what and how to develop.

Emotional component

Creativity is not limited to the cognitive sphere. Creativity is not only creative thinking, a special perception of the world and a developed imagination. Cognitive processes create potential, an opportunity for creativity, but whether a person will achieve success in some type of creative activity largely depends on his emotional and qualities.

From the point of view of the emotional sphere, creative people are distinguished by the following individual characteristics:

  • high emotional tone and positive attitude;
  • brightness and strength of emotions, which allows us to talk about creatives as people with burning hearts;
  • peace and yourself in this world, which in turn determines high self-esteem;
  • the ability to use creative activity as a “cure” for bad mood, blues and lack of energy;
  • active life position, intransigence in defending one’s point of view, perseverance and even stubbornness.

Strong emotions support a high level of activity of creative individuals, allow them to stand out from the crowd, make their life bright, lively, and varied. But on the other hand, constant high activity and intensity of emotions create the danger of “”, overload of the nervous system and a kind of rollback, which is often expressed in and even. This, alas, happens to creative individuals if they do not have the ability to relieve emotional stress.

The development of volitional qualities, which play a significant role in the regulation of creative activity, is also very important.

Volitional component

The volitional qualities of a person perform two functions in the structure of creativity: stimulating and inhibiting. Incentive is manifested in maintaining activity, which is necessary for the implementation of a creative plan. It is not enough to find an original solution, you also need to implement it.

No matter how “masterpiece” the idea of ​​an artist or sculptor may be, it will become a work of art only as a result of the hard work of the creator. A brilliant book is born in the head, but it will become available to readers only after many days and nights of hard work, after the writer proves to the publisher the need to publish his masterpiece and the book is edited, laid out, and the edition is printed. No matter how important an invention is, it will not become a reality and will not be available to people if the scientist or designer does not put effort into it.

No one will ever know how many great inventions and brilliant works of art remained “on the couch” without becoming a reality, because their creator was too lazy for this.

To intensify productive activity aimed at realizing a plan, strong-willed qualities are needed:

  • independence;
  • initiative;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • perseverance;
  • persistence.

The ability and desire to achieve success, despite the difficulties, distrust and skepticism of others - this is what distinguishes creatives and without which productive creative activity is impossible. After all, creativity is the creation of something new, and something new is always perceived with distrust. This is the conservative nature of society, and this conservatism and inertia are completely justified, since new things are not always safe.

Development of creativity

The issue of development was not considered at all for a long time, since these abilities were considered a special gift, innate or given by God. And indeed, due to the characteristics of the psyche, there are people who are more predisposed to creativity. However, psychologists have now proven that creativity, to one degree or another, is inherent in all people. We can say that the ability to be creative is one of the basic characteristics of humans as a species. And it is precisely this that ensures the progressive development of civilization.

But still, everyone’s creative potential is different, and not everyone found themselves in favorable conditions in childhood for its realization. Therefore, the development of creativity is a rather pressing problem.

Since the mid-20th century, psychology has been actively developing methods for developing creative abilities. Most trainings are aimed at developing creative thinking, developing imagination and the ability to find original solutions.

The non-standard, unconventional nature of creative thinking also determined the originality of exercises for its development, which often resemble games. I will introduce you to several similar exercises. When starting to implement them, remember that creativity lies beyond the boundaries of strict classical logic. The purpose of these exercises is to free our thoughts, to direct them away from the beaten path of everyday life.

Exercise “Seeing the unusual”

This exercise can be done at home on the couch, at the computer, on the way to work and in a free moment in the office - anywhere. Look around. At first glance, you are surrounded by familiar things, familiar people and ordinary interior details. And on the second or third?

Concentrate, look more carefully and be sure to notice something unusual or interesting. Here on the desktop, carelessly thrown pens and pencils formed into some kind of letter, sign, rune. What does it mean, do you think? But an autumn leaf floats across a puddle. Where is he going, what adventures await him?

Do you think that nothing unusual is happening around you? In vain. Let go of your thoughts, locked in the cage of the rational, give freedom to your imagination, take a closer look - and you will definitely see a lot of amazing things.

Exercise "Designer"

Imagine that you need to decorate the interior of your apartment in an original way. Where to get ideas? They are literally scattered around us, we just need to let our thoughts go free, get off the beaten and boring path of logical thinking.

Choose a few very ordinary items, for example, a lemon, a pencil, a pine twig, a mobile phone. Now isolate their properties from these objects - color, material, smell, functions, etc. Then think about how these properties can be used in interior design.

For example, the walls of a nursery can be painted lemon yellow, and the living room can be painted pine green. Make the kitchen wall panels wooden and ribbed, like a pencil shirt, and place a touch panel in the living room, with which you can adjust the lighting and turn on music (mobile phone). Think about what other properties of these items can be used, or choose other items.

Exercise “Favorite melody”

I think we all have music that we like, that we listen to in moments of sadness or joy. Remember this melody and describe it. The easiest way to describe music is in the language of emotions, because it conveys the mood in its purest form. There are cheerful and sad melodies, cheerful and calm.

But we want to develop non-standard thinking, so we will describe the melody in a different language. For example, tell me what color your favorite melody is. There are probably many shades in it. What are they? How they merge and intertwine, creating a canvas of color. Canvas... What material is your melody made from? Perhaps this is spring grass and trickles of melt water? Or the gray roadbed leading to a fairyland? Or multi-colored New Year's tinsel?

Don’t be afraid to fantasize, fantasy frees our thinking, allows us to see the world wider, more diverse, more enchanting.

Try these exercises, and then come up with your own, and you will understand that developing creativity is not only useful, but also a very exciting activity that allows you to relax, take a break from the daily routine and too rational affairs.

If job vacancies are to be believed, creative people are welcomed with open arms everywhere. The doors are “open” for them to work or collaborate. But, oddly enough, employers have the greatest distrust of this criterion in a resume. It turns out that they themselves don’t know what creative means? Why demand from applicants something that you doubt? How to recognize creative inclinations? How to understand that we have a creative person in front of us?

What is a creative person?

A creative person is a person who is capable of accepting creative ideas thanks to developed creative thinking. Don’t think that such a person is “from another planet.” It won't necessarily look defiant. It is not always that the decorated punk, from whom children run away screaming and old women cross themselves, turns out to be a creative person. Absolutely not. Creativity is expressed in actions and the ability to generate creative ideas - non-standard solutions.

Thanks to this skill, scientific discoveries are made, technological innovations appear, and works of art are created. But inventors are valuable not only on a planetary scale. A creative approach is also important at the everyday level, when solving non-standard situations in everyday life. This is relevant for people from post-Soviet republics, among whom, due to difficult socio-economic conditions, every second person is practically Kulibin. But, still, how to recognize that we have a creative person in front of us?

What does the word creative mean? We seem to have figured it out.. How to identify this quality in an interlocutor or potential employee? There are signs that are characteristic of creative individuals:

  • Disregard for stereotypes and rules;
  • Ability to fantasize;
  • Observation;
  • Lack of acceptance of routine;
  • The ability to see opportunities in unexpected directions;
  • Vulnerability to criticism;
  • Search for new emotions and impressions.

Using these criteria, it is quite easy to verify that the interlocutor has creative potential.

Creative human skills

Disregard for stereotypes and rules

What is creative? First of all, a creative person is a free thinker. Such a person will be a rebel or revolutionary at heart. He won’t necessarily be riding a tank to agitate against the authorities. No, revolutions are less bloody. For example, in a certain field of knowledge, direction of creativity, etc. A creative person will always go against the system, dogmas, routines. If the interlocutor is loyal to bureaucracy or multi-volume rules, then, most likely, he is not fully capable of creativity.

Ability to fantasize

An important feature of all creative individuals is the ability to invent their own worlds, closed to others. This does not mean that their fantasies are divorced from reality. Simply, because of the ability to abstract themselves, they can find unexpected solutions or draw inspiration, as if recharging their creative potential. In this, a creative person is very similar to a child. The ability to fantasize is an element of childhood that is useful to preserve into adulthood.


Non-standard ideas often come to observant people who tend to pay attention to detail. Thanks to this feature, creative individuals are able to pay attention to any trifle, which will ultimately become the key to solving a task. But their attentiveness is selective. This means that they sometimes do not notice obvious things, while focusing on what everyone else does not see.

Aversion to routine

A creative person, due to his creative nature, tolerates routine and dullness very poorly. Therefore, routine is the main enemy of non-standard ideas. If we are talking about a creative person, then such a person will not go head over heels in performing monotonous and monotonous tasks. More likely, he will take a day off, quit, or ask someone else for help.

The ability to see opportunities in unexpected directions

This skill can be considered a derivative of observation and the ability to fantasize. A creative person knows how to act outside the box in any situation. Where others face an insurmountable obstacle, a creative person will definitely figure out how to overcome it. Therefore, the presence of such an employee in the team almost always guarantees an abundance of original ideas and solutions.

Vulnerability to criticism

Every medal has its other side. Likewise, creativity has its drawbacks. For example, excessive vulnerability of creative people. Few of them are able to calmly endure criticism of their ideas or creations. A creative person can be offended even by constructive comments. This feature must be taken into account when communicating with such people, because one careless word can cause a real flurry of emotions and temporarily block the flow of creative ideas.

Search for new emotions and impressions

Creative people seek new emotions. This is one of the main reasons why they are so intolerant of routine. After all, routine does not give them the opportunity to be inspired to create another masterpiece. Therefore, if a person is creative, then he is most likely inclined to travel and original hobbies. Also, creative individuals are characterized by increased curiosity. They want to learn and try everything. They are also prone to various types of addiction, such as alcohol or gambling. Of course, not every creative person has a bad habit, but in any case, he has a source of inspiration.

We can conclude that a creative person is a reformer in the best sense of the word. Always goes against standards and rules. In this regard, he generates creative ideas from time to time. There is no universal formula for creativity. Everyone finds inspiration in their own way. The important result is a completely new solution that allows you to complete a specific task in an unusual way.



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