Recipes for soaked apples. How to deliciously soak apples at home? How to prepare soaked apples at home Recipe for soaking apples

In Rus', soaked apples were considered one of the most delicious winter preparations. Along with sauerkraut, pickles and mushrooms, apples were served both on the festive table and for everyday meals. Today, rarely does anyone wet their own apples, because they can be bought at the market. But if you have a cool basement, then try cooking this real delicacy. Wetting apples is not at all difficult.

Which apples are suitable for urination?

Only late varieties of apples with very dense pulp are suitable for harvesting. They behave best in barrels and jars: Titovka, Pepin, Antonovka, Anis. Choose apples that are the same size and completely whole. Not even the slightest crack or dent is allowed. Damaged apples at the point of impact will begin to rot and ruin the entire harvest.

It is better to take wooden containers for soaking - these are small barrels. If the house does not have a basement, then apples can be prepared in glass jars, but they will need to be kept in the refrigerator. You can also use ceramic barrels.

How to soak apples with salt and sugar

This recipe is the simplest because it uses the most common ingredients:

  • Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water. For 5 liters of liquid, take 60 grams of salt and sugar. Mix the brine well so that there are no grains left at the bottom.
  • Place whole apples in three-liter jars and layer them with any leaves (cherry, currant, mint, raspberry). Take 10 leaves for each jar.
  • Pour brine over the apples and cover the jars with nylon lids. Keep the apples at room temperature until the liquid becomes cloudy. Cloudiness indicates that the fermentation process has begun in the jars.
  • After the brine becomes cloudy, transfer the jars to the cold.
  • Keep the jars in the basement or refrigerator for at least a month and a half. This is exactly how long it takes for apples to soak up the brine and become sweet and sour with a pleasant yeasty flavor.

How to soak apples with honey

An old Russian recipe that our ancestors used. It is better to prepare these apples in wooden barrels - because of the smell of wood, they will be even tastier:

  • Make a filling of 10 liters of cold water, 150 g of coarse salt, 300 g of honey and 100 malt. The latter can be replaced with rye flour.
  • Fill a twenty-liter barrel with apples. Be sure to layer them with fresh cherry and blackcurrant leaves.
  • Fill the apples with liquid and cover with a wooden circle. Place a pressure on it (a jar of water or a cleanly washed stone).
  • First keep the barrel in that part of the basement where the temperature is between 15 and 18 degrees.
  • After two weeks, move the barrel to a colder room (10-12 degrees).

You can try apples after two to three months.

How to soak apples and cabbage

Apples go well with cabbage, especially if you take Antonovka. Cabbage takes on the aroma of these fruits, and cabbage makes apples very crunchy. So:

  • Shred 4 kg of winter cabbage.
  • Grate 3 large carrots.
  • Mix the vegetables and add 3 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Grind everything until the juice comes out.
  • Place the wet cabbage and carrots in a ceramic barrel and place medium-sized apples between them. Take about 3 kg of apples.
  • Place a weight on the cabbage - a flat plate with a jar filled with water.
  • Take the keg to a place where it is kept at room temperature.
  • After 3-4 days, check the fluid level. If the top layer is dry, then add a little brine (1 glass of water +1 tablespoon of salt +1 tablespoon of sugar).
  • After 2 weeks, move the barrel to a cooler place (balcony or basement).

Apples and cabbage will be ready in one month. This cabbage is best served as an appetizer and served with apples, cut into slices.

If you live in a village and have barley straw, then prepare soaked apples according to a real old recipe. How, see below.

Soaked apples are the most common type of preparation of this fruit. They are closed not only in their pure form, but also rowan berries, cabbage, honey, and straw are often added. Properly soaked fruits can be stored for up to six months, or even until the next harvest. Previously, soaking was done only in wooden barrels, but now delicious apples come out of glass containers.

For a recipe for soaked apples, small fruits are usually selected so that they are maximally saturated with the marinade. Late varieties of apples are considered the most suitable. They should be firm and well-ripened. If you have Antonovka, Titovka, Pepin or anise in your garden, do not miss the moment and be sure to soak the apples using any of the methods provided below.

Apples for urination must be strictly free of rotten and spoiled areas, otherwise the presence of such areas can ruin all the work.

Pickled apples in jars

For soaked apples in jars, you need to choose 10 kilograms of small ripe fruits. You will also need 200 grams of sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, subsequently diluted with 5 liters of water. The aroma of this potion will be given by leaves of fruit trees and shrubs in a bunch: currants, cherries, raspberries, lemon balm or.


If the fruits are of different sizes, then the larger ones should be placed at the bottom of the jar.

Pickled apples in a barrel

Apples soaked in a barrel have a distinctive taste than apples soaked in jars. To store in such a container you will need 5 kg of apples, more is possible, it all depends on the size of the barrel. Additional ingredients include 20 pieces of leaves, grapes and cherries, you can add straw, 200 grams of rye flour. For the marinade, prepare: 250 grams of sugar, 50 grams of salt, 5 liters of running water.


Instead of a wooden barrel, you can use an enameled metal one.

Soaked apples with cabbage

Soaked apples with cabbage will be infused in a regular saucepan, so for 3 kilograms of fruit you need to select an enamel bowl of the appropriate size. The dish will be complemented by 4 kg of cabbage and 3 pieces of medium-sized carrots. The marinade will consist of 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, soluble in 1 glass of water.


Pickled apples are an amazing product, for the preparation of which fresh apples are soaked in a composition consisting of water, salt and sugar with the addition of spices. In the recent past, many housewives made soaked apples, especially in rural areas. Over the years, the popularity of the dish has faded slightly. Despite this, some housewives still delight their families with this delicacy and know how to ferment apples at home for the winter.

The procedure for making pickled apples is similar to pickling. Apples contain lactic acid. At the end of the ferment, the structure of the substance changes, and alcohol is obtained from the acid. Thanks to natural preservation, fruits retain their benefits and taste. Let’s talk about preparing the treat by looking at the best step-by-step recipes.

Calorie content of pickled apples

The calorie content of pickled apples is 40-70 kcal per 100 grams. The final indicator is determined by the products used to prepare the marinade.

Pickled apples are famous for their pleasant taste, but this is not all the advantages of the preparation. Regular consumption of soaked apples brings great benefits to the body. The product has a low fat content, and the vitamin composition remains virtually unchanged during the soaking process.

Soaked apples saturate the body with ascorbic acid, biotin and B vitamins. The preparation also contains many useful minerals.

Pickled apples - a classic recipe for the winter

Autumn varieties of apples, characterized by a sweet and sour taste, are suitable for soaking. These include Antonovka, Anise, Pepin, from which we usually prepare charlotte. If you are going to ferment apples at home, use ripened fruits. After picking, leave the fruit in a warm place for a while, then use it to prepare it according to the classic recipe below.


  • Water – 1.5 liters.
  • Honey or sugar - 4 tablespoons.
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 1 handful.
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Cinnamon, cloves, mustard beans - to taste.


  1. First, sort out the apples. It is advisable to choose undamaged fruits that need to be washed in water.
  2. Place currant and cherry leaves at the bottom of the container. Place the apples in a row on top, tails up. After two rows, lay out the currant and cherry leaves again. Repeat the process until you run out of fruit.
  3. Start pouring. To do this, add the ingredients indicated in the recipes to boiling water. After boiling for two to three minutes, remove from heat and cool to 35 degrees. Pour syrup over apples.
  4. Place a weight on top so that the fruit is completely covered by the filling. Place in a warm place for two days. When fermentation begins, move to a cool place. After one and a half to two months, the pickled apples are ready to eat.

Video cooking

Classic pickled apples are made simply. Of course, household members will have to wait a little until the delicacy is ready, but the result will compensate for the time spent with excellent taste.

Pickled apples Antonovka in a barrel

For the recipe you will need ripe apples of the Antonovka variety, which also makes an excellent compote for the winter. If the fruits are not ripe, leave them in a warm place for several days. Our ancestors used wooden barrels for fermentation. If you don’t have such a container, use a regular jar that closes tightly.


  • Antonovka – 5 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 cups.
  • Rye flour – 1 cup.
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons.
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 10 pieces each.
  • Lingonberries – 1 handful.


  1. Place a large saucepan on the stove, pour in 10 liters of water, and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and cool slightly. Send sugar, salt and rye flour. Stir, crushing any lumps. Leave to cool.
  2. Place currant and cherry leaves at the bottom of the barrel. Then the Antonovka layer and again the leaves. Once you've finished laying out the fruit, pour in the prepared syrup. Place a weight on top and leave it warm for two weeks.
  3. Skim off any foam that has formed every day. Add syrup until the apples are completely covered. After two weeks, transfer the workpiece to a cold place to slow down the fermentation process.
  4. After 40 days, the apples are ready to eat. You will be pleasantly surprised by their taste. Store the treat in the cold until spring.

Video recipe

As in the first case, preparing soaked apples in a barrel at home requires time. But if you consider the taste of the finished delicacy and the long shelf life, this is nothing.

Apples Snow Calvil in a jar

Snowy Calvil is a variety that appeared thanks to the efforts of Ukrainian breeders. Today, Snow Calvil is grown in many countries, including Russia. Soaked apples are a delicious preparation, for the preparation of which pots, buckets and barrels are used. However, in urban conditions, not every housewife has such a container, and choosing a suitable place for storage is problematic. In this case, it is more practical to use jars.


  • Water – 5 l.
  • Rye bread – 0.5 loaves.
  • Apples.
  • Cherry and currant leaves.
  • Ground cinnamon – 2.5 g.


  1. Cut the bread into small pieces, place on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Dry until golden brown. Pour boiling water over the “rye crackers”, add cinnamon and set aside until cool.
  2. Place leaves at the bottom of clean jars and place Snow Calvil on top. Add bread brine to each jar. Cover the containers with gauze or loose cloth. After fermentation, move the apples to the refrigerator.

Agree, it is more convenient to prepare soaked apples in jars than in a bucket or barrel. And if you are not afraid of experiments, make changes to the recipe. In particular, I advise you to replace sugar with honey, and instead of bread brine, use diluted rye flour or kvass. Just don’t overdo it with the amount of currant leaves, otherwise the treat will turn sour.

There are a considerable number of recipes for making soaked apples. And each has advantages and disadvantages, but if done correctly, the result will never disappoint. The following tips will help with this.

  • To prepare for the winter, use ripe apples without damage or worms. Leave small fruits whole, and cut large ones into quarters.
  • Use a clean container for urination. Be sure to clean the pan, bucket or jar using baking soda, then rinse with boiling water.
  • Remember, regardless of the soaking method, apples will absorb the brine. Therefore, check the container regularly and add liquid if necessary. Otherwise, product damage cannot be avoided.
  • To highlight the taste of apples, add a few sprigs of lavender, mint or

Soaking is one of the easiest ways to prepare apples for the winter. Delicious soaked apples, prepared at home, are an excellent addition to salads, side dishes, meat, poultry, and fish.

What varieties of apples are suitable for soaking at home?

Whatever method of soaking apples you choose, you can only use late (autumn) varieties of apples that have a sweet and sour taste. Most often these are Antonovka, Anis and Pepin. Only ripened fruits are suitable for soaking, so after picking apples they need to lie in a warm place for some time.

What is the best way to soak apples?

It is best to use barrels for soaking apples, but this method is no longer relevant, as it is very labor-intensive. Housewives usually use large enamel pans or large glass jars, where they can easily place the required number of apples.

Tips for preparing soaked apples at home:

  • the container for soaking apples needs to be prepared: thoroughly cleaned using baking soda, washed and doused with boiling water;
  • as a load you can use a flat plate on which a liter jar of water is placed;
  • You should know that with any method of soaking apples, they actively absorb brine, so it is necessary to periodically add it, otherwise the top layers of apples will simply deteriorate;
  • For 1 bucket of apples you will need approximately 5-6 liters of filling.

Pickled apples traditionally had three types of preparation: regular (classic), sour and sweet. Let's look at each blank in more detail.

The soaking recipe is simple: place the apples in prepared containers, make a pour, pour in the fruits, place a load, and after one and a half to two months you can take a sample.

For 1 kilogram of apples you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of water,
  • 4 tablespoons honey or sugar,
  • a handful of currant and cherry leaves,
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt,
  • cinnamon, cloves and mustard beans (to taste).


  1. Apples must be washed in warm water and sorted, as only undamaged fruits are suitable.
  2. The bottom of the container is lined with cherry and currant leaves, ripe apples are laid tail up in dense rows. After two rows, it is necessary to again lay a layer of leaves and repeat the operation until the container is filled with apples almost to the very top.
  3. It is better to prepare the filling in advance. To do this, bring the water to a boil and add all the ingredients listed above. The filling must be cooled to 30-35 degrees and poured over the apples.

Cover with a weight so that they are completely covered with water. The dishes with apples need to be kept at room temperature for several days for the fermentation process to begin, after which they need to be put in a cool place. Ready soaked apples can be served in a month and a half to two months.

There are many recipes for sour soaked apples, but the most original is with cabbage. The cooking process is no different from the classic method of soaking apples.

For 3 kilograms of apples you will need:

  • 4 kilograms of cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons salt.


  1. The cabbage must be finely chopped and the carrots grated on a coarse grater. Then stir the cabbage, carrots, salt and sugar until vegetable juice appears.
  2. Next, place a layer of cabbage on the bottom of the prepared container, compact it, a layer of apples, then again cabbage, apples, etc. The top layer is cabbage. If the secreted vegetable juice is not enough, then prepare a brine at the rate of one tablespoon of sugar and salt per 1 liter of water.

You need to place a bend on top, as in the first recipe. The container with the preparation must be kept at room temperature for several days for the fermentation process to begin, after which the sour soaked apples and cabbage must be put in a cold place for 1 month.

The recipe for making sweet pickled apples differs from the usual (classic) one only in that more sugar or honey is added to the brine.

To prepare 10 liters of filling you will need:

  • 300 gr. honey or 400 gr. Sahara,
  • 100 gr. rye flour,
  • 150 gr. salt,
  • currant and cherry leaves.


  1. The container for soaking apples must be thoroughly washed, dried, and currant leaves placed on the bottom. Carefully place a layer of apples on top.
  2. The next layer is cherry leaves. Next, you should again lay a layer of apples, currant leaves, etc. The last layer is cherry leaves.
  3. To prepare the brine, you need to dissolve all the above ingredients in hot water: sugar or honey, salt, rye flour. Cool the solution to room temperature and pour over the apples.
  4. At the end of cooking, the workpiece is covered with a small weight, as in previous recipes.

Sweet soaked apples are prepared for at least one and a half months at a temperature of +14 - +17 degrees.



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