Development of speech and diction in adults. So, what can you do to make your pronunciation clear? Exercises to train vowel sounds

By nature, only a few have clear, correct pronunciation. In childhood, almost every second child faces a speech problem, but it is much easier to solve. An adult thinking about how to improve diction is faced with his own habit of speaking incorrectly. This makes it more difficult to work on yourself, and correcting your speech takes longer. "EasyUseful" offers you 5 steps to improve your speech quality. If you decide to work on your speech, you should fight the desire to put it off until later: only frequent practice will give results.

Step 1: train the organs of articulation

These exercises were developed by speech therapists and are aimed at correcting children's pronunciation deficiencies. But they act no worse on adults. The organs of articulation include lips, teeth, jaws, palate, alveoli, and tongue. Repetition of exercises: for children – 5 times, for adults – 25-30 times.

  • open our mouth as wide as possible, straining the muscles of the face and neck, hold it and close it on the count of “5”;
  • fold your closed lips into a tube, stretch them forward, hold for 5-10 seconds;
  • game of “snake”: quickly show and hide your tongue, smiling;
  • show your tongue, “pull” it through closed teeth back and forth, massaging it;
  • alternately inflate your cheeks and tap them with your fingertips, massaging;
  • “explore” the mouth with the tongue: move the tip along the palate, cheeks, teeth;
  • swing: open your mouth wide, smiling, on the count of “one” - lower your tongue to the lower jaw, “two” - lift it to the upper teeth;
  • hold your tongue protruding on your lower jaw motionless and relaxed for at least 5-10 seconds.

For an adult, this training is not as difficult as for a child. If the baby is tired and does not want to perform the required number of repetitions, you can continue after a couple of hours. You cannot force them to study: this will only aggravate the situation, and the child will simply close himself off from you.

Step 2: advanced articulation training

All classes are performed at home and are suitable for adults and children. If your child already knows how to read or recite poetry, you can adapt all the activities for him.
Reading aloud to improve speech clarity is great, but for better practice of sounds, it is recommended to use a regular stopper. We bite it with our teeth (no need to force it, just hold it) and read the book out loud, sing our favorite song, repeat after the audiobook announcer. The lips should be tense. It is enough to practice 10-20 minutes a day.

We read a poem or book out loud, trying to pronounce all sounds clearly, and perform physical exercises. Running, squats, swinging legs and arms are suitable. It is important that your breathing begins to falter. Then it will become harder to pronounce familiar words, and additional effort will be required. You can't imagine better gymnastics.

This exercise is only for adults, as it is not recommended for children to lick small objects. You need simple, smooth, clean stones. These can be bought or found in the river and boiled.
We put a few stones in our mouths to make it difficult to speak, and we begin to read and talk to ourselves. This activity is great for improving your pronunciation clarity.

Pronunciation of strange nonsense gives excellent results. “BDTTTRZ, VVGGRRRRHS, MRTTSEPN” - it is important to pronounce the middle of these words well and not swallow the ending.

This exercise allows you to quickly improve your diction. For a child, we can also advise you to put clean mother’s beads on a thread around your neck, take the lower end of them into your mouth and move the beads with your tongue, first in one direction, then in the other. Many parents make special beads for this exercise, stringing beads of different textures and sizes.

If a child speaks very poorly for his age, do not rush to take him to a neurologist. Visit your dentist to examine your mouth and measure the frenulum under your tongue and lips.

Step 3: speech therapy massage

Massage will increase blood flow in the speech organs, improve diction and clarity of speech. By working every centimeter of the tongue, we increase blood flow and force even the weakest parts of the muscle to work. Massage can be done for adults, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

  • for young children, it is important to carry out massage with communication, an interesting fairy tale, in order to prevent rejection;
  • maintain a smooth transition from massaging the face and neck to working with the tongue;
  • the movements are soft, gentle: alternately stroking and tapping with your fingertips to create vibration;
  • You can use a spoon or toothbrush to massage your tongue;
  • With your thumbs we make circular movements on both sides of the tongue, draw figure eights;
  • A handkerchief or napkin is placed under the tongue to prevent dripping saliva.

Step 4: tongue twisters

A lot has been written about speech exercises using tongue twisters. It’s a pity that many stubbornly ignore this simple training of the speech apparatus. Even a few repetitions a day will help improve articulation. By adding an exercise with pebbles in the mouth or a cork, you can double the effect of the tongue twister.
The main rule for choosing a text for a lesson is to focus on the sounds with which the child has problems. To improve your lessons, you can come up with your own tongue twisters.

Step 5: Watch your breathing

To find out how things are going with improving speech, it will be very useful to record the story on video or audio. Sometimes it seems to us that we speak purely, but others do not think so. To correct speech errors, it is important to learn to breathe fully. It happens that words and letters get confused because a person is used to speaking while swallowing half the words. Train yourself to maintain even breathing while speaking.

How quickly we speak determines how others understand our speech. With children, this problem is solved by the example of adults. If everyone in the family speaks correctly and measuredly, then the child will have the right example before his eyes.

Don't neglect the opportunity to improve your speech and the speech of your children. The ability to clearly, clearly, and understandably express one’s thoughts is useful in all life situations. Good luck to you!

Voice can convince listeners, gain trust, or alienate. This is especially important in conference calls and phone conversations, where your voice is your only tool.

The great ancient Greek orator Demosthenes had a weak voice, unclear diction, burr and lisp. He made speeches while rolling pebbles in his mouth and achieved great success. Today there is a safer way to improve your diction - speaking with a cork in your teeth. This is the best exercise for diction; it is practiced by everyone who works on TV. In acting schools, they even tie the cork to a string and hang it around the neck to practice at any time.

The wine cork should be held between the front teeth (2-3 mm beyond the line of the teeth), the mouth should be slightly open, the teeth should be exposed. In this position, speak and read loudly for 5–10 minutes several times a day. The exercise develops the articulatory apparatus and vocal cords (part of the load falls on them; when the articulatory apparatus cannot cope, they have to compensate for what “the lips cannot do”).

Running with headphones in your ears and repeating after the announcer everything he says is effective. When running, you will become out of breath, which will create additional difficulties for your speech and breathing apparatus. At the end of the training, you will be able to enjoy clear diction, which will come naturally.

If you suffer from stuttering, take note of a proven method: rewrite several pages of book text every day. While writing, a person pronounces the text in his thoughts, but it is impossible to stutter mentally. Gradually you will begin to speak out loud without hesitation.

Tongue twisters are not entirely pleasant, but they perfectly improve diction. The results are heard already on the 3rd day and they remain for a long time if you continue to develop your diction. An important condition: you need to say them loudly.

There are two types of tongue twisters:
– for the brain – it’s easy to pronounce, but the words get confused (Clara stole corals from Karl
- for the language - if it is difficult for you to speak hissing words (the emotional Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Vavila).
Don’t try to pronounce the tongue twister quickly right away. First, master it at a slow pace, read it syllable by syllable, then switch to a medium pace, and only then pronounce the tongue twister at a faster pace.

Try saying the tongue twister with different intonations (surprised, indignant, questioning, etc.) or hum it to the tune of a song.

Incorporate movement into the tongue twister: squat, jump, dance.

In addition to tongue twisters, write down and work through phrases and words that you are often asked again - these words contain a combination of letters that is difficult for you, you need to bring it to clarity.

Sleep with sleep glasses - they help relax all the muscles of the face, including the lips and jaw. This improves diction.

Development of the articulatory apparatus

The sound of your voice and the clarity of your spoken words are important to the audience. Voice training is easy if you do articulation exercises. It develops the tongue, lips, cheeks, palate, lower jaw and helps make your speech clear and pleasant to hear.

The development of the articulatory apparatus is facilitated by reading aloud; it helps to correctly place accents, make the necessary stresses and intonations.

For the pure formation of sounds, develop your tongue: “clean” the gums with your tongue, make “injections” with your tongue in the cheeks, move it across the palate, stretch out your tongue, flick it.

Warm-up for the jaw: take your lower jaw with both hands and open it several times, effortlessly, not sharply, only with the help of your hands - this exercise helps relieve tension from the submandibular muscles.

Warm-up for the cheeks: puff out your cheeks, “roll” the air inside your mouth, then release the tension by doing “whoa.”

To make speech clear and easy, develop your lips: stretch them out with a “tube” and rotate them in a circle in both directions, say “outi - uti”, stretch them out with a tube and grab the air with them, slap your relaxed lips “five-five-five” and gather them together. “P-b-p-b”, pull your lips over your teeth.

Say “ma”, “mama” to yourself, and also “ha” halfway through the exhalation. At the same time, the palate should be raised, the position of the mouth should be as for the sound “O” - these exercises make the sound deeper and louder.

Staging the speaker's voice

You need to train your voice regularly - this is the main tool in public speaking that needs to be used to your advantage.

Voice training includes exercises that need to be practiced every day, standing in front of a mirror.

To train lower diaphragmatic breathing (“belly”). Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, relax your shoulders and head. Wrap your arms around your shoulders, squeezing your chest, pressing your fingers tightly to your shoulder blades. Breathe with your stomach, inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, fingers should not move, shoulders should not rise and elbows should not move.

Stand up straight, straighten your arms in front of your chest, palms facing each other. Inhale deeply through your nose and sharply spread your arms to the sides, then slowly bring your arms together and exhale through your mouth with the sound “zzzzzz”. When your palms touch each other, release your breath.

To “warm up” your voice, you need to stand up straight, relax, and breathe with your stomach. Fold your palms like a mouthpiece, “show” your throat to the doctor, lower your larynx, inhale and say “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Do this several times, increasing the volume, but without straining.

If your voice sounds tense and needs to be relaxed, open your mouth, relax your facial muscles, inhale and exhale, swing your jaw up and down 4-5 times. You can also make a creaking sound, similar to the sound of a door opening, while the jaw is lowered and the teeth should not be closed.

Use a tongue twister - say “lri-lre-lra-lro-lru-lry”, first slowly and then speed up. It is important to articulate well, to pronounce with different intonations, like a question and an answer. Then relax the muscles of your mouth and say “Whoa” as you exhale.

To make the sound free and concentrated, you need to catch the low position of the larynx. To do this, you need to lower your jaw to your chest, open your mouth wide, lower the root of your tongue down, as if you are showing your throat to a doctor, lower the tension and yawn 2-3 times.


Stretch your tongue. To do this, move it from side to side, left and right, back and forth; make circular turns with your tongue, fold it with a screw and a tube. Stick out the tip of your tongue and move it very quickly from one corner of your mouth to the other.

Feel the tip of your tongue, feel how active it is. Hit the inside of your teeth with the tip of your tongue, as if you were saying: yes, yes, yes, yes. Pronounce the paired consonants energetically: T-D, T-D, T-D.

Free your tongue and larynx by doing this: take a quick, deep, short breath through your nose, then exhale completely through your mouth. The exhalation is made sharply, the air is released with the sound “FU” (at the same time the cheeks droop).
To strengthen the muscles of the larynx, pronounce the following consonants quickly and vigorously: K-G, K-G, K-G.

Work on the habit of taking a breath for each new phrase. When reading prose or poetry, consciously take a breath, as if in reserve, before each phrase.

Record a speech you like (an announcer or someone else) onto a cassette or disk, try to imitate this conversational style.
Don’t be shy about doing speech exercises, because your sense of self, communication capabilities, etc. depend on it.

Voice is the most important element in assessing a person. If we like the way a person speaks, then we will be pleased to communicate with him, and we will be happy to listen to him. Beautiful and competent speech- the key to success.

You will need

  • Book, nuts


The first and most important rule is reading. Read aloud 10 times a day. This will help you cope with embarrassment and also acquire the necessary skills. Thus, you will teach yourself to speak out loud, and not just conversationally speech Yu. It is best to use fiction in such cases, rich in expressive words. Remember that the most picky ones are children. If children listen to you attentively, then you have nothing to worry about, but, nevertheless, improve your skill constantly.

Develop the muscles of your lips and tongue. Take the mirror in your hands and make a proboscis with your lips, looking into it. Imagine that you want to kiss someone. Now smile with your lips stretched out. Do these exercises alternately ten times. To train your tongue, press the tip as hard as you can against one cheek, then the other. Try to stretch your cheeks with your tongue. Then press the inside of your lips in the same way.

Open your mouth and move your lower jaw in different directions. Feel how freely she moves. Do this exercise in front of a mirror until your jaw gets a little tired. If any movement feels uncomfortable, repeat it several times. Tap your front teeth frequently as if you have a chill. This helps free up the lower jaw.

Choose your favorite poem or passage from a book, memorize it and recite it in front of the mirror. Watch your mouth and face. Pronounce the text exaggeratedly, actively - this trains the speech apparatus well. Then the exaggeration will go away, but will remain.


  • Diction exercises
  • how to develop muscles

Poor diction can cause a lot of problems in life. Fuzzy speech complicates communication and is the source of a number of psychological complexes. However, develop a good diction in the absence of medical problems, it is quite easy at home.

You will need

  • - voice recorder;
  • - tongue twisters;
  • - poetry.


Start by doing breathing exercises. Take a comfortable position and try to take even, deep breaths, controlling their rhythm. Gradually begin to vary your breathing, shortening your inhalations and lengthening your exhalations, and then vice versa. Try pronouncing different vowels as you exhale. Practice diaphragmatic breathing.

Do exercises for the articulatory apparatus. Don't worry about what you'll experience at first. painful sensations: They will gradually disappear as the muscles become more elastic. Many diction problems are caused by weakness of the lips and tongue. By training your facial muscles, you can achieve clearer speech.

Train diction using tongue twisters. First, pronounce each of them slowly, paying attention to the clear pronunciation of all sounds. Gradually increase the tempo, still monitoring the quality of articulation. During exercises, tense the muscles of your face and lips, exaggerating sounds.

Memorize and recite poetry. This method will not only help you put into practice the above-mentioned methods of correcting diction, but will also allow you to ultimately gain good poetic knowledge. Read the poems clearly, using intonation pauses and controlling your breathing. A similar exercise can be done with songs.

Read prose aloud and record your speech on a voice recorder. In this case, it is desirable that the sensitivity of the microphone be high enough: only in this case will you be able to catch all the nuances of pronunciation. Control the fluency of speech and clarity of sounds.

Useful advice

If you have serious problems with diction that cannot be corrected on your own (for example, burr), it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is possible that you will need a small surgery.

Work on vocabulary and sentence construction. There are many examples of not only how to, but also what to say. After all, your speech will be considered correct only if you achieve the desired results with what you say. An excellent textbook in this sense would be Allan Pease’s “Speak Correctly...” and the film “Thank you for smoking.” Otherwise, we can only give basic advice: read more.

Think about the conditions under which you will speak. When speaking from the podium, for example, there are some peculiarities that need to be taken into account so as not to put the viewer to sleep. The main point is that you cannot “sight read” - your sentences should not contain complex phrases, sophisticated sayings or an abundance of interjections. In such conditions, “speaking beautifully” means speaking freely, almost like in everyday life - but at the same time with a “set” voice and confidence. It will be impossible to take your eyes off such a speaker, and most importantly, you yourself will begin to enjoy being on stage.

Please note

Never write the text of your speech in detail. The more you have on paper, the more you will want to play it safe and look there.

Useful advice

Practice speaking in front of your friends. Performing for yourself and for people are completely different things.

Pay attention to the entertainers of various concerts. A professional presenter always has a standard speech.

A well-delivered and competent speech can be classified as an undoubted advantage that has a significant impact on success in many matters. Despite the fact that public speaking is an excellent tool for influencing others and achieving many goals, only a few can take full advantage of it. However, learning to speak correctly is a completely feasible task.

According to experts, up to 30% of people suffer from diction disorders. And, apparently, most of them get jobs at airports to announce flight delays over the radio. Even if you don’t plan to join their ranks, it won’t hurt you to learn how to carefully order dishes with difficult names in a restaurant or surprise others with a lightning-fast Estonian tongue twister.

Heh, Slavs!

“The easiest pronunciation defect is gagging,” says Alexander Kabin, director and teacher of stage speech at the Interlude theater association. This fricative “g” can be picked up in adulthood. A person with good phonemic hearing, after a two-week business trip to Eastern Ukraine or the south of Russia, having had plenty of conversations with local residents, will imperceptibly begin to talk like Nastya Zavorotnyuk in the image of a beautiful nanny. However, after returning home, the accent will fade away in a couple of weeks and will not appear until the next business trip. If your “ghe” is innate, to acquire a non-explosive sound of the fourth letter of the alphabet, practice pronouncing phrases with an abundance of “g”. Pronounce them slowly, and first pause on the “g” sound for emphasis.

Read with expression

  • Tycoon Yegor was sunbathing on the mountain, a magnet fell on tycoon Yegor.
  • The brilliant heterosexual Goga passionately loves the geisha Galya.
  • Where is Gena the migrant worker? This bastard is drying out the herbarium!

Grazing bullet

In addition to the surname Zinbelshucher, there are many other, more valid reasons not to pronounce the sound “r”. This sound is the most difficult to articulate. There are 30 variants of its distortions. The most common are the absence of “r” (“pezevative cob”) and the guttural pronunciation of the sound, called burr. “Sometimes the cause of the defect is a shortened hyoid ligament, which limits the rise of the tongue. This requires little intervention from the surgeon,” notes Alexander. But more often it’s all about a habit ingrained from childhood and weakness of the tongue muscles.

To develop your tongue, first spread it on your lower lip, while saying “five-five-five.” (Sounds stupid, but what can you do?) When your tongue gets used to lying relaxed, teach it to cover your upper lip. The front edge of the tongue should cover the entire upper lip from corner to corner of the mouth. (For especially weak muscles, at first help your tongue stay up with a teaspoon.) Making sure that your tongue remains as wide, push it behind your upper teeth. Now practice saying “d-d-d” by striking the inside surface of your upper front teeth with the front edge of your raised tongue. After a few hours of these exercises, alternating with tongue twisters, the sound “r” will begin to emerge.

Read with expression

  • Tell me about tongue twisters. What tongue twisters are we talking about? About tongue twisters, about tongue twisters, about my tongue twisters!
  • Our Tanya is crying loudly and dropped a ball into the river. He put the Greek's hand in the river, the ball behind the Greek's hand - dac!
  • There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't chop wood, but drink wood.

What is “ochen?”

Check if your bite is correct, if all your teeth are in place and if there are any piercings on your tongue. If everything is in order, a weak tongue is to blame for your lisping speech.

“Sometimes reading aloud more often is enough to develop a language and restore the correct pronunciation of consonants,” says Alexander. In between readings, do two simple exercises.

1. Stretch the corners of your mouth in a forced smile so that your teeth are visible, and blow on the tip of your tongue to produce a whistling noise typical of the “s” sound.

2. Practice pronouncing the syllable "sa". In this case, the sound “s” must be strained through the teeth, and the mouth must be opened at the sound “a”. If you still fail to master the correct pronunciation, go to Poland. There you won’t feel inferior: the Polish language is full of sibilants.

Read with expression

  • Masha was walking along the highway and got hit by a bus.
  • Tell me about the sausages! Which sausages? Maybe about shopping? Oh, yes, about shopping.
  • Soviet specialists are rushing to the aid of specialists from socialist countries.

Obvious but unclear

Place a spoonful of porridge in your mouth and say: “Leave me alone, you monsters.” Now say the same thing without the porridge. Any differences? Everything is clear. You pronounce sounds carelessly, especially consonants. But the importance of consonants is higher than vowels, because they carry more information, performing a meaningful function.

If you are used to saying “check” instead of “person”, “nomad” instead of “in short” and “DNA” instead of “deoxyribonucleic acid”, do not be offended by experts who call such speech unintelligible, unaesthetic and inexpressive*.

Of course, it’s hard to deny yourself the pleasure of telling jokes while chewing your kebab, but the rest of the time, try to speak more clearly. To develop this skill, Alexander advises you to chant poetry, beating a clear rhythm with your hand on the table or with a hammer on the radiator.

Start collecting words with a “bouquet” of consonants (WAKE, AGENCY, poSTSCRIPTUM, PARTVZNos), as well as phrases of monosyllabic words, the pronunciation of which requires muscle tension (“Where the table was a meal, there is a coffin”). When you have enough words and phrases, compose them into a short story and send them to us. Poel?

Read with expression

  • The over-anxious center forward is apt to snore.
  • The transplantation of the fire hose smacked of amateurism.
  • Everyone loved Prov, but he fell into a trance.
  • And you, Brutus?

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Comprehension of oratory is a difficult and painstaking process. Since ancient times, people have sought to learn the art of speaking in front of a crowd. Centuries later, we still want to capture the audience's attention, although now we use modern methods.

website carefully selected several effective practices from Elvira Sarabyan’s book “Learn to speak so that you are heard.”

1. Articulation of sounds “Ш - Ж”

  • Ball is heat, yours is important, a joke is creepy, wide is fat, to live is to sew.
  • The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, spinning. The leather reins fit into the collar.

2. Articulation of sounds “K - G, X”

  • Swing - gazelle, count - goal, bone - guest, code - year, whip - bend, club - stupid, Kesha - Gesha.
  • A slanting goat walks with a goat. The crab made a rake for the crab, gave the rake to the crab: rake the gravel, crab!

3. Practicing the sound “C”

  • Heron - saber, click - juice, goal - mudflow, color - light, circus - cheese, street - fox.
  • Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself. The heron wasted away, the heron was drying up.

4. Say first slowly, then faster:

Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, ktsch, kzhda, kzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, kshte, kshtu, kshto.

5. Say first slowly, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, cheer up, transplantation, supersonic, disheveled, counter-breakthrough, point of explosion, Protestantism, excite, over-anxious, get into the barrel, department, fire hose, ornate, philosophize, monster, much to snore.

6. Training the pronunciation of consonants:

  • To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to the tour, to Gala, to Katya, to Kyiv, to the end, to the city, distant, to get involved, to give, to kindle, an outlet, to get rid of, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, to restore, to confirm, push away
  • Top - up, leading - introduction, push - push away, hold - support, drag - pull away, water - introduction, litter - quarrel.

7. Practicing combinations of sounds in the form of a game:

  • Hammer the nails: Gbdu! Gbdo! Gbde! Gbdy! Gbda! Gbdi! Gbde!
  • Imitate a horse's stomp: Bird! Ptko! Bird! Birds! Ptke! Birds!
  • Throw imaginary plates to your partner: Kchku! Kchko! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

8. Say the phrases first slowly, then quickly:

At that hour a blackbird was singing here. There was hail here that year. The oak was old. Everyone loved Peter. Instantly the club is full. The moss hid the mushroom. Grandfather has become old. Your guest took the cane. Wave splash - sparkle splash! Jump a hundred miles.

9. Practicing sounds:

  • Buy a pile of peaks, buy a pile of peaks. Buy a pile of fluff, buy a pile of fluff.
  • A sorcerer was doing magic in a stable with the wise men.
  • Rhododendrons from the arboretum were given by parents.
  • Brit Klim is brother, Brit Gleb is brother, brother Ignat is bearded.
  • Karl put onions on the chest, Klara stole onions from the chest.
  • The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is poured out, but not in a bell-like manner. The bell needs to be re-capped, re-caulked, the bell needs to be re-bellied, re-caulked.
  • The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.
  • The nervous constitutionalist was found assimilated in Constantinople.
  • A quarter of a pea without a wormhole.
  • Jasper in suede became mossy.

10. Repeat slowly and then quickly difficult words:

  • (H, w) - to the person who used it
  • (K) - small-caliber
  • (P, v) - publish
  • (P, p) - indirect subsidizing
  • (P, t, s) - territorial integrity
  • (R, t) - illustrated
  • (P, v) - reverb
  • (S, f) - means
  • (H, v) - four hundred dollar
  • (H, f, r) - phantasmagorical



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