Psychological games to unite the teaching staff. Teachers and unity

Psychological training for teachers

The training is aimed at uniting the teaching staff, developing communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, and a friendly attitude towards each other. By performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, and mastery of the mechanisms of communicative competence.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them

Developing the ability to work in a team

Group cohesion

Each participant’s awareness of his role and function in the group

Improve communication skills of teachers

Increase your mood for luck, happiness, kindness and success.

Required materials:

Sheets of format A - 4 according to the number of participants, pencils, felt-tip pens, suns, stars

Calm music for relaxation

Progress of the training:

1. Training rules:
A single form of addressing each other (by name).

Communication based on the “here and now” principle.

Confidentiality of everything that happens.

Sincerity in communication.

Respect for the speaker.

2. Contents of the training:

Music is playing. The training participants enter the hall.

Dear colleagues! Today we will talk to you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

Psychological climate is the interpersonal relationships typical of the work collective, which determine its basic mood.

A plant may flourish in one climate, but wither in another. The same can be said about the psychological climate: in some conditions people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others the team functions optimally and its members have the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

Building a psychological climate and team cohesion is the most important task not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

The climate is called favorable if an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and taking responsibility for the work. If everyone in a team is protected, feels involved in everything that is happening and actively engages in communication.

3. Broom . An ancient parable

One old man had three sons. And they just couldn't get along together. The old man really wanted his sons to live in peace after his death. He decided to teach them this.

One day, their father called them to him and asked them to break a broom in half. First the eldest son tried, but no matter how hard he tried, nothing worked. The same failures befell the middle and junior ones. Then the father untied the broom and asked each son to break several straws. This, of course, they succeeded with ease.

Then the father said:

- It’s the same in life. If you are together, then no one will break you, but separately you are as easy to defeat as breaking a couple of straws.

Today at the training we will see how much we can act together.

Exercise 4. “Greeting”

Teachers are invited to stand in a circle, introduce themselves and describe themselves, name a few of their qualities.

Exercise 5. Test: “Qualities of your temperament”

Exercise 6. "Compliment"

This is an exercise from Eric Berne's “stroking” theory. The word “stroking” reflects a child’s need for touch. Byrne noticed that as adults, people still tend to touch each other, as if confirming their physical existence. Having left childhood, people find themselves in a society where physical contact is strictly limited, so they have to be content with replacing this need with other forms of “stroking.” A smile, a short conversation or a compliment are all signs that you have been noticed, and this brings us joy.

Purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the technique of complimenting.

Assignment: come up with a compliment that matches the personal qualities of the interlocutor.

In a circle we will compliment the neighbor on the right, and now the neighbor on the left. Well done.

Exercise Analysis:

1. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, what were they?

Exercise 7. I invite you to the circle.

You can easily and quickly build according to height. And I will ask you to line up by hair color: from the lightest to the darkest: And now - alphabetically, but do it silently. (Options - by eye color, by date of birth, etc.).

(music sounds)

Well done, now stand up like a train and imagine that it has started to rain. You will pat each other on the back, imitating raindrops. And now the rain is getting stronger, there is a downpour, now there are drops of hail. The rain stops, the sun comes out.

Exercise 8. Breathing exercises

In our work, there are very often moments when we feel a loss of strength and nervous tension. This exercise can be done independently and it is very effective.

Usually, when we are upset about something, we begin to hold our breath. Freeing your breath is one of the ways to relax. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes. Enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, imagine that all your troubles are disappearing.

Exercise 9. (music sounds) for relaxation

Take the most comfortable position. Close your eyes.

Imagine yourself floating above the ground. In flight, you are propelled upward. Look to the right, to the left, up, down... You see stars, tongues of nebulae in pale bluish shades... Find a bright blue planet somewhere not far from you. This is Earth. Notice how the sun glitters and splits into many sparkling points as it reflects off the surface of the oceans. Feel the joy and love like a person who has returned to a beloved home after a long absence. Begin to descend, heading towards the surface... It is pleasant for you to soar above the Earth, and you enjoy looking at the dark blue ocean, sparkling with white splashes, and the dark green fields of forests, and the white blanket of clouds, and the horizon receding into the distance, and the surrounding stars this magnificent ball... Look, enjoy... This is the place where you are loved and appreciated. Happiness and Joy to you!

Open your eyes. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. Thank you.

Exercise 10. "What have I learned"

Goal: reflection

I learned...

I found out that...

I was surprised that.....

I liked it………

I was disappointed that...

11. Parable. The world is the way you see it

A young man approached the oasis, drank water and asked an old man who was resting at the spring:

- What kind of people live here?

The old man asked the young man himself:

- A crowd of selfish people with bad thoughts, the young man answered.

- You will find the same ones here,” said the sage.

On the same day, another young man went to the source to quench his thirst after a difficult journey. Seeing the elder, he greeted him and asked:

- What kind of people live in this place?

The old man responded with the same question:

- What kind of people live where you come from?

- Wonderful! Honest, hospitable, friendly. It hurt me to part with them.

- You will find the same ones here too,” the sage assured.

A person who heard both conversations asked:

- How could you give two such identical answers to different comments?

To this the old man replied:

- Each of us can only see what we carry in our hearts. Anyone who has not found anything good wherever he has been will not be able to find anything else either here or in any other place.

Psychologist's commentary.

Everything that surrounds us is a reflection of our thoughts. We look at reality through the filter that we ourselves are. We ourselves choose in what light to see everything that happens around us - positive or negative.

Despite the fact that each of us has a different character, temperament, appearance, I want to wish us respect for each other, thinking in the same direction, success, self-confidence and peace of mind!

Colleagues, I wish you only good luck,

So that any task can be accomplished,

So that there is plenty of money all the time

And honestly, you should work at school!

Decent pay, excellent fate,

Health – without measure, and life – decent!

I also wish you, of course, a career,

So that you definitely go up the steps!!!

Task: complete unfinished sentences

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned _____________________________________________________

I found out that ______________________________________________________________

I was surprised that __________________________________________

I liked it_________________________________________________________

I was disappointed that _________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned _____________________________________________________

I found out that ______________________________________________________________

I was surprised that __________________________________________

I liked it_________________________________________________________

I was disappointed that _________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned _____________________________________________________

I found out that ______________________________________________________________

I was surprised that __________________________________________

I liked it_________________________________________________________

I was disappointed that _________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned _____________________________________________________

I found out that ______________________________________________________________

I was surprised that __________________________________________

I liked it_________________________________________________________

I was disappointed that _________________________________

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned _____________________________________________________

I found out that ______________________________________________________________

I was surprised that __________________________________________

I liked it_________________________________________________________

I was disappointed that _________________________________

Recently, various teambuilding tasks have become fashionable - team building. Such trainings are especially relevant in kindergarten, where all teachers must act harmoniously. The price of the issue is the adaptation of children to a preschool institution.

The training was developed by Inna Yuryevna Rogova, teacher-psychologist of the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 7”, Nefteyugansk, Tyumen region.

Purpose of the training:

  • team building and building effective team interaction.

Training objectives:

  • formation and strengthening of a common team spirit by uniting a group of people;
  • development of responsibility and contribution of each participant to solving common problems;
  • awareness of oneself as a team.

Progress of the training:

Stage 1. Getting to know each other

— Hello, dear colleagues, today we will take part in a training called “I + YOU = WE.” The purpose of the training is to unite the team and build effective team interaction. In a circle, have everyone continue the sentence “Now I feel...”.

— Every training has rules. Let us also develop our own rules...

  • Here and now (during the training we only talk about what worries everyone right now, and discuss what is happening to us right here).
  • I speak for myself.
  • Listen carefully to each other.
  • Don't interrupt the speaker.
  • Respect each other's opinions.
  • Non-judgmental judgments.
  • Activity.
  • Stop rule.
  • Confidentiality (everything that happens here is not shared outside the group under any pretext).

Each point of the rules is explained by the presenter.


Purpose: acquaintance, relief of anxiety, promotes memorization of names.

The exercise can be done sitting or standing. Each participant in a circle says his name and shows some kind of movement with the words: “I do this...”. Each subsequent participant first repeats all the names and movements of the previous ones, and then calls his name and shows his movement. Thus, the last participant must repeat the names and movements of all other group members.


Goal: relieving tension through movements, organizing playful interaction.

At the command: “those who (like to meet people, consider themselves sociable, shy..." change places), the participants must change places, the leader must also take the vacant chair. As a result of the exchange, there remains one person who did not have time to sit in an empty seat, and it is he who becomes the leader.

Stage 2. Information


Goal: increasing the level of performance of participants.

The presenter says: “Atoms.” All players begin to move chaotically. After the phrase “molecules of three,” the players must form groups of three. Anyone who cannot get into threes is eliminated from the game. And the leader continues to change the number of atoms in the molecules. The game can be made more difficult: the atoms must move with their eyes closed.


Goal: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The leader gives commands, which the participants carry out silently in the resulting pair. After this, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right one step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

  1. Say hello using your hands.
  2. Fight with your hands.
  3. Make peace with your hands.
  4. Show support using your hands.
  5. Feel sorry with your hands.
  6. Express joy.
  7. Wish you good luck.
  8. Say goodbye with your hands.


  • What was easy, what was difficult?
  • Who found it difficult to convey information silently?
  • For whom is it easy?

— Dear colleagues, what do you think the word “unity” means? Unity is an opportunity to become one to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your colleague understands and supports you, how good it is to hear and help when this help is needed, how well to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

— Cohesion is:

  • coincidence of interests, views, values ​​and orientations of team members;
  • an atmosphere of psychological safety, goodwill, acceptance;
  • active, emotionally rich joint activity aimed at achieving a goal that is significant for all participants.


Purpose: the game teaches trust.

“Now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around this room together.” Line up in a chain, place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Squeeze a balloon or ball between the stomach of one player and the back of the other. Touching the balloon (ball) with your hands is strictly prohibited! The first participant in the chain holds his ball at outstretched arms. Thus, in a single chain, but without the help of hands, you must follow a certain route.


  • What did you experience while completing the task?


Goal: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Possible shapes:

  • triangle;
  • rhombus;
  • corner;
  • letter;
  • bird school;
  • circle;
  • square.


  • Was it difficult to complete the task?
  • What helped in its implementation?

Stage 3 Warm-up


Goal: removing aggression.

When throwing the ball to any person, we call him by name and say: “You and I are similar in that...”. (For example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in the same team, etc.)


  • What emotions did you experience during the exercise?
  • What new things have you learned about others?
  • What interesting things did you find out?

Breathing exercise RECEIVER

The lower the hand, the higher the sound; the higher the hand, the quieter the sound.


Goal: to overcome barriers in communication between participants, to liberate them.

Participants become a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up in a row by height with their eyes closed. When all participants find their place in the ranks, you must give the command to open your eyes and see what happened.

You can also line up

  • hair color;
  • foot size;
  • by eye color from lightest to darkest.

Goals: removal of aggression, readiness to communicate.

- Break into pairs and stand opposite each other. Decide who in your couple wants to say “Yes” and who wants to say “No”. One of you starts the game by saying the word “Yes.” The second one immediately answers him: “No!” Then the first one says again: “Yes!”, perhaps a little louder than the first time, and the second one again answers him: “No!”, and also a little louder. Each of you must say only the word he chose from the very beginning: either “Yes” or “No.” But you can pronounce it in different ways: quietly or loudly, gently or rudely. You can have a nice little argument with these two words if you want, but it's important that no one is offended in any way. After some time, I will give you a signal that it is time to end the “dispute.”


  • How are you feeling now?
  • How is it more convenient for you to argue - by saying the word “Yes” or by saying the word “No”?
  • Did you speak loud enough?

Stage 4: Practical


- Now, at the “start” signal, you will count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say “one”, another person will say “two”, a third will say “three” and so on... However, there is one rule in the game: only one person must say the word. If two voices say “four”, the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


  • Did the group manage to do this? If yes, then how?
  • If it didn't work out, then why? What was stopping you?
  • Who took an active part, who remained silent?


Objectives: During this game, participants get the opportunity to feel the same as their partner. To do this, they need to tune in to each other.

- Please break into pairs and stand back to back. Can you slowly, slowly, without lifting your back from your partner’s back, sit on the floor? Now can you stand up in the same way? Try to determine with what force you need to lean on your partner’s back so that it is comfortable for both of you to move... Now switch partners...


  • Who was the easiest to get up and down with?
  • What was the most difficult part of this exercise?


- Take a thin scarf or handkerchief and tie it with the hands of the participants standing next to each other facing you. Leave your hands free. Give pencils or markers of different colors, one at a time in the non-free hand. You have to draw a general drawing on one sheet of paper. You can only draw with the hand that is attached to your partner. Set the theme of the drawing yourself or offer to choose.


  • Was it difficult to create the painting together?
  • What exactly was the difficulty?
  • Did you discuss the plot of the drawing, the order of drawing? (Were there any disputes and conflicts between the players, did they take equal part in the work (which can be easily assessed by the number of colors in the picture that the participant drew)).

Breathing exercise SEVEN CANDLES

Goal: relaxation.

- Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, as deep breath as possible. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven..."

The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music in a semi-darkened room.


  • How did the participants' condition change as they completed this exercise?
  • Where in real life situations might such a technique be useful?


— We form two circles, external and internal, and begin to talk to each other on a given topic.

  • family;
  • hobbies;
  • policy;
  • Love;
  • vacation;
  • dream;
  • May holidays;
  • parent meeting;
  • children;
  • Friends.


Goal: development of communication skills.

- Choose a pair for yourself and take turns, together with your pair, stand at the line where the pencil lies. Your task is to take this pencil from both sides so that each of you touches its tip with only your index finger, carry it to the end of the room and come back.


  • What happened to you?
  • If it didn't work out, then why?

Stage 5. Final

Goal: positive completion of the training, reflection.

— Let's think about what you could give to your group to make interaction in it even more effective and relationships in it more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust. Next, each participant expresses what he would like to give to the group. Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!

Now answer the following questions in a circle:

  • What was important to you today?
  • What feelings did you experience?
  • Do you need such training in the future?

- Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thanks everyone for participating!

Samal Sadubova
Training “Uniting the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions”

Purpose of the training: To unite the newly formed teaching staff of the kindergarten.

1. Form trusting relationships in the group;

2. Association, team building;

3. Developing the ability to work in a team

4. Creating group efficiency.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises designed for educators. The duration of the meeting is 45-60 minutes.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 10-15 educators.

Expected results:

1. Teachers get to know each other better.

2. The quality of interaction between educators will improve.

3. The performance of the group will increase.

4. Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.

5. The psychological climate in the team will improve.

6. The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.

Introductory part

1. Exercise “Funny little train”.

Team building;

Uplifting mood;

Relieving tension

Time: 10 minutes

Assignment: Participants must stand in one line in height. Highest first, lowest last. Then all participants, except the first one in the ranks, cover their eyes with scarves and, under his command, begin to move forward, raising their legs one by one.

2. Exercise “The road from childhood to adulthood.”

Unite the team;

Defining the roles of managers and subordinates;

Overcoming internal fears;

Time: 40 minutes.

Attributes: Long ropes (2 pcs., scarf.

Task: The ropes are laid out on the floor in the form of a winding path. The first participant must walk with his eyes closed between the ropes from beginning to end, without making any steps. The rest of the participants help him with verbal instructions, but do not touch him.

All other participants need to go the same way, but in a limited time (the leader chooses the time himself, for example 30 minutes). The participant who has made 5 steps starts the task again.

3. Find out the drawing (do you know each other well)

Help participants get to know each other better;

Create motivation to work together.

Time: 20 minutes.

Attributes:flipchart; masking tape; markers; sheets of paper;

Assignment: The trainer asks the participants the question: “How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?”

After the participants’ answers, the following instructions are given: “Please draw in 5 (10) minutes a portrait of yourself in this team, how you see yourself in it, in order to say: “This is me.” There is no need to sign the drawings.”

After completing the work, the trainer collects the drawings into a common pile. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the board or flipchart (you can first pass the drawing around so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

What is this person like?

Who could it be?

Main part

5. Exercises “Funny Animals”

Goal: Creating a favorable psychological climate.

Time: 15 minutes

Props: cards or list with animal names: chimpanzee, giraffe, platypus, koala, sloth, armadillo, porcupine, etc.

The player is shown a card or the name of an animal, he must depict this animal without words, only sounds can be made. Whoever guesses correctly shows the next animal.

Reflection exercise.

5. “Interaction tasks”

6. “Town-tree-dog”

Goal: Develop the ability to act coherently.

Time: 15 minutes.

Props: a sheet of whatman paper, markers or felt-tip pens, a surface for drawing.

The team is divided into three groups, each of which takes on ONE marker at a time. The task of each subgroup is to draw one of the elements on a sheet of paper to create a “city-tree-dog” drawing. Participants act simultaneously; talking to each other is prohibited. The coherence and quality of the drawing are assessed. The ability to communicate, obey, manage, and act together in conditions of resource scarcity is analyzed.

Final part

7. Exercise “Tell a story”

The exercise shows how participants are able to effectively transfer initiative to each other, which is important in training effective communications or team building.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Description: The trainer or group writes on a flipchart:

The name of any item that can be seen in the store.

The name of any item that can be given to your mother for her birthday.

Any sport.

I love any food.

Any celebrity's name.

Any crime.

I love any profession.

The coach explains that now the group will need to come up with a story. In this case, the first participant will have to start with the words “Once I discovered a completely unusual thing...”. The next one in the group continues the story. Each person must speak one sentence and include in the story the characters and objects indicated on the flipchart.

Summary behavior: For effective communication in a group, you must be able to transfer the initiative and let everyone speak.

Offer. 2 min. Everyone says one word to make a sentence.

The exercise is repeated several times. This exercise is also diagnostic. If the game stalls on any participant several times in a row, it means that he is not activated enough, or he is excited about something. This is a signal to the coach to pay attention to him.

8. "Wishes"

Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood.

Time 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Group members express wishes to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you are addressing the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn throws it to the next person, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully monitor that everyone gets the ball and try not to miss anyone.


1. Fopel, K. Group cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group).

2. Vachkov, I. V. Fundamentals of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.

3. Monina, G. B., Lyutova-Roberts, E. K. Communication training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg. : Rech, 2007. - 224 p.: ill.

4. Starshenbaum, G.V. Training of skills of a practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2008. - 416 p.

5. 18 training programs. Guide for professionals / Under scientific. -ed. V. A. Chiker. - (Psychological training) - M.: Rech, 2008. - 368 p.


Training to unite the teaching staff at preschool educational institutions

Purpose of the training: Uniting the teaching staff, developing communication skills, getting to know each other better.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate;

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

Development of the ability to work in a team;

Improve the communication skills of teachers.

Required materials:

Sheets of A format – 4 according to the number of participants, simple pencils, felt-tip pens;

Calm music for relaxation;

Plates, a jug of water;

Checked sheets of paper, ballpoint pens according to the number of participants.

Educational psychologist: Hello, dear colleagues, today we will take part in a training that is aimed at team building.

The team in which a friendly atmosphere reigns is prosperous and successful, and always remains in the lead.

But before the training begins, we will discuss the rules of working in a group, which are necessary to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe:

1. Listen carefully to each other, do not interrupt.

2. Respect each other's opinions.

3. Non-judgmental judgments.

4. Activity.

5. Stop rule.

6. Confidentiality.

1 exercise.

Target: relieving tension through movements, organizing playful interaction.

Teachers, at the psychologist’s signal, begin to move chaotically around the room and greet everyone they meet along the way. You have to greet yourself in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - shake hands with shoulders;

3 claps - we shake our backs.

Exercise 2.

Target: improve the communication skills of teachers.

Tell us about the name, the origin of the name: who gave you this name, do you like your name and what name do you like?

Exercise 3.

Target: allows you to understand and feel yourself, be yourself, express your thoughts and feelings freely, and also understand the uniqueness of everyone, see the place you occupy in the diversity of this world and feel part of this beautiful world.

"Beautiful Garden"

Participants sit in a circle. The psychologist invites teachers to close their eyes and imagine themselves as a flower. What kind of flower would you be, what color, size, what petals, leaves. The presenter suggests sitting quietly, you can close your eyes, and imagine yourself as a flower. Everyone is given paper, markers, and pencils.

Next, participants are invited to cut out their own flower. Then everyone sits in a circle. The presenter spreads paper inside the circle in the form of a circle and distributes glue to each participant. The paper is declared to be a garden clearing that needs to be planted with flowers. All participants take turns going out and sticking their flower.

You are invited to admire the “beautiful garden” and capture this picture in your memory so that it shares its positive energy. Note that although there were many flowers, there was enough space for everyone, everyone took only their own, the one they chose. See what kind of different people yours is growing in. But there is also something in common - some have the color, others the size or shape of the leaves. And all flowers, without exception, need sun and attention.

Exercise 4: “Trusting fall”.

Target: developing trust in each other.

The training participants are divided into pairs. The exercise is that one person from the pair will fall, and the other will catch him. The person who catches kneels or squats slightly (about 90 cm behind their partner) to break the fall before their partner hits the floor. The person who is falling stands with his back to his partner, closes his eyes, relaxes and falls back into his partner's arms, trying not to catch himself as he falls. Then the partners change roles.

Exercise 5

Target: finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them; developing the ability to work in a team.

Participants are divided into 2 teams. The task is to describe as many similarities between the participants as possible. This could be similarity in physical qualities or any other.

Exercise 6"Present"

Target: positive completion of the training, reflection. Let's think about what you could give to our team to make interaction within it even more effective and relationships within it more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.

Let's reward ourselves for a successful lesson with applause!

Now answer the following questions in a circle:

What was important to you today?

What feelings did you experience?

Do you need such training in the future?

Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team.

In conclusion, the educational psychologist explains how important it is to be united, the team is a family, a small world, where everyone occupies a certain place and performs one function or another. The climate is called favorable if an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and taking responsibility for the work. If everyone in a team is protected, feels involved in everything that is happening and actively engages in communication.


Group cohesion is a necessary condition for creating a comfortable microclimate in the team. Group cohesion is promoted by: a positive emotional state of teachers, a friendly, inviting atmosphere in the group; positive relationships and sympathy between participants, mutual understanding. Thus, when a comfortable microclimate is created in a group, its participants gain confidence and strive to work and create. Team building training is one of the effective ways to create such an atmosphere.

Purpose of the program: increasing team cohesion


  • Improving the emotional state of teachers
  • Promote positive relationships and mutual understanding between teachers
  • Relieving emotional stress of teachers

Progress of the training

Teacher-psychologist: Good afternoon I am glad to welcome you to our training! Today we have the opportunity to relax a little, relax, play, learn a little more about ourselves and our colleagues, and most importantly, become a little closer to each other.

Exercise "Let's say hello"

Psychologist: At the beginning of our meeting, I propose to say hello, but we will do it in an unusual way. First of all, we need to break into pairs (teachers form pairs). If you hear 1 clap, we shake hands, 2 claps, we shake shoulders, 3 claps, we shake our backs. During the task, we remain silent, only parts of our body greet. When I ring the bell, your task is to find a new partner.

Game "Magic Hat"

What can make a meeting pleasant? (statements from teachers). A compliment will make any meeting pleasant. We will pass the hat around in a circle while the music is playing, when the music stops, the one who still has it puts it on himself and pays a compliment to the person sitting on the right. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it. A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I…(a positive quality is added) and the compliment is returned to the speaker.

Exercise “Recognize the drawing”


Each of us received a compliment. A compliment improves your mood and allows you to look at yourself differently. Please draw in 5 (10) minutes a portrait of yourself, how you see yourself in the team or want to see yourself. There is no need to sign the drawings.”

After completing the work, the trainer collects the drawings into a common pile. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the board or flipchart (you can first pass the drawing around so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

  • What is this person like?
  • Who could it be?

Exercise "Flower"

Each flower has a saying written on it that needs to be completed:
I'm proud...
Most of all I want...
The person I admire is...
Most of all I love...
I dream...
Three places where I lived...
Three things I like...
Three things I don't like...
My hobby...
What you don't know about me yet is that I...

Exercise "I'm just like you"

Teacher-psychologist: The previous exercise led me to the idea that we are all different, but in some ways we are similar. I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any teacher and, calling him by name, explains why he is the same: I am the same as you, because...”. The one to whom the ball was thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next person.

Exercise “Learn through touch”

Psychologist: Do you think we have learned enough about each other to recognize each other without words? (statements from teachers)
I invite one of you to now enter the center of the circle, sit on a chair, place your hands on your knees, palms up, and close your eyes. We will all, in no particular order, come up to him and put our hands on his palms. The person sitting on the chair must understand whose hands these are. Every time we will clap our hands if the person who comes up is named correctly, and “no if there is a mistake.”

Exercise “Heart of the Team”

Teacher-psychologist: Each team has its own heart. I propose to create the heart of our team. To do this, write your name on a piece of paper and fold it. This is necessary so that each of you can draw lots with someone’s name. Come up with a friendly, pleasant phrase addressed to the person whose name you drew by lot. Take a small heart and write down what you came up with on it. Now, look what a big heart I brought. It will become the heart of our team after we glue all the small hearts onto our big heart (teachers glue small hearts to music)

Exercise “What I Learned”

Teacher-psychologist: Our training today is coming to an end. I'd really like to get feedback. Let's light a candle and pass it around. Whoever holds the candle in his hands says that he liked it, what he was surprised by, what he learned, what was most important to him.

List of used literature:

  1. Aralova M. A. Formation of a preschool educational institution team. Psychological support - Moscow: Sfera, 2005. - 60 p.
  2. Vachkov, I.V. Basics of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.
  3. Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communication training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. - 224 p.
  4. Psychological training in a group: Games and exercises: Textbook / Author-comp. T.L. Buka, M.L. Mitrofanova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Psychotherapy, 2008. – 144 p.
  5. Samukina, N.V. "Games that are played..." Psychological workshop. – Dubna: Phoenix+, 2000.
  6. 18 training programs. Guide for professionals / Scientifically ed. V.A. Chicker. - (Psychological training) - M.: Rech, 2008. - 368 p.



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