Check the authenticity of the tablets using the batch number. How to check the authenticity of a medicine: methods and tips

Marriage with a Russian citizen is the basis on which a foreign citizen has the right to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. However, it will not be possible to obtain Russian citizenship by marriage immediately after the wedding and registration of the relationship. That is, citizenship upon marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation is not automatically granted immediately.

To apply for Russian citizenship to a foreign citizen by marriage under the simplified procedure, you must live married to Russian citizen at least 3 years.

Important! Marriage to a Russian citizen does not eliminate the need to obtain a temporary residence permit, and after that a residence permit. You will also need to confirm your income and knowledge of the Russian language.

Deadline for obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage

As already mentioned, applying for Russian citizenship by marriage is possible only after 3 years of marriage to a Russian citizen.

For foreign citizens, Russian citizenship by marriage in a simplified manner means that the time for reviewing documents is reduced to 6 months. That is, after submitting documents for Russian citizenship by marriage in 2018, a response may be received in 6 months or less.

Combined with 3 years of marriage, obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage takes 3.5 years, which is still significantly less than five years when applying for citizenship in general procedure.

Procedure and procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage

Many people ask questions: how to obtain citizenship if the husband is a citizen of the Russian Federation and how to obtain citizenship if the wife is a citizen of the Russian Federation. The procedure is the same for everyone.

As mentioned earlier, citizenship of the Russian Federation through marriage to a Russian does not eliminate the need for a foreign citizen to obtain a temporary residence permit and residence permit.

Because to get citizenship Russian Federation Marriage requires going through the following steps:

  1. Marry a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Issue a temporary residence permit.
  3. After the temporary residence permit, issue a .
  4. Live in marriage for 3 years without breaking the law during this time.
  5. Pass the exam on knowledge of the Russian language.
  6. Apply for Russian citizenship through marriage.

Documents for Russian citizenship by marriage

The list of documents for Russian citizenship by marriage is as follows:

  • marriage certificate;
  • two applications for Russian citizenship established sample;
  • spouse – citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a paper confirming payment of the state duty for citizenship in the amount of 3,500 rubles;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • a document confirming the filing of an application to renounce previous citizenship, or indicating the impossibility of such a renunciation;
  • papers confirming a source of income sufficient for living;
  • three photographs, 3 x 4 cm, black and white or color.

Application for Russian citizenship by marriage

A foreign citizen can receive an application for Russian citizenship at any branch of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The application form is the same for all categories of foreign citizens, including those married to a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In other words, an application for a Russian Federation spouse is exactly the same as an application for Russian citizenship in the general manner, separate form not provided.

This standard form must be filled out without corrections, abbreviations, dashes or abbreviations. You must answer the points in the application clearly and in detail. The application is submitted to the authorities exclusively in paper form.

But there are also other ways of legalization. Today we’ll talk about the connection between “marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation and citizenship of the Russian Federation.”

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The path to Russian citizenship through a spouse is not always the fastest and most convenient. Perhaps it’s worth awakening the Great Combinator within yourself and looking for other options...

Most people, when tying the knot with a citizen of the Russian Federation, think that the easiest way to change citizenship to Russian is to submit marriage documents. Yes, this is the most common method, but it is far from the only one and certainly not the fastest. Today we will talk about misconceptions about citizenship by marriage, and also consider other options that allow a family to acquire a common citizenship as quickly as possible.

Common misconceptions about citizenship by marriage

Husband/wife is a citizen, I immediately receive citizenship

If your spouse has Russian citizenship, and you have nothing in the Russian Federation, then you will not immediately receive citizenship. The maximum you can count on is a temporary residence permit outside the quota. Everyone gets it by quota, and you by marriage. Then, after six months, you apply for a residence permit, and only when the marriage is 3 years old - for citizenship.

Child + husband/wife citizen, I immediately receive citizenship

No. If your spouse and child are citizens of the Russian Federation, and you are an IG with nothing, then we have the right to a temporary residence permit outside the quota. Then, for a child, you do not receive anything, but for marriage, you receive a residence permit and then, when the marriage is 3 years old, citizenship.

I cannot apply for temporary residence permit until the marriage is three years old

You can, you can get a temporary residence permit, but you can’t get citizenship, you’ll have to wait.

Our marriage has already been three years old, but I cannot apply for citizenship, since my husband is also a former foreign citizen who has now become a Russian citizen. And I have to be married for three years just like with a Russian.

You must be married for three years to this person as your legal spouse, and not three years to him as a Russian. If you have nothing, apply for a temporary residence permit outside the quota. If you have a residence permit, as soon as your spouse receives citizenship and registers at the place of residence (“propiska”), go and apply for citizenship by marriage.

The main conclusion from the above:

— You need to go through all stages of marriage (TRP, residence permit)

— The marriage must be 3 years old in order to have grounds for applying for citizenship in an accelerated manner after a residence permit.

Is it possible to speed up the process? Can!

Other options for obtaining citizenship

In fact, any of the existing options for obtaining citizenship is suitable for you. Here are some beautiful and quick patterns. Try them on yourself, maybe something will suit you.

Option 1.

The marriage is not yet 3 years old, you are nobody, your spouse is a citizen of the Russian Federation

You receive a temporary residence permit outside the quota on the basis of marriage to a citizen of the Russian Federation and immediately apply for it in some region (does not work for Moscow and St. Petersburg).

In fact, you can apply for the resettlement program without a temporary residence permit and without a marriage, but if you still have not done this or have done so, but were rejected, then with a citizen spouse and a ready temporary residence permit, you have a better chance of getting approval for the resettlement program.

As soon as you receive a certificate of participation in the resettlement program, you can immediately apply for citizenship under the PP (without obtaining a residence permit and waiting until the marriage is 3 years old). You'll get it done in a year or a year and a half.

Option 2.

The marriage is not yet 3 years old. You have reached the residence permit. And you are a very confident person.

You can obtain a residence permit within a year after marriage if you act energetically. And now you already have a residence permit, but you have to live for two years until the 3rd anniversary of marriage. I would like it to be faster. Follow the program (yes, you can do that).

To do this, you will need to know the Russian language (know, and not think what to know) and acquire registration at your place of residence (“propiska”). Since a residence permit is a status that allows you to live and work in any subject of the Russian Federation, you can register anywhere.

If you did not yet have permanent registration before making the decision to go through the NDT, then it is better to look for a place to register in the region where the NDT commissions meet frequently and are quite loyal to the subjects. So far, the author of this article has not come across better reviews than St. Petersburg. You submit documents, get recognized and immediately submit documents for citizenship, since you already have a residence permit. If you're lucky with the frequency of the commission's meetings, six months - and you're in the kings.

Option 3.

When marriage has nothing to do with it at all.

Typically, people married to Russian citizens choose the most obvious path to legalization and obtaining citizenship - marriage. At the same time, if a person thinks and searches, he may well have other more shortcuts to citizenship rather than marriage. For example:

When we were taught in childhood to play chess and checkers, or in school mathematics, and later physics, chemistry and other sciences, we were taught not so much so that we would be great chess players, mathematicians, physicists or chemists, but in order to we got it:

To obtain Russian citizenship by marriage, you must observe some nuances:

After living in the country for 2 years and being the holder of a residence permit, you can proceed to the process of obtaining citizenship.

In addition to the nuances with the legality of marriage, it is worth considering several more conditions:

  • spouses must have been married for at least 3 years;
  • one of the spouses must not have Russian citizenship.

The main stages of obtaining citizenship

There are the following stages for obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage:

  1. Receiving a temporary residence permit. This status is given for a time, but it gives the right to legally live and work in Russia. The procedure for obtaining citizenship allows you to stay in the country on the basis of a temporary residence permit for 3 years. This is because the state wants to make sure that the marriage is sincere and not just for the sake of citizenship.

    But the foreign spouse of a Russian citizen is not obliged to wait for the expiration of this period. You are allowed to submit a package of papers for a residence permit 12 months after the permit is issued.

  2. Resident card. The holder of such a document receives extensive rights and responsibilities that are equivalent to citizenship.

    A similar document is issued for 5 years. After staying in the country for at least 2 years with a residence permit, you can move on to last stage- registration of citizenship.

  3. Submitting an application for Russian citizenship. To do this, the spouses must have 3 years of cohabitation, no problems with the law, proof of knowledge of the language and current type for residence.

In order to obtain a residence permit without issuing a temporary residence permit, marriage with a Russian citizen is not enough. A foreign citizen must belong to one of the categories of persons:

In other cases, it will not be possible to bypass the stage of registering a temporary residence permit.

Before submitting a package of papers for citizenship, you will have to go through the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit and residence permit. To submit all documents, you will have to contact the GUVM (FMS) department at the place of registration.

To make an appointment, you should use the online service on the official website of the department.

Registration of temporary residence permit

To obtain such a document, you will need to submit an application to the FMS department, and attach the following documents to it:

  • the applicant’s passport, its translation and copy certified by a notary;
  • application for temporary residence permit in 2 copies;
  • 4 photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • migration card;
  • receipt confirming payment of the fee;
  • medical certificate confirming the absence of dangerous diseases;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • certificate of registration of marriage with a Russian man/Russian woman;
  • a certified copy of the spouse’s passport with Russian citizenship;
  • certificate of successful completion comprehensive testing.

Issuance of residence permit

To obtain a residence permit you will need the same documents as for obtaining a temporary permit, but The package is supplemented with the following papers:

  1. application for residence permit in 2 copies;
  2. received earlier RVP;
  3. proof of income (work certificate, account statement);
  4. confirmation of housing availability;
  5. receipt confirming payment of the fee.

Final step

At least 3 years must pass from the date of marriage registration to the date of application for citizenship.

A foreigner must prepare ahead of time and apply to the FMS. Certified copies and originals of all papers are required. Documents not in Russian must be translated and certified by a notary. So the list includes:

State fees

The cost of the state fee for a temporary residence permit is 1,600 rubles. Registration of a residence permit and citizenship will cost 3,500 rubles in each case.

The time frame for obtaining citizenship by marriage is a total of 3 years, compared to 5 years when registering on a general basis.

Payment details can be found on the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deadlines for consideration of applications

How long does it take to get applications approved after marriage? The period for consideration of a temporary residence permit is from 2 to 6 months. But if a foreign citizen is pregnant, then the review period can be reduced to 1 day.

Applications for residence permits and citizenship are processed within 6 months.

Where can I find out the result?

All decisions of the Main Directorate for Migration (FMS) are sent to the postal address specified when submitting applications. You can also find out about readiness on the department’s website or by phone. But it makes sense to do this after the review period has expired and there has been no notification.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that an attempt to circumvent the law by concluding a fictitious marriage to obtain Russian citizenship will cause the decision to assign citizenship to be canceled in court, and the marriage will be annulled.

The foreign citizen will be expelled from the country and required to pay a hefty fine (Article 170 of the Civil Code). At the same time, relatives of the offender will also have difficulties entering the country.

Obtaining Russian citizenship is a very long process, consisting of several stages. Those who decide to become a citizen of our country will have to familiarize themselves with documents such as a temporary residence permit (hereinafter referred to as TRP) and a residence permit (hereinafter referred to as residence permit). However, the procedure can be simplified if there are certain grounds, including marriage. In this material, we will look at how Russian citizenship is obtained for Ukrainian citizens by marriage and what the differences are from the standard procedure.

Marrying a citizen of the Russian Federation

It must be said that marriage in itself does not imply a mandatory change. No one forbids creating a unit of society, being citizens of different states, and even more so does not force one of the spouses to acquire a new homeland.

For example, if a citizen of the Russian Federation marries a citizen of Ukraine, she is not obliged to become Ukrainian, and he, accordingly, is not obliged to join the ranks of Russians. I would like to note that automatic acquisition of citizenship of another country is also not provided.

Marriage is a basis that simplifies and does not abolish the current legalization procedure.

The same rules apply to the reverse situation, when a marriage is concluded between a Russian citizen and a Ukrainian citizen. The decision whether to change citizenship is a completely voluntary choice, limited only by legal requirements.

And yet the issue of changing citizenship is secondary. In order for it to arise, you must first get married, and officially.

Let us dwell on this point in more detail, because there are some features characteristic of the country where registration will take place. Since in this article we're talking about about marriage between citizens of Russia and Ukraine, we will focus on considering these states. And let's start by finding out how marriage with a citizen of Ukraine occurs in Russia.

How to sign in Russia

The main legislative document that regulates the relationships between people entering or already getting married is the Family Code of the Russian Federation. It defines the rules for registration and divorce, and also establishes other requirements, one way or another related to issues of family life.

Based on the provisions of the law, it is not so difficult to understand the intricacies of registering a marriage with a foreigner. As an example, let's look at how to marry a Ukrainian citizen in Russia.

So, let's start with the fact that the conditions for marriage (consent of both parties, achievement of a certain age, special circumstances, etc.) are established by the legislation of the country whose citizenship is the one getting married at the time of such important event. Naturally, these conditions must be met.

In relation to the situation when a marriage of a Russian citizen with a citizen of Ukraine is registered: she is ordered to fulfill the requirements of our legislation (consent, reaching the age of 18 years), and he is required to fully comply with Ukrainian laws (consent, reaching the age of 17 years).

In addition, you should be aware of the presence of restrictions (by the way, both Russia and Ukraine are of the same opinion on this issue), under which it is impossible to get married.

Russian legislation does not allow marriage registration:

  • if there is a close relationship (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, brothers and sisters);
  • if at least one applicant is already legally married;
  • between adoptive parents and adopted children;
  • if at least one of the applicants is declared incompetent due to a mental disorder.

If all of the above nuances are excluded, then you can safely submit an application to any registry office located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Important point: The application is filled out jointly and submitted in person. If personal presence is not possible, it is permissible to submit applications separately, but the signature of the absent applicant must be notarized.

The following documents will need to be attached to the application for marriage with a citizen of Ukraine in Russia:

  1. or documents replacing them.
  2. A document indicating that a person is not married, or confirming the dissolution of a previous marriage.

All documents drawn up in Ukrainian must be translated into Russian and notarized.

It also happens that future spouses have citizenship, for example, of Ukraine, and the marriage takes place on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this regard, a logical question arises: how can citizens of Ukraine sign in Russia? General algorithm described above: the procedure for submitting an application and the list of documents does not change.

However, there are a couple of nuances: the conditions for marriage will be determined by Ukrainian legislation, and marriage can be registered either at the registry office or at the diplomatic mission of Ukraine in the Russian Federation, authorized for such actions.

How to sign in Ukraine

Despite the fact that in light of recent events, Ukraine and Russia are increasingly moving away from each other, uniformity still remains in some areas of law. For example, registering a marriage in Ukraine with a citizen of the Russian Federation is carried out almost in the same manner as in Russia for similar unions.

True, there is also a significant difference: both future spouses are obliged to fulfill the requirements and obligations established specifically by Ukrainian legislation. If a Ukrainian citizen plans to marry a Russian citizen, she must be at least 17 years old at the time of marriage, he must be 18.

A mandatory condition for registration, enshrined in the Family Code of Ukraine (in fact, as in Russia), is voluntary consent both. The grounds that prevent marriage are described above and are no different, so there is no point in repeating them here.

The application process and list of documents are similar to Russian ones.

The only difference is that in this case our compatriot will receive all the necessary certificates from the Russian diplomatic mission, and also resolve the issue of their translation into Ukrainian and notarization.

Let us add that if the marriage of a Ukrainian woman with a Russian citizen (as well as the union of a Ukrainian man and a Russian woman) is concluded in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, it will also be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation, no additional confirmatory procedures will be required.

What must a Ukrainian provide to obtain citizenship by marriage?

Before a foreigner has the opportunity to become a Russian citizen, he will have to fulfill a number of mandatory conditions: live on the territory of the Russian Federation, be officially married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for at least three years, obtain documents permitting residence.

For example, if a Ukrainian citizen marries a Russian citizen, then the package of documents that, after fulfilling the specified requirements, he must submit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be as follows:

  1. (2 copies).
  2. Passport or .
  3. Document confirming earnings (for disabled citizens– certificate/certificate confirming incapacity for work).
  4. A document officially confirming the renunciation of citizenship of another country.
  5. Three photos 30x40 mm.
  6. Certificate/diploma confirming knowledge of the Russian language.
  7. Receipt/cheque/payment order for payment of state duty.

Russian citizenship by marriage: how to apply

It must be said that registration of marriages in which the husband and wife are citizens of different states is a fairly common phenomenon. And it is quite logical that one of the spouses sooner or later decides to change citizenship. In this regard, people try to find out in advance, for example, how to obtain citizenship if the husband is Russian and the wife is Ukrainian.

This can be explained by the fact that obtaining a new passport involves completing additional documents and contacting government agencies for various inquiries, wasting time and effort. Of course, few people are happy about such a complex procedure, but these are the requirements of the law, and going against them is fraught with problems.

As a matter of fact, no less popular is the question of how to obtain citizenship if a Ukrainian marries a Russian.

The law does not differentiate by gender: from a legal point of view, it does not matter who will acquire Russian citizenship and renounce Ukrainian citizenship, husband or wife: the algorithm of actions is the same for everyone.

And, unfortunately, it is not as simple as we would like.

Like most processes implemented by the state, obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainian citizens by marriage is characterized by the presence of several stages and some time extension. However, what should be encouraging is the fact that having a spouse with Russian citizenship is a circumstance that greatly simplifies this procedure.

The relaxations concern the timing of filing a petition with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the period of consideration and decision-making.

Actually, we have come close to the question of how to obtain Russian citizenship for a citizen of Ukraine in a simplified manner in 2019 through marriage. Let's figure it out.

First of all, it should be noted: despite the fact that foreigners with Russian spouses can obtain Russian citizenship under a simplified scheme, no one relieves them of the obligation to obtain a temporary residence permit, and after its expiration, a residence permit.

Registration of temporary residence permit

Every foreigner who has entered the territory of the Russian Federation and plans to stay for a fairly long period, regardless of marital status, must. This is a document that confirms that the presence of a foreign guest in Russia is legal, does not threaten the security of our country and does not bother migration services.

The functions of issuing temporary residence permits are assigned to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where appropriate applications should be submitted.

Registration of a residence permit

After the expiration of the temporary residence permit (three years from the date of receipt), the foreign citizen must apply for. By the way, if the temporary residence permit has ended and the application for a residence permit has not been submitted, the foreigner must mandatory leave the country.

Obtaining a residence permit is the penultimate step towards. This document practically equalizes foreign citizen with Russians and gives him similar rights. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also responsible for considering applications and issuing residence permits.

If the issue of obtaining this document is particularly relevant, we recommend that you read.


So, when the coveted residence permit has been received, all that remains is to apply for Russian citizenship. And here is the time to remember the benefits that are provided in connection with the presence of a Russian spouse. The first concerns the timing of applying to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The standard procedure assumes that you can submit an application for citizenship only after 5 years from the date of receipt of a residence permit (this is exactly the period of its validity). The simplified procedure allows for filing an application even the next day after receiving a residence permit.

The second privilege is that the period for consideration of the application is 6 months, and not 12, as under the general procedure.

Fictitious marriage

As follows from all of the above, marriage registration makes it possible to acquire Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. In this regard, the number of fictitious marriages, which are concluded specifically for employment, or acquisition of citizenship, has increased.

Of course, such actions are illegal, but the problem is that it is almost impossible to prove the marriage is fictitious. And this, of course, is shamelessly taken advantage of by those whose aspirations are far from starting a family.

The easiest ways to obtain Russian citizenship: Video



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