Forecast of allergy to flowering. Symptoms of seasonal allergies in adults and children

About a fifth of the world's population suffers from hay fever, and every year, starting in mid-April, the first truly warm days involuntarily force one to refresh one's memory about hay fever. Upcoming May holidays not everyone can have a country picnic. But this is not a reason to despair at all. Hay fever was discovered 200 years ago, and the method of its treatment recently turned 100 years old.

Symptoms of hay fever

Allergic rhinitis at the beginning of its development is similar to a common acute respiratory disease, however, despite this, it is quite easily diagnosed. The most important difference is the seasonality of its appearance.

In the warm season, the child experiences lacrimation and discomfort in the eyes, itching of the nose with characteristic scratching of the tip of the nose (the so-called “greeting of an allergy sufferer”), a stuffy nose, and rhinitis occurs unexpectedly and also suddenly disappears, especially after taking antihistamines. Dermatitis may develop. The child is irritable for no obvious reason, gets tired quickly, is capricious, and drowsiness appears. You should be wary if there is a cough on the border between dry and wet, especially if it appears between one and three o'clock in the morning, or after going outside, or, conversely, when entering the entrance ( abrupt change temperature), or when going out into nature.

The same symptoms also occur during active snowmelt - from early to mid-April, when it is still far from above-zero temperatures, as well as in the fall - on rotten leaves of trees, from about the end of September to mid-October, especially if you burn fires with leaves in front of a child.

Collecting anamnesis and tests to make a diagnosis

If you are unsure about the nature of your cough and runny nose, you should first contact your pediatrician to rule out a viral or infectious nature diseases.

There is no need to delay a visit to the doctor; sometimes self-medication supposedly for a “cold” drags on for years.

This is especially dangerous with an “incomprehensible” cough, which may turn out to be allergic tracheobronchitis, and then asthma. The pediatrician will refer you for a consultation to an allergist-immunologist and give you coupons for tests.

To visit any allergist you need to have on hand: ready results tests (CBC, OAM, feces and scraping for eggworm), a referral from a pediatrician indicating that the nature of the disease is not viral or infectious, an outpatient card. Prepare in advance a list of illnesses of the child’s parents to determine the degree of hereditary burden of allergic diseases, a list of questions for the doctor regarding the organization of everyday life, nutrition, and treatment.

It is very useful to start monitoring before visiting an allergist. food diary, where you need to record the time of food intake, its detailed composition, what the reaction was and at what time. This is necessary to make or exclude a preliminary diagnosis." food allergy"and determining the type of allergic reaction - immediate type or slow.

If your eyes are very inflamed, you should consult an ophthalmologist before visiting an allergist.

After the first visit to the allergist and taking a medical history, the child will be sent to undergo other tests - first of all, to determine total IgE (in a nutshell, this is a test to determine the “truth” of allergies or how strongly the child is prone to allergic diseases), but you need to remember that approximately in a third of patients with atopic diseases, this indicator may be normal.

If the child has complaints only of rhinitis, and there are no skin manifestations or others, then it is necessary to exclude ENT diseases - the same as adenoiditis, for this you will need to consult an otolaryngologist. It will be possible to take a rhinocytogram (nasal swab), and then it will be clear whether the rhinitis is allergic or is it some kind of ENT disease.

Allergy tests

Most main way Diagnosis of hay fever involves allergy tests, which are carried out strictly in allergy clinics; such a procedure is not done at home.

There are two types of samples

  • When performing scarification skin tests on the hands, it does not hurt at all to make tiny “scratches” with a scarifier and drop special drops of food, household, epidermal, pollen, and fungal allergens onto them.
  • The second method, using blood from a vein, is a method for determining specific antibodies of the IgE class in blood serum; here the same groups of allergens are determined, but of a more expanded composition, up to exotic ones such as allergies to the skin of reptiles or fruits that grow only in Africa. The second method is used when it is impossible to carry out skin tests, for example, because the child is very young, or if the child is not able to sit quietly with allergens applied to the scratches, because the hands will itch very much.

In Novosibirsk, skin tests can be carried out both in local clinics (in allergy clinics) and in paid allergy clinics.

For example, we spent time in R.M.’s office. Zakrevskaya (Kirova St., 46) skin tests for 60 allergens (in 2007), also carried out in the allergy clinic O.A. Batychko (Morskoy Ave., 25), where we were assigned at our place of residence until 2013, for 40 allergens. After the opening of the children's clinic on Demakova Street, it became possible to do tests in the lower zone of Akademgorodok. You need to prepare for 2-3 visits, because, firstly, there are a lot of allergens, you can’t put everything on your little hands at once, and secondly, some groups of allergens cannot be treated at once in one day.

To conduct allergy tests, the child must be healthy, without fever, and also not take antihistamines for 3 weeks. Samples are usually carried out from October-November, depending on when snow cover is expected, until the weather warms up - until the end of March.

Based on the results of samples and other tests, a diagnosis is made - hay fever to certain herbs or trees. Tests are carried out every two years. A child over 5 years old diagnosed with asthma is sent annually for a spirogram (this study is also carried out at the nearest clinic on Demakova Street).

Questions for the doctor: organization of meals, everyday life

  • Ask your doctor about cross allergies. Such an allergy can arise to products that have a similar structure in terms of a set of amino acids with certain allergens, as well as those belonging to the same family along with herbs or trees that cause hay fever. Get a leaflet from your doctor indicating these foods.

For example, if you are allergic to birch, then during the flowering period and about 2-4 weeks before the start of flowering, you should not eat carrots, dill, potatoes, as well as all stone fruits growing on trees, juices from them, all kinds of nuts, etc. It is necessary to exclude the presence in the same room of a person suffering from birch hay fever and peeling potatoes that have sprouted (ready for planting in the country). Detailed list There are a lot of products with cross allergies; the most complete answer can be given by an allergist, or you can look it up on the Internet.

  • Organization of everyday life is very important. As the allergist told me, everyday life should be as close as possible to hospital (no matter how upsetting it may be), that is, hypoallergenic. No open shelves; books should be behind closed doors. Remove carpets, fluffy blankets and capes too. Houseplants choose ones that do not smell, and it is better to remove them from the room while the trees are dusting. Souvenirs and clusters soft toys hide behind glass doors, exclude flower arrangements. In general, a minimum of surfaces on which pollen and dust would land. Daily wet cleaning during flowering is mandatory, preferably twice a day. Washing powders and cleaning products should not smell fragrant throughout the entire apartment; it is better to use hypoallergenic ones. Pets and fish are only allowed if you are 100% sure that there is no reaction to them. Some breeds of dogs and cats are considered hypoallergenic, but everything is individual.
  • Ask an allergist about restorative treatments: hardening, visiting the pool, playing sports. Depending on the severity of the allergy and concomitant diseases The doctor can recommend certain ways to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of hay fever during exacerbation, preparation for flowering

For the period of exacerbation during flowering, as well as 2-4 weeks before the expected flowering, treatment is prescribed.

Self-medication is unacceptable and dangerous! Medicines, as well as their dosage, time of administration and method, duration of administration are strictly individual!

General prescriptions for hay fever that do not require hospitalization usually include:

  • individual diet,
  • antihistamines,
  • drugs for treatment and prevention of rhinitis,
  • drugs for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis,
  • basic therapy,
  • medications to relieve attacks (if there is no effect, you should immediately consult a doctor or immediately call an ambulance),
  • sorbents,
  • a recommendation not to go outside on hot, dry days, to place damp cloth (or gauze) on the windows at home, not to walk early in the morning, to walk after rain,
  • advice to take a shower as often as possible, wear it outside sunglasses and headdress
  • The recommendation to carry out frequent wet cleaning at home is very good if there is at least one room with a hypoallergenic environment in which the child can sleep and play.

If a rare medicine is prescribed, you can search for it in Novosibirsk pharmacies on the website or in the service for the availability of goods in pharmacies of the Municipal Novosibirsk Pharmacy Network - tel. 230-18-18.

If you need to go outside during flowering

If going outside is unavoidable, for example, if you need to go to the clinic, then you need sunglasses, a mask for the nose and mouth, a headdress, so that later you can remove it in the clinic and there will be no pollen left on your hair. You need to throw something on top - a sweater or windbreaker, which can be taken off at the clinic and put in a bag. There is a drug “Nazaval”, it is sprayed into the nose before going outside, it lines the mucous membrane with a protective layer, preventing pollen from irritating the mucous membrane, but with abundant flowering it is not a panacea.

About three years ago, a barrier method of protection appeared - a special filter inserted into the nose, the so-called invisible respirator. They are available for “dry” and “wet” noses.

After coming home You need to rinse your nose with saline or regular saline. The eyes are washed and then rinsed from pollen with the “Natural Tear” preparation. It is very effective to take a shower immediately after arriving, and for everyone who comes, to wash off the pollen. And, of course, you need to wash your shoes, and either put your clothes in the washing machine and wash them, or at least put them in a closed closet without shaking pollen all over the hallway.

Treatment of hay fever outside the period of exacerbation: ASIT

The most common method of treating hay fever is allergen-specific immunotherapy - the introduction of an allergen into the body according to a special scheme.

The body seems to “get used” to the presence of the allergen and stops producing an immune reaction. And gradually, over the years, after several courses of ASIT, the mechanism of histamine production by mast cells is gradually suppressed - “tired”. The response to flowering either decreases or disappears altogether. The earlier ASIT treatment is started, the greater the chance of going into stable remission.

This therapy is carried out during the period of remission, and stops two weeks before flowering. There are contraindications to ASIT, including severe forms of asthma, hay fever, dermatitis, as well as serious illnesses internal organs, mental illness in the acute phase, acute infectious diseases, blood diseases, reduced immunity, age under 5 years (for injections), as well as the unwillingness of parents to regularly take the child to procedures or a sharp rejection of the procedure by the patient himself.

There are adverse reactions, especially if the dose of the administered allergen is incorrectly selected, and local reactions (hyperemia, itching), so ASIT is carried out strictly in the allergy room!

You need to sign up for ASIT with the allergist who is seeing your child. On the day of ASIT, the child must be healthy, without fever, the day of ASIT and the day of the Mantoux test should not coincide, and on the day of ASIT, foods with cross-allergy should not be consumed with a large dose of an allergen. You can take water procedures, but you can’t go to the sauna, and you can’t rub the injection site with a washcloth. If the injection site is itchy, you can apply ice in a plastic cup, or something from the freezer, wrapped in a towel; do not scratch the injection site.

There are two types of ASIT

  • With ASIT the allergen is injected subcutaneously (injections) according to a special scheme, and at allergy clinics at the place of residence, this method of treatment is provided free of charge.
  • There are also the second method is sublingual, the drug is bought by parents. The second method has been actively spreading over the last four years. It is more convenient, because the drops can be taken with you on trips, it is welcomed by parents - there is less need to visit a doctor and you can start treatment from 3 years old, and not just from 5. Children tolerate this method more calmly, because they do not need to give painful injections. Drops for the sublingual ASIT method are commercially available.

How to determine the beginning of birch flowering

Since my daughter has birch flowering hay fever, I studied a lot about this particular type of allergy.

Birch sap begins to move with the establishment of a constant positive temperature, so the first symptoms of hay fever begin to appear 1 - 2 weeks before the birch begins to bloom.

For many allergic rhinitis begins as soon as the snow melts, probably on rotten leaves, maybe on the flowering of other trees that bloom before birch - willow, hazel. Due to the fact that it is necessary to start treatment and follow a diet in advance, it is necessary to learn to predict the onset of flowering. It's difficult, but possible.

I tried to derive a pattern from the date of Easter. It turned out that if we add about 1-2 weeks to the date of Easter, we will get the beginning of birch dusting, but, unfortunately, this rule does not apply every year.

Year/Date of Easter/Flowering period

  • 2005 / May 1 / May 06 - May 28
  • 2006 / April 23 / May 02 -May 27
  • 2007 / April 8 / April 25 - May 20th
  • 2008 / April 27 / May 5 - May 23
  • 2009 / April 19 / May 8 - May 30
  • 2010 / April 4 / May 1 - May 26-30 - very early Easter
  • 2011 / April 24 / April 20 - May 20 - dusting began before Easter
  • 2012 / April 15 / April 29 - May 27
  • 2013 / May 5 / May 3 - May 31 - dusting began before Easter
  • 2014 / April 20 / April 24 - May 17
  • 2015 / April 12 / dusting from April 25

But it turned out that the flowering of birch lasts 18-29 days, on average 22 days, and the later the birch begins to dust, the faster it fades.

Rice. 1. Catkins of a birch tree about to bloom,

Rice. 3. Flowering birch catkins.

You can purchase a peak flow meter; it allows you to measure the child’s peak exhalation at home and understand whether there are any breathing problems.

Instructions for the peak flow meter are included; learning to use is very easy and quick. The results are always informative: if the indicators began to decline by more than 20% from average norm exhale, you need to start preparing for flowering.

Rice. 4. Normal peak speed exhalation in children.

The graph is taken from the website of the Asthma Center “Asthma-Service”

How to tell if a birch tree has bloomed

  • When a birch tree fades, its earrings, for the most part, fall off either after rain, or after wind, or on their own. If there is no one to ask to see if the birch catkins have fallen, you can look pollen monitoring online , however, Novosibirsk is not in the list of cities, but there is Barnaul, which has not yet started displaying records this year. However, you can focus on Moscow.
  • There is much less yellow-green dust on parked cars, in puddles, and on window sills - this was pollen that had settled from the air.

After the birch tree blooms, you need to wash the windows, wash the curtains, wipe down everything in the apartment that pollen could have settled on.

Air purifiers

To alleviate the symptoms of hay fever, air purifiers help somewhat, for example, our members of the forum used and were satisfied with the Super Turbo Plus and Sevezh purifiers, as well as Boneco air washers. The principles of operation of these devices are different, but the purpose is the same - to capture and collect allergens on their filters: pollen, dust, and odors.

To select a purifier, you need to know the cubic capacity of the rooms. If it is not possible to equip each room with a purifier, then it is better to buy a portable one.

When purchasing, you should consider how to care for the device, whether it has a replaceable or washable part that catches dust and pollen, and whether it will be easy to care for. The presence of an ionization function is not important for those suffering from hay fever.

“Escape” from flowering as a way to treat hay fever

It would be ideal to leave every year during the flowering of grasses and trees, because treatment of allergies is, first of all, avoiding the allergen, as well as training the immune system by hardening with water procedures, taking air salt baths while walking around sea ​​coast, frequent walks and long games in the fresh air.

We tried to get away from the birch blossoms. You can go to an area where the birch tree is either not yet blooming (for example, northern territories, where the snow is still far away), or has already faded (southern territories), or where it simply does not grow (this choice is more difficult, most likely these are only deserts, endless steppes, however, grasses grow in the steppes that can cause hay fever).

When choosing a location, you should take into account the flowering calendars for different cities; they are, of course, very generalized, but you can still roughly determine the departure date and buy tickets in advance. You can also rely on the above methods for determining birch flowering (outdoor temperature, including weather forecast for the month ahead, peak flowmetry, sap flow). If you can’t guess the beginning of flowering, and you have to get to the train station or airport during flowering, buy a mask, glasses, etc. in advance.

Flowering calendars for Krasnodar, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities can be found on pollen monitoring site .

Acquaintances went to Sochi, Almaty, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand during the flowering period. We were leaving for Anapa, but unknowingly ended up during the acacia flowering period and had an asthma attack. We quickly stopped the attack, but got a strong side effect.

Side effects of bronchodilators

The treatment regimen for hay fever has been developed a long time ago and is used quite successfully, but you also need to be aware of the adverse reactions of some medications. Be sure to ask an allergist about this, ask how you can eliminate the side effect without calling a doctor, and in what cases urgent help is needed.

If you are faced with the task of choosing a country to escape from birch dust, then you can find information on the map /

We have collected information from various scientific sources. Our goal: to generalize and bring together all the information about the dusting of allergenic plants and their impact on allergy sufferers both in our country and abroad.

Now on the website it is possible to immediately see where, at a certain period of time, plant pollen can negatively affect an allergy sufferer, and accordingly draw conclusions about the possibility of staying in this area.
In the “Archive” section, you can select the allergen and the date you are interested in, and on the map you can see places with recorded and processed information about dusting. If there is no color mark in the region you are interested in, this means that this information is not yet available to us.
You can also read real reviews from our teammates in the “Reviews” section about their impressions of staying in various places while escaping from the dust.
How to use this information?

We plan New Year's holidays without unexpected allergic reactions, or what blooms in the south in December-January.

Long holidays during the New Year holidays give Russians the opportunity to relax, often these are tours to the south, to countries where there is “eternal summer”. Allergy sufferers need to be especially careful, since in December and January certain plants bloom in this climate zone, the pollen of which can cause allergies. the site analyzed dust calendars in countries where Russians often go on vacation. We present to your attention summarized information.

Türkiye. Antalya

  1. Yew. Initial stage pollination of plants. Peak dusting is in February
  2. Alder. The beginning of dusting is the end of December. Peak dusting – second half of January
  3. Birch. The beginning of dusting is the first two weeks of January. Peak dusting is April.
  4. Pine. The beginning of dusting is the first two weeks of January. Peak – end of March
  5. Ash. The beginning of dusting is the first two weeks of January.

Türkiye. Izmir

  1. Hazel. Dust begins in the second week of January.

Cyprus. Nicosia

  1. Yew. The beginning of dusting. Peak dusting in March
  2. Cereals. Minor dusting of certain species.


  1. Cypress. Flowering begins in the first weeks of January. Peak – mid-April.
  2. Poplar. Flowering begins in the first weeks of January. Peak in April.
  3. Willow. Flowering in January. Peak – first week of March.
  4. Birch. Slight flowering in January. Peak – first week of March.


  1. Cephaliophora tropica. Dust begins in January

Abkhazia. Sukhum

  1. Mimosa Silver. Flowering was observed in January.


  1. Cypress. Slight dusting in January
  2. Cedar. Slight dusting in January

Czech Republic

  1. Viburnum fragrant. Flowering in January.

Spain. Barcelona

  1. Cypress. Slight flowering.

Santacruz Tenerife

  1. Cypress. Beginning of dusting
  2. Postenitsa officinalis. Peak of dust
  3. Plantain. The beginning of flowering.


  1. Eucalyptus. Peak of dust
  2. Cypress. Peak of dust
  3. Datura. Peak of dust
  4. Forest date. Peak of dust
  5. Elm. Peak of dust

For reference

Yew(lat. Taxaceae listen) - family of coniferous plants, shrubs or trees , of which most evergreen and only a few lose for the winter leaves . Yew is one of the poisonous plants. Its needles, shoots and wood are poisonous. The ancient Greeks and Romans knew about this property of the plant. Pliny the Elder and Julius Caesar wrote about the deadly effects of yew poison. Yew contains the alkaloids taxine and ephedrine, as well as the glycoside taxicanthin. The alkaloid taxin is present in almost all parts of the plant and causes dermatitis. Eating yew leaves causes some animals to die. Workers engaged in trimming yew plantings quickly develop headaches, dizziness and even vomiting. This is how they affect a person volatile substances secreted by the plant.

Cephaliophora tropica- a special type of mushroom. View CEPHALIOPHORA

Viburnum fragrant- a fairly large evergreen plant with spectacular white and pink flowers. Can reach 6 m in height and 4-5 in width. The leaves are smooth, bright green. Fragrant tiny white flowers are collected in a large panicle.


Atmospheric pollen grains of a suburban area near India–Bangladesh border with reference to their allergenic potential and probable effect on asthma-related hospital admission, CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 111, NO. 9, 10 NOVEMBER 2016

Atmospheric pollen concentrations in Antalya, South Turkey Aycan Tosunoglu Mustafa Kemal Altunoglu Adem Bicakci Ozkan Kilic Taner Gonca Ilkay Yilmazer Gu¨lsah Saatcioglu Ahmet Akkaya Sevcan Celenk Yakup Canitez Hulusi Malyer Nihat Sapan Received: 14 March 2014 / Accepted: 24 September 2014 / Published online : 1 October 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014 Aerobiologia (2015) 31:99–109

Fluctuation of birch (Betula L.) pollen seasons in Poland Małgorzata Puc1,2*, Tomasz Wolski3 , Irene Câmara Camacho4 , Dorota Myszkowska5 , Idalia Kasprzyk6 , Łukasz Grewling7 , Małgorzata Nowak7 , Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska8 , K rystyna Piotrowska-Weryszko9, Kazimiera Chłopek10, Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zapart10, Barbara Majkowska-Wojciechowska11, Zofia Balwierz12, Małgorzata Malkiewicz13, Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń14, Alina Stacewicz1,2, Aleksandra Kruczek1,2, Katarzyna Borycka6

Analysis of airborne pollen fall in Nicosia (Cyprus) Article in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment · February 2012 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2540-1 · Source: PubMed

Aeroallergens, atopy and allergic rhinitis in the Middle East Department of Pediatrics - Allergy & Immunology, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia L. Goronfolah

STUDY OF AEROBIOLOGY OF ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT By GAMAL EL-GHAZALY,* HASAN YUSEF,** MANAL AHMED** and POLIXENI KOTZAMANIDOU EL-GHAZAL Y*** * University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar. ** University of Alexandria, Faculty of Science, Alexandria, Egypt. *** Museum of Natural History, Palynological Laboratory S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden.

Allergenic pollen records (15 years) and sensitization in patients with respiratory allergy in Thessaloniki, Greece D. Gioulekas1 , D. Papakosta1 , A. Damialis1 , F. Spieksma2 , P. Giouleka1 , D. Patakas1 1 Pulmonary Department, G. P. Hospital G. Papanikolaou , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Thessaloniki, Greece; 2 Aerobiology Laboratory, Pulmonary Department, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands Allergy 2004: 59: 174–184


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Dusting of weeds in the Volga region

Features of palination of weeds in the Volga region (in Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saratov and Volgograd regions) in 2014 - 2015

An analysis of the periods of dusting and the concentration of pollen grains of weeds in 1 m3 of air was carried out during the palination period of 2014 and 2015 using a pollen impact trap VPPS 2010 Lanzoni.

As part of the aeropalynological spectrum of these regions, pollen of 7 weeds was found: sorrel,
wormwood, goosefoot (quinoa), ragweed, plantain, nettle. In all areas, the maximum dust peak is represented
high concentrations of nettle pollen grains (maximum - 1041 and 1032 grains per 1 m3 of air in 2014 in Saratov and
Volgograd regions, respectively), which does not pose a serious threat to a patient with pollen allergies.
More immunogenic wormwood pollen dominated in Saratov: the peak of palination was recorded at the end of July 2015 - 264 pollen
grains (the peak of 2014 was observed in August - 209 grains) and Samara (in August 2015 -153 pollen grains, in July 2014 - 139
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the 2015 season was characterized by low concentrations of weed pollen (maximum - 6
pollen grains of wormwood at the end of July, 5 grains of wormwood at the beginning of August) in contrast to 2014, when wormwood was dusty
quite active (127 pollen grains with a maximum in early August).

In the southern regions of Russia, ragweed pollen has a great sensitizing activity with a dusting period from July to September. High concentration its pollen grains in the air in the Saratov and Volgograd regions were observed in 2014: 315 grains and 304 grains per 1 m3, respectively.

GBOU VPO Saratov State Medical University named after. V.I. Razumovsky Ministry of Health of Russia, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology
#Saratov #Volga region #Samara #NizhnyNovgorod

Summary calendar of dusting of allergenic plants in Russia

Based on the results of many years of observations, we present to your attention information on the intensity of dusting of the main allergens.

Green color means the allergen concentration in the air is from 1 to 30 (herbs from 1 to 10), yellow from 31 to 100 (herbs from 11 to 30), orange from 100 to 1000 (herbs from 31 to 100), red - more than 1000 units (more than 1000 units), brown - more than 5000 units (more than 5000 units). If on at least one day of the week the concentration values ​​reached their maximum values, the entire week takes on the color of this maximum level.


Birch in Moscow:

Alder in Moscow:

Hazel in Moscow:

Birch in Russia:

The level at which pollen causes an allergic reaction varies from person to person. You can determine your level in the Pollen Club mobile application.

The calendar was compiled by the Pollen.Club team based on materials from the projects, and adapted to weekly intervals in 2017. The data is of an estimation nature. There may be omissions and inaccuracies in the data due to the irregular nature of observations. You should obtain all recommendations for treatment and other actions from your doctor.

Cypress in Crimea. Pollen allergenicity

The high prevalence of cypress in plantings of the South Coast, the abundance of pollen they produce, the configuration of the landscape, and climatic features characterize the South Coast region as favorable for the development of hay fever to cypress pollen among local residents.
By comparing the amount of pollen in the air and meteorological parameters, we obtained a typical dependence of the amount of pollen on air temperature, but did not reveal a dependence of the amount of pollen on precipitation and relative air humidity. In our opinion, the latter fact can be explained by the peculiarities of the physiology of cypress dusting on the South Coast, which is “explosive” in nature. When the microstrobili reach the same readiness for palination, “explosive” pollination occurs, when the anthers of the absolute majority of microstrobili simultaneously open and the pollen spreads in the form of a cloud. At a wind speed of 5 - 6 m/sec. it can be visually clearly distinguishable at a distance of up to 60 - 70 meters from the tree, and its upper limit reaches 35 - 40 meters above the soil surface. In the season under study, the periods of “explosive” dusting of cypress did not coincide in time with short-term periods of precipitation. Observations carried out in subsequent years showed that the duration of flowering of evergreen cypress depends on weather conditions. Of all the plants that bloom in winter and spring, the “blooming” of evergreen cypress is the most extended in time. Under favorable weather conditions, all trees “bloom” in 15-30 days, and in years with cold winters this process shifts to more late dates and can last up to two or more months (until the middle of the last ten days of April). A high concentration of pollen is observed, as a rule, at the end of March - April, when up to 80-85% of trees “bloom” or complete “blooming”. According to long-term observations, the earliest date for the start of flowering is January 23, the latest is March 27.
Immunopathology, Allergology, Infectology 2008 N°3

Calendar of dusting of allergenic plants in Stavropol

Based on the results of aeropalynological monitoring carried out using a Burkard trap, a plant dust calendar was compiled for the city of Stavropol in the period from May to September 2009
Analyzing this calendar, you can see that the highest concentration of p.z. typical for June and July, especially for grasses (Chenopodiacea, Poacea, Urticacea, Artemisia, Rumex, Plantago).
The trees begin to generate dust even before the study period; this is determined by the average value of the concentrations of pollutants. in the first trimester of May and at the early end of the dusting cycle of woody plants. Concentration of p.z. of woody plants is slightly higher than the average only for Maple.
Among herbs according to the number of p.z. per 1 m3, Cereals are in the lead, but they also start dusting earlier and finish earlier than some other representatives. Nettle can be placed in second place after Cereals.
Without a doubt, the largest part of the samples consists of spores of imperfect fungi: Cladospora and Alternaria - their indicators are the highest. For them, dusting peaks were identified from July to September.

Tsypushtanova M.M. AEROPALINOLOGICAL MONITORING // Scientific community of students of the 21st century. NATURAL SCIENCES: collection. Art. according to mat. X intl. stud. scientific-practical conf. No. 10.

Calendar of dusting of allergenic plants and their distribution zones in Barnaul

The dusting of allergenic plants in the region begins in different terms. It increases as the amount increases
effective temperatures from west to east of the region, as well as from north to south. The timing of dusting of taxa differs by approximately
2–3 days relative to Barnaul. Taking into account the timing of the onset of dusting and the waves of plant dusting identified by the author, it is possible to predict the periods of dusting of deciduous, coniferous, cereals and some weeds
groups of plants.

The first wave of dust occurs in April–May. The pollen content in the air at this time is the highest for the entire observation period. The taxonomic composition of the spectrum in the spring is determined by the dusting of catkins: birch and poplar.

The second wave of dusting - from late May to mid-July - is characterized by the lowest concentration of pollen in the air; the taxonomic composition of the spectrum is poor and includes pollen grains of pine and cereals - indicators of the season.

The third wave of dust occurs in mid-July - late summer. This period is characterized by the greatest taxonomic diversity of the spectrum. Obligatory elements of the spectrum are pollen grains of gonopods and wormwood.
Based on the conducted research, an averaged dust calendar of the main allergenic plants was constructed for the north-west of the city of Krasnoyarsk for 2014–2015.

For birch, the peak of dusting occurred in the second ten days of May, spruce in the second ten days of June, and pine was actively dusting in the first ten days of June. For poplar, the peak of dusting occurred in the 2nd-3rd decade of April. Chenopodia actively collected dust in the 1st-2nd decade of August. Cereals - III decade of June and wormwood - III decade of August and I decade of September.

It has been established that on the territory of Krasnoyarsk the most significant meteorological factors influencing the dynamics of dusting of most plants that produce pollen with allergenic properties are temperature and air humidity.
Malashenko, Olga Anatolyevna. Aeropalynological monitoring of urban areas (on the example of Krasnoyarsk) [Electronic resource]: master's thesis: 04/05/06 / O. A. Malashenko. - Krasnoyarsk: SFU, 2016.

Silver birch (Betula pendula). Found in all areas of the city. Flowering period: May-July.

Black poplar (Populus nigra). Marked in all areas of the city. Abundant in places, forms pure stands. Flowering period: May-June.

Arrowhead quinoa (Atriplex sagittata). Found everywhere. It grows on roadsides, wastelands, waste places, dumps, steep river banks, and often in courtyards. Flowering: July-September.

White pigweed (Chenopodium albumum). Grows along roadsides, garbage places, in courtyards, less often along rocky and gravelly banks of rivers and ponds. Flowering period: July-September. Hemp (Cannabis sativa). Flowering period: June-August. It has become widespread along roadsides, near housing, in fallow lands, wastelands, and degraded meadows. Found in all areas of the city. In some places it forms thickets.

Annual wormwood (Artemisia annua). Flowering: July-August. Low abundance. It is found in all areas of the city, near roads, on railway embankments. Wormwood (Artemisia commutata). Flowering: July-August. Common in all areas of the city. On gradual meadows, open rocky, gravelly and sandy slopes, fallow lands, wastelands. Creeping wheatgrass (Elytrigiarepens). Found everywhere. In meadow steppes, upland and floodplain meadows, open rocky slopes, birch forests, damp bush thickets, on fallow lands, in courtyards, on lawns, roadsides. Flowering: June-July. Abundant in places. Annual bluegrass (Poa annua). Found in all areas of the city. Abundant in places. Flowering: June-July. Feather grass (Stipa pennata). Rarely seen. In meadow steppes, upland meadows, steppe forest edges, in sparse birch and mixed forests. Distributed in the areas of: o. Rest, Verkhniye Cheryomushki, Udachny village, Bazaikha, Mr. Solnechny, Nikolaevskaya Sopka, Agrarian University. Flowering: June-July.
Aeropalynological monitoring of urban areas (using the example of Krasnoyarsk)

One of important sources data is the flowering calendar for this climate zone .

As it turns out, there are several groups of people who are good who know the deadlines flowering, firstly, these are beekeepers, whose entire business is tied to an accurate understanding of what blooms behind what. The second group are allergy sufferers, it’s a pity for their suffering, but very detailed tables are compiled for them, in which areas what blooms and when .

Below are several different calendars: .

Familiarization with them makes you think. that for your village, city, you need to work hard and compile a local calendar based on observations. And all others can be used to collect lists of plants from them. and for approximate guidance only .


Beekeeper's Calendar1

Approximate calendar of flowering plants in central Russia

Plant names

How many days after hazelnut


Duration of flowering (in days)


Acacia yellow

Clover white

Field sow thistle



*Here, the flowering of hazel is the “starting point” for calculating the flowering calendar of other plants for a particular year from a weather point of view. Knowing when the hazel tree bloomed, you can calculate the date when the linden tree began to bloom.

Calendar 2 Allergies

Calendar 3 (Beekeepers)

Calendar 4 honey plants

V middle lane Russia

Table I


Beginning of flowering

(average terms)

Duration of flowering

Mother and stepmother

Hazel (hazel)

Willow (red)

Willow is a delirium

Norway maple


Clover white


Yellow acacia

Clover pink

Tatarian honeysuckle

Meadow sage



Fireweed (Ivan - tea)

White clover

meadow cornflower

Field sow thistle


Before frost

Calendar 5 honey plants blooming

Beekeepers who want to get a lot of honey must remember that it is not enough to know the life of bees; they also need to understand the flora of their region. We offer you material on this topic.

In order to transport bees to honey plants in a timely manner, it is necessary to determine in advance the start date of their mass flowering. For this purpose, for many years I used calendars compiled by A.I. Molozev, V.I. Dolgoshev, I.P. Tsvetkov and others. My observations in the Bryansk region and their data, summarized in tables of average flowering times for honey plants in central Europe parts of Russia are similar except for a few with a deviation of plus or minus one or two days.

Long-term observations have established that all honey plants begin to bloom from year to year sequentially at certain intervals in relation to the first honey plants.

So, every year gardens bloom on the 32nd day, and linden trees on the 78th day from the start of flowering coltsfoot and hazel.

But the flowering of the first honey plants strongly depends on the weather and habitat (early or late spring, growing in lowlands or highlands, sunny or shaded side, etc.). And as a result, the timing of their flowering is variable.

For counting it is better to take a hazel tree. Woody plants provide more reliable information. The beginning of hazel flowering is considered to be the day when pollen spills out from the earrings when shaken, that is, the hazel tree becomes dusty. From this day on, bees are exposed to constant points. Then the willow trees bloom, and the bees carry the first pollen into the hive. The beginning of mass flowering of trees and shrubs (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, gooseberries, currants, etc.) is considered to be the period when at least 25-30% of the total flowers bloom.

The end of mass flowering of trees and shrubs is considered to be the period when no more than 25% of all flowers remain on them, and the period when their last flowers fade is the end of flowering.

In herbaceous honey plants, the beginning of flowering is taken to be the period when 5-10 plants with open flowers appear in the area, and mass flowering occurs when 30% of the plants in the area have flowers. The end of flowering is when only a few flowering plants. Knowing the beginning and end of the mass flowering of honey plants, it is easy to determine the time of delivery of bees to them and the duration of honey collection. V. TSYGANKOV.



How many days after the hazel tree blooms?

Flowering duration (days)



Hazel, red willow


Goat willow (bredina)

Wolf's Bast

Brittle willow (broom)

White willow (willow)

Ash maple

Norway maple

Budra ivy-shaped

Gooseberries, rapeseed

Currant, dandelion

White clover, bird cherry

Cherry, plum, pear

Dead nettle (White nettle)

Yellow acacia


Sage, wild radish, snakeweed

Clover pink

Meadow geranium

Raspberry, blue cornflower

White clover in the meadows

IN everyday life You often have to deal with allergens that provoke a nonspecific immune reaction and cause a lot of trouble. The most common type allergic diseases considered hay fever. Its main feature is seasonality. This means that the manifestations of this disease worsen during the flowering of plants and the formation of pollen. This pollen is perceived by the immune system as an allergen.

Pollen from some flowers can cause severe allergies

In order to minimize the possibility of the body reacting to irritants, there is a calendar of flowering plants, the pollen of which can act as an allergen.

Hay fever is an allergic disease that occurs when the body interacts with plant pollen. As a result of contact with an allergen, the immune system responds inadequate reaction. Manifestations of the disease in allergy sufferers appear only during the period of time when plants are flowering and there is a significant release of pollen. When the concentration of the allergen in the air reaches critical levels, the immune system is no longer able to cope with the attack. The first symptoms of allergy appear.

Not all plants are capable of causing this reaction. Some plants that can bloom and release pollen in different climatic regions can provoke allergies. different times. Therefore, a flowering calendar is compiled for allergy sufferers for each year, taking these features into account.

Signs of occurrence and treatment of allergic reactions

An inadequate response of the immune system to an allergen in the form of pollen is manifested by the following conditions:

  • the occurrence of sensations of itching and irritation in the nasal cavity;
  • the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose;
  • nasal congestion and sneezing attacks;
  • noise and painful sensations in the ears (typical of childhood);
  • itching, redness of the eyes;
  • the appearance of swelling and lacrimation;
  • manifestations of asthma attacks;
  • skin reactions in the form of atopic dermatitis.

In some cases, the disease is accompanied by increased fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite. Rarely, allergy sufferers are diagnosed with a concomitant increase in body temperature, increased sweating and chills. A dangerous complication considered for allergy sufferers angioedema Quincke.

In order to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, you can use not only antihistamine therapy. Information contained in the flowering calendar of various plants can also help avoid contact with allergens. The version for 2018 will be current.

Features of the calendar for allergy sufferers

Knowledge of the characteristics of flowering and pollination of plants, the pollen of which is dangerous for allergy sufferers, helps to quickly and accurately determine the cause of the disease and choose effective methods fight him. Thanks to a specially compiled plant flowering calendar for 2018, this process becomes much easier for allergy sufferers. As before, in 2018 there are three main time periods when the saturation of the air with allergens is especially high:

  • spring, when trees bloom;
  • summer period, marked by the flowering of meadow grasses;
  • autumn, during which grasses that are classified as weeds bloom.

Plant dust table

The climate map of the flora plays an important role, since regions may differ weather conditions and plant species. It is necessary to take into account the adaptation of the calendar to climatic zones, because the flowering and pollen production season of plants in Crimea has significant differences from, for example, Moscow. For residents of the southern regions, the duration of “dangerous” periods of time is much longer than for residents of the northern ones.

Dust season in the European part Russian Federation begins with the flowering of gray alder. In March 2018, a high level of air saturation with pollen from this plant was detected. May is characterized by the flowering of hawthorn, cornflower, and rose hips. In the summer, many plants begin to bloom that can provoke allergic manifestations. The 2018 summer flowering calendar contains data on many herbal plants.

Allergy sufferer calendar for the central region of Russia

The flowering calendar of plants is of enormous importance for allergy sufferers. Thanks to this calendar, you can properly plan your vacation in 2018, avoiding regions with high concentrations of allergens in the air. But its most important purpose is to help diagnose the cause of nonspecific immune reaction. Timely detection and the exclusion of allergens will help to correctly and successfully use the appropriate means in the fight against the disease.

According to statistics, every third person on the planet suffers from hay fever or seasonal allergies. Unfortunately, not only adults, but also children are exposed to them. It is almost impossible to predict when and in what period a particular allergen will bloom, so a flowering calendar for allergy sufferers comes to the rescue. He is the one who will help you prepare and take action. necessary measures early.

Consequences of the disease

Hay fever or seasonal allergies occur in almost a third of the population. It is difficult to confuse the disease with others; the symptoms are pronounced and appear quickly enough.


  • sneezing and coughing;
  • conjunctevitis, lacrimation, severe pain and itching in the eyes, inflammation of the eyelids;
  • runny nose or allergic rhinitis;
  • Less commonly, temporary pain in the ears and throat may occur.

Hay fever in a prolonged form contributes to the occurrence of such serious violations, such as pollen asthma, Quincke's edema and urticaria. In young children, short-term hearing loss, ear congestion, and in rare cases hay fever turns into severe form bronchial asthma.

There is also a possibility of identifying cross-allergies. This phenomenon often occurs when added to the diet. certain products. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify possible reason certain allergic reactions.

Plants are allergens

Exists huge amount plants and trees that can provoke pollen release during the period of active flowering, allergic reactions. The most dangerous allergens are considered to be specimens from the ragweed family, such as daisies and sunflowers. They are capable of provoking the most severe consequences hay fever.

Therefore, when planning to plant garden plants in the garden, you should tend to choose hypoallergenic plants.

Pollen from trees such as poplar, apple, olive, ash and yew can cause serious consequences. They do not have a lot of pollen, but it has strong allergens. Trees such as alder, birch and oak, when flowering, can release huge amounts of pollen, which can also affect the health of an allergy sufferer.

Plants that are considered medicinal are also no exception and often cause hay fever. For example, chamomile, for all its benefits, is also a strong allergen. Pansies, tulips, crocuses and carnations are garden allergens; before planting these beautiful flowers, you need to make sure that your family and friends are not allergic to the pollen of these flowers.

The form and severity of the disease directly depends on the amount of pollen in the air. It spreads fastest in warm, dry weather. Therefore, allergy sufferers should postpone all walks until cooler times of the day. During flowering, prophylactic use of antihistamines is recommended.

Allergen bloom time

There are 3 types of hay fever. They are divided according to the period of active flowering of plants - allergens.

Types of hay fever:

  1. Summer - begins in June and lasts until August. During this period, cereal crops and meadow grasses bloom.
  2. Spring - duration May - June. This is the time when shrubs and trees bloom.
  3. Summer - autumn - its time is August - October. The weeds are in full bloom.

Flowering in different cities can vary significantly. Therefore, a person suffering from hay fever must know in advance which plant blooms and when in a certain region of his residence or temporary presence.

Benefits of an allergy sufferer's calendar

Always having one at hand useful calendar flowering plants, an allergy sufferer can, having studied it in advance, take preventive measures to combat allergies. For example, during the flowering period, a person can leave the region and go to another city where the allergen has already bloomed.

In addition, taking an antihistamine is a preventative measure. These include: antiallergic sprays, eye and nasal drops. A good prevention would be to take this folk remedy like a mummy. Take it a month before active flowering.

The main condition for a suitable calendar is its direct connection to certain climatic conditions.

Flowering calendar by city

People suffering from hay fever should always have a schedule of flowering plants by city. Also, you need to know that trees become active allergens in spring. herbaceous plant They do not bloom during this period. Peak flowering in all cities usually occurs in summer. Where the allergy sufferer's calendar marks a variety of herbs and plants, especially in late summer and early fall, weeds such as ragweed become a nuisance. Allergy sufferers can forget about pathology only in winter.

Flowering calendar of allergen plants in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018.

Flowering calendar in the Krasnodar region in 2018

Plant/month March April May June July August September October
Birch, hazel, alder, maple V V
Ash, oak, willow V
Bird cherry, plane tree, poplar, walnut V V
Spruce, acacia, pine V
Cereals V V V
Wormwood, sunflower V V V
Ambrosia V V V

Flowering calendar in St. Petersburg in 2018

Plant/month March April May June July August September October
Hazel V
Alder V V
Elm V
Ash, maple, birch, poplar V V
Conifers V V V
Linden V V
Leaftail V V
Cereals V V V
Wormwood, quinoa V V V V

Flowering calendar in Siberia in 2018

Plant/month March April May June July August September October
Pine V V
Birch V V V
Poplar V V
Quinoa V V V
Pigweed V V V
Hemp V V
Artemisia annual V V
Wormwood replacement V V
Creeping wheatgrass V V
Bluegrass annual V V
feather grass V V

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Irkutsk

Plant/month March April May June July August September October
Willow v V
Poplar V
Alder, birch v V
Hedgehog v V
Timothy grass, wheatgrass, fescue V
Bluegrass V V
Wormwood, goosefoot v v

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Rostov-on-Don

Plant/month March April May June July August September October
Alder, hazel V V
Poplar V
Oak V
Ash, maple, birch, poplar V V
Wheatgrass V V V V
Cereals V V V
Hemp V V V
Chenopodiaceae V V V
Sunflower, wormwood V V V
Ambrosia V V V

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Saratov

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Volgograd

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Crimea

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Ukraine

Flowering calendar for 2018 in Krasnoyarsk

Flowering calendar for 2018 Stavropol

Having a flowering calendar for your city will make it doubly easier for a person to cope with his problem.

Treatment methods for hay fever

When the first symptom of the disease appears, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist. The main thing is to identify main reason diseases and the allergen itself. Once identified, the doctor prescribes effective drug treatment.

We must remember that in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor. Hay fever serious illness and self-medication is strictly forbidden.

The first step with which it is recommended to begin treatment is to stop any contact with allergenic plants. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment with antihistamines. Every 10 days, as a rule, the drugs alternate with each other. At the same time, nasal drops or eye drops. Less commonly, when the disease occurs in severe cases, hormonal medications are prescribed. They are prescribed until complete recovery.

Effective drugs against hay fever:

  • Ketotifen;
  • Tavegil;
  • Fenkarol;
  • Suprastin.

You can use antihistamines for prevention during and during the active bloom of allergens. They effectively relieve symptoms, and a person tolerates it much easier.


  • Zyrtec;
  • Semprex;
  • Telfast.

Before use prophylactic drugs, you need to make sure that the symptoms that appear are really signs of an allergy.

Detection of the disease

The first sign of hay fever is a general malaise in a person, with possible attacks of headache and shortness of breath. Next, as a rule, burning and itching in the mouth appear.

The next stage is sneezing, irritation of the mucous membrane, and conjunctivitis is possible. A cough appears when the reaction affects the bronchi. Allergies appear regardless of age categories. First of all, it affects the respiratory system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract.

It is very important to determine at the first symptoms whether conjunctivitis or a runny nose is actually allergic.

Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, viral or allergic.

Distinctive features of allergic conjunctivitis:

  • a liquid similar to plain water is released from the eyes;
  • severe itching appears in the eyes, they immediately turn red;
  • pathology is associated with taking new drugs, contact with animals and flowering herbs.

If the causes are certain factors of flowering, it is definitely hay fever.

Allergic rhinitis can also be easily identified.

Signs of allergic rhinitis:

  • directly related only to seasonal flowering factors;
  • there are no symptoms of ARVI;
  • a large amount of fluid is released from the nose;
  • there is constant itching in the nose, which is accompanied by sneezing;
  • The throat, eyes, and often the skin begin to itch.

A doctor can make a diagnosis of hay fever without difficulty. Allergy tests help him with this. To do this, apply a few drops of allergens to the forearm. Then, one by one, each drop of allergen should be scratched with a scarifier. In this case, the allergen gets under the skin and after a few minutes the doctor determines the allergen.

Although the disease is detected without much difficulty, it is very difficult to fight it. To relieve the symptoms of hay fever, you can prevent contact with allergenic plants using a flowering calendar.



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