Products with high potassium. Why is potassium deficiency dangerous? Foods rich in potassium

What role does potassium play in the human body, what foods are rich in it chemical element and for what diseases are they recommended to be used?

To preserve health and maintain vitality must be regularly supplied to the human body from environment oxygen, water and nutrients– proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as microelements and vitamins. Among the inorganic chemical elements, one of the most important is potassium, which will be discussed in this article.

Potassium (along with sodium and chlorine) regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, supports osmotic pressure And acid-base balance, ensures the normal functioning of cells and tissues, organs and systems. Foods rich in potassium are especially necessary for smooth functioning cardiovascular system, muscular-ligamentous apparatus, brain.
How much potassium should be consumed daily through food? From three to five grams per day.

Large amounts of potassium are found in foods plant origin. These are, first of all, apricots and plums (including dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes), grapes and apples, potatoes and legumes (beans, peas, soybeans). There is a lot of potassium in milk, seaweed, and buckwheat, nuts, berries, and seafood. By regularly including these foods in your diet, you can easily provide your body with enough potassium.

If necessary, as prescribed by a doctor, you can take various medications containing potassium (often it is combined with magnesium, less often - together with other macro- and microelements).

You can find out more about the potassium content in basic foods in the table below:

As you can see, products. rich in potassium are not uncommon, so providing the body with this important chemical element for health is not so difficult.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe short term so-called potassium diet, recommended for hypertension, heart failure, kidney disease with edema, as well as when taking diuretic medications. This diet involves eating foods rich in potassium and limiting sodium salts in the diet (the ratio of potassium to sodium should be at least 8:1 and no more than 14:1). In this case, the daily amount of potassium supplied from food ranges from 5 to 7 grams per day. Most often in daily ration include potassium-rich foods such as dried apricots and prunes, raisins, potatoes and cabbage, and peaches, milk and cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with sunflower oil.

The element clearly demonstrates the picture of the duality of all natural phenomena. It is extremely difficult to overestimate the importance of the effect of potassium on the cells of the human body. For the proper functioning of most metabolic processes, this element is indispensable. At the same time, it is one of the main components of potassium cyanide. A poison capable of killing an adult instantly.

What does potassium do?

It is worth considering in more detail what processes it participates in this element, and what benefits potassium brings:

  • Regulates fluid balance both at the cellular and intercellular levels. Moreover, 98% of all potassium is located inside the cells and only 2% at the intercellular level;
  • Balancing water - salt balance(delays the deposition of salts) and the ratio of acids and alkalis in the body;
  • It is the main component that interacts with sodium during transmission processes nerve impulses. Also, these compounds are responsible for cellular nutrition (sugars and amino acids are transported);
  • Necessary for normal protein synthesis, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as the transformation of glucose into cellular energy;
  • Maintains at the proper level excretory function kidney At the same time, it transports ammonia to them for removal;
  • Has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • Participates in the process of supplying oxygen to the brain, which improves memory and clarity of thinking.

Effects on the heart

Potassium is so important for normal functioning hearts that this point is worth considering separately.

Such a huge effect of potassium on the heart is caused by the fact that the element is involved in the organization and transmission of nerve impulses through neurons. But the work of the heart muscles and the regularity of their contractions are directly related and depend on these impulses. The clearer it is, the more evenly and rhythmically our heart contracts. Aligning this process automatically normalizes blood pressure.

This is why all those who suffer from disturbances in the rhythm of heart contractions (all types of arrhythmias) are prescribed potassium diets or additional intake of drugs containing it. Although, the most important thing here is to follow the daily dosage.

Possible harm from overdose

  • Prolonged intake of potassium food additives, or abuse of legumes and potatoes (leaders in potassium content);
  • Imbalance natural regulation its quantity;
  • Diseases leading to the destruction of cells and muscle tissue (massive release of intracellular potassium);
  • Long-term insulin deficiency;
  • Kidney failure or dysfunction of this organ.

Both a lack and an overdose of potassium are dangerous for the heart. An excess of this element will only worsen the situation, leading to a constant increase in the force of contractions (even to the point of spasms). Deficiency of the element causes a regular decrease and weakening of contractions, called heart weakness. But nature provides internal mechanisms that regulate potassium balance in the body. Therefore, cases of cardiac arrest for this reason are rare.

Overdose can cause other serious problems:

  • General muscle weakness;
  • The risk of developing diabetes increases;
  • Anxiety and irritability over trifles;
  • Intestinal colic;
  • Increased urge to urinate, with a combined increase in sweating (the body will try to remove excess);

Potassium deficiency

Remember when long-term diarrhea, vomiting, profuse sweating and prolonged use of diuretics, calcium is inevitably washed out of the body. This is also facilitated by frequent appointments alcohol and coffee, abuse of sugar or salt, excessive love of canned food. Another danger is the uncontrolled use of sodium drugs that bind potassium, as well as hormones.

Useful video about potassium deficiency

Here is a list of the main symptoms of potassium deficiency:

  • Depression and apathy;
  • A decline in immunity, with an increased risk of toxic poisoning;
  • The kidneys and adrenal glands begin to work sluggishly and inactively;
  • The appearance of arrhythmia, with the risk of a heart attack;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Hair becomes brittle and skin becomes dry and flaky;
  • Malfunctions of the lungs, leading to difficulty and excessive rapid breathing(symptom of lack of oxygen);
  • Persistent or too frequent nausea(may be accompanied by vomiting);
  • Development or exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis;
  • Crashes in reproductive system, which can cause erosions and even lead to infertility.

Daily norm

This indicator directly depends on the person’s age:

  • From 0 to 6 months – 400 mg;
  • From 0.5 to 1 year – 700;
  • From one year to 3 – 1300;
  • From 4 to 8 – 3800;
  • From 14 to 18, as well as for pregnant women - 4700;
  • Adults – more than 4700;
  • Breastfeeding – 5100.

Most minimum dose per day for adults (from 18 years old) are 2 years. It is recommended to add your age to this figure. For example, a 35-year-old person should add 35 mg. For everyone whose work is related to physical labor(especially athletes), it is not recommended to consume less than 3 g of potassium per day, and ideally up to 5 mg.

This important macronutrient can be found in both animal and plant products:

  • All types of legumes (in soybeans - 1800 mg/g, beans - 1060, peas - 900, and lentils - 700);
  • Potatoes – 430;
  • Beetroot – 160;
  • Cabbage – 150;
  • Carrots – 130;
  • Sea kale (kelp) – 970;
  • Bread – 240;
  • Most fresh fruits (in watermelons and melons, apples, bananas, citrus fruits, grapes, avocados);
  • Dried fruits (raisins – 860, dried apricots – 1720, prunes – 865);
  • Most nuts (almonds – 750, peanuts – 660, hazelnuts – 720, pine – 630, cashews – 555, walnuts – 480);
  • In milk – 130;
  • In beef – 240;
  • In fish – 165;
  • Contained in tea.

To get a more complete and detailed information You can view the table of potassium in food. Consider the fact that this macronutrient is highly digestible (up to 95%), but is also easily excreted along with breakdown products (through urine, sweat, intestinal secretions).

Detailed table of potassium content in foods

Products Potassium (mg/100 g)
apricots 340
avocado 444
pineapples 124
oranges 166
watermelons 1705
artichokes 375
bananas 390
beans 1020
broccoli 320
ham 205
grape 215
cherry 289
hamburgers 250
cabbage 150
cauliflower 360
potato 470
kohlrabi 420
fried sausage 320
onion 250
carrot 310
figs 200
nectarine 167
peach 150
rhubarb 310
plums 85
dates 510
apples 108
eggs 140
cocoa powder 1660
almond 780
tea 2367
dried apricots 1876
coffee beans 1750
wheat bran 1150
raisin 1020
pine nuts 760
almond 740
peanut 740
sunflower 700
walnuts 440
buckwheat 380
oatmeal 350
whole milk 140
wheat flour 140
rice 100
hard cheese 100
beef 100
pork 100
herring 90

Extremely important rich in potassium food for those who have been on a diet for a long time. Especially if the process was accompanied by taking diuretics or laxatives. Another category that needs additional intake of this element is avid athletes. After each workout, it is recommended to drink special drinks enriched with potassium. This will help avoid its deficiency. After prolonged exposure to the sun (for example, the beach) or a cold, accompanied by fever and high sweating, you will also have to replenish the amount of potassium to normal.

A microelement such as potassium plays an extremely important role important role in ensuring the vital functions of the human body, therefore products containing potassium can compensate for its deficiency. The body's potassium needs different people may vary slightly. It depends on lifestyle, gender and some other factors. Knowing in what situations this need increases, you can avoid resorting to medications. It is enough to properly adjust your diet.

In order for all human organs and systems to be provided with everything necessary for normal functioning, many elements of Mendeleev’s periodic system must be present in the human diet. Potassium occupies an important place among them.

A deficiency of this microelement significantly impairs health and can contribute to the development of serious diseases.

How much potassium the human body needs can be judged by its functions. He:

  • normalizes water-salt metabolism (reduces excess liquid from the body);
  • ensures a constant acid-base environment;
  • activates enzymes entering the body;
  • ensures stable functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • thanks to its compounds, it normalizes the functioning of soft tissues;
  • has an antisclerotic effect;
  • improves performance and gives strength.

Every person's body needs potassium, but in different quantities.

First of all, potassium is necessary for growing children's body, because with its help:

  1. The stability of the functioning of cell membranes is ensured.
  2. Strong muscles develop.
  3. The nervous system works well.
  4. The tissues receive oxygen, which means they work normally.

Another group of people who need regular daily potassium replenishment are people who lead active image life. The place of potassium content is the intercellular space. When a person is seriously involved in sports, as well as complex physical labor, some of the fluid is lost by the body. It is potassium that helps replenish this loss.

Older people with heart problems should regularly increase their potassium levels to give the heart pump a boost.

Today the problem is especially acute excess weight. Many people who are overweight use various methods to normalize it. Most often these are low-calorie diets. Food with no a large number calories can hardly provide the body with all essential microelements. Therefore, such people also need to pay attention to the level of potassium in the body.

IN pure form You won't find potassium in nature. It mainly enters the human body as part of salts, combining with chlorine and sodium, which are no less important for human health. If the body lacks potassium, then it is not necessary to buy medications. It can be found in food. This way you can eat and heal at the same time.

What foods contain potassium? Largest quantity Potassium products have plant origin.

First of all, this:

  • bakery products (especially from rye flour);
  • legumes;
  • various cereals (oatmeal, wheat);
  • vegetables (potatoes and carrots, beets and cabbage);
  • melons (watermelons and melons);
  • fruits (grapes and citrus fruits, apples and kiwis, bananas, and avocados);
  • nuts.

IN winter time There are few fresh fruits, so they can be replaced with dried fruits, using them in the form of compotes or a simple snack.

In addition, some foods rich in potassium are of animal origin.

These include:

  • beef;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • fish.

Of course, you cannot eat everything indiscriminately, thinking that you are helping your body.

Towards compilation daily diet You need to take this seriously and remember some important aspects:

  1. You should know which foods contain potassium.
  2. It is necessary to take into account that eating foods containing potassium large quantities, will lead to the removal of sodium from the body.
  3. You can determine how much potassium is in food using the table.

Since potassium affects sodium content, you need to understand that you can eat only foods of plant origin, but only if you combine this diet with medications containing sodium. If you include food in your diet plant based and combine it with protein foods (meat, fish), in this case the body will not suffer from a lack of potassium and sodium.

Since potassium tends to quickly accumulate and be eliminated from the human body, its reserves must be regularly replenished. That's why it's so important to eat a balanced diet.

Priority in potassium content is in plant food, That's why daily use fresh fruits and vegetables (depending on the season) should be the rule for all family members, regardless of age.

Among food products rich in potassium, a special place is occupied by honey, as well as beekeeping products (especially bee bread, or honeycomb). There is also a lot of potassium in apple cider vinegar.

The advantage of all these products is confirmed by the fact that:

  • they contain maximum quantity potassium compared to other products;
  • in their composition, potassium has already been processed (by bees or as a result of fermentation in vinegar);
  • potassium found in honey and vinegar is best absorbed.

If a person is deficient in this microelement and its deficiency affects health, it is not necessary to eat honey often, since this product causes allergic reaction. And even more so, you should not consume vinegar separately from food. Honey and vinegar combined make a good dressing for green salads or marinating meat and fish.

Those people who do not have stomach problems can take the solution apple cider vinegar(1 tsp per glass of water) with 1 tsp added there. honey

Products with high content potassium is found in every home, this simplifies the task of healing the body. They are available at any time of the year, you just need to know which of them are most useful and in what quantity.

It is better if such advice is given by a doctor or nutritionist, because the right balanced diet can not only normalize the content of microelements, but also cure some diseases.

A person needs from 1.1 to 2 g of potassium per day. The human body's need for potassium differs among residents different countries and can reach a maximum of 6 g.

One glass carrot juice gives almost minimal daily norm. It is not necessary to monitor the potassium content of all foods at every meal. It is enough to prepare one dish, which includes foods rich in potassium, and the body’s reserves will be replenished.

In winter, you can get potassium from dried fruits. You can use them to make compotes or filling for pies. It is not for nothing that in winter all children's institutions and hospitals often give a drink made from dried fruits.

You can eat a variety of nuts all year round that contain potassium. sufficient quantity. This applies primarily to pine nuts, walnuts and pistachios. You can take them with you to work as a snack, but you should not overuse them due to the high calorie content of the product.

In order for potassium to be well absorbed, you need to know some secrets that should be taken into account when preparing food.

There are 2 “don’ts”:

  1. You cannot cook food.
  2. You can't soak them.

If vegetables with a lot of potassium are boiled or soaked in liquid, it will transfer into the water. The way out of this situation is to drink a decoction, this will improve your well-being and bring maximum benefit. When preparing first courses, this is quite possible. But if you plan to cook potatoes as a side dish, the potassium in them will not bring any benefit.

There are vegetables that are completely edible raw:

  • cabbage;
  • green young peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • fresh bell pepper;
  • carrots (but it is better to combine them with fats for better digestibility).

They even make salads from raw beets. Therefore, creating the right diet is not as difficult as it seems. Use the table data and you can find out which foods have a lot of potassium and where it is found more.

But there are also foods that help remove potassium from the body and the use of which can worsen your health.


  1. Products containing caffeine.
  2. Alcoholic drinks.
  3. Lots of sweets.

As a result of their consumption, the potassium level decreases somewhat, so in order to increase it, you need to eat some product with increased content this microelement. Sometimes it is enough to even drink a mug of black tea, which also contains potassium.

If you find yourself with dry skin, you feel... constant fatigue, weakness in muscles, scratches do not heal for a long time, these are signs of potassium deficiency. This leads to metabolic disorders and problems with heart rhythm.

To prevent these problems from affecting you, make sure that your diet constantly contains foods that contain the most potassium.

But heart disease can also be a consequence of too much potassium in the body. This is also a pathology, so you need to first check the potassium level and then create a diet.

When thinking about a potassium diet, you need to take products of plant origin as a basis, this will increase the absorption of potassium.

Potassium is found in almost all groups food products, however due to poor nutrition A deficiency of this microelement in the body (hypokalemia) may develop. Similar condition also observed due to excessive fluid loss due to vomiting, or after taking certain medicines. Potassium deficiency is manifested by muscle weakness, muscle cramps, fatigue, irritability, constipation, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Daily requirement The amount of potassium in the body depends on the age of the person. Adults need 4700 mg of potassium per day, children and adolescents from 8 to 18 years old - 4500 mg, children aged 4 to 8 years - 3800 mg, children aged one to three years - 3000 mg, at 6-12 months - 700 mg, up to 6 months - 400 mg. There are groups of people who are prone to constant potassium deficiency in the body. These include patients taking medicines with a diuretic effect, people who abuse alcohol, athletes.

Foods rich in potassium

The body can obtain the required amount of potassium from foods. A lot of this microelement is found in dried fruits: dried apricots (1710 mg), prunes (860 mg), raisins (860 mg), almonds (745 mg), hazelnuts (720 mg), peanuts (662 mg), sunflower seeds (647 mg) , cedar nuts (628 mg), walnuts(475 mg). Legumes and cereals are rich in this mineral: beans contain 1100 mg of the mineral, peas - 879 mg, lentils - 663 mg, oatmeal- 380 mg, in buckwheat - 360 mg, millet - 212 mg. A lot of potassium is found in vegetables: potatoes (550 mg), Brussels sprouts (375 mg), tomatoes (310 mg), beets (275 mg), garlic (260 mg), carrots (234 mg), Jerusalem artichoke (200 mg), onions (175 mg), red pepper (163 mg).

A large amount of this trace element is present in berries and fruits: bananas (400 mg), peaches (363 mg), apricots (302 mg), grapes (255 mg), apples (280 mg), persimmons (200 mg), oranges (200 mg ), grapefruits (200 mg), tangerines (200 mg), (180 mg), cranberries (119 mg), lingonberries (90 mg), blueberries (51 mg).

Mushrooms also contain quite a lot of potassium: - 560 mg, porcini mushrooms - 450 mg, - 443 mg. Meat and fish contain, on average, 150-300 mg of potassium per 100 g of product. This microelement is also included in milk and dairy products: cheese, kefir, cottage cheese.

To enrich your body with potassium, do not cook vegetables in too much water. In this case, it will be destroyed during cooking. huge amount potassium Long-term heat treatment also leads to a decrease in the content of this microelement.

What do we know about potassium? Perhaps the only thing is that this macronutrient benefits the heart and the fact that bananas contain potassium. This is where the knowledge of most ordinary people is limited. But in fact, potassium is a key mineral in human body, who participates in the majority biochemical processes. In this article we will talk about the importance of potassium for the human body and pay attention to products containing this macronutrient.

Potassium - what you need to know about it

First of all, let's say that potassium is truly essential. Without it, the functioning of the heart and kidneys is impossible, without it the development of the brain and muscles (including the most important muscle for us - the heart) is impossible, that is, in fact, life is impossible without potassium.

The fact is that potassium is responsible for the water-electrolyte balance in the body and maintains normal osmotic pressure in every cell of the body. Moreover, together with sodium and magnesium, this mineral regulates acid-base balance in the body (pH). That is why potassium must be supplied to our body daily through food. Fortunately, vegetables and fruits that grow in abundance in our regions are rich in this valuable mineral. That's just rare person thinks about potassium balance, preferring to eat fast food and hastily prepared sandwiches rather than vegetables and fruits. Such a neglectful attitude to the diet seriously impoverishes the body, including creating a deficiency of this substance in the body.

It must be said that 250 g of potassium is constantly present in the human body, and only 3 g is in the blood serum, and the rest of the mineral is in the cells. Every day a person should receive 3-5 g of potassium from food. At the same time, the need for the macronutrient in question will increase if a person actively works or plays sports. Taking diuretics and heavy sweating, in which there is active loss of fluid by the body, are also a signal to consume potassium in large doses. Finally, pregnant women should follow a diet high in potassium.

Beneficial properties of potassium

1. Regulates pressure
Under the influence of potassium, the vessels remain elastic and do not undergo subsidence cholesterol plaques, thereby protecting vascular system from atherosclerosis. In addition, thanks to potassium blood pressure is normal and we are not faced with negative consequences hypertension. By the way, if there is a non-pathological increase in blood pressure, the doctor may prescribe potassium supplements or a diet with a high content of this mineral.

2. Supports kidney function
According to doctors, potassium is an important nutrient that reduces acidity in the bloodstream and thereby prevents the formation of kidney stones. However, those people who suffer renal failure, consuming foods with potassium is prohibited, because they may develop hyperkalemia.

3. Removes excess fluid from the body
By receiving the daily norm of this macroelement, we maintain fluid balance in the body, which means we ensure correct work all systems and maintain normal body weight.

4. Speeds up metabolism
Are you on a diet but can't lose weight? It is possible that in this way the body signals you about a potassium deficiency. The lack of this mineral slows down metabolic processes, which interferes with the breakdown of fats and prevents you from regaining your slim figure.

5. Prevents stress
Regular intake of potassium into the body has a beneficial effect on nervous system. By maintaining normal levels of this macronutrient, we are less likely to experience headaches and irritation, dizziness and sleep disturbances.

6. Removes muscle spasms
Lack of potassium in soft tissues leads to spasms and convulsions. Even a slight deficiency of this mineral makes itself felt by pain and discomfort in the muscles.

7. Converts glucose into energy
Our body simply needs potassium to break down glucose and produce energy. As soon as the level of this substance drops, we feel weak and tired, and our performance immediately decreases.

8. Strengthens bones
Skeletal system It’s not just phosphorus that strengthens. The health of the human skeleton largely depends on the level of potassium in the body, and therefore if you want to avoid problems with joints and the spine, prevent osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, you must have potassium in your diet.

9. Activates brain function
Potassium deficiency is extremely harmful to the brain, because potassium supplies brain cells with oxygen. That is why, with a lack of such a macronutrient, a person feels mental fatigue, begins to suffer from forgetfulness and loses the ability to concentrate.

Balance of potassium and magnesium

Magnesium is the most important mineral that nourishes the myocardium. However, to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system, magnesium must work together with potassium. In combination, these macronutrients strengthen the heart muscle and improve metabolic processes in the myocardium. Thanks to this coordinated work development is prevented serious illnesses, such as atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina and heart failure. In addition, people who have had a heart attack or stroke are advised to switch to a diet high in potassium and magnesium. Finally, potassium, together with magnesium, has a beneficial effect on the brain, improving memory and concentration.

Balance of potassium and sodium

Speaking about the role of potassium in the body, one cannot fail to mention sodium, because these microelements act in tandem and have a close relationship. The most optimal combination of potassium and sodium is a 3:1 ratio. When combined in this way, these minerals bring greatest benefit body. That is why when sodium levels in the body increase, there is a need for additional use potassium to maintain balance and prevent the body from devaluing most of the potassium.

In this regard, store-bought tomato juice with salt is absolutely useless, because even with a high potassium content, there is twice as much salt in such a drink, which means the body does not receive potassium, which is depreciated by sodium.

What leads to potassium deficiency

Let us list the cases in which a deficiency of this macronutrient may occur. These include:

  • taking diuretics;
  • consumption of foods high in salt (sodium);
  • impairment of the body's ability to absorb food;
  • high physical activity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • drug consumption.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency

Determining a deficiency of this mineral is not so easy, because the symptoms of potassium deficiency can be confused with many other common diseases. If there is a lack of this substance, a person becomes lethargic, loses appetite and experiences drowsiness even after good sleep. Moreover, he appears muscle weakness, and heart problems begin (arrhythmia).

If potassium deficiency develops in the body for a long enough time, the patient develops problems with the digestion process, develops heart pathologies and suffers from arthrosis. If no action is taken to compensate for the existing deficiency, this situation can lead a person to a stroke or the appearance of oncological tumors.

To make up for the lack of such important mineral, pay attention to foods that contain excess potassium.

10 Foods High in Potassium

1. Banana (594 mg potassium)

The banana is by no means a record holder for the content of the mineral in question, however, it is generally considered to be the best product to maintain potassium levels in the body, and all thanks to unique combination vitamins and minerals. It’s not for nothing that scientists recognized the banana the best fruit for snacks between main meals. Consume chopped banana with low-fat yogurt or grain products as a balanced and healthy breakfast.

2. Avocado (975 mg potassium)

In addition to replenishing this mineral, avocados contain many antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, which are extremely beneficial for the heart. Now, having decided to please yourself with fruit, pay attention to the “alligator pear”, which you can eat just like that, or you can prepare a wonderful green smoothie, a salad of vegetables and fruits, or an exotic Mexican snack, guacamole.

3. Baked Potato (1,081 mg potassium)
It is an inexpensive yet extremely generous source of potassium. In addition, potatoes are a known supplier of “heavy” carbohydrates for our body, a vegetable that strengthens blood vessels, prevents diabetes and rheumatism. When you decide to replenish your supplies, do not boil or fry potatoes, but bake them in their skins and serve as a side dish for meat or fish.

4. Swiss Chard (961 mg potassium)

Such greens are a curiosity among us, although today they can be found in most supermarkets. This crop boasts not only high potassium content, but also other vitamins and minerals that have anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen bones. By the way, if you wish, you can replace chard with its “close relative” - beet tops (305 mg of potassium). Add tops to salads or prepare an old Russian dish, botvinya, using them.

5. Apples (278 mg potassium)

Even if apples are not champions in terms of the content of the macronutrient in question, they are always present in abundance on our tables, which means that we can easily afford to eat 1-2 apples a day, crumble them into a salad or bake a wonderful apple pie. In addition, the fruits of the apple tree have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and are also extremely useful for people who are busy mental labor. And also, be sure to eat apples with the peel, since it is under it that everything is hidden valuable substances, and the peel itself will help cleanse the blood vessels of toxins and waste.

6. Dried apricots (1162 mg potassium)

Everyone's favorite dried fruit is a generous source of potassium for our body. In addition, it is rich in vitamin A and fiber, which in the best possible way affects the state of vision, cleansing of the body and work digestive system. However, we should not forget that dried apricots have a high sugar content, which means that if you do not want to gain weight, you should not abuse this product.

7. Tomato paste (875 mg potassium)

This wonderful pasta can change and diversify the taste of any dish. At the same time, it is a generous source of antioxidants that stimulate performance. immune system, in particular, lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that strengthens the myocardium, prevents cell degeneration, removes “harmful” cholesterol from the blood and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. However, if you want to replenish your body with potassium, cook tomato paste yourself, without adding salt to it.

8. Raisins (749 mg potassium)

Another representative of dried fruits, which, in addition to potassium, contains many healthy proteins and carbohydrates. The use of this product improves blood composition and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, regular consumption of raisins improves metabolic processes in the skin, maintaining its beauty and youth. Add this dried fruit to salads and confectionery, cook from it homemade kvass and enjoy not only the amazing taste, but also incredible benefits for health.

9. Soybeans (620 mg potassium)

Wonderful soy product today it is more popular than ever. Its use is associated with the prevention of ischemia and heart attacks, diabetes mellitus and some types of cancer. And considering that soy helps restore potassium levels in the body, this product can be called irreplaceable. Make soy cutlets, pate, soy pancakes or cook soy cabbage soup from it. Your body will only thank you for this.

10. Spinach (590 mg potassium)

This wonderful green not only replenishes potassium deficiency, but also brings many other benefits to the body. Thanks to valuable composition, spinach normalizes blood pressure, prevents inflammatory processes in the body, fights anemia and even reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Regularly add juicy spinach greens to your vegetable salads or prepare green smoothies based on it, and your health will be in perfect order.

Finally, let’s say that excess potassium in the body is quite rare occurrence, which can only be observed with prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs and dietary supplements with potassium. In this case, a person’s blood pressure decreases, heart rate, swelling appears and anemia develops. That is why strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and do not self-medicate.
I wish you health and longevity!



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