Natural resources of the Far East. Their development by man

Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan, Sakhalin regions, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka and Koryak Autonomous Okrugs, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Economic-geographical location

The Far East is the extreme eastern part of Russia, facing the shores of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Here Russia has maritime borders with the USA and Japan. In addition to the mainland territory, the Far Eastern economic region includes the islands: Novosibirsk, Wrangel, Sakhalin, Kuril and Komandorsky. The southern mainland adjacent to the Sea of ​​Japan is called Primorye. Economically, the region is less developed than other parts of Russia due to its distance from the central and most populated areas. Long distances complicate the development of economic ties with the Center and increase the cost of delivery of products. The construction of the BAM improved the situation somewhat.

The Far East has favorable opportunities for developing economic ties with the countries of the Pacific Rim. Primorsky Krai and the Sakhalin region have been declared a “free enterprise zone”.

Natural conditions and resources

The central part of Yakutia is occupied by a plain, turning into a vast strip of lowlands along the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. The rest of the Far East is predominantly mountainous; mountains of medium height predominate (ridges: Stanovoy, Chersky, Verkhoyansky). Together with the depressions of the marginal seas, the relief of the eastern part of the area is included in the system of young folded formations. This is the only area of ​​active volcanism in Russia and is distinguished by high seismicity. There are more than 20 active volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest point of the Far East (4760 m) and one of the greatest active volcanoes.

The largest rivers are the Lena and Amur with their tributaries, the Kolyma, Indigirka, and Yana. The Amur and its tributaries have rich water resources.

The northern parts of the territory of the vast Far Eastern region (7.3 million km 2) are located in the Arctic zone, and in the southern coastal part, in Kamchatka and Sakhalin (where the influence of the Pacific Ocean is noticeable) there is a temperate monsoon climate.

The climate in most of the territory is sharply continental and harsh. Winter is characterized by windless, clear, frosty weather (Siberian anticyclone). Summer is hot and dry, but short. In Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon (Yakutia) the lowest air temperature in the northern hemisphere was observed (-72 degrees).

The Far East is rich in forests. Most of the forest grows in the mountains, so logging is difficult. There are a lot of fur-bearing animals in the taiga - this is one of the riches of the region. Along the middle reaches of the Amur there are forest-steppes with fertile meadow soils.

The Far East is very rich in mineral resources. Deposits of coal (Lena, South Yakutia basins), oil (Sakhalin), gas (Yakutia), iron ore (Aldan basin), ores of non-ferrous and rare metals, gold, diamonds (Mirny, Yakutia) have been discovered.


Population - 9.2 million people; average density 1.3 people 1 km 2; the minimum is in the Koryak and Chukotka Autonomous Okrugs - 0.1-0.2. The area was settled slowly, which was explained by its remoteness, lack of roads, and harsh natural conditions. The Far East still experiences a shortage of labor resources. The southern regions of Primorye and the area along the railways are more densely populated. The northern part of the region is especially sparsely populated. The urban population is growing rapidly. The district is one of the most “urban” in Russia—the share of city residents is 76%. Rural residents are dispersed in patches, mostly along river valleys. The population of the Far East is multinational. The majority are Russians.

There are about one and a half dozen indigenous peoples of the North in this area. They belong to the northern branch of the Mongoloid race. Chukchi, Koryaks, Itelmens, Eskimos, Aleuts are peoples who speak languages ​​of the Palaeasian group. In the Amur basin and on Sakhalin Island live the peoples of the Tungus-Manchu language group (Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkh, Udege). In Yakutia - the indigenous population - the Yakuts (belong to the peoples of the Turkic linguistic group); Other peoples also live there - Evenks, Evens, Yukaghirs. From time immemorial, all the indigenous peoples who inhabited the Far East were mainly engaged in hunting, fishing, and in the north, in the tundra, reindeer herding.

Topic: Natural resources of the Far East, their development by man.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Consider the natural resources of the Far East - types, location, possibility of use.

Improve the skills of analysis and assessment of PR reserves, roles in human life.

To develop knowledge about environmental problems of the Far East.

Develop the ability to independently work with various sources of geographic information.

Equipment: Physical, climate maps of Russia

Move lesson

I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition. Checking homework

Geographic digital dictation

Task: assign numbers to natural complexes if the feature corresponds to the complex.

Complexes: Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Commander Islands, Ussuri taiga.


    Here grow: Amur velvet, Manchurian walnut, Amur grapes, etc.

    This territory of the Far East was discovered by Vladimir Atlasov.

    This is the coldest part of the Far East.

    There are many active volcanoes in the Eastern Ridge.

    The origin of the ridge is volcanic.

    The population uses thermal waters as a recreational resource.

    “Everything here is not like ours. Everything is the same, but not the same. Squirrels are not red, but black. Magpies are blue."

    A.P. Chekhov visited the island here.

The highest peak of the Far East is Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

    The researchers of this natural complex are the famous traveler N. M. Przhevalsky and the writer V. K. Arsenyev.

    Here they say “12 months is winter, and the rest of the time is summer.”

    The attraction of this PTK is the grandiose fir grove.

    There are large fur seal rookeries here.

    Lake Khanka is the largest lake in the Far East.

    In 1995, an earthquake destroyed the city of Neftegorsk.

    The natural uniqueness of the Far East - the Valley of Geysers is located in this PTK.

    This territory occupies one of the first places in Russia in terms of the number of endemics.

    Here, most of the territory is occupied by a subzone of coniferous-birch park forests with a predominance of stone and Japanese birches.

    The population grows rice and soybeans.

    Vitus Bering is buried on one of them.


Chukotka - 3, 11.

Kamchatka - 2.4, 6, 9, 12, 16, 18.

Sakhalin-8, 15.

Commander Islands - 5, 13, 20.

Ussuri taiga - 1, 7, 10, 14, 17, 19.

III. Learning new material

The Far East extends from north to south for 4 thousand kilometers. In the north of the Far East - the Chukotka Peninsula - there is snow almost all year round, and ice floats in the seas, tundra on the surface, and permafrost underground.

Residents of Chukotka say: “We have winter for 12 months, and the rest is summer.”

The territory of the Far East is the most remote from the European part of Russia, from the capital of Russia - Moscow. It is not easy to inhabit and develop it. To develop the Far East, the longest road in the world was built here - the Siberian Railway, the rails of which end in Vladivostok on the shore of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Why are we developing this part of Russia? What does the Far East give to Russia? What resources did the indigenous population of the Far East use?

Today we will determine what natural resources the territory of the Far East is rich in, what is the possibility of using resources in the Far East.

As the lesson progresses, you will fill out the table.

Resource type






    The main mineral resource of the Far East is Is this gold. Find deposits on maps and name them. (This is the Selemdzha River basin, the slope of the Sikhote-Alin, the lower reaches of the Amur River, the Chukotka Peninsula, the Kamchatka River.)

    The second place in importance is occupied by ores of non-ferrous metals, lead, zinc, mercury, and tin. The famous “tin belt” runs here in eastern Asia.

Tin occurs in Chukotka, in the Sikhote-Alin ridge, in the Bureinsky ridge, in the south of the Kolyma Highlands. In the Sikhote-Alin ridge there are deposits of tungsten, molybdenum, lead and zinc (Tetyukhinskoe deposit of lead-zinc ores). Iron ores are mined in the south of the Far East - in the Amur region, Bureinsky ridge.

    So, we have identified large mineral deposits in the Far East. Guys, what do these minerals have in common? What do they have in common? (These are ore minerals.)

    That's right, but why are there many deposits of ore minerals in the Far East? (This is a mountainous area, a folded area, composed of igneous rocks, in which ores predominate.)

    Are there non-metallic minerals in the Far East? (There are coal deposits - the Bureinsky basin, and in the south of Primorye the Partizanskoye deposit, on Sakhalin Island, on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Oil and gas are produced in the north of Sakhalin Island.)

    Let's evaluate mineral resources and the possibilities of their use.

The Far East has a variety of minerals - both ore and fuel. But some of the deposits are located in undeveloped areas where there are no roads. In addition, the natural conditions are unfavorable - the polar night, cold winters, permafrost, mountainous terrain, and a high probability of earthquakes. There are especially great difficulties in developing deposits in the north of the Far East.

Agroclimatic resources

-Agroclimatic resources are necessary for agriculture, these are moisture and heat. It is determined by the heat supply based on the annual sum of temperatures, i.e. average daily temperatures above +10°C.)

Agroclimatic map

The south of the Far East has favorable conditions for agriculture, there is enough heat for plant growth, and precipitation falls in a monsoon climate.

In summer, which makes it possible to engage in farming without irrigation and sprinkling. Autumn in the Far East is dry (the rainy season is ending), which is convenient for harvesting.

The most favorable conditions are in the Amur region and in the lowlands of Primorye. Even heat-loving crops grow here: soybeans, rice, tomatoes, cucumbers and even grapes.

Water resources

Let's evaluate the availability of fresh water in the Far East, i.e., a dense or sparse river network, the presence of large lakes. (The river network is dense, because the eastern slopes receive a lot of precipitation. The rivers are full in summer. They freeze in winter.)

Large rivers - Amur with Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri - in the south of the Far East. Mountain rivers have hydropower resources, i.e. hydroelectric power stations can be built on them. Navigable rivers of the Far East. (Cupid, Zeya, BooRhea, Ussuri.)

    It’s true, the Selemdzha and Amgun rivers are also navigable. What are the possibilities for using rivers? (Rivers can also be used for householdneeds, both for the construction of hydroelectric power stations and as transport routes. But lefloods and flash floods are possible.)

Energy resources

    In the Far East there are special inexhaustible types of resources that are still very little used by humans to obtain energy. Name them. (This is energyinternal heat of the earth- hot springs of Kamchatka, and energyebbs and flows, in Shelikhov Bay in Penzhinskaya Bay the mosthigh tides - up to 13 meters.)

    The Pauzheyskaya geothermal station operates in Kamchatka; hot water is used to heat buildings and greenhouses. In Penzhinskaya Bay there was a project for the construction of a tidal power station, and it was marked on maps as being under construction, but on later maps this station was not marked.

Conclusion: Energy resources are poorly used.

Biological resources.

The biological resources of the Far East are very rich.

For a long time, the indigenous population of the entire Far East was engaged in hunting and fishing. The inhabitants of Chukotka were engaged in fishing for whales, walruses, seals, and fur seals.

In Chukotka there is still a tradition: sea whale fishing ends with the delivery of the whale to the shore. The whole village, old and young, gathered to get a piece of the whale’s still warm liver. This is a remedy for scurvy.

30 fur-bearing animals are used as hunting objects. And the young antlers of sika deer (flower deer) and wapiti are used to produce a valuable medicine - pantocrine.

The fish resources of the Pacific Ocean are very important. Salmon fish are especially valued - salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, and chinook salmon. A lot of herring, pollock, and saury are caught in the seas. They harvest crabs, shrimp, shellfish, and algae - kelp. The forests are rich in valuable wood species.

Biological resources are rich and the possibility of using them is quite good. The problem is the ice cover of the seas in winter, since the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is still clogged with ice in June and ship movement is only possible with the help of icebreakers.

Recreational resources. Students evaluate recreational resources independently.

Report “Valley of Geysers”.

The result of the lesson should be a completed table:

Resource type

Locations in the Far East

Assessment of the resource and the possibility of its use


Tin in Chukotka in the ridge. Sikhote-Alin. Tungsten, mercury, lead-zinc ores - Sikhote-Alin. Hard coal - Berechinsky, Suchansky basin. Oil, gas - Sakhalin. Gold - Kolyma, Chukotka, Sikhote-Alin, lower Amur.

Rich, but in the north there are problems: Undeveloped territories, unpopulation, lack of roads. Unfavorable natural conditions (cold winters, polar night in Chukotka, permafrost)


In the south of the Far East, the Amur region, Primorye.

Favorable for agriculture. Vegetables, rice, soybeans, and potatoes grow well.

Rivers - Amur, Zeya, Burel, Ussuri

For hydroelectric power stations, navigable. Flood problem.


Oil, coal, hydropower, geothermal in Kamchatka, tidal energy. Penzhinskaya Bay.

Weakly used


Forests. Fur-bearing animals, fish - herring, salmon, halibut, pollock, etc. Crabs.

Rich reserves, valuable wood. The Pacific Ocean provides the main catch of fish.


Exotic valleys of Kamchatka, Ussuri region, beaches in the Nakhodka region

IV. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Plot mineral deposits on an outline map.

This video tutorial will help users get an idea of ​​the topic “Far East. Economy." In this lesson you will become familiar with the administrative composition, population, geographical location and main features of the nature of the Far East. You will also look at its economy, discussing the main industries of this region.

Development of the Far East and Eastern Siberia -

Far East and Siberia. State company? What to do? -

Video materials

Near Far East. Film by Sergei Minaev

1. Name the sectors of specialization of the economy of the Far East. Which industry plays a leading role and why?

2. Using the materials of the lesson, a paragraph of the textbook, and an atlas map, characterize and compare the specialization of the economy of the Northern and Amur-Primorsky subdistricts of the Far East. Fill out the table:

3. What are the main problems and prospects for the development of the economy of the Far East? Development of the Far East and Eastern Siberia -

1 of 12

Presentation on the topic: Natural conditions and resources of the Far East

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

Relief of the Far East The Far East is a predominantly mountainous country, dissected by medium-high ridges - Verkhoyansk, Chersky, Sikhote-Alin, Dzhugdzhur, Sredinny (in Kamchatka), etc., as well as by highlands - Stanov and Aldan into separate relatively small lowlands - Zeysko -Bureinskaya, Prikhankaiskaya, Yana-Indigirskaya, Central Yakutskaya and plateaus - Prilenskoye, Vilyuiskoye, etc. The area is located in the Pacific Ocean belt of active mountain building, accompanied by powerful tectonic and volcanic processes.

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

Climate of the Far East In the southern part of the region the climate is monsoon. Warm summer cyclones, bringing large amounts of precipitation to the south, create favorable conditions for the population and economic activities, including agriculture, but at the same time cause floods, which sometimes become a natural disaster for residents of lowland areas. Winter is usually dry and cold.

Slide no. 5

Slide description:

Natural zones of the Far East The specific climate determines the vivid originality of the natural zones of the region. Here are the zones of arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, deciduous forests, forest-steppes in the middle reaches of the Amur. The south of the Far East stands out especially for its richness of flora and fauna, where typical northern tree species (fir, larch) coexist with representatives of the flora of the subtropical zone, in particular lemongrass, wild grapes, etc.

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

In the Ussuri taiga you can see Korean cedar, cork tree, gutta-percha tree, vines, under the shade of which you can still find such exotic animals as spotted deer, Ussuri tiger, leopard, Manchurian hare, etc. The zone of coniferous-deciduous forests covers Primorye, Amur region, the south of Sakhalin Island and the Southern Kuril Islands, where bamboo thickets and spruce-fir taiga grow together. In the north of Sakhalin Island there are sparse deciduous forests, on the Kamchatka Peninsula there are sparse forests of stone birch and larch, dwarf cedar and alder.

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

Natural resources of the Far East The natural resource potential of the Far East is extremely diverse and is distinguished by the scale of resources, primarily biological - marine and forest, as well as mineral resources. In addition to these riches, the region has the largest reserves of fresh river water, thermal water, hydropower resources in Russia, in addition, unique recreational resources for organizing exotic tourism to the volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the virgin forests of Primorye, etc.

Slide no. 8

Slide description:

The biological resources of the Far Eastern seas, especially the Bering and Okhotsk seas, are very large. The possible catch of fishing facilities in areas adjacent to Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands is estimated at more than 1 million tons, including 850 thousand tons of fish: salmon, cod, navaga, herring, saury, etc. Forest resources are the second largest in Russia after the East Siberian region, and account for 27% of all-Russian ones. The most forested regions: Primorsky Territory - over 76%, Khabarovsk Territory - 68%, Sakhalin Region. - 65%, Amur region. - 64%. Forests in remote areas remain virtually untouched. In certain regions of the Amur region. and Khabarovsk Territory, in recent years, forests have been cut down by foreign concessionaires. Fires that regularly occur in taiga forests caused even greater damage to the forest.

Slide no. 9

Slide description:

Inland waters are very large in volume and carry huge reserves of hydropower. The specific water supply of the Far East with surface water is the highest in the country. The mineral resources of the area are better studied on land and are still being explored on the sea shelf. Here are concentrated over 80% of reserves and almost 100% of diamond production, about 40% of reserves and more than 55% of gold production, about 23% of reserves and 64% of tungsten production, as well as 63% of lead production with reserves of 9%, 12% of coal production with stocks 11%. In addition, zinc (9%), silver (16%), platinum (8%), and non-metallic raw materials are mined in small quantities in the region.

Slide no. 10

Slide description:

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 18 oil and gas fields have currently been explored. The most promising region for oil and gas in the Far East, according to modern estimates, is located on the eastern shelf of Sakhalin Island. The Far East has significant prospects for increasing the production of ore gold and maintaining the production of alluvial gold, primarily in the Magadan region. and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, but also in the Amur and Kamchatka regions. and Khabarovsk Territory.

Slide no. 11

Slide description:

Non-ferrous metal ores have been explored and mined in various regions of the FEDER. A number of tin mining enterprises are developing reserves of tin primary and alluvial deposits in the Magadan region. and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, tin mining and the use of previously accumulated dumps of the Solnechny GOK (Komsomolsk tin mining district of the Khabarovsk Territory) will be expanded. Tungsten ore reserves are being developed in the Primorsky Territory. Western Yakutia has the largest diamond reserves in Russia. At least 10 kimberlite pipes have been explored here, the largest of which are currently being developed in the areas of the villages of Mirny, Aikhal and Udachny.

Slide no. 12

Slide description:

Coal reserves in the Far East amount to over 20 billion tons, of which almost half are in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and the rest are distributed between small basins. The importance of coal for the region remains very great, since it does not yet have an alternative: large-scale production of hydrocarbons on the shelf is just beginning, and the development of hydropower has been practically suspended due to lack of funds.

Lesson objectives:

  • Develop the ability to work according to a standard plan in order to clarify the characteristics of the Far East.
  • Assess natural conditions and resources for economic activity.
  • Introduce the technique of drawing up a logical supporting outline, creating an “image of the territory” through graphic drawings and symbols.
  • Foster a sense of patriotism through geographic information.

Equipment: maps: political and administrative, federal districts, atlases, handouts.


1. Composition of the territory

The Far Eastern economic region is the largest in area among economic regions (36% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation) and has the lowest population density. Due to the great distance from Central Russia, the region is experiencing great difficulties in economic development. There is an acute shortage of labor resources here.

Exercise: Find on the map the subjects of the federation that are part of the Delnevostochny economic region.

  1. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – Yakutsk
  2. Primorsky Territory - Vladivostok
  3. Khabarovsk Territory - Khabarovsk
  4. Amur region – Blagoveshchensk
  5. Sakhalin region - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
  6. Chukotka Autonomous District - Anadyr
  7. Kamchatka Territory - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
  8. Magadan region – Magadan
  9. Jewish Autonomous Region - Birobidzhan.

Teacher: We will try to draw almost all the material in today’s lesson, that is, create an “image of the territory” using conventional signs and symbols, that is, we will begin to perform a logical supporting outline. In subsequent lessons we will continue to fill it out and ultimately, I hope, this summary will help you on your test.
So, you have been given a drawn outline of the Far Eastern Economic Region. Glue it into a notebook (double-sided tape is glued to the back). Nearby you will draw symbols and give them an explanation. At the end of the lesson, I will collect 4 notebooks to choose from and give a grade for the work in the lesson.

On the contour we denote:

Using a simple pencil, number it with the subject DVER.

2. Geographical location

1) DVER boundaries:

  1. DVER is located on the eastern outskirts of Russia and goes to the land border of the Russian Federation with China, the DPRK and to the maritime border of Russia with the United States (Bering Strait), Japan (Kunashir Strait and La Perouse Strait).
  2. DVER borders the East Siberian economic region.

On the contour we denote

In red are land borders, we sign neighboring states
In green are maritime boundaries, we sign neighboring states and straits.
Yellow color – border with another region (with the East Siberian E.R.)

Example outline:

2) Economic and geographical position of the area

EGP DVER is unique and has the following features:

  • Great distance from the main regions of Russia.
  • Large length of sea borders.
  • Long border with China.
  • Access to maritime borders with the most developed countries of the world - the USA and Japan.
  • The presence of a single island region - Sakhalin.
  • Proximity to the Asia-Pacific region.

Economic leader DVER – Khabarovsk(Slide 4)

On the contour we denote

Island region - Sakhalin
We sign the Asia-Pacific region.
Arctic Ocean - Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea
Pacific Ocean – Bering Sea, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Sea of ​​Japan

Question: Russia - Japan. Remember the history of relations between Russia and Japan. What, in your opinion, are the prospects for relations between the two countries (political, economic, cultural, etc.)

Answer: Japan is interested in developing relations with Russia (its closest neighbor), as a large market for raw materials, a market for its goods. Russia is a transit country. Russian railways are the shortest route for Japanese goods to Europe.
Japan is a developed country; for Russia it is interesting for new technologies, investment opportunities, etc.

3. Natural conditions

Tectonic structure: eastern part of the Siberian Platform, Aldan Shield, plates of young platforms. Northern part of the Pacific Rim: Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands. Powerful volcanism and seismicity in the eastern parts of the region.
The highest active volcano in Russia is Klyuchevskaya Sopka (height 4688 m)
Relief: mountainous terrain predominates, which includes: Chukotka, Koryak, Kolyma, Aldan highlands; ridges of Chersky, Verkhoyansky, Sikhote-Alin, Stanovoy, etc.
The flat terrain includes the Yana-Indigirskaya, Kolyma and Amur lowlands, the Prilenskoe plateau, the Zeya-Bureya plain, the Yukagirskaya and Anadyr plateaus.
Climate: arctic, subarctic and temperate zones. January – (–32 degrees to –8). July – (+8 to +16 degrees). Precipitation – 400-1000 mm/year.
Here is the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere - Oymyakon (-71 degrees).
Inland waters: main rivers - Lena, Aldan, Amur, Ussuri, Yana, Kolyma, Anadyr, etc. Lake - Khanka. Areas with permafrost predominate.
Natural zones: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, monsoon mixed forests, altitudinal zones. (Slide 5)

On the contour, using conventional signs familiar from grade 6, we display the type of vegetation for each zone and add new symbols:

Brown – Highlands
Squares with maximum and minimum temperatures.
Blue pencil - rivers


1. What natural conditions of this area are conducive to human life?
2. What natural conditions are favorable for the development of industry?

4. Natural resources


Brown coal – Primorsky Krai, Nizhnezeysky basin
Hard coal - South Yakut basin, Lena basin, Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin basin.
Oil, gas - Sakhalin, Sakha.
Tungsten – Primorsky Krai
Tin – Primorsky Territory, Khabarosky Territory, Magadan Region
Gold – Magadan region, Amur region, Sakha.
Diamonds - Sakha.

Forest– surplus, except for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
These are larch, spruce, cedar and fir.

Soil– infertile

Recreational– low degree of tourist development of the territory. Special interest in: Lena Pillars, Valley of Geysers, hot springs of Kamchatka, Ussuri taiga.

Water resources– huge, a lot of valuable fish, sea animals, crabs. (Slide 6)

On the contour, using symbols, we display minerals.

Outline sample:

5. “Business card” of DVER

We mark the area on our contour.

6. Consolidation

  • Show the borders of the Far Eastern Republic.
  • What are the benefits of the economic and geographical location of the Far Eastern Republic?
  • What are the specifics of the Far Eastern Republic?
  • What industries do you think will develop in the Far Eastern Region?
  • From which federal subjects does the Far Eastern Republic receive the necessary natural resources, in particular mineral ones?

Sample outline at the end of the lesson

Then the teacher briefly summarizes the lesson and draws attention to the homework: write a description of the geographical location, natural conditions and resources of the Far Eastern Republic, using the notes compiled during the lesson. If you have any difficulties, refer to the text of the textbook.



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