Application of Terzhinan: during menstruation, thrush, erosion and pregnancy. Terzhinan - official instructions for use (in the form of vaginal tablets), indications and contraindications, analogues

Instructions for use of Terzhinan is a question that interests many women. A modern drug with a combined spectrum of action is often prescribed by gynecologists, including during pregnancy. The active components are quickly absorbed by the vaginal mucosa, the therapeutic effect occurs within 3 days of use. The full course of therapy lasts from 6 to 20 days.

Currently, only one form is known - vaginal tablets or suppositories. The package contains 6 or 10 pieces. The candles are oblong, cream-colored, and have the characteristic “T” marking. In everyday life, tablets are often called suppositories, hence the confusion, as if there are several forms.


The effectiveness of the product is due to its unique composition. Currently, there is no analogue with an identical combination of active substances.

Active components:

Auxiliary components are presented:

  • Sodium starch glycolate;
  • Wheat starch;
  • Silicon dioxide;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Distilled water.

The rich composition of components allows the product to be used for the treatment of various gynecological diseases. The drug acts in several directions at once, so you don’t have to wait long for a therapeutic effect.

Action of Terzhinan:

  1. Antifungal;
  2. Antibacterial;
  3. Anti-inflammatory;
  4. Antiprotozoal.

Terzhinan quickly destroys pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and prevents the spread of infection.

Since the composition contains antibiotics, albeit local ones, after a course of therapy it is recommended to put suppositories to normalize the balance of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Indications for use

Used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
inflammatory diseases of the vagina.

  1. Bacterial vaginitis;
  2. Thrush;
  3. Colpitis;
  4. Mixed vaginitis.

For prevention, it is used before and after the procedure.

  • Gynecological operations;
  • Installation of an intrauterine device;
  • Childbirth;
  • Cauterization of cervical erosion;
  • Abortion;
  • Hysterography;
  • Any manipulations associated with the insertion of instruments into the vagina.

Instructions for using Terzhinan

Tablets are inserted into the vagina, 1 tablet per day. It is recommended to do this before bedtime. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Treatment of gynecological diseases lasts 10 days. In severe cases, the specialist will extend therapy for another 10 days. For prophylaxis, 6 days are used.

Contraindications, unwanted effects

You cannot use suppositories if you are hypersensitive. It manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction. Itching, burning, and redness appear on the surface of the vagina. It only gets worse every day. The instructions mention that such symptoms are possible on the first day of treatment, which is a normal reaction of the body. But after 2 days the symptoms should disappear. If this does not happen, therapy must be discontinued. Cases of overdose are impossible, since each vaginal tablet is strictly dosed.

Side effects stated by the manufacturers include itching, burning, and redness of the genitals. However, women also observe other unpleasant manifestations, despite the local effect
vaginal suppositories.

  • Headache;
  • Discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Intestinal disorder;
  • Flatulence.

They appear more strongly when using the drug for more than 6 days.

Terzhinan during menstruation

The drug can be used during critical days without interrupting treatment. Menstrual flow does not reduce the activity of the active ingredients. The main rule is to adhere to hygiene. If it is possible to delay therapy until your period ends, it is better to do so.

Terzhinan for thrush

The drug contains 2 active ingredients. The duration of treatment and its effectiveness depends on the cause
the occurrence of thrush, the severity of the disease.

Thrush at the initial stage is treated in 6-10 days. The main advantage of Terzhinan is the possibility of its use during critical days. Under the influence of natural processes in the female body associated with menstruation, the symptoms of thrush become more pronounced. Terzhinan treats thrush even during menstruation.

Constantly recurring thrush requires special treatment. Terzhinan is used for 20 days or combined with other drugs. A regimen in combination with fluconazole is effective. 50 mg per day daily, or 150 mg every 3 days.

Terzhinan for erosion

Erosive-type formations on the surface of the cervix occur for various reasons and are accompanied by an infectious and fungal process. Terzhinan kills harmful microorganisms, inhibits the spread of infection, and prevents inflammatory processes. In addition, vaginal tablets restore normal vaginal microflora and promote wound healing.

Terzhinan is prescribed for the treatment of erosion. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Used as a prophylactic agent before cauterization of erosion, after the procedure. Suppositories are administered for 6 days in a row before and after surgery.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Candidiasis or thrush is one of the first symptoms
pregnancy. The disease occurs against the background of altered hormonal balance and can accompany a woman until childbirth. The main problem is the inability to use most medications during pregnancy. Terzhinal is used in any trimester of pregnancy under the special supervision of doctors, but each semester has its own characteristics. The drug is used for any form of disease associated with infection, inflammatory processes in the genital tract.

  • 1st trimester. The active components are able to penetrate the placenta, but there is no information on how they affect the development of the fetus. Based on this, suppositories are prescribed in the first trimester if there is no other option.
  • 2nd trimester. Use without fear. The drug acts locally, only a small part penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, which is not capable of harming the fetus at this time.
  • 3rd trimester. It is allowed to use suppositories during this period of pregnancy; they are prescribed immediately before childbirth.
    Terzhinan is widely used in artificial insemination. A course of 6 tablets is prescribed before the procedure, and the same amount after it.

According to some information, Terzhinan can be used during breastfeeding, while others cannot. The active components penetrate into the bloodstream and breast milk in small quantities; the use of vaginal tablets is not recommended. During the period of therapy it is necessary to stop feeding.

Average price

Terzhinan is a French-made product; it is produced under license in other countries. The cost depends on the manufacturer.

Terzhinan Bouchara 6 tab. — 400 rub., 10 tablets. – 480 rub.;
Terzhinan Sofartex, France 6 tablets. 390 rub., 10 tablets. – 500 rub.;
Terzhinan Recordati 6 tab. 620 rub., 10 tablets. – 950 rub.
You can buy the drug at a pharmacy or order it online.


There are no drugs similar in composition on the domestic or foreign market. Terzhinan is a unique fast-acting remedy. But there are a huge number of vaginal tablets with a similar effect in different price categories.

  • Vagisept;
  • Giterna;
  • Klion-D;
  • Metrogyl plus;
  • Elzhina;
  • Neo-Penotran;
  • Polygynax.

Terzhinan has a special composition that allows you to fight the symptoms of the disease and its causes. Solves the problem thoroughly. A similar effect of vaginal suppositories does not mean an identical effect. You should buy the drug prescribed by your doctor. Or discuss a replacement in advance.

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to

Registration number: P N015129/01

Trade name: TERZHINAN

Dosage form: vaginal tablets

COMPOUND for 1 tablet

Active ingredients:

Ternidazole…………………………………………..0.2 g
Neomycin sulfate………………………………...0.1 g or 65,000 IU
Nystatin………………………………………………………100,000 IU
Prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate……….. 0.0047 g,
equivalent to prednisolone……………………....0.003 g



The tablets are light yellow in color with possible inclusions of darker or lighter shades, flat, oblong in shape with chamfered edges and printed in the form of the letter “T” on both sides.

Combined antimicrobial agent (antibiotic aminoglycoside + antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent + antifungal agent + glucocorticosteroid).

ATX code:


Combined drug for local use in gynecology. Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antifungal effects; ensures the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and pH constancy.

Ternidazole– an antifungal agent from the group of imidazole derivatives, reduces the synthesis of ergosterol (a component of the cell membrane), changes the structure and properties of the cell membrane. It has a trichomonacid effect and is also active against anaerobic bacteria, in particular gardnerella.

Neomycin– a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides. It is bactericidal against gram-positive (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae) and gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei, Proteus spp.) microorganisms; against Streptococcus spp., inactive.
Microbial resistance develops slowly and to a small extent.

Nystatin– an antifungal antibiotic from the group of polyenes, highly effective against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, changes the permeability of cell membranes and slows down their growth.

Prednisolone– a dehydrogenated analogue of hydrocortisone, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-exudative effect.


Treatment of vaginitis caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, including:

Bacterial vaginitis;
- vaginal trichomoniasis;
- vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
- mixed vaginitis.

Prevention of vaginitis, including:

Before gynecological operations;
- before childbirth and abortion;
- before and after installation of intrauterine devices;
- before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
- before hysterography.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.


The drug can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy.
The use of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation is possible only in cases where the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus or infant.


For vaginal use.
One tablet is inserted deep into the vagina in the “lying” position before bed. Before insertion into the vagina, the tablet should be kept in water for 20-30 seconds.
After administration, you need to lie down for 10 - 15 minutes.
The average duration of the treatment course is 10 days; in case of confirmed mycosis, it can be extended to 20 days; The average duration of a preventive course is 6 days.

Burning sensation, itching and irritation in the vagina (especially at the beginning of treatment).
In some cases, allergic reactions are possible.

There are no data on cases of overdose.

Not identified.


In the case of treatment of vaginitis and trichomoniasis, simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is recommended.
Treatment should not be stopped during menstruation.


Vaginal tablets.

6 or 10 tablets per strip (aluminum foil), one strip with instructions for use is packed in a cardboard box.


3 years. Do not use after expiration date.


Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.


According to the recipe.

68, rue Marjolin 92300
Levallois-Perret, France

21, rue du Presseau, 28500 VERNUYER, France

Complaints regarding the quality of the drug should be sent to:

RUSSIA 123610 Moscow,
Krasnopresnenskaya embankment 12,
WTC, "International-2"

Terzhinan (ternidazole + neomycin + nystatin + prednisolone) is an original combined gynecological drug from the French Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory.

Used topically, release form: vaginal tablets. It has an antibacterial, antiprotozoal (directed against protozoan organisms), anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is prescribed to patients suffering from bacterial or fungal vaginitis. Terzhinan is also used as a prophylactic agent that prevents the development of infections during childbirth, abortion, intrauterine examinations and other gynecological procedures.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug with antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects for topical use in gynecology.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

You can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Terzhinan cost in pharmacies? The average price is 580 rubles.

Composition and release form

Dosage form – vaginal tablets: oblong, chamfered, flat, with the letter T printed on both sides, light yellow in color, possibly with light or darker inclusions (6 or 10 pieces per strip, 1 strip in a cardboard pack).

1 tablet Terzhinan contains:

  • active ingredients: ternidazole – 200 mg, nystatin – 100,000 IU, neomycin sulfate – 100 mg or 65,000 international units (IU), prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate – 4.7 mg (3 mg prednisolone);
  • auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological action

The therapeutic effect of Terzhinan is due to the active components included in its composition. During the treatment process, the drug exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and antifungal effects. The combined product contains a successful combination of antibiotic, hormonal and antimycotic components, which determines its effectiveness.

The active substance ternidazole (imidazole derivative) provides a trichomonacid effect, causing the death of trichomonas, and is active against anaerobic bacteria Gardnerell.

  1. - antifungal component from the group of polyene antibiotics. Causes the death of pathogenic fungi due to damage to cell membranes. Fungi of the genus Candida, which are causative agents of vaginal candidiasis (thrush), vaginitis and other diseases of the female genital area, are particularly sensitive to nystatin.
  2. Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides and has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. By suppressing protein synthesis in microbial cells, this component ensures their destruction. Gram-negative and anaerobic bacteria (Listeria, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Shegella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) are sensitive to neomycin.
  3. - a hormonal component (glucocorticoid), which provides local anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative (decongestant) and anti-allergic effects.

Additionally, Terzhinan vaginal tablets contain excipients (clove and geranium oils), which maintain the integrity of epithelial tissues during inflammatory and infectious processes and keep pH levels within the physiological norm. In the absence of an excipient, penetration of the active substances into the vaginal mucosa would be difficult, and therefore the therapeutic effect of the drug would not be as pronounced. In addition, geranium and clove oils help destroy protozoa (chlamydia and trichomonas), which multiply in the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use

The indication for use is the prevention of vaginitis before various gynecological procedures, such as installation of an intrauterine device, treatment, hysterography, hysterosalpingography, abortion. In some cases, gynecologists recommend using a suppository before childbirth or any other actions by doctors that involve the use of instruments in the vagina.

The list of infections that Terzhinan can effectively fight:

  • Colpitis caused by chlamydia;
  • vaginitis caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • vaginitis caused by Candida fungi ();
  • treatment of vaginitis caused by a mixed pathogenic microflora (consisting simultaneously of fungi, trichomonas, bacteria and gardnerella).


The only absolute contraindication for the use of Terzhinan suppositories is individual intolerance to one or more active components of the drug, as well as any of the drug’s excipients.

Before starting to use the drug, it is important to exclude the presence of contraindications.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

During the entire first trimester of pregnancy (from the beginning to the 12th week of gestation inclusive), Terzhinan tablets cannot be used, since the active components can penetrate the uterus and have a negative effect on the fetus. However, if the woman’s condition is not satisfactory, which can also negatively affect the course of pregnancy, then Terzhinan tablets are also used in the first trimester.

From the second trimester of pregnancy until childbirth, Terzhinan can be used without fear, since during these periods of gestation the drug is no longer able to have a negative effect on the fetus.

Use during menstruation

If possible, you should always plan the course of suppositories so that it takes place completely before or after your period.

If menstruation begins unexpectedly, treatment should not be interrupted. You must complete the course completely. In this case, there is a possibility that the effectiveness of the suppositories will be lower and the disease will not be cured completely. But a decision about how the treatment went can only be made after the fact, after a follow-up examination and/or smear.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Terzhinan tablets (suppositories) are indicated for vaginal administration.

  • One tablet is inserted deep into the vagina while lying down before bed. Before administration, the tablet should be kept in water for 20-30 seconds. After administration, you must lie down for 10-15 minutes.

The average duration of the treatment course is 10 days; in case of confirmed mycosis, the duration of treatment can be increased to 20 days; The average duration of a preventive course is 6 days.

Side effects

Side effects from these vaginal tablets are rare. At the beginning of treatment, local reactions are sometimes possible:

  • skin allergies,
  • burning after administration of the drug,
  • patients regularly complain of pink spotting. This is the norm (C). But if there is pain or bleeding heavily, then it is better to consult a gynecologist for advice.

Treatment with Terzhinan does not affect the ability to drive a car or carry out active activities.


Due to the low degree of absorption of the active components of Terzhinan suppositories into the systemic bloodstream, the likelihood of an overdose is low.

Special instructions

Treatment should not be stopped during menstruation.

In the case of treatment of vaginitis and trichomoniasis, simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

No drug interactions have been identified with Terzhinan.


We invite you to read reviews from women who have used Terzhinan candles:

  1. Irina . I have been using these tablets when needed for quite a long time. A time-tested drug. It always helps quickly, relieves itching and burning. But there are also unpleasant moments. Firstly, the price - the tablets are quite expensive. Secondly, the method of use. It is not very convenient to soak the tablet each time before use. It would be much more convenient to make the medicine in the form of suppositories. And then everything leaks out for a long time, so after use you need to lie down, it is advisable to do this before bed, so as not to get up until the morning. But the therapeutic effect is very good, so I continue to use it.
  2. Tanya. Terzhinan alone did not help me with thrush - it returned after a couple of months. and then I went to the doctor and he prescribed me a whole complex - that’s when I forgot what it was.
  3. Marina. I have been treating chronic candidiasis for several years now. A friend recommended a cheap analogue of Terzhinan, but intolerance arose. A consultation with a gynecologist helped. He advised me Terzhinan and Fluconazole. I tried it during an exacerbation of the disease. At first there was severe itching and burning, but after a couple of days everything went away. The medicine helped me, the disease subsided.

Suppositories "Terzhinan" are combined medications that have antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects. This drug is widely used in gynecology for various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in women. What are the indications for use and analogues of the Terzhinan suppository?


Suppositories "Terzhinan" are cream-colored and oblong in shape. They contain several main active microelements, their concentration in one candle is:

  1. Neomycin - 0.1 grams.
  2. Ternidazole - 0.2 grams.
  3. Nystatin - 100,000 international units.
  4. Prednisolone - 0.003 grams.

The candles are packaged in strips of six and ten pieces. There is only one strip in the package.

Pharmacological actions

"Terzhinan" suppositories are a combination medicine, the therapeutic effects of which are due to the main substances included in the structure of the medicine:

  1. Neomycin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of aminoglycosides and has a bactericidal effect.
  2. Nystatin is a compound that is considered an antifungal antibacterial agent and has activity against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
  3. Prednisolone, a chemical derivative of the hormone hydrocortisone, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the content of pro-inflammatory mediators that are produced by immunocompetent cells at the source of inflammation.

After intravaginal administration of the Terzhinan suppository, the active microelements of the drug are absorbed into the mucous membrane, where they have a therapeutic effect. They are practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream.


The main medical indications for the use of Terzhinan suppositories are considered to be inflammatory processes in the vaginal mucosa caused by various infectious agents:

  1. Colpitis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Vaginal trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, which is characterized by damage to the vagina and urethra in women.

Is it possible to use Terzhinan suppositories for thrush?

The drug is widely used for candidal vaginitis - a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix.

In addition, the drug is widely used for the anti-inflammatory treatment of vaginitis of mixed etiology.

Why are Terzhinan candles needed? They are used prophylactically to prevent vaginitis. The indication for the use of Terzhinan suppositories is gynecological operations; they are used before childbirth, abortion, as well as before the installation of intrauterine devices, hysterography (carried out using an X-ray machine).

Is it possible to use Terzhinan suppositories for pregnant women?

Some expectant mothers are afraid to use such vaginal suppositories, since they contain an antibacterial agent. But according to many doctors, the medicine has only a local effect, not being absorbed into the general bloodstream, and therefore has no harmful effect on the baby and its development.

The drug can be used at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, since its local action prevents its particles from passing into milk.

According to the instructions, Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed in situations where there are signs of the disease, as well as to prevent them.


The only main prohibition on the use of Terzhinan suppositories is considered to be individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the medicine, as well as any of the additional components of the medicine. Before starting therapy with this medicine, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications.

How to use candles correctly?

According to the instructions for use, Terzhinan suppositories in gynecology are intended for intravaginal use in women. They are inserted into the vagina in a horizontal position of the body once a day, usually at night. Before use, you need to hold the Terzhinan suppository in water for twenty to thirty seconds to subsequently dissolve its shell in the vagina.

After administering the suppository, to prevent the active substances of the medication from leaving the vaginal cavity, you must remain in a supine position for ten to fifteen minutes. The average duration of treatment with suppositories is ten days.

What are Terzhinan candles used for? For preventive purposes, the drug is recommended to be used for six days. If necessary, in a situation where a fungal infection is detected, a medical specialist can prescribe suppositories for twenty days.


According to the instructions for the use of Terzhinan suppositories in gynecology, it is known that before starting the course it is necessary to take into account several features of their use. During treatment for vaginitis in women, it is necessary to temporarily limit intimacy.

When diagnosing trichomoniasis, you should undergo diagnostic testing and, if necessary, treatment of your sexual partner. The active microelements of the drug do not affect the structures of the central nervous system and the activity of the cerebral cortex. In pharmacies, Terzhinan suppositories are dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


Due to the low degree of absorption of the active microelements of Terzhinan suppositories into the general bloodstream, the likelihood of developing poisoning is considered low. If necessary, treatment is symptomatic.

Side effects

If Terzhinan suppositories are used incorrectly, local negative reactions may occur, which include burning or itching in the female genital area, which usually manifests itself at the beginning of treatment and disappears on its own, without requiring cessation of therapy. In rare situations, local allergic reactions may occur, according to the instructions for use.

Analogues of Terzhinan candles

The drug has certain substitutes that are similar both in composition and spectrum of action:

  1. "Nystatin"
  2. "Elzhina".
  3. "Ecofucin".
  4. "Hexicon".
  5. "Pimafucin".
  6. "Sintomycin".
  7. "Acylact".
  8. "Clotrimazole"


The drug is a Russian generic. "Elzhina" effectively eliminates vaginitis of bacterial etiology:

  1. Vulvovaginal mycoses (inflammatory lesions of the perineum, internal membranes of the vulva, vagina, urethra).
  2. Candidiasis (diseases of the mucous membranes, skin, internal organs caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida).

This medical product should not be used by those sensitive to the composition and underage girls. In addition, Elzhin should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Harmful side effects may include:

  • swelling;
  • rash on the skin of the body;
  • dryness of the genitals.

According to many responses, the drug is an effective remedy that is used to eliminate bacterial vaginitis, candidiasis and other vaginal inflammations. Patients note that the medication instantly eliminates burning, swelling and pain. But there are also reviews that indicate the appearance of severe burning and itching after using suppositories.


Another domestically produced medicine, which is less often found in pharmacies than other medicines. Ecofucin is recommended against candidiasis and various types of inflammatory processes in the vagina caused by infection.

The drug should not be used by people who have problems absorbing its composition. The instructions for use note that during treatment a woman can have sex. But it is recommended to visit a medical specialist for a medical examination of your sexual partner. This is due to the possibility of candidal diseases. When using suppositories, slight itching may occur in the vagina.


The drug has a more extensive list of indications. It is prescribed to prevent the following ailments:

  1. Gonorrhea.
  2. Chlamydia.
  3. Herpes of the genital organs.
  4. Syphilitic disease.

These suppositories are also used by gynecologists to prepare for abortion or childbirth. Effective in the treatment of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa of various origins and course.

Hexicon is prohibited for people with poor absorption of its active and additional components.

As a rule, side effects occur after the suppository has been inserted into the vagina. Allergic reactions are less common:

  • rash;
  • hives;
  • redness of the skin.


Country of origin - Italy. It is necessary to use the drug in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • vaginitis;
  • vulvitis.

"Pimafucin" is contraindicated for people with increased sensitivity to the constituent components of the medical product. The main difference of the drug is that it is approved for treatment by women who are expecting a child and who are breastfeeding.

The patient may experience the following adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • burning sensation in the vagina.

What are "Terzhinan" and "Pimafucin" suppositories used for? The second drug is a polyene antibacterial agent from the group of macrolides with a broad spectrum of action. All suppositories exhibit increased activity against bacteria and fungi. Getting directly into the pathological environment, the active substance has a detrimental effect on its membranes, preventing further reproduction.

The drug has a pharmacological effect on sources of the disease that are sensitive to natamycin. Even with prolonged use, the medication does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.


The drug is made in Russia. "Sintomycin" effectively fights colpitis, as well as cervicitis. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of other diseases of the female reproductive system that are inflammatory in nature. The drug is used for gynecological measures:

  • installation of a spiral in the uterus;
  • preparatory stage of childbirth;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy.

The drug is noticeably different from other previously considered medications and has a voluminous list of contraindications for use. They concern those patients who do not tolerate its composition well and have severe kidney and liver diseases. The drug is not recommended for people under eighteen years of age and who have not begun sexual activity. The drug is allowed for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Analogues have more undesirable effects: ailments that are associated with the hematopoietic system, dermatological diseases, an increase in the area of ​​​​fungal damage. It is important to note that the sexual partner of a girl who uses Syntomycin may also suffer.


What are "Terzhinan" and "Acilact" suppositories used for? They are good at eliminating vaginal dysbiosis and other inflammations that affect the reproductive system of the female body. "Acilact" is used in preparation for gynecological surgical interventions to prevent complications.

It is necessary to highlight the absence of prohibitions on use. But if you have vulvovaginal candidiasis, you cannot use the medicine.

After intravaginal administration of the Acylact suppository, bacteria spread in a thin layer on the mucous membrane, then begin to multiply, gradually eliminating pathogenic microorganisms. They do not penetrate into the general bloodstream.

In addition, "Acilact" is used for prophylactic purposes to prevent purulent complications that may arise after surgery, as well as difficult childbirth, abortion, or performing hysteroscopy, curettage of the uterine fundus. The purpose of "Acilact" in the prophylactic use of the drug is long-term antibiotic therapy, after which the number of bacterial cells decreases.


The drug is considered one of the inexpensive and effective domestic products. Prescribed for candidiasis, vaginitis, as well as for prophylaxis before operations in the field of gynecology.

Clotrimazole is contraindicated in patients who are sensitive to its composition and in pregnant women.

The drug has a number of adverse reactions:

  • pain in the lower parts of the stomach;
  • rash;

The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to a disruption in the formation of ergosterol, a component that is part of the membrane of fungal cells, as a result of which the permeability changes and further elimination of the cell is observed.

The drug exhibits high therapeutic activity against dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi Candida, as well as mold fungi and pathogens of lichen versicolor.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Terzhinan suppositories is thirty-six months. The medication must be kept in a dark, dry place, inaccessible to children, at an air temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees. The average price for candles varies from 350 to 500 rubles.


You can find a huge number of positive reviews about Terzhinan suppositories; patients in them say that vaginal suppositories helped eliminate serious gynecological diseases. Many women consider Terzhinan candles to be good and effective.

The main advantage of the drug is the availability and ease of use of suppositories, and women also note the low price and normal tolerance by the body. In rare situations, drug therapy has resulted in negative effects.

As a remedy for candidiasis and reduction of secretions, Terzhinan suppositories are also widely used. Women of childbearing age use the drug at home and quickly restore vaginal biocenosis.

Representatives of the fair half who used Terzhinan during pregnancy and breastfeeding confirm in their responses the high effectiveness of the drug. Compared to other medications, these suppositories had the best therapeutic effect.

Negative responses to suppositories are associated with increased sensitivity of individual patients to the composition of the medication. In addition, some women report spotting that appears after Terzhinan suppositories. But medical experts do not see a connection between bleeding and the use of suppositories.

Terzhinan - suppositories with antiprotozoal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects for topical use in gynecology. Additionally, the drug relieves inflammation, maintains pH levels and restores the structure of the vaginal mucosa.

Combined drug for local use in the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Indications for the use of Terzhinan suppositories are colpitis, vaginitis and vaginosis caused by various pathogenic agents that are sensitive to the active ingredients of the complex medication.

The effectiveness of the drug is associated with the following properties:

- anti-inflammatory;
- antimycotic (antifungal);
- antiprotozoal;
- antibacterial.

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent components.

Release form and composition

Vaginal tablets are light yellow in color. Terzhinan contains several active components:

— ternidazole – 200 mg;
— nystatin – 100 thousand IU;
— prednisolone – 3 mg;
— neomycin sulfate – 100 mg.

  • Tinidazole affects the so-called anaerobes - bacteria living in oxygen-free conditions.
  • Nystatin is a substance with antifungal properties, especially active against fungi of the genus candida.
  • Prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate is a corticosteroid with a local anti-inflammatory effect. Prednisolone suppresses inflammation, relieves swelling and itching.
  • Neomycin sulfate is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that acts on pyogenic bacteria of the vagina.

The active ingredients of Terzhinan vaginal suppositories are included in such concentrations that cause a synergistic, enhancing effect of the individual ingredients, thus expanding the range of action on the microflora of the pathogenic nature of the vagina, without affecting the natural microflora.

The advantages of intravaginal administration of the complex drug Terzhinan are the effect only on the diseased organ, ease of use, minimal risk of side effects, absence of irritating effects on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which are observed during therapy with tablets and capsules intended for oral administration.

Terzhinan suppositories do not contain hormonal components, so they cannot affect the menstrual cycle. The big advantage of this product is that it does not disturb the natural balance and death of beneficial microflora, such as after treatment with antibiotics. Therefore, after a course of therapy there is no need to drink lactobacilli to restore the vaginal microflora.

Indications for use Terzhinan

  • bacterial vaginitis caused by banal pyogenic microflora;
  • vaginal trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis caused by Candida fungi and mixed infection;
  • prevention of vaginitis.

Prevention of urogenital infections/vaginitis, including:

  • before gynecological operations;
  • before childbirth or abortion;
  • before and after installation of the IUD;
  • before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
  • before hysterography.

Terzhinan is also used as a means of preventing complications of antibacterial therapy.

The combined drug, in combination with complex therapy, quickly relieves the symptoms of irritation, itching and relieves inflammation.

Instructions for use of Terzhinan suppositories, dosages

The optimal duration of therapy is no more than 10 days. In case of diagnosed mycosis, the duration of use can be increased to 20 days. The total duration of prophylactic use of Terzhinan is 6 days. Dosage – one Terzhinan suppository per day.

Used intravaginally. A vaginal suppository is inserted deep into the vagina in the “lying down” position before bed. Before insertion, the candle should be kept in water for 20-30 seconds. After administration, you need to lie down for 10 - 15 minutes.

Features of application

If pathogenic microorganisms are detected during culture, you need to treat your regular sexual partner. During treatment of infectious diseases, both sexual partners must undergo a course of treatment with Terzhinan, otherwise the infection will recur after sexual intercourse.

The drug is well tolerated, the only thing that doctors sometimes forget to warn about, and women, as a rule, pay little attention to the official instructions for use of Terzhinan, attached to the medication - the suppository must be kept in water for several seconds before insertion into the vaginal cavity.

To conduct a course of treatment, it is advisable to choose a period when there is no menstruation.

Terzhinan suppositories can also be used during breastfeeding; all active components of the product do not pass into breast milk.

The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. No effect.

There is no data on the effect of ethanol on the body during therapy with Terzhinan intravaginal suppositories.

Side effects and contraindications Terzhinan

In rare cases, transient discomfort may be observed at the beginning of treatment with terzhinan. After 2-3 days it will disappear.

Cases of exacerbation of side effects are isolated and are expressed by local reactions in the form of burning when the suppository is administered, or allergic manifestations on the skin. In such cases, the use of Terzhinan suppositories should be replaced with a more gentle analogue.


Due to insignificant adsorption and penetration into the general bloodstream, the possibility of overdose is unlikely.

If the dose of Terzhinan is significantly exceeded, adverse reactions may increase.


A contraindication to the use of Terzhinan is hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug.

Terzhinan is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimester, for nursing mothers, the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Terzhinan vaginal suppositories are not intended for the treatment of patients under 16 years of age.

Analogues of Terzhinan, list of drugs

Analogues of Terzhinan vaginal suppositories are the following drugs:

  1. Meratin Combi
  2. Neotrizol.

Please note: the instructions for use of Terzhinan suppositories, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to dosage or replacement of the drug. Any change in the prescribed treatment regimen must be agreed with the doctor - this is important!

Attention! Adjustment of the daily dose must be agreed with the gynecologist.



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