The use of physiotherapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Rehabilitation treatment for diabetes mellitus

Physiotherapeutic procedures increase performance, general condition body, improve the patient's sleep. Additional effect is to lower blood sugar and strengthen the immune system. Depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases, various manipulations may be prescribed for therapy.


Balneotherapy is indicated for patients with mild form diabetes or with a disease of moderate severity in the phase of stable compensation.

The nature of treatment with mineral waters depends on the type of concomitant diseases. Based on this, the type of mineral water and the method of taking it are selected.


During complex procedures in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes along with drug therapy, diet and moderate physical activity Magnetic therapy is used. Advantage this method is the absence side effects and that the sessions are not addictive.

The basis of the technique is the effect of various magnetic fields on the patient’s body. The magnetic field has high bioactivity and stimulates peripheral circulation and hemodynamics. The procedure is carried out using special devices “Polyus”, “Olympus”, “Kolibri”, “Almag” and the like.


The procedure improves the functioning of the islets of Langerhans, which are responsible for the production of insulin. It is performed using the Vermeule technique or transversely in the epigastric region. Electrophoresis is necessary to reduce blood sugar and improve the body's redox reactions.

The physiotherapist has at his disposal large number various methods of physiotherapy. The selection of a specific method is determined by the patient’s condition, the severity of diabetes mellitus and the presence of its complications. It is very important to evaluate concomitant diseases in the patient, since they significantly affect the possibility of carrying out individual species physical therapy.

Doctors distinguish the following types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • using hardware, for example, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, etc.;
  • without the use of devices: hydrotherapy, therapeutic massage;
  • physical therapy.

The choice of a specific method of physiotherapy is determined by the attending physician, who, after examining the patient, identifies his existing indications and contraindications.


  • amplipulse,
  • galvanization,
  • darsonval,
  • UHF, etc.

2) Blood purification:

  • Ozone therapy,
  • Plasmapheresis.

3) Ultrasound therapy.

4) Magnetic therapy.

5) Laser therapy.

6) Vacuum therapy.

7) Acupuncture.

8) Hydrotherapy.

9) Herbal medicine

10) Exercise therapy, etc.

Treatment of diabetic cataracts in diabetes mellitus

Physiotherapy refers to additional ways therapy for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It allows you to simultaneously solve a number of problems: normalize mineral, carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, reduce glycemia and increase the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases on the globe. Number of patients suffering from this pathology endocrine system, increases every year. And what’s most frightening is that their age is getting significantly younger.

At diabetes mellitus there is a disruption in the functioning of almost all human systems and organs, but first of all - circulatory system. The blood vessels, heart, brain, including the retina of the eye are affected. If the symptoms are not pronounced, the disease is diagnosed too late, changes in the body become irreversible and often lead to fatal outcome.

Due to insufficient blood supply, metabolic disorders and decreased immunity, the visual organs are often affected by diabetes. Patients complain of conjunctivitis, blepharitis (styes), while the course of the disease is severe and protracted, and they are difficult to treat.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common complication of eye disease in diabetes mellitus.

But conjunctivitis also often develops into glaucoma or cataracts. Sometimes the symptoms of these diseases become the only signs of diabetes in a patient.

How do cataracts manifest in diabetes?

When there is a metabolic disorder in the body, changes occur in the lens of the eye and it becomes cloudy. This is called diabetic cataract.

Feature cataracts in diabetes mellitus are very rapid development, the disease progresses rapidly and is difficult to treat.

Sometimes even surgery has no effect.

The main symptoms of the disease in patients suffering from diabetes:

  • Decreased vision;
  • “fog” before the eyes;
  • Impaired visual acuity - lines blur when reading;
  • Cloudy lens during examination.

Even if these symptoms are not yet present, but a diagnosis of diabetes has been made, it is recommended to be examined by an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. This will help prevent the development of diabetic cataracts.

How are cataracts treated in diabetes?

Endocrinologist in mandatory refers the patient for examination to an ophthalmologist. Even in the absence of manifestations of cataracts, the ophthalmologist will conduct the following studies and procedures:

  • Determination of visual acuity;
  • Definition intraocular pressure;
  • Determining the boundaries of vision.

Then, using modern equipment, the doctor examines the lens, retina and fundus of the eye. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment for the disease will begin.

Treatment of diabetic cataracts is always carried out in parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease – diabetes mellitus. Without restoring metabolism and stabilizing blood sugar levels, it is impossible to get rid of cataracts; even surgery will not help.

The following methods are used:

  1. Insulin therapy (for type 2 diabetes).
  2. Diet therapy (if diabetes mellitus is non-insulin dependent).
  3. Physiotherapy and lifestyle modification – physical activity is mandatory.

Cataracts can only be treated surgically. Since the disease develops rapidly and can lead to complete loss of vision and other complications such as diabetic retinopathy, surgery is performed as quickly as possible.

How is cataract removal done? Today, the method of cutting out cataracts using ultrasound is increasingly used. Reviews from patients confirm the absolute painlessness of this operation.

Impact of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an important part of the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system. At the same time modern varieties This therapy allows you to have a complex effect on the body, which has a positive effect on general forecast for the patient.

Physiotherapy has a large impact on the human body. various effects, each of which can either speed up the patient’s recovery or slow it down. In this regard, procedures are always prescribed only by the attending physician.

Proper use physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • normalize basic metabolic indicators;
  • return blood glucose levels to normal;
  • increase insulin concentration.

In addition to the direct impact on metabolic processes, physiotherapy improves vascular tone and blood supply internal organs, and also allow you to normalize the work of peripheral and central nervous system. Such effects prevent the patient from developing early and late consequences diabetes associated with angiopathy, neuropathies, trophic ulcers etc.

Modern physiotherapy equipment for diabetes makes it possible to provide patients with effective treatment for various options course of the disease. Used in physiotherapy various methods hardware impact.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy can be increased by using a combination of various procedures, which are very often used in the prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus.

Application of magnetic therapy

The use of magnetic therapy is based on positive impact weak electromagnetic field on metabolic processes in biological tissues. When carrying out this procedure in diabetics, the main target of influence is the pancreas.

There is a large amount of scientific evidence that magnetic therapy can reduce blood sugar concentrations and strengthen the walls vascular bed, stimulating metabolic reactions and regeneration in them. Such effects make it possible to effectively use magnetic therapy for prevention and therapy. diabetic complications, primarily neuropathy.


The procedure allows you to cleanse the blood of unwanted components, as well as add substances to it that have a beneficial effect. therapeutic effect. It is important to note that such physical therapy is not provided to all patients, but only to those who have severe diabetic kidney tissue damage and symptoms renal failure.

Treatment with electrophoresis

Each of the diabetics sooner or later comes to restore the body with the help of physiotherapy. It represents such types non-drug treatment, which are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the insular apparatus and enhancing the sugar-lowering effect of insulin in pomegranate.

We are also talking about the more serious influence of sulfonamides and biguanides - thus, physiotherapy is also effective in the treatment of complications.

About methods

There are a fairly large number of physical therapy methods: from hyperbaric blood oxygenation and oxygen foam to electrophoresis with zinc chloride. All these methods, as well as special baking, are also used in the treatment of not only type 1 and type 2 diabetes itself.

In addition, they perform well in diseases of such organs and systems of the body that accompany diabetes, such as:

  • liver;
  • biliary tract(grapes are useful);
  • joints;
  • peripheral nervous system.

In addition to therapeutic mud, other coolants are also actively used, which are characterized by significant heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. It's about about peat, paraffin, ozokerite, as well as clay and sand jam.

The indications for their subsequent use are the same as for mud treatment, precisely because of this heat treatment is most suitable for those patients who are faced with persistently compensated forms of the described illness.

They also go well with balneotherapeutic procedures.

In addition, it is desirable that the number of any procedures, including thermal ones, should not exceed 10-12 and avoid alcohol.

About water procedures

Physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus is determined by many nuances, which, in turn, depend not only on the health status of the diabetic, but also on the specific type of procedures performed.

For example, fresh baths have a positive effect on the course of the disease when temperature conditions from 34 to 38 degrees. At the same time, it is important to remember that hot water procedures (more than 40 degrees) can to a large extent aggravate the condition of each diabetic, so their use is strictly prohibited.

This point should be remembered by everyone involved self-prevention or compensation for diabetes.

Almost all types of showers are effective for diabetes:

  1. Charcot;
  2. Scottish;
  3. circular;
  4. rain;
  5. perineal;
  6. underwater shower-massage.

The Scottish shower is also used for the most different problems. We can talk not only about atonic constipation, but also lumbosacral radiculitis.

If we talk about underwater shower massage, then it has a resolving effect and is most effective when muscle problems appear, that is, myositis.

For all other types of showers, you should definitely consult with a specialist who will determine how advisable their use is.

These are types of non-drug treatment aimed at improving the functions of the insular apparatus and enhancing the hypoglycemic effect of insulin, sulfonamides, biguanides, and mainly at treating complications of diabetes mellitus.

Hyperbaric blood oxygenation (HBO)

In diabetes mellitus, the oxygen transport function of the blood decreases, which leads to oxygen deficiency fabrics. Elimination of these phenomena helps to improve the absorption of glucose by tissues. HBOT also helps restore normal gas composition blood, normalization acid-base balance, increasing sensitivity of receptors to insulin, activation of glycolysis, etc. It is recommended to conduct 10-15 sessions of HBOT per course of treatment with a session duration of 40-60 minutes. Sessions are held daily. HBOT is especially good to prescribe for decompensated diabetes mellitus, diabetic angiopathy lower extremities even with symptoms of gangrene, as well as with diabetic polyneuropathy.

Ingestion of oxygen foam also helps improve metabolism. This procedure also helps to reduce body weight if it is excess, reduces dyspeptic symptoms, since the foam stretches the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness, which allows you to reduce the amount of food taken, and oxygen also has a positive effect on redox processes.

To prepare oxygen foam, use infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants, for example, rosehip infusion or oat decoction. Whipped protein is added to them chicken egg(for 2 liters take the white of 1 egg). The finished mixture is foamed by passing oxygen through it using the “Health” apparatus.

Patients take oxygen foam 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals in a volume that causes a feeling of satiety. The course of treatment is 3-6 months under medical and laboratory supervision.

The use of oxygen foam is contraindicated for acute gastrointestinal bleeding, attacks of pancreatitis, adhesive disease, frequent attacks angina pectoris.

The impact of UHF microwave therapy on the area of ​​projection of the pancreas is also used. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 procedures. Microwave therapy improves metabolic processes in the gland tissue, improves blood flow in it, and stimulates insulin production.

Ultrasound stimulation of the pancreas

performed daily for 5 minutes, for a course of 10 procedures.

This method of exposure stimulates insulin production.

Exposure to Variables magnetic field improves microcirculation and is used for neuropathy.

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, is used for neuropathy and involves the introduction of special needles into biological active points. Prescribe 2-3 courses of treatment, 10 sessions each. As a result, there is an improvement in the general condition of patients, a decrease in pain and an improvement in the sensitivity of the lower extremities; the glucose content in the blood and urine decreases temporarily, which may require adjustment of the insulin dose.

Electro- and laser acupuncture is also used, acupressure, exposure to a constant magnetic field, microwaves with the frequency of the human biofield.

Laser acupuncture can be used as prescribed by your doctor.

For diabetes mellitus, treatment methods such as hemosorption, enterosorption, and plasmapheresis can be used.

Hemosorption is often used for diabetes mellitus complicated diabetic nephropathy. Session duration is 60-90 minutes. At the same time, performance improves carbohydrate metabolism.

Enterosorption is the ingestion of sorbents. In 50% of patients, it is possible to reduce the dose of insulin and other glucose-lowering drugs, improve lipid metabolism, and reduce the manifestations of polyneuropathy.

Plasmapheresis is the removal of the patient’s plasma and replacing it with plasma substitutes. The method is used for septic complications and renal failure.

Ultraviolet irradiation blood - a method used in complex therapy with a combination of purulent-inflammatory and allergic diseases.

Physiotherapy is a set of methods for treating various diseases using physical factors(current, exposure to air, light, magnetic radiation, heat, water, etc.).

In medicine, the use of physiotherapy is actively spreading, and the methods themselves are constantly being improved. There are many methods of physiotherapy that have a beneficial effect on local problem areas and on the entire body.

The most popular methods of physiotherapy are:

  • Magnetherapy,
  • SMT physiotherapy.
  • Heat therapy,
  • Electrophoresis,
  • Phototherapy.
  • amplipulse,
  • galvanization,
  • darsonval,
  • UHF, etc.

2) Blood purification:

  • Ozone therapy,
  • Plasmapheresis.

3) Ultrasound therapy.

4) Magnetic therapy.

5) Laser therapy.

6) Vacuum therapy.

7) Acupuncture.

Techniques used

Hardware physiotherapy for diabetes is an additional tool in the complex treatment of the disease, which helps solve the following problems:

  • Help normalize carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism in the body.
  • Reduce glycemic levels and increase the level of immunoreactive insulin in the blood.
  • Reduce the effects of insulin antagonists by stimulating blood circulation and improving metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Relieve pain from complications of diabetes mellitus - angiopathy, etc.

These procedures are considered painless and do not cause allergies or other side effects.

In the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a number of physical therapy methods are used.


Patients are often prescribed electrophoresis for type 1 diabetes - incl. using zinc, copper, potassium.


Comprehensive treatment of diabetes includes the use of. The essence of therapy is positive impact magnetic field on metabolism. Diabetics are often prescribed magnetotherapy to the pancreas area.

An approximate course of treatment lasts 10-12 sessions, and after the first 3-5 sessions, patients experience a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Magnetic therapy is effective technique physiotherapy for neuropathy. The fact is that the magnetic field gives an analgesic, immunostimulating effect, strengthens blood vessels and has a trophic-regulatory effect.

Taking oxygen cocktails promotes weight loss, as the foam fills the stomach, makes the patient feel full, and the patient eats less.


This method of physiotherapy is effective for neuropathy, since after a course of acupuncture, nerve conduction improves, sensitivity of the legs and limbs increases, and pain goes away. Read more about the benefits of the technique.

Measures used include acupressure, acupuncture (including laser and electroacupuncture), acupuncture, etc.


If diabetes mellitus is accompanied by renal failure and septic complications, patients are prescribed plasmapheresis. This is a blood purification procedure in which the patient's blood plasma is removed and replaced with special substitutes.

Read more about the method of blood cleansing, its features, price, benefits and contraindications.

Ozone therapy

Application medical ozone during ozone therapy for diabetes, it increases the permeability of cell walls to glucose, which reduces. Ozone improves glucose metabolism in red blood cells. As a result of this treatment, more oxygen enters the tissues and hypoxia goes away.

Treating diabetes with ozone prevents the development of complications such as neuropathy, angiopathy, and arthropathy.

In addition, ozone has an immunomodulatory effect. As is known, with type 1 diabetes, patients have a tendency to chronic infections and inflammation due to weak immunity. Therefore, ozone treatment is one of effective methods physiotherapy for type 1 diabetes.

Ozone therapy increases performance, improves sleep and the general condition of diabetics. Patients experience a decrease in blood glucose levels and a strengthened immune system.


The complex of physiotherapeutic methods also includes hydrotherapy (). This includes douches, showers, rubdowns, wraps, mineral waters etc.

Water procedures have a stimulating effect on blood circulation and lymph flow.

Hydrotherapy improves the flow of blood and lymph to the desired areas of the body and improves cellular respiration. Thanks to this, the restoration of tissues and the body as a whole is accelerated.

Exercise therapy

Physical therapy (physical therapy) and gymnastics are doubly useful for diabetics, because when performed regularly lower limbs improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients, muscles are strengthened and joint mobility increases.

10-15 minutes of exercise every day will improve the health and condition of your feet.

Set of exercises:

1.Sit on a chair with your back straight. We squeeze and unclench our toes.

2. Roll your feet along the floor - lift your toes first, then your heels alternately.

3. Raise your toes and make rotational movements with them.

4. Now raise your heels, without lifting your toes from the floor, make circular movements with your heels.

5. Place a newspaper on the floor. Wrinkle it with your toes, then smooth it out and try to tear it into pieces. Grab these pieces of paper with your toes and transfer them to another page of the newspaper. Then roll it into a ball using your toes as well.

Each exercise, except the last one, is done 8-10 times.

Situations arise when treatment with drugs and basic medical methods is not enough.

Their action in combination with other types of treatment gives higher and more stable results.

One of the methods known since ancient times is physiotherapy (PT).

Used in the treatment of many diseases and pathologies, due to safe action and no side effects. Physiotherapy is widely used for treatment, which is confirmed by favorable treatment results.

Letters from our readers

Subject: Grandma's blood sugar has returned to normal!

To: Site Administration


My grandmother has had diabetes for a long time (type 2), but lately There were complications in the legs and internal organs.

The concept of physiotherapy represents the influence of natural forces on the human body. They can be like natural origin (sun rays, air, water), and artificial (infrared, electromagnetic influence, massage).

Helps achieve:

  • increasing immunity;
  • relief of symptoms of chronic diseases;
  • increasing regenerative properties;
  • feelings of relaxation, decreased pain;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • postoperative recovery.

Chronic diseases and complications after surgical intervention often cannot be treated. In this case, physical therapy the only way helping the patient, stopping complications becomes possible for a long time.

The doctor determines the need to include this type of treatment in the patient’s therapy. Physiotherapy has contraindications, namely:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • bacterial and fungal infections in the acute period;
  • pacemakers;
  • intolerance to the procedure.

Treatment is prescribed in courses; one-time procedures will not give the desired effect.

Physiotherapy treatments for diabetes mellitus have proven themselves to be especially effective. They can improve metabolic processes and reduce blood glucose levels. To do this, the pancreas area is affected, the course of treatment is daily, for at least 10 days.

There are different techniques PT treatment of such a disease. The choice of the most suitable one is based on studying the patient’s medical history, his individual characteristics and other diseases.

They are divided into:

  • hardware treatment (magnetic therapy, ultrasound, infrared, laser therapy and others);
  • non-hardware treatment such as herbal medicine, aromatherapy, heliotherapy and others;
  • acupuncture;
  • physical training.

They have a positive effect on diabetes mellitus.

Assessing the severity of the disease and accompanying diagnoses, the patient is recommended to run, cycle, swim or simply walk.

These simple actions help improve blood circulation, saturate the organs with oxygen, and increase muscle tone. Decreasing overweight, as one of the causes of diabetes, general well-being is normalized.

This type of FT is more suitable for.

Sometimes zinc, magnesium, potassium are used, as auxiliary components. Zinc has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and enhances insulin production.

When using electrophoresis, copper improves blood sugar levels, magnesium lowers cholesterol levels. Exposure from medicines helps achieve anti-sclerotic effect and reduce inflammatory processes.

The method has an effect on the functioning of the pancreas and normalizes metabolic processes.

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Literally a few sessions help reduce glucose levels, increase protective functions immunity. Widely used in treatment diabetic foot, with neuropathy. The magnetic field helps strengthen the condition of blood vessels, accelerate blood and lymph circulation.

Frequent circulatory problems in diabetics are caused by oxygen starvation tissues and organs.

This provokes diseases of vision, hearing, and other important systems.

Oxygenation allows you to saturate the body with oxygen and minimize the manifestations of hypoxia. Patients note an improvement in their condition after several procedures, oxygen starvation is stopped.

Coping with symptoms and disorders nerve conduction Acupuncture will help.

The procedure restores the sensitivity of the affected areas, reduces painful manifestations. Acupuncture and massage are carried out in conjunction with this method. Plasmapheresis is used for renal failure and helps in cleansing the patient’s blood.

Ozone therapy

The peculiarity of this species is its powerful influence on immune system, especially relevant for type 1 diabetes. Improves metabolic processes, reducing glucose levels, reduces the risk of complications.

Water is a versatile assistant in the treatment of many ailments.

For diabetes, wraps, douses, and health baths are used. Acting at the cellular level, hydrotherapy balances the bloodstream and accelerates metabolism.

For type 1 diabetes mellitus, doctors prescribe physical therapy and diet in combination. This helps enhance insulin production in the body and keep excess weight under control. Physiotherapy for type 2 diabetes will reduce the intake of sugar-lowering medications and prevent complications of the condition.

Hardware physiotherapy is one of the most popular and effective methods. The prescription is justified for lesions of the nervous system, internal organs, limbs, and blood vessels.

For this use:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • ultrasound therapy.

Procedure hardware treatment magnetic field is well tolerated by patients: it has no side effects and is not addictive. Its action is aimed at preventing complications and improving blood circulation. The device does not force the patient to perform any actions and is easy to use. On Russian market presented under the names “Pole”, “Hummingbird”, “Almag” and others.

The procedure is carried out in medical institution. The patient lies down on the couch, the devices are installed on certain part bodies. The procedure does not cause any discomfort, only a feeling of fine vibration is possible.

The meaning of the procedure is to apply current to the desired area, the strength of the effect gradually increases. The device is called “Transair” and includes models for stationary and home use.

The procedure reduces the risk of developing diabetic foot, improves blood circulation and fluid outflow from tissues. Treatment occurs by attaching electrodes to the affected areas; the patient feels a slight tingling sensation at the site.

Ultrasound PT is distinguished by its ability to stimulate the production of insulin and combat the complication of diabetes – retinopathy. With low-frequency therapy, suppuration is effectively removed and the condition of the joints is improved. Lymph stagnation is reduced, blood flow is improved, and metabolism is normalized. Truly wide range action determines the effectiveness of this apparatus.

More and more people are being diagnosed with diabetes, which greatly affects the patient’s quality of life. The lifestyle that our time dictates is overeating, constant stress are key in its occurrence.

Undoubtedly, drug treatment solves part of the problem, normalizes processes in both types of diabetes. True, we should not forget that any drug has side effect, causes gradual addiction. Extra load on the liver due to taking medicines Definitely not needed for diabetics.

In such a situation effective assistance provide lifestyle adjustments together with physiotherapy. Proper nutrition, normalization of sleep and mental state help lower blood sugar levels and maintain normal weight. Vitamins and minerals found in healthy food, enrich the body with all the necessary elements.

Sports, gymnastics and any physical activity They perfectly help maintain muscle tone and blood vessels. The circulatory system begins to function in correct mode, congestion stop. In combination with physiotherapy, it is possible to achieve lasting treatment results and improve the well-being of a diabetic patient.

The use of physiotherapy in therapy allows you to activate the immune system and increase the body's resistance. This is especially important when the patient is bothered by non-healing ulcers and wounds. Physiotherapy is also carried out to prevent complications of diabetes mellitus and is suitable for any type of disease.

Is physiotherapy useful for diabetes?

Each of the diabetics sooner or later comes to restore the body with the help of physiotherapy. It represents types of non-drug treatment that are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the insular apparatus and enhancing the sugar-lowering effect of insulin. We are also talking about the more serious influence of sulfonamides and biguanides - thus, physiotherapy is also effective in the treatment of complications.

About methods

There are a fairly large number of physical therapy methods: from hyperbaric blood oxygenation and oxygen foam to electrophoresis with zinc chloride. All these methods are also used in the treatment of not only type 1 and type 2 diabetes itself. In addition, they perform well in diseases of such organs and systems of the body that accompany diabetes, such as:

  • liver;
  • biliary tract;
  • joints;
  • peripheral nervous system.

In addition to therapeutic mud, other coolants are also actively used, which are characterized by significant heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. We are talking about peat, paraffin, ozokerite, and also clay. The indications for their subsequent use are the same as for treatment with mud; it is in connection with this that thermal treatment is most suitable for those patients who are faced with persistently compensated forms of the described illness. They also go well with balneotherapeutic procedures.

In addition, it is desirable that the number of any procedures, including thermal ones, should not exceed 10-12.

About water procedures

Water treatments for diabetes

Physiotherapy for diabetes mellitus is determined by many nuances, which, in turn, depend not only on the health status of the diabetic, but also on the specific type of procedures performed.

For example, fresh baths at temperatures from 34 to 38 degrees have a positive effect on the course of the disease. At the same time, it is important to remember that hot water procedures (more than 40 degrees) can significantly aggravate the condition of each diabetic, so their use is strictly prohibited. This point should be remembered by everyone who is involved in independent prevention or compensation of diabetes.

Almost all types of showers are effective for diabetes:

  1. Charcot;
  2. Scottish;
  3. circular;
  4. rain;
  5. perineal;
  6. underwater shower-massage.

Scottish showers are also used for a variety of problems. We can talk not only about atonic constipation, but also lumbosacral radiculitis.

If we talk about underwater shower massage, then it has a resolving effect and is most effective when muscle problems appear, that is, myositis.

For all other types of showers, you should definitely consult with a specialist who will determine how advisable their use is.

About oxygen foam

How to prepare oxygen foam?

Given the fairly large number of physical therapy methods, it is quite difficult to cover them all, so it is necessary to focus on the key ones. These include treatment with oxygen foam. It has a positive effect on metabolism in general, as well as on stabilizing body weight. In order to prepare oxygen foam, special infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants. This can be an infusion of rosehip or an oat-based decoction.

The white of a chicken egg is added to this mixture and beaten. This is done in the following proportion: add the white of one egg to two liters of liquid. After which the prepared mixture is foamed, for this it is necessary to pass oxygen through it using a special apparatus.

Drink oxygen foam twice or thrice a day one hour before meals in such a volume that would cause a lasting feeling of satiety. The treatment course of this oxygen foam should be from three to six months.

About hyperbaric oxygen therapy

This procedure is an action in which the diabetic:

  • placed in a specific device;
  • at the same time, increased atmospheric pressure is formed in it;
  • The oxygen ratio in the air should be higher than the standard level.

As is known, in the case of diabetes mellitus, the ability of the blood to transport oxygen is significantly reduced. As a result, increasing oxygen starvation of tissues is noted. This physiotherapeutic procedure helps to increase the oxygen ratio in the blood, makes the degree of tissue sensitivity to the hormone much greater and normalizes everything related to metabolism in the human body.

The presented procedure copes well with the treatment of even the most serious complications with diabetes mellitus. It is advisable to carry out at least 10-15 sessions for a complete course of treatment. The duration of each session should be at least 40-60 minutes.

It is also worth noting such types of physiotherapy as ultrasound-type stimulation of the pancreas.

It is carried out every day, and treatment course should be equal to 10 procedures. Such an effect on the area of ​​the pancreas makes it possible to improve the production of insulin.

Thus, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the most different methods physiotherapy, which turn out to be extremely effective if they are applied correctly and in a timely manner.



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