A drug to stimulate ovulation with clostilbegit. Possible side effects


In most cases, before IVF, stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is prescribed. To make the procedure more effective, it is combined with the use of the drug Proginova, and also hCG injection. These medications are effective, but they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The woman must undergo a series of tests to rule out obstruction. fallopian tubes(this can lead to an ectopic pregnancy).

What kind of drug and its effectiveness?

Clostilbegit is a pill for women aimed at stimulating ovulation. Sometimes prescribed to treat men when they have oligospermia. The drug contains clomiphene citrate, which suppresses the formation of estrogen. Due to this, the medicine is classified as an antiestrogens. At the same time, Clostilbegit promotes the production FSH hormones and LH, which are required for ovulation to occur. The substance is quickly absorbed into the blood, but is excreted from the body for a long time - the half-life is approximately 5-7 days.

The medicine is considered quite effective, but should be taken with caution. It must be borne in mind that despite its effectiveness, the product is quite dangerous. With uncontrolled use of pills, the ovaries can increase in size to 5-8 cm, which is very dangerous for a woman. This condition may be accompanied by severe intoxication, drowsiness, and pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition, by taking the drug, the chances of multiple pregnancy. That is, a woman can give birth to twins or even triplets. This is due to the fact that several eggs mature in the follicles at once, which, under appropriate conditions, can all enter the uterine cavity together.

Indications for use

When stimulating ovulation, Clostilbegit is indicated in the following situations:

  • Chiari-Frommel syndrome. In this case, the patient experiences amenorrhea, and the external genitalia also atrophy. Minor discharge from the nipples may occur. Due to this pathology, the natural process ovulation.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. Manifested by the absence of ovulation, increased production sex hormones (androgens and estrogens).
  • Amenorrhea syndrome. In this case, a woman’s menstruation disappears, ovulation becomes unstable or disappears altogether. This condition may be caused by taking certain oral contraceptives Therefore, before starting treatment with Clostibelgite, you should stop using any hormonal drugs.

Before prescribing the drug, a woman must undergo a series of examinations. The doctor must make sure that her temporary infertility is associated precisely with the anovulatory cycle. After all, the inability to become a mother may be due to other reasons. For example, this can be facilitated various tumors in the area reproductive system. And taking Clostibelgite increases the rate of division cancer cells, so the malignant process spreads faster.

Contraindications and side effects

Not all patients can stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegit. The fact is that taking the drug has large number contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to take pills if a woman has:

  • Individual intolerance to any substance included in the drug (clomiphene or auxiliary components).
  • Liver diseases. The half-life of the drug from the body is long, so the drug has negative impact to the liver. And if there are any pathologies of this body, they may become even more pronounced
  • Ovarian cyst. With regular use of Clostilbegit, its growth may occur, and this is fraught with rupture of the neoplasm.
  • Oncological process in the body.
  • Poor eyesight. Taking the drug may lead to even more severe loss vision.
  • Risk uterine bleeding. If a woman has previously had bleeding from the uterus, she is contraindicated to take the medicine. Otherwise, serious blood loss is possible (one of the side effects).

In the absence of contraindications, the medicine should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. After taking Clostilbegit, you need to monitor your condition. If any side effects occur, stop using the medicine and consult your doctor. This condition usually occurs in patients who are prescribed high doses drug.

You may experience headaches, nausea, depression, severe pain in the lower abdomen, sweating. At long-term use The drug may cause sudden weight gain.

In addition, the ovaries may increase in size. Therefore, ultrasound examinations should be performed regularly. If the ovaries are slightly enlarged, the medication should be stopped immediately.

IN in rare cases appears skin dermatitis, itching in the nipple area. Sometimes women complain of problematic urination accompanied by pain.

Instructions for use

How to properly stimulate ovulation? To do this, you must follow all the recommendations of your doctor. In addition, you should study general instructions drug. If a woman still has her periods (in some pathologies they are absent), it is necessary to start taking the medication on the 5th day of the cycle. Take the drug daily on an empty stomach at a dose of 50 mg. The duration of treatment is 5 days, subject to constant monitoring of the ovaries via ultrasound.

On what day does ovulation occur? This usually occurs on days 11-15 of the cycle, depending on the characteristics female body. To find out the approximate day of your ovulation, you need to start from the first day last menstrual period count down 14 days. That is, in most cases it occurs in the middle of the cycle. You can also use a special test to determine ovulation, which is sold at any pharmacy.

Sometimes Clostilbegit does not help the first time, so you need to repeat the course of treatment next month, taking the medicine from days 5 to 10 of the cycle, but with a dosage doubled. If ovulation is absent, you can undergo treatment again for the third time, but without increasing the dose.

If the effect of therapy is not obtained, it is necessary to take a three-month break, and only after that repeat the course of therapy. For treatment male infertility The drug is prescribed to be taken once a day for 6 weeks in a row.

Combination of Clostilbegit, hCG injection and Proginov

Proginova is a drug containing the hormone estrogen. After a course of treatment with Clostilbegit, a woman’s ovaries are depleted, so Proginova can be prescribed to restore hormonal levels. The scheme for stimulating ovulation with Clostilbegit and Proginov is as follows:

  • On the 5th day of the cycle, the woman is prescribed Clostilbegit, which continues until 10-11 days. The dose of the medicine is up to 100 mg per day, usually the drug is taken at a time, in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • The doctor constantly monitors the condition of the follicles using ultrasound. When they reach 20-25 mm, they prepare for the onset of ovulation and give an injection of hCG. As a rule, ovulation occurs 40-45 hours after the injection. The injection promotes rupture of the follicle and release of the egg, as well as the formation corpus luteum. This is usually accompanied by minor pain in the lower back. But to receive reliable results required additional walkthrough Ultrasound.
  • If ovulation has occurred, the woman is prescribed Proginova. Sometimes the drug is prescribed in advance (starting from the 5th day of the cycle) to prevent ovarian depletion.

Ovulation does not last long - up to 48 hours. Therefore, immediately after a woman has received an hCG injection, she needs to have unprotected sex with her sexual partner. Moreover, the more times they have sex during these 48 hours, the higher the likelihood of conception. But after ovulation ends, it will be much more difficult to get pregnant.

You can buy Clostilbegit at any pharmacy. The cost of packaging is about 500 rubles for 10 tablets. The medicine is sold without a doctor's prescription, but self-medication is not recommended. This can lead to hormonal imbalances, enlarged ovaries and other serious consequences.

Thus, ovulation after Clostilbegit occurs quite quickly. However, treatment is not effective in all cases. If after 6 months of therapy there is no effect, the doctor should reconsider the treatment regimen and prescribe a new drug.

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Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is the most common technique used for treatment female infertility. In women, the components of Clostilbegit stimulate the production of hormones responsible for the maturation of follicles. The effectiveness of the drug is estimated at 30-40%, subject to the correct dosage and treatment regimen.

Who is prescribed ovulation stimulation?

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit is prescribed to women with diagnoses unknown origin . Before stimulation begins, the couple is sent for examination to ensure that the real reason infertility is ovarian dysfunction.

Prescribe stimulant medications for male factor infertility, tubal obstruction, infectious and inflammatory diseases It just doesn't make sense. Klostilbegit (clomiphene citrate) anti-estrogen, effective medicine, but has many side effects, the most severe of which are hyperstimulation, ovarian depletion and, as a consequence, early menopause.

Clostilbegit dosage regimen

Stage 1:

Taking tablets to stimulate ovulation begins on days 2-5 of the cycle with a dosage of 50 mg/1 tablet per day for 5 days.

From 7-10 days of the cycle, the growth of the endometrium and follicles is monitored using ultrasound sensors. After one of the follicles reaches a size of 22-25 mm, an injection with hCG preparations is prescribed (Choragon, Ovitrel, Pregnyl). As a rule, ovulation occurs 24-27 hours after the injection.

When stimulated by Clostilbegit, the day of ovulation is the most favorable time for conception. In IVF protocols, egg puncture is carried out before ovulation begins.

Stage 2:

The doctor prescribes medications containing progesterone: Utrozhestan, Duphaston or Progesterone injections. The duration of such support is 14 days, starting from the day of ovulation. After two weeks, a blood test for hCG is taken.

Stage 3:

Taking Clostilbegit suppresses the growth of the endometrium, which complicates the implantation of a fertilized egg. That is why the thickness of the endometrium is monitored throughout the treatment and estrogen is prescribed. (Proginova).

What to do if there is no result

Did you get tested on day 14 and it was negative? Pregnancy did not occur. Don't despair. If you ovulated, but didn’t get pregnant, you will be offered to repeat stimulation and, possibly, new medications will be selected.

If the ovarian response was insufficient, then upon repeated stimulation with Clostilbegit, the doctor will suggest adjusting the dosage of the drug. Most importantly, remember that taking stimulant drugs only affects the maturation of follicles, and in no case does not treat hormonal disorders.

Side effects after taking ovulation-stimulating drugs

If the doctor confirms that the follicles do not mature, this means that you have health problems and, most likely, not only reproductive sphere. You shouldn’t expect that taking medications will solve all your problems.

Even the most modern means to stimulate ovulation have side effects. Most often, after stimulation, patients encounter complications such as:

  • formation of cysts and polyps;
  • ovarian depletion and, as a result, early menopause;
  • hyperstimulation;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • problems with the digestive and nervous systems.

Clostilbegit stimulates ovulation quite effectively, but has many side effects. Consult your doctor about ovulation stimulation and try alternative health treatments before taking Clostilbegit. It is not recommended to use it for more than 6 cycles.

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit - reviews

According to reviews of people who have encountered this modern medical technique, ovulation stimulation is a fairly progressive method. Ovulation is a hormone-dependent process, so it is stimulated with the help of drugs containing hormones.

Despite the fact that the effect of all medications is aimed at restoring the body’s hormonal levels, there are different reviews about treatment: from those who became pregnant after stimulating ovulation with Clostilbegit and from those for whom it did not help.


After 2 years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, I consulted a doctor. An ultrasound revealed a diagnosis of anovulation. I completed 2 courses of 4 months of ovulation stimulation with clostilbegit. Side effects include 4 large cysts. I managed to get pregnant a month after I stopped taking the medication.


I took ovulation medications for one cycle. Before this, my periods were irregular. I started taking Clostilbegit and, miraculously, I became pregnant in the first cycle. They did an ultrasound, which showed three excellent eggs, only one was fertilized. Now my princess is 4.5 months old! Don't read bad reviews, everything is individual!

Questions and answers about stimulation with Clostilbegit

On thematic sites there are many questions and reviews regarding the safety, feasibility and effectiveness of the use of medicines.


Question: How is ovulation stimulated with Clostilbegit? I've heard negative reviews, they write a lot about early menopause. Do you need an answer from those who have taken the drug?


Answer: Hello! I’ll say right away that Clostilbegit did not help me, 3 cycles were stimulated. We started with the minimum dosage from the 2nd day of the cycle, then increased it. I don’t know what’s next yet. The gynecologist refers me to IVF.

Among the side effects, I gained a lot of weight, especially in the hip area. I heard about early menopause, I don’t think that the ovaries will be exhausted in 3 cycles.


Question: How was your pregnancy after ovulation stimulation? I am interested in reviews on the timing of hormonal support.


Answer: What’s so special about pregnancy after Clostilbegit? I left like everyone else, without any complications. Toxicosis and tone on early- a common occurrence. Support was available until the 15th week, but now many pregnant women are prescribed Utrozhestan or Duphaston for tone. Read positive reviews and don't beat yourself up.


Question: Is it possible to perform stimulation if my husband’s sperm count is bad? I passed it before starting treatment and was diagnosed with Asthenozoospermia. The clinic said that there was nothing to worry about, my mobility was 53%, but I was worried. I'm looking forward to answers and feedback from those who have experienced something similar.


Answer: The doctor is right, everything can be treated! It’s good that you got tested before the stimulation started. We got it the other way around.

I was stimulated for 4 months, the eggs matured in each cycle, but pregnancy did not occur... I was very worried... Then they advised me good doctor, and I went to see him for a consultation, and so, he was very surprised that they didn’t check my husband. My husband did get tested, and he was also diagnosed low mobility due to inflammation. We treated for a month, then rested before stimulation.

In general, the 5th stimulation was a winner. 4 eggs matured, only one was fertilized. I'm now at 12 weeks! I’m writing this review to let you know that there is hope! So don't be discouraged!


Question: The gynecologist prescribed ovulation stimulation, I doubt it. The fact is that according to ultrasound I have my own ovulation, albeit not in every cycle. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself by taking ovulation medications. Tell me, who had a similar situation and Klostilbegit helped get pregnant? Do you need reviews and advice on how to speed up ovulation using other, less harmful means?


Answer: A little off topic, but still. Yes, Klostilbegit is not the easiest and safe drug, but I wouldn’t refuse. If you doubt your doctor's prescriptions, try going for a consultation with another specialist. In any case, taking Clostilbegit in minimal doses and under the supervision of a doctor is incapable of harming the body.

I have polycystic ovary syndrome, I ovulated, but apparently the quality of the eggs was not important. I was treated for a long time, stimulated with Clostilbegit - it did not help. Now I’m preparing for AI and stimulation with other drugs. From alternative ways treatment is only herbs, but after reading the reviews, I would not take them on my own.


Question: Girls, SOS! The reproductive specialist prescribed ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit, 2 tablets per day, and today I discovered that I missed 1 day of taking it!!! What to do? Now nothing will work out?!


Answer: Don’t worry, continue taking the pills according to the schedule and extend it by 1 day. I also forgot to drink - the doctor told me to do just that.

Stimulation of ovulation with other drugs

Gonal, Menopur, Puregon, Horagon, Duphaston, Utrozhestan and Proginova are drugs that stimulate ovulation in women and prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg. The schemes for such stimulation are more complex and similar to those used by reproductive specialists in IVF protocols. There are both positive and negative reviews.



Question: I was diagnosed with primary infertility 3 years ago. She was treated for polycystic ovary syndrome and endometritis. Ovulation was irregular. The clinic prescribed stimulation. I read the stories of everyone who became pregnant after ovulation stimulation, reviews, advice and was determined to win...

Now I have four stimulations with Clostilbegit behind me. There is no effect. How to stimulate ovulation further? And, most importantly, what?


Answer: Helped me stimulation scheme with Gonal. I got pregnant right away. She started stimulation from the 2-6th day of the cycle and a dosage of 50 mg, from the 9th day she increased the dose to 75 units, from the 14th to 112. The injections continued until the 15th day of the cycle, and long-awaited ovulation was on the 18th day.


Answer: Gonal also helped me and stimulating ovulation with an hCG injection. Pregnancy occurred the second time. I was stimulated with clostilbegit 6 times - it didn’t help.


Question: Finally received the histology results - no endometriosis!!! Did you write that polycystic ovaries are bad?

After laparoscopy, she took antibiotics and did physical procedures. In the next cycle, I begin stimulation with Clostibegit, an injection of hCG, Utrozhestan and Metipred. I read a lot about ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit negative reviews, so I’m wondering if it might be better to start right away with Gonal?


Answer: I am one of those who got pregnant after ovulation stimulation. I am against taking Clostilbegit, it is a heavy drug and does not always help. It didn’t help me, and it also ruined my endometrium. Insist on stimulation with Gonal - modern drug it makes the follicles grow by leaps and bounds.


Answer: My friend is one of those who was helped to get pregnant by stimulating ovulation with Gonal. She was also diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, but then the fertility specialist explained that she had multifollicular ovaries, and this is often confused.

Everything worked out the first time! Before this, there were unsuccessful stimulation schemes with Clostilbegit and 2-year visits to clinics.


Question: I am very upset - the follicles are not growing! I am stimulated on the 6th day, starting from the 7th day of the cycle. Of these, 5 days - Puregon 100 units, today - 150 units. According to the ultrasound, the doctor added Menopur 75 units. Only 6 follicles measuring 5-6-10mm have grown!!! Is this not enough? What ovulation medications were you prescribed? How many follicles have grown?


Answer: Stimulated with Gonal. At 10 DC, 10 follicles approximately 10 mm each have matured. Ovulation was on DC 12 (cycle 30 days). So everything is fine, don’t worry!


Answer: Everything is fine! It's just too early. It was stimulated by Puregon, although the dosage was higher. 7 excellent follicles have grown! The main thing here is not quantity, but quality.


Question: She took medications to stimulate ovulation. Scheme - Clostilbegit, Menopur with Proginova and Duphaston. The result was zero, only health problems remained... I came for an appointment after stimulation on the 3rd day of the cycle, they sent me for an ultrasound and a new diagnosis: due to taking medications, a cyst measuring 7 cm had grown!!! Girls, who came across? How long to treat? I was determined to have IVF, but now they probably won’t let me in?


Answer: I sympathize, I myself developed a dermoid cyst after ovulation was stimulated. I had to remove it along with the ovary. The doctor said that the reason was not the drugs, they just sped up the process.


Answer: Don't worry, there are different types of cysts. Go to a gynecologist - he will figure it out and prescribe treatment. I've resolved it myself. I only took vitamins for about a month. By the way, they never found the reason; they said it was a hormonal imbalance.


Question: Started stimulation. From the 3rd dc I inject Gonal-F. The doctor prescribed a dosage of 75IU for 6 days. Who did ovulation stimulation help get pregnant? Need feedback from those who have taken Gonal?


Answer: Hello! I took Gonal. After the second IVF attempt, pregnancy occurred. Twins were born - two boys! According to reviews, after stimulating ovulation with this drug, twins are often born.

My advice is not so much what is stimulated as the clinic and the doctor. So look for a good doctor.


Answer: But it didn’t help me... As a result - a cyst. Now I'm getting treatment. In general, the drug is very good, according to reviews, everyone praises it.

Stimulation of ovulation using folk remedies

Traditional medicine is replete with recipes and tips on how to speed up ovulation and pregnancy. Reviews of people who were helped to get pregnant by stimulating ovulation with folk remedies, and reviews of those who were disappointed in herbal medicine, are in a 50/50 ratio.

Underestimate traditional medicine It’s not worth it, just as you shouldn’t rely on it entirely. In any case, it is necessary to consult an experienced herbalist, in order not to harm your body.

According to reviews, the most popular folk remedies to stimulate ovulation – sage decoction , containing a large amount of phytoestrogen. No less famous potions made from aloe petals mixed with milk and a decoction of plantain seeds and rose petals .

Quite often, the reason for the inability to conceive in women is the lack of ovulation. In this situation, medicine can offer such auxiliary reproductive method as ovulation stimulation or induction.

The most common drug for these purposes is Clostilbegit. In this article we will talk about how to stimulate follicle release using this medicine, how it works and what results it gives.

What is it

Stimulating ovulation is a complex of medicinal effects that takes place in several stages. On initial stage Immediately after menstruation, a woman is prescribed medications that stimulate the growth of follicles in the ovaries. As soon as one of them, which is called the dominant one, matures and reaches a size of at least 17-18 mm, the woman is given drugs that stimulate the rapid maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle.

At the final stage, medications containing progesterone or its analogues are prescribed to maintain pregnancy if the long-awaited conception has taken place.

Each of these stages is important. The stimulation itself takes place under the supervision of a doctor experienced in the treatment of infertility. First phase menstrual cycle When a woman is prescribed follicle-stimulating drugs, it should be monitored by ultrasound. This will allow you to control the size of the follicle and choose the most the right time For artificial stimulation ovulation, and will also help avoid negative consequences, for example, the development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

"Clostilbegit" is a drug used in the first phase of the cycle, the task of which is promote the maturation of a healthy and complete egg in the follicle. It is considered one of the most frequently used and is prescribed as a first-line drug in the treatment of functional infertility in women.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period


The doctor will suggest stimulating ovulation to women who have had a full sexual life for at least a year without the use of contraceptives, but pregnancy does not occur.

For women over 35 years of age, the critical threshold is six months. Important condition- a man should not experience problems with fertility. The spermogram must show his full male viability and the ability to fertilize an egg, otherwise stimulation will not bring results.

The method is offered as a treatment option for female infertility caused by ovarian dysfunction, polycystic disease, and hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency. Often this method helps women who are too thin or too plump to get pregnant, who have endocrine disorders Self-conception is not possible.

Stimulation with Clostilbegit is carried out for women preparing for IVF or intrauterine insemination.


Stimulation is contraindicated for women with fallopian tube obstruction. Pregnancy in this case may occur, but it will be ectopic and cause serious complications for the health and morale of a woman dreaming of a child.

Also, stimulation is not done for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. First, they try to treat these ailments, relieve the symptoms of the pathology, and improve the condition of the endometrium.

Stimulation is undesirable if a woman has problems with the health of the thyroid gland.

About the drug

If the examination is left behind, and the doctor decides to stimulate the ovulatory process with the help of a drug such as Clostilbegit, we can talk about starting a stimulation protocol.

The drug itself is a non-steroidal anti-estrogenic drug. In moderate doses, it is able to stimulate the body's production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin.

Main active substance- clomiphene citrate. The drug is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 50 mg. Sold in pharmacies by prescription; self-medication with Clostilbegit is unacceptable.

Treatment regimen

It should be noted that there is no universal dose for all women, or even for most of them. This drug is prescribed exclusively individually, depending on the woman’s height, weight, and the characteristics of her reproductive processes.

In some women, the follicle can theoretically ripen on its own, but the release of the egg does not occur; in others, the formation of follicles on the ovaries does not even occur. Therefore, only the doctor chooses the regimen and dosage.

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, then most often the drug is prescribed from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. If a woman’s first phase of her cycle lasts less than 14 days, the drug can be recommended from the third day.

There are two schemes:

  1. The first involves taking 50 mg of the drug per day (1 tablet) for five days - from days 5 to 9 of the menstrual cycle (calculated from the first day of menstruation in this cycle). If ovulation does not occur on days 13-15, the second scheme is used in the next cycle.
  2. According to the second scheme, taking the drug also starts on day 5 and lasts five days, but its dosage is increased to 100 mg. The dose may vary: it will depend on how the woman's ovaries respond to medicinal effect. Since the task is not only to cause full ovulation, but also to prevent hyperstimulation, during which multifollicular ovaries develop, there is a risk of cysts and other severe complications. Ultrasound monitoring of the behavior of the ovaries and follicles should be carried out daily.

If the second stimulation did not bring results and there is no ovulation, the third course is carried out according to scheme No. 2. If there is no result, take a three-month break and repeat the treatment.

A break is necessary so as not to cause exhaustion and premature aging ovaries. In total, stimulation with the drug can be carried out no more than two times (three months, and after a break another three months).

If pregnancy does not occur, the drug is considered ineffective for this woman, and other methods are recommended for her - IVF, insemination, fertilization donor egg(if yours doesn’t ripen)

After five days of administration, the size of the dominant follicle is assessed, and if it exceeds 17 mm, a drug is administered that stimulates the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, that is, ovulation itself.

When stimulated with Clostilbegit, as in a similar process using other follicle-stimulating medications, an injection of hCG is given ( human chorionic gonadotropin) in a dosage of 5000 to 10000 IU.

Ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the injection. The doctor gives detailed instructions about the days that are considered the best for productive sexual intercourse.

From 10-12 days of the cycle, medications such as "Proginova", "Duphaston". They are needed to prepare the endometrium for implantation if conception has taken place.

If the test on days 16-17 after ovulation is negative, a blood test for hCG does not show the presence developing pregnancy, stop taking the medication and wait for menstruation.

Side effects

Women who underwent stimulation with Clostilbegit complain of pronounced side effects drug. These include:

  • nausea and feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • increased flatulence, diarrhea;
  • headaches and attacks of severe dizziness;
  • loss of appetite in the direction of its increase;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • inhibition of mental and physical reactions;

  • visual impairment (double vision, fear of bright light, lacrimation);
  • more frequent urge to urination;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • swelling and tenderness in the chest;
  • hair loss;
  • allergy.

In addition, women often complain that the lower abdomen hurts, they are not in the mood, they experience a feeling of “flushes” of blood to the face, causing fever and sweating. Therefore, those taking Clostilbegit are not recommended to drive a car and perform high-precision work or take actions associated with a risk to life, requiring increased attention and clear vision.

Most frequent women's question relative to this medicine- Does it affect weight? The answer is clear - it has an effect; many women note that, against the background of stimulation with Clostilbegot, they began to noticeably improve.

Who should not take the drug?

Instructions for use indicate that the drug should not be taken by women suffering from kidney disease, liver disease, tumors in the pituitary gland, severe violations visual function, endometriosis and tumors of the reproductive system.

Efficiency and efficiency

The result can double the family’s expectations, since stimulating ovulation with Clostilbegit increases the risk of having twins by about 15%.

According to the results of clinical data obtained over the past few years of using this drug for the treatment of anovulatory infertility in women, the probability of pregnancy in one course reaches 15%, Almost 70% of women were able to become pregnant as a result of six courses of admission.

In preparation for stimulation ovulatory cycle the woman undergoes a detailed examination. Sometimes taking Clostilbegit never starts, because inflammatory and some hormonal problems problems that lead to ovarian dysfunction can be resolved at the preparatory stage by providing the woman with the necessary therapy.

Recommendations for weight regulation are often sufficient: having lost just 5% of the initial weight, a woman significantly increases her chances of becoming a mother, and her ovulation is restored naturally. Similar recommendations apply to women with insufficient body weight - weight correction and weight gain to optimal indicator can be very effective.

Many people are familiar with the anxiety and worries associated with unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Doctors recommend calming down and relaxing, and not perceiving unsuccessful attempts as a great personal tragedy.

If stress and “obsession” with a problem do not follow a woman around, she will have better side will change hormonal background, and ovulation will most likely be restored.

In any case, many women became pregnant this way - when they were already desperate, when they no longer expected and were not nervous about the inability to conceive.

Release form

Produced Klostilbegit the drug is in the form of tablets of 50 mg. The tablets are round, flat shape, grayish-white color, no odor. The product is contained in dark-colored bottles, closed with a polyethylene cap.

Pharmacological action

Active substance clomiphene is part of the group of antiestrogens that can stimulate the process ovulation . This occurs due to the activation of the synthesis of sex hormones (FSH, prolactin, LH), after specific binding in the ovaries and with estrogen hormones. If the body contains a small amount , there is a moderate estrogenic effect. If the body has high content estrogen, then an antiestrogenic effect is noted.

Accordingly, when taking the drug in a non- large doses There is an increase in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones and stimulation of ovulation. When taking large doses of the drug, the secretion of gonadotropins is inhibited. Thus, the effectiveness of ovulation stimulation depends on the dosage of the drug.

At the same time, the drug Clostilbegit does not exhibit gestagenic and androgenic activity.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Absorption of the active ingredient from the gastrointestinal tract occurs completely and very quickly. Metabolism occurs in the liver and is also excreted in the liver, with bile. The half-life of the drug from the body is approximately one week.

Indications for use

Ovulation stimulation Clostilbegit carried out in the case of syndromes in which a woman does not ovulate:

  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome ;
  • Chiari-Frommel syndrome ;
  • galactorrhea syndrome (provided that it is not provoked by the presence of a tumor in the body);
  • syndrome (among other things, and that associated with the use of oral contraceptives).


The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the active component or any other substance present in Clostilbegit;
  • pregnancy ;
  • history of uterine bleeding;
  • serious liver disease;
  • (to prevent the risk of rupture);
  • visual impairment;
  • oncological processes;
  • reduction in function .

Side effects of Clostilbegit

Side effects Klostilbegita may occur if the drug is prescribed to the patient in large doses. The most common side effects that may occur are:

  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • asthenia;
  • , And ;
  • , high level anxiety ;
  • increased appetite, tides , weight gain.

Sometimes, in rare cases, the patient’s ovaries may enlarge (sometimes up to 5-8 cm). It is important to constantly monitor the size of the ovaries while taking the medicine. ultrasound examination, and also regularly measure basal temperature.

In very rare cases, chest pain, dermatitis with itching, and urinary problems may occur.

When taking the drug, the possibility of developing multiple pregnancy (Clostilbegit and twins are a probable occurrence). It also increases the likelihood of , ectopic pregnancy.

In addition to the side effects described above, vaginal dryness, dysmenorrhea, hardening of the mammary glands, and allergic reactions are possible.

Instructions for Clostilbegit (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use involve taking the tablets orally. In this case, the dosage and regimen depend on the diagnosis and prescription of the attending physician.

If the patient has , then the period of taking the pills depends on how pronounced the reaction to the drug on the part of the ovaries is. Women who have monthly cycle regular, should start taking pills from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. Women with amenorrhea can start treatment with the drug on any day.

There are several schemes by which you can take this remedy.

First scheme involves taking 50 mg of the drug for five days, and at the same time it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the patient’s ovaries by conducting constant laboratory and clinical studies. As a rule, ovulation occurs between the eleventh and fifteenth day of the cycle. If this scheme does not help to obtain the desired result, then you should then look at how to take these tablets according to the second scheme.

Second scheme The intake stipulates that tablets are taken from the fifth day of the cycle, 1000 mg daily. In the absence of ovulation, the same scheme is repeated.

If failure occurs, after taking the medication, take a break for three months, after which the course of treatment is repeated. Those who become pregnant should then stop taking the drug. If the second course of treatment is ineffective, subsequent treatment will also be ineffective.

It follows that during each course the total dose of the drug should not exceed 750 mg.

In the case of treating a patient with you need to start taking the drug with 50 mg per day, as there is a tendency to hyperstimulation.

If the patient has no menstruation due to prolonged use of contraceptives, it is necessary to start taking tablets with 50 mg per day, while five-day treatment is usually effective on the first try.

For men, tablets are prescribed 50 mg once or twice a day, treatment lasts for six weeks. It is important to constantly monitor the spermogram.


In case of an overdose of the drug, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

Doesn't exist specific treatment in case of overdose, since there is no antidote. In case of overdose it is carried out symptomatic treatment, removal of the drug from the body is practiced.


There is no interaction of Clostilbegit with other drugs. It is rational to take tablets with gonadotropic hormones.

Terms of sale

You can buy it in pharmacies with a prescription.

Storage conditions

It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, in a dry place.

Best before date

Clostilbegit can be stored for 5 years.

Special instructions

Before starting treatment with the drug, it is important to undergo full examination, including examination by a gynecologist, determination of hormonal status, etc.

While taking the pills, it is important to carefully monitor the size of the ovaries and liver function. It is advisable to prescribe treatment when the level of gonadotropin in the urine is normal or reduced, when in good condition ovaries, as well as normal function adrenal glands and thyroid gland

This remedy should only be taken under the supervision of a gynecologist, who will determine whether it is necessary to increase or decrease the dose.

If successful stimulation of ovulation has occurred, the patient may be prescribed .

Since short-term vision deterioration is possible during treatment, drivers should not drive during this time.



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