The benefits and harms of vegetarianism: scientific research, statistics, doctors’ opinions. How does a vegetarian diet affect human health? The benefits and harms of vegetarianism

Traditional in the territory of the former Soviet Union is a mixed diet with the consumption of products of plant and animal origin. Therefore, the appearance of adherents of vegetarianism among omnivorous people causes surprise, bewilderment, and sometimes even contempt and a feeling of pity for them. To clarify the situation with vegetarianism, we will analyze the results of research in this area. Questions that we will consider: who are vegetarians, is it suitable vegetarian food for seniors, women and athletes?

What do vegetarians eat and why?

Vegetarians are people who do not consume animal meat or products. plant origin- their main food sources.
But some vegetarians - pesco-vegetarians - still eat fish, and pollo-vegetarians eat poultry. Flexitarians rarely consume fish, poultry, or seafood.

A stricter version of vegetarianism is lacto-ovo vegetarianism. Except plant products, the diet contains milk and eggs, but without meat, poultry and fish. Vegan diet does not contain any animal products. There is also a macrobiotic version of vegetarianism. Its supporters eat brown rice and other whole grains, seaweed, soy products, but they avoid consuming fresh vegetables and fruits. Raw foodists eat plant-based foods only in their raw form and sprout the seeds. Fruitarians eat exclusively fruits, berries, seeds and nuts, as well as some vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, beans, peas, etc.), but they avoid grain products.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of options. But why do people choose vegetarianism? Among the main reasons for this choice are:

  • ethical aspect: reluctance to cause suffering to animals;
  • medical aspect: the desire to improve health and avoid the occurrence and development of diseases;
  • religious aspect: the connection between nutrition and spirituality;
  • saving money and preserving the environment.

Let's look at some of them.

How does vegetarianism affect women's reproductive function?

Studies have shown little or no difference in reproductive function vegetarian and omnivorous women.

In particular:

  • With sufficient calorie intake, no differences were found in the onset of puberty in adolescents, as assessed by the appearance menstrual cycle.
  • In some studies, vegetarian women were more likely to have problems with menstrual irregularities throughout their lives, although these issues were not examined in detail. One of the assumptions about the reason for this situation concerns the fact that more often women who already had problems with menstruation switched to vegetarianism and the motivation of these women was to regulate these deviations through nutrition. This affected the statistics. Other, more detailed studies have shown no connection between an increased risk of such disorders and a vegetarian diet.
  • The onset of menopause does not differ between vegetarian women and women on a conventional diet.
  • Soy products reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes compared to placebo, however, do not affect other symptoms of menopause.

Vegetarianism and old age

Studies in older adults have found the following benefits of a plant-based protein diet:

  • The release of insulin in response to food intake has decreased comparatively. As a result, their bodies produced less cholesterol and triglycerides - the main components atherosclerotic plaques, which means they were less at risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases associated with it, colon and rectal cancer.
  • risk reduction CVD development. While those who consumed dairy products were found to have unwanted effects casein ( milk protein). Meals on plant based richer in complex carbohydrates than conventional diets.
  • increase in life expectancy due to consumption large quantity antioxidants from plant products.

It is often said that elderly vegetarians need to consume vitamins B12 and D, but omnivorous elderly people have a list essential vitamins and minerals are much longer. Elderly people on a mixed diet need to additionally receive calcium, magnesium, folate and B vitamins.

Vegetarians have lower death rates from coronary disease heart, cerebrovascular diseases. Compared to omnivores, they have less obesity, constipation, lung cancer, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis. For vegetarians immune system more active than in people on a mixed diet. More detailed research require data on the benefits of vegetarianism for the prevention of neuromuscular and neuro degenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer's disease.

Vegetarianism and sports

The research data available today does not support either the benefits or detrimental effects of vegetarian diets on physical abilities humans, especially in studies that examined carbohydrate intake. Although vegan athletes eat a lot of grains, which reduce (through phytic acid and fiber) the absorption of zinc, iron, and some micronutrients, they do not have deficiencies in these nutrients that would affect their performance.

They are not deficient in protein either. Due to the consumption of various different products of plant origin, they receive all the necessary amino acids, including essential ones, if the energy sufficiency of the diet is maintained.

There is no proven need for vegetarian athletes to supplement with creatine (an energy-producing substance found in raw meat).

Vegetarian athletes consume more than other athletes. complex carbohydrates, which provide energy for longer periods of exercise. Plant-based nutrition provides athletes with all known nutrients. However, they may experience slightly more low rate levels of iron, zinc, trace elements and protein, if dietary restrictions are very strict, which is also typical for omnivorous athletes with an unbalanced diet.

Athletes who eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and grains get high level antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress associated with intense physical activity. They have fewer chronic diseases. Two studies found that vegetarianism combined with regular exercise led to a greater reduction in mortality risk than either alone.

An interesting relationship has been discovered between vegetarianism and endurance in athletes.

The following benefits were also noted:

  • Reducing the risk of hypertension, abnormal blood fat levels and other risk factors
  • Reduction of adipose tissue
  • Reducing mortality rates from coronary heart disease and some types of cancer
  • Decreased iron stores (but very rarely anemia), which is associated with a reduced risk of developing CVD
  • Decreased estrogen levels, which is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

So, a well-planned vegetarian diet provides a person at any age and with any physical activity with the necessary nutrients. Adherents of such a diet need to remember the need to monitor health indicators in the same way as people who do not adhere to such a diet.

Here list of examinations which must be completed at least once a year:

  • analysis for B12 level;
  • test for homocysteine ​​in the blood (for older people);
  • general blood test;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • examinations for the chronic diseases that you have.

We wish you good health And many years life!

List of sources:

  1. Vegetarian Nutrition Joan Sabate, M.D., Dr. P.H..
  2. Vegetarianism in children: pediatric and neurological aspects. V. M. Studenikin, S. Sh. Tursunkhuzhaeva, T. E. Borovik, N. G. Zvonkova, V. I. Shelkovsky
  3. Craig W. J. Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets // J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 2009, v. 109, p. 1266–1282.
  4. Photos -

It has become a cult and fashion trend. In fact, few people know the benefits of vegetarianism. Let's find out where the origins of this movement come from, who vegetarians are and why everyone should become one.

Vegetarianism originated in Ancient India and Greece.

The roots of vegetarianism come from Ancient India and Greece, when pilgrims and monks renounced violence against animals.

It was believed that vegetarianism helps clear a person's karma. In order for the movement to gain strength, orders were created that spread throughout the world and called for a unanimous refusal of animal products.

Despite the fact that the appearance of vegetarianism was in the 5th century BC, the movement gained its popularity in Europe only in the 19th century of our times. Vegetarianism is intended to reduce the killing of animals. The first vegetarians called themselves Ahimsas.

This small community could not survive the slaughter of domestic animals for food, so public groups were created that called for giving up meat and switching to.

Later, vegetarianism began to be introduced into the culture of Ancient India, when people began to feel a surge of strength and noticed that life expectancy had increased. The flow gradually acquired religious significance. Vegetarianism is now mandatory in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Judaism.

The propaganda of non-violence must be accompanied by strictness, so canons were created that contained lists of prohibited foods. IN religious significance killing animals is equivalent to taking human life.

This is because, according to the Ahims, a person is able to grow plant food without exposing animals to death. While animals are not able to grow and for themselves, they are forced to kill smaller representatives of the animal species for food.

The benefits of vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is the abstinence of animal products.

Vegetarianism is the rejection of animal products that are obtained through violence.

The Ahimsas said that you should not eat poultry, red meat, and other seafood, but you can use plant and dairy products. Benefits of vegetarianism:

  • Plant foods are absorbed faster and easier by the body. For example, apples or citrus fruits can be digested in just half an hour, while the meat will “languish” in the stomach for up to 5 hours.
  • Regular consumption of meat clogs the body. It is often noted that vegetarians are active people who have a slim and fit body, beautiful skin. They are full of energy, and most importantly, they know the secret of longevity. Meat products, unlike plant products, are not able to be completely digested and broken down digestive tract, which often leads to constipation, colic and flatulence.
  • Plant foods are natural food for a person. You don't have to eat only vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to diversify your diet with cereals, dairy products, beans,...
  • The risk of developing coronary disease, cataracts and renal failure is reduced.
  • Life expectancy increases by an average of 5 years, but together with physical activity, walks fresh air the figure increases significantly.
  • Oncology occurs in most cases in meat eaters.
  • People often switch to a vegetarian diet overweight. Plant foods help restore the metabolic process and improve metabolism in the body. According to statistics, in America 60% of the population suffers from obesity or overweight. There is only one reason: eating fast food and meat products.

Different movements of vegetarianism

Vegetarianism comes in different forms.

Initially, vegetarians were the same all over the world: they did not eat only meat, citing cannibalism. The essence of the movement is to realize the equality between man and animal.

At the same time, it was not prohibited to eat eggs and. When the current began to develop, branches appeared.

Supporters of vegetarianism were divided on several fronts: some continued to eat animal products without killing, while others switched to a strictly plant-based diet. Branches of vegetarianism:

  1. Lacto-ovo. This type allows you to consume not only plant foods, but also eggs, milk, and honey.
  2. Lacto. Vegetarians consume milk and honey along with plant foods, but avoid eggs.
  3. Ovo. This movement calls for giving up dairy products, but includes eggs, plant foods and honey in the diet.
  4. Vegans. This is a strict type of vegetarian. They completely exclude milk, eggs and honey from the diet, and all nutrients and get from plant food. Vegans know that honey is a product produced by bees and provides them with food. When collecting honey, a person is a potential killer of bees, as he takes food from them.
  5. Raw foodists. Vegetarians, like vegans, avoid all foods except plant-based foods. The main difference is the refusal heat treatment products. They only eat raw vegetables and fruits, but raw vegans include eggs and milk in their diet. In some cases, raw foodists do not consider themselves vegetarians and allow themselves to eat raw meat.
  6. Fruitarians. A type of vegan who abstains from all foods except fruit. And just like raw foodists, fruitarians do not process the product, refusing to fry, boil or bake. At the same time, they can dry fruits and berries and soak them.

There are also movements that do not prohibit eating animal products, but simply limit them. For example:

  1. Pescetarianism. The current prohibits eating poultry and mammals, but it is allowed to eat fish, milk, eggs and honey.
  2. Pollotarianism. It is prohibited to eat animal meat.
  3. Flexitarianism. You can eat animal products, but very rarely.

What do vegetarians eat?

Vegetarians eat vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

It all depends on the current. Some people add fish to their diet, while others are prohibited from even honey.

But there is general list plant products, which is allowed to absolutely everyone. This is only a small part of all plant products, but they are basic in the diet:

  • Vegetables. ( folic acid, fiber, glucose, vitamin A, carotene). Potatoes (potassium, starch). Zucchini (lye, water). Spinach (vitamin C, protein). Pumpkin (vitamin A, fiber). (vitamin C, fiber, vitamin B2).
  • Fruits and berries. Apples (iron, folic acid). Grapes (group of vitamins B, K, P, C, A). Orange (potassium, calcium, magnesium). Avocado (B vitamins, fiber).
  • Beans lead in the amount of protein. Vegetarians happily eat peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, and mung beans. Legumes are a real storehouse of not only protein, but also iron. They use everything: soybean oil, milk, meat, cheese (tofu), kefir (miso).
  • Cereals. For example, buckwheat is rich in B12 and protein. Regular consumption of buckwheat can replace meat products. Vegetarians also eat rice, millet, and ground corn grains.
  • Dairy products. It is allowed to eat cheeses, sour cream, kefir, fermented milk drinks (tan, kumis), and milk.
  • Spices. This is the same plant food as vegetables or fruits. Spices are widely used in India, and came to us from there. Vegetarians make plant-based foods not only tasty, but also delicious, spicy and aromatic. Use cloves, turmeric, ginger, fennel, coriander.
  • Sweets. It is allowed to eat oriental sweets, which are made from cane or beet sugar with the addition of nuts. For example, kozinak or halva. It is also not prohibited to add nuts to your diet.
  • Nuts. They are rich

Vegetarianism is one of the most popular nutrition systems in the world today. With this food system, meat products are excluded from the diet. There are many reasons why people choose vegetarianism. The benefits and harms of this way of eating are what are worth talking about.

Many experts still disagree about whether a vegetarian diet is harmful or beneficial for health. In order to make a decision for yourself whether to switch to this system or not, it is worth studying in detail each side of this issue.

Vegetarians themselves, of course, insist that giving up animal products does not cause any harm either to a person’s sense of self or to general condition health and body. But scientific research It has long been proven that man, by his structure, is neither a herbivorous mammal nor a predator. Scientists say that full composition A person can only obtain useful substances by consuming a wide variety of products, including meat.

When a person eats only plant foods and excludes meat products from his diet, o balanced diet It's difficult to talk. The opinion of doctors in this case is that such a diet can even worsen health.


Food of animal origin contains a number of vitamins and microelements that are not found in plant foods at all. By excluding the animal component from the diet, a person deprives himself of these beneficial substances, which ultimately threatens the body with metabolic disorders.

Here are the beneficial substances we are talking about:

  1. Such important trace element like iron.
    Its presence affects the composition of the blood. Most of this microelement is found in offal, such as liver, kidneys, and fish. Vegetarians insist that iron is also present in plant foods. But the problem is that, along with iron, plant foods contain substances that prevent the full absorption of this element. It is easier and more abundant for the body to absorb this element from food of animal origin.
  2. Anyone who is even a little involved in sports knows that for the structure muscle tissue protein is simply irreplaceable.
    Vegetarians insist that this element can be extracted by eating legumes. Here things are the same as with iron. Indeed, plant foods contain protein, but the human body only absorbs half of it. Unlike animal protein, which is completely absorbed.
  3. The next important microelement is calcium.
    It is extremely important for the health of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for the beauty of hair and nails. The opinion of vegetarians is that this microelement can be more than obtained from leafy vegetables. But! Current research suggests that the amount of calcium in the body of vegetarians is often greatly reduced.
  4. Present in animal food important vitamin B12.
    The presence of this vitamin depends normal functioning nervous system. Plant-based foods don't fill you up human body this vitamin.


However, this question, like any other, has a second side.

To be as objective as possible, let's talk about the benefits of a vegetarian diet:

  1. A vegetarian lifestyle makes it much easier to maintain a healthy weight.
    All because plant food It has a fairly low calorie content, but at the same time it contains a lot of useful substances. By eating such food, it will be easier for you to get rid of extra pounds and maintain your weight at the proper level.
  2. It is much easier for the intestines and stomach to work with exclusively plant-based foods.
    It is easily digested, does not provoke decay processes, and the body is easily freed from the remnants of such food.
  3. With this type of nutrition, it is much easier for the body to stay in a clean state longer.
    Plant foods help remove waste and toxins from the body, making it easier for the body to fight external and internal negative factors.
  4. A vegetarian diet helps keep sugar and cholesterol at proper levels.
    Thus in good condition The cardiovascular system lasts longer. Research on this topic suggests that among vegetarians there are much fewer people who suffer from cancer or diabetes than among meat eaters.
  5. A vegetarian diet is excellent for prolonging youth, as vegetables and fruits contain many antioxidants.
  6. It is believed that meat eaters eat more salt than vegetarians, and excessive salt consumption is also bad for health.

There are several types of vegetarian diets. Let's look at its most popular types and look at how each of them affects the health of the body.

Lactovegetarian yours

If you are a lacto-vegetarian, you are allowed to use dairy products in your food. At the same time, lacto-vegetarians refuse certain types of rennet cheeses, gelatin, as well as products that contain additives of animal origin.

Typically, the reasons why people become adherents of lactovegetarianism are ethical and moral standards. Lacto-vegetarians thus renounce any kind of violence in their lives. This also explains the refusal of eggs, which, in principle, may contain a chicken embryo.

If we talk about positive aspects If you are a lacto-vegetarian, this way of eating keeps cholesterol in the body at the proper level. If you plan a lacto-vegetarian diet correctly, you can sufficient quantity provide the body useful substances. With a lacto-vegetarian diet, you have access to vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, and proteins that are easily digestible and contain amino acids. There are plenty of these substances in a lacto-vegetarian diet, due to the presence of dairy products in it.

That is why, by suddenly becoming a lacto-vegetarian, you will not put as much stress on your body as if you suddenly became a vegan.

The lactovegetarian diet is not as poor in composition as other stricter types of vegetarianism.


Another type of relatively democratic type of vegetarian diet is ovo-vegetarianism. In an ovo-vegetarian diet, you must avoid dairy products, but you can eat eggs.

If we talk about the reasons why people begin to adhere to an ovo-vegetarian diet, then they are either ethical in nature, or the basis of ovo-vegetarianism lies individual intolerance dairy products.

Another advantage of an ovo-vegetarian diet is that it allows you to eat a product that is beneficial to the body, such as honey.

An ovo-vegetarian diet can even be prescribed for people with poor health. Ovo-vegetarian easy diet for consumption, it is good to use for colds and other body ailments.


Another common type of vegetarianism today is lacto-ovo vegetarianism. Logically, it is clear that this includes people who allow meat, fish, eggs and dairy products in their diet.

The reasons why people become lacto-ovo-vegetarians may also be ethical, or it may simply be an option. healthy eating.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism is also a good soft option for transitioning to more restrictive eating methods. With such a diet, the body also has the opportunity to receive almost all the nutrients it needs.

Vegetarian diet and children

Many questions arise regarding the topic of vegetarianism and children. Every parent has the right to choose a nutritional system for their child. If you have made such a decision, then here are recommendations that will help you do this as carefully as possible for the health of the child.

  1. You cannot immediately switch your child to strict vegetarianism, for example, veganism. Children should receive easily digestible protein. Instead of meat, add beans, seeds, eggs and dairy products to your child's diet.
  2. To prevent children from becoming deficient in vitamin D, offer them milk that is fortified with this vitamin.
  3. It is very important that children get enough iron. If you refuse to allow your child to eat meat, please help children's body absorb more of this microelement from plant foods. To do this, foods containing vitamin C must be present in the child’s diet at least once a day.
  4. You should not feed your child whole grain bread all the time. Whole grains fill the stomach much faster, and also partially interfere with the absorption of iron, zinc and copper. To avoid this, it is better to give your child whole grain products only half the time.
  5. A child's body needs a certain amount of animal fat. It is worth considering periodically including it in your child’s diet. butter or medium degree fat content cow's milk. This the only way get this valuable product with a vegetarian diet.


A vegetarian diet offers many health benefits, but some medical research also suggests potential problems.

Think about negative consequences before you decide to become a vegetarian:

1. Low cholesterol

Almost every medical study suggests that vegetarians have more low level cholesterol than non-vegetarians. Many doctors advise supporting general level cholesterol levels below 200. For example, research from the Heart Program shows that long-term extremely low cholesterol levels can lead to early death.

2. Increased risk colon cancer

It can be concluded that people who love meat have more high risk development of colon cancer. But a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that the incidence of various types Cancer rates among vegetarians were lower than among those who ate meat, but the risk of colon cancer was higher among vegetarians. Vegetarians had a 39 percent higher risk of colon cancer.

3. Low bone mineral density

While vegetarians can get adequate amounts of protein, calcium, iron and vitamin D to ensure proper development muscles and bones, one study found that vegetarians had about 5 percent lower bone mineral density than non-vegetarians. Research results have shown that vegetarian diets, especially vegan diets, are associated with low BMP.

4. Low Vitamin B12 Levels

The study, reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, found that meat eaters have more high factor risk of cardiovascular disease than vegetarians. But one potential risk of becoming a vegetarian seems to outweigh it - it's more low content vitamin B12 in the blood. B12 is involved in metabolism, converting food into energy, using iron to produce red blood cells and has many others beneficial properties.

Low levels of vitamin B12, according to the study authors, can lead to atherosclerosis. Some vegetarian foods, such as cereals, can be fortified with vitamin B12. If you are a vegetarian who eats dairy and eggs, you are likely to get required dose vitamin B12. Yeast extract - good choice for vegetarians who abstain from dairy products and eggs.

5. Insufficient levels of Omega-3 fatty acids

A report published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that vegetarians had lower acid levels with long chain. Adequate levels of long-chain omega-3 acids are beneficial for cardiovascular health, study authors say. Nuts and flax-seed can become a source of essential fatty acids.

Based on the findings of numerous medical research, vegetarian diet has many useful properties. However, the same advice can be given to both vegetarians and omnivores: exercise regularly, eat plenty fresh vegetables and fruits every day, and avoid processed foods.

Another food for thought: if you want to become a vegetarian, become a “soft vegetarian.” Non-strict vegetarians are people who are vegetarians most of the time, but who consume animal protein from time to time.

Prepared by Gulnara

Scientific literature classifies based on complete refusal from animal meat. However, the basis of vegetarianism is not a categorical refusal of meat products, but a conscious view of food as a source of healthy energy. Thus, many followers of this food system perceive the habitual process of eating food as a special sacrament: if human body- this is a temple, then it needs to be filled with only the best gifts.

The best gifts in understanding vegetarians are vegetables and fruits.

For many years, vegetarians have been breaking food down into molecules to select the most necessary and most nutritious. After all, vegetarianism is not just a selection of vegetables from the nearest garden bed, but, first of all, a balanced food, maximally saturated with vitamins and minerals, designed to comprehensively heal the entire body.

Need to know which ones useful elements Every vegetable has to be included in your diet.

External manifestations

First of all, a nutritional system that excludes meat in the daily diet affects appearance. From the obvious points: internal, healthy blue skins, as well as its uniform, even tone. There is a significant strengthening of hair and nails, as well as their activation accelerated growth. It has been repeatedly mentioned that vegetarianism helps combat skin diseases and sleepy. In particular, we're talking about about acne and rashes caused by hormonal imbalance.

Sticking to vegetarianism makes you feel very easy!

The influence of a balanced, healthy diet on your body shape is undeniable. A uniform weight loss is noticeable, as well as the resistance of the figure to the manifestation of imperfections (flabbiness, dullness, premature fading). There is an opinion that the effect of vegetarianism on the body is equivalent to the effect of mythical rejuvenating apples. Thus, most celebrities with a visual discrepancy in appearance and age (Paul McCartney, Richard Gere, Keanu Reeves, Jared Leto, Madonna, Demi Moore, Monica Bellucci) are vegetarians or vegans.

The photo shows a famous vegetarian - Paul McCartney.

The benefits of vegetarianism are confirmed by the biography of Clint Eastwood (87 years old), Morgan Freeman (80 years old) and Adriano Celentano (79 years old), who continue to be active creatively and social activities, despite his extremely advanced age.

Clint Eastwood.

Vegetarianism is a cure for all diseases

Scientific researchers have proven the influence of nutritional quality on the formation and development of chronic and fatal diseases. First of all, a negligent attitude to the issue of saturating your own body provides a risk of developing degenerative diseases (heart disease, stroke and diabetes). Vegetarianism serves as an excellent prevention of diseases such as:

  • coronary heart disease
  • hypertension
  • atherosclerosis
  • type 2 diabetes
  • osteoporosis

Eat more fruits and stay healthy!

Mostly vegetable nutrition contributes to achieving the most correct physical shape and significantly reduces the risk of formation and development of a number of common chronic diseases. Repeatedly conducted studies with the participation of vegetarians and people who eat meat have confirmed and proven the theory that the exclusion of meat products from the daily diet has an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the body and general health person.

However, there is another side to the coin: insufficient control over the quality and quantity of food consumed by a vegetarian can lead to extremely dangerous situations. Therefore, anyone following this nutritional system must ensure that they are getting all the key nutrients (including protein, fatty acids, iron, zinc, iodine, vitamins D, vitamins B and calcium).

Get tested to know which vegetables you need to eat more of!

Key Characteristics of Vegetarians

Logically ordinary person, who does not delve into the intricacies of a vegetarian diet, followers of this food system are always painfully thin and emaciated. Contrary to such a stereotypical opinion, scientific researchers have repeatedly proven the opposite - a person who eats a predominantly plant-based diet is physically more developed and stable than a person who eats regular food without restrictions.

But for this you need to play sports, for example, many people practice running!

So, vegetarians are more physically resilient. Visual evidence is provided by rock climbers, mountaineers and other representatives of various professions whose lives are connected with climbing mountains. The vast majority of them are vegetarians and vegans with many years of experience. Compared to meat-eaters, they always go through the acclimatization process more easily and, according to some reports, often make ascents faster than people, not so selective in their diet.

There are many athletes among vegetarians.

Another area is emotional. It has been proven that vegetarians and vegans have more health benefits than meat eaters. Their level of aggression and hateful attitude towards the world around them is significantly reduced. Also, followers of this nutrition system are less likely to suffer from psychological and psychosomatic diseases.

A positive attitude is what matters!

However, Adolf Hitler, who some biographers claim was a vegetarian and animal rights activist, is remembered in history for his hysterical speeches and bloody wars. There is an opinion that vegetarians are more creative and spiritual deep people. It’s easy to agree with this, noting the names of Leonardo da Vinci, Leo Tolstoy, Albert Einstein, Aristotle and other greats of this world on the list. At a minimum, it can be confirmed that vegetarianism does not harm the thought process, but rather encourages it in every possible way.

Albert Einstein was also a vegetarian.

Unanimous opinion about the harm and benefit

Vegetarianism, the effect on the body, which has not received an unambiguous assessment for forty years, is in any case worthy of some attention. A person’s attempt to analyze food for energy and choose the most tasty morsels for himself is very commendable and justified.

The main rule of vegetarianism is non-violence

The use of this nutritional system should in no case turn into a process of violence against the body or body. It should not be imposed, much less coerced. Only in the case of conscious independent choice vegetarianism as the only correct diet, you can be sure of its positive effect on the body.



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