Polygynax candles. Vaginal suppositories Polygynax and their use during pregnancy

Polygynax is a drug popular in gynecological practice with antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness (93.3%) of Neomycin, Polymyxin and Nystatin included in the drug in the treatment of colpitis, cervicitis and other infectious diseases of the genital tract of mixed origin.

High efficiency, absence of pronounced side effects, ease of use determined the popularity of the drug Polygynax (suppositories). Instructions for use in gynecology also indicate the rational use of suppositories to prevent secondary infections of the genital tract in women during periods of hormonal imbalance and after surgery.

Mechanism of action of candles

Vaginal suppositories (capsules) Polygynax contain a combination of antibiotics (Neomycin, Polymyxin B) and an antifungal agent (Nystatin). The combined drug has a bactericidal effect on many strains of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococci, enterobacteria, Haemophilus influenzae, etc.), however, anaerobic bacteria remain resistant to it. Effective against fungi of the genus Candida, which cause thrush (candidiasis colpitis).

For the convenience of topical use of Polygynax suppositories, they contain auxiliary substances that give shape and a soft, uniform consistency (gelatin, dimethicone). The surfactant dimethicone, when introduced into the vagina, creates an enveloping film that promotes deep penetration of the drug into the tissue.

Polygynax suppositories are especially popular in the treatment of fungal diseases of the vagina and cervical canal, including those caused by hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, pre- and postmenopause.

The high fungicidal activity of Polygynax against the spores and mycelium of yeast fungi makes it possible to achieve a positive treatment result in pregnant, weakened women who have chronic diseases of the reproductive organs with frequent relapses.

The use of Polygynax in pregnant women prevents intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as infection during the movement of the child through the birth canal. Vaginal capsules (suppositories) Polygynax are contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of side effects of the active substances on the developing fetus.

It is not recommended to use Polygynax during breastfeeding. Despite the insignificant penetration of the drug into breast milk due to local use, you should stop feeding your baby breast milk during the treatment period.

The course of treatment with the drug lasts 6-12 days. During menstruation, the use of Polygynax is allowed, however, this therapy option is not very convenient for the patient. If menstruation occurs in the middle of the course, you can continue taking the drug after the end of menstrual flow. The question of whether this can be discussed in advance with your doctor.

Indications for use

Polygynax suppositories are used topically. Instructions for use in gynecology indicate the rationality of their use for diseases such as:

  • vulvovaginitis and cervicitis of bacterial and mixed origin;
  • colpitis of fungal origin (Candida, Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, Coccidioides);
  • treatment of vulvovaginitis in pregnant women, including hormonal imbalance;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive organs in women during pre- and postmenopause;
  • complicated form of cervical ectropion;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital tract in girls of puberty.

Polygynax suppositories are indicated for use for the following purposes:

  1. prevention of infectious complications before surgery;
  2. sanitization of the vagina in the prenatal period;
  3. prevention of secondary infection after abortion, diagnostic uterine curettage, conization of the cervix;
  4. prevention of secondary infection after elimination of ectopic pregnancy;
  5. prevention of specific vaginitis against the background of existing inflammatory processes in the vagina (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, AIDS).

Rules for using candles

Polygynax is a local drug: to achieve maximum effect, gynecologists recommend inserting suppositories deep into the vagina, taking a comfortable body position. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bed to avoid leakage of the product from the vagina. To protect underwear and bed linen from contamination with medicinal substances, it is recommended to use panty liners.

Polygynax suppositories are used for a short course so as not to cause pathogenic flora to become resistant to the action of the drug. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used for no more than 6 days. If the course of therapy occurs at the beginning of menstruation, treatment is continued without interruption. To treat infectious diseases of the vagina and cervical canal, Polygynax suppositories are inserted into the vagina for at least 12 days.

If used systematically, Polygynax allows you to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • purulent, bloody discharge, leucorrhoea;
  • itching in the vagina;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • hyperemia;
  • pain;
  • burning.

During the treatment period, they refuse to have sex in order to avoid injury to the wound surface and relapse of the disease. It should be noted that the effect of spermicides reduces the effectiveness of the active substances.

It is also not recommended to use latex products for contraception (the lack of natural lubrication injures the inflamed vaginal mucosa). Antibacterial (or antifungal) therapy must also be given to the sexual partner at the same time. Your doctor may recommend limiting sexual activity for a longer period if complications arise.

Side effects

During the use of suppositories, side effects may occur in the form of a local allergic reaction to the substances included in the drug. Individual hypersensitivity is manifested by burning, pain, itching of the vagina, allergic rashes on the inner thighs. In case of severe clinical manifestations, the use of vaginal capsules is abandoned. Alternative treatment methods are discussed with the attending physician.

Polygynax suppositories allow you to achieve positive results with timely use and compliance with the recommendations of your doctor. A preliminary culture test will indicate the rationality of using this drug for the treatment of a specific disease.

Treatment of many gynecological infections requires local action, since tablets are not so effective in these cases. Ointments and creams are applied directly to the vaginal mucosa, but the most convenient form is vaginal suppositories. They act directly on the source of inflammation; in addition, this form of medication allows you to strictly adhere to the dosage and ensures the longest possible therapeutic effect. To eliminate burning, itching and other symptoms characteristic of fungi and various infectious pathologies, Polygynax suppositories are used.

Vaginal suppositories Polygynax

Vaginal capsules are widely used in gynecology; they provide an antibacterial and antifungal effect. The effectiveness of the drug is manifested in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Polygynax suppositories can be used as a remedy against fungal diseases (they are effective against cryptococcus, candida, histoplasma). In addition, the antibacterial drug normalizes the trophic processes occurring in the vaginal mucosa.


Polygynax has antimicrobial, antimycotic and antibacterial effects. The medication is applied topically. Components of Polygynax in 1 capsule:

  • neomycin sulfate – 35 thousand IU;
  • nystatin – 100 thousand IU;
  • polymyxin B sulfate – 35 thousand IU;
  • additional substances – hydrogenated soybean oil, dimethicone 1000, tefoz 63;
  • The capsule shell consists of glycerol, dimethicone 1000, gelatin, and purified water.

Release form

The medication is available in the form of soft capsules intended for insertion into the vagina. The anti-inflammatory antifungal agent is milky beige in color and has a smooth, pleasant texture. The shape of the suppositories is designed for easy insertion into the vagina and has the appearance of an elongated oval. The drug is sold in 6 capsules per plate and one or two plates in a box.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Suppositories have a local combined therapeutic effect and have an antibacterial and antifungal effect, therefore they are often prescribed by gynecologists. Polygynax is characterized by high bactericidal activity against various pathogenic organisms. In order for the active substances to reach the vaginal mucosa in large quantities, the capsules are injected deeply. In this case, the components of the drug are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and therefore do not have a systemic effect.

The central action of the active substances of the drug from a number of antibiotics - neomycin and polymyxin B - is aimed at inhibiting the activity of the bacterial microflora of the vagina. Anaerobic bacteria and streptococci are not sensitive to these effects. Nystatin, which is also included in Polygynax, has a fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida, as a result of which the drug is used to treat thrush.

The medication has a beneficial effect on the trophic processes occurring in the vaginal mucosa. In addition, suppositories have a wide spectrum of action: they treat many diseases, ranging from thrush to inflammatory diseases caused by other fungal microorganisms. When used intravaginally, the active components of Polygynax are evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa, where their antibacterial and fungicidal effects are manifested.

Polygynax - indications for use

If the patient has infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs caused by pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor prescribes the use of suppositories containing an antifungal antibiotic. Polygynax suppositories are recommended in the following cases:

  • the presence of nonspecific fungal vaginitis;
  • with vaginal candidiasis;
  • if the patient was diagnosed with vulvovaginitis, vulvitis;
  • with cervicovaginitis;
  • for the prevention of genital organs caused by inflammation or infections;
  • during sanitation of the birth canal, abortion;
  • as preparation for surgical interventions in the genital area;
  • to prepare for diagnosing the space inside the uterus;
  • for prevention before childbirth;
  • before diathermocoagulation of the cervix and after the procedure.

Sometimes suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, especially often in its chronic forms or complications. In addition, the drug can be used to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, which is important before a planned surgical intervention (in the localization of the genital organs), before and after cauterization of uterine cervical erosion, before diagnostic procedures performed intrauterinely and on the eve of childbirth.


The drug for the treatment of candidiasis and other infectious diseases, despite its multicomponent nature, has a small number of contraindications. These only include:

  • sensitivity/intolerance to the components of the product;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Polygynax suppositories - instructions for use

Thrush should be treated regularly with Polygynax suppositories. Only through systematic use of the drug can pathogenic bacteria on the vaginal surface be completely destroyed. A single course of therapy, as a rule, is unable to completely rid a woman of bacterial infections. Often, to treat thrush, a 12-day course of using suppositories is needed. The capsules are administered before bedtime, and it is better to do this while lying down, after carrying out hygiene procedures.

For preventive purposes, suppositories are used for 6 days. If a woman has missed taking the drug once or several times, she should resume therapy as soon as possible and continue as usual. Polygynax is administered 1 capsule, and to achieve the expected therapeutic effect, you must follow certain rules:

  • Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly without soap;
  • It is better to administer suppositories in a lying position (the recommended depth is equal to the length of a finger, otherwise the drug will flow out after dissolution);
  • it is recommended not to change the horizontal position for at least 15 minutes after inserting the suppository to ensure maximum safety of the product;
  • After the procedure, you need to wear a sanitary pad so that the released product does not stain your underwear.

special instructions

Exceeding the recommended period of use of Polygynax will negatively affect its effectiveness. This is explained by the fact that pathogens, after the specified period of treatment, develop resistance to the active components of the drug, which creates a risk of re-infection. Another important point is the prohibition of using latex condoms during therapy. Many doctors recommend abstaining from intimacy altogether during this time. During menstruation, treatment should not be interrupted.

During pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, suppositories are contraindicated; later the doctor may prescribe them if he considers such a measure necessary. Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims that the capsules do not have a negative effect on the fetus, they can be used in a minimal dosage. It is not recommended to use Polygynax suppositories during breastfeeding, however, if there is an urgent need, the child should be weaned off the breast during therapy.

The indication for the use of suppositories is the treatment and prevention of genital inflammatory infections before childbirth, however, such a measure is relevant only if the pregnant woman has pathogenic microflora in the vagina, which was revealed during laboratory tests. In this case, the doctor decides which local drug will be optimal for a particular patient: Polygynax or its analogues.

In childhood

For little girls and teenagers, a special form of suppositories is produced - Polygynax Virgo, intended for those who have not yet begun sexual activity. Suppositories have the form of capsules with a pointed end, which, when used, must be pierced and, pressing on the shell, inserted into the vagina. After squeezing out the entire contents of the candle, the capsule itself should be thrown away. Girls need to administer the drug before bed, after the last visit to the toilet. The course of treatment is 6 days without breaks or omissions.

Interactions with drugs

With the simultaneous use of suppositories with antifungal components and spermicidal contraceptives, the effect of the latter may be inhibited.

Interaction with alcohol

The suppositories do not contain antibacterial substances, the combination of which with alcohol can cause a disulfiram-like reaction, which is why ethanol is not broken down into safe elements in the body. In this regard, there is no good reason to prohibit the consumption of alcohol during treatment with Polygynax. However, ethanol can change the effect of drugs, so it is unknown how the active components of suppositories will behave. Based on this, doctors do not recommend combining their use with alcohol.

Side effects

The composition of vaginal tablets includes antibiotics that quickly adapt to the vaginal flora, and therefore patients using Polygynax rarely experience any side effects. However, suppositories can cause allergic reactions in the body, which is expressed by itching, burning, and local irritation. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.


There have not been any cases of drug overdose recorded.

Terms of sale and storage

Polygynax suppositories should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, and the optimal temperature is 10-25 degrees. If storage conditions are properly observed, the drug can be used for 18 months. Suppositories are available in pharmacies without a prescription.


The drug with antifungal substances in its composition belongs to the group of expensive ones, which is largely due to the country of origin of the candles (France). There is a domestic analogue of Polygynax, which is as close as possible to the composition of French suppositories - Terzhinan tablets. The drug also contains nystatin and neomycin sulfate. In addition to these substances, Terzhinan contains ternidazole (has an antifungal effect) and prednisolone (anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory component).

Other analogues of Polygynax candles, which provide a similar effect, but have a different composition:

  • Vagiclin;
  • Fluomizin;
  • Nystatin;
  • Vagilak;
  • Milagin;
  • Klindes;
  • Pimafucin, Ave.

Price for Polygynax

Often these suppositories are used for symptoms of thrush. According to reviews from many gynecological patients, Polygynax is an effective drug that not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also prevents further infection. The price of candles depends on their quantity in the package and the pricing policy of a particular point of sale. The table below shows the average cost of Podizhinaks in Russia.


Polygynax is a complex medicinal product, the pharmacological properties of which are determined by the properties of its constituent components. Used in gynecology. The drug has a fungicidal and bacterial effect and is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the trophism of the tissues of the vaginal mucosa

Ease of use, high proven effectiveness and a wide range of uses make Polygynax one of the most modern and popular drugs. Polygynax is available in the form of suppositories. The drug has established itself as an excellent remedy for the treatment of infectious gynecological diseases and various disorders of the vaginal microflora.

Polygynax suppositories instructions for use

International name - Neomycin+Polymyxin B+Nystatin.
Tradename - Polygynax (Polygynax).

Indications for use

Polygynax is used in the treatment of inflammation in the vagina and external labia (vulvovaginitis), inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis) of various origins (bacterial, fungal, mixed), inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis). The drug is also used as a prophylaxis before surgical interventions on the genitals, before childbirth, before abortion.

The drug Polygynax is used for the local treatment of vaginal, cervicovaginal and vulvovaginal bacterial and mixed (in combination with Candida fungi) infections, caused by sensitive microflora:

  • vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis;
  • mixed vaginitis;
  • nonspecific bacterial vaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis;

Polygynax is also used for the prevention of infectious and fungal complications before childbirth, abortion, surgical interventions in the genital tract, before intrauterine examinations, diagnostic procedures (including hysterography), before and after installation of an IUD and diathermocoagulation of the cervix.

Release forms

Polygynax candles- vaginal capsules neomycin - 35,000 units, nystatin 100 thousand units, polymyxin B 35,000 units.

Capsules in soft packaging are light beige in color, oval in shape, and contain a soft, oily, homogeneous mass. The internal contents of the capsules can range in color from yellow to brown.

Composition by components: high-chain glyceride, glycerol, potassium sorbate, soybean oil, polymyxin, neomycin, dimethicone, gelatin, iron oxide.

Excipients (palm oil sugar glycerides, soybean oil, dimethicone 1000, gelatin, glycerol, potassium sorbate, iron oxide).

Polygynax Virgo. They are no different in composition. But Polygynax Virgo has a special form for administration: an elongated capsule, which is cut off and the medicine in the form of a gel is introduced into the vagina. The usual polygynax has the form of a round capsule, it must be inserted whole, and a little girl may have difficulties with this (therefore, girls and virgins are advised to use the Virgo form.

Pharmacological group

Combined antibiotic (antibiotics: aminoglycoside + polyene + cyclic polypeptide).

pharmachologic effect

Antifungal, antimicrobial. Polygynax is a combination drug for topical use in gynecology with antibacterial and antifungal effects. The antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B have a bactericidal effect against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium spp., Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ureaplasma urealyticum. Nystatin has a fungicidal effect against fungi, especially yeast-like ones: Candida albicans, Cryptococcus and Histoplasma.

Method of action

When introduced into the vagina, it spreads evenly throughout the entire vaginal mucosa and almost does not enter the blood from its surface.

Mode of application

If your doctor has prescribed you Polygynax suppositories as the main course of treatment, then you need to insert them deeply vaginally before bed for 12 days. If you have been prescribed suppositories as a preventative measure, then the course of treatment should be reduced to 6 days. It should be noted that the instructions for Polygynax suppositories suggest that they can be used even during menstruation.

Polygynax adults Prescribed intravaginally, 1 capsule per day in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 12 days.

Preventive course- 6 days. The drug can be used during menstruation.
Lying on your back, 1 capsule is inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bed.

A course of treatment- 12 days. Preventive course - 6 days.
If one or more doses are missed, treatment should be resumed at the usual dose.

Polygynax Virgo Prescribe 1 capsule in the evening before bed for 6 days in a row. It is necessary to cut the pointed end of the capsule with scissors and insert the contents of the capsule intravaginally. Do not stop treatment during menstruation.

Pregnancy and lactation

Polygynax can be used during pregnancy only in exceptional cases and under close medical supervision.

Pharmacologists cannot say with certainty that Polygynax during pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

If there is an urgent need for Polygynax suppositories during pregnancy, you should use the minimum dosage (Polygynax suppositories 6). But you should remember that, according to research, Polygynax is not recommended for pregnant women.

Remember that Polygynax during pregnancy, as well as Polygynax during breastfeeding, is not the best medicine for the treatment of thrush and other inflammatory diseases.

Polygynax suppositories before childbirth

Polygynax before childbirth is used as a preventive measure to prevent the child from becoming infected with pathogenic fungi from the mother during the passage of the birth canal. The indication for prescribing Polygynax before childbirth is the obvious laboratory confirmed presence of pathogenic microflora in the vagina of a pregnant woman.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated, the risk of allergic reactions is unlikely if Polygynax is taken in recommended doses.

In isolated cases, allergic reactions (contact dermatitis, urticaria) may occur.

Possible: allergic reactions, burning, itching, irritation in the vagina; allergic contact erythema.

With long-term use possible systemic manifestation of side effects of aminoglycosides.


  • trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

special instructions

Before using the drug It is necessary to take a preliminary smear and carry out a bacteriological analysis.

Terms of use The drug should be limited in order to prevent the development of resistance to it in certain pathogens and the risk of reinfection.

The patient should be warned about the need to inform the attending physician about the worsening of any of the side effects indicated in the instructions or the occurrence of other side effects not specified in the instructions.


The drug may inhibit the effect of local spermicidal contraceptives. It must be borne in mind that Polygynax, when used simultaneously with a latex condom, increases the risk of rupture of the latter.

Storage conditions

Polygynax must be stored in a place protected from direct light. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription.

Polygynax candles price

Polygynax N6 CAPS - Manufacturer: Innotera Shuzi - from 217 RUR.
Polygynax VAG. CAPS. No. 6 - Manufacturer: Innotech - from 230 rub..
Polygynax VAG. CAPS. No. 12 - Manufacturer: Laboratoire Innotech International - from 417 RUR.

Polygynax candles reviews

Nystatin (part of the drugs Polygynax and Terzhinan) is an outdated and not very effective drug. The situation is completely different with the drug Macmiror Complex: Nifuratel, which is part of it, has double synergism with respect to nystatin. For this reason, the antifungal effect of nystatin in Macmiror Complex is an order of magnitude higher and the effectiveness of the drug Macmiror Complex is higher than Polygynax or Terzhinan.

I read somewhere that Polygynax can cause vaginal dysbiosis. It turns out that this drug, like an antibiotic, cleanses the vagina of all bacteria - both good and pathogenic. If this is so, then why is it described here as the number one drug? Cured vaginitis, long live dysbiosis? And douching is not recommended for precisely the same reason: absolutely all bacteria are washed away, and the vagina has nothing to protect itself with. Who to believe? And if you choose, then the drug is cheaper with the same active ingredient.

It was summer. I first used these suppositories when my gynecologist prescribed them to be taken for thrush. She said that they are completely harmless and help stop the occurrence of candidiasis. When I bought them, according to a prescription, at a pharmacy, the first thing that caught my eye was the appearance of the candles. The only negative I noticed is that they become very soft (the temperature in the room was +20), as a result of which they are almost impossible to use, since the candle can simply break. Polygynax acts as a local anti-inflammatory, destroying pathogens of the pathological process. Polygynax is practically not absorbed into the blood through the walls of the vagina. The course of treatment with Polygynax lasts fourteen days, and if you take them as a preventive measure, then five days will be enough. But don’t think that if treatment for thrush should take 14 days, then all these days you will wait for recovery... This is not entirely true. All unpleasant sensations will disappear immediately in a day or two (it all depends on the complexity), and the remaining days, as a preventive measure, must be passed.

During my first pregnancy I had thrush, the doctor prescribed Polygynax and now this thrush has also tormented me, they prescribed Polygynax again. He helps me a lot. At least he will do less harm to the doll than you with your infection.

Description of the drug

The drug "Poliginax" is a gynecological drug that has a local antimicrobial effect. Release form: vaginal suppositories (capsules, tablets). The package contains 6 or 12 capsules. One capsule contains neomycin, polymyxin and nystatin.

Polygynax suppositories are active against such microorganisms as staphylococci, corynebacteria, enterococci, enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus, Klebsiella, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas, Ureaplasma, fungi of the genus Candida, Cryptococcus and Histoplasma. The drug also helps improve metabolic processes in the vagina.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

Contraindications to the use of Polygynax are allergic reactions to its components. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Indications for the use of Polygynax suppositories:

  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • vaginitis caused by a fungal infection (thrush);
  • mixed vaginal infections;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • prevention of vaginal inflammation before childbirth;
  • prevention of vaginal inflammation before surgical interventions on the female genital organs.

Overdose and side effects

There is no data on drug overdose. A side effect when using Polygynax may be an allergic reaction in the form of redness, itching and burning of the vagina and labia. In this case, you should stop administering the drug and replace it with another.

Instructions for use of the drug

The suppositories should be inserted as deep into the vagina as possible, immediately before going to bed at night. For preventive purposes, the drug should be used for 6 days, and for treatment - 10-12 days. "Polygynax" during menstruation is allowed to be used according to the instructions, if it is not possible to start treatment after the end of menstruation.

special instructions

During pregnancy, Polygynax tablets and suppositories are taken according to the usual regimen. The drug is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and does not cross the placenta. Taking the medicine while breastfeeding is allowed in the usual amount, because it does not pass into milk.

You can take it during menstruation, but the effect will be less effective, so it is better to start treatment after menstruation ends. If menstruation begins during treatment, it is not recommended to interrupt it.

The medicine "Polygynax" for thrush will be more effective if it is combined with taking antifungal tablets orally.

During treatment with the drug, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is not prohibited.

Polygynax suppositories contain an antibiotic in combination with an antifungal agent. An additional dose is not required to prevent the development of thrush. If the disease occurs in a virgin, it is necessary to take the drug only with the permission of the gynecologist.

Both sexual partners should be treated. For a man, in this case, you can use a cream or ointment with a similar effect.

It is better to abstain from sex during treatment. Unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to re-infection, and the use of latex condoms is contraindicated because the drug may compromise its integrity.


The drug "Poliginax" in the form of suppositories and tablets has a very affordable price.

Polygynax are suppositories that are used to treat the female reproductive system. They act on infectious, fungal and bacterial flora and help cope with inflammatory processes. Polygynax suppositories can also be used during menstruation, since the course of treatment cannot be interrupted. So, how to use them correctly, what are the properties and principle of action of this drug?

Properties and principle of operation

Polygynax suppositories are a medication whose main active ingredients are antibiotics, such as nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin. They actively act on the inflammatory element, eliminating it quickly enough. The main advantage of this drug is that it can be used during menstruation. Due to the fact that the active substance is able to distribute along the walls of the vagina, the drug will not come out along with menstruation.

Also, the action of suppositories is aimed at eliminating. In this case, the substance does not disrupt the normal microflora of the body, but acts exclusively on bacteria. Polygynax is one of the few drugs that can be used even during menstruation. It should be noted that this medicine can cope with inflammation and itching. However, before using it, you should consult a specialist.

Indications and contraindications

Polygynax suppositories are prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases, such as:

  • Fungal vaginitis;
  • Nonspecific vaginitis;
  • Mixed vaginitis;
  • Cervicovaginitis;
  • Vulvovaginitis.

However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen. Since drugs can negatively affect not only bacteria, but also normal microflora. Therefore, it is not advisable to use the drug without preliminary tests.

There are cases. In the first months of pregnancy, doctors prohibit the use of this drug because there is no information about how it will affect the fetus. After the 14th week of pregnancy, Polygynax can be used. During this period, it does not have any harmful properties on the body.

Also, you should not use this medicine during lactation. The substances contained in the drug can enter the baby’s intestinal tract with mother’s milk. In other cases, candles can be used without fear for your body.

Use during menstruation

Menstruation is always accompanied by hormonal changes. At this time, pathogens of various etiologies can be observed, which can penetrate into the internal environment and cause all kinds of diseases. That is why during menstruation, many specialists prescribe medications that will help get rid of an existing infection and prevent the appearance of a new one.

The use of these drugs is very advisable, due to the fact that during menstruation, existing inflammatory diseases can progress. It will be a discovery for many, but during the menstrual cycle, bacteria can circulate in a woman’s blood that do not make themselves felt at any other time. Therefore, this period is suitable for the treatment of such bacterial processes. It is advisable to use Polygynax for such purposes, which will help get rid of existing problems without much effort.

The presented drug acts on the cell wall of the pathogenic agent, destroying it. As a result, the foreign bacterium cannot penetrate further into the body and dies. However, before using suppositories, you must consult a gynecologist.

Each drug has a specific regimen of use. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is read the instructions and then start using the medicine. The Polygynax plate contains 6 – 12 capsules. The course of taking these drugs is from 6 to 12 days. To treat bacterial processes, it is advisable to insert suppositories into the vagina at night, while the duration of the Polygynax course is 12 days. For preventive purposes, this period is halved. The main advantage of this drug is that its effect does not decrease during menstruation.



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