A couple of Taurus and cancer. Compatibility of Taurus and Cancer in love and marriage

The solid, economic signs Cancer and Taurus have almost perfect compatibility. Often, representatives of both signs strive to achieve material well-being in life. For this they work tirelessly. In addition, partners enjoy physical intimacy, and therefore are excellent lovers. From the outside, it seems that their relationship is based on mutually beneficial calculations. There is a deal of truth in it. Even if they fail to achieve understanding, comfort and convenience will not allow them to part.

1. Astrological horoscope.

2. What are the disadvantages of the Cancer and Taurus union?

3. The intimate side of relationships.

Astrological horoscope. Taurus woman, Cancer man from the point of view of psychological compatibility

These partners have similar views in many respects; they have the same attitude towards material values, household responsibilities, family, everyday life and life achievements. As a rule, a volcano of passions rages between them; they show care and tenderness towards each other. Only lovers do not flaunt their feelings and emotions. Cancer and Taurus compatibility of the signs is quite harmonious, which allows them to build strong relationships.

Such a woman values ​​her chosen one because he has excellent business acumen, takes care of the home, and tries to bring romance into the relationship. Both partners work hard to achieve wealth. In addition, they become excellent parents and pay a lot of attention to education. Living together, lovers experience life from a new, unknown side. The Taurus girl is characterized by such character traits as prudence and calmness. She is able to subjugate the unstoppable Cancer if he agrees to an official marriage. It is worth noting that representatives of this sign are very reluctant to commit themselves to such serious relationships.

Cancer and Taurus also find compatibility in love thanks to some of their weaknesses. For example, both partners are characterized by excessive jealousy. However, this character trait gives them unusual emotions and saturates the relationship with passion. True, sometimes a misunderstanding can grow into a major quarrel. We must try not to allow minor disagreements to reach a critical point. Lovers should discuss the problem that has arisen in a timely manner, dotting all the “I’s.” Otherwise, the relationship will not last long, unlike a couple.

What are the disadvantages of the Cancer and Taurus union? Compatibility horoscope about possible problems

Often, the bad mood of a Cancer man disrupts the calm and harmony in a couple. His chosen one is distinguished by her rationality and practicality; she loves comfort. The gentleman's constant tossing becomes boring over time and begins to drive him crazy. She doesn’t understand why her partner is offended, sad for no reason, worried from time to time, and looking for reasons to worry. Taurus will not let herself be offended, she will defend the coziness, comfort and stability in which she is used to living.

For her man, such a lady can become a “strong shoulder,” support, support. She will have enough patience to deal with his bad mood. However, she will never be able to understand for what purpose the chosen one attracts negativity, why he falls into depression. She looks at the world around her much more simply. Such a view of what is happening can offend Cancer. It seems to him that the chosen one is simply not able to appreciate his subtle mental organization.

Fortunately, such misunderstandings cannot destroy love compatibility. The Ox woman - Taurus, the Ox man - Cancer, the two of them will be happy. The partner will be a little sad, then the chosen one will cheer him up, and everything will work out. By the way, such a woman really doesn’t like it when her plans collapse, someone or something interferes with her plans. It often seems to Cancer that his partner pays more attention to her plans than to his emotional experiences and torments.

The intimate side of the relationship between Cancer and Taurus

Cancer man and Taurus woman have very harmonious sexual compatibility. Such a partner loves relationships to be filled with tenderness and warmth. This is what helps him fight internal fears. Cancer finds the necessary emotions in physical proximity with Taurus. The partner completely surrenders to him, thanks to which the man receives great satisfaction and pleasure from sex. A woman also finds the desired passion and emotional release in intimacy with Cancer. The intimate side of the relationship between representatives of these signs is filled with harmony. It can be said that they are ideal lovers.

How to maintain compatibility between Cancer and Taurus woman? Recommendations and tips

If lovers can survive the first quarrels, then in the future their relationship will become stronger and more durable. They will find reasons to be together. As a rule, the basis of a harmonious relationship between Cancer and Taurus is joint accumulation. In addition, the partners get along well with each other. Initially, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the woman. If a man is seriously offended by his chosen one, he will not dare to be the first to reconcile. He simply doesn’t understand why he needs to apologize for being in a bad mood or not holding back his emotions.

Only a woman's patience can destroy harmony:

· she should overcome her stubbornness and become more patient;

· you need to get used to the frequent changes in your partner’s mood;

· when Cancer is sad and bad, Taurus should support him, feel sorry for him, show sympathy, and try to cheer him up.

Cancer man, Taurus woman find marriage compatibility in the following case: a successful, wealthy gentleman marries a lady who is ready to take care of the family hearth and fill the house with coziness and comfort. Taurus must come to terms with her role as a caring, obedient wife. If she always follows her man, shares his principles, supports his aspirations, then over time she will achieve power. Controlling financial transactions in the family will become her responsibility. Cancer will be admired by his wife’s practicality and ability to save.

In general, Cancer man and Taurus woman have ideal compatibility in love. Both are excellent at managing the household, achieving success, and creating a good financial condition. In addition, complete harmony and mutual understanding reign in their intimate life. Sometimes Cancer seems too slow to Taurus. If a woman directly tells her man about this, it can greatly hurt and offend him. However, such a union has much more good than bad. They may well live a long, happy life together.

Cancer and Taurus have a lot in common, they both value stability and do not welcome conflicts, they have approximately the same temperament.

With a superficial acquaintance, the impression of an ideal partnership is created; with closer communication, you can consider the difference between these horoscope signs.

Cancer is characterized by sudden changes in mood, silence about something important and a serious perception of all life situations. Taurus is more calm and makes more concrete plans.

The development of relationships can be harmonious, feelings can be warm if both partners provide each other with enough attention and care.

Otherwise, high efficiency and fixation on completing some task will alienate them from each other. The relationship between these signs is similar to the communication between brother and sister, so very often even after breaking up, the couple continues to be friends and help each other.

Compatibility in marriage and love, if he is a Taurus, she is a Cancer

A Cancer girl and a Taurus guy do nothing to win each other, this happens on a subconscious level, their relationship becomes understandable and pleasant for a long time.

Both are characterized by caring and compassion, love of home and a desire for constancy.

The signs are very similar, so there is no need to try to change yourself in order to please your partner. Everything is positively perceived in its natural form, there is no need to adapt to anyone, which causes a feeling of increased comfort. They enjoy being in the company of each other or loved ones.

Family life is characterized by calm and regularity, everyday problems are solved together, a woman is the keeper of the hearth, he is her best helper. There is peace and comfort in the house. A warm atmosphere and a delicious dinner make the life of a Taurus especially pleasant. A stable financial situation is achieved through forethought, reasonable spending and thriftiness.

Taurus are smart, honest, decent and strive only for serious relationships. Cancers show some secrecy, listen carefully to the Taurus girl, without revealing facts from their lives. In addition, they are characterized by unstable behavior and changeable character.

For love relationships this is not a big problem. Things are a little different in marriage, disagreements and intractable problems arise, although outwardly this does not appear and from the outside the family seems ideal. The Taurus wife copes with her responsibilities remarkably well, she is a good housewife and mother, provides stability in the family, and is reliable.

The Cancer man strives for stability, so he is quite happy with everything in the relationship, but not for long. After some time, he develops a thirst for adventure, he may find connections on the side, which will be a surprise and a nuisance for his wife. A marriage can be saved if the man is much older than the woman or loves her very much and is afraid of losing her.

Negative sides of the union

As with every union, along with positive factors, there are also negative sides. For Cancer and Taurus, these disadvantages are:

  • With a constant desire to please each other, misunderstandings may arise and self-doubt, doubts will appear about the sincerity of the partner’s feelings, often unfounded;
  • It is important that the financial support of the family does not become the main thing in the life of Taurus and Cancer, since in this case the career comes to the fore, and the family becomes in the background and gradually falls apart;
  • When conflicts arise, both signs are in no hurry to smooth them out and establishing positive relationships, instead they prefer to sit back and suffer in silence;
  • Taurus is constancy in everything; Cancer can easily start relationships on the side, satisfying your emotional outbursts and wanting romance and adventure.

Sexual compatibility

Sexual compatibility for this couple is quite good, they are attentive and caring, and understand each other well.

Taurus has a well-developed sensuality, while Cancer is erotic. Both partners are happy with each other, although they are quite conservative in sex and do not strive for special innovations; the richness of the relationship and passion in their intimate life are important to them.

A distinctive feature is that for Taurus, physical intimacy becomes predominant, while Cancer gives preference to spiritual intimacy.

Friendly relations will develop quite well if both signs find the strength and wisdom to solve emerging problems in a timely manner, not remain silent and offended, but find out everything peacefully and openly.

Moreover, there are usually few such moments, since there is mutual understanding between Cancer and Taurus, they have common life values.

They will unite and create their own world where they will feel cozy and comfortable. Most likely, these will be solitary, calm conversations, sometimes in the company of close people or friends.

Business compatibility There are character traits that irritate a partner of the opposite sign.

So for a Taurus, the excessive emotionality and dreaminess of Cancer is incomprehensible. Taurus himself is very slow and stubborn, which becomes unpleasant for everyone around him.

But if you do not pay attention to these qualities, you may end up with a couple who have good compatibility in business.

Taurus is practical and reliable, while Cancer is careful and conscientious about work, approaches tasks with ingenuity and flexibility. They have many reasons to respect each other and have all the prerequisites for successfully solving their problems. Compatibility percentage

We can say that a Taurus woman and a Cancer man are made for each other, their relationship is so harmonious.

Compatibility in marriage for them is 100%, in love a little less - 80%.

Both partners are distinguished by thriftiness and thoroughness, strive for material well-being and make every effort to achieve it, love home comfort and are not indifferent to sexual relations.

A Cancer woman and a Taurus man also have a high degree of compatibility, which is also 100% in marriage, and 90% in love.

Of course, it’s nice when people have common interests and views on things, but everything also has its own differences. Taurus, for example, is more peace-loving, purposeful and straightforward. Sometimes he doesn't understand jokes and takes things too literally. Cancer, on the other hand, has an extremely changeable mood, a tendency to take everything sickeningly seriously, he is very scrupulous, which sometimes interferes and even irritates.

And if friendship between representatives of the signs can become long and strong, they are able to become like-minded people and comrades-in-arms, then with relationships on the personal front everything is much more complicated.

Romantic communication

The compatibility of Cancer and Taurus in a love relationship is a question that has been fairly well studied in astrology. These are representatives of two elements: Water and Earth, which complement each other perfectly, emphasizing the strengths of the partner. However, consideration of individual cases will help to understand the issue in more detail.

So, a Taurus woman and a Cancer man can become excellent and loyal friends. They are both responsible and moderately open, they have the ability to become attached to others, which can also contribute to rapprochement. An important role is played by the fact that such people respect themselves and others; this, in turn, will serve as excellent soil for the further development of friendly relationships. Their communication will be long and pleasant, but the emergence of a feeling of love is almost impossible.

If a couple has already formed, you should not fall into despair, because even the stars cannot influence the strong sympathy and attraction that united two people into a harmonious and happy union. If both partners are in love and are ready to make certain sacrifices, love is quite capable of growing into a long and happy marriage, despite average compatibility.

An interesting question is the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Taurus man, their friendly relations are developing extremely well. Both are inclined to show empathy and compassion and can always support and help each other. All this can serve as excellent soil for other, more intimate relationships.

A Cancer Lady and Taurus gentleman couple can most often achieve balance and create a strong harmonious union of an emotional, impulsive and very vulnerable woman and a serious man who is ready to protect her. The couple feels very comfortable and often spends time together.

Possible difficulties

A Cancer man and a Taurus woman may encounter many obstacles on their way; their compatibility is possible, but not guaranteed. There will be obvious flaws in their relationship from the very beginning:

The specificity of the signs suggests that this kind of relationship promises to be short-lived, rather fleeting, but passionate and emotional. There are also exceptions to the rules.

Possible reasons for misunderstanding

Possible difficulties in the union of a Taurus man and his Cancer lady may be associated with the gentleman’s excessive down-to-earthness, even some stinginess. The representative of the water sign will expect from him non-standard manifestations of feelings, sacrifices for the sake of her beautiful eyes, madness or creativity. And she won’t like boring pragmatism.

A Taurus man will be irritated by his partner’s frivolity and frivolity, her constant, in his opinion, delusional ideas, her desire to try something new, including in bed.

However, if both really experience strong feelings, then such troubles fade into the background, only occasionally leading to fleeting quarrels.

Intimate sphere

Taurus and Cancer are very compatible in bed, therefore, if partners do not strive for a serious relationship, then mutual pleasure is guaranteed. Sex will be bright, passionate, filled with all kinds of experiments, sometimes extreme.

Crazy ideas belong, of course, to the extravagant Cancer, but the usually reserved Taurus in bed happily decides on something that will make him blush later.

Sometimes whirlwind romances end in a painful breakup if Cancers, tired of always being generators of ideas, decide to change their partner to someone more inventive and courageous. Taurus will have a very hard time experiencing such a betrayal, even if the lovers did not give each other vows of allegiance.

The fate of marriage

If a Taurus woman and a Cancer man finally get to the point of starting a family, then the situation becomes more favorable. The girl becomes a wonderful housewife, whose apartment is tidy and smells appetizing of baked goods; she approaches her responsibilities with all her heart, furnishing her home in full accordance with the rules of comfort and good taste. In the future, she will take motherhood seriously and raise good children. In addition, such a wife knows how to support and encourage her chosen one and improve his mood.

Such a couple treats disagreements and discord as purely personal phenomena and resolves them in a narrow family circle.

A flaw in such a marriage can be the Cancer man’s tendency to all sorts of adventures and impulsive actions, which is fundamentally different from the calm and measured position of his wife. This can lead to infidelity on the part of the husband and ultimately cause mutual reproaches and divorce.

Thus, a relationship between a Taurus woman and a Cancer man is possible. But they are most often characterized by short duration and changeability.

Strong long lasting union

A pair of Taurus husband and Cancer wife is a harmonious and strong union, in which each of the partners gets their own roles. So, in this pair:

The only difficulty is that if there is a fairly large age difference in the couple and the woman is too young, she may not be ready for the role of a mother and, despite all her efforts, will not cope with it, and will not realize that her life no longer fully belongs to her. The passion for adventure can one day break out, turn your head, make you forget both your spouse and even your children and rush towards the unknown. It is very important for a man to express his love and care in such a way as not to look too intrusive.

This is the peculiarity of marriage between Taurus and Cancer. The union, as the stars say, can become favorable, but both are required to strive to give more than to take.

If the couple has already formed, and the partners sincerely love each other, you should not trust the stars too much. The zodiac sign, of course, endows a person with certain character traits, but if desired, the will and willingness to give in will help prolong any union, make the relationship strong and pleasing to both partners. Alas, an example of a not very strong union is Cancer and Taurus. Their compatibility in love cannot be called good. Therefore, those who are faced with problems in their personal lives should not look for the problem in themselves or in their partner; it is important to discuss everything and make a decision that suits both.

These two zodiac signs share a love for a comfortable home and financial security. The Cancer man wants to pamper his woman and babysit her, and the Taurus woman’s dreams come down to pampering her man. Each gives a lot in sex and love, so it will be a union of true love, but their relationship will not develop quickly. Taurus and Cancer will enter into a long-term relationship, but with caution at first. Cancer is very moody, and Taurus has little patience for such sensitivity. The Cancer horoscope would advise, “Your Taurus lover provides the stability you need. Trust him and come out of your shell." The Taurus horoscope would say, “Your Cancer lover is loyal and admires your strength and support.”

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Taurus

Taurus is a zodiac sign of great sexual activity. Cancer is physically sexual, and Taurus has the ability to provide physical pleasure. Cancer is warm and sympathetic, but likes to be somewhat dominant. The Cancer woman, for example, wants gentle whispers and caresses from her Taurus lover. Taurus strives to fulfill her sexual fantasies. The erogenous zones for Cancer are the chest and tummy, while the throat and neck are erogenous areas for Taurus. They do not indulge in artificial relationships; their sensuality will leave both of them speechless.

Marriage Compatibility of Cancer and Taurus

The Cancer-Taurus marriage will be successful. The Taurus woman won't have to do anything other than be herself, and her Cancer man will appreciate her patience and dedication. Taurus and Cancer are predisposed to security and stability, and both love affection. This zodiac couple does not need any outside help to enjoy each other. Sex will bind them and love will keep them together all their lives.

Compatibility by zodiac signs gives partners the opportunity to understand whether they are ready for a serious relationship. As is often the case, people are drawn to opposites. They seem to be looking for their shadow. It turns out that a horoscope makes it easy to determine what you want from a partner. The power of the moon forms in people certain character traits that are laid, then revealed and ultimately make a person the way he should be. If fate creates opposites, this does not mean that they will necessarily be attracted to each other.

Many people's characters are formed in such a way that they prefer like-minded people and are afraid like fire of those who are not similar to them. The fire element, for example, will not tolerate someone nearby who contradicts it. These are Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. The earthly element, to which Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorns belong, on the contrary, are ready to live with someone whom they can tone up throughout their lives. Water signs - Cancer, Pisces - are on their own, they have a lot of feelings and emotions hidden not only from strangers, but also from close people. Air signs, which include Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, are usually flighty, often change their views and opinions, but like no one else, they think sensibly and learn about life. Of course, each sign has weaknesses and strengths.

Water signs are creative and subtle natures, but at the same time they are very secretive and often have “slippery” personalities. Fire signs are generous and good-natured, but very proud and narcissistic. Earth signs are hardworking and constant, but are often narrow-minded and stingy. Air signs have a ton of communication skills, but can easily go overboard to achieve their goals.

So how do all these character traits combine in people? It all depends on the lunar phase of birth; if a person is destined to be a lion, then in the early phase his qualities will not be as pronounced as in the last. Typically, the "typical" Leo is the one born in the middle of the moon phase. So you need to pay attention not only to your partner’s zodiac sign, but also to his date of birth. In many ways, our forecast according to the zodiac signs gives partners an understanding of the meaning of their relationship.

Let's talk about the combination of an earth sign and a water sign - Taurus and Cancer.

Taurus and Cancer are compatible ninety-five percent of the time. This is a rare combination that is commonly called “halves.” The signs complement each other, giving each of them something of themselves. They are comfortable at all stages of the relationship, and if one of the partners is unable to cope with psychological problems, this will not become a serious obstacle or cause of a breakup.

Such pairs are strong and, like good wine, only get better over the years. Alone, these signs may not be the most pleasant, but when they find themselves together, this tandem delights those around them. Moreover, the relationship develops as well as possible with the combination of a Taurus woman plus a Cancer man, and with the combination of a Cancer woman plus a Taurus man.

This is a rather rare occurrence, because it often happens that, depending on gender, a zodiac sign may exhibit opposite traits. But in these combinations there is definitely harmony, so people born under these signs need to understand what a rare gift - to maintain relationships throughout their lives - is given to them by fate. We will tell you in detail about the characters of these zodiac signs.


Cancer is a water sign, but not as classic as, for example, Pisces. Cancer people combine “airy” and “earthly” and even “fiery” traits. Cancers are decent, well-mannered, touching people. Their life is full of discovery, kindness and respect for life. Cancers love variety, but value confidence in the future. They lack concentration and goal-setting a little. They do not know how to think ahead and are a little confused by the pragmatism of life. Therefore, they are most often financially unstable, which does not depress them at all. Cancers have many close people who are aware of their weaknesses and always help. Cancer should look for the same partner. This person should first become for him a friend, a reliable shoulder, and only then a wonderful lover, capable of kindling passion. Cancers constantly need to be encouraged; they may be prone to depression due to excessive self-examination. They have periods full of joy and fun, and there are protracted weeks of melancholy. In general, Cancers do not like to be alone; they are always looking for a mate. Because of this, dozens of partners change in search of someone who will understand and appreciate. And the one who will appreciate Cancer best is Taurus. Let's talk a little about him.


Taurus are earth signs. They are one hundred percent pragmatists, but in a good sense of the word. Taurus are active, responsible, courageous and worldly smart. With them it’s always like behind a stone wall. They are not discouraged; for them, despondency is a waste of time. And Taurus closely monitors time. They are well versed in the realities of life and always know how to snatch the best piece from life. Taurus stubbornly go towards their goal; if they have something in mind, they will not back down until they achieve their goal. Yes, on the way to their goal, Taurus can go for a battering ram or, in general, not notice those around them, but in the first place for them there will always be home and close people. If a Taurus loves someone, then he will put his whole soul into this relationship. He will not let you get discouraged or bored; he will take care of the health and well-being of your loved one. Taurus always raise strong, healthy and happy children, who are educated and accustomed to working around the house and in the garden from childhood. Taurus love everyday life, we can say that the structure of everyday life is their element. They are excellent at working with their hands, capable of building a house and planting a tree.

The disadvantages of Taurus include their disinterest in spiritual qualities; they are too simple and “down to earth” for this. Creative impulses are alien to them; they look for profit and benefit in everything. They will never spend money on some beautiful trinket if it does not have a specific benefit. Taurus are also quite vindictive; if someone insults their family, they will remember this person and his words for the rest of their lives, and will never allow him to come close again. Because of their busyness with others, Taurus often forget about themselves. They may have health problems, rare breakdowns and aggressive behavior. But all this passes if the family hearth is conducive to harmony and tranquility.

So, let's talk about the phases in relationships depending on the zodiac signs of the man and woman.

The Taurus woman is always a charming and clever lady. Well, who knows, and she knows better than anyone how to charm men. Since childhood, this little girl begins to make friends with the right boys and invites them all to her birthday party. At school, an excellent student makes her the only one in the class to copy homework; at work, a colleague who is in love with her runs to get coffee every morning. But the Taurus woman does not charm in order to look like a queen. Not at all. She needs a purely practical sense, because someone should help her when she is busy with more important things. Indeed, Taurus prepare themselves for a serious future from childhood.

This is not necessarily an important position. A Taurus woman may want to be a hairdresser or a saleswoman. But certainly the best in your small town or even backyard. Taurus people do not grab stars from the sky; they have been quite down-to-earth since childhood. The Taurus woman puts everyday life and family at the heart of everything. If she has a husband, children, a house with a beautiful sofa and curtains, this is usually enough for a Taurus to be completely happy. After all, there will always be things to do and worries, there will always be pleasant and not so much troubles. And this is exactly what the soul of most Taurus women is about. Yes, they can be society ladies who attend noisy parties, but all this with the goal of finding the one who will help her create her own cozy nest with children and a dacha.

But a significant drawback of the Taurus woman is that her entrepreneurial spirit can be quite boring and difficult to perceive. A Taurus woman can often put pressure on her partner to do everything the way she wants. It is useless to argue with Taurus, they are one hundred percent sure that they are right and it is impossible to argue with them even with a bunch of counterbalancing arguments. External feature of Taurus women. Taurus women do not always seem too attractive in appearance. Rather, they are energetic and charming. Despite their outward unpretentiousness, they are always open, their smile is pleasant to others. The Taurus woman does not spend money on expensive cosmetics, perfumes and clothes. But it always looks simple and neat.

She, of course, impresses not with her external gloss, but rather with her sociability and perseverance. And also in order for a man to like the Taurus woman, unlike shy women, she will be the first to make contact. But refusals don’t make her angry at all; she immediately switches to another object. Taurus women are not prone to cheating, but they often change partners because they can insist too much on marriage and children, and men can simply run away from such insistence. As a rule, Taurus women marry early, give birth to children early, and devote the rest of their lives to raising children, and then grandchildren. They know what they want and almost always achieve it. If a woman under this sign does not meet a worthy companion on her path, then she devotes herself to either her career or charity. By the way, many honored doctors and those who give their lives to others were Taurus according to their horoscope.

Taurus Man

Taurus men are practical and active people. For them, work comes first. Usually these are professionals in their field who, over the years, become respected and honored people in their team. They often take on the main responsibilities themselves and cope well with the most difficult work. The Taurus man is more pragmatic than anyone else. He believes that only work makes a man out of a monkey. His tenacity often coexists with stubbornness, but this does not prevent him from achieving his goal. Since work for them is one of the most important things in life, sometimes they are not entirely picky in love.

Taurus are very greedy for female beauty. They can seek the attention of the first beauty in the class for many years, and do this persistently and variedly. Representatives of this sign often have problems with women until they gain experience. Their stubbornness sometimes drives them away. If a Taurus woman doesn’t like her, she will have to scare away the unwanted gentleman for a long time. By the way, a man of this sign, despite his mundane life, often has feelings full of passion and even insanity. He is ready to stand at his beloved’s window all night long, ready to give gifts and flowers. But as soon as he achieves his goal, his generosity and attention immediately evaporate. He becomes calm, balanced, and a little stingy with gifts and attention. But a woman who is looking for a man behind whom is like a stone wall will find him in Taurus.

The Taurus man has a rather ordinary appearance. They are usually stocky, sometimes athletic, sometimes plump. By the age of forty, they stop taking care of themselves. But before that, always be careful. They can wash and iron their clothes themselves, and they cook well. They can remain single for a long time because they do not look for the need to organize their life. They will do everything themselves. Even more - they can keep their wife away from the stove, cooking perfectly.

They help the children do their homework and take them fishing. By the way, the Taurus man is a very kind father. Daughters find in them the ideal man, and sons take their example. The only thing that can spoil a man of an earth sign is his promiscuity in women. If some beautiful, fidgety girl gets in his way, he will easily lose his head, and then his wallet with money and, possibly, property. Of course, he is very touchy because of the betrayal and will not just let go of this fidgety girl. If it works out, he will get back everything to the last penny, or even more. By the way, some enterprising Taurus, who have already been burned at such meetings, ask their future chosen one to sign a marriage contract. Life always teaches them, they do not forget its lessons and strive for their goal at all costs.

Cancer Woman

About the Cancer woman, we can say that she is a subtle and very sensitive nature. Since childhood, she understands beauty and appreciates the beauty of the world. But she often sits alone in thought, sometimes she cries for no reason. In her youth she begins to blossom and turns into a real beauty. The Cancer woman is very attractive in appearance. Even if nature did not give her beauty, she knows how to present herself.

Appreciates exquisite and expensive things; he can spend his last money on expensive perfume and lipstick. Men are a little wary of her, because for all her external attractiveness, the Cancer woman is rather closed and uncommunicative. She is considered the “snow queen”, but she always attracts glances. Men secretly lust after her, but only the brave try to win her heart. A Cancer woman most often chooses partners among colleagues or among mutual acquaintances.

She is not one of those who will meet the first person she meets on the street, she is too cowardly for that. A Cancer woman wants a lot from a relationship. She has not enough of this, not enough of that. She can torment her partner with her suspicions and requests. If a man is not financially stable enough, then the Cancer woman will not wait long for him to get back on his feet. Therefore, for marriage, she often prefers accomplished adult men who are accustomed to solving other people's problems.

A woman of this sign is completely unsuited to everyday life, she constantly has her head in the clouds, everything falls out of her hands. She hates being in the kitchen for a long time; she doesn’t like to clean, preferring a “creative” mess. She needs an eye and an eye - the Cancer woman is easily injured and does not take good care of her health.

She needs a man-father who will look after her, pamper her, and solve her problems. But in return, she will give him all her passion, give him truly boring everyday life, because the Cancer woman is very inventive, she has a rich imagination, she is intellectually developed, but at the same time she is not too talkative.

She knows how to surprise with unexpected actions, words and surprises. But her joy and enchantment, as well as her depression and incomprehensible sadness, are equally combined in one character. Cancers can be in a bad mood for days and weeks, cry for no reason; at such moments they are capable of hurting with words, insulting, and behaving inappropriately. Only a man with strong nerves and a clear understanding that this is only a temporary condition will be able to live under the same roof with a Cancer woman.

She chooses creative professions - maybe a singer, actress, writer. Sometimes Cancer women occupy a high position in some creative team. She could, for example, lead a theater troupe. At the same time, Cancer women do not have a specific goal in life; they seem to constantly float on the waves, where the storm is replaced by calm water.

Life with Cancer is a rollercoaster, but it often happens that the game is worth the candle, because the woman of a water sign is not a dummy, but a very deep one, and therefore a vulnerable person. The disadvantages of Cancer include wastefulness. She happily spends her own and other people's money on all sorts of trinkets, while forgetting about debts, can accumulate loans and end her life in absolute poverty if she does not meet a reliable and pragmatic man.

Cancer Man

This is a rather complex and hidden type of man for those around him. Cancer is not always understandable or pleasant to most. After all, he is sensitive, vulnerable and sometimes too sentimental and matures late. The Cancer man begins to be truly interested in girls late. He has been floating in the clouds for a long time, thinking about one thing or another. At school he is teased for his unsightly appearance, often for his glasses or for his violin playing. But then a real swan emerges from the ugly duckling.

The best manifestations of a man under this sign are his understanding and acceptance of people's shortcomings. It is quite easy and comfortable for him to be even with difficult partners. He sees through all the cracks in those around him, but will never judge. The Cancer man is more of a philosopher in life. They make good consultants, psychologists, coaches, and teachers. They are also excellent at leading a team. But men under this zodiac sign have their weaknesses. They are usually too modest or even shy. It is not easy for them to take a step on the path of life, so it will be good if girls of active earth signs take on them.

Cancers lack balance in life, they tend to underestimate their abilities and talents, they need to be revealed, making it clear that exceptional opportunities cannot be missed. Cancers have a rather ordinary appearance, but they are rarely prone to being overweight. If you dress them up, they look quite presentable. By the way, there are many Cancers among the actors and models. Although the world of show business is quite complicated for them, Cancers prefer to spend their free time at home reading a book rather than at a noisy party.

Nervous Cancers may have problems with alcohol or even drugs; they need solid ground under their feet and a reliable shoulder. If Cancers are not fulfilled in love, they rarely reach career heights. They vitally need a loved one. Especially insecure Cancers can cling to just anyone, thereby wasting their lives, losing the most important thing - time. Cancers do not have many friends, usually the family does not understand them, so only the beloved can become for him the only real world into which Cancer is ready to dive completely and without looking back.

They meet at a joint event. The Taurus woman is usually the first to approach and start a conversation. She likes men who have some kind of sparkle in them, so a man will interest her with his mystery and inaccessibility. After a few minutes of communication, she will already understand that she should get this man. But Cancer will not resist, because in front of him is an open, smiling woman who can be trusted and provides him with exceptional attention.

Usually the Taurus woman herself invites Cancer on a date, arranges everything herself and starts the conversation again. She can conquer Cancer with her sincerity. The Taurus woman is such a kind and pleasant laugher, she will be like a mother to make sure that Cancer eats heavily during dinner, and will make sure that he successfully gets home. After the first date, the Taurus woman will not wait long, and will begin active communication with Cancer by phone and the Internet. Long walks, visits to theaters and cinema will begin. And then Taurus will hint that he wants a serious relationship.

This can happen a week after meeting. Cancer may be frightened by such persistence, but it will be too late for him - he has been caught in the net. In a couple of months the woman will be planning a move, and in six months - a wedding. Everything in her life is built according to a clear plan, she will not deviate a single step from it, not a single point will be crossed out. Therefore, Cancer will have to go with the flow, which he is used to by the way, and all this will not be a shock to him.

After some time, he will fit perfectly and comfortably into his new life with Taurus. After all, this woman will do her best to arrange life around him and stimulate him to new achievements. Sexually, she is more than excellent and always knows how to achieve pleasure for both partners. But the key concept for her is children. Therefore, conversations about conception will be ongoing. Everyday life, a calm and measured life will not disgust Cancer, and will even benefit him, saving him from an unstable character and behavior that only harms himself. Taurus will keep a Cancer man in good shape for the rest of his life!

This couple will not get along for a long time and stubbornly. Because Taurus, seeing a beautiful but cold Cancer woman, will immediately want to win her favor. But it was not there. The Cancer woman will first look contemptuously at Taurus, and then completely leave the party where he noticed her. But Taurus will not back down and will achieve his goal. He can stand at the entrance of a Taurus woman for hours, he can easily find out everything about her and help fulfill all her cherished desires. In the first months of the relationship, the Cancer woman will simply bathe in gifts and flowers.

Taurus will fulfill all her whims, will calm her down in difficult moments, sometimes even to the detriment of her favorite job. But as soon as the conquest takes place, Taurus will calm down. He will become quite pragmatic and stop spending a lot of money on his beloved. Now he will take up a new hobby - creating a family nest. He is ready to spend a lot of money on this, but he will consider a new fur coat for his beloved to be an unnecessary expense.

But this is only good for Cancer. After all, she is the one who does not monitor the budget at all, and the cold mind of Taurus will allow her to keep all finances under the strictest control, while Cancer will not feel deprived. Taurus will make her more disciplined. Although sometimes a Cancer woman may experience uncontrollable attacks of sadness, aggression, and depression.

In this case, Taurus never falls into a rage; he helps his beloved, although he does not understand her condition at all, since he never experiences this himself. But maybe this is for the better - after all, his support significantly improves her life. Without support, without a firm hand, a Cancer woman can turn into a shabby girl or a lonely fool, whom everyone will avoid because of her eccentricity. Behind Taurus, she will always be in comfort, a warm atmosphere, love and a clear understanding of how to move through life.

So, we have looked at perhaps the most harmonious combination among the zodiac signs. The Taurus-Cancer pair complements each other perfectly. Difficulties in the character of one partner do not frighten the other at all. One is earthly, standing firmly on his feet, and the other is fragile and vulnerable.

They are not immediately attracted to each other, but the strength of one attracts the other. And their love becomes truly strong over the years. Such a couple grows up healthy, smart, creative, but at the same time children prepared for any hardship. Taurus and Cancer have great opportunities in terms of arranging the fate of their children. They can grow up to be talented or even child prodigies.

But at the same time they will not be lost in the world of empty dreams and desires. Creative spirit and pragmatism are what comes out of this union. We can say that this is the ideal combination that allows you to succeed in life. Such a couple will be together all their lives and will continue to help each other!



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