A decoction of nettle leaves for blood cleansing. Nettle for cleansing blood, intestines, kidneys

The bloodstream delivers oxygen and various nutrients to all our tissues and organs. Can you imagine what happens to the body when the blood becomes polluted? The tissues are deprived of the necessary nutrition and cannot function normally.

As a result, it gets worse general health and various unpleasant diseases. This is why blood cleansing is recommended folk remedies at home or the same procedure medically in the hospital.

Basic methods of blood purification

Blood can be cleaned using a special medical equipment, and through a regular dropper or prescriptions traditional medicine.

Hardware cleanup

Blood purification using devices, in turn, is divided into several methods:

  • Hemosorption. This method is recommended for those who are allergic to medications, and therefore is the most common. The essence of the method is that blood taken from the patient is passed through a special filter and returned to the body through a dropper.
  • Plasmapheresis. The method is suitable for people who suffer diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, as well as immunodeficiency and toxicosis in pregnant women. Its essence is as follows: blood taken from a vein is processed in a special centrifuge. As a result, it is divided into cell mass and plasma. Plasma that accumulates everything harmful substances, is removed, and the remaining cell mass is diluted with saline and returned to the vein.
  • Autohemotherapy. The method is recommended for quick recovery after viral disease or with existing dermatitis and furunculosis. The method of autohemotherapy involves self-cleansing by the body circulatory system, which is provoked by the input venous blood into human muscle. For complete cleansing It is recommended to undergo 10-15 procedures.
  • Laser cleansing. Everything here is quite clear - the blood is purified by the action of a laser. In addition to the cleansing itself, during the procedure the hormonal background, the functioning of the lungs and cardiovascular system, and various swelling and inflammation are eliminated.

Cleansing with a dropper

The dropper is considered the most in a simple way blood cleansing, especially if you need to cleanse yourself from alcohol. Blood cleansing with a dropper can be done at home, but it is still recommended to do it in a hospital.

Most often, a glucose solution is used for such cleansing, but other compositions are also possible, which are prescribed individually by the attending physician.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine arose much earlier than classical medicine, and therefore many people still trust it. To be fair, it is worth noting that traditional medicine sometimes turns out to be much more effective than medications and hardware methods of treatment. That is why today we will focus on methods of blood purification using folk remedies at home.

Herbal cleansing

Nature has given us a lot different herbs, with which you can cleanse the blood and improve general condition body.


It is better to plan blood cleansing with nettles in the spring. It is at this time that the leaves of the plant are fresh, tender and not yet at all burning. It is better to collect the tops of nettles and use them immediately. How to use the plant?

Firstly, it is very useful to use nettle in fresh. To do this, it is added to soups, and even better, to salads.

Secondly, you can brew nettle tea. Take 2 tbsp. leaves, add 2 liters of water and leave for 3 hours. You should drink this tea in the afternoon, but no later than 8 pm. The course lasts 2 weeks, after which you need to take a break. Also at least 2 weeks.

Thirdly, a tincture based on nettle will also be useful. To prepare it, the leaves of the plant are placed in a glass container and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. The composition must be infused in the dark for 10 days. Then it is filtered and taken 30 drops. twice a day. The course is again 2 weeks. Before using the tincture, it is advisable to dilute the measured drops with a small amount of water.

Those wishing to carry out the blood purification procedure using traditional methods in winter period time, we can recommend drying the plant and using it when you need it. But in this case, the effectiveness will be much lower than when consuming fresh leaves.

It is also important to know that nettle, like any medicine, has its contraindications. It is not recommended for use in cases of increased blood clotting, hypertension and a tendency to thrombophlebitis. So consult your doctor before use.


Unlike nettle, here you need to use not the leaves of the plant, but its roots. It is advisable to dig them up in the fall. Dried dandelion roots should break easily - then you will be sure that the raw material will not spoil.

To prepare the tincture, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of the crushed root of this plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and strained. It is recommended to take half a glass of the decoction 3 times a day before meals. This tincture needs to be prepared daily so that every day you have a portion of a fresh decoction. The course is one week.

The second version of the tincture is prepared from dandelion roots, ground into powder. A teaspoon of raw materials should be poured into a thermos, pour ½ liter of boiling water and leave. Take this decoction up to 5 times a day in an amount of 200 g. You need to drink the tincture before meals, the course is a week.


An infusion is also prepared from this plant to cleanse the blood. The leaves of the plant need to be crushed, pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and leave for an hour. Use this decoction 2-3 times a day, regardless of meals, in the following dosage:

  • children under 4 years old – a teaspoon;
  • children 4-12 years old – dessert spoon;
  • children over 12 years old and adults – ¼ cup.

Marsh cinquefoil

This plant also has excellent cleansing properties. A decoction based on cinquefoil is prepared from the cinquefoil herb and its roots.

To do this, you need to chop the necessary parts of the plant, fill a third of a liter jar with them and pour boiling water over them. You need to leave it covered for two weeks, then take a teaspoon up to 4 times a day before meals.

You need to drink the decoction for three courses (that is, three jars), after which you must take a break for a month. If necessary, the course is repeated.


Yarrow decoctions are prepared in almost the same way as from other herbs. We can offer two options:

  1. Pour a liter of boiling water over the dry herb and leave in a thermos for 40 minutes. Instead of a thermos, you can hold the infusion for the same amount of time in a water bath. It is recommended to drink half a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. You should also drink this decoction 3 times a day before meals, but take a tablespoon.


Decoctions and infusions of burdock can not only cleanse the blood, but also reduce the level uric acid. That is why the plant is used in the treatment of diseases such as gout and arthritis.

The roots of the plant are used to prepare the infusion. 6 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are brewed in a liter of water. You need to drink this “infusion” 2 times a day, a glass.


This is the remedy indicated for use in elderly people, because, in addition to cleansing the blood of toxins, it helps strengthen bones.

The decoction is being prepared as follows: 5 tbsp. spoons pour 0.5 l. boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and wrap well. In this form, let it brew for 20 minutes, after which the broth should turn raspberry.

Drink this infusion 2 sips in between meals. It is important that all the prepared infusion is consumed during the day. It is recommended not to leave it the next day, but to prepare it fresh. The course of such treatment is a week.

Blood purification products

Before you begin the procedure of cleansing the blood with herbs, you need to review your daily menu.

It turns out that some foods can also cleanse the blood. Among those with such properties, I would especially like to highlight the following:

  • lemon;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • blueberry;
  • beet;
  • apples;
  • avocado;
  • basil;
  • juniper berries;
  • ginger;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • grated horseradish;
  • garlic;
  • cranberry juice.

But you shouldn’t thoughtlessly use the products mentioned above to cleanse the blood, completely forgetting about everyone else. Nutrition should, first of all, be balanced.

You can clean blood using regular baking soda. Soda solution weak concentrations are taken orally, but you can also take a soda bath. To do this, you need to add 100 grams to the water. soda This cleansing bath takes no more than an hour.

Other cleansing options

From alcohol

We have already said above that the most effective remedy at alcohol intoxication- dropper. However, you can “drive” alcohol out of your blood at home.

The first thing you can do is clean yourself using various broths and brines, which are recommended to drink throughout the day. In addition to this drink, we should not forget about ordinary water. The more liquid, the better.

It perfectly removes alcohol and milk, which should also be drunk throughout the day at intervals of 1 hour (a glass). You can also use honey by dissolving a tablespoon in a glass of water (warm).

For acne

You can eliminate unpleasant rashes decoctions of herbs such as nettle and dandelion. You can read about the methods for preparing such infusions just above.

In addition to decoctions, they will help get rid of acne and following products power supply:

  • cherry;
  • grape;
  • raspberry;
  • lemon;
  • garlic;
  • beet;
  • cabbage.

These products can be consumed in any form.

Cleaning for allergy sufferers

Blood purification is also possible for allergies. Basically, for this procedure it is recommended to take the drug Zosterine. This is a new generation natural sorbent.

But medicines, albeit based on natural ingredients, you don’t always want to accept. Then on help will come Indian technique. According to her you need to mix herbs neem and manjishta in equal parts and take 1-2 times a day before meals. It is believed that this remedy not only cleanses the blood, but also relieves skin allergies.

More affordable wayburdock decoction, which you already learned how to cook a little higher.

Scientific and technological progress has brought a lot of new things into our lives, including the polluted world around us. But sometimes we ourselves forget about our health and poison our own body. bad habits And poor nutrition. All this together leads our circulatory system to a simply disgusting state.

At the same time, once again take medical supplies Few people want to irradiate themselves with a laser. It is not for nothing that the saying arose: “we treat one thing, and cripple another.” That is why more and more people are resorting to traditional medicine recipes. The issue of blood purification is no exception. And it’s really better to cleanse the blood with herbs and not harm the body as a whole, than to torment yourself with doubts about performing hardware procedures.

Cleansing blood and lymph with nettles

Cleansing with nettles is very effective method. In addition to purified blood, the body will receive colossal vitamin therapy. Nettle infusion stimulates the kidneys and urinary system. Moreover, nettle relieves drowsiness and fatigue. Nettle herbal medicine is widely used not only to cleanse the blood, but also as a remedy for strengthening hair, restoring water balance skin etc.

There are many recipes for purifying the blood using nettle infusion. I I will give the most effective and proven ones.

There are several varieties of nettle in nature. One of the species grows everywhere in Russia - this is the white jasmine, which has small white flowers. They are exactly what we need to prepare a medicinal infusion.

Infusion of nettle flowers

Pour 1 tablespoon of nettle flowers (can be dried) into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 30–40 minutes. Take the resulting infusion 0.5 cups 4-5 times a day for a week.

The cleaning result is assessed by the color of the urine. If it is discolored, then the blood is pure.

The following recipe is suitable for year-round blood cleansing.

Nettle herbal tea recipe

To prepare a cleansing tea, it is advisable to use young, undried nettle leaves. Brew 2 tablespoons of herbs with 2 liters of boiling water. After brewing a little, the tea acquires a beautiful greenish tint. Drink nettle tea for 14 days, warming it until warm. 2 liters of prepared infusion should be enough for the entire 2 weeks of the course. Then a break is taken for 1.5–2 weeks, and the cleansing is carried out again.

Dried nettle leaves can be brewed in winter to stimulate work internal organs and the circulatory system, but they have little cleansing effect. A course of blood purification using nettles for people suffering from colds, renal failure or intestinal diseases, should be longer than usual, approximately 3–3.5 weeks.

An excellent skin cleanser - bath broom with nettle branches. Thanks to small injections, the pores expand, cleansing under the influence of steam and high temperature.

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Nettle against inflammation, nettle for blood cleansing, first spring vitamins in nettle - you won’t find any number of beneficial properties in this inhospitable, at first glance, plant. Let's figure out how to collect and prepare it to get more benefits.

How to prepare nettles for juice

Nettle travels a long way to reach the juicer. First of all, harvest it in the right season. The leaves are especially juicy in early spring. They should be picked and processed carefully so as not to get burned. Use a bag or gloves for this.

Never consume nettle without mechanical processing. It is not the nettle juice itself that burns, but the stinging surface of the leaves. High temperature or grinding in a juicer will help cope with these properties. So dry the nettles and put them in herbal teas. And it’s even better to squeeze the juice from just a plucked plant, because fresh it is ten times more beneficial. A drink with fresh nettle helps with allergic reactions. It makes it easier for the body to cope with infections.

Make sure you have ingredients other than nettle. Its juice is too concentrated in both taste and effect to be drunk without additives. As a last resort, if you decide not to drink anything else, limit your daily consumption of green juice to 30 ml.

Preparing nettle juice

Lemons, limes, pears and exotic fruits like kiwi or pineapples. More green juice Suitable for enriching the familiar fresh juice of carrots, ginger and apples.

Nettles and all the fruits that you select for juice should be washed, cut and squeezed using a screw juicer. The lime can be squeezed straight with the peel if you think it is clean enough.

Please note that a centrifugal juicer will not work. Better take any twin-screw model: or Omega Twin Gear.

Nettle for cleansing blood, intestines, kidneys

In general, nettle juice has a more than positive effect on the body. It's kind of vitamin bomb: Vitamin K promotes blood clotting, C stimulates the immune system. In just a week, using nettle juice you will cleanse not only your blood, but also your intestines - all at the expense of accelerated exchange substances.

However, you should not drink the juice for longer. The maximum for one course is 10 days, otherwise you may harm yourself. Also avoid drinking juice during pregnancy or if you have a disease related to sex hormones.

Often, various deviations in work are vital important systems human body occur due to contamination of the bloodstream. This is not surprising, because all harmful substances penetrate the blood and distort its composition. From here comes feeling unwell caused by poor circulation and slow production of red blood cells. To correct the situation, a person resorts to various tricks to cleanse the blood. One of these is nettle, or rather decoctions and infusions based on it.

Why does my blood condition get worse?

Surely every person is aware that blood does everything important functions. With its help, cells and tissues are saturated with oxygen, nutrients, other essential enzymes. The bloodstream cleanses cells from toxic substances and other connections. With a negative change in blood composition, work slows down important organs. This happens for the following reasons:

  • frequent exposure to allergic reactions;
  • availability addictions to alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
  • naturally low immunity, as a result of which a person constantly “catches” an infection;
  • long-term treatment strong antibiotics and other medications;
  • living in an environmentally unfavorable area;
  • working in a polluted enterprise;
  • eating junk food(fried, sweet, peppery, etc.);
  • heredity;
  • poorly balanced daily menu;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • use of low quality household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the esophagus;
  • impaired renal or liver function.

This is not an exhaustive list; each specific situation must be based on the person’s health status and individual characteristics his body. It won't be superfluous medical examination and specialist consultation.

Useful qualities of nettle

  1. In addition to the obvious benefits for the circulatory system, the plant also has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, thickening them and making them elastic.
  2. The following decoction and infusion will be useful for people who suffer from chronic fatigue and are constantly exposed stressful situations. Nettle replenishes strength and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment.
  3. The main value of the plant lies in effective cleansing blood flow, respectively. In addition, nettle accumulates many substances, including mineral compounds, carotenoids, and vitamins. They all fill the gap.
  4. Nettle concentrates a lot of iron, thanks to which, if you properly collect raw materials, prepare them, and prepare decoctions, you will increase your hemoglobin level and prevent anemia (anemia).
  5. In sufficient quantities, nettle accumulates chlorophyll, which has a tonic and relaxing effect. The plant owes its antioxidant qualities to tocopherol, retinol, and B-group vitamins.
  6. An infusion or decoction is effective for people who, in addition to cleansing the blood, also want to strengthen the immune system. Any of the drinks will help you recover faster from illness or surgery.

  1. Proper procurement of raw materials directly affects the quality of the final product. The healing properties of tea, infusion or decoction are achieved through proper preparation of the plant. The raw material will cleanse the blood well if collected in the spring. Give preference to the middle or end of May.
  2. During this period, nettle is saturated with nutrients and useful components. For the procedure, it is recommended to collect only young bushes. The plant has shown itself to be excellent in cleansing the blood. It is also worth cutting off light young leaves that do not burn the skin too much. However, it is better to carry out the collection with rubber gloves.
  3. When collecting, give preference to the tops of nettles. These parts of the plant are the youngest. Try to use raw materials immediately after collection. It is not recommended to store fresh nettles for future use. To do this, just dry the leaves and place them in a glass container. Preserved in raw materials healing qualities for one year.

Preparation of a healing decoction

  1. To get maximum benefit, it is important to brew the plant correctly. To prepare the decoction, you need to rinse 100 g. fresh leaves and fill them with 2 liters of purified water. Place the ingredients on the stove and wait for them to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 7 minutes.
  2. Place the product aside and leave to infuse for several hours. Ready product May be taken warm or cool. It is recommended to carry out blood purification from lunch time. Before going to bed you need to drink 2 liters of the drug.
  3. The drink must be prepared daily for 10 days. After that in mandatory followed by a month's break. If necessary, repeat the course. If you are breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before starting the procedure.

Preparation of healing infusion

  1. This product is in no way inferior in effectiveness to the above composition. To prepare the infusion you will need 150 g. fresh chopped nettle, 250 ml. vodka. Combine the ingredients and leave in a cool place. The product must be infused in glass.
  2. Wait about 10 days. Strain the tincture using a gauze cloth. Take 30 drops 2 times a day. It is recommended to dilute the composition with 50 ml. clean water. The course is 15 days. After 1 month, you can repeat the procedure.

Cleansing the bloodstream with nettle is a great solution. But this issue must be approached correctly. Conduct collection at the end of spring, pick fresh young leaves. When cooking medicinal products follow the instructions. Explore possible reasons deterioration of blood composition and exclude them.

Video: benefits of nettle

Cleansing the blood with nettle is effective folk method which shows good results. Everyone has known nettle since childhood as a very stinging plant. Almost every child developed a rash after it. But this herb is considered medicinal. Almost every person knows this. It’s not for nothing that salads and borscht are prepared with nettles; this is especially in demand among people who prefer healthy image life. In spring it is useful plant gives to the human body large number vitamins, which prevents the onset of vitamin deficiency. You can also use nettle to cleanse the blood. This method of cleansing the body is considered very effective.

How to properly prepare and assemble nettles to cleanse the blood?

In order for nettle to help cleanse the blood as much as possible, it is necessary to collect this plant correctly. It is best to collect in the spring months.

Most optimal time- it's May. It is during this period of the year that plants turn green, including nettles. In May, it is considered to be maximally saturated with useful elements. To cleanse the blood, it is necessary to collect young leaves.

They should be a soft green color. These are the leaves that are not yet hot. By the way, these leaves are collected for salads. It is best to use gloves. The most useful things are the tops of the plant, and they need to be picked while they are young.

There is no need to store the plant in the refrigerator for a long time. While it is fresh, it must be used.

If you want to stock up on this plant for winter, nettle leaves can be dried. The leaves should be washed carefully and then left to dry, spread out in the shade on a table covered with a clean, natural fiber cloth. Leaves can be stored whole year and the plant will not lose its healing properties, so that blood cleansing can be carried out not only in spring and summer, but even in winter.

Return to zmistNettle tea

Nettle is known for its beneficial properties and ability to cleanse the blood. To do this, you need to brew tea with this plant. The course of cleansing treatment is calculated over a couple of weeks.

The drink for this procedure can be prepared very easily. First take two tablespoons of nettle leaves (dry or young). Fill with two liters of hot boiled water. Now the product should be infused for more than three hours. It is better to drink this tea after lunch. If possible, you need to drink completely two liters of the drink. On this day, it is necessary to remember that after eight o’clock in the evening it is prohibited to drink any liquids. When two week course finished, then you need to take a break for the same period, and then you can repeat the course again, which cleanses the blood.

Return to zmistNettle infusion

A tincture is prepared from nettle leaves. To do this you need to use vodka. To cook something like this medicine, you must use the leaves of the plant. For one part of raw material there are three parts of vodka. You need to infuse such a remedy for at least 10 days. The container with the tincture should be stored in a cool, dark place. The container itself must be glass. A closet or refrigerator is suitable for storing the tincture. After the product has infused, the liquid must be carefully strained.

These medications must be taken every day, twice a day. To take it, you need to drop no more than 30 drops into a glass with 50 ml of purified water. The best remedy drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before bed, 3 hours after meals. The course of cleansing should be at least two weeks. Then you can take a break for two weeks and start treatment again.

You can also cleanse with this juice. unique plant. Freshly squeezed nettle juice has many useful elements. It is necessary to select young leaves and pick such leaves before the plant begins to bloom. After collecting, the leaves must be washed thoroughly. Then you need to chop the leaves and add a little water. Next, the mixture must be passed through a meat grinder or mixer. As a result, the drink will turn out quite thick. It should not be filtered, that is, you should drink nettle juice mixed with leaves. You can add honey to the drink for taste. To cleanse the blood, you should drink just a couple of spoons of this drink before meals three times a day. The finished product can be stored for no more than a couple of days in the refrigerator. After beneficial properties juice is lost.

Return to nettle remedies

Many people love to eat deliciously, but no one wants to be treated. In this case, nettle becomes unique means. After all, this plant can be used not only to brew tea, decoction and make tinctures with this remedy, which will help cleanse the blood.

For example, nettle has been used for borscht since ancient times.

Green borscht with nettles will not only be very tasty, but also healthy.

This delicious dish will have all the beneficial properties that were in nettle. Instead of using cabbage or sorrel in green borscht, try adding young nettle leaves to it. You can do the same when preparing green cabbage soup. You can also add nettle to them. By the way, not every person knows, but nettle is popular not only in Russia, but also in Western countries. It is used to prepare green eco-salads. It turns out that you can introduce nettle into your diet, mix it with various fresh vegetables and greens. It will not only be tasty, but also very healthy! Remember that only the top young leaves of the plant should go into the salad; they do not yet cause a burning sensation and will be more easily absorbed by the body.

Of course, dry nettle leaves are not suitable for dishes, so it’s better to cook tasty and healthy dishes during the period when the plant is green and young. Thus, for proper nutrition and introducing nettles into your diet It is better for you to choose the period of late spring and early summer. Starting in May, you can pick nettle leaves and use them in cooking. By the way, you shouldn’t ignore nettle stems - they contain much more useful substances than in the leaves.

As for dried nettle leaves, in winter, autumn and spring, when the picking season has not yet begun, they can be used like all other seasonings. After all, dried dill is in demand, so why not add ground nettle leaves to dishes? This will add an interesting taste to your dishes, and will also make the food more healthy. Such culinary experiments with dry and young nettle can be used as an addition to the main course of treatment and cleansing of the human circulatory system.



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