Very sensitive head, what should I do? Rich supply of nerve endings allows

The problem of increased sensitivity of the glans penis in men is especially relevant. It is associated with various sexual problems arising on this basis. A man with a sensitive head has less prolonged sexual intercourse, which is often accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction in both himself and his partner. Currently in stock traditional medicine There are many ways to reduce the sensitivity of the head, which are complemented by effective folk remedies. Rational use Several methods allow you to delay the process of ejaculation and prolong sexual contact.

Description of the problem

Hypersensitivity of the skin of the penis is accompanied by premature ejaculation. Its symptoms are bright and thrill during sexual intercourse, which leads to its reduction.

Reasons too high sensitivity can serve:

  • congenital or acquired diseases of the penis (phimosis, balanoposthitis);
  • short bridle, preventing the necessary opening of the head;
  • individual characteristics of the innervation of the skin of the penis (dense accumulation of nerve receptors).

Correction methods

Treatment of this pathology involves the use of external agents and tablets designed to reduce the sensitivity of the head in men.

One of the effective non-drug methods is the use of special condoms.

To reduce the sensitivity of the penis, it is recommended to use contraceptives made of dense latex or apply them in two layers. Additionally, you can remove hypersensitivity of the genital organ using condoms with an anesthetic component. on their inner surface desensitizing substances are applied, which are also used in dentistry to “freeze” the gums. Such compositions can include lidocaine, benzocaine, novocaine.

Brands that produce such contraceptives are Contex, Durex, Sico.

These contraceptives should be used with caution as they may cause allergic reactions. Before using them, a test for individual tolerance should be carried out.

Others non-drug methods To correct the sensitivity of the glans are attachments on the penis.

They are put on the erect organ and fix it in this position. Thick material prevents excessive stimulation of the nerve endings of the head and, as a result, its sensitivity.

External means

Topical treatment is also carried out using local anesthetics. They are available in the form of gels, creams, ointments, sprays and have a similar mechanism of action. You can purchase them in specialized stores.

These products are applied to the penis and lightly rubbed until completely dry, allowing you to reduce sensitivity within a couple of minutes. Species dosage forms and their representatives are indicated in the table:

Dosage form Representatives Tool example
Gels and lubricantsIce, Stimulus, Long Play, Desire
SprayLonginex, STUD 5000, M-16, Pelneili, Rhino, Wimax, Hercules, Ironman
Cream"Harmony", Sex expert, Erotist

Preparations for oral administration

In order to lengthen the time of sex by reducing the hypersensitivity of the glans, tablets and drops are produced for oral administration. The main substance in them is dapoxetine. It is included in the following drugs:

  • Poxet.
  • Vriligy.
  • Daposum.
  • Delgra.

Taking the above medications for on an ongoing basis(every day for a month) allows you to achieve a stable and long-lasting erection.

Traditional medicine

Some folk remedies are quite effective in solving this problem. Particularly popular:

  1. 1. Decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, the crushed bark is infused in boiling water until it cools. The resulting solution is used in the form of baths for the penis. Oak bark has astringent action, which also contributes to anesthesia of the head. The effect is achieved when course application, which is about two weeks.
  2. 2. Juice from mint leaves. Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the scalp. Thanks to the menthol included in the composition, a cooling effect is achieved, which results in a decrease in skin sensitivity. The course of application is no more than 10 days. Then you need to do week break and only then carry out repeat course treatment.
  3. 3. Iodine solution. This method involves the use alcohol solution, sold in a pharmacy. It is applied cotton swab in the form of a mesh on the head area once a day for about three weeks. This method must be used carefully, since iodine can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

Premature ejaculation(or premature ejaculation) is the inability to control the duration of sexual intercourse sufficient to satisfy both partners.
In other words, this is when sexual intercourse lasts less than desired. In this rather vague definition, not a word is mentioned about the norm, simply because there is no such concept for the duration of sexual intercourse. Of course there are edge cases when ejaculation occurs before the penis is inserted into the vagina - everything is clear here. But in the vast majority of cases this concept is individual.

With the average duration of sexual intercourse (with continuous frictions) from 2 to 5 minutes, I have had patients with duration 6-8 minutes who want to increase it up to 15-20 minutes! That is, we can say that premature ejaculation is not a disease, but an individual feeling of a man, his desire to improve his sex life and make it more intense. From this point of view, andrologists dealing with the problem of premature ejaculation are close to plastic surgeons, which also deal with practically healthy people who want to improve what nature has given them. And why not, after all modern level development medical technologies and aesthetic surgery, it is not only absolutely safe, but also accessible to everyone!

Premature ejaculation is a fairly common problem, especially among men. young. According to Prof. N.D. Akhvlediani collides with her 25-30% young men. The actual prevalence may be even higher, since many men “hush up” this problem, preferring to put up with the inconvenience or treat themselves, based on advertising or the advice of “experienced” friends. And some are not at all aware of the existing possibilities of medicine in increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. In this article you will find a lot useful information which will help you do right choice.

Causes of premature ejaculation:

  • Increased excitability of certain brain centers.
    Ejaculation is a reflex that occurs in the cerebral cortex. When a certain level of stimulation of this zone is reached, ejaculation occurs. In some conditions, the threshold for triggering this reflex is reduced, and ejaculation occurs earlier. Such conditions include, for example, paracentral lobular syndrome. It also appears in childhood bedwetting (enuresis). During puberty, with this syndrome, early emissions are observed, and with the onset of sexual activity, the problem of premature ejaculation arises.
  • Increased (excessive) sensitivity of the glans penis.
    The glans penis is normally an extremely sensitive part of the body. male body. But in some men, the sensitive head exceeds the average statistical level and borders on pain. This problem is aggravated by excess or narrowed foreskin(), when the head is almost always closed and is practically not exposed to contact with the external environment.
  • The frenulum, along with the head, is a highly sensitive area.
    If the length of the frenulum is insufficient during sexual intercourse, it becomes tense, which causes additional stimulation and leads to premature uncontrolled ejaculation.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse.
    These include: calliculitis, vesiculitis, sexually transmitted infections, urethritis, hyperfunction thyroid gland etc. This reason is typical for the secondary form of premature ejaculation. Identification and full treatment These diseases lead to prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Forms of premature ejaculation

Currently there are two forms of premature ejaculation - primary And secondary. The primary form of PE manifests itself with the onset of sexual activity, at the very first sexual intercourse. The secondary form occurs after a period of well-being, that is, the normal duration of sexual intercourse. The secondary form of PE occurs as a result of diseases leading to a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse (which are described above).

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation is not difficult and is based on the patient’s complaints of insufficient duration of sexual intercourse. For objective assessment and determining the severity of premature ejaculation, special questionnaires have been developed, which, however, have not found widespread use.

During the examination, it is very important to correctly determine the form of premature ejaculation (primary or secondary), since treatment tactics depend on this. For this purpose, an analysis for sexually transmitted infections may be required. prostate gland, TRUS of the prostate, blood test for thyroid hormones. Volume necessary examination determined by the doctor during a conversation and examination of the patient.

In some cases, it is advisable to consult related specialists - a neurologist or endocrinologist.

Treatment methods for premature ejaculation.

The goal of treating premature ejaculation is to reduce stimulation of the centers of the brain and spinal cord, responsible for orgasm and ejaculation.

In principle, two approaches are possible for this:
1. Decreased sensitivity of the glans penis
2. Inhibition of the corresponding centers of the brain and spinal cord

This is implemented in practice various methods(or a combination thereof)

Non-drug treatment for premature ejaculation

This includes behavioral therapy(synonyms: sex therapy, start-stop, compression, coitus interruptus techniques). The basis of this approach is training to control the time of ejaculation (and, accordingly, the duration of sexual intercourse).
The “start-stop” technique involves pauses in friction shortly before the moment of ejaculation. During the pause, arousal subsides, allowing sexual intercourse to continue.
With the compression technique, before approaching ejaculation, the penis is compressed at the base (closer to the pubis). This relieves arousal and prolongs sexual intercourse. A combination of these techniques is possible.

Behavioral therapy premature ejaculation requires concentration, dedication and patience from a man, because positive result It doesn’t work out right away. The advantage of this method is no side effects or additional costs.

Using gels and lubricants to increase the duration of sexual intercourse

A temporary decrease in sensitivity of the glans penis is achieved using special intimate lubricants or condoms treated with lidocaine. For the same purpose, 10% Lidocaine spray or Emla cream can be used. The cream (or spray) is applied to the skin of the head of the penis 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse (so that it has time to be completely absorbed), left for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with water.
I recommend apply the anesthetic not to the entire surface of the head (as this can lead to a complete loss of sensitivity, weakening of erection and disappearance of orgasm), but to the most sensitive places (usually this is the area of ​​the frenulum, but it also happens upper part heads). At the same time, the cream is more convenient for such local application. Although some patients prefer to use a spray. You need to make sure that the remaining lubricant does not get into the woman’s genital tract, otherwise lidocaine will negate all your efforts to give her pleasure.
In general, according to the feedback from my patients, the method is very good, and at correct technique highly effective. One more advantage of local anesthetics in the treatment of premature ejaculation is their availability, low cost and safety.

Herbal preparations to prolong sexual intercourse

There are quite a few herbal preparations (herbal medicines) designed to strengthen erections and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. I will not list them here, since it is quite difficult to compare them with each other and evaluate their effectiveness. Most of these drugs are essentially dietary supplements, the effects of which have not been tested in serious clinical studies.
I'm not saying they are ineffective. On the contrary, many of my patients noted an excellent effect from one or another herbal medicine. But the fact of the matter is that this drug helps one, but not another!
Efficiency herbal preparations for the treatment of premature ejaculation is very individual, and this is their main problem. Since there is no proven predictable effectiveness of herbal remedies, I do not use them in my practice.
The herbal SS cream stands out. Its action is similar to the group local anesthetics(Lidocaine, etc.), but at the same time has vegetable origin. It should be applied to the skin of the head of the penis an hour before sexual intercourse, and rinsed with water before sexual intercourse. SS cream showed quite high efficiency in the treatment of premature ejaculation. The disadvantages of SS cream include its low availability in Russia.

Psychotropic drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Increasing the duration of sexual intercourse can be achieved with the help of psychotropic drugs taken some time (usually an hour) before the intended sexual intercourse. This method is good if sexual intercourse occurs from time to time, occasionally ( because accept psychotropic drugs every day is not recommended at all!).
In addition, the drugs can reduce the reaction rate when driving a car and cannot be combined with alcohol. The only specialized and certified drug in Russia in this group is Dapoxetine. It belongs to the group of antidepressants from the group of neuronal serotonin reuptake inhibitors, differing from them in a relatively short period of action and less side effects.
Dapoxetine is sold in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Has a similar effect Tramadol(a potent synthetic painkiller from the opiate group). For the treatment of premature ejaculation, Tramadol is recommended for use in European countries. But in Russia this drug is strictly registered, and prescribing it can be problematic.
The ability of alcohol to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse has been known among people for a long time. Here, however, it is important to know when to stop, since excessive doses of alcohol lead to a significant weakening of erection (“increases the desire, but reduces the possibility”)

Surgical methods for treating premature ejaculation.

Urologists (at the suggestion of patients) have long been concerned with the search for effective surgical methods for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. And some success has been achieved, especially in recent years. Let's look at the methods that exist today surgical treatment this problem.

Circumcision to prolong sexual intercourse

Is the oldest of the methods, helping to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis.
The logical explanation for the effectiveness of circumcision on premature ejaculation is quite convincing. Tender and sensitive skin After circumcision, the head gradually becomes coarser, and accordingly, its sensitivity gradually decreases.
To achieve the same effect, some patients simply move the foreskin and wear the glans constantly open. In many cases, this method really helps, although the latest recommendations of the European Association of Urology do not include circumcision in the list of effective treatments for premature ejaculation. This was done based on a comparison of the duration of sexual intercourse in circumcised and uncircumcised men (no statistically significant difference was found). But the experience of many patients suggests the opposite. Greatest effect circumcision may be expected in patients with excessive foreskin development. See more details about circumcision methods.

Frenum plastic surgery (frenuloplasty)

As already mentioned, a short frenulum is one of the causes of premature ejaculation. Accordingly, plastic surgery or complete excision of the frenulum in some cases can eliminate this problem. There are various options plastic surgery of the frenulum, which has been written about in detail.
When combined with phimosis or excess foreskin, frenuloplasty is performed together with circumcision. In general, with correctly established indications, frenuloplasty is in an efficient way prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Introduction of hyaluronic acid

Popularity of various surgical techniques associated with the introduction of the gel hyaluronic acid, is explained by the relative simplicity and availability of the drug, ease of training, lack of need for general anesthesia, reversibility of the action (in this regard, sometimes used as a “trial” treatment option; This is also important when complications arise).
For premature ejaculation, hyaluronic acid gel is injected under the skin of the glans penis. local anesthesia. By introducing a gel between the surface of the skin and nerve endings(located deeper) a “cushion” is created. Stimulation of nerve receptors and sensitivity of the head decrease, the duration of sexual intercourse increases. An additional “bonus” of the introduction of hyaluronic acid for premature ejaculation is an increase in the size of the glans penis. Considering the reversibility of the action of hyaluronic acid, the effect of introducing the gel into the head is temporary. The duration of action depends on the type (density) of the gel, but rarely exceeds 6 months.
If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, or you can immediately move on to the most effective method of increasing the duration of sexual intercourse, described below.

Microsurgical denervation of the glans penis

Radical method treatment of premature ejaculation, allowing permanently reduce sensitivity glans penis and significantly increase duration sexual intercourse is microsurgical denervation of the glans penis.
By crossing the nerves, a long-term decrease in the sensitivity of the head is achieved. You can evaluate the effectiveness of denervation of the head in advance, before surgery, using the Lidocaine test ()
After 6-8 months, the nerve fibers grow together, sensitivity is restored, but during this period (subject to regular sexual activity) a persistent reflex is formed for a longer duration sexual intercourse. Denervation is performed both under local and under general anesthesia, in most cases - outpatient.
See details about the features of this operation.

In my experience, microsurgical denervation of the glans is the most effective method treatment primary form of premature ejaculation. The operation is easily tolerated, does not require hospitalization and is short recovery period. Of the several hundred similar operations I have performed, fortunately, never had to deal with complications, and the results of the operation, in the vast majority of cases, fully met expectations.

Now attention! The “gold standard” of surgical treatment of premature ejaculation (microsurgical denervation of the glans + circumcision + frenuloplasty) is now under special conditions!

My experience in treating patients with premature ejaculation allows you to guarantee maximum results and individual approach depending on your preferences!

The main problem of increased sensitivity of the head of the penis is the inability to control ejaculation. This causes feelings of inferiority during intimacy. The defect can be either congenital or acquired. In this case, the man seeks to find out how to reduce the sensitivity of the head using available methods.

Doctors recommend not to search on your own miracle cure. It is necessary to find out the cause that provoked the pathology. By eliminating it, it will be possible to normalize the level of sensitivity and solve problems in sexual life.

In this article we will tell you:

Causes of hypersensitivity

The degree of sensitivity of the erogenous zones is different for each man. It is determined by the individual characteristics of the body, the condition nervous system and other important factors.

With increased sensitivity of the glans penis (PG), a man experiences premature ejaculation. In this regard, sexual intercourse is short-lived.

The problem is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the possibility of ejaculation without sexual contact with a partner;
  • pain during orgasm;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages does not increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Premature ejaculation is also observed after repeated intimacy.

A combination of certain factors can provoke pathology. One possible cause is a disease of the genitourinary system.

Other predisposing factors include:

  • narrowing of the foreskin of the head (phimosis);
  • mental disorders;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • irregular sex life;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infection with staphylococcal infection.

If the problem is temporary, there is no need to contact specialists. But if there are constant misfires, you must visit a doctor.

Diagnosis of causes

Before reducing the sensitivity of the head of the penis, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathology. A urologist solves the problem. At the first appointment, he will examine the genital organ and interview the patient.

For staging accurate diagnosis Diagnostic procedures will be required:

  • testing for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • prostate palpation;
  • ultrasound examination of the scrotum and prostate;
  • submission of a sample of biomaterial from the urethra for bacteriological examination.

How to reduce head sensitivity

After receiving the examination results, the doctor determines how to reduce the sensitivity of the head . If the pathology is caused by a disease, a course of treatment is prescribed. After it unpleasant symptoms must disappear. If necessary, additional diagnostic procedures are performed.


For diseases such as phimosis and balanoposthitis, circumcision helps reduce hypersensitivity of the glans penis.

Surgical intervention is carried out in the following ways:

  • excision of the tissue holding the foreskin (frenulotomy);
  • complete circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision);
  • dissection of the nerve endings of the penis (denervation).

At hormonal disorders, long-term abstinence and mental disorders surgery will be ineffective.

The recovery period after surgery is 2 weeks. Intimacy during this period is strictly prohibited.

During the first time after the organ has healed, increased sensitivity remains. Its decline occurs gradually. After 2-3 months, the man forgets about his problems.


This method of reducing the sensitivity of the head is relevant for problems of a psychological nature. In this case, premature ejaculation is caused by the man's emotional sensitivity. Self-control involves long-term training. It is necessary to select the most suitable methods delaying the ejaculation process.

Experts recommend stopping sexual intercourse for a few seconds, deep breath or pull the scrotum down. This will help delay orgasm for a while. At this moment, it is advisable to switch thoughts from sex to more everyday issues.


Regular exercises will help reduce the sensitivity of the head at home and reduce problems of an intimate nature to a minimum.

The most common and effective exercise involves retention of urine during urination. At this moment, the muscles responsible for retaining seminal fluid during sexual arousal are activated.

  1. It is necessary to periodically squeeze the buttocks, imagining that there is an object between them that needs to be held. Starting position - standing on slightly bent knees, tilting your torso forward. The next step is to slowly squat down without unclenching your buttock muscles. Number of repetitions – 10 times.
  2. Starting position – standing straight, arms extended along the body. It is necessary to make movements as in a marching step, raising your knees up as much as possible.

Regular running has a positive effect on the functioning of the male genital organs.

Condoms with antiseptic

Another way to reduce the sensitivity of the foreskin is to use special condoms. They are saturated with benzocaine, which has a freezing effect on the penis. As a result of application, not only the upper part of the inverter will become numb, but also its base.

The required effect is achieved only when using a condom. After removing it, sensitivity is restored.

The most common condoms with benzocaine include:

  • Durex;
  • Contex;
  • Sico.


Pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs aimed at prolonging sexual intercourse. They come in the format of tablets, sprays and creams. Their action is based on the ability to block nerve impulses and eliminate nervous tension.

The tablet form of such drugs is valued for its lack of influence on the partner. Medicines for local use can cause an allergic reaction in her.

Medications that reduce the sensitivity of the penis should be used 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse. It is extremely important to study the instructions, eliminating the possibility of contraindications.

Among the pills that prolong sexual intercourse are:

  1. Tifen. Improves circulation in the pelvic organs and has an antispasmodic effect.
  2. Papaverine. Produces a mild analgesic effect, affecting the central nervous system.
  3. EroForce. Normalizes prostate function and increases the duration of intimacy.

Products for topical use have an anesthetic effect due to the content of lidocaine or prilocaine. Their disadvantages include the inability to combine them with condoms.

The active ingredients corrode latex, which reduces the protective effect. Among such products, the following are popular: Emla cream, anesthetic and lidocaine ointment.

There are also special rings on sale that are designed to curb premature ejaculation. They are placed on the erect organ immediately before sexual intercourse.

The maximum duration of use of the ring is half an hour. If you do not remove it after this time, problems with the blood vessels will arise.

How to reduce at home

There are methods that can solve the problem of hypersensitivity without major financial expenses. The method of reducing the sensitivity of the head with iodine is very popular among them. It causes a lot of controversy and disagreement.

It is necessary to apply the solution to the genital organ in the form of a mesh daily. The total duration of treatment is 3 weeks.

Reducing the sensitivity of the head with iodine can cause burns. Therefore, this method should be practiced with extreme caution. It is also not recommended to combine iodine with lidocaine.

Mint is considered not only a disinfectant, but also a cooling agent. This effect helps to cope with premature ejaculation. The head of the penis is lubricated mint decoction or toothpaste. The procedure is repeated once a day, every day.

Taking a drug has a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse herbal decoctions. Herbal mixture purchased at the pharmacy and prepared in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.

Men suffering from high sensitivity of the head should pay attention to calendula, rose hips, egg capsule roots and oregano. It is advisable to combine components with each other to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Products that prolong sexual intercourse

Nutrition plays an important role in the functioning of the genital organs. If there is a problem with premature ejaculation, a man should avoid fatty, sweet, spicy and starchy foods. It is advisable to follow the principles proper nutrition. Alcoholic drinks allowed to be consumed in moderation.

The following products should be included in the diet:

  • peanut;
  • chicken eggs;
  • celery juice;
  • different types of meat.

The effectiveness of the methods used depends on the sensitivity of the male body. Selection the best way problem solving is carried out individually. Doctors do not recommend immediately resorting to drastic measures. The operation is performed when other methods of reducing sensitivity do not lead to the desired result.

There is a certain category of men who are concerned about the disease: increased sensitivity of the glans penis. This, in turn, entails the inability to control the time of ejaculation. It does not matter how conducive the circumstances are to long-term sexual intimacy. Full sexual intercourse with a normal duration becomes a problem for them, despite all the efforts on the part of “highly sensitive” men. And if a second episode of sexual intercourse occurs, it does not in any way exceed the duration of the first.

Often the sensitivity of the head of the genital organ of such strength is congenital, much less often the defect is acquired. Many of these men have already despaired of dealing with this problem, but there are indeed ways to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis. You just need to know them. This is what we propose to do next.

How to reduce head sensitivity?

A way to correct ejaculation of seminal fluid that occurs earlier than expected is to reduce the susceptibility of the receptors located in the head of the penis. Today, in order to reduce the sensitivity of the head, along with condoms, anesthetic medications are also used, for example, the following: anesthetic or lidocaine ointments, SS cream, ethylamine benzate. Such ointments are used to treat the frenulum area, and not the head itself, in order to prevent such problems as decreased sensitivity and anejaculation.

Each anesthetic has its own individual timing for application shortly before sexual intercourse. Thanks to the warranty clinical effect ointments are regarded as popular remedy, which has almost no side effects, besides, they have a low cost.

Medications used to relieve hypersensitivity and early ejaculation

  • magnesium sulfate (reduces the excitability of the central nervous system);
  • novocaine (slows down the transmission of the exciting impulse to the spinal reflex regions of the brain);
  • ergot preparations (increase smooth muscle tone and block sympathetic nerve impulses);
  • injections with chlorethyl.

These days, these drugs are used less and less to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis.

For uncontrolled ejaculation, the following are prescribed: Spasmolitin, Tifen, Diprofen, Papaverine. They help interrupt the transmission of nerve signals.

To eliminate the psychological barrier and reduce male insecurity, tranquilizers are prescribed: Meprotan, Trioxazine, Meprobamate, Elenium, Andexin; sedatives: tinctures of motherwort and valerian, potassium and sodium bromides. These drugs can participate in the elimination of erectile dysfunction with to a small extent efficiency. Therefore, we continue to search for the truth further.

Clinical and experimental studies modern times have proven that the use of some pharmaceutical drugs has a selective effect on ejaculation control mechanisms.

IN present moment The pharmacological industry provides assistance in getting rid of increased sensitivity of the penis very effectively and quickly than several years before. And she does this with the help of the most modern medications. Inhibition of ejaculation occurs due to tranquilizers, alpha-adrenergic blockers, antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants.

A new method is to reduce sensitivity using denervating manipulations through surgery on the penis. Advantages of the method: does not occur side effects and instant results. Thanks to the surgical operation, patients experience an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse to normal: sexual intimacy between partners begins to take from 2 to 15 minutes. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex, after completing this technique, stop worrying about how to reduce sensitivity on the penis. This has a very good effect on your sex life.

Self-learning method to reduce sensitivity

Sometimes it may not just be a matter of male sensitivity. In some situations, women's sexual needs may exceed men's capabilities, or sensitivity may be reduced in women. A way to overcome this problem is for the man to use the sperm retention technique. Such a forced measure will increase the number of episodes of intimacy. In order to learn the technique of containing sperm, a man will need to master the mechanism of controlling certain muscle groups designed for this. Exercises to control a muscle group consist of interrupting the act of urination repeatedly at the time of bowel movements.

Another type of exercise is to pull the testicles and scrotum into the body without using your hands. These muscles need to be trained systematically, daily.

After regulating the contraction of the required muscles has been mastered, you can move on to retaining seminal fluid at the time of sexual intercourse. It is necessary to contract these muscles and keep them tense until the period of ejaculation and throughout this period.

Reducing head sensitivity at home

There are some known ways to reduce the sensitivity of the penis through folk remedies. To do this, use a regular burdock leaf, in winter period you can take it large sizes white cabbage leaf, juicy and fresh.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the head in the home using this method? About 15 minutes before the desired sexual intercourse, the sheet is attached in the lumbar area above groin area using a regular towel. The dimensions of the latter should be selected so that it can easily surround the lower back; the fabric is strengthened with pins.

In ancient treatises this method has positive reviews. The effect of the leaf on the problem area of ​​the penis is based on inhibition of the mechanism of sexual excitability on the penis and a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans.

What measures can be taken at home to reduce sensitivity on the head?

  1. Stimulation should be completely avoided artificially: from watching erotic and porn films. You need to learn to enjoy your own sensations and the caresses of your partner, which precede intimacy.
  2. The use of a means of protection (condom) will help reduce sensitivity on the head, and a little later the need for its participation will disappear by itself.
  3. Learn to control yourself. Set aside one day during the week when you can enjoy making out together without having sexual intercourse. At such a moment, try to relax completely, forgetting about sexual failure for a while. Near close person, she will understand. It is important to stop on time. To prevent early ejaculation, this action is considered a classic. It may not work out the first time, as skill comes with experience. Therefore, you will have to enlist the patience and help of your beloved and desired one.

During a stop, a woman can caress her penis with a dry hand, but a man needs to be distracted. You can imagine a ladder leading high up. At the same time, the man should be (in his thoughts) at the foot. Listening carefully to the sensations, you should resist the surging excitement. You need to imagine that you are slowly walking up the stairs, and when you reach the top, you will ejaculate. When the discharge is very close, ask the woman to stop.

Imagine going back down after this. This should be done three to four times before ejaculation (at least as many times as possible). At first, such exercises will be difficult, especially in the first two weeks.

Take a lower position during sexual intercourse, be more passive. This will have a very positive effect on reducing irritation of the head of the penis. You should stop for a while and distract yourself if you suspect that a discharge is approaching.

After you have learned some ways to treat high sensitivity of the head at home, you need to achieve the desired result until you realize that the sensitivity is decreasing.

This kind of exercise is quite suitable if you have complete confidence that health will not fail. If there is another cause (disease, for example), it is this that needs to be treated.

After all, everyone strives to provide maximum pleasure to their partner, since this has always been considered the main sign of male strength.

One of the most common reasons is too rapid ejaculation is the strong tactile sensitivity of the nerve endings located in the delicate skin of the penis.

How to reduce head sensitivity? To what extent can this be done using simple and safe methods?

The line between physiological and too high nerve conduction very conditional. It may vary depending on age, the strength of sexual arousal, and the time of previous intercourse. According to doctors, in adolescents the sensitivity of the head of the penis is very high, which is due to sharp fluctuations hormonal levels and others physiological changes, accompanying puberty puberty.

As you get older, sensitivity becomes somewhat dull. In response to touching the penis, sexual arousal and erection occur, and it must persist for a sufficient time for full sexual intercourse. However, in some cases, ejaculation occurs too quickly, giving the man, as well as the woman, virtually no pleasure.

Reason similar phenomenon serves as hypersensitivity of the skin under the foreskin of the penis. With this disorder, ejaculation can occur immediately or a few minutes after the start of intercourse; in severe cases, premature ejaculation occurs already during foreplay or putting on a condom.

The most common reasons increased sensitivity of the skin of the glans penis are:

  • congenital structural features nerve fibers;
  • pathological narrowing of the external opening of the foreskin (the disease is called phimosis), as a result of which the head is constantly covered by the skin, which increases its sensitivity;
  • inflammation and benign prostatic hyperplasia, with such pathology early ejaculation not so much due hypersensitivity how much discomfort there is during sexual intercourse;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory lesion epidermal cover of the head of the penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis), usually this pathology has bacterial nature and is provoked by streptococcus or staphylococcus;
  • excessive concentration of androgens.

Basic physiological reason a problem arises, how to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, sexual abstinence for too long or excessive sexual arousal. In this condition, even a simple touch of the erogenous zones on the genitals can cause ejaculation.

However, this is temporary. As a rule, after ejaculating too quickly, the ability for prolonged sexual intercourse is restored.

Solving the problem of how to reduce the sensitivity of the head is necessary to restore a man’s self-confidence. Sexual intercourse that is too short is not capable of delivering virtually any pleasure to the partner, especially since similar violation a long “foreplay” is also impossible. Such failure of a man becomes the cause of a lot of complexes, which can ultimately result in psychological erectile dysfunction.

The question of how to reduce the sensitivity of the head can be solved with the help of certain medications and folk remedies that are easy to prepare at home; fortunately, there are plenty of recipes in the vastness of various forums (ranging from completely harmless herbal decoctions to very unpleasant external rubs with iodine). You can quickly and effectively reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis using surgery to circumcise the foreskin.

Despite the unpleasant rehabilitation period, such a surgical intervention will help prolong sexual intercourse. The aesthetic side of the issue also plays an important role. According to anonymous surveys, many women prefer sexual intimacy with a man with a “circumcised” penis.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the head: medicinal methods, Chinese techniques for developing self-control

Almost the only officially registered drug intended to prolong sexual intercourse and prevent early ejaculation is Dapoxetine (Priligy, Primaxetine). The mechanism of its action is quite complex, it is based on inhibition of transmission nerve impulses and inhibition of ejaculation processes. To reduce the sensitivity of the head, take this remedy, 1 tablet an hour before sexual intercourse.

The drug is not intended for long-term use. Therefore, after taking the medicine six times, the doctor evaluates the patient’s condition to determine the further advisability of therapy.

Some doctors recommend how to reduce the sensitivity of the head, other medications with more strong effect, for example, Levitra, Maxigra and similar products. However, such drugs are intended for therapy erectile dysfunction, therefore, drinking them with increased tactile sensitivity of the skin of the penis is inappropriate.

There are more safe ways, how to reduce the sensitivity of the head. The simplest is the use of lubricants and condoms with the addition of novocaine, lidocaine and other local anesthetics. You can also purchase special penis rings in the sex shop, which will make the sensations during sex more vivid and prolong sexual intercourse.

Sedatives medicines and tranquilizers inhibit the degree of conduction of nerve fibers, but at the same time they can negatively affect the strength of an erection.

You can get rid of the problem of early ejaculation forever with the help of special exercises, aimed at improving self-control and controlling ejaculation. This will take several weeks and a little patience not only on the part of the man, but also his partner.

One of the exercises to prolong sexual intercourse is to retain urine during urination. However, methods aimed at controlling one’s own sensations during intercourse are considered more effective. In a nutshell, a man needs to learn to “catch” the moment when ejaculation is about to occur.

At this time, you need to pause your movements for a few minutes and try to distract yourself by, for example, moving on to other caresses.

The Chinese teaching, the founder of which is Wu Son, is based on the same technique. His treatise is replete with quite complex and unusual phrases for our ears. But the essence of his teaching boils down to the following. First of all, you need to learn to control the rhythm of movements. They start with a tempo of three short and one deep, then move on to five and nine gentle thrusts per one intense movement.

When a man feels close to ejaculation, he needs to pull out the penis (or, as Wu Seung calls it, the jade peak) from the vagina and freeze in this position for several seconds. In this case, you should control your breathing (it should be even, with the participation of the diaphragm) and be distracted as much as possible.

Wu Son's teachings pursue not only the goal of prolonging sexual intercourse. According to the words of this sage, semen serves as a source of energy for a man, so it must be “consumed” carefully, since with it the necessary strength is lost. According to followers of such traditions, the technique described by Wu Seung allows one to separate the emotional orgasm from the physiological one. In other words, a man gains the ability to reach the peak of pleasure without ejaculation.

According to doctors, excessive reliance on methods of artificially prolonging intercourse has a negative impact on the functioning of the prostate gland.

In addition to circumcision, there is another surgical method to reduce the sensitivity of the head. To do this, the doctor excises the nerve endings, as a result of which they slow down the rate of transmission of exciting impulses to the brain. But men resort to such intervention infrequently, preferring folk remedies, for example, lotions with oak bark decoction, which is associated with the risk of complications and long-term painful period postoperative recovery.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the penis: folk remedies and other ways to prolong sexual intercourse

From traditional methods to prolong intercourse, regular local decoction baths can be recommended oak bark. She's in large quantities contains tannins, which reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings on the skin of the glans penis.

Has a similar effect water infusion cornflower blue. Some healers recommend rubbing the penis with freshly picked mint leaves shortly before sexual intercourse.

You can take weak herbal sedative decoctions internally (for example, from a mixture of hops and motherwort in a ratio of 1:3, pour a tablespoon of plants with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight and drink throughout next day). Tea with periwinkle will help increase sexual activity (2 tbsp per 200 ml hot water, add to regular tea or mixed with water).

Other ways to reduce penis sensitivity include:

  • mandatory use of a condom made of thick rubber or with an anesthetic applied (usually the Long Love mark is on the package of contraceptives);
  • prefer certain positions when having sex, for example, according to many men, sexual intercourse lasts longer in a standing position;
  • control the speed of friction during sexual intercourse, slow movements delay the onset of ejaculation;
  • regular sex life;
  • avoid long foreplay, of course, you shouldn’t attack your partner right away, but you need to give up preliminary oral sex, touching the penis and similar games.

Experts emphasize that you should not focus too much on the problem of early ejaculation. Currently, everyone can choose a method to reduce the sensitivity of the penis using sex toys, contraception, and medications. However, focusing too much on this problem can lead to potency disorders, which are much more difficult to correct.



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