Announcement for February 23 at school. Strong, fast, dexterous

Scenario for the February 23rd holiday at school"Ship Battle" is designed for students in grades 4-6 - very entertaining, full of competitions and excitement. Such a program will be fun, create a festive atmosphere, and at the same time, in an entertaining way, introduce the children to the peculiarities of serving in the navy.

Preparing for the holiday on February 23 at school.

In addition to sea-themed accessories, you will need paper flags in two colors for organization. There must be at least 15 of each color. We give these flags to the team that wins the next competition (each with its own color). Then we count the flags.

Leading: Guys! We have gathered today to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day! Do not think that serving in the Russian army is very far from you, in fact, time flies and it is quite possible that some of you will be lucky enough to serve in the ranks of the navy. Therefore, we invite you to test yourself in the game “Sailors Are Going to Battle!” First, as always, we need to gather teams of true friends. Sailors call this “crew,” where everyone is responsible for their own area of ​​work. So, let's line up on the deck, or, as they say in the navy: call everyone up, which means line up on the deck. And your successes will be judged by representatives of the fair sex, who, by the way, are not supposed to be taken on board!

(we line up the boys at attention opposite a row of signs; the signs are turned face down. They should have the inscriptions on them: captain, boatswain, pilot, doctor, radio operator, cook, cabin boy, mechanic, navigator - each sign is repeated twice).

Game part of the "Ship Battle" scenario:

"Mechanics Competition"

At the start there are two glasses of water, and at the finish there are two plates. Each mechanic is given a tablespoon.

Leading: Let's listen to the assignments! Taking a spoon, the mechanic runs to the glass, scoops up water with it and quickly goes to the plate. This way you should transfer all the water. Whoever does it faster wins!

"Competition of pilots and navigators"

Place the pins on the floor in a chaotic order - they will represent rocks and reefs. We will also need two scarves - we will use them to blindfold the participants.

Leading: Finally, we are going to sea! But not everything is smooth here either! Not only romance awaits sailors, but also all sorts of dangers, for example, underwater reefs. Now your pilots and navigators will be blindfolded in turn, and the player’s task is to get around the pins-rocks so as not to hit them. (we count the number of obstacles that have not been knocked down, the team that has more of them earns a flag).

"Jung Competition"

We blindfold the youngsters with the same scarves, and scatter checkers or chess on the floor. We also give out a box where the “garbage” will be placed.

Presenter: Yu Ngi, and now you have a lot of work! You will have to clean the deck after a storm, because the ship must always be in perfect order. Everything about everything - one minute! Whoever collects the most “garbage” in their box will receive another point for their team!

For this stage of the competition, prepare two sheets of paper with the proverbs “Only the brave conquer the seas!” and “Patience and work will grind everything down!” The sheets must be cut into fragments like puzzles.

Leading: So, now our skilled radio operators are entering the fight: they will have to put together and read a message that can be an excellent parting word for any sailor!

"Cock Competition"

You will need two onions, two cutting boards and two knives.

Leading: The most important people on a ship are, of course, after the captains! - this is coca. Let's ask our ship's cooks to go to the place of their duel: look, you need to peel the onion, cut it and not cry! The one who deals with the bow faster will win!

"Doctors Competition"

Here you only need two medical bandages, which we first unwind and simply place in disarray on the bottom of the boxes.

Leading: So, let's see how good our ship's doctors are! After all, the storm left not only the deck in disarray, but also the medicines! Therefore, you, our doctors, need to twist the bandages in a new way. Speed ​​competition - the fastest wins!

"Captains Competition"

Leading: You all, of course, understand that the captain is the person who is responsible for literally everything on the ship, so the captain must know more than the rest of the crew. This is what we will check: captains, name all the words you know related to the sea and ships!

"Boatswains Competition"

Here you need two cards with tasks that the boatswains will give to their subordinates: 1. the entire crew, except the captain, scrubs the deck and sings in chorus. The captain stands at the helm and smokes a pipe. 2 The whole team, except the cook, is having a fun lunch. The cook pours soup into bowls and pours wine into glasses.

Leading: who is the boatswain? The boatswain is the captain's right hand, so everyone on the ship must obey his commands. But we will complicate the work of our boatswains by receiving cards with instructions for action; they will have to explain the resulting situation to their crew without words, that is, using only facial expressions and gestures. Who will do it better will be decided by a jury of our ladies!

"Dance Competition"

Stock up on a musical recording of the sea dance “Apple”. You will also need a person to show the children the basic elements of dance.

Leading: Any sailor should be able to dance “Bullseye”! so it will be a competition for the whole team! Watch and repeat! Try not to disappoint the beautiful ladies from the jury, because they decide whose team will dance better!

"Strongman Competition"

Prepare a rope.

Leading: Did you dance?! Now let's measure our strength - we'll pull the rope!

"Fan Contest"

Leading: What is a sailor if his family and friends are not waiting for him at home? Yes, this is just an unhappy person! But our sea wolves are definitely welcome and loved! Come on, girls, here’s a task for you: remember as many proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about sailors and the seas as possible!

After this task, we count the number of flags that each team earned. But all participants in the maritime competition must receive gifts! Those who simply distinguished themselves in the program can also be recognized with comic medals, for example, with the inscription “Thunderstorm of the Seas” or “Sea Wolf”.

Then follow other congratulations and entertainment for the holidays. (You can choose from this selection:

Olga Prokhorchenko | 02/15/2016 | 2842

Olga Prokhorchenko 02/15/2016 2842

Defender of the Fatherland Day is just around the corner, so we urgently need to come up with a scenario for a school party that can be organized in middle and high schools.

The leader of the “gang” can be the class teacher, and the girls will help her in organizing.

All girls probably want to surprise and please their classmates, so that in the future they will protect them from the attacks of school bullies and not pull their pigtails during lessons. A cheerful and fighting mood at school on February 23 depends on proper organization and creativity.

Choice of gifts for February 23

There is a practice when all the girls in the class are divided into small groups, and they buy a gift for the boy who is “attached” to them. It seems to us that this idea is not very good: one person can get a deck of cards and a keychain with a “preserved” beetle, and the other can get a flash drive or a radio-controlled toy.

It is best to appoint a responsible “banker” who will collect the money in advance, and then buy identical gifts (they may differ in color).

Real men's gifts

The problem is that you need to choose a universal gift that all boys will like. So these could be:

  • original mouse pad;
  • cool shaped flash drive;
  • “camouflage” mug;
  • certificate for playing paintball or laser tag;
  • game "Darts";
  • water gun;
  • T-shirt with a cool inscription.

You can complement any of these gifts with a large chocolate medal “for bravery” or a funny hand-made card.

Table organization

Without a sweet table, the holiday will be incomplete. It is imperative to feed the boys. If a girl likes a classmate, just on February 23 she will be able to show off her culinary talent and, perhaps, attract his attention when everyone praises her cherry pie or unusual cakes a la Chupa Chups.

In order not to have to deal with another fundraiser, you can divide the responsibilities: for example, let one girl bring homemade cakes, another - lemonade, a third - a cake, a fourth - cookies. But with the funds left over from gifts you can buy juices and fruits.

Classroom Decoration

After all, the holiday of February 23 is a Soviet heritage and it is dedicated specifically to the defenders of the Fatherland who fought for the Motherland in difficult war times. You can remember this when decorating the classroom.

  1. Print out military lyrics by K. Simonov, as well as poems by V. Vysotsky and B. Okudzhava on colored sheets and hang them around the office.
  2. You can find photographs of the war years on the Internet and hang them on the board.

Congratulations to the boys

Giving gifts crumpled up and sitting down at the table quickly is not an option. The presentation must be solemn. The class teacher takes the first word. She may give a short speech about the holiday and its significance in history. Next, each boy should be congratulated personally not only by presenting a gift, but also with pleasant, warm words.

Competitions and games on February 23

To make the holiday fun, you can play “secret agents”, for example, using facial expressions to explain the words:

  • pharmacy;
  • library;
  • school canteen;
  • excellent student;
  • glutton, etc.

They need to be written in advance on pieces of paper and placed in an opaque bag. The one who guesses the word pulls out a piece of paper and then explains what is written there.

You can also include boys in game "Air Force". Place a candy wrapper on the table in front of each participant. The players' task is to blow as hard as possible, while the candy wrapper flies as far as possible.

Another version of a fun team game is called "Brave Hunters". The boys must split into teams. They are given pre-prepared pieces of paper with squiggles arranged in random order. The task of our brave souls is to complete the squiggles so that the end result is an unprecedented, terrible beast. The team with the most creative approach wins.

At the end you can have a fun disco.

This work is a detailed script, including dance, instrumental, vocal numbers and competitions for the holiday on February 23. As a rule, I write such scenarios for students in grades 1-11 of a secondary school. This work contains competitions of varying complexity that are suitable for both the youngest defenders of the fatherland and school graduates. The script may be suitable for "Fun Starts" or for a class hour.

Goals: To intensify the moral, aesthetic, emotional and patriotic experiences of students on the basis of patriotic songs, dances and competitions.
1. Educational: Formation of patriotic feelings for the feat of Russian soldiers.
2. Educational: Introduction to patriotic material. (songs about war, competitions on military themes)
3. Developmental: Developing the ability to think and analyze about the heroic deeds through music and painting.
Good afternoon, dear friends! In a few days, our country will celebrate one of the main holidays in its history, “Defender of the Fatherland Day or, as it used to be called, the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.” Dear guys, as future defenders of our Motherland, you must cultivate in yourself such qualities as courage, masculinity, kindness and nobility. What our army will be like in the future depends on each of you.
Well, we are starting our holiday program.
You are invited to the stage Junior school ensemble
"Patriots". Soloist Eva Oganesyan.
(Boys Ensemble and Eva - Song “Crew, One Family.”)

Looking at such young defenders, we can say with confidence that nothing threatens our country.

Now, I would like to invite the youngest participants of today's holiday to this stage. (Students of grades 0-1). Dear guys, every sniper should be able to hit the target the first time. Since you are still very young, you are given 4 attempts to hit the target. (Competition with Rings)

Every soldier must have good ingenuity and a sharp mind in order to quickly find solutions in the most difficult situations.
Competition (questions)
1. Village set for seven minors. (Benches)
2. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
3. Container for miracles (sieve)
4. Who is not a warrior in the field. (one)
5. Royal head honor (Crown)
6. Bogatyr Number (three or 33)
7. Minimum measurements per cut (7)
8. Not alone in the field (warrior)
9. Headgear designed for a fool (cap)
10. Robber's number (forty)
11. “Unclean” dozen (Thirteen)

12. Witchplane (broomstick)
13. Serpent according to the priest. (Gorynych)

Dear friends, 2nd grade students are rushing to congratulate our defenders on the holiday. Let's support them.

The time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
The main battles come from books and movies,
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies became history long ago.
The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave to distant and close years
Valor, and glory, and a long good memory.
Time of heroes, what have you left us?
You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home, and road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

There is no family in Russia where its hero is unmemorable. And indeed, on this day one cannot help but remember our veterans, who, defending the country at the cost of their lives, gave us a peaceful sky above our heads.
Song – “Great Grandfather” (Eva, Dasha, Nastya)

In any field campaign, each soldier is required to have with him a number of necessary devices, which are located in his duffel bag. Now we will hold a competition that will show your readiness for military service.
Competition-stuff bag.

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the signalman. Each team takes turns reading their words, and after a while the participants must remember and reproduce them. (Signalman Competition).
1st team (lieutenant, artillery, grenade, raincoat - tent, sapper, tank, paramedic, infantry, battalion, fatherland)
2nd team (marshal, machine gun, cheers, patriot, trenches, plane, scout, Katyusha, machine gun, courage).

The next song will be performed as a gift to our defenders, performed by Anna Kuzyura.
“One way ticket”

Thank you for the wonderful song, and our holiday program continues.
(Nurse Competition).
At the front, you constantly have to provide assistance to the wounded, and a person’s life often depends on the speed of the medical staff. For the next competition we will need gauze bandages. Players need to bandage the wounded (leg, arm). The quality and speed of the work done is assessed.

Intelligence plays an important role in the structure of the Russian army. And every intelligence officer must be able to decipher an intercepted message or solve a puzzle. Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, whoever deciphers it faster and more correctly wins.
Competition (cipherer)
Card 1. The headquarters is in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two guns and one tank.
Card 2. Guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, one tank in the ravine.

Music has always helped raise the morale of our soldiers. Eva Oganesyan will perform for you the lyrical musical composition “At a Mountain Stream”

While on foot, it was customary to perform military drill songs that united the soldiers into one big and friendly family. Let's remember these songs.
Competition - guess the melody

At the conclusion of the festive program, I would like to ask all the boys and young men present here, the future defenders of our Motherland, to come up to this stage.
Music is playing(boys go on stage).
This is how it has always been and will always be, again and again, young people with a warm heart, those who choose serving the fatherland as their destiny, will rise up to defend the country.
Military service has always, historically, been the pillar of Russian statehood.
The army and navy, airborne troops, unshakably guarded its national interests
When required, they stood firm and won.
All generations of soldiers made their invaluable contribution to the defense of the Motherland.
The modern army and navy are developing the best traditions, including fighting spirit, confidence in victory, understanding of a high purpose and moral values ​​of military work. And today we pay tribute to the recognition of their resilience, dignity and loyalty to their homeland. Happy Holidays, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

And at the end of our festive program, Dasha and Nastya will perform a song for us - “Oh, these clouds in blue.”

Presenter: Happy holiday, see you again!

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Scenario for the holiday of February 23 at school

1 Presenter: -
Who do I want to congratulate? -
The men sitting in the hall
All those whose role is special -
We always knew this.

2 led. Who's strong is his shoulder
For the fragile it substitutes,
All those who protect the Motherland,
And protects us.

1 led. All those who can protect
Sister, friend, mother,
Who can forgive the younger one,
Help the weak in times of misfortune.
2 led. Our dear boys, men! Congratulations on February 23 - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Over the years, may your hearts be filled not only with courage, but also with kindness, love for your neighbors, and compassion for the offended. Let the fire of pride for your Fatherland burn in your souls! 1 Vedas. Soldier of the Fatherland. Warrior of Russia. At all times, the attitude towards him and his military cause was surrounded by an aura of patriotism and glory. 2Ved. How to imagine courage and how? This question once haunted me. Is it aboveground or earthly? What's unusual about his features? I have understood the essence of courage - His character is clear and stern. Where there is courage, there is a real deed And there are no wasted words. Where there is courage, there is life as bright as a flame. Life always boils with a hot spring. The roads are not covered with snow and the water is not covered with ice. It is in impulse, in search, in work... It contains everything earthly, both face and becoming, But without it, it’s a sin for a wingless soul to even think about sunny flight! (the song “Cruiser Aurora” plays)1 Ved. Our native land can do anything! Feed them with warm, delicious bread, give them spring water to drink, and surprise them with their beauty. And she just can’t defend herself... Therefore, defending their Motherland is the sacred duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water and admire its open spaces. Staging of the poem “Kostyuchenko, 5th grade. Mikhailov A, 5th grade student) Granddaughter Motherland! What does this grandfather mean? Grandfather- These are the flowers that grow in our region. This is the river that jumps in our mountains, This is the dawn that burns without burning. The homeland is the eyes of your mother, Full of tears or in sparkles of laughter, The homeland is the sunset over the fields, Our dear mountains are a ringing echo. Motherland - I don’t know a more wonderful word! Our fairy tales and glorious ones were in it. Grandfathers' distant sad songs Those that we still haven't forgotten. The homeland is the land at the doorstep, where you first learned your name, the homeland is the high road. The one you will walk along with others. 1Ved. Over the course of many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom of their Motherland more than once. The people remember their legendary heroes-defenders. 2 Vedas. How can I tell about your courage, soldier! How to tell about the thousands, millions of feats that the true sons and daughters of their Motherland accomplished. 1 Vedas. Feats live in people's memory. They are reflected in epics, legends, poems and songs, in books and films, inspiring new generations to courage and bravery in the hour of war.

The poem “Soldier's Song about Sevastopol” is performed by 8th grade students.

1. I’ll sing you a not funny song, brothers,

Not a mighty song of victory,

What did the grandfathers sing in Ochakovo?

2. I will sing to you about

Like from the southern fields

A cloud of dust rose

How countless enemies left the ships

And they came to us and defeated us...

3. And so we won, for a long time afterwards

Don't come to us with a daring question.

And so we won, with a sour face

And they set sail with their broken noses.

4. I will sing how, having left both home and family,

A rich landowner was joining the squad.

Like a man hugging his little woman,

He left the hut as a militiaman.

5. I will sing how the heroic army grew,

Fighters of iron and steel marched,

And how did they know that they were going to die,

And how holy they died!

6. Let not the joyful song that I sing to you,

Yes, no worse than that song of victory,

What the fathers sang in the Battle of Borodino,

What the grandfathers sang in Ochakovo.

Students of grades 1-4 came to congratulate the men. We sincerely want
I would like to congratulate you on the most
Happy men's holiday!
1. With the one who certainly
Nowadays it enters every home...
Begins military
He commanded: “Rise!”
2. And this command sounds,
By the way, for us too...
Five minutes - and we are dressed,
We got up merrily at dawn
Maybe for the first time in a year!
3. And washed without further ado,
We present ourselves in all our glory.
What about Vasya, even Rita, -
Like one! In short, that's all!
4. And with smiles on their faces
We tell our family:
- May I address you?
We want to congratulate you!
5. And accept flowers from us,
Tulips are bright in bloom,
Because on defense
You are worth our happiness
You are at a military post!
6. So that we can live peacefully,
We went to school and kindergarten.
We don't need wars at all,
We need peace for all the guys!
7. We know how victory came
In that war that died down,
And of course, what about grandfather
Can't congratulate you and me!
8. Grandfather put on his medals,
They have no number and count...
This is what a holiday is today -
It might not be better!

(Girls perform the song “Maple”.) 1Ved. There are practically no families in Russia in which someone did not fight at the front; there is no family that did not lose a loved one during the Great Patriotic War. 6611 residents of our area did not return from this war. Every tenth died defending the honor and freedom of the Motherland. Seven people in our area became Heroes of the Soviet Union. The verse is “The whole globe is under your feet.” Gulyaev Daniil The whole globe is under my feet. I’m alive. I'm breathing. I sing. But the ones killed in battle are always with me in my memory. Let me not name all the names, There are no blood relatives. Is it not because I live because they died? I might not have lived for a long time, In battle, amidst whistles and howls, I could have fallen in salty Sivash, Or somewhere near Ufa. But my peer fell there... If it weren’t for him, who knows, I would have returned home to hug my old mother... Not me - covered in blood, half-dead, Torn to pieces and stripped, Silent during Kosheva’s torture At the age of 16. Let me not name all the names, There are no blood relatives. Is it not because I live because they died? What I owe to them - I know, But let it not only be verse, My life will be worthy of their soldier's death. 1Ved. What a pity that we cannot say to all of them together and to each individual that we have not forgotten them, that we remember them. The graves don't hear. They don't see the graves. But the living must hear, see and remember at what cost our freedom was won. (“Alarm” - loudly, then quieter) Ilya and Olesya Reader Quietly...Hear: as if somewhere the heart of our planet is beating... This is the power asserting over everyone, Time walks across the planet. Reader Quietly...Do you hear? These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up And on the rails, soaring towards the stars, Our new century is thundering. Reader And suddenly: wait, don’t thunder! You see - scarlet granite and flames. Hold on... Give me a moment. This is what I’m telling you, Memory. Reader Well, wait, look at the obelisk, Read the names and dates: It was here that battles took place, A war once raged. Reader Here once, behind the ranks, Soldiers marched through the years: Forty-first, forty-second, forty-third, fourth, fifth...Reader I know that you are rushing to the stars, I know that you are making the Earth more beautiful. Just descend to this stone from a height, Pause, bow, put flowers... The most modest bouquet of daisies. Reader And taking a moment from eternity, Here, by the stone, in the grass crushed before Memory, the deafening century of the 20th took off its cap. Reader Century 21- y - with powerful hands, everything can destroy and build. Time is powerless if it meets Memory, Holy Memory on its way!

1 Presenter: -
Soldier. He boldly rushed into battle,
Gave for his homeland
He is life with a heroic destiny,
I didn’t chicken out, I didn’t betray.

And at night he saw dreams:
And mom's eyes
They were full of tenderness,
After all, they cannot be forgotten.

And my mother grew older every day,
With prayer in silence,
All thoughts were only about him -
Son at war...

    It's like I'm in an abyss, in the morning fog
I dive in, without stopping for long. Chechnya is burning, Tajikistan is burning, Like the Volga was burning in the 41st volume. And seconds fly into the past, There is no turning back for them. So what if we haven’t lived long, what if we’re 20 years old? ..
    The worries of life have taken over,
We are going towards the winds. Sometimes we lack experience, We lack tenderness, There are not enough written songs, There are not enough unlived days. And no one yet knows what I will encounter in my life.
    Maybe in a year, in a month,
In a day, in an hour, in a moment I will have to meet my destiny, Assess it, so what have I achieved? To differentiate - what was, what has become. To separate - darkness and light. What does it matter if we have lived a little, What does it matter if we are 20 years old?
    We are rude sometimes, sorry
Everyone has their own hiding place in the heart. But ask us, you will ask, What are we thinking at this moment? At a moment when we are still trying to survive, Freezing in the bloody snow, And with the last grenade we explode, So that the enemy does not get it alive.
    Silence. Guitar picking.
Isn’t it for this silence that Russian boys are dying, not having learned about the war from songs? Is this possible? Is it possible? Yes! Maybe! There is no doubt. So what if we didn't live long? So what if we are 20 years old? A minute of silence in memory of all the soldiers who died in battles for their homeland.

1 Vedas May the memory of all the fallen defenders of the Motherland, defenders of mothers and wives, sisters and girlfriends, old people and children be blessed. In our hearts, heroic soldiers will forever remain alive.

2 Vedas Sometimes you have to defend not only your Fatherland, but also fulfill your soldier’s duty in a foreign country.
1 Vedas Soldier's duty - sacred duty -
A short march
The 103rd Regiment went ahead
Just a hair's breadth away from bullets.

And at night there was shelling again
And now there are no three,
And there is only one thought - who wouldn’t want
Stay alive here.

And again the dust and heat of the roads,
You can't relax
The rise and the long forced march,
And friends are waiting at home... The verse is performed by 7th grade student V. Tikhomirov. In certificates, marks are not given for courage, For love of one’s homeland, Friendship and honor. They had the opportunity to test their courage in battles, and such marks are impossible to take into account. And each of these guys passed the test of loyalty to their beloved Fatherland with honor. Their names are now immortal and proud, Like fighters in a line On an eternal list, they burn. Song "Airborne Battalion" 1 Vedas In the hour of testing, bow to the Fatherland in Russian, at the feet and tell her: -Mother, you are my life, You are dearer to me than life, With you - to live, With you - to die. Be true to her. And no matter how long and hard the day of the military torment is, If you are a plowman, Give it everything, like Minin, Be her Suvorov, if you are a warrior. Love her, swear, like our grandfathers, to stand on a mountain for her life and honor, To say in the desired hour of victory: “AND THERE IS A DROP OF MY HONEY HERE!” (quiet lyrical music “Sunset” sounds) 1 Vedas. Peace on earth is good morning, happy day, good night. 2 Ved. The sun is setting at the edge of the earth. The warm blur of the last ray was reflected in the water. Seagulls are screaming in the golden sky... Believe me, you and I have something to protect! Oh, how many exploits there were in the world, They have already faded into legend. Children repeat them from mouth to mouth on all continents of the mainland. But from all that we hear about, And from what we accomplish, so far I consider the Soldier’s feat the highest And the most selfless for centuries. 1 Ved. And no matter what difficult trials our Motherland has to endure, it is invincible as long as millions of simple, courageous sons stand up in its defense, sparing neither blood nor life itself... 2 Ved. Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky and let the trumpet not call you to go on a hike. So that only during exercises the soldier would go forward to attack. Let spring thunder instead of explosions Let nature wake from sleep, And let our children sleep peacefully Today, tomorrow and always.1 Ved. Good health and happiness to all those who defended our world and who protect it today, and who repaid their debt to the Fatherland in full!

    Like a line of soldiers in granite,
Fingers squeeze the butt until it hurts. Warrior, you swore an oath to the Motherland. These words are hot metal!
    You are at your post to protect the peace
Our dear homeland. So that the country will forever forget the roar of explosions and the word “War” 3. The faces of children would shine with happiness Tears would dry in the eyes of mothers Bravely daring, the youth lived You multiply your strength with training 4. Remember this and sacredly preserve the Joy and glory of your native land Remember, soldier and in labor and in battle this sacred oath.
    Severe military service.
But stronger than rocks is male friendship. Shots in the darkness are dangerous. In the name of peace on earth, saving the freedom of the mountains from gangs, Russian troops inscribed an immortal line in their granite, strong for centuries.
    Served with honor
    And they were worthy
    Covered in glory
    Army banners!
    Stronghold of the Fatherland,
    To all the warriors of the world
From the bottom of my heart All: Our deepest bow. Song “June 45”

Presenter: - Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, allow me to make one more wish, the last and most important one - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!

Scenario for February 23 for schoolchildren “Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day!”

Festive program for February 23 for schoolchildren

Young men of different classes, male teachers, former soldiers, fathers, and grandfathers are invited to the holiday. The decoration matches the theme of the holiday. It is advisable for girls to perform all concert numbers. Cheerful music is playing. The presenters come out - girls.

1st presenter.

There are many great holidays for humanity -

Nowruz and Trinity, Epiphany and Purim...

But only Defenders of the Fatherland Day

In Russia we love it more than anyone else!

2nd presenter.

Country of heroes, you know the price

Soldier's courage and valor,

That your military duty is excellent in any war

And they religiously carried it out to the end!

1st presenter.

And it will always be like this as long as the planet turns!

And we really can’t do it any other way!

Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!

We wish you valor and glory, friends!

I. Yartsev

Sailor dance.

A drum roll sounds.

4 girls run onto the stage in costumes with elements of soldier’s clothing (helmets, camouflage nets, belts, high boots), in addition they have dark glasses, brightly painted lips, and point fake or children’s guns at the boys.

1st Amazon. Everyone stay in their places. You are under arrest.

2nd Amazon. You are being held captive by us, the Amazons from the planet Amazonia.

3rd Amazon. Answer, for what reason are you gathered here?!

4th Amazon. You have the right to hire a lawyer and remain silent until the Supreme Court makes a decision.

The drum roll sounds again.

A detachment of Amazons, led by their leader, enters the hall in a column of two.

The squad reaches the middle of the hall and stops.

Leader. Stop! One-two! Sing a song!

The Amazons sing to the tune of the robbers' song from the cartoon "The Musicians of Bremen."

They say the Amazons are

Fighters, all as one.

Don't believe this gossip

Provoked by the Moon.

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh ma!

We are smart, eloquent,

Noble and gentle.

Everyone was born from a test tube,

So dads are not needed.

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh ma!

We live without worries,

By training every day.

We send arrows accurately

We're aiming at the target!

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh ma!

Long-legged and beautiful

We will stand up for ourselves

And our planet is alive

We will protect you from men!

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh ma!

Leader. Wonderful! Our tigers are not fed today.

1st Amazon. What if they are poisonous? Leader. We need to check it out! Connect to the computer system of planet Earth and take all the data down to the smallest detail

2nd Amazon. To the smallest? Leader. Yes! And so that not a single detail escapes!

All. Eat!

Four Amazons take the hand of the nearest young man, sit on their knees and hug him by the shoulders.

Leader. Contact!

Amazons. There is contact!

Leader. Give out information!

1st Amazon. A biological individual with speech and consciousness.

2nd Amazon. Physical data corresponds to the following parameters: 2 legs, 2 arms.

3rd Amazon. A head with two screens, with the help of which it perceives the world around it, and sound-collecting devices.

4th Amazon. The chest is flat. There is dystrophy.

Leader. Is that all?

Amazons. All.

Leader. Yes, they are of no use! I suggest destroying it. Who's in favor?

Half the Amazons raise their hands.

Who's against it?

The other half raise their hands. The Amazons from the squad express their opinions.

1st Amazon. They have more ability for physical labor: sawing wood, hammering nails, drilling holes everywhere.

2nd Amazon. Usual habitat: sofa, slippers, TV!

3rd Amazon. But they are smart, have intelligence and the ability to organize large financial transactions.

4th Amazon. In the evenings they gather in groups to solve the philosophical question “Do you respect me?”

5th Amazon. But they know how to make money.

6th Amazon. But the amount of money earned often does not correspond to women's needs.

7th Amazon. They know how to speak kind words. And sometimes they give gifts.

Leader. Everything is decided! (Pauses.) We desperately need men. After all, we are weak women and cannot do without you.

1st Amazon. Smart!

2nd Amazon. The best!

3rd Amazon. Loving!

4th Amazon. Caring!

Leader. And how good it is that there is a real men's holiday when we can safely say: “You are our dears!”

All. We love you all very much! (They blow kisses and leave)

A song is being performed.

1st presenter.

The February wind stirred the pages,

Putting order in the calendar.

Then he suddenly decided to stop

2nd presenter

A long time ago a holiday was established...

What can I say, tradition is strong

We congratulate men and boys again -

We wish them peace and goodness!

1st presenter.

Events and faces change.

And someone gets a new rank...

But women want to be proud

Reliability of protectors of men!

T. Emelina

Concert number.

A boy comes out, an elementary school student.


Today I congratulate grandpa.

I don’t leave him without attention

Grandpas are always my heroes.

Although I’m not at all young anymore.

During the war he was still a boy

Didn't fight, but experienced a lot

Let there be no military awards or medals.

The boys defended the country with their hard work.

I'm proud of my old grandpa.

He is number one defender!

He is both a friend and a commander for me -

We love you, you need to be irreplaceable!

L. Chubarova

A song about war is playing. A group of readers comes out.

1st reader.

I remember that boy.

The most common one was:

I studied at a regular school,

He served in a regular construction battalion.

2nd reader.

Then he worked at a construction site,

Lived in my parents' house,

A lot of girls at dances

He turned his head.

3rd reader.

But the “incident” happened to him too:

On a starry spring night

Fell in love, then got married,

He gave birth to sons and a daughter.

4th reader.

If fate were banal,

But the cry for Russia has been given:

There is an international debt

Named "Afghanistan".

5th reader.

And the guy, hugging the kids,

Kisses his wife:

“You don’t have to cry like that. Quiet!

You wait, and I’ll come back to you!”

6th reader.

Day after year then dragged on,

And the children were waiting for their father...

He returned, as promised,

But in a jacket made of lead.

7th reader.

About how many of these lead

Then the soldier returned

To your brides and widows -

For them this day was holy.

8th reader.

That guy under the blue sky

Now the obelisk has risen...

There is a wound in the heart of Russia

Named "Afghanistan".

N. Motorina

A song is performed with a guitar from the repertoire of the Blue Berets group or the Lyube group.

1st presenter.

Today is a men's holiday.

There is no reason to argue.

No matter how the maidens grow stronger,

There are no more reliable men.

2nd presenter.

You are heroes in spirit,

And if suddenly there is trouble,

She will protect you from any troubles

Defender's hand.

L. Chubarova

Pop dance.

1st presenter. Now we’ll try to find out what the heroes of the occasion are thinking about.

2nd presenter. And the “Magic Hat” will help us with this

The 2nd presenter descends from the stage into the hall and approaches different young men in turn. Holds a hat over the young man's head. A fragment of any pop song sounds.

1st presenter. So we found out what and who the future defenders of the Fatherland are thinking about.

2nd presenter. This song is a gift to you all.

A song is being performed.

1st presenter.

We congratulate the men for good reason.

Congratulations are heard everywhere.

Closer to night - fireworks roar

2nd presenter.

You are a man, even if not a warrior,

Today worthy of congratulations:

You will stand up to defend the Fatherland

In times of need, you can’t escape from trouble.

1st presenter.

They defended the Fatherland,

They won and preserved peace.

2nd presenter.

Without war you can live everyday life,

But he is always able to protect

Not a country, but at least a family -

Old people, and children, and wives.

1st presenter.

We congratulate the men for good reason.

So reliable is a man's shoulder.

We warmly congratulate you!

L. Chubarova

Music sounds, the celebration continues - tea drinking in the classrooms.



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