What does pain in the right side indicate? Pain during and due to physical activity

The feeling of pain always causes harm and discomfort. And if it is localized in the right side of the body, then it entails a number of unpleasant consequences health related.

This part contains the main vital organs responsible for the full functional component of the body.

If any organ begins to hurt, this signals the presence of a disease that must be treated immediately to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications. Let's find out in more detail what to do if the right side of the abdomen hurts.

What's inside the right side of the abdomen?

To understand the source and basis of abdominal pain in the right side, you need to know which organs are part of its structure.

Having learned more about them and analyzed their character pain manifestations, the disease can be diagnosed.

  • Liver. It is located on the right side of the abdomen under the ribs. With her associated pathologies heaviness and discomfort may appear. Stagnation of bile and inflammation of the gallbladder also manifest themselves. The pain appears on the right side under the ribs in the front. When the liver hurts, a bitter taste in the mouth is often noted, yellow skin and rash. The causes are damage to the liver by various agents. As a result, the organ begins to not function well enough, which leads to the release of certain substances into the blood. Another difference between pain in the liver is that it intensifies at the time of sudden movement. It weakens if you slow down motor activity, and if you lie down on your right side, it goes away. The inflammation may go unnoticed. Mild nagging pain is felt.
  • Gallbladder. It is located next to the liver and is very closely connected to it. This organ collects bile from the liver and regulates its secretions. When the passage of the biliary tract is blocked (by the presence of stones), a spasm occurs and severe pain on the right side.
  • Pancreas. And although this important organ is located in the central region of the abdomen, in case of illness, symptoms can manifest throughout abdominal cavity. It performs endocrine and digestive functions.
  • Ovary. This organ is located in women in the lower right/left side of the abdominal cavity. He is responsible for childbirth. The eggs mature inside. There are two ovaries in the female body, one of them is located on the right side. The pain is explained by the manifestation of inflammation due to accumulated fluid at the time of swelling. The inflamed organ can radiate to the lumbar area and lower abdomen. As a result internal pathologies, pain is felt in the lower right side.
  • Appendix. The small “tail” of the intestine can become inflamed as a result of accumulation toxic substances. Located in the abdomen on the right and occupies lower area torso. At the time of illness, pain is noticed in this area and in the navel area.
  • Intestines. He takes large area abdomen and partially covers the right side. In such an irreplaceable organ, the breakdown and absorption of food occurs. It passes throughout the intestine, which reaches more than 10 m in length. Pain can appear when the mucous membrane located inside is damaged, flatulence or spasm.
  • Kidneys. They are located on both sides of the retroperitoneum, left and right, and produce excretory function. When their activity is disrupted, pain occurs in the back and lumbar region.

Characteristics of pain symptoms

To determine the disease, it is based on the symptoms and characteristics of pain. There are several types pain:

  • Presence of acute pain. It occurs abruptly and is accompanied by periodicity. It is associated with hepatic colic during development cholelithiasis.
  • Presence dull pain. It appears gradually and lasts for a long time. It is noted in cases of chronic diseases of the abdominal organs.
  • Identification of aching pain. It can be of any intensity and accompanies colitis and cholecystitis.
  • Attacks of cramping pain. Expressed as a periodic intensity balance. Occurs as a result of spasms in the intestines.

Typical diseases associated with the listed pains

The causes of such pain are all kinds of diseases. internal organs in the stomach. They cover the digestive, reproductive and excretory system. Among them are:

  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of a small part of the intestine, which is accompanied by acute intense pain. It is localized in the lower right side of the abdomen. It hurts even more during physical activity.
  • Inflammation lower section pleura. It looks like a film covering the shell thoracic and lungs. While running, my right side hurts. This indicates inflammation of the pleura, and occurs due to friction of the inflamed pleura.
  • Gallstone diseases. Pain is noted in the right side, localized under the ribs. With hepatic colic, pronounced and paroxysmal pain. They are caused by stones that move along the bile ducts.
  • Prostatitis. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process prostate gland in men. It bothers you in the lower abdomen, but can radiate to the side. Characterized by nagging pain.
  • Chronic cholecystitis. IN gallbladder the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and causes a nagging pain in the right side. It becomes intense and stronger.
  • Inguinal hernia and its strangulation. There is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right. It can be triggered by heavy physical exertion. It hurts intensely and requires special treatment in the form surgical intervention, because strangulation of the intestinal loop will lead to its necrosis.
  • Hepatitis. Serious illness liver in the form of inflammation. It increases and leads to pain in the right side. This is especially felt when moving (running, walking).
  • Premenstrual syndromes. It is observed in women before menstruation. This is not a disease, but this condition is accompanied by pain. To eliminate them, special painkillers are used.
  • Colitis. The ascending colon large intestine. Characterized by nagging pain on the right side. The inflammatory process is caused by infection or autoimmune disease, called ulcerative colitis. It has a long-lasting and fading character.
  • Enteritis. Inflamed small intestine. The pain most often occurs on the right side and is cramping in nature due to intestinal spasm.
  • Kidney ailments. Characterized by girdle pain in the right side. It is provoked by pyelonephritis. The disease is accompanied by inflammation. There is a violation of urination, and is characterized by a decrease in urine output.
  • Peritonitis. The layers of the peritoneum become inflamed, accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
  • Subhepatic abscesses. Education purulent cavity at the back of the liver. It occurs as a complication of chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Right side hurts spinal region. Only surgical intervention is prescribed. To avoid serious problems, immediately consult a doctor for help.
  • Inflammation of the retroperitoneal tissue. Occurs as a result of infection. If left untreated, it will lead to an abscess. Noted stabbing pain on the right side in the back. This disease is acute and requires immediate surgery to remove the pus.

Diseases associated with gynecology and obstetric pathology

A large number of women suffer from pain in the right side, and their nature is caused by diseases associated with gynecology and obstetric pathology.

The reasons may be violations menstrual cycle, and hormonal imbalance.

It cannot be ruled out pathogenic microorganisms. But it happens that pain is an accompanying symptom normal course menstruation in women, which is explained by the large flow of blood to the pelvic organs.

Another thing is inflammatory processes. They often accompany menstruation and cause pain in the abdominal area.

The presence of genital infections can not only be a concomitant element of pathologies of the genital organs, but also provoke a number of other diseases not related to them.

At this moment, the groin and hip areas on the right hurt. And during sexual intercourse in women, these symptoms intensify. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • The presence of endometritis. This condition is usually called inflammation of the upper layer of the uterine walls. Occurs as a result of hypothermia, the effects of hormones and infections of the reproductive system.
  • Development of ovarian cysts. The protruding ovary is covered with vesicular formations, inside of which there is liquid. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Pain on the right side of the abdomen appears because the ovary is enlarged. This problem can be resolved using hormonal drugs and surgery may be required.
  • A state of apoplexy. Ovarian rupture occurs. This is a sharp pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by internal bleeding. This occurs as a result of the cyst enlarging to its maximum size. The nature of the pain is sometimes confused with the symptoms of appendicitis. She can give to the right side, to anus and to the thigh area. In this case, only immediate surgical intervention will help.
  • The presence of salpingitis. Characterized by disease of the fallopian tubes. May happen due to mechanical damage and sexually transmitted infections. Noted high temperature bodies. During urination, the pain on the right increases. Such factors include intimacy and physical activity.
    In addition to diseases, doctors note others, no less important reasons why do women have pain on their right side? These include various pathologies related to obstetric practice.
  • When an ectopic pregnancy develops, the egg implants in the fallopian tubes. As the embryo grows and develops, pressure occurs on the walls fallopian tube And blood vessels, causing pain in the right side. This pathology requires immediate surgical care because fallopian tubes and blood vessels may rupture.
  • At the moment of spontaneous abortion occurs painful condition abdomen, in which there is vaginal discharge in the form of blood. This happens on early pregnancy and is accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen on the right. This condition is dangerous large blood loss and the risk of diseases associated with pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Pregnancy can also cause such sensations in the right side. This counts normal condition, in which hormones are rearranged and blood flows to the walls of the uterine cavity. At this moment, the ligaments stretch, and the fetus grows and develops. If you experience mild and infrequent pain, this is normal. If they become stronger and more frequent, medical intervention is required.
  • For more later Pregnancies may occur in women premature birth. They are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes this process is complemented by the presence of toxicosis.

If such signs are detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

How to diagnose the disease

To get rid of all painful manifestations disturbing the right side, it is necessary to find out their nature and causes of formation. To diagnose a specific disease, the presence of pain complaints from the patient is not enough.

This is explained by the fact that behind the weakest and most insignificant pain in the right side, sometimes very dangerous diseases are hidden.

And the availability acute manifestations does not always entail the need for surgical intervention. In any case, diagnostics and complete medical examination.

To do this, the doctor directs the patient to undergo all relevant tests, studies the nature and frequency of pain and other accompanying symptoms.

Possible tests needed:

  • general blood and urine test
  • biochemical blood test
  • ECG, ultrasound

And the day before the ultrasound, they refuse a number of foods that can cause gas formation and flatulence. Additionally, it is recommended to drink activated carbon before visiting this office.

Rarely, a tissue biopsy of the inflamed area is prescribed as an additional diagnosis.

It is carried out to study and identify the causes of diseases. Additionally, MRI and radiography of the entire abdominal cavity may be prescribed.

Preventive measures

You need to be very careful about your health. News active image life, spend a lot of time outdoors, eat healthy foods and drink only clean water.

Nutrition must be correct and balanced. Food should not contain harmful substances and aggressive components. It is better to avoid products containing artificial colors and flavor enhancers.

The cooking process should include boiling, stewing or baking. Giving up bad habits will also protect against many ailments.

If all of the above signs appear in the right side, disturbing the stomach, you should urgently seek help from a doctor.

Only an experienced and qualified doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe correct treatment. Self-medication has dangerous consequences.

Useful video

Pain in the right side is accompanied by a large number of pathologies, many of which require urgent surgical intervention. Immediate seeking medical help is necessary if the pain occurs suddenly or progresses very quickly, if it is very intense, stabbing, unbearable, or if it worsens sharply general condition person. Most common reasons acute pain in the right side are appendicitis, renal and hepatic colic, ovarian apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy.

But what to do when the pain is not expressed, aching?

As a rule, aching pain indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease; it occurs as a result of pressure or stretching of the walls of the internal organs. The pathological process is usually sluggish and protracted.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by full examination, however, having assessed the location and nature of the discomfort, one can already suspect a certain disease.

Pain under the ribs on the right side

Pain in the upper right abdomen is mostly associated with pathology of the digestive organs, more precisely the liver, gall bladder, and intestines.


There are many causes of hepatitis - viruses, alcohol, various toxins, and obesity. Regardless of what causes liver inflammation, the clinical picture is practically the same. The pain with hepatitis is dull, aching, sometimes it feels just like heaviness, and is localized under the ribs on the right.

If the liver is significantly enlarged, then pain may occur below the ribs. Worrying symptoms occur after eating, mainly fatty and fried foods. Hypothermia and physical activity can also trigger the development of pain.

Chronic acalculous cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder occurs with long-term (from several hours or days to several weeks) excruciating aching pain, usually under the ribs on the right, radiating to the right collarbone and shoulder joint, in the neck, under the shoulder blade, less often in left half belly, heart. There is a clear connection between the appearance of this symptom and a violation of the diet, especially with the use of:

  • alcohol;
  • seasonings;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • too cold food.

After eating, the deterioration does not occur immediately, but after 3-4 hours. May also increase discomfort psycho-emotional stress, physical activity. Chronic cholecystitis is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth and bitter belching, nausea, and vomiting.

Hypomotor type of biliary dyskinesia

In other words, this is a condition when the ability of the gallbladder to contract is reduced for some reason, which leads to stagnation of bile in it and stretching of its walls.

The clinic is very similar to the current chronic cholecystitis, the only difference is that with dyskinesia there are no signs of inflammation in the gallbladder. The pain with this pathology is dull, aching, bursting. It usually spreads to the right hypochondrium, but can radiate to the left half of the abdomen and heart.

Eating or choleretic drugs leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of disturbing symptoms. Most often, obese people face the problem of dyskinesia of this type.

Duodenal ulcer

If there is an ulcerative defect in the duodenal bulb, pain is felt 2-3 cm below the ribs, slightly to the right of the midline of the abdomen. So-called “hunger pains” are typical for ulcers. They occur in the morning, at night or 3 hours after eating. Liquid food (milk) eliminates or reduces its manifestation, so patients often note an increase in appetite.

Liver angle syndrome

One of the variants of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with characteristic localization pain, always combined with stool disturbances in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation. The pain is aching, bursting, sometimes cramping, and intensifies immediately after eating and before defecation. The passing of gas and bowel movements bring relief. No complaints during sleep - important feature IBS.

Pain in the sides of the abdomen


Pain in the right side at the level of the navel is most often associated with the intestines. It could be inflammatory diseases ascending colon - chronic colitis, Crohn's disease. The appearance of unpleasant sensations is noted immediately after eating. These diseases are accompanied by diarrhea mixed with mucus, pus, and blood.


With IBS, the pain is diffuse, its character is constantly changing, and there is no clear localization. Symptoms often worsen due to stress.

Colon cancer

A tumor of the large intestine can manifest itself as heaviness, a feeling of fullness, aching pain in the side on the right, often accompanied by loud rumbling in the intestines, and flatulence. Alertness for bowel cancer should always be present, especially if the person’s age exceeds 40 years, if noted rapid decline weight, anemia, nausea, fever.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right side

Unilateral pain in the lower lateral abdomen in women may indicate problems with the uterus and appendages.

Adnexitis (salpingoophoritis)

If aching pain in the lower right side bothers a young woman, you should always think about possible inflammation appendages. If acute adnexitis has a fairly bright clinical picture with severe pain, fever, purulent discharge from the genital tract, then chronic nature is characterized by scanty symptoms.

Often pain syndrome is the main and only manifestation of pathology. The pain is usually intermittent, aching, radiates to the back or sacrum, intensifies before menstruation or during sexual intercourse. Women often have a history of miscarriages, STIs, ectopic pregnancies, and menstrual irregularities.

Ovarian cancer

Malignant ovarian tumors are most often accompanied by constant aching pain, a feeling of pressure or heaviness in the side closer to the lower abdomen or in the lower back. Sexual intercourse may also contribute to worsening.


Inflammatory processes, any surgical operations, including in the pelvis, are accompanied by the formation of adhesions. Adhesive disease can be characterized by pain of varying intensity, both periodic and constant. Sometimes this disease presents significant difficulties for diagnosis.

Ovarian cysts

Cystic formations of the ovaries can be asymptomatic, but they often cause pain in the lateral abdomen or back, both on the right and on the left, especially during menstruation and during sexual intercourse.

Cysts large sizes can compress neighboring organs, disrupting their function. In this case, the pain syndrome becomes permanent.


Sometimes the right side hurts when physiological processes, one of which is the maturation and release of the egg. The pain is not pronounced, is short-lived and does not require treatment. Ovulatory pain have a characteristic periodicity (on average, it is 14-16 days of the cycle). Depending on which ovary the egg matures in, the pain appears either on the right or on the left.

Other reasons

  • Cecal syndrome is another variant of IBS with a characteristic localization of pain, the clinical picture of which is otherwise no different from that previously described,
  • Inflammatory diseases and neoplasms of the colon.

Lower back pain on the right side

Chronic pyelonephritis

Inflammatory kidney diseases mainly manifest as pain in the lumbar region on one or both sides. This pain is intermittent, aching, does not radiate, is not associated with physical activity and occurs at rest. During an exacerbation, discomfort increases.

Spondyloarthrosis (osteochondrosis) and osteoporosis

Aching lumbar pain on the right side may be a consequence degenerative diseases spine. It intensifies during physical activity, prolonged standing or sitting, spreads to the buttock, right leg, rectum, groin - the main signs indicating spinal pathology

Pain in the right side in pregnant women

In the later stages of pregnancy, the uterus is significant in size and puts pressure on surrounding organs, which serves additional reason occurrence of this symptom. Most often, women are bothered by pain in the liver due to a violation of the outflow of bile, less often - in the lower abdomen on the side due to impaired intestinal motility and compression of the ureters.

Pain in the right side in the elderly

Many diseases in people old age have a blurred clinical picture, so even aching pain in their right side can be a manifestation of acute surgical disease requiring immediate surgery. This is why it is important to seek help as early as possible.

In any case, if you notice the symptoms listed in the article, it is recommended not to postpone your visit to the doctor and not to self-medicate, as this may cause the pathology to worsen.

Pain is one of the unpleasant symptoms that indicates certain disorders in the human body. Many are of the opinion that pain is a person’s “friend”. Indeed, in reality, the appearance of pain often forces us to pay attention to our health and seek help from doctors. Pain syndrome can be present in any part of the body, have its own character, intensity, be present constantly or last for periods. In any case, the occurrence of pain should not be ignored.

One of the few but common complaints with which people consult a doctor is pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, which can be acute, dull, aching, appear suddenly or be chronic. Under the complaint “pain in the lower right side” - it is difficult for a doctor to make a primary diagnosis, since several vital signs are located in this area of ​​the body important organs, each of which can cause pain of varying intensity. Therefore, pain in the lower right side may indicate the development of the various diseases or violations that may be dangerous to human life and health. Correctly diagnosing pain is the first step to successful recovery, but an accurate diagnosis can only be determined after seeing a doctor and the results of the examination. Let's consider the main causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, as well as their localization, associated symptoms and recommendations for the occurrence of pain in this area.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen - nature and location

Determine appearance painful sensations on the lower right side of the abdomen, if you figure out what caused it this symptom, find out its intensity and nature, as well as duration, presence in the person’s medical history concomitant diseases and other important points that the doctor takes into account during the appointment. The main criterion in diagnosing pain is the nature and localization of the pain syndrome. Most often in medical practice The following pain conditions occur, the nature of which allows the doctor to make a primary diagnosis and take action:

  • Sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen that appears suddenly may indicate infectious pathologies or inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract or pelvic organs. In cases where the pain radiates upward, the cause is most likely hepatic colic.
  • Dull or aching pain that subsides and appears again. Often called chronic diseases internal organs.
  • The cramping pain may subside and appear with renewed vigor. Such pain is often present with intestinal spasms or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Burning or cutting pain syndrome often appears when the peritoneum is involved in the inflammatory process. Such pain decreases or increases with changes in body position: inhalation, turning to the right or left, walking, raising an arm or leg.
  • Pain that radiates to other parts of the body: lower back, back, ribs, leg is often present with liver disease, pancreatitis or ulcers.

The intensity and nature of the pain syndrome allows the doctor to draw up a probable picture of the disease, prescribe the necessary examinations, and then prescribe therapeutic therapy.

Associated symptoms

In addition to pain in the right lower abdomen, patients often experience other symptoms, which also allow the doctor to form a picture of the disease. The most commonly present symptoms are:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn, sour belching;
  • bloating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • discharge of different nature from the genitals;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen or intestines;
  • bowel dysfunction: constipation, flatulence, diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite.

These are not all the symptoms that can be present in diseases that are accompanied by pain in the right lower abdomen.

Causes of pain in the right side of the abdomen

Pain in the right side of the abdomen is not always talked about serious illnesses or violations. Quite often like this unpleasant symptom appears after eating spicy, fried, fatty foods. Pain can also occur after overeating, fasting or eating quickly.

The second factor that can cause this condition is physical activity. For example, stabbing pain may appear after fast walking or running. Such pain usually passes quickly and does not cause other symptoms in the person. It is enough to rest well or take an enzyme medication if the cause is related to food intake.

In cases where pain appears too often, you should think about your health and consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is known that it is easier to prevent or treat any disease at the beginning of its development than during the period when significant damage to internal organs has occurred.

What diseases cause pain in the right lower abdomen?

Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by diseases or disorders of the digestive system, genitourinary system, as well as liver, kidneys, pancreas. Damage to these organs can lead to the development of the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis). This body It is a small extension located between the small and large intestines. The main symptoms of appendicitis are acute and severe pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, which intensifies with any movement. In addition to acute pain, nausea, vomiting, and increased body temperature are noted. Treatment of appendicitis is only surgical, as untimely surgery can lead to the development of purulent processes that are life-threatening.
  2. Gallstone disease - manifests itself when stones move through the bile ducts. Often, pain is noted not only in the right side, but also under the ribs.
  3. Hepatitis is a liver disease that is characterized by enlargement and stretching of the capsule. The pain is often observed in the back, side, under the ribs, and intensifies with fast walking or other physical activity.
  4. Pyelonephritis – girdling pain on the right, which manifests itself when inflammatory process V renal tissue. In addition to pain, there is a disturbance in urination.
  5. Gynecological diseases - right-sided adnexitis, oophoritis are manifested by nagging pain in the right side lower abdomen. With these diseases, the pain syndrome often subsides, but over time it appears again.
  6. Premenstrual syndrome is pain in women before menstruation. This condition is not a disease and usually goes away after taking pain medication.
  7. Infringement inguinal hernia- sharp pain, intensifies after physical activity. This disease requires immediate surgical intervention.

In addition to the above diseases, pain in the right side of the lower abdomen can manifest itself in many gynecological diseases: ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst, endometritis, endometriosis and other pathologies. In men, pain in this area is observed with prostatitis, damage to the rectum. Often pain in the right abdomen is characteristic of helminthic infestations(ascariasis, enterobiasis). Based on the above, we can conclude that pain in the lower abdomen on the right side can manifest itself in many diseases, some of them even have similar symptoms. That is why to determine why the right side of the abdomen hurts without medical specialist difficult and almost impossible.

What not to do if pain appears in the right side of the abdomen

If the cause of the pain is known and the symptom is not associated with serious illnesses, then the person can take action on his own: take an anti-inflammatory drug, stomach pills, or get a good rest. In cases where the right side of the lower abdomen hurts, and the cause is not clear, you should not self-medicate. Uncontrolled reception of any medicinal product or another procedure can harm human health and lead to serious consequences.

It is important to remember that if the nature of the pain is unclear, there is no need to take painkillers, apply heat to the pain site, or ignore the symptoms. The fact is that after taking a painkiller, the symptoms may subside, but this does not mean at all that pathological process does not develop further and will not soon remind itself with renewed vigor. In addition, after pain relief, it will be difficult for the doctor to determine the location of the pain and diagnose correct diagnosis. As for applying heat to a painful area of ​​the abdomen, it may cause purulent processes internal organs, and ignoring the symptoms of pain, of course, leads to the progression of the disease.

What to do when there is pain in the right lower abdomen

If you experience mild pain in the right lower abdomen, you should not hesitate to visit a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist or surgeon. After consulting a specialist, the patient will be prescribed a number of laboratory and instrumental examinations, which will help doctors draw up full picture disease, identify the cause, stage and prescribe appropriate treatment. If there is a suspicion of an attack of appendicitis, peritonitis or other serious condition, the pain is sharp and severe, you need to call " ambulance" Before the doctors arrive, there is no need to give the patient food or drink, and it is strictly forbidden to use a heating pad or take painkillers. Women need to pay special attention to such pain, since many gynecological diseases are accompanied by pain in this area and require immediate intervention by a gynecologist.

Regardless of the cause of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, you should not self-medicate, use traditional methods or painkillers. In many cases, there is a risk of harming your health even more or triggering the development of complications. Pain in the lower abdomen on the right side can be present in various diseases, therefore, to determine the true cause, it is often necessary to visit several specialists different areas medicine. Only when the cause is established can this symptom be eliminated.

Doctors are usually very alarmed by such pain. Because in right side The abdominal cavity contains many vital organs. What to do in this case? Of course, it is urgent to find out the cause of this pain.

Possible reasons

Pain on the right side of the abdomen indicates pathology the following bodies:





loops of the large intestine

women's reproductive organs,

right side diaphragm.

If the activity of these organs is disrupted, pain occurs on the right side. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas are especially dangerous.

Disruption of each of these organs carries its own danger to the body as a whole. The functioning of organs can be disrupted by a number of external and internal factors. If you have pain in your right side, you need to think about what lifestyle you have led recently or in the near future, what you ate, who you came in contact with (socialized). Didn't you have frequent stress or constant overwork. This can also seriously harm your body and lead to pain in the right side, and not only that.

For example, it sometimes happens that the heart muscle is under the influence various factors wastes its strength and, due to the resulting weakness, does not cope well with the function of pumping venous blood. Due to this, the blood remains in the lungs and stagnates. This leads to lack of breathing. Accordingly, the blood is not processed by the liver and stagnates in it, which leads to swelling of the liver and causes pain in the right side that you feel.

Liver as a cause of pain

Causes of pain in the right side associated with the liver. Swelling liver and pain in the right side can be caused by infections, chemical intoxication ( overuse alcohol, inhalation of vapors from detergents, cleaning products chemicals), it would seem, what’s harmful here? Our casual look life constantly confronts us with chemicals(household detergents) and with different types alcoholic drinks(starting with light alcohol), and all this subsequently leads to disruption of the liver and, as a consequence, to pain in the right side.

Hepatitis as a cause of discomfort in the right side

If it hurts in the right hypochondrium, then this may indicate hepatitis. The liver can be attacked by viruses - this is viral hepatitis, of which there are three main types: A, B, C.

Viral hepatitis Type A can be caused by ingesting virus-contaminated water or sewage.

Hepatitis B is especially common among homosexuals and drug addicts and people in close contact with them.

Hepatitis C primarily enters the body through contaminated blood transfusions and medical instruments containing blood. Especially common among drug addicts.

The liver may be damaged various medications And chemicals. This is how it develops toxic hepatitis. Definitely liver damage when consumed in large quantities alcohol. Liver dysfunction can also occur with heart failure. In this case, the heart muscle does not pump blood well. These reasons lead to congestion in the lungs and liver. Thus, the liver stretches and hurts on the right side.

Discomfort due to the gallbladder

Pain can be caused by gallbladder disease. It plays in the body important role, it stores excess bile produced in the liver, which helps digest food. Upon entering the body large quantity fatty foods, the gallbladder injects its contents into the intestines.

Infections as causes of pain in the right side. If there is an infection or stones in the gallbladder, then it definitely hurts upper section belly.

Why does the pancreas cause pain?

Causes of pain in the right side due to the pancreas. This is a glandular organ that is located deep in the abdominal cavity. He highlights digestive enzymes, juices and insulin. Located pancreas in the side from right to left. Its “head” is located in the upper right quadrant. Inflammation of the gland - pancreatitis - leads to acute and unpleasant pain. At risk are people suffering from alcoholism and gallbladder diseases. Attacks due to pancreatitis are extremely painful and are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and profuse sweating. If there are problems with the gland, the pain may radiate to the back. It worsens when lying down, and relief occurs when sitting position when leaning forward.

The problem is appendicitis

If you have pain in the lower right side, the first thing to check is appendix– and do not exclude its inflammation until another diagnosis is established. Contrary to the belief that appendicitis begins with acute pain, early stage This disease causes constant, “aching” pain in the side. In addition, the initial pain may appear in the pit of the stomach or in the upper left. Then the pain intensifies and moves directly to the site of inflammation. Nausea, fever, and vomiting are also symptoms of inflammation of the appendix.

If no measures are taken, the syndrome may occur " acute abdomen" is a concept that unites various and dangerous conditions, in which there is pain in the lower side. Characteristic features this state are common feeling unwell, acute pain, high fever, vomiting. In this situation, immediate hospitalization is required.

Additional characteristics of pain in the right side

The right side of the abdomen is divided into 2 quadrants: upper and lower. By localizing pain in a specific quadrant, symptoms of the disease can be diagnosed.

If it hurts in the upper abdomen

In the upper right side there are: the liver and gall bladder, the right part of the intestines and the right part of the diaphragm.

Pain in the right side is likely due to inflammation of the liver, especially if the pain is systematic.

Also, pain in the side can be associated with gallbladder diseases. Rare pain in this part means overeating and an abundance of fatty or spicy foods in the diet. In such cases, you need to stick to the diet for several days. Gallstones can cause severe attack pain. In this case, emergency surgery may be necessary.

On the right side there is a part of the pancreas, diseases of which can also cause pain. Its inflammation - pancreatitis - usually occurs in people with gallbladder disease. Pancreatitis requires timely treatment, since its advanced cases are difficult to treat. It is necessary to conduct tests and do an ultrasound. An attack of pancreatitis cannot be confused with anything else. It is especially painful and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Pain on the right side can also be caused by kidney disease. If an abscess develops in the kidney or there are stones. Acute pain in the right side, especially if they are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, require immediate calling an ambulance.

Pain in the lower and right side

The lower abdomen contains the appendix, intestines, ureter, and in women the fallopian tubes.

Intestinal infections cause pain in the right side. In such cases, consultation with a doctor and proper drug treatment.

Pain in the right side in women can be caused ectopic pregnancy. When a fertilized egg remains in fallopian tube, and does not descend into the uterus. Pain may also occur due to torsion of the cyst, possibly a tumor of the fallopian tube or right ovary.

Perhaps such pain on the right is a symptom various infections sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

If a woman experiences pain in the right side during menstruation, she may have endometriosis. With constant and chronic pain, the formation of an ovarian cyst or tumor is possible.

This symptom can be caused by a number of reasons, including ulcerative colitis;

herpes is also a cause of pain;

Crohn's disease;

squeezed nerve fibers lower abdomen causes pain in the side;

movement of stones in the ureter;

Pain occurs with intestinal damage, which can be caused by various types diseases, including cancerous tumor.

Pain in the lower right side is still caused and not proper nutrition, intestinal overload, swallowing large amounts of air while eating and drinking. All this can also cause pain in the lower abdomen, so before loading your intestines with poor quality food and drink, you should first think about the possible consequences.

What to do if you have pain in your right side?

Of course, you really want to figure out what it is?.. We are very smart and already trained people, we don’t trust doctors and going to the clinic, or rather, we simply don’t have time for this in the current intense rhythm of life. So we often look for answers to the question “why does it hurt in the side,” where it will happen and how it will work out. Family and friends can give you advice, or the internet can give you some advice. But…

Having initially felt that it hurts in your side and after some time, if the pain does not subside, you need to determine what nature is that has appeared and violated your normal life PAIN? There is pain in the upper abdomen or in the lower. The pain in the right side can be acute (with any movement there is a sudden feeling of pain, as if cutting with a knife) or dull (prolonged, constant aching pain). Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be either in the upper right part or in the lower right part of the abdomen.

You need to determine all this not in order to self-medicate, but in order to competently and thoroughly answer the doctor’s questions. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own when pain occurs.

If the described pain occurs, you should contact a gastroenterologist, surgeon, or infectious disease specialist. Women should make an appointment with a gynecologist. If you suspect acute abdomen syndrome, you must call an ambulance medical care. You should also remember that before a medical examination. Without finding out the cause of the pain in the right side, you should not take any painkillers - to avoid misdiagnosis!

What to do if you have appendicitis?

But let's return to appendicitis. You should not give up this idea right away. If you feel pain in your right side in the lower abdomen, it is best to check everything carefully and clearly. And it’s even better if you find a window in your busy work schedule to go to the clinic and visit a specialist who has not in vain spent many years studying and studying all the symptoms of various diseases. And he is the professional in these matters! It is the doctor who, having listened to your complaints, carried out everything necessary examinations, will make a correct and correct diagnosis.

The appendix is ​​very serious diagnosis, which is ignored not just to the detriment of oneself, but to the detriment of one’s existence, one’s life. You can brush aside these words and try to determine the causes of pain in the right side on your own. This is quite possible, but you should not tempt fate, because there are people who lost this battle with guesses and paid for it with the most valuable things.

When to call an ambulance?

So if you have:

dull aching pain in the right side;

pain that persists for a long time (a time period of about 12 hours or more) hurts the right side in the lower abdomen;

if you can specifically and accurately point with your finger to the place where the pain is concentrated or the pain is localized in the navel area

Immediately contact an ambulance (03, now 103) and see a doctor. And don’t be afraid, because it’s good for you and your body.

So, if the pain in the right side of the abdomen does not stop, but only intensifies over time, after a maximum of 30 minutes you should definitely consult a doctor or call an ambulance. You should not kill the pain by taking strong painkillers, which may interfere with establishing a real diagnosis and correctly adjusting the treatment. In addition, you should not delay the moment of seeking help for too long. experienced specialists, because this symptom can affect such important organs as the liver and kidneys, as well as the gallbladder.

Dangerous symptoms of pain

You should also call an ambulance if:

after 35 minutes the right side of the abdomen hurts and does not subside;

a feeling of bitterness appears in the mouth and severe vomiting begins;

pain is accompanied by elevated temperature bodies;

pain in the side increases while walking;

pain in the lower abdomen accompanied by lungs fainting states and weakness;

if the pain in the right side of the lower abdomen radiates to lumbar region, and there are signs of blood in the urine;

the right side of the abdomen aches and hurts, which negatively affects the overall health of a person.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

exclude the use of analgesics and antispasmodics until diagnosis is established;

call an ambulance to your home immediately;

try to remember the circumstances under which these pains in the side are most often observed;

contact your attending physician and describe in detail your sensations and observations so that it is possible to more accurately determine the causes of pain in the right side;

come through full diagnostics abdominal cavity of the body.

Dear patients, if you have discovered the slightest aching pain in the abdomen, which repeats regularly and does not subside, do not expect a sad result and do not self-medicate. In this situation, only an experienced doctor can help.

Video: Sergey Agapkin about the causes of pain in the right side

Many people have had to deal with aching pain in the right side. Often, when pain occurs, it is much easier for a person to take a painkiller or lie down for an hour or two than to undergo a serious medical examination. But in vain! After all, aching pain in the right side can sometimes signal serious problems with health. Why the right side may hurt and what the consequences are, we’ll look into it further.

Why does aching pain appear in the side on the right?

An unpleasant aching sensation in the right hypochondrium is a common complaint. Unfortunately, many people neglect it, trying to drown out the pain. folk remedies or medications. What you absolutely cannot do. Even if the abdominal pain does not bother you too much, you need to consult a specialist about it.

There are even three simple rules behavior when pain appears in the right side of the abdomen or hypochondrium:

  1. The pain can be acute or chronic. Acute appears abruptly and completely incapacitates. Chronic and often aching pain in the right side can suddenly appear and recede just as suddenly and is not characterized by too high an intensity. Acute pain indicates serious pathologies internal organs, and therefore they need to be treated as quickly as possible. Chronic pain are caused by less dangerous therapeutic diseases, which, however, also need to be gotten rid of.
  2. If your right side hurts, regardless of whether the pain is aching or acute, you should never take analgesics before being examined by a doctor. This will not only relieve discomfort, but also lubricate big picture– it will be almost impossible to determine the cause of the pain.
  3. Pain in the abdomen and hypochondrium does not necessarily indicate problems in the abdominal cavity. It can be caused by heart, kidney or lung disease. To find out the real reason, and you need to contact a specialist.

Causes of aching pain on the right under the ribs

In fact, there are reasons for pain in the lower abdomen huge amount. Among them there are particularly dangerous and so-called non-hazardous ones. Of course, every conscious person must understand that in professional treatment diseases from both categories are needed.


Aching pain in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by the appendix. In this case discomfort does not subside for more than 12 hours, and the pain is localized. Acute appendicitis appears suddenly at any time of the day or night, for no apparent reason. Aching pain can alternate with sharp and throbbing pain.

Kidney diseases

Painful sensations in the right side may indicate problems with the kidneys. If this is the case, then pain should also be experienced in the back.

Acute cholecystitis

One of the dangerous diseases associated with inflammation of the gallbladder. With cholecystitis, in parallel with aching pain, symptoms such as nausea and bitterness in the mouth may be present.

Liver diseases

A slight aching pain in the right side is a common occurrence with other liver diseases. Unconditionally confirming the diagnosis in this case will help appearance of mild yellowness on the skin.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Gastritis and stomach ulcers also contribute to the appearance of unpleasant pain in the right hypochondrium. Aching pain in the right side can be caused by intestinal diseases.

Men need to be especially vigilant, since chronic prostatitis can manifest itself as such symptoms.

All these diseases can be accompanied by fatigue and weakness. Immediately after the first symptoms appear, it is advisable to visit a surgeon. He will make a diagnosis or suggest which specialist would be best to contact.



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