The incredible life story of Esther the pig: from a pet pig to an Instagram star. The guy dreamed of a decorative pig, but the pet really surprised him. Show a story about the Ester pig

A couple of Canadians took the allegedly dwarf pig Esther from friends in the hope that she would grow to no more than 30 kilograms. They were deceived, and by the age of two the baby grew into a 300-kilogram giant. To accommodate a pig, two dogs and two cats in the house, the owners had to move out of town.

Esther's owners are Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter from Ontario. Steve says: “We denied reality for a long time. Friends, coming to visit, told us: “Look, she’s getting bigger,” and Derek and I answered: “No, she’s the same.” But we soon noticed that she had gained weight, started stealing food from the kitchen tables, and the sofa was too small for her.”

“We just got used to it and loved it even more. What else could we do? It's not her fault that we expected something different. We would never give up our pet."

The couple's website says Esther's vet doesn't know if she will grow any further: "She may get a little fatter as she gets older."

Esther spends most of the summer in the yard rather than in the house.

The owners call Esther a lazy pig: she loves to lie on their bed or on the sofa.

Since the family moved to the village, the pig decided to be closer to its owners and now sleeps on the floor next to their bed. And during the day he still climbs onto the bed to take a nap.

The still restless pig loves to burrow into a pile of blankets collected from around the house, occupy the dog bed, or sprawl on the floor in the living room, leaving no room for anyone to pass through.

Esther gets along well with the two dogs and two cats living in the house.

On the porch of a new house.

Pig selfie.

Festive costume.

The pig takes a bath regularly: every day in the summer, and once a week in the winter. She is already accustomed to having dust particles blown off her.

Derek and Steve are vegetarians, so all the couple's pets also eat only plant foods. It costs $36 to feed Esther every week. The pig eats oatmeal, barley and corn, fresh fruit, overripe bananas and vegetable peels, and on special occasions enjoys ice cream and cakes.

Esther, known online as Esther The Wonder Pig, is the beloved pet of two Canadians, Derek and Steve. In 2012, they adopted a mini pig, but even the fact that she grew into a big pig does not detract from the love that reigns in the house.

The story of Esther, Derek and Steve began in 2012 in Toronto, Canada.

The guys were visiting a friend who had just gotten a mini pig. But because of the birth of children, I decided to give the baby to friends. They were so fascinated that they gladly took the baby into their house with a garden, where two dogs and two cats already lived.

The seller claimed that the pig would grow to a maximum of 30 kg.

But the “mini” pig weighed 77 kg already at 8 months.

Now her weight is 227 kg, and the lovingly raised animal still loves to lie on the sofa and double bed.

Esther is very clean, she doesn’t smell at all, and there’s not even a hint in the house that a pig lives there.

Dogs simply adore Piggy, they sleep together, play, share food and even recognize her as their leader.

Derek and Steve say the pig is very smart, loves to fight, bathe and play like a dog, and even scamper through the forest like a wild horse.

And how skillfully she grimaces!

When Esther was younger, she enjoyed riding in the car. But now, due to the large size of the ride, I had to leave it.

The failed minipig completely turned Derek and Steve's world upside down. As they got to know Esther better, they realized how sweet, kind and charming the pigs are.

The guys completely gave up meat and created accounts for their colorful pet on Facebook and Instagram, which have already been subscribed by 600,000 and 200,000 users.

Each photo is signed in the first person and tells about funny incidents in the life of a pig.

When Esther was sick, not only the owners, but also all the fans of Esther The Wonder Pig were worried about her health and were waiting for her return from the hospital.

The story of Esther, Derek and Steve is further proof that love knows no boundaries, especially when you get to know someone better.

Before her arrival, Esther’s owners lived a fairly ordinary life in a small private house with a cat and two dogs. That all changed in late 2012 when they were asked to adopt a supposedly adult six-month-old mini pig. According to the myth, at that time the pig had already reached its maximum size, but it continued to grow tirelessly.

A trip to the veterinarian revealed cause for concern - the pig's cut off tail served as evidence that it was not domestic at all, but a pig breeder. The owners were shocked, but decided to see what would happen next.

The owners denied her real size for a long time, but friends who came to visit claimed that Esther was getting bigger every day. more and more. Over time, the sofa on which she slept became smaller and smaller and, of course, it was impossible not to notice the weight gain. After eight months, the pig already weighed almost 80 kilograms. The couple says that when the truth could no longer be denied, they simply tried to adapt and love Esther even more, because this mistake was not her fault.

The fake “mini-pig” eats exclusively vegetarian food, eating more than 10 kilograms of oats, barley, corn, fresh fruits and vegetables per week.

The impressive size of the pet forced the owners to change their place of residence to a more suitable one. To create enough space for a pig, two dogs and two cats, oh neither moved to the farm.

After the move, Esther decided to constantly be close to her beloved owners and now sleeps next to their bed on her personal mattress, where she regularly brings stolen blankets. During the day, she sits comfortably on the sofa in the living room.

When the couple realized how smart and friendly pigs can be, they gave up meat and became strict vegetarians, deciding to dedicate their lives to creating a shelter for animals in need. The site, which specializes in funding creative projects, has already raised more than $440,000 to help realize their idea.

The giant domestic pig quickly learned good manners and found a common language with all members of the household. She loves to play with other pets, who happily reciprocate their affection. Esther likes to entertain herself with toys, wrestling, she often comes to be cuddled and loves to have her belly scratched.

According to the couple, she resembles a huge and very smart dog that easily learned to open cabinets and doors. The owners are forced to hide all the food in the upper cabinets, because... Esther can easily eat something on her own.

Despite the great love for their pet, owners strongly do not recommend having a giant pig in the house, since not everyone can afford to keep one. The animal requires a lot of attention and food, which makes this activity very tiring. However, in the Canadian home, she became an integral part of the family, forever settling in their hearts.

Esther lives an ordinary life, unaware of the universal love towards her. Like all her brothers, she devotes her time to sleeping, grunting, eating, playing with friends and digging up plant roots in the garden, but for her owners she has become the main source of inspiration for accomplishing great things.

A couple of years ago, Steve and Derek had two cats, two cats, a turtle and a fish at home. The guys could not even think that their zoo would be replenished with a new guest, and what kind of one at that - a pig named Esther. When Steve was offered to adopt a decorative pig, which would be no larger than a cat, he recklessly agreed. But when the pig grew to the size of a large dog, I became worried. And that was just the beginning of the story.

Today, the beautiful Esther weighs about three hundred kilograms, feels like a real favorite, and “runs” her own website and account on social networks. Steve remembers that he was offered the pig by a school friend who assured him that she had two mini pigs that were becoming difficult to handle. The girl asked persistently, Steve agreed, and when Derek came home, he was very surprised to meet his new pet. At that time, mini pigs became a real trend: George Clooney and Paris Hilton got such animals and constantly praised them.

Derek wasn't happy with Steve's idea. Even persuasion to use the mini-pig in circus acts did not work, even though Derek was practicing magic tricks at that time. Poor Esther looked completely unattractive: she had sunburned skin, a torn penny and eyes full of sadness.
They built a bed for Esther in a box, and soon the dogs came to meet her, and she felt like she was on an equal footing with them. Derek fell in love with Esther within a couple of weeks, they began to let her lie on the sofa, and she happily walked around the house. The only thing that haunted the guys was that she was constantly growing. When Esther was shown to the vet a month later, he shocked her new owners: Esther turned out to be an ordinary pig, not a mini-pig. As one would expect, the girl who slipped Steve a pig (literally) did not pick up the phone again.

The veterinarian suggested that Esther would grow to 200 kg, but it turned out that she had much more potential. The guys even nicknamed her “Esther the Amazing Pig” because everyone who met her asked the same question: “How long will she continue to grow?” By the time she weighed 300kg, Steve and Derek were already head over heels in love with her. They were sure that this was the best pet they had ever seen.
They speak warmly about Esther, saying that she is well brought up and has good manners. For example, she opens the door herself to go out into the yard to relieve herself. She prefers fruits and vegetables when it comes to food, and her favorite treat is cupcakes. Contrary to stereotypes, the pig also turned out to be a real clean person, so it has absolutely no smell.

Steve is sure that Esther's behavior is very similar to people. It is very painful for both him and Derek to realize that this pig was born on a farm for slaughter, because now it has become their true friend. After Esther moved into their house, the guys stopped eating meat.

Now Esther has her own website, her own Facebook account, and even a whole community of her fans. A few years ago, the guys launched a crowdfunding project to raise funds for their own farm. Now they live outside the city, and 47 different animals live with them on the farm.

A pig is not the most unusual pet you can imagine. Who would have thought that?

Some people have a weakness for exotic animals, and they consider keeping a dog, cat or parrot in the house trivial. One of these people is a couple from Toronto, in whose house lives a real pig weighing 227 kilograms.

Derek Walter and Steve Jenkins lived a fairly normal life until a huge 227-pound pig named Esther showed up at their house.

1. Walter is a real estate agent and bagpipe player, and Jenkins is a professional magician. The couple lives in a suburb of Toronto in a small private house with a modest backyard, where they have a cat and two dogs.

2. At the end of 2012, Jenkins was approached by an old school friend of his who said that she had gotten a mini-pig, but her dog flatly refused to accept it. She said she remembers Jenkins as an animal lover, which is why she decided to reach out to him.

3. A couple of days later, without the consent of his partner, Jenkins brought home an allegedly six-month-old adult piglet, which should no longer grow and weigh more than 30 kg.

4. “When we took Esther to the vet, he was concerned that our piglet’s tail was cut off, indicating that she was a pig breed and not a domestic pig. We were horrified, but at that moment we had already fallen in love with her. We decided to wait and see what happens next. Esther grew bigger every day,” Jenkins says.

5. After 8 months, Esther weighed 77 kg, and a recent weigh-in showed that the pig weighed more than a quarter of a ton.

6. With the advent of Esther, a lot has changed in the lives of the spouses. They gave up meat and became animal activists.

7. “Now all the food is in the upper cabinets. She loves to wrestle and play with toys, she comes for cuddles and loves to have her belly rubbed. She is very much like a big super smart dog, smart enough to learn how to open locked doors and cabinets. This is amazing."

11. It is also surprising to see that Esther sleeps on the sofa and goes to sleep on the double bed in the living room at night.

12. After Esther's weight reached 270 kilograms, Derek and Steve stopped taking her out for walks so as not to distract drivers and not shock people too much.



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