Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles under the eyes: causes and remedies

34 731 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to remove circles under the eyes at home. What to do if you don’t have time and dark circles under your eyes need to be removed quickly? More on all this below. The time has passed when “bruises” under the eyes were endowed with their own charm and were a sign of mystery and even aristocracy. In the 20s of the last century, fashionistas not only did special makeup, but even went to the extent of sleeping as little as possible, but today, on the contrary, we strive to remove black and blue circles under the eyes. This is female inconstancy. But, jokes aside, in fact, everything has its own explanation.

If we analyze, it is the dark circles around the eyes that usually become the decisive moment in the formation of a tired and haggard image: in such a situation, neither a collection dress nor a spectacular hairstyle will save. Dark circles around the eyes can age the youngest girl, so you should take this issue seriously. And another problem is that for some reason our women prefer to follow the path of least resistance, and instead of getting rid of the problem, they cover up its consequences with a ton of cosmetics. Let's try to solve this issue differently.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The most sensitive, delicate and thin is the skin around the eyes. All this depends on the mesh arrangement of collagen fibers, which is a prerequisite for increasing the extensibility of the skin. This is why the very first wrinkles also appear around the eyes.

In general, dark circles around the eyes are translucent blood vessels, which become especially noticeable due to the fact that they are located very close to the skin. This is also due to the structure of the skull, since the shadow is more visible in the eye sockets. And yet, in addition to anatomical factors, there are other reasons.

  1. Inadequate sleep.

The average adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, but, unfortunately, given the modern pace of life, not everyone succeeds. The accumulated lack of sleep then results in circles under the eyes.

  1. Stress and fatigue leading to exhaustion.

An abundance of work, long working hours, stressful situations are small steps towards chronic fatigue.

  1. The presence of bad habits in life.

Tobacco and alcohol addiction lead to complete intoxication of the body, which, of course, affects the appearance and quality of the skin: hence swelling, bruising, etc.

  1. Improper skin care.

Poor quality or incorrectly chosen creams, lotions, and decorative cosmetics can also be a reason for detecting an allergy in a person and a qualitative change in the skin.

  1. Hereditary and age-related indications.

Such a predisposition may be genetic; in addition, it may also depend on (this is especially true for Celtic and Nordic).

  1. Health problems.

What does the color of circles under the eyes mean?

When circles under the eyes are caused by health problems, a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on their color.

  • blue: problems with blood circulation and heart;
  • yellow: problems with the liver and gall bladder;
  • brown: gastrointestinal problems;
  • red: kidney problems or allergic reactions;
  • black: problems with the respiratory system;
  • white: vitiligo (skin pigmentation problems).

How to remove circles under the eyes at home

Eliminating the problem with cosmetics

The most effective way to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes is the right makeup. Most often they use a concealer (corrector), preferably creamy in texture. This is a kind of ambulance, moreover, easily accessible to every representative of the fairer sex.

In fact, you should devote enough time to the issue of choosing the right concealer color. The general rule is that it should be a shade lighter than the color of the foundation or completely identical to it. Otherwise, instead of a means that should tear down shortcomings, it will become a means that emphasizes them.

An equally important factor is the color of the defect itself: the secret is that for each there is its own paired color in the palette, for example, in order to disguise dark shades, it is better to choose products with a natural beige undertone, and in order to remove yellow circles under the eyes, it is absolutely impossible Highlighters and concealers with reflective particles are better suited. Pink concealer is best for covering up green circles, while purple will help hide brown bruises or age spots.

When choosing a skin corrector, it is better to avoid oil-based ones: they are not long-lasting, collect in the folds of the eyes and are not suitable even for dry skin. Also another important factor is your product, since the delicate skin around the eyes is very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Masks for dark circles under the eyes

All mask recipes collected in this article are easy to implement and tried by our great-grandmothers. And most importantly: they really help!

  1. From parsley:

A chopped handful of fresh parsley is mashed with a wooden spoon in a small container until smooth (and juice is formed). Then the resulting mass is poured with a small amount of hot water and mixed until creamy. If you want to get rid of wrinkles at the same time, then instead of water you can add kefir or yogurt. After the mixture has cooled, apply with cotton swabs and leave for 10-15 minutes. For best effect, repeat twice a week.

  1. From boiled potatoes:

Peeled potatoes are boiled as if mashed, the resulting mass is cooled and applied to the area around the eyes. Leave the mask for 10-15 minutes, you can cover your eyes with a natural cotton cloth, then rinse with warm water.

  1. From fresh potatoes:

Peeled and washed potatoes are grated on a fine grater. The resulting paste is applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. It is better to use this mask twice a day: in the morning and at night.

  1. From fresh cucumber:

Cut rings 3-5 mm thick and hold on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. If you want to enhance the effect of the mask, then it is better to use grated cucumber.

  1. "Vitamin" mask:

To do this you will need 1 fresh cucumber and 3-4 sprigs of cilantro and parsley. Everything is twisted or ground until smooth and applied to the eyes for 7-10 minutes.

Please note that cilantro may cause an allergic reaction!

  1. Walnut mask:

For it you will need 10 grams of walnut kernels and a teaspoon of creamy mixture. The ingredients are twisted or crushed in a blender to a homogeneous paste. Then you can add a few drops of lemon juice (to lighten skin tone). Keep it on your eyes for 20-25 minutes, then wash it off.

If you have very sensitive skin, replace lemon juice with pomegranate juice.

  1. From cottage cheese:

Grind two tablespoons of cottage cheese, preferably with a high percentage of fat content, until there are no lumps and apply to the eyelids. Keep this mask on for an average of 15 minutes. It’s good if the cottage cheese is chilled, but not ice-cold.

  1. Bread mask:

Take white wheat bread, separate the crumb from the crust and soak it in cold milk. Then the resulting pulp is applied in a thick layer to the eyes. Mask time is 20 minutes. It is also better to remove it not with ordinary water, but with cold milk.

Lotions for dark circles under the eyes

The benefits of herbs and decoctions have been proven for centuries, and our problem is no exception. Here are several quite accessible recipes, the effect of which will not take long to appear.

  1. Tea lotion:

For these purposes, black tea is more suitable than others, although green tea can also be used for variety. If you prefer loose leaf tea, then you will need to soak cotton swabs in strong tea leaves and leave on your eyes for at least 10 minutes. Already used tea bags are also good for this purpose.

Please note that the tea must be cooled, otherwise it may cause a burn!

  1. Sage decoction:

One teaspoon of sage per glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for about half an hour, then divided into two halves. The first part cools in the refrigerator, the second remains quite hot. Cotton swabs soaked in each part are applied alternately to the eyes. This is a very effective contrast lotion.

  1. Milk lotion:

The boiled milk is cooled and cotton swabs are soaked in it. This procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, preferably every day for a month.

  1. Chamomile decoction:

You can apply it as a compress, just like sage, but there is another very convenient recipe. Pre-freeze the broth into ice cubes, and every morning wipe the area around the eyes and indeed the entire face with such a cube. Firstly, the skin will immediately tone up, and you will get rid of not only bruises, but also swelling, which is expressed in bags under the eyes; secondly, the rejuvenating and restorative properties of chamomile have been known for many centuries.

  1. Soda lotion:

Baking soda (1 teaspoon) is dissolved in a glass of hot water. The solution cools. Apply as compresses for 15 minutes. Can be used once every two days.

  1. "Pharmacy" lotions:

For this, cornflower blue and rose water, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, are best suited.

If the situation is completely hopeless, there is another - hiking - option: cool 2 teaspoons, and then apply them to your eyes. Why "camping"? Yes, simply because spoons can be cooled not only in the freezer, but also in a spring or on a glacier. After all, even on a hike you want to be beautiful!

In general, all natural remedies included in masks and lotions are gentle, so be prepared for the fact that the result will not be visible immediately: you will have to wait, and not even one week.

Massage for dark circles

After the procedures described above, it will not be amiss to perform the following simple exercises. Apply light massage movements over the skin around the eyes. The fingertips should touch the skin lightly, without pressing: first the temple, then the area under the eyes, and finally the bridge of the nose. You can immediately apply your regular cream during the massage. Try to perform this massage daily: it takes a minimum of time, but the results will please you and will not take long to arrive!

Do not press on the skin with the pads and try not to touch the upper eyelid to avoid unwanted wrinkles.

Therapeutic gymnastics

It is best to perform these exercises while sitting comfortably in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the correctness of each task.

  1. Close your eyes, count to five, then relax your eyes. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Circular movements of the eyes.
  3. Eye movements up and down, left and right.

After each of these exercises, you should blink your eyes very quickly.

This exercise will not only help improve the tone of the skin around the eyes, but also improve your vision.

Well, since dark circles under the eyes are often a consequence of poor circulation in the body, make it a rule to start every morning with a contrast shower and fitness exercises.

In order to get rid of this annoying problem, you need not only properly organized care for the area around the eyes, which should be done daily. Remember that following the laws of a healthy lifestyle is the secret of both beauty and longevity.

Here is a list of key points to consider:

  • healthy sleep;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • fractional balanced meals;
  • mandatory presence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • psychologically stable state;
  • normal working hours;
  • active recreation;
  • reduction of visual load.

As you can see, the most correct advice is love and care for yourself. And although you now know how to deal with dark circles under the eyes, it is better to strive to prevent their appearance. Don’t spare time for your loved one: you can’t do all the work, and health and beauty are much easier to maintain than to restore.

Recipes on how to get rid of circles under the eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes, often called simply bruises, is an unpleasant phenomenon not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also because its causes may be far from harmless. Of course, first of all, you need to try to eliminate the causes of their appearance. If the circles still remain, you should try to cope with this problem with the help of special cosmetics.

The mechanism for the appearance of dark circles is simple: there are a huge number of small blood vessels under the eyes. When, for one reason or another, vascular tone drops, the blood in them begins to stagnate. The actual cause of “bruises” is the accumulation of hemoglobin and colored products of its decomposition (biliverdin, bilirubin and iron). And since the skin in this area is extremely thin, the overcrowded capillaries are visible, and the problem is instantly reflected on the face in the literal sense of the word.

The most common reasons for such stagnation are:
- Superficial arrangement of blood vessels plus very thin, light skin, which poorly hides the nuances of blood circulation. This is not a pathology, but rather an anatomical predisposition to the occurrence of a problem, and at a very early age.
- Overwork, stress, lack of sleep.
- Sometimes the cause may be exposure to the sun: in the area of ​​sensitive skin under the eyes, pronounced pigmentation appears, the fight against which is quite problematic due to the delicacy of the area.
- More serious causes include diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, adenoids, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, and heart failure.

Solution: If the whole point is a serious disease, then, of course, you need to start with its elimination. But if the problem is rooted in the constitutional characteristics of the body, or excessive stress, then, along with sleep and walks, salon procedures (lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy, etc.) and/or special cosmetic preparations can help get rid of dark circles. The main caveat: do not use exfoliants. Firstly, it is unsafe in such a delicate area. Secondly, they are able to remove or lighten only the upper layers of the skin, and are practically ineffective for eliminating dark shadows under the eyes. After all, here you need to first of all improve blood circulation.

When choosing cosmetics to solve this problem, you should pay attention to pharmaceutical products that can really significantly improve the situation. What brands have such products in their arsenal?


Mask to relieve puffiness and lighten dark circles under the eyes

The use of a complex of natural active ingredients and Haloxyl biotechnology in the mask formulation helps strengthen fragile blood vessels, activates the process of dissolving and removing iron and clarification of bilirubin - the main culprits in the appearance of “purple circles” under the eyes. The mask eliminates swelling of the lower eyelids, improving the drainage ability of the tissues.

Eye Cream

Eye cream with vitamin E and Dead Sea minerals. Rich in minerals and plant components (extracts of oats, wheat germ, ginseng, witch hazel), the cream is designed not only to eliminate signs of fatigue under the eyes, but also to daily nourish and tone the skin, as well as actively combat aging.

Isolift gel-cream for eye contour

Specially designed for the sensitive area around the eyes, it is a comprehensive anti-aging treatment that provides triple action against wrinkles, bags and dark circles. A high concentration of retinol in combination with green tea gives the gel cream an anti-edematous effect and the ability to protect the walls of blood vessels. The formula does not contain A.H.A., fragrances or parabens.

Diopticerne Teinte foundation for dark circles

An eye contour cream specially designed to solve the problem of “dark circles” caused by lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, tension, etc.
The complex of venotonics included in the product improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces congestion. In addition, the cream contains mineral pigments that visually neutralize “bruises.”
And skin care is provided by the main moisturizing and caring component of the product: palm oil, squeezed from the pericarp and seeds of the Guinean oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), whose homeland is the west coast of Africa. Interestingly, this is the only solid vegetable oil close in composition to animal fat; hardens at temperatures below 30o C. The oil is rich in provitamin A and vitamin E.

Eye relaxing essence pads

Relaxing eye pads are a convenient express treatment for relieving facial muscle tension, eliminating signs of fatigue and reducing dark circles in the eye area. The active components of the product (rose extract, Sophora japonica, ginseng, purslane, tournae, mulberry, green tea and ginkgo biloba, vitamin A) restore microcirculation, strengthen and tone the skin. The brand's assortment includes several varieties of this product.

The beauty and attractiveness of a woman's gaze greatly depends on the condition and shade of the skin of the eyelids. The presence of “bruises” around the eyes makes the face tired, painful and significantly older. If you find out what causes this aesthetic defect, you can carefully disguise it or eliminate it completely.

Dark circles under the eyes - causes in women

All factors that cause changes in eyelid skin color are conditionally classified into 2 broad groups. Causes of dark circles under eyes:

  1. Temporary. A noticeable deterioration in the condition and color of the epidermis is observed after a sleepless night, emotional experiences, intense psychological and physical stress. Some women develop dark circles during menstruation and pregnancy, climate change or sudden changes in weather. They often occur against the background of smoking and alcoholism, unbalanced nutrition or strict diets.
  2. Permanent. The main cause of the problem under consideration is serious chronic diseases of internal systems and organs. Sometimes hereditary genetic characteristics of the skin and the structure of the network of blood vessels become a provoking factor. Capillaries located too close to the border of the epidermis create a peculiar pattern similar to a hematoma.

Black circles under the eyes in women - causes

The described shade of the skin of the eyelids occurs mainly in people with congenital and acquired pathologies of the cardiac or vascular system. There are black circles under the eyes and with diseases of the following organs:

  • kidneys and bladder;
  • bronchi, lungs;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen and liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • intestines;
  • thyroid gland.

There are incurable diseases that accompany circles under the eyes - the reasons are:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • allergy;
  • pathologies of the immune system;

Blue circles under the eyes - reasons

This color is observed in women with thin and porcelain-light skin, especially with veins and capillaries located close to the surface. Blue circles under the eyes still form due to prolonged work associated with eye strain. They can appear against the background of lack of sleep or chronic, constant overwork, emotional outbursts and unrest.

Dark circles under the eyes with a bluish tint occur with hormonal disorders. If the defect in question is combined with sudden mood swings, unexplained irritability and decreased performance, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Additional symptoms are surges in blood pressure, changes in appetite in any direction, intense thirst.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

The strategy to combat this pathology depends on the factors that provoke it. If the cause of deterioration in eyelid color is illness, a relevant specialist will explain how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Without proper treatment of the underlying disease, its external signs will not disappear; they can only be masked or temporarily weakened.

When dark circles form due to an incorrect lifestyle or care, you should change it:

  1. Go to bed on time to rest and get enough sleep.
  2. Regularly relax your eyes if your profession involves straining them.
  3. Balance your diet.
  4. Give up alcohol and tobacco and other bad habits.
  5. Stabilize your emotional state (yoga, visiting a psychotherapist).
  6. Select high-quality cosmetics (hygienic and decorative).

Cream for dark circles under the eyes

Daily beauty products for the skin of the eyelids, normalizing the color of the epidermis, help improve microcirculation of biological fluids (lymph and blood), activate cellular metabolism and stimulate the production of elastin. A reliable remedy for dark circles under the eyes contains:

  • protein compounds;
  • peptides;
  • esters and vegetable oils;
  • vitamins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • natural extracts;
  • venotonic and decongestant components;
  • sun filters;
  • whitening ingredients.

Several creams to lighten dark circles under the eyes:

  • Gemology Contour de Yeux Diamant;
  • Clinique Rich from the All About Eyes series;
  • Shiseido Anti-Dark Circles;
  • Darphin Relief And De-Puffing Dark Circles;
  • Medical Beauty Research Smooth 100.

Regular application of cream and active care products helps to achieve a pronounced and quick effect. Among the options for removing dark circles under the eyes, eyelid masks play a key role. Quality Products:

  • La Colline Cellular Vital;
  • TonyMoly Panda's Patch Dream Eye;
  • Magic Look;
  • Shiseido Benefit;
  • Ericson Laboratoire Bioptic.

There are also home techniques to get rid of black circles under the eyes. Self-made products are much cheaper because they are made from affordable products. Their effect is less pronounced after one procedure, but course therapy provides a decent and long-lasting effect, no worse than professional-type care cosmetics.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Natural masks and homemade lotions help to noticeably refresh the skin and eliminate puffiness (“bags”). The simplest options for getting rid of circles under the eyes are to apply compresses made from fresh natural products:

  • grated raw potatoes;
  • parsley roots (in the form of gruel);
  • chopped cherries;
  • chopped cucumber;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • mashed strawberries.

A mask based on parsley can slightly soften dark circles under the eyes. It is known for its whitening and toning properties, so it is often included in both home and professional cosmetic products to combat excessive pigmentation of the epidermis. This ingredient additionally tightens the skin and has a rejuvenating effect.

Mask recipe

  • fatty and fresh sour cream – 5-7 g;
  • raw grated cucumber – about 1 teaspoon;
  • chopped and crushed greens (leaves, stems) of parsley – 1 level teaspoon (along with juice).

Preparation, application:

  1. Combine cucumber and herbs.
  2. Dilute the slurry with sour cream.
  3. Apply the mixture thickly to the periorbital area.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, remove the composition with a cotton pad.
  5. Rinse the epidermis with cool water.

Injections for dark circles under the eyes

Or revitalization involves the introduction of special drugs under the skin using the thinnest needle possible. This method of removing dark circles under the eyes activates cell regeneration and stimulates the production of collagen fibers. Thanks to the injections, the outflow of lymph and blood circulation in the capillaries are normalized, and congestion disappears.

How to hide dark circles under the eyes?

The only method for instantly eliminating the described defect is the application of decorative cosmetics. Circles under the eyes are effectively masked only with specialized products - concealers or highlighters. Foundation, even with maximum coverage, will not help to effectively hide the problem, and in some situations it will even highlight it.

You should only look for a reliable cosmetic product that can hide this defect if brown circles under the eyes are an anatomical feature of the body. In all other cases - it is necessary to look for the cause and eliminate it.


Photo 1: Brown circles that look like bruises under the eyes and brown spots around the eyes can be caused by various internal diseases and problems. Source: flickr (martin chinni).

Diseases that cause brown circles

  1. stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  2. pigmentation due to lack of sun protection;
  3. stress;
  4. chronic fatigue;
  5. bad habits;
  6. too sudden weight loss;
  7. individual reasons (age, heredity, hormonal imbalance);
  8. poor nutrition;
  9. diseases of some organs.

Factors influencing the occurrence of the problem

Many factors can influence pigmentation disorders of the skin around the eyes, mainly these include:

  1. lack of fresh air;
  2. urban gas pollution;
  3. weak immunity;
  4. low-quality cosmetics or their improper use;
  5. the stress, lack of sleep and fatigue listed above.

Stains. Bruises. Additional symptoms

The skin under the eyes can be sensitive to everything that happens to the body because it is very thin and the blood vessels are located too close to its surface. Any changes in health status can be immediately reflected on the face. In this case, the defect can be observed both under and around the eyes, and be accompanied by additional symptoms.

Brown bruises under the eyes

If brown circles appear suddenly, this is a serious and immediate reason to consult a doctor., since their appearance may be associated with diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, and gall bladder.

Important! Kidney disease is one of the most likely causes of persistent brown circles under the eyes. Problems with the liver and heart also have an impact.

Brown spots around the eyes

Sometimes brown pigmentation is not limited to the area under the eyes, but frames the eyes with large brown spots. At the same time, it seems that the eyes are heavily lined with dark shadows and look painful and tired.

Photo 2: Brown spots under the eyes, if this is not due to heredity, most often indicate a constant lack of sleep, a lack of vitamins and nutrients, as well as abuse of alcohol and nicotine. Source: flickr (Joana Linda).

Brown spots may form around the eyes with metabolic disorders in the body and lack of iron.

In a woman, the appearance of brown pigmentation in the eyelid area may indicate about the approaching start of the menstrual cycle.

Additional symptoms

Brown circles may be accompanied by swelling, for example, with myxedema - a disease of the thyroid gland.

If you have liver problems, then in addition to brown bruises, you can feel a bitter taste in your mouth and have no appetite.

What measures to take

First, you should visit a specialist to rule out diseases of internal organs and hormonal problems. If this issue is resolved positively, that is, everything is normal, then you need to change your lifestyle or make significant adjustments.

  1. Monitor the quality of food.
  2. Avoid stress;
  3. Boost immunity;
  4. Always protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  5. Do not exhaust yourself with diets;
  6. Give up all bad habits;
  7. Make whitening masks from herbal remedies.

If brown bruises are caused by smoking, then after leaving this habit the result will not be long in coming. The face will become fresher, the complexion will change to a healthy one, dark circles will disappear under the eyes and the look will become brighter.

Homeopathic treatment

  • Senecio aureus.
To get rid of circles under and around the eyes.
To keep the body in good shape.

Black circles under the eyes are a significant indicator that something is wrong in the human body. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the skin that is located around the organ of vision is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, a change in its color to a darker side indicates a problem, often not even of an aesthetic, but of a medical nature.

It is not difficult to identify a problem such as the appearance of black circles under the eyes. At the same time, the skin of the lower eyelid becomes very thin, the shade changes to a darker direction. However, you won’t be able to meet a person with completely black circles under their eyes. Most often they come in a variety of shades - from pink-black, to blue, and in some cases yellow-brown.

Causes of black circles under the eyes

The most common opinion regarding the cause of the appearance of black circles in the periorbital zone is lack of sleep and non-compliance with the daily routine. Indeed, this phenomenon occurs quite often, however, often the reason lies in health problems.

Therefore, in order to recognize it in time and begin treatment, it is worth knowing all the reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes:

    The breakdown of hemoglobin can trigger the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, even without prior injury. It is known that the area under the eyes is penetrated by tiny blood vessels - capillaries. However, they are so small and narrow that in order for red blood cells (erythrocytes) to move along them, they need to stand in a row, one after another, and in some cases even divide into two parts. Sometimes the capillary cannot withstand such pressure and bursts. The plasma ends up in the subcutaneous space of the eye. There is nothing dangerous in this process; the body copes with such a situation on its own. However, the very process of resorption and utilization of released blood causes the formation of dark circles. In the same way, a bruise resolves after a blow, but it is under the eyes that they can form without prior injury.

    Allergic reaction to environmental irritants. The allergy itself cannot cause a bruise, but it does cause itching and irritation in the eye area. As a result, the person begins to vigorously rub them, as a result of which the delicate skin under the eyes is injured, and the capillaries penetrating it rupture, releasing plasma. This explains the appearance of dark circles under the eyes due to allergies.

    Excessive sun exposure can cause black circles under the eyes. It is tanning that causes them to occur. This is explained by the fact that during exposure to ultraviolet rays on human skin, the body begins to produce melanin for the purpose of protection. The longer the retortion time, the more it is produced. The body’s natural reaction is to remove it closer to the upper layers of the epidermis. Since the skin under the eyes is the thinnest, it is there that the tan is visible first. Therefore, after prolonged exposure to the sun, “dark glasses” often form on a person’s face.

    Such a common reason as insufficient rest and improper routine does not directly lead to the formation of black circles under the eyes. However, they become more noticeable. The thing is that during a period when the body experiences excessive stress, due to a number of factors, its skin becomes paler. It is against this background that the circles under the eyes look darker, creating the visual effect of chronic fatigue.

    Age is another reason for dark circles under the eyes. Such changes in the periorbital area occur due to the fact that the skin there becomes thinner the older the person gets. This problem is especially noticeable in women during the decline of sexual functions.

    Dark circles can often be noticed in women during pregnancy, as well as during regular menstruation. This reason is explained by the same paleness of the skin during the specified time periods. Therefore, the dark circles that always exist under the eyes become more noticeable.

    An unbalanced diet and a lack of microelements and vitamins, in particular vitamin C, lead to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

    Chronic kidney diseases. If, due to disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system, black circles appear in the periorbital region, this indicates that the body is suffering from severe intoxication. It occurs due to the fact that waste products are not completely removed from it.

    Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Pathologies of the pancreas.

    Diseases of the respiratory system.

    The cold season can cause darkening of the skin under the eyes. This occurs due to the fact that subcutaneous fat begins to disappear under the influence of climatic factors. The fat layer under the eyes is already very thin. That is why its disappearance is so noticeable; against the background of this, the smallest capillaries piercing the skin in this area become brighter.

    Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco contributes to the fact that all blood vessels, including those under the eyes, become thinner, become fragile and brittle. In this regard, the risk of injury and release of blood increases.

    Various diets that lead to dramatic weight loss will cause dark circles under the eyes to become more noticeable. This fact can also be aggravated by the fact that the body will lack vitamins and microelements.

    Reaction to skin care products.

    Lack of iron in the body, that is, a pathological condition such as glandular anemia.

    Stressful situations, increased nervousness, excessive psycho-emotional excitability.

In order to remove black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence. After all, further actions to eliminate them will directly depend on this. In the case where the cause is a disease of the internal organs, no cosmetic product will be able to eliminate this problem. It is mandatory to undergo a full rehabilitation course to eliminate the pathology.

In the case where dark circles are not associated with illness, cosmetic procedures and pharmaceutical products can come to the rescue:

    Lipolifting. The procedure, called lipolifting, helps to effectively combat black circles under the eyes. Its essence lies in the fact that a person’s own fat cells are introduced into the perorbital area, thickening the subcutaneous fat layer. The result is visible almost instantly, but it is not long-term. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated. This is precisely its main drawback.

    Lymphatic drainage. Another modern cosmetic procedure that can help eliminate dark circles under the eyes is lymphatic drainage. It is performed using a special device that affects problem areas using microcurrent. This leads to improved blood circulation and promotes the resorption of black circles.

    Mesotherapy is another effective way to make dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. In this case, a special preparation is injected under the skin using a thin needle. Doctors, together with cosmetologists, note that the final effect will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to injections.

    Cosmetics. In order to make black circles less noticeable, you need to use special cosmetics sold in pharmacies. These include nourishing and moisturizing creams. Penetrating into the inner layers of the epidermis, they promote the rapid resorption of hemoglobin, thereby quickly relieving a person of black shadows under the eyes. In addition, such creams allow you to strengthen the walls of the capillaries, making them less brittle, which is an excellent prevention of hemorrhages in this place in the future. Moisturized eyelid skin will not dry out, there will be fewer wrinkles on it, which means it will become more resistant to external factors. Together, this will help get rid of circles under the eyes and prevent their appearance in the future.

Prevention of black circles under the eyes

As for preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of black circles and eliminating them, these include the following:

    Rest should be complete. If a person sleeps less than seven hours a day, then the black shadows under the eyes will become much more noticeable against the background of pale skin.

    The daily routine, that is, the habit of getting up, lying down, eating and staying awake at the same time, is the key to keeping the body in good shape, which means that dark circles around the visual apparatus will not appear.

    In cases where professional activity involves constant monitoring of a computer monitor, it is necessary to take a short break every hour. At this time, you can simply sit with your eyes closed and do a set of gymnastic exercises to warm them up. This will relieve tension from the eyes and not injure the delicate skin underneath with constant rubbing.

    The more a person spends in the fresh air, the more his blood is saturated with oxygen. This helps red blood cells move more actively through the vessels, including under the eyes. If it is not possible to stay outdoors for a long time, you should ventilate the room as often as possible.

    It is best to wash your face with cool water when you wake up. It is useful to wipe your face with ice cubes. This promotes vascular spasm and strengthens them. Before going to bed, it is useful to alternate washing with hot and cold water. To do this, it is convenient to use two basins filled with liquids of different temperatures.

    Nutrition should be as balanced as possible. This is the only way to keep the blood vessels in good shape and avoid their ruptures.

    It is important to get rid of bad habits, if any.

    It is worth avoiding stressful situations whenever possible.

    If you plan to spend a long time in the sun, then you should take care to protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet rays. To do this, you should use special creams, wear glasses with dark lenses and wide-brimmed hats.

    You should not apply low-grade creams to the skin of your face, and especially to the area around the eyes. They can only harm the sensitive skin of the lower eyelids, and not protect it.

    To prevent and eliminate black circles, it is important to start the day with a facial massage. In this way, it will be possible to improve blood flow, increase skin tone, and speed up the process of hemoglobin breakdown.

    In order to remove black circles under the eyes caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is necessary to regularly visit the doctor and undergo full courses of treatment.

There is a gymnastic set of exercises that helps relax facial muscles, relieve eye fatigue and improve blood circulation in the eyelid area.

They will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of black circles under the eyes caused by tension in the visual apparatus:

    You need to sit up straight and raise your eyeballs up and down. In this case, the head should remain motionless.

    Without turning your head, you need to look with your eyes in different directions. First to the right, then to the left. It is important that only the muscles that control eye movement are used.

    Try to draw various geometric shapes with your eyes. You can, as an option, move them along the contour of furniture or other surrounding objects.

    Squeeze your eyelids tightly, leave them in this state for a few minutes, then relax without opening your eyes. Repeat three times.

    Close your eyes and place your palms on top of them. It is necessary for the eyelids to feel the warmth emanating from the hands.

The complex should be performed daily, depending on the degree of visual strain and the severity of the black circles under the eyes.

Cold will help remove dark circles under the eyes that have formed as a result of injury. It must be applied to the problem area within the first hour after the impact.



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