What would a homeless person spend $100 on? This social experiment has amazed thousands! Few could do what he did

The events in this video started out as normal. social experiment, but grew into something more. Josh and his friends decided to give an ordinary homeless person a decent amount of money, and then track what and how he would spend it. The target of the experiment was a certain Thomas, who begged by the roadside with a simple cardboard. The poor fellow was simply stunned that he was given a whole hundred dollars just like that, thanked the guy and quickly left his place. The guys secretly followed Thomas to the door of a small store.

A homeless man walked in and after a while came out with two bulky black bags. The guys immediately thought that Thomas simply bought drinks with all his money, as beggars often do. However, his further action shocked them to the core. The homeless man began to look for his fellow sufferers on the streets and give them the food that he bought with the money donated to him!

Human kindness


The guys, stunned by the development of events, stopped hiding, and Josh talked with Thomas again. The homeless man's story turned out to be an unenviable one. Previously, he lived with his parents and was an ordinary citizen. Two years ago Thomas had to quit your job to care for her sick stepfather, but he still died of cancer. Two weeks later, our hero’s mother, who had kidney problems, followed him. All the family's funds were spent on treatment, debts accumulated, and Thomas ended up on the street.

However, he did not give up and remained a real person! I hasten to reassure you - this story does not end with the meeting of Josh and Thomas. Now the guys are collecting money to help the homeless man, and soon he will return to normal life again. As you can see, reward comes to a person for good deeds, coupled with good thoughts. After all, it was the fact that Thomas was able to remain a real person that predetermined what happened next!

32-year-old homeless Kevin Booth from Sumner, Washington, found a package containing $17,000 in cash, the Washington Post writes. The man took only $20 for himself, and gave the rest to the employees of the food bank - a charitable organization, near whose door he found the package

In the summer of 2018, Booth went to a food bank and found a brown paper bag. Booth looked into it because he decided that there might be leftover food that the charity distributed to those in need. Having discovered a large sum of money, he waited for the bank's volunteers and handed them almost everything, keeping only one $20 bill for himself to "see if it was real."

What else is known:

The package was handed over to the police. According to state law, he lay there for 90 days waiting for the owner, who never showed up. Police donated money to the food bank, which will be used for a mobile refrigerator and freezer.

Kevin Booth, in turn, received a certificate of honor from the police, and gift cards to various stores from the charity. The food bank decided not to give money that Booth could use unwisely. He was also offered housing, but the man chose to stay in his tent in the forest.

The author of this video, video blogger Josh Paler Lin from Los Angeles, decided to conduct a social experiment. He gave a homeless man $100 and followed him to film how he used the money. The homeless man’s further actions touched the pranksters so much that they decided to organize a social event to raise funds to help Thomas “start life from scratch”

As shown in the video, a homeless man who received $100 from Josh went to the store and bought a large bag of food, and then distributed it to other homeless people.

Josh was very touched by Thomas's action and decided to approach him to get to know him better.The beggar told how he ended up on the street. He had to leave his job to care for his sick parents at home. Later his parents died and he lost his home.


Josh posted a video about a homeless man with a generous soul on the Internet on December 22 and it quickly became popular. In two days it was watched by more than 10 million people. And the story itself received an unexpected continuation. That same day, Paler Lin launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds to help Thomas "start his life over again." The declared amount of funds of $10,000 has already been exceeded 8 times and amounts to more than $82,000. There are still 28 days left until the end of the campaign.

As the author of this experiment admits:"I did not expect such a result... And I am so glad that I was able to witness this wonderful act. Not only did I help a homeless man, I also met an incredible person and made a friend. We treated him to dinner and got him a hotel that same day , so that he could spend the night there. The more I talked to him, the more I felt how sincere and real he was. I gave him my number so that he could call me if he needed help. This case once again proves that he does not. All homeless people are bad people. Never judge a book by its cover."



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