Local treatment of boils. Furunculosis: causes of development and treatment methods

What is furunculosis? This is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. Let's look at the main causes and treatment of this common dermatological disease.

What causes a boil to appear? The causative agent of the disease is staphylococcus. He's everywhere. But only under certain conditions does the inflammatory process begin. Furunculosis occurs when:

  • chronic mechanical trauma to the skin. Ulcers often occur in the collar area of ​​the neck in men and women;
  • with metabolic pathologies, excess body weight or dystrophy. In all of these cases, the local immunity of the skin drops sharply, and staphylococcus actively multiplies, which is an important cause of furunculosis in adults;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers, there is a high probability of getting an inflammatory process of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle;
  • overheating or hypothermia. If you have been in a draft for a long time, then there is a high probability of encountering an abscess. Also, lovers of baths, saunas or sun tanning often suffer from inflammatory processes. And all because high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation destroy the natural water-fat protective layer of the skin;
  • a long course of antibiotics, hormonal drugs or increasing the daily dose, instead of a therapeutic effect, this will cause patients a dermatological problem.

Outwardly it looks like a cone-shaped swelling, ranging in size from a pea to a chicken egg.

Symptoms of the disease

We found out the causes of the disease, which causes inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. Now let's look at the symptoms of a chronic and common dermatological disease.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by:

  • swelling and swelling of the sebaceous gland. At the initial stage, it looks like a small bump. Real photos can be viewed on the Internet. Over time, the symptom spreads into the depths of the subcutaneous tissue, the patient experiences redness of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • The causes of furunculosis in children and adults are different, but dermatologists always observe the active accumulation of purulent infiltrate. It has a cone-shaped appearance. 3-4 days after the first appearance of alarming symptoms in patients, a purulent core is visible;
  • throbbing pain. Anyone who has at least once encountered inflammation of the sebaceous glands knows how strong the sensations are. Patients with ulcers in the face, nose, neck and buttocks are especially affected. The reason is that the skin in these parts of the body is very thin. The discomfort is so strong that the patient cannot sleep normally, and simple movements are given with great difficulty. The general condition is complicated by psychosomatics. And often against the background of boils, especially on the face, patients develop depression and decreased performance;

Furunculosis most often occurs and worsens in spring and autumn
  • advanced or chronic furunculosis is often accompanied by intoxication. A person experiences an increase in temperature, fever and severe weakness.

These are classic symptoms. Based on them, a scheme for the treatment of a dermatological disease is drawn up.


How to get rid of the purulent-inflammatory process, what treatment to use? First, let's look at its stages:

We talked about the stages of the disease, now we’ll talk about how to treat furunculosis.

Traditional medicine methods

How to treat furunculosis effectively and without complications? Just trust the medications and the reliable hands of a dermatologist. To treat a person’s condition, the following is used:

Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, Sintomycin and other similar drugs will have an antimicrobial effect and accelerate wound healing

  • injections of novocaine and anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines are injected directly into the area of ​​the inflammatory process. After manipulation, an infiltrate is quickly released and a purulent core is formed. This not only speeds up healing, but also relieves pain in the patient’s area of ​​the abscess;
  • antibiotics. If the disease affects a large area of ​​the body or does not go away for a long time, then antibiotic therapy is started. How to cure furunculosis once and for all? Take a course of antibiotic injections. Due to weakened immunity, oral administration will not give quick results;
  • multivitamin preparations. Without them, treatment of furunculosis is impossible. A balanced composition and daily intake for inflammation of the sebaceous gland guarantees a positive result for patients. It’s not for nothing that there are so many positive reviews about them;
  • ointments with a pulling effect. During the inflammatory process, it is important that the purulent infiltrate completely leaves the sebaceous gland and subcutaneous tissue forever. Therefore, to treat patients, dermatologists use erythromycin, syntomycin ointments, and Vishnevsky balm. It is enough to make compresses with them on the affected areas every day. And the boil will quickly disappear;
  • If the boil does not break through for a long time, then patients will not do without surgical intervention. The dermatologist opens the boil, drains the pus and removes the stem. Then he puts a bandage with an antiseptic on the boil. The manipulation cannot be carried out by patients themselves at home. Otherwise, a banal boil can develop into sepsis or another complication.

When it comes to multiple recurrent ulcers that characterize furunculosis, treatment with antibiotics is mandatory

Treatment with traditional methods

After diagnosis, patients do not know exactly how to treat dermatological inflammation and what to do first. Some people prefer only pharmacological drugs. Others combine traditional methods and medicines from the pharmacy chain at home. You should not completely rely on the healing power of plants and other unconventional methods. But you can skillfully combine products at home.

Dermatologists say that decoctions and homemade ointments provide a pronounced positive effect only on single pustules. For group boils, it is better to rely on conventional medications.

For purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin, try treatment with folk remedies:


We talked about the causes of the disease. Now it remains to find out what happens with advanced forms of furunculosis.

A complication occurs when a person neglects the purulent-inflammatory process or self-medicates and squeezes out the rod in violation of the principles of asepsis and antisepsis at home. In this case, the pus quickly spreads throughout the body through the blood and lymphatic vessels. And inflammation easily covers large areas.

Furunculosis and improper treatment can cause:

  • thrombophlebitis. Inflammation of varicose veins after an abscess can occur on any part of the body. The affected vessel increases in size several times, swelling and cramps occur. The reason is that the infection from the boil got to the inner ball of the veins and provoked inflammation there;
  • meningitis. Inflammation of the meninges is no joke. The disease is not only accompanied by serious symptoms, but also poses an immediate threat to life. The chance of getting meningitis after a banal boil is high for those who have an abscess located on the forehead, scalp, nose or neck;
  • chronic stage of illness or gangrene. Constantly inflamed and swollen areas have reduced immunity. Therefore, with advanced furunculosis in adults or children, there is a high probability of necrosis or gangrene.

You should immediately consult a doctor for timely treatment if a person experiences:

  • high temperature and severe intoxication;
  • pain in the lymphatic or blood vessels in the area of ​​the inflammatory process;
  • severe pain in the occipital region;
  • a sharp deterioration in health.

These symptoms may be warning signs of sepsis. And then the patient will worry not about what to treat, but how to survive. Therefore, we advise you to treat even a small abscess carefully.

A furuncle (popular name boil) is a purulent inflammation of the connective tissue and hair follicle. The problem of painful formations on the skin is familiar to many people.

Improper treatment and squeezing out a boil can lead to serious consequences and even death. How to treat boils? How to prevent their occurrence? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for appearance

Contrary to popular belief, boils do not only occur in people suffering from dermatological diseases. The appearance of a boil in a healthy person often causes confusion. Ignorance of the rules for handling abscesses and methods of treating boils leads to serious consequences.

There are several provoking factors:

  • increased sebum secretion;
  • increased sweating;
  • poor skin hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • contamination of the skin with chemicals;
  • work in dusty conditions;
  • scratching, microtrauma of the skin;
  • susceptibility to staphylococcal infection.


Abscesses occur at the locations of hair follicles. In places where there are no follicles (on the feet, palms), boils do not appear.

“Favorite” localization places:

  • on the neck;
  • on the chest;
  • boil on the buttock;
  • boil on the face.

Sometimes boils occur:

  • in the armpits;
  • in the ear;
  • on the leg;
  • on the back;
  • on the lower back;
  • around the genitals;
  • in the nose.

The most dangerous locations for abscesses:

  • Auricle. A boil in the ear is characterized by throbbing pain, local fever, and twitching. Swelling and redness of the skin occurs. The pain spreads to the entire head, radiating to the temples.
  • Face. One of the most dangerous types of boils. A single formation is small, many consider it an ordinary pimple, squeeze it out, and provoke the growth of a boil. Sometimes the abscess reaches 4 cm! If the abscess is handled incorrectly, the infection affects a large area.
  • Nose. A boil in the nose occurs on the skin septum, on the wings of the nose from the outside or inside. The sebaceous gland or hair follicle becomes inflamed, swollen, pain and discomfort are felt. Many cases of boils in the nose require emergency surgery.
  • Armpits. The reason for the appearance of a boil under the arm is pathogenic microbes penetrating the hair follicle. A favorable environment, constant heat, and friction provoke the rapid development of inflammation. Local hyperthermia, itching, and soreness appear. Red stripes directed to the lymph nodes are a signal for immediate removal of abscesses.
  • Lips. Boils occur in different parts of the lip. The growth of the abscess is accompanied by twitching inside the abscess and a local increase in temperature. Squeezing accelerates the growth of the formation, the infection spreads to the area of ​​the cavernous sinus and facial anterior vein. Infection of these places leads to complications, in severe cases death is likely.

Symptoms of the disease

What does a boil look like? In some cases, people do not know the signs of acute tissue inflammation and consider the boil to be an ordinary pimple. Many are trying to get rid of it. The consequences can be severe.

How to recognize a boil:

  • Pain in the area where the pimple is located should alert you.
  • When pressing on the surface, do you feel some compaction under your hands? Do not squeeze out education under any circumstances! This is a dangerous boil.
  • Do you feel pulsating, twitching inside the pimple? Is the purplish skin over the pimple hot to the touch? This is a boil.
  • Are you trying to squeeze out the contents of the abscess, but all attempts are fruitless? It's a boil.

How does a boil develop:

  • thickening appears in the middle layer of the skin;
  • after a day or two, an inflamed area forms and quickly increases in size;
  • the skin turns purple;
  • pus collects in the cavity;
  • a green necrotic rod forms inside the boil;
  • after three to four days a pustule appears in the center of the abscess;
  • the volume of pus increases, the skin breaks through, the contents of the cavity flow out along with the necrotic core;
  • the ulcer at the site of the boil bleeds slightly;
  • the cavity is filled with granulations, after 2–3 days it dries out and scars;
  • The scar gradually dissolves, leaving no traces on the skin.

The process of maturation and opening of a boil without human intervention is described. In practice, things are different:

  • When a pimple is discovered, most people try to squeeze it out;
  • in the initial stage of development, the rod has not yet matured, the contents cannot be removed;
  • pressure on the pimple causes pain, swelling, and development of the inflammatory process;
  • the abscess increases in size, severe pain appears;
  • a small pimple turns into a noticeable cosmetic defect;
  • infection through internal channels can reach the lymph nodes;
  • the consequences are the most serious.

Diagnosis of the disease

The first visit is to a dermatologist. In many cases consultation is required:

  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

The diagnosis is made after a general examination. Additionally required:

  • bacterial culture of the contents of the pustule;
  • dermatoscopy of the affected area.

With multiple boils and frequent relapses, tests are needed to establish the connection between the functioning of internal organs and the occurrence of abscesses.

The doctor prescribes:

  • blood sugar test;
  • fluorography;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • pharyngo and rhinoscopy.

Remember! Delaying a visit to the doctor and treating ulcers on your own sometimes ends in failure. The treatment period is longer, complications arise. In severe cases, surgery is required.

Treatment methods

How to cure an internal boil? You can get rid of it quite quickly. Do not disturb the natural course of the process, use medications and traditional methods. Modern dermatology allows you to effectively treat boils.


Accelerates the maturation of an abscess:

  • compress of ichthyol ointment;
  • injecting the area of ​​the boil with solutions of novocaine and antibiotics;
  • local UFO;
  • compresses with silver nitrate 1%;
  • ointment for boils - Dimexide, Biopin, Shostakovsky balm;

After opening the boil:

  • wash the cavity with hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • apply sterile gauze with sodium chloride solution daily;
  • every two days you need a gauze bandage with Vishnevsky ointment;
  • when granulations form in the cavity of an opened abscess, dressings with syntomycin emulsion are effective;
  • gauze soaked in Ethacridine is applied to the central part of the wound;
  • the area around the infiltrate is lubricated with ichthyol;
  • a solution of brilliant green (ordinary green) dries and disinfects the skin around the wound well;

In the hospital, boils are treated:

  • on the face;
  • under the arms;
  • in children.

Add to compresses, bandages and rinses:

  • antibiotics for boils: Vilprofen, Doxycillin, Klacid, Penicillin, Azithromycin;
  • the use of immunomodulators is indicated;
  • a combination of sulfonamides and antibiotics is effective;
  • recommended Calcium chloride, Diphenhydramine, Pyrolfen, Suprastin;
  • if the body is hypersensitive to pathogenic microflora, injections of nicotinic acid and B vitamins, solutions of vitamin C, A, and thiamine are needed.

Important! In severe forms of furunculosis, severe inflammation, and the threat of infection spreading to the lymph nodes and other areas, surgical intervention is required. The surgeon removes the abscess under local anesthesia.

How to treat a boil at home

How to get rid of a boil at home? There are many traditional medicine recipes for boils. Pay attention to effective and safe methods.

Accelerates the maturation of the boil:

  • gruel of black bread and sour cream;
  • a mixture of tomato juice and glycerin (in equal proportions);
  • medicinal flatbread made from milk, rye flour, honey. Proportions 1:1:1;
  • Boil in milk or bake the onion. Apply to the abscess;
  • put grated horseradish on the boil. After 30 minutes, remove the pulp, lubricate the skin with 20% milk thistle tincture;
  • bake the onion, chop it. Add a mixture of parsley roots, crushed plantain leaves, and chamomile flowers. Mix, coat the boil;
  • wipe the abscess with Kalanchoe juice, tinctures of arnica, sophora, eucalyptus;
  • prepare the balm. Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. rye flour, honey, pour in 1 tsp. olive oil. Grind, heat in a water bath. Apply the cooled mixture to the bandage and keep it on the boil for half an hour.

After opening the abscess:

  • treat the wound with Kalanchoe ointment, St. John's wort oil, and a decoction of calamus root (strain well);
  • Wipe the cavity with a decoction of chamomile flowers and St. John's wort. Mix a tablespoon into half a liter of water.

Reduces inflammation:

  • a compress with a decoction of string, chamomile, calendula or a collection of these herbs;
  • mask made from grated fresh cucumber. Keep the paste for half an hour.
  • Nettle decoction will help cleanse the blood and skin. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. leaves. After half an hour, the infusion is ready. Drink daily 20–30 minutes before meals. Important! If you have increased blood clotting, thrombosis, or varicose veins, nettle infusion is not suitable.

Furuncle in children

Acute hair follicle disease occurs in children of all ages. A weakened child may develop several abscesses in one place or in different parts of the body. The pustular disease is called furunculosis. Immediate medical consultation is required.

Why does a child develop a boil? The main cause is a bacterial infection. Pathogen: staphylococcus, less often – streptococcus.

Provoking factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • poor skin hygiene;
  • scratches, scratches, cuts.

Multiple abscesses appear on the body after:

  • hypothermia;
  • severe sore throat;
  • pneumonia.

Boils develop in the same way as in adults. Parents should not brush aside their child’s complaints about painful pimples, even if the lesions are small.

A boil on the face of children is the most dangerous type of abscess. An abscess in the nasolabial triangle can provoke the transfer of infection into the cavity of the cranium. Consequences: sepsis, meningitis, possible death.

What to do? Listen to the advice of doctors:

  • Don't touch the boil.
  • Do not try to squeeze out the contents of the abscess.
  • Visit a dermatologist as soon as possible.
  • Do not heat the abscess.
  • Do not pull out the rod.
  • Do not wet the purulent formation.

For furunculosis or an abscess located in the face, ear, or armpits, hospital treatment is indicated. Effective procedures:

  • in the initial stage, ultraviolet irradiation of the inflamed area helps;
  • pricking the boil with antibiotics;
  • bandage with ichthyol ointment;
  • taking vitamin preparations.

Important! You should not use traditional methods for treating boils in children. It is permissible to gently wipe the abscess with a decoction of chamomile or chamomile to reduce inflammation.

Skin care after a boil

When opening an abscess, treat the skin with disinfectant solutions:

  • furatsilin;
  • sodium chloride;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • synthomycin emulsion.

Gives a good effect:

  • electrophoresis of copper and zinc salts;
  • Darsonvalization.

The following will help prevent the formation of abscesses:

  • regular skin cleansing;
  • selection of suitable epidermis care products for increased oily skin;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • proper nutrition, hardening, physical education to increase immunity;
  • timely treatment of skin diseases;
  • treatment of wounds and scratches when the skin is damaged.

Important! Avoid hypothermia. In healthy people, this reason often leads to the appearance of abscesses. Boil is a dangerous skin lesion. Knowing the causes, rules of behavior when boils appear, and timely treatment will help avoid complications. Be healthy!

Furuncle video
In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you all about boils:

Furunculosis is an inflammation of a purulent-necrotic nature that affects the follicle and the connective tissue near it (we are talking about ordinary furunculosis, not to be confused with and). The formation of suppuration usually occurs around the follicle itself; nearby tissues are involved in the process only as the infection develops.

With furunculosis, multiple inflammations develop. The disease can recur, lasting for several years. We will tell you today about the causes and treatment of furunculosis on the face and other parts of the body.

Features of the disease in children and adults

  • Men suffer more often from the pathology.
  • If a boil appears in children, it is better not to open it yourself and not to treat it at home. At the time of inflammation, the child has reduced immunity, so the likelihood of sepsis and other dangerous complications is very high. Children suffer from boils more often, so prevention should be given great attention.

Boils do not appear in places where there is no hair.

The ICD-10 code is L02.

A well-known specialist will tell you about the causes and stages of furunculosis in the video below:


Furunculosis is divided into several stages:

  1. Mild degree. The boil returns up to 2 times a year, but it is always single, and the process of its appearance is not accompanied by intoxication.
  2. Medium severity. Relapse occurs up to 3 times a year, and there are multiple inflammations. Both intoxication and symptoms are mild.
  3. Severe degree. In this case, furunculosis does not go away, and intoxication is always present.

There are also several stages of development of this skin inflammation:

  1. The appearance of infiltration.
  2. Necrosis and suppuration.
  3. Healing.

Classifications by localization

There is no classification based on the location of the boil, since it can appear in absolutely any area of ​​the body. We can single out only those parts of the body where they develop most often:

  • neck, especially the back surface;
  • hips;
  • forearms;
  • buttocks;
  • chin;
  • areas on the face with problematic and oily skin;
  • limbs.

We will talk about the causes of furunculosis below.


The main cause that provokes furunculosis is staphylococcus. It usually penetrates through an injury to the skin in any area of ​​the body. Such an injury is not always a cut - sometimes it is abrasion, the result of hypothermia or intoxication. The following reasons can also provoke the disease:

  • chronic intoxication,
  • chronic infections,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • poor hygiene,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • obesity,
  • taking certain medications.

Very often, furunculosis develops against the background of low immunity.


  • Inflammation develops at the initial stage of the disease; pus may appear near the follicle. All of it is involved in the purulent process only after a few days. The surrounding tissue is swollen, painful, and inflamed.
  • Inflammation also spreads to the sebaceous gland. Visually, it looks like a bump rising above the surface. If you palpate the site of the lesion, a cone-shaped stagnant node is determined. After a short period of time, palpation will be accompanied by acute pain. It is sometimes felt even without touching, but has a tugging, aching character.
  • Severe swelling develops when a boil appears on the face or neck. The infiltrate accumulates for about 4 days, and then, when pressed, pus will separate from the upper part of the boil (fluctuation zone). The tissue at the site of the follicle melts and a fistula forms.
  • The separation of pus begins at the stage of opening the boil. As a rule, a small amount comes out, but even after squeezing it out, a purulent core can be detected - a distinctive feature of this skin disease. Its rejection will occur only after a few days, and at the same time blood and pus are also released.
  • After removing the rod, all symptoms begin to subside. A deep injury will remain in place, which may still contain necrotic masses or pus. It is very important at this stage to use high-quality ointments for treatment, otherwise furunculosis will progress to the chronic stage.

There may be no symptoms at all if there is only one boil. You feel much worse if there are several lesions, because in this case it even affects your performance. If the boil is localized on the face, then additional pain is felt during facial movements.

Diagnosis of furunculosis

Diagnostic measures are limited, since the disease has characteristic manifestations - an infectious process, an area of ​​inflammation on the skin and a zone of fluctuation. It is differentiated only from folliculosis, since in the latter case the pus does not spread to the skin next to the follicle.

Laboratory tests show pronounced leukocytosis and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. When studying the discharge using the tank method. culture reveals staphylococci. The same analysis is used to select appropriate antibiotics.

Consultations with other specialists and some other diagnostic methods help identify the cause of the disease. These include:

  • radiography of the nasal sinuses;
  • thyroid examination;
  • consultation with a gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal area;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Sometimes furunculosis needs to be differentiated from deep trichophytosis. Next we will talk about traditional and modern methods of treating furunculosis.


In a therapeutic way

So, how to treat furunculosis?

  • It is advisable to limit baths throughout the therapy; do not wet the inflamed area unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, baths are rarely used, only in cases where the lesions are severe and extensive. The solution must be disinfectant, so potassium permanganate must be added to the water. The skin can also be wiped with other antiseptic solutions (furatsilin, salicylic alcohol).
  • Bed linen and underwear need not only to be changed frequently, but also to be ironed well.
  • If any cuts occur on the skin, special attention is paid to their treatment, otherwise boils may also appear in these areas.
  • Nutrition must contain the necessary complex of vitamins and proteins, since illness is almost always associated with a lack of essential microelements. A nutritious diet promotes better regeneration.
  • Physiotherapy also greatly helps recovery. UHF and UV are especially often used. They are suitable for use throughout the entire period of boil development. At the last stage, ozone therapy, UVOC, and autohemotransfusion are included.

Read about drug treatment for furunculosis below.

This video will tell you whether furunculosis can be cured:

By medication

Novocaine is injected into the skin around the boil along with anti-inflammatory drugs. This not only removes pain, but also prevents further spread of pus to nearby areas.

The doctor also selects other medications. So, if the disease affects multiple parts of the body or recurs frequently, antibiotics may be needed. They are used, due to the general weakening of the body, only in the form of injections. After them, a recovery period necessarily begins, including taking medications aimed at stimulating the immune system. Additionally, you need to take vitamins.

In severe cases, hospitalization is possible for the purpose of treatment and monitoring of the patient in order to prevent possible complications.


The boil will have to be opened in case of abscess flow. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, after which all the necrotic part of the inflammation is removed. The wound must be washed with hydrogen peroxide. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, further treatment is the regular application of bandages with ointments and gels that destroy pathogenic microflora and accelerate healing. The following ones are best suited:

When the wound begins to heal, the above ointments are replaced or.

Read below about treating furunculosis with herbs and other folk remedies at home.

At home

When a single boil appears, you can get rid of it using traditional methods of treatment. Many of them are used in combination with therapy prescribed by a doctor. Some of the best recipes for this disease are:

  1. Take beeswax (100 g), spruce sulfur, lower parts of onions, vegetable oil. The last ingredient is boiled for an hour, sulfur and wax are added. After 30 minutes, add the onion to the mixture and keep it on the fire for another hour, removing the foam with a spoon. When the finished solution has cooled slightly, it is poured into jars. After hardening, the ointment is applied to the inflamed area.
  2. A clean cut aloe leaf is applied to the skin overnight. You can grind it into a paste and apply it as a compress, or apply the whole leaf to the boil. The plant heals well, but also draws pus out of the wound well, which promotes rapid recovery.
  3. Wipe laundry soap and mix with water. A bandage with it is applied to the inflammation. They change it up to 4 times a day. The bandage used to apply the dressing must be sterile.
  4. Mix egg yolk, honey (1 tbsp) and flour, add a little water. The resulting cake is placed on the boil.
  5. A decoction of oak and pine needles is applied to the wound. All solutions are boiled to prevent exposure to pathogenic microflora.
  6. You can take sulfur powder internally. You can replace it with food that contains it. Thus, a large amount of sulfur is present in cheeses, eggs, meat, caviar, and green peas.

Disease prevention

To prevent pathology, it is enough to maintain your own immunity at the proper level and try not to use medications that worsen the body’s defenses. It is important to regularly perform hygiene procedures and avoid hypothermia and mechanical chafing of clothing.

Furunculosis can also be prevented if any chronic diseases are treated in a timely manner, and if you have diabetes, you additionally monitor your sugar levels and general health. It is better to maintain weight by eating healthy foods, as sometimes even some unhealthy eating habits can cause boils.


Boils located on the face are especially dangerous. Due to the developed circulatory system, rapid spread of bacteria through the lymphatic or venous network can occur.

This increases the risk of thrombophlebitis of the facial veins, but the main thing is that such a development of events entails an even more serious complication - purulent basal meningitis. This is possible due to the spread of thrombophlebitis through the anastomoses. The highest risk of thrombophlebitis is when the boil is located in the area of ​​large veins. It can also develop when trying to open it yourself.

You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • veins are dense and painful,
  • visual impairment,
  • puffy face,
  • neck muscles are rigid,
  • general condition worsened.

If these symptoms are present, we can talk about the development of complications. There is also a possibility of developing regional lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, as well as sepsis. The last condition is one of the most dangerous.

Lack of treatment and failure to comply with hygiene procedures leads to the fact that furunculosis becomes chronic. Inflammation will appear under any provoking factors. The same outcome is typical if no attempt is made to restore immunity.

Sometimes the disease leads to complications such as glomerulonephritis.


Recovery is possible and with comprehensive treatment the prognosis remains very good.

A famous scientist tells his version of the real reasons for the appearance of furunculosis in this video:

Furunculosis is a skin disease that occurs most often and the manifestations of which everyone has encountered.

Diagram of boil formation: fatty secretions from the sebaceous gland, skin and hair follicle

What are boils?

What is a boil and how to treat it interests many who are faced with this disease. The external manifestation of furunculosis is inflammation of the hair follicles - boils; foci of inflammation can be single or multiple, but the cause of their appearance is staphylococcus. Their treatment is quick and painless. Most often, boils form on the face, back and side of the neck, forearms and elbows, thighs and buttocks. In women, chiria can occur in the labia majora area. How to cure a boil so that it does not appear again and how to quickly cure furunculosis, only a specialist will answer, because with proper treatment, even chronic furunculosis can be permanently cured in a month or two. Without treatment, furunculosis can appear several times a year.

Furunculosis - causes and treatment

Furunculosis is a disease characterized by many boils at the same time or boils that constantly appear one after another. Furunculosis can be acute, accompanied by a large number of ulcers that arise simultaneously, and chronic, in which one boil is replaced by another and so on for a long period of time, which can last more than one year. Also, the disease can be widespread (disseminated), when all the inflammation is located throughout the body, and limited (localized), when the ulcers are concentrated in one area.

Furunculosis manifests itself due to the activation of staphylococcal microflora, which gives impetus to the development of the inflammatory process. The appearance of a boil, or chiria, is similar to the appearance of a large pimple, but the consequences are different, so you should pay close attention to the body’s signals and consult a specialist to avoid complications.

Typical symptoms of furunculosis:

  • itching, burning and tingling of the skin;
  • numbness of the skin (locally);
  • swelling, pain, redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of a painful seal on the skin;
  • bluish skin area;
  • general weakness (vomiting and nausea, loss of appetite);
  • headache, insomnia;
  • temperature;
  • fever;
  • purulent or bloody discharge in the center of the abscess.

If furunculosis affects the lips, eyelids, scrotum or brow ridges, noticeable swelling appears. Having noticed a boil, you cannot begin treatment on your own - you need to consult a doctor.

In no case should you squeeze out the formed ulcers - this is dangerous for life and health, and one of the negative consequences of squeezing out boils is the formation of new ones.

Headache often accompanies furunculosis

What are the causes of furunculosis?

There are many reasons for furunculosis, and most of them come from weakened immunity and neglect of personal hygiene: constantly dirty skin, immune system failure, hypothermia, colds and infections, metabolic disorders, hyperhidrosis, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, ingrown hairs, overwork, diabetes mellitus , intoxication of the body, chronic stress, entry of a foreign object into the body.

And other problems:

  • nervous system failure;
  • alcoholism;
  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • exhaustion.

Whatever the cause of chiria, it must be remembered that without proper treatment it will not go away and cannot resolve on its own. Many patients are interested in how to cure furunculosis at home. Treating chiria at home with ointments and poultices will also not give the desired result, because you need to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not its external manifestations. Furunculosis does not go away without a trace - it often leads to more serious diseases.

Alcoholism is one of the problems that provoke furunculosis

How is furunculosis treated?

Along with the use of ointments, creams and poultices, the use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited, because their action can significantly complicate the search for the cause of the boil. The causes and treatment of furunculosis can only be determined by a specialist. Treatment of boils by heating and squeezing out ulcers is prohibited - the infection can spread throughout the body. The most dangerous thing is to try to squeeze out boils in and near the nose on your own, due to the fact that the cerebral blood supply is closely connected to the vessels located near the nasolabial folds, and an infection that gets into these vessels can lead to inflammation of the lining of the brain. The doctor will determine how to treat the boil, based on the results of all tests and taking into account the reasons that led to this purulent disease.

Stages of boil development

Chiriy is formed in several stages, which take about ten days. At the first, called the infiltration stage, the inflammation process is internal. After infection enters the body, inflammation begins - lymphocytes and leukocytes try to overcome pathogens. At this time, redness of the skin in the local area is observed, swelling begins and pain appears. The reddened area of ​​skin becomes hot. The body's immune system uses neutrophils - cells that absorb pathogenic bacteria, break them down within themselves and die.

The second stage is called the necrosis stage. At this time, as a result of the action of neutrophils, living and dead cells form an internal core of pus around the inflamed follicle. A convex, painful abscess with a white tip appears; when it opens, the pus comes out. When this happens, swelling subsides, pain and redness decrease.

The final stage is the healing stage, when the wound from the abscess heals. After large boils, scars may remain.

Without treatment, one boil can lead to phlegmon - a floating focus of inflammation, which is fraught with serious complications and requires long-term treatment. Furunculosis often manifests itself in the form of hidradenitis, which is popularly called bitch udder; this manifestation of a purulent disease is treated exclusively surgically, since internal pus cannot be resolved independently or with medication.

Cellulitis: skin, cellulose membrane, fat and granulation (healing)

How are boils treated?

To treat chiria, it is extremely important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. A dermatologist will tell you how to treat furunculosis, and you will have to contact an immunologist and surgeon if necessary. To diagnose furunculosis and the causes that caused it, extensive studies are carried out. Additional consultations are scheduled with an otolaryngologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, and urologist. After completing the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment.

If the boil appears for the first time, and pus has not yet formed, the dermatologist will determine a number of drugs, the use of which will cause the boil to resolve. At this stage, physiotherapy, antiseptic drugs, vitamins and antibiotics are usually used. You should not try to resolve boils on your own, although on specialized forums patients are offered various ointments and ampoules that supposedly can eliminate the appearance of boils forever.

In the event that a patient does not go to a medical facility in a timely manner and an abscess forms, surgical intervention is necessary. If internal pus appears, this is a signal about the need to open the abscess.

The procedure itself is carried out quickly and safely, it does not cause the patient any pain, since it is performed under local anesthesia. Most often, this procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization of the patient.

Opening a boil is carried out as follows: the surgeon applies a bandage with salicylic acid to the inflamed area, which corrodes the top of the boil. The surgeon removes the core of the abscess using a thin clamp, trying not to press on the boil, and then washes the skin on the inflamed area. The procedure is completed by applying a drainage bandage, which is removed after three days. After removing the bandage, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. In cases of severe disease, accompanied by soft tissue swelling, the patient is hospitalized in order to monitor the process and avoid complications.

Complications caused by furunculosis

If the boil was treated at home or not treated at all, the following diseases may occur:

  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes located next to the boil);
  • lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels located next to the chiria);
  • sepsis (blood poisoning)
  • arthritis (inflammation of the joints)
  • pyelonephritis and other kidney inflammations;
  • meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis and other inflammations of brain tissue.

Complications can be avoided by consulting a doctor in a timely manner and following all his instructions.

Sepsis is the most dangerous complication of furunculosis

How to prevent the development of furunculosis

The best prevention of boils is maintaining hygiene and choosing shoes and clothing that do not lead to scuff marks. Summer is the most dangerous time for the occurrence of furunculosis, because the air temperature promotes the growth of bacteria. Having a medical examination at least once a year significantly reduces the risk of boils.

When one chirium appears, competent and timely treatment of furunculosis will cure it forever and avoid the chronic stage of the disease. When a single boil occurs, the patient should strengthen the immune system - take vitamins, eat a balanced diet, exercise, do not expose the body to sudden changes in temperature and avoid excessive physical exertion. Do not forget that with high blood sugar, bacteria multiply in the body much easier and faster. This is why diabetics are at risk of developing furunculosis. Constant monitoring of blood sugar levels can reduce the likelihood of boils in this case. In cases of predisposition to purulent diseases, patients are advised to minimize the intake of sweets and flour products.

Furunculosis is one of the pustular diseases of the skin, or pyodermatitis. It belongs to the group of deep staphylodermas, along with deep folliculitis, hidradenitis (inflammation of the sweat gland) and carbuncle. The fact that the disease is classified as a group of deep lesions indicates the possibility of scar formation after it.

Causes and mechanism of development

Furunculosis is an inflammation of the hair follicle with the formation of a purulent core, accompanied by the spread of infection to the surrounding connective tissue of the middle layer of the skin. The causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, less commonly the cause of infection is Staphylococcus epidermidis.

These microorganisms are common in the environment: street dust, industrial premises, clothing, living rooms. They quite often live on the surface of human skin and the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, without causing any diseases. According to some reports, up to 75% of people are carriers of staphylococci.

Is it possible to become infected with furunculosis from another person? Transmission of staphylococcus itself is possible, but for the development of the disease, the presence of exogenous and endogenous factors is necessary, which we will discuss below.

Staphylococci are most often found in the mouths of hair follicles, where hair exits the skin, as well as in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Up to 90% of these microbes are non-pathogenic strains. Under certain conditions, non-dangerous forms of this bacterium can become pathogenic (disease-causing).

A furuncle can occur both on healthy skin and on skin affected by other forms of staphyloderma when the process spreads to the hair follicle. Like any infectious disease, furunculosis occurs as a result of the interaction of a pathogen and a macroorganism. For its development, not only a source (staphylococcus), but also internal (endogenous) predisposing factors, as well as certain environmental conditions (exogenous factors) are required.

Exogenous factors contributing to the development of furunculosis:

  • minor injuries caused by solid particles of coal or metal suspended in the air in production, creating an entry gate for bacteria;
  • friction of clothing on the lower back, neck, buttocks, which contributes to the transition of saprophytic (safe for humans) forms into pathogenic ones and their penetration deep into the skin;
  • scratching the skin of patients with other pathologies - neurodermatitis, scabies.

Endogenous factors that increase the risk of developing furunculosis:

  • exhaustion of the body and hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus, obesity), anemia, intestinal diseases, nervous system diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body, especially repeated.

Endogenous factors cause a decrease in the body's reactivity, in particular, inhibition of local immune reactions. The pathogen enters the skin through damage caused by external factors. There it finds itself in a favorable environment and begins to actively multiply, causing inflammation.

Among the many substances secreted by this microbe, coagulase is of particular importance. Under the influence of this enzyme, coagulation (clotting) of blood plasma and blockade of surrounding lymphatic vessels occurs. This leads to the limitation of infection with the formation of infiltrates with the subsequent formation of purulent-necrotic rods. Staphylococcus aureus also secretes hyaluronidase, which dissolves the base of connective tissue and promotes the penetration of microorganisms into the deep layers of the skin. Thus, staphylococcal infection is characterized by spread not laterally, but in depth.

Furunculosis most often appears in autumn and spring. Mostly men suffer from it. The disease affects women and children less frequently. This is explained by the fact that the causes of furunculosis are much more often observed in adult men.

There is an opinion that many diseases are based on psychological causes. The psychosomatics of furunculosis is based on the assertion that emotions such as anger and constant irritation are favorable for its appearance. It can be assumed that negative emotions cause a prolonged release of stress hormones and subsequent exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which, in turn, leads to suppression of the immune system and the development of chronic furunculosis.

There are single boils, recurrent boils that appear after some time, and furunculosis, in which pustules appear continuously one after another.

Video: Causes and stages of furunculosis

Clinical picture

The development of the boil occurs sequentially and has three stages:

  • development of infiltration;
  • suppuration and necrosis;
  • healing.

As such, the incubation period of furunculosis is difficult to determine, since in most cases the disease is caused by its own microorganisms that have long settled on the skin. Initially, a raised compaction (infiltrate) appears around the hair follicle. It is bright red in color, has unclear boundaries, is slightly painful, or is accompanied by a tingling sensation.

After one or two days, the infiltrate thickens and expands, taking on the shape of a tumor and becoming painful. Nearby tissues swell, especially if a boil develops on the face.

After three to four days, the next stage develops. The infiltrate increases to 1-3 cm, in the middle of it a core is formed, consisting of dead and disintegrated tissue. A pustule forms at the top of the boil, which looks like a white head. The formation of a purulent-necrotic core is due to the fact that active inflammation occurs in the center of the follicle, which results in massive death of immune cells recruited to fight the infection. Pus consists of remnants of leukocytes, destroyed microorganisms, and disintegrated hair follicle tissue.

At this stage, the boil resembles a cone covered with smooth, stretched skin. The formation is painful, especially when located in the external auditory canal, scalp, fingers, or shins. If there are multiple ulcers, the patient’s body temperature may rise to 37-38 degrees. Symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) appear: weakness, headache.

This stage lasts about 3 days. Then the pustule opens, pus is released through the top of the follicle, sometimes with blood, and then a yellow-green purulent “plug” comes out - a necrotic core. In place of the abscess, an ulcer forms, which has uneven edges and a “undermined” bottom. It is filled with necrotic masses.

After cleansing the follicle cavity, the patient’s condition improves, the temperature returns to normal, and the pain goes away. Within a few days, the ulcer cavity is filled with granulations, that is, it heals. A bluish-red scar forms, which then fades. The total duration of such a cycle is about 10 days. Especially large boils form in diabetes mellitus.

Recurrent furunculosis is accompanied by the formation of a new abscess after the previous one has healed. This condition most often occurs in adolescents, young men, and young adults with an allergic predisposition (sensitization) to staphylococci, as well as in patients with diabetes, alcoholism, and diseases of the stomach and intestines. Often a recurrence of the boil occurs with pediculosis (lice) and scabies.

When the course of the disease is erased, the infiltrate does not suppurate, and a necrotic core does not form.

Boils can form on any part of the body, except the soles and palms, where there are no hair follicles. Favorite sites of infection are the back of the head, forearms, lower back, abdomen, buttocks and lower extremities.

Acute furunculosis lasts from several weeks to two months. It is accompanied by the appearance of numerous boils. Chronic furunculosis is characterized by a few follicles that appear constantly or with short breaks over several months.


The consequences of furunculosis are a cosmetic defect caused by scarring. In some people prone to the formation of furunculosis, traces of furunculosis may be significant, with tightening of the surrounding tissue. The formation of boils is especially dangerous in exhausted, weakened patients. In such patients, the disease is often complicated by an abscess or phlegmon (purulent melting) of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The appearance of boils on the upper lip is very dangerous. From here, infection through the venous and lymphatic vessels can easily spread to the vessels of the brain and even cause sepsis - a general blood infection.

Infection of the veins with a facial boil causes progressive inflammation, that is, thrombophlebitis. From there, the pathogens enter the sinuses (extensions) of the dura mater, causing a serious complication - purulent basal meningitis. It is accompanied by the rapid development of facial edema. Condensed veins are palpable and may be painful. Body temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees and above. Rigidity of the neck muscles is observed (the patient cannot tilt his head forward), headache, blurred vision and consciousness.

If the formation occurs on the neck, thigh, or shoulder, it can be complicated by lymphadenitis - inflammation of nearby lymph nodes.

If staphylococcus gets into the blood, purulent foci may form in the internal organs - liver, kidneys and others.

Factors contributing to the development of complications:

  • attempted squeezing, piercing or other impact;
  • injury while shaving;
  • irrational treatment only with ointments and other topical agents;
  • location of the boil in the nasolabial triangle, on the nose.


Which specialist should I contact for furunculosis? A dermatologist will help you choose the right therapy and help get rid of risk factors. If necessary, he refers the patient to a surgeon to open the abscess. The dermatologist prescribes routine tests to show the general condition of the body. In case of recurrent and chronic course of the disease, it is useful to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics, as well as to assess the person’s immune status (immunogram, diagnosis of HIV infection).

Treatment of furunculosis should be comprehensive. It includes:

  • proper nutrition;
  • systemic antimicrobial therapy;
  • local impact;
  • surgical methods;
  • immunotherapy.

Video: Treatment of furunculosis with folk remedies


Nutrition for long-term furunculosis should be rich in proteins, including those of animal origin, as well as plant fiber. Fats and refined carbohydrates (sweets) should be limited. Depleted patients should be fed sufficiently high-calorie, but easily digestible food (porridge with butter, chicken broth, steamed fish cutlets, baked dishes from vegetables and lean meat, fermented milk products). It is useful to eat more fruits, berries, and vegetables. You need to give up allergenic foods (citrus fruits, chocolate, seafood, eggs and others), as well as salt and spices.

Local therapy

With furunculosis, it is undesirable to take a bath or go to the sauna.

A single boil without recurrence can be treated using only local remedies. Treatment is carried out at home: the hair around the lesion is carefully cut off (do not shave!), the surface of the infiltrate is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, ichthyol is applied to the skin in the form of cakes, covering it with cotton wool. Ichthyol is applied in the morning and evening, removing its remains with warm water. Then the surface is treated with an alcohol solution of boric or salicylic acid from the edges of the lesion to the center.

Sometimes it is possible to interrupt the development of the process at a very early stage by lubricating the emerging seal with iodine, brilliant green.

When a purulent core begins to form, this process can be accelerated by applying salicylic acid to the top of the boil.

After the boil has opened, use lotions with a hypertonic solution of Furacilin, and wash the wound cavity with Chlorhexidine. These procedures are carried out twice a day. When the ulcer is completely cleared, Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol and other antimicrobial drugs are used. Dressings are carried out every other day; circular dressings cannot be used. The edges of napkins impregnated with medicines only need to be attached to healthy skin with an adhesive plaster.

If the boil is located on the face, the patient is recommended to undergo mandatory bed rest and hospitalization is often necessary. He is prohibited from talking or otherwise straining his facial muscles. He should eat exclusively liquid food. You should remember the danger of severe complications of this localization!

Treatment with antibiotics

How to treat furunculosis, that is, multiple recurrent ulcers? In this case, treatment with antibiotics is indicated.

The doctor decides which antibiotics to take for furunculosis, taking into account data on the sensitivity of staphylococci to them in a given region, as well as a sensitivity analysis for a given patient. Usually tablets are used, less often intramuscular or intravenous injections.

Antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action are used:

  • penicillins (Flemoxin, Amoxiclav);
  • cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cephalexin);
  • macrolides (Sumamed, Clarithromycin);
  • lincosamides (Lincomycin) and others.

The duration of antibiotic use in most cases is 10 days. Self-cessation of treatment can provoke a relapse of the disease, as well as the formation of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. In this case, a medicine that is effective when first used will not help the patient in the future.

Immunotherapy and vitamin use

For chronic furunculosis, specific immunotherapy is prescribed, aimed at producing antibodies against staphylococci in the body, for example, staphylococcal vaccine and toxoid, anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin.

Vitamins for furunculosis should be taken constantly, and modern multivitamin complexes containing useful minerals, for example, Centrum, are recommended. It is especially important to saturate the body with vitamins C, A, E, PP.

After analyzing the immunogram, nonspecific immunostimulants, for example, Lykopid, can be prescribed. In order to “clean the blood” and increase the body’s resistance, ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) of the blood is used. Autohemotherapy has hardly been used lately.

Surgical intervention

Often, a patient with a single boil is referred to a surgeon, who opens and cleans the abscess. This happens especially often when it transforms into an abscess or a boil is located on the face.

If complications develop, for example, sepsis, a complex of treatment is carried out, including highly effective antibiotics (carbapenems), detoxification therapy, and, if indicated, blood transfusions.

Treatment of furunculosis with folk remedies can be used in addition to the main therapy, and after consultation with a doctor. Recipes such as compresses with crushed aloe leaf, raw grated potatoes, and baked onions are used. It is recommended to use brewer's yeast internally - a source of B vitamins.

Video: Treatment of boils Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment, levomekol


Prevention of furunculosis consists of action on exogenous and endogenous factors of its occurrence:

  • use personal protective equipment at production;
  • do not wear clothes that rub the skin;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • treat any skin diseases in a timely manner;
  • keep chronic diseases, such as diabetes, under control;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • Avoid frequent hypothermia or overheating.



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