Sedentary lifestyle. What is a sedentary lifestyle and how to overcome it

Hello friends!

Ever since my office confinement, I realized how dull sedentary work can be. And even here, in Goa, next to the sea, sometimes you have to suffer from the consequences of confinement at home, hugging a laptop. , what really...

In general, have you ever thought about the semantics of the word “hello”? In essence, there is nothing complicated here. Having said such a greeting, we wish you health. Although, rarely does anyone put such a meaning into this familiar word. At least today I use it in its original meaning.

And all because in this article I want to talk about health. About health in general, and about the health of “computer front fighters” in particular. And what is typical for people, or for freelancing? That's right: they spend a lot of time sitting in front of the monitor. And I think I won’t be wrong if I assume that many people have a sedentary lifestyle.

I think many people don't even realize what they're missing. motor activity. Especially when life goes by like sitting at the computer for a long time. But at the same time, they are in no hurry to somehow change the usual order of things. But in vain...

Try to calculate how much time you actually spend sitting (working, eating, reading, watching TV or watching a monitor). Or, if it’s difficult to calculate this way, then start from the opposite and calculate how much time you move. Per day, per week. At the same time, do not take into account your actions in cleaning the apartment, preparing food and other household chores. The fact is that such activity is not considered successful: the body, as a rule, is in incorrect posture, some muscles work, while others remain motionless and become numb.

After completing the half marathon

I won’t describe the norms here, how much and how you should move per day. I think this is quite individual and depends on preparation. I’d rather tell you how and what the lack of movement affects, why it is dangerous and what diseases it can provoke.

Physical inactivity and its consequences

In general, it all starts with the usual stupid one.

Blood circulation, i.e. washing all organs and tissues with blood is a guarantee normal functioning the whole organism, since the organs are washed in their own order (sequence) and with their own intensity. These processes include their own order of blood filtration, enrichment of the blood with nutrients, hormones and other substances. A slight failure of this system leads to metabolic disorders in each organ.

1. Metabolism

As you might guess, a sedentary lifestyle slows down blood circulation and lymph flow. Here I would like to talk in more detail about blood circulation so that the importance of this process is clear.

Blood circulation, i.e. washing all organs and tissues with blood is the key to the normal functioning of the entire body. Each organ is washed in its own order and with its own specific intensity. These processes include: blood filtration, blood enrichment with nutrients, hormones and other substances. A slight failure of this system leads to metabolic disorders in each organ.

As a result of slow blood supply (at rest, about 40% of the blood does not circulate), cells receive less oxygen and other nutrients. Inadequate lymph flow leads to stagnation, the body is not freed from toxins and, as a result, toxicosis.

I remember how, when I was working in a bookmaker’s office, which I sacredly hated, at one point I fell ill from pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal ailments. Then everything accumulated: a sedentary lifestyle, and nervous tension, and complete disappointment from professional activities.

2. Muscle tone

To imagine what changes occur in muscles during a sedentary lifestyle, imagine that a working muscle activates up to 3000 capillaries, which allow blood to pass through it, while in a state of inactivity - only 25-50 capillaries per 1 mm2.

Without movement, muscles lose tone and atrophy. The lower the tone, the greater the load on the bones and joints.

3. Cardiovascular system

The two previous points are directly related to the heart: it is both a muscle and the main engine of blood circulation. In the absence of physical activity, the heart slows down the frequency and strength of contractions, gas exchange in the respiratory organs decreases, oxygen saturation of cells decreases, and all processes slow down.

Heart tone decreases, and even with slight effort shortness of breath appears. And since the blood flow is weak, the blood stagnates, thickens and blood clots form in it.

All this leads to various heart diseases:

  • ischemic disease,
  • cardiovascular failure,
  • varicose veins,
  • heart attack, etc.

4. Spine

The basis of all foundations is our spine. Its structure and curves were formed by nature so that a person could move a lot. In a sitting position, the load on the spine increases by 40%! And the body position is most likely skewed: hunched shoulders, head tilted forward.

In my “best” years I weighed almost 100 kg

One hand supports the head, one leg crosses the other – as a result, the vertebrae are subjected to loads comparable to lifting heavy weights.

And as a result - all kinds of spinal diseases:

  • scoliosis – lateral curvature of the spine,
  • osteochondrosis – cartilage and bone tissue of the intervertebral discs are subject to degenerative disorders,
  • Osteoporosis is a metabolic disorder bone tissue,
  • displacement of vertebral discs,
  • intervertebral hernia.

By the way, I also managed to get a herniated disc. And, thank God, I ended up with a more or less adequate doctor who did not treat me with surgeries. I just started moving more actively and continued walking.

5. Neck

The lower back and neck are especially stressed. And with low neck mobility, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Which leads to headaches, insomnia, and poor concentration. There is also this unpleasant fact: during the time spent sitting, fluid is retained in the legs, which moves to the neck when a person assumes a horizontal position.

And this can cause breathing problems, and even lead to sudden death from his stop.

6. Lungs

A sedentary lifestyle reduces lung functionality. And as a result of acquired cardiovascular diseases and overweight Fluid may accumulate in the lungs or a pulmonary embolism may develop.

7. Stomach and digestive organs

As a result of malfunctions of the blood circulation system blood vessels the intestinal walls responsible for burning fat are switched off. And the mechanism responsible for burning fuel in the body (in particular, glucose and lipids) goes astray. As a result, we get a whole bunch of troubles:

  1. indigestion,
  2. obesity,
  3. constipation,
  4. haemorrhoids.

8. Pelvic organs

Stagnation of lymph in organs genitourinary system leads to diseases such as

  1. nephritis,
  2. prostatitis,
  3. hemorrhoids, etc.

I think that after such an analysis there will be no questions about why a sedentary lifestyle is harmful and what it leads to.

Responsibility to your body

“This is not all about me. “I feel fine, nothing hurts anywhere, I don’t suffer from excess weight,” almost everyone who has not yet encountered (or who does not admit to themselves that they have encountered) the consequences will say sedentary image life.

Here you need to understand one thing: our body has a certain reserve of health. So, for example, Soviet and post-Soviet childhood gave my generation, in addition to a lot of impressions, such a charge of health for for many years. Playing and running outside, experiencing bright emotions with living people, the child puts this potential into his body.

Moreover, various sports sections, children's camps, vacations in the village with relatives made a significant contribution to the formation of immunity and safety margin. In our youth, like plasticine, our lifestyle molds our bodies, shaping not only bones, muscles, ligaments, but also metabolism as a whole.

But, if, after years, a person does not develop a sense of responsibility for his health, for his body, but there are excuses like “the environment is bad, the food is not healthy enough, work takes a lot of time, there is no time and money for sports,” then illnesses will not force wait a long time for yourself.

In general, such irresponsibility towards one’s health begins to be clearly visible already on the threshold of the 30-year mark. I look with outright horror at the flabby bodies of once strong and beautiful guys and understand that such a lifestyle, coupled with stress, will only worsen the situation.

The body is our main tool

Imagine that the body is our car, a car. We can buy him high-quality fuels and lubricants, carry out regular technical inspections, repair or replace something. And our iron horse will serve us faithfully. But if you don’t take care of it, then after a while our car simply won’t move.

And if the owner of the “car” works remotely or is a freelancer, then the level of risk increases many times over. It is common for a freelancer to do the work that he likes. This means that he performs it with enthusiasm, and can sit in the same position for a long time, even in uncomfortable position. The result is a stiff and numb body. And with regular repetition, the problems described above begin.

Do you want to become a "potato on the couch"?

Consequences of office work

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity can lead to various diseases. And stress at work and at home, if it does not have the opportunity to “splash out” in the form of physical relief, will lead to depletion of physical and mental health. Find out the consequences unhealthy image life and urgently change for the better!

I'm a sofa-fridge - love triangle

A sedentary lifestyle is the reality of our world today. This term refers to irregular or minimal physical activity that is bad habit most people.

We work hard every day at our desks in air-conditioned offices, every day we experience a lack of exercise, and then we pile our bodies into the car in an air-conditioned vehicle to get home, where we can relax on the soft cushions of the sofa, under the cool air conditioning and under the soothing flickering light of the television. .

Reading, watching TV, sitting at the computer and any other activity where you hardly use physical strength, - all this can be attributed to an inactive lifestyle. But this does not mean that you urgently need to quit your job or stop reading books. Living with insufficient physical activity in a broad sense, means that your body and muscles are not fully used, blood circulation is reduced, the body does not receive oxygen, and all this leads to diseases of various types.

That is why sports and recreation preventive measures so important in our lives.

How does a sedentary life affect us?

Doctors say that over the years we lose vital energy. But it is no secret that even 20-35 year old people who lead a sedentary lifestyle get sick more often, and over the years the situation gets worse. Do you know the names of such wrecks in America? "Potato on the sofa"! You don't want to become her, do you?

Physical activity is our battery vitality The more we move, the more we accumulate strength for the future. Optimal oxygen supply, healthy blood circulation, efficient absorption of nutrients and proper cellular processes of the body - everything will work like a clockwork.

When you exercise vigorously, you sweat and toxins are flushed out of your body. A physical activity on fresh air in the sun is powerful healing effect, this is the prevention of many diseases!

Causes and consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

Laziness is generally considered the main reason for a sedentary lifestyle. There are always endless reasons not to exercise or do something active species activities. It should be remembered that weak physical activity will inevitably lead to poor health!

The most common consequences that people can face if they do not pay enough attention to exercise are obesity, heart disease, muscle atrophy and many other diseases.

Obesity, overweight

Obesity is defined as excess fat in the human body, as a result poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle. It usually occurs when the number of calories consumed is significantly higher than the body needs. And then obesity comes. Sometimes the cause of obesity can be genetics or health problems, but in most cases it is the result of a sedentary lifestyle.

Risk of developing heart disease

To keep the body functioning smoothly, the heart pumps our blood. And if there is no physical activity, blood circulation is impaired. The blood begins to move slowly, and the blood vessels narrow.

Therefore, the development of heart disease is always associated with a lifestyle where one does not take care of one’s own health and does not exercise. You need to take care of your heart from a young age to minimize the risk of developing heart disease.

A bouquet of diseases is a companion to a sedentary lifestyle

Osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer, insomnia, Alzheimer's disease. The list could go on for a long time. All of them can be a consequence of insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Get on your skis!

By introducing a little into your daily routine active activities such as race walking, running, or maybe just a walk before bed, you can be proud of yourself. Changing a sedentary lifestyle to an active one life position, you will live a long and productive life!

I have a friend Rais, who really has a battery that will last him until the end of his life! This man never stands still, he is truly the Energizer of our time. Who cares -

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, their metabolism sharply decreases due to insufficient oxygen entering the body. Hence many troubles: premature development atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, lung diseases... With physical inactivity, obesity occurs, and calcium is lost from the bones. For example, as a result of three weeks of forced immobility, the loss minerals amount to a person as much as in a year of his life. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in micropump function skeletal muscles, and the heart thereby loses its reliable helpers, which leads to various violations blood circulation in the human body and cardiovascular diseases.

At rest, about 40% of the blood does not circulate throughout the body and is in the “depot”. Consequently, tissues and organs are less well supplied with oxygen - this elixir of life. And vice versa, during movement, blood from the “depot” actively enters the vessels, as a result of which metabolism increases and the human body is faster freed from toxins.

For example, in muscles at rest, only 25-50 capillaries function (per 1 mm 2 of tissue). In a working muscle, up to 3000 capillaries actively pass blood through themselves. The same pattern is observed in the lungs with alveoli.

Muscle inaction leads to poor circulation in all organs, but the heart and brain suffer most often. It is no coincidence that patients forced for a long time stay on bed rest, first of all, they begin to complain of colic in the heart and headache. Previously, when patients with myocardial infarction long time were not allowed to move, the mortality rate among them was much higher. Conversely, when they began to practice an early motor regimen, the percentage of recovery increased sharply.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to premature aging of the human body: muscles atrophy, sharply decreases vitality, determines performance, early wrinkles appear, memory deteriorates, dark thoughts haunt you... Therefore, longevity is impossible without an active lifestyle.

But training the body for physical activity, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the function of all organs and systems and increases a person’s reserve capabilities. Thus, under the influence of physical exercise, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, their lumen becomes larger. First of all, this applies to the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. Systematic exercise and sports prevent the development of vascular spasms and thereby prevent angina pectoris, heart attack and other heart diseases.

To prevent blood stagnation in the body, it is necessary to “forcibly” redistribute it between the limbs and internal organs. What needs to be done for this? Force yourself to exercise regularly exercise. For example, when working sedentarily, get up more often (several times an hour), do bends, squats, etc., breathe deeply, and after work, walk at least part of the way home. At home, it is useful to lie down for ten minutes with your legs elevated.

It should not be forgotten that what older age person, the fewer functioning capillaries remain. However, in constantly working muscles they are preserved. In functioning muscles, blood vessels age much more slowly than in internal organs. For example, the blood vessels in the legs age the fastest due to poor blood flow resulting from defective vein valves. This leads to blood stagnation, varicose veins and chronic oxygen starvation tissues with the formation of blood clots and trophic ulcers. Therefore, it is necessary to give the leg muscles a feasible load throughout your entire life, alternating it with periods of rational rest.

In a person who does not systematically engage in physical exercise, by the age of 40-50 years of life, the speed of blood flow noticeably slows down, muscle strength and depth of breathing decrease, and blood clotting increases. As a result, among such people the number of patients with angina pectoris and hypertension is sharply increasing.

At the same time, older people with active image life, pensioners who continue to work as hard as they can are not observed sharp deterioration health.

Unfortunately, many older people play it safe too much, being afraid to go outside again, limit their movements, and avoid even strenuous exercise. As a result, their blood circulation sharply worsens, the respiratory excursion of the lungs decreases, the emptying of the alveoli increases, pneumosclerosis rapidly progresses, and pulmonary heart failure occurs.

Sedentary lifestyle modern man became one of the main causes of early atherosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, coronary disease heart and sudden death.

Numerous animal experiments indicate the same. For example, birds released from cramped cages, rising into the air, died from heart failure. Even nightingales raised in captivity died with strong trills when released. This can happen to a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

To maintain the functioning of all organs and systems throughout life, a person must first take care of breathing correctly. It has been established that pulmonary artery, its inner shell, with sufficient inhalation of oxygen, activates the functions of certain hormones. This, in particular, is the basis for treatment with oxygen, oxygen foam, as well as aromas of a number of flowers.

When there is insufficient oxygen supply to the human body as a result shallow breathing a violation occurs oxidative processes with the formation of underoxidized products with the so-called free radicals. They themselves are capable of causing prolonged spasm of blood vessels, which is often the cause of mysterious pain in the various parts bodies.

Any weakening of breathing, no matter what caused it - improper breathing or low physical activity - reduces oxygen consumption by body tissues. As a result, the amount of protein-fat complexes in the blood increases - lipoproteins, which are the main sources of the formation of atherosclerotic deposits in the capillaries. For this reason, lack of oxygen in the body accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in relatively young people. age.

It has been noted that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and avoid physical labor often suffer from colds. What's the matter? It turns out that their lung function is reduced.

The lungs, as is known, consist of tiny bubbles filled with air - alveoli, the walls of which are densely braided blood capillaries in the form of a very thin network. When you inhale, the alveoli, filling with air, expand and stretch capillary network. This creates conditions for better filling them with blood. Consequently, the deeper the inhalation, the more complete the blood supply to both the alveoli and the lungs in general.

U physically developed person the total area of ​​all alveoli can reach 100 m2. And if all of them are included in the act of breathing, then special cells - macrophages - freely move from the blood capillaries into the lumen of the alveoli. They are the ones who protect alveolar tissue from harmful and toxic impurities contained in the inhaled air, they neutralize microbes and viruses and neutralize the toxic substances they release - toxins.

The life of these cells, however, is short: they quickly die from inhaled dust, bacteria and other microorganisms. And the more polluted the air a person inhales is with dust, gases, tobacco smoke and others poisonous products combustion, in particular by vehicle exhaust gases, the faster the macrophages that protect us die. Dead alveolar macrophages can be removed from the body only with good ventilation.

And if, with a sedentary lifestyle, a person breathes shallowly, then a significant part of the alveoli does not participate in the act of breathing. The movement of blood in them is sharply weakened, and these non-breathing areas of the lungs have almost no protective cells. The resulting ones are defenseless. zones are the place where an unimpeded virus or microbe enters, damages the lung tissue and causes disease.

This is why it is so important that the air you breathe is clean and oxygenated. It is better to inhale through the nose, where it is cleared of germs and dust, warmed and moisturized, and exhalation can also be done through the mouth.

Do not forget that the deeper the breath, the large area alveoli participate in gas exchange, the more protective cells - macrophages - enter them. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to regularly practice deep breathing in the fresh air.

At inflammatory diseases respiratory organs should be addressed on the advice of a doctor breathing exercises to prevent wrinkling of the alveoli and prevent their death. At the same time, we should not forget that lung tissue is capable of regeneration, and lost alveoli can be restored. This is facilitated by deep breathing through the nose, involving the diaphragm, which obese people leading a sedentary lifestyle should not forget about.

A person can control his breathing, change its rhythm and depth. While breathing nerve impulses emanating both from the very lung tissue, and from respiratory center, affect the tone of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the process of inhalation causes excitation of cortical cells cerebral hemispheres, and exhalation is inhibition. If their duration is equal, these influences are automatically neutralized.

To give vigor, breathing should be deep, with accelerated exhalation, which will also contribute to increased performance. By the way, this principle is clearly visible in the example of chopping wood: swinging an ax - deep breath, hit the log - short, energetic exhalation. This allows a person to perform similar work for quite a long time without rest.

But short breath and prolonged exhalation, on the contrary, relax the muscles and calm the nervous system. This breathing is used to transition from wakefulness to a state of rest, rest and sleep.

The opening of the alveoli is also facilitated by an increase in intrathoracic pressure. This can be achieved by inflating, for example, a rubber toy or a ball bladder. You can also do it with effort, exhaling through your lips, extended forward and folded into a tube, pronouncing the letters “f” or “fu”.

good breathing exercise is also a cheerful, perky laugh, which at the same time massages many internal organs.

In short, in order to neutralize the detrimental health consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, you need to regularly, until the very old age do physical exercises in the fresh air, breathing exercises, harden up, eat rationally. And for physical education and sports to bring tangible benefits, they must be practiced at least 6 hours a week.

But before you start training, be sure to see a doctor and consult with him, master the skills of self-control of your body, and keep a self-observation diary. And always and in everything follow the rules of personal and public hygiene, give up unhealthy habits.

L. N. Pridorogin, doctor.

The disease of the new century - physical inactivity, that is, restriction of physical activity, “generously gifts” people with new and new diseases, spoils their well-being and negates all efforts to maintain a good mood. A sedentary lifestyle slowly and detrimentally affects health, chronic diseases, which are not so easy to get rid of unless you change your usual routine of life. To decide on such global changes, you should find out what the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle are. Let's consider what happens to the body when physical activity is limited.

A sedentary lifestyle: how the body degrades

Why are you in a bad mood?

The lack of necessary activity harms our body, both physically and in terms of well-being and psychological comfort. A simple walk through the forest, park, or going out of town into nature will give you a good mood and freshness of mind. During the working day, being in a stuffy room, the body is sorely lacking oxygen, the brain cannot actively work in this mode. After a working day, be sure to go for a walk to lift your spirits and clear your mind of the flow of information that overloads your brain all day.

Weak bones? Let's go for a walk!

Many brands' marketing plans use the idea that calcium is good for bone tissue. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. This myth dispelled by Harvard scientists, which refuted the need to use large quantity calcium to strengthen bones. Vitamin D is essential for bone tissue, so daily jogging or hiking important for healthy joints and bones, can prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Poor sleep as a result of lack of oxygen

Lack of walks in the fresh air and basic motor exercises every day threatens the healthy and sound sleep, provoking many psychological problems and development of diseases. And along with poor sleep, body weight will begin to increase, depression and anxiety will arise, and chronic ailments will begin to worsen. Therefore, many people who suffer from insomnia and exercise little are actively studying the question of how to lose weight with a sedentary lifestyle. Also bad dream provokes problems with the heart and blood vessels.

As you can see, everything is interconnected, lack of movement affects the quality of sleep, and lack of sleep results in health problems.

Decreased mental activity

A sedentary lifestyle significantly reduces mental productivity, this was proven in an experiment, the results of which were published in The Journal of Comparative Neurology. According to these data, in one of the parts of the brain, in the absence of motor activity, neural connections. In addition, this same department is responsible for the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system(controls blood pressure through vasoconstriction). Therefore, except brain disorders, a sedentary lifestyle is the right way to cardiovascular diseases.

Gymnastics for the office will tone your body and increase productivity:

Necessary physical activity can protect against premature death and prolong life while maintaining brain plasticity. 30 minutes of stretching, jogging or walking is the minimum that should be present in everyone's life.

The more humanity develops, the less need there is for physical labor. Overwhelmingly modern people Those engaged in intellectual work are constantly at the computer, and when they come home, they sit down at the TV or again at the computer. Everything seems logical comfortable life provided, but why does sitting have a negative impact on health? Less and less fewer people can boast of unlimited energy, no headaches, no back pain.

In fact, human body designed for static and even long-term loads. If they are absent, and the body is in constant sitting position, problems begin. Muscles lose their elasticity, atrophy, blood circulation slows down, and weight only increases. This is a natural reaction of a living organism to the lack of opportunity to burn calories.

How to determine if you are at risk?

It is enough to simply determine whether you will have problems with a sedentary lifestyle in the near future. If these statements are true for you, then you are at risk:

  • Spend about 6-7 hours in a sitting position at your workplace;
  • take breaks very rarely;
  • you practically do not move on foot;
  • You get to work and home on your own vehicle or at a convenient location public transport;
  • do not walk up the stairs, move only by elevator;
  • you prefer passive relaxation: going to the movies, watching TV shows, and so on;
  • additional activities or hobbies also involve sitting;
  • you don't play any sports.

And the easiest way to check is to observe yourself for one day and if you spend 7 or more hours sitting, you automatically fall into the risk group.

Negative consequences

May cause development all kinds of diseases. And it can aggravate the situation with already existing pathology, accelerate its development.

Besides this, most The population of large cities eats the “wrong” foods, preferring fast food and semi-finished products. And this is another important provoking factor in the development dangerous pathologies. And all this happens against the backdrop of dirty air, both on the street and in the office.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The most common consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is problems with the spine. This is lower back pain cervical spine, scoliosis and curvature. Over time, osteochondrosis develops, and limited motor function, pain in the lower and upper limbs. Sprains, dislocations, and even fractures often occur.

This problem arises against the background of leaching of calcium from the bones. The muscles weaken and decrease in volume, and the condition of the ligamentous apparatus worsens.

Changes definitely occur in the joints; they become inflamed because they do not perform their intended function. Today, problems with joints no longer occur in old age, but also appear in young people.

Problems with blood vessels and heart

What are the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle? It can cause the development of pathologies cardiovascular system. The heart muscle weakens so much that even a short run to the same tram causes the heart to work at its limit.

Arises rapid heartbeat, tachycardia develops, which can cause arrhythmia. And all this can end in myocardial infarction.

Constant sitting causes pressure surges, and when stable high blood pressure there is a huge risk of developing a stroke.


Another problem that inevitably arises with a sedentary lifestyle is obesity. Excess fat layer is essentially a “freeloader” for the body. Fat takes oxygen away from the body nutrients from food without giving anything in return.

Another consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is belly fat. The abdomen appears especially in men, but fat in this area is quite difficult to remove. In men, fat lies deep inside the body, mainly around the intestines, so getting rid of such a belly is quite difficult. As a result, heart problems and shortness of breath appear.

Changes in psychological state and headaches

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to? There are problems with mental state. It means that without physical activity, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is reduced. And this inevitably leads to depressive state, people constantly feel moral and physical fatigue, bad mood. Some people even have suicidal thoughts and have no sense of fulfillment. After all, about no social activity It is out of the question if a person is depressed and is only capable of solving his current everyday problems.

Modern people often experience nervous disorders, in particular the syndrome chronic fatigue which is accompanied by insomnia.

And, of course, if physical activity is reduced, then why not have headaches? After all, blood circulation is disrupted, and it flows to the brain. insufficient quantity oxygen, hence the migraine, Bad mood. Where will it come from? good mood if you have a headache.

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that a person moves little, he experiences stagnation venous blood in the small pelvis. And this is a direct path to the development of hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins are another scourge of modern man. If earlier it was believed that this disease was more characteristic of the female half of humanity, now it is often found in men. the formation of blood clots, which at any time can block blood vessels leading to the lungs, heart muscle or brain.

Development risk varicose veins increases if a person has a genetic predisposition to this disease. A sitting position is especially harmful when the legs are stacked on top of each other, then the blood vessels are additionally compressed.

Genital area

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for men are a huge risk of developing impotence and prostatitis. Lack of physical activity leads to congestion in the pelvic area, and this is a huge risk for both men and women.

Respiratory problems

Doctors have long noticed that the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are frequent colds. And everything is connected with the fact that if physical activity is reduced, then the functional capacity of the lungs also decreases. During the respiratory act, special cells called “macrophages” are produced, which protect the alveoli from microbes. Life cycle they have a short one. Their number is sharply reduced if a person moves little and stays in a polluted room for a long time. Hence the conclusion that in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, there is a huge risk for respiratory system carries polluted office air. After all, macrophages quickly die from inhaled dust. In addition to dirty office air, the risk increases with smoking and constant inhalation of exhaust fumes from vehicles.

A person who moves little breathes shallowly, that is, all the alveoli of the lungs do not participate in the process. As a result, dead microphages are poorly removed and blood flow weakens. This is how unprotected areas of the alveoli appear, into which, without special problems germs and viruses penetrate. Hence colds and pulmonary diseases.

What other problems might arise?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in women are stagnant processes in the pelvis, and these are problems with the uterus, appendages and other organs. In addition, both men and women may experience problems with work gastrointestinal tract, huge risk of development diabetes mellitus and hypertrophy of connective tissues.

Recent studies conducted by specialists from the University of California (USA) have proven that a sedentary lifestyle is directly related to the thinning of the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory.

What to do?

The easiest and best way is to change your lifestyle. Although this is not always possible.

How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? You should follow some rules that will reduce negative impact sedentary lifestyle.

Throughout your workday, try to take every opportunity to move. Set an alarm to remind you to stretch every 30 minutes.

For lunch, go to the furthest food establishment. If possible, play active games during breaks or do some exercise with your employees.

Don't deny yourself a visit to the gym or swimming pool. It is best to devote time to sports activities at least 2-3 times a week. If the office has an elevator, then refuse it, go down and up the stairs. Walk to and from work, at least a few stops. When you get home, don’t immediately sit down at the computer or TV. If you have children, go for a walk with them, or take the dog and go for a walk with it.

Yoga can help solve back problems. Sign up for a course of classes and don't miss them.

Don't be lazy, do gymnastic exercises for at least 10 minutes in the morning. Keep yourself busy on the weekend too active recreation. A trip to nature is a great opportunity to combine relaxation and a game of badminton or ball.

If there are problems with the veins, then as prophylactic can act compression hosiery. It is suitable for both healthy people, and for those with varicose veins at the initial stage.

Constantly follow the path of reducing the amount of food you consume. Every year you grow older it will be harder and harder to get rid of the fat layer. Although obesity can be fought not only with the help gym, but also healthy and passionate sex.


To reduce and get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to eat on a schedule. No need to snack on chips and chocolates. Snacks good products meals should be every 2-3 hours. Portions should be small. Look at your lunch taken from home - don’t be afraid, divide it into two, or better yet, three meals.

Avoid any foods that may cause excess weight or cellulite. These products include: smoked meats, fried poultry with skin, sweets and baked goods, full-fat sour cream, coffee, carbonated drinks and bananas. TO useful products include: vegetables, fresh and steamed, fruits, crumbly cereals, dried fruits, dairy products.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs