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Continuing the topic of means and methods of treatment not with drugs, but with the help of devices, I wanted to tell you my impression and leave my review about the device that is used in the field of physiotherapy to cure and diagnose various diseases of various severity and types. As I said in my previous reviews, I have an extremely negative attitude towards such devices that have little to do with diagnostics and are expensive, but nevertheless, I always try to objectively evaluate each product or device. On the Internet you can come across advertisements for such devices, and it will not necessarily be only Scenar. Scenar itself is presented in the form of a remote control device with a black and white screen, on which, when using the device, several indicators are displayed, they are a kind of indicators of the state or level of health. If you trust the manufacturer’s words, the device operates at a certain frequency, at a frequency of 70 kilohertz, and is a kind of sine wave. In other words, the impulse has an irritating effect on nerve endings and fibers, while not damaging them, thus stimulating the development of a response - response impulses. Also, according to the manufacturer, we can read that the electric pulse, due to its different amplitude, affects nerve fiber, thereby ensuring the production of neuropeptides, which, like most people who remember biology well from school, stand out among others by the time of their existence, and they stimulate the body to resist external aggressive factors and contribute speedy recovery body.

Use at home

Like other devices of this class, SCENAR is no different in terms of use at home. You can carry the SCENAR with you, which I note as a plus. As for what the device treats from those listed by the manufacturer, I was most confused by kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract. Yes, the manufacturer and sales companies explain this by the fact that our body consists mainly of water, which is polar, and the impulses that come from the device help improve the functioning of damaged organs, where there is heterogeneous structures molecules (in areas of irritation or damage), normalize the condition of the organ and help bring the diseased organ back to normal. It sounds cool, of course, but on the other hand it’s suspicious. I have already talked about magic pills and the placebo effect - when a patient pays crazy money for a drug or device, but the therapy does not give positive result- the same placebo effect occurs, a person begins to convince himself of what he paid for an effective and the right thing, thereby motivating and setting your body up for recovery. It's about the same system here. A person who bought a device for a lot of money simply cannot afford the pleasure of staying sick. Self-hypnosis and a little physiotherapy.

Personal use

Even though I don't welcome people like that alternative methods treatment, this device was somehow certified by the Ministry of Health, so it easily fell into my mother’s hands straight from the counter. I want to say that I resisted for a long time, but my mother insisted on her way - it was not in vain that she spent so much money on this. Yes, indeed, I had a question - how can this device cure my diseased pancreas? Using the same impulses? I doubt. Using this device for two weeks I felt only relief. pain symptoms, but I couldn’t wait for their absence.

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Due to the fact that a person takes vertical position, disturbance and overload may occur spinal column, which performs not only a supporting function, but also a shock-absorbing effect during any movements.

Accordingly, millions of people have to suffer from diseases associated with musculoskeletal system. Each of us has had to endure back pain. The main causes of these pains can be: osteochondrosis with its complications, arthrosis, arthritis, postural disorders.

IN lately the number of cases of disk malfunction and the occurrence of intervertebral hernia. The main reason for the development of this serious illness could be basically a violation metabolic processes. Osteochondrosis increases the risk of hernias tenfold.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis with its complications is carried out on the basis of tests clinical manifestations And special methods detection of disease and examination of the spine.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, they are used and applied various types massage methods and manual therapy. There are also medicines, which can improve nutrition of muscles and bones, restore the cartilaginous properties of intervertebral discs, relieve pain, swelling and tissue inflammation. However, even such a wide range of medications offered traditional medicine, can only give a short-term effect and is not able to radically solve the problem of the disease and provide treatment.

Currently, various courses of treatment and therapy related to the treatment of spinal diseases are known. SCENAR therapy is considered one of the most effective techniques, however, with a certain risk of exacerbation of the disease.

SCENAR is a Self-Controlled Energy NeuroAdaptive Regulator, the name of which comes from the method of influence and the device that carries it out. The device carries out electrical impulses, which in their characteristics are similar to signals nervous system person. These impulses affect the patient's skin. Thus, SCENAR is able to monitor the body's response to exposure and achieve the most effective treatment.

SCENAR device is a universal regulator of the body's sensitivity functions. This therapy is used for wide range diseases. Regulating and normalizing impaired functions various systems organs, SCENAR compensates for organic changes, accelerates the course of the disease and reduces the severity of symptoms, while increasing the body's resistance to diseases and infections.

SCENAR It is considered a drug-free therapy. Since it affects the skin through electromagnetic signals, it can be classified as electrotherapy therapy. Compared to other electrotherapy methods - Bernard currents, interference therapy, Acuhealth, TENS - this therapy provides a solution to the accommodation problem. Presence of biofeedback with change skin impedance allows the pulses of the device to change during the process of exposure in such a way that the subsequent pulse is different from the previous one. Moreover, such impulses are as close as possible to nerve impulses person.

Impact of SCENAR carried out in two ways: general and local, in the area of ​​pain. General method involves impact on six facial points and three paths, and the local one is distributed over sectoral and reflexogenic zones.

So SCENAR therapy considered one of effective ways treatment of osteochondrosis. SCENAR therapy affects the entire body, taking into account all intervertebral discs. Strengthening the regeneration processes in the intervertebral joints occurs due to the normalized interaction of various body systems - the nervous system, hormonal system, immune, etc.

However, we note that the use of SCENAR therapy is contraindicated in cases of acute psychosis, the presence of a pacemaker, individual intolerance, inflammation and acute infections. Therefore, every patient needs to know that the risk of deterioration and exacerbation of the disease is 10-15%.

so let's start with deciphering the name. so SCENAR is self-controlled energy-neuroadaptive regulator. it was created in order to normalize the effect on functional state autonomic nervous system. that is, the body’s self-regulation should improve. this device generates electrical impulses (with a frequency of approximately 70 kHz), which is the main influencing factor. it monitors the body's response to its impact and then changes it. but changes in such a way as to cause the most pronounced adaptive reaction of the body, in order to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. The device acts as a natural regulator of body functions. functions can be normalized and adjusted different organs and systems if they were violated. There are also features of such therapy, its positive aspects: short, non-damaging impact, wide indications to use, there is no addiction, since each next impulse is different from the previous one, the treatment is harmless to the human body, since the treatment is drug-free. the impact of the device should activate internal forces body, improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve metabolism.

Indications and effects

indications are diseases cardiovascular system, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, gynecology and andrology, kidney disease, joint disease, eye and dental diseases. and it acts like this: as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, normalization hormonal levels, as a sedative.

This procedure was suggested by a dermatologist. she had hives quite often and the doctor suggested she try alternative medicine when drug intervention did not help. Well, she agreed, because the doctor prescribed it)) there she had to take some kind of course, I don’t remember exactly how many times. Well, in general, my friend went as much as necessary.


In short, my friend went through all the procedures and paid for everything as needed. Moreover, the doctor immediately warned that so far very few people agree to take the course. and although this device was certified and some research had been done, people were still not ready to try it. the doctor said that it was just a fear of something new and unconventional. that the technology really works, that she tried it on herself, her children, and the whole family)))

Well, what do you think? It is clear that there was no particular result. that is, it didn’t happen at all. The hives continued to appear, and I told her at the beginning that she should be careful and not end up in some kind of scam. but she paid a decent sum. but who knew that you could get to such a doctor. but it turns out that very often different firms and companies pay doctors to administer their products to patients, regardless of indications or contraindications. and for this they also have a percentage, for example. in short, you can’t trust anyone now, everyone wants to make money)) it’s also good that this device didn’t do any harm, otherwise you never know. but from a specialist it’s not very professional. but as it turned out, when the friend went to another doctor, he prescribed her a series of tests. she passed everything and, in the end, it turned out that she was allergic to her cream, which she had recently started using. I gave it up and all the problems went away. The hives went away after a while, but all the symptoms disappeared. you have to decide for yourself, of course, maybe someone is lucky, but I think it’s just a scam))

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General idea about SCENAR.

SCENAR is an electronic medical device that carries out a contact effect on the skin and mucous membranes with special effects that change when the condition of the skin changes (i.e. feedback), resulting in reactions in the body aimed at restoring lost functions. By regulating unbalanced systems of the body, SCENAR brings back to normal what is generally capable of being restored. Moreover, SCENAR is safe in the long term. Recovery occurs through the restoration and harmonization of the body’s own reserves, and not through the suppression of protective and adaptive mechanisms (which results in even more serious illnesses or a protracted course of the underlying suffering). SCENAR does not introduce changes into a normally functioning organism. He does not add, does not subtract, normalizes what is due.

SCENAR is an abbreviation for the name of the device - a self-controlling energy-neuroadaptive regulator or short-pulse electrical neuroadaptive reflexotherapeutic stimulator.

Externally, it is a highly effective compact (fits in a pocket) therapeutic device for multidisciplinary use. Everything ingenious is simple. And in SCENAR, genius is hidden behind the external simplicity. The amazing thing is that just a cutaneous effect leads not only to functional changes, but sometimes also allows you to reversibly influence processes with advanced organic changes.

It is generally accepted: SCENAR is an ideal electrotherapy and one of best representatives reflexology methods.

The effectiveness of mono-SCENAR therapy is 90% (and in 60% of cases it is possible to achieve complete clinical recovery, and in 30% - positive dynamics) and this effectiveness is inherent even in novice SCENAR therapists. On average, recovery for all diseases is accelerated three times. In the worst case scenario, SCENAR will not do any better. But there were no cases where his health became worse.

Compatible with all types of treatment (at least reduces the negative effects of other types of treatment, if present, and definitely enhances positive effects). But combine other types of treatment with SCENAR to increase final result not always advisable. SCENAR therapy is successfully complemented by the OLM-1 therapeutic blanket and goes well with competent and appropriate psychotherapy, homeopathy, field (electromagnetic) therapy, hirudotherapy, and cleansing measures.

Combination with acupuncture, laser and other techniques based on the reflexotherapy method is problematic (due to the redundancy of information load on the body).

It is undesirable to combine with medicines that disrupt self-regulation (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs, chemotherapeutic agents and many others), although in any case SCENAR will reduce their negative effects and allow you to reduce the dose by 1/3 - 1/4 of the required one. But if you trigger self-regulation, then what is the point of prescribing drugs that suppress it? Without drugs, the body recovers, and most often faster and more reliably than with drugs (except for cases when the body's reserves are exhausted and the drugs perform a replacement function).

Effects of SCENAR therapy: normalization of impaired functions, acceleration of the course and reduction of severity pathological processes, significant improvement general condition and well-being, analgesic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, decongestant, anthelmintic, antiallergic, vascular-regulating effects (improved blood circulation), normalization of metabolic processes, improved lymphatic drainage, external and internal rejuvenation, improved sleep and emotional background and many others. The economic effect is to prevent the development of hidden diseases.

One of the most valuable features of SCENAR is that it eliminates stress reactions in the body and triggers healing reactions leading to self-healing.

For patients, SCENAR is a way to new health. For SCENAR users, it is a way out into a new, exciting, rich life, satisfaction with the results of work, unknown in conventional healthcare.

SCENAR is easy to use - all treatment processes are automated, put the device in place and you are already right, because in any case SCENAR will have a positive effect.

Any person who has read the recommendations for using the device can use SCENAR, however maximum effect in curing the most complex diseases achieved by doctors who constantly work professionally and creatively with SCENAR.

The device can be used in any conditions: at home, on the street, in nature, in production, in combat conditions, in space, in beauty salons, in medical institutions and operating rooms. But the most effective and appropriate use is in specialized SCENAR centers and SCENAR rooms.

Convenient for treating unusual patients: the deaf and mute, foreigners ( language barrier), unconscious, children, non-transportable, immobile, inoperable, “refusal”, animals, since the previous period and verbal contact are of little importance in the treatment method.

SCENAR is isolated from electrical networks, uses a low-voltage voltage source and therefore does not pose a danger to the patient.

There are no absolute contraindications to the use of SCENAR. It can be used in categories of patients where other treatment methods are sometimes contraindicated: cancer patients, patients with allergies, pregnant women, newborns, etc.

Indications for use of SCENAR.

SCENAR is a universal device used to restore any reversibly lost body function. Naturally, SCENAR does not restore irreversibly lost functions (like all other non-operative methods of treatment), although sometimes SCENAR changes the concept of the irreversibility of the process. But even with irreversible processes, it makes sense to take a course of SCENAR therapy: it improves general condition and the severity of the underlying pathology decreases.

Without having a destructive effect, SCENAR is also ineffective in situations where an urgent destructive effect is required (surgical cosmetology). Systematic cosmetic effect is possible due to general health processes caused by SCENAR in the body. The rejuvenation effect is a common phenomenon after a course of SCENAR therapy.

Another versatility of SCENAR is that it is suitable for urgent (emergency) therapy (resuscitation, recovery from shock, restoration of cardiac activity, rapid pain relief, removal of traumatic edema, etc.) and for the treatment of persistent chronic forms diseases. That is, the use of the device is indicated at any stage of any disease, if it is reversible.

The use of SCENAR is effective in preoperative preparation, postoperative treatment, injuries, burns, frostbite, prevention and treatment of bedsores, with immunodeficiency (local and general), with withdrawal syndromes(including hangover syndrome), in conditions with low energy, in recovery after heavy stress (physical, intellectual and emotional), syndrome chronic fatigue, if necessary, intensive recovery after illnesses.

In addition, SCENAR has found application in treating a wide range of pathologies:

respiratory system(ARVI, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis);

digestive system(gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, peritonitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, postcholecystectomy syndrome);

– urinary system (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis , urolithiasis, renal colic, cystitis, urethritis, enuresis);

– obstetric and gynecological profile (pain relief and normalization of childbirth, pre- and postpartum period, neonatal trauma treatment, all kinds of diseases in pregnant women, violation menstrual cycle, many forms of amenorrhea, infertility not caused by irreversible anatomical obstacles, cervical erosion, adnexitis, painful periods, metroendometritis, fibroids, some types of frigidity, mastopathy);

– genital organs in men (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, urethritis, some forms of impotence and infertility, post-traumatic problems, inflammatory diseases penis and scrotum with its organs, hydrocele of the testicular membranes);

– cardiovascular system (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, ischemic heart disease, hypotension, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arrhythmia, vascular diseases of an inflammatory, sclerotic, thromboembolic nature and their complications, Raynaud's disease, microcirculation disorders, varicose veins veins);

hematopoietic system(certain types of anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, inhibition of hematopoiesis, etc.);

– nervous system (neuralgia and neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, herpes zoster, vibration disease, various asthenovegetative disorders, migraine, encephalopathy, vascular diseases head and spinal cord, stroke and its consequences, spinal and traumatic brain injuries and their consequences, neuroinfections, neuromuscular diseases with paresis and plegia of a flaccid and spastic nature, children cerebral palsy, hypothalamic syndrome, epilepsy and epileptiform syndromes, etc.);

musculoskeletal system (various diseases spine and joints, arthrosis, arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, muscle blockades, myositis, injuries to muscles, bones and ligaments, fractures and dislocations at various stages of the process, swelling);

surgical diseases: infiltrates, boils, abscesses, lymphadenitis, hematomas, trophic ulcers, phantom pain;

– ENT organs (rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, Meniere’s disease, some types of hearing loss);

– dental system (elimination of toothache, elimination of trismus after dental procedures, withdrawal inflammatory processes and complications after treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis);

– organs of vision (inflammatory and degenerative vascular diseases, trauma and post-traumatic period, removal visual fatigue, diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal organs, cornea, sclera, choroid eyes, retinas, optic nerve, oculomotor system, orbit);

– in neonatology: underdevelopment of organs and systems, birth trauma(including the most common - cephalohematoma), asphyxia, pneumonia and pneumopathy, dysfunction and fermentopathy of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperbilirubinemia, intrauterine infections and other diseases;

– in pediatrics: delay in physical and mental development, immunodeficiencies, FSD (frequently ill children), dysbacteriosis, alopecia areata, torticollis, diathesis and many others. etc.;

– in the treatment of skin diseases: neurodermatitis, alopecia areata, erythema nodosum, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, other skin diseases that are a reflection of any systemic pathology.

SCENAR is also effectively used in cosmetology, oncology, resuscitation and emergency therapy.

Of course, the list of treatable diseases and conditions is alarming. But SCENAR does not treat a specific disease, but restores functional systems and the interconnections of the organism, which determines its universality.

What is the treatment?

Treatment is carried out in a position that is most comfortable for the patient and optimally satisfies the accessibility of treatment, freeing the areas of the body to be treated from clothing. If necessary, the hair is shaved off (if contact with the skin is not possible) or the hair can be slightly wetted. If it is impossible to treat the pathological area (plaster, wound), symmetrical areas of the body are treated. In hard-to-reach places and places with complex bone configurations, it is convenient to work with an external electrode.

The time allocated for the procedure depends on the goals pursued: from half a minute (sometimes quick withdrawal toothache) up to several days continuously (when, in case of acute extreme damage, it is necessary to save an organ). The usual time for the procedure is 15...30 minutes. In any case, during planned therapy total time it is advisable not to exceed 40 minutes of exposure (when working with one device). Simultaneous operation of 2 devices speeds up the exposure time by 2.5 times. There is no particular point in increasing the duration of the procedure. The body stops responding to excessive exposure.

SCENAR, in view of determining the individual dose of exposure, largely solves the chronobiological approach - each zone has its own dose required in at the moment time.

The frequency of exposure is determined by the severity of the pathology. In acute diseases, exposure is carried out daily or several times a day, but in any case no more often than every 3 hours. The more chronic and indolent disease, the longer the intervals between procedures should be - every other day or 2 - 3 times a week. If you treat more often, it won’t get worse, but you won’t achieve the effect faster.

Duration of treatment – ​​1 – 25 procedures per course (usually 10–14). The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the body’s response to the impact and restoration of lost functions. Amazing results have been reported with single treatments and patients have been tracked with daily exposure for more than 3 months with the best long-term prognosis.

How fresh disease, those faster recovery. For acute diseases One course is enough. At chronic pathology improvement will occur during the course of treatment, but the maximum result will occur a month after the end of the course, and the healing reaction starts for three months. That is why, if there is a need for repeated courses, you should not go far from the three-month interval. A repeated course within these periods will be more effective than the previous one. An interval between courses of more than 6 months is regarded by the body as a primary effect. You can start earlier than three months repeat course, if the body has launched another pronounced healing reaction. During an exacerbation, treatment is always more effective and it is better to start treatment during any exacerbation. For mild exacerbations, you can limit yourself to one or several intermediate (between courses) procedures or not pay attention to them at all - they will go away on their own.

During treatment, painful manifestations appear and disappear in chronological order, reverse order their appearance (as in a film rewinding): what came first will go last. Sometimes patients note the occurrence of manifestations that existed many years before the start of treatment. Such observations are often associated with chronic diseases, but also occur with acute ones.

Healing proceeds correctly when the mental state first improves, and then bodily manifestations that go in the direction from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, from more late diseases to earlier ones, from more vital organs to less vital ones.

Everyone has their own body and their own response time to the effects of the device. For some it is earlier, for others it is later. For some it is obvious, for others it is hidden. The body's reaction is unpredictable.

First functional improvement, then disappearance organic changes, i.e. if available anatomical changes the body needs time for the reversible development of the process (month - several years). This time is also difficult to predict, as it depends on many factors.

Recovery begins in a person’s mind and goes easier and faster if he not only wants to be healthy, but also does something for this: moves, cleanses himself, monitors his condition, and actively participates in the treatment process. Without the desire to get better, improvement with SCENAR therapy it's getting worse and more slowly, and, conversely, with a passionate desire to recover, the most seriously ill patients “rise” before our eyes. Children recover faster. And their consciousness does not prevent them from recovering. But the child’s recovery is difficult cases often depends on the condition of the parents. And if according to for unexplained reasons The child’s recovery is delayed, the parents need to be treated. When the family is treated, recovery is better.

The criterion for ongoing recovery during the course of SCENAR therapy is the constant dynamics of manifestations: changes in the emotional background, complaints, condition of the skin and musculoskeletal system, condition internal organs and all systems of the body, a change in the intensity of manifestations, their movement, the replacement of some manifestations by others. First of all, positive dynamics (i.e. improvement) are taken into account. But also short-term negative dynamics(deterioration) may be a step in the healing process, a loss that leads to a new discovery. It is the short duration of the deterioration that is significant. Negative dynamics have appeared, which means self-regulation has started. With SCENAR it is no different. It happens differently when the patient is frightened by a short-term deterioration, no one explained the reason for this to him, he stops treatment with SCENAR, begins to be treated with anything, and as a result, self-regulation either stops (interrupts, but does not complete), or does not have enough strength to complete it and drags on for a long time the aggravation that has arisen.

The human body in all its manifestations (including painful condition) an extremely intelligent self-regulating system. Not one process, not one clinical symptom is not erroneous result"crazy act" Any change in state is a manifestation of the body’s momentary attempt to restore both internal balance and the necessary balance with environment. The action of SCENAR is expressed in the fact that the “smart” self-regulation system begins to act in the direction of ordering and harmony in the functioning of organs and systems.

Exacerbation of diseases - natural process recovery is essentially hardening the body, its attempt to rise one step higher in the bioenergetic level and in the formation of its own stable immunity. The worse (the more acute) the symptoms during the course of treatment, the better and more complete the recovery. At the same time, it is very important to correctly assess what has been achieved (understand the body’s reactions) and be able to wait. What is needed here is a clear understanding of the temporality of these manifestations and their natural disappearance. If you manage to cope with exacerbations without pills, your recovery is always better and of higher quality.

SCENAR – exacerbations are emerging reactions of the body that did not exist at the time of treatment. Happens in 90% of cases. In fact, SCENAR - exacerbations are part of the recovery program, its natural course.

The body can give the following reactions:

  1. reactions during the procedure (short-term, go away on their own, essentially a vegetative storm, “in 10% of cases, most often in 1-2 procedures)

– collapse (with semi-fainting) or, conversely, a rise in blood pressure;

- weakness, cold sweat, chills, trembling in the body, nausea, urge to vomit;

– headaches, in the area of ​​the heart, or any other localization, sometimes of a wandering nature;

– tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmia;

– inappropriate behavior.

Calmly continue treatment until these reactions disappear. All these are manifestations in healing organs and systems, and the body’s clues on what to pay more attention to at the moment. Moreover, these manifestations will soon pass, even if the influence of SCENAR stops.

  1. Delayed reactions (usually on days 1-2 and days 5-8, but each is individual and unique, so they can occur at any time. The more chronic and advanced disease, the more suppressed the immune system, the later, sometimes on the 15th day, there will be an exacerbation, externally manifested as a deterioration, especially if this has happened before):

– all kinds of pain: internal organs, muscles, joints, spine, head, teeth, etc.

– all kinds of sensations: numbness, paresthesia, itching (and pain and sensations of an often wandering nature);

– cleansing reactions: fever, diarrhea, vomiting, cough, discharge of “sand”, all kinds of rashes on the skin, discharge (from the genitals, mammary glands respiratory tract, that is, from all mucous membranes) of a diverse nature - mucous, purulent, bloody;

– lymphadenitis, tonsillitis, ARVI, exacerbation of ENT organs and teeth;

– changes in vision, hearing, smell, taste, sensitivity;

– motor changes (coordination, mobility);

– changes in the skin and its appendages: fragility and hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, peeling of the skin on the palms and soles, hemorrhages (bruises), swelling.

SCENAR exacerbations are not a reason to wait for them or be afraid of them. All of them are distinguished by good dynamics, short duration, as a rule, without deterioration of functions (that is, in most cases these are tolerable manifestations) and no one has ever been left in a worsened condition. Everyone has their own reactions depending on the characteristics of the body and it is impossible to predict them.

If you did not have any exacerbations during the course of treatment, but there was an even gradual improvement in your mental and physical well-being, that means you are in those 10% who are conditioned to do without exacerbations, and this is neither your merit nor the merit of SCENAR or the SCENAR therapist, this is such a course of events and nothing more.

Developing a new understanding of health and recovery is not an easy process. SCENAR will help you on the path of knowledge and recovery.



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