Medicinal properties of propolis and contraindications. Propolis is the key to male strength

The benefits of bee products for humans are enormous. Unique healing power has bee glue. However, not everyone knows how to apply propolis and collect it. It is not at all difficult to remove it from the hive, and it is useful in the treatment of many diseases.

How to assemble?

Bees produce propolis from particles of bark and tree resin, mixing them with pollen and their own saliva. Zoologists have not yet fully studied the technology for producing sticky mass by insects. But its use is well known. The bees use the resulting glue to cover the cracks in the hive so that there is no draft and various pests do not sneak into their home.

The color of propolis is usually red-brown. But it can be yellow, green or almost black. It all depends on the plants from which the bees collect pollen and how long ago the glue was produced. When heated, propolis turns into a liquid state, and when the temperature drops, it becomes solid. In room conditions, bee glue has a consistency similar to soft plasticine.

Responsible owners who care about the well-being and good swarming of bee families extract propolis only when they move insects to a new hive. Bee glue is needed by insects, because it allows them to overwinter in warmth. If you remove the sticky mass from an inhabited hive in the fall, the insects will not have time to seal the cracks again and will simply die in the cold.

To collect propolis from the hive you will need the following tools:

  1. The shield on which the medicinal material is extracted. It is usually made of wood or plywood.
  2. A bee chisel with a bent at right angle and sharpened end. It is convenient to push the frames apart, detach the housings and remove the adhesive mass itself. Usually even a novice beekeeper has such a tool.

Collecting bee glue is a long process, and the resulting amount of medicinal material will not be much. But it's worth it. It is best to collect glue from inside frames and grilles. After the procedure, propolis must be cleaned of impurities. To do this, it is lowered into warm water. The bee glue itself is quite heavy, it settles to the bottom, while wax and other substances float. However, boiling water cannot be used, since in hot water propolis will turn into a useless mass.

In stores you can purchase special grilles and magnetic devices to stimulate the production of bee glue by insects. Exists folk remedy to increase the amount of nutrients in the hive. Some beekeepers soak cotton wool in mint solution or citrus fruit juice. The cotton wool is wrapped in gauze and placed in one of the holes in the upper grid.

Bees don't like strong smell and will try to shield themselves from it with their glue. But you shouldn't be too zealous. If bad smell will be too strong, the insects will simply leave the hive.

Useful properties

Studies of bee glue have shown that it contains about fifty organic acids and approximately 200 unique biological compounds. Half are aromatic substances and resinous components. About a third is wax. The rest comes from essential oils, useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

Bee glue is a powerful natural antibiotic. It is able to destroy germs, viruses and fungi. Moreover, scientists have not yet established why propolis does not cause addiction in bacteria. Over time, microorganisms adapt to any antibiotic, even to the point that they begin to feed on it. However, there are no bacteria that are accustomed to bee glue.

Propolis is rich in vitamin P, or flavonoids, substances that have excellent anti-inflammatory effects. That's why bee product often included in toothpastes. Flavonoids increase the strength of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Thanks to them, bee glue has antiallergic properties. In medicine, vitamin P is used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, and hypertension.

Bee glue has an anesthetic effect on the body, that is, it can relieve pain. It heals wounds by regenerating damaged cells. In addition, propolis suppresses the growth of cancerous tissue, therefore it is indispensable in the presence of cancer.

Bee glue is effective in treating diseases of the intestines, stomach and urinary system, providing a cleansing effect. Moreover, the product is completely non-toxic. Propolis has a rejuvenating effect on the body's cells and strengthens the immune system. This substance has only one contraindication – an allergy to bee products.


Most often, a universal alcohol tincture is prepared from propolis, which helps against almost all diseases. It can be used for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and circulatory systems, various kinds inflammation or for general strengthening of the body. The tincture is useful for both oral and external use. Various lotions, masks and rubbing are used for burns, skin irritations, injuries, since bee glue has excellent healing and antibacterial properties. During vitamin deficiency, fatigue, insomnia or nervous tension the use of propolis is also useful.

To prepare the tincture, take 100 ml of 70% medical alcohol and 10 g of propolis. Bee glue dissolves in alcohol even without heating. Both components can simply be mixed and left to infuse for two weeks, shaking every day. Then strain and pour the medicinal liquid into a dark bottle. If propolis tincture is needed immediately, then you can use hot way manufacturing. The alcohol is heated in a water bath to approximately 50ºC, and then a piece of bee glue is added. The mixture is kept on the fire a little longer, but not boiled. Then remove, filter and also pour into bottles.

Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Drink with milk, tea or warm water, adding about 50-60 drops to a glass. However, allergy sufferers need to be careful. Before using propolis, it is better to make sure that this product will not cause allergies. Otherwise, itching and burning, redness of the skin, swelling, shortness of breath, fever and headache will be provided.

Alcohol is contraindicated for some people, as well as children and pregnant women. For them, you can prepare a tincture using boiled water instead of alcohol. The disadvantage of this product is its short shelf life; it should be consumed within a week. However, all the healing properties of propolis are preserved. Boiled water is left to settle and mixed with grated bee glue in a 2:1 ratio. Then heat the mixture in a glass or enamel container in a water bath for an hour, but do not boil. Cool and leave for several hours. Then filter.

They sell it in pharmacies today ready-made drugs with propolis, but most of them can be prepared at home. Moreover, your own product will be guaranteed to be useful. To prepare an ointment with bee glue, you will need Vaseline or animal fat. 100 g of one of these products is placed in an enamel pan and brought to a boil over low heat. Then cool slightly and add 10-20 g of propolis. Heat again over low heat for 10 minutes, but do not boil. Then filter everything through cheesecloth. Healing ointment ready.

You can even make suppositories from propolis to treat hemorrhoids or constipation. To do this, 200 g of animal fat is heated over a fire, and then 50 g of crushed bee glue and wax are added to it to harden the mass. The product is ready.

Ready to use

The use of propolis involves not only the preparation of various potions based on it, but also the use of the product in finished form. Consumption of dry propolis helps well with diseases of the oral cavity, toothache or sore throat. The finished balls are chewed, but not swallowed.

Many gardeners make canvas with bee glue. A piece of canvas is placed in the hive, which the bees treat with their glue. Such pads with propolis can be applied to a sore spot on the body so that they warm and nourish it with their beneficial components.

Some people add ready-made bee glue to warm milk. For a glass of product you will need approximately 20 g of healing substance. This remedy is drunk for colds, and for the general strengthening of the body during the period of spring vitamin deficiency or autumn cold, it is very useful.

Propolis honey has a unique healing effect. To do this, bee glue in a liquid state is added to honey, which acquires a tart, bitter taste. A spoonful of this drug can be eaten ready-made once a day or added to tea and milk. There is no need to wait until you get sick to eat propolis honey, because it is an excellent preventative against all diseases in any season.

Dry propolis is good because it the right conditions storage does not lose its healing properties up to 7 years, while alcohol tinctures are only good for 2-3 years. If the drugs are stored in dark glass bottles in the refrigerator, then it is better to keep the dry mass at room temperature. From constant cold the bee glue will crack and crumble. Propolis should be rolled into small balls and wrapped in natural fabric or put it in a wooden box and place it in a cool, dark place in the apartment. Store next to household chemicals, spices and other dangerous or strong-smelling substances are not allowed.

There are many well-known ways to use propolis, since its secrets have been revealed to humanity for hundreds of years. health properties. Its smell and taste are specific. In its unprocessed form, it is a rather bitter, unpleasant-smelling product. A distinctive quality from many substances similar in composition is that it does not become harder, but on the contrary, some elements of propolis become fragile. Propolis, which is only extracted, is quite soft and elastic. Propolis is a homemade bee glue whose purpose is to protect the hive from drafts. It's like they glue all the cracks. It also has a specific warming quality. Our ancestors in Rus' actively used propolis in the creation of tinctures and in its pure, unprocessed form. The benefits of propolis can be traced both from internal and external use, an example of which is rubbing.

Medicinal properties

Doctors advise using bee glue in appropriate cases:

  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • , cold;
  • Tuberculosis.

When properly applied, propolis to skin lesions and wounds promotes accelerated healing and, thanks to its antibacterial properties, protects against possible infections.

Propolis is extremely thick in consistency, so previously its tinctures were made exclusively using alcohol. It was believed that water was powerless to dissolve it. Recently, thanks to experiments, it was found that when heated, it successfully dissolves even in water, without losing its individual properties at all. healing qualities. Today, with such developments in pharmacology, propolis still does not lose recognition, quite the contrary. In pharmacology, this bee creation is increasingly being used in drug formulations. When you go to the pharmacy, examine a couple of shelves, and you will personally see this fact. More than half of the medicines contain propolis extract. The range of its effects is wide, from painkillers to antivirals.

Practical application of propolis

Due to the wide range of effects of propolis, it can be taken in numerous ways. If you have problems with the throat or respiratory tract, taking propolis with milk will be productive. Add about 100g of grated propolis per liter of boiled milk. Stir for ten minutes until the mixture is homogeneous. Against ulcers and abscesses, external application of an alcohol-based tincture is used. It is also good for sore throats and colds. How to make alcohol tincture? You will need 95% alcohol, 200g per liter of chopped propolis. Mix well, store in something glass in a fairly warm and dark room for about a couple of weeks.

To make it easier to apply for external damage, it is possible to prepare and apply it as a cream. You will need 20g of lanolin along with 70g of Vaseline. Add 15g of propolis to everything. Place the received product in a container with hot water, mix thoroughly for ten minutes. Filter what you get through double-layer gauze and let it cool.

Healing propolis

People everywhere use bee glue in large quantities. Its effectiveness has long been proven by the experience of the people, and no one questions its healing properties. Many uses and wide range impact makes it incredibly convenient. Of course, it will not heal you from absolutely all diseases, but its effects are wide ranging.

What cases can propolis cure:

  1. Eye problems, skin diseases;
  2. Depression;
  3. Asthma;
  4. Accelerated healing of all types of wounds;
  5. Colds and inflammations.

Even bone fractures can heal much faster due to the use of propolis. It should be applied as a compress to the sore area. If only the tincture is available, soaking the bandage in it will already provide a significant result. Carry out this procedure at night, and the result will not take long to arrive.

As a way to cure herpes, it also showed itself to be extremely positive. In this case, it is recommended to use it as a tincture. Just bring your concentration alcohol base up to 18-28%. Apply the substance like an ointment to the affected area. A reduction in strength is required to avoid dryness. skin this area.

How to take propolis

How to take a medicinal product depends on its typical state. In the case of alcohol tincture, it can be taken orally if the alcohol strength threshold does not exceed 70%. Be sure to dilute it with water, at least 20 drops per spoon of solution. It is recommended to take the medicine 30 minutes before meals. The ointment is much easier to use. There are no specific instructions for its use; it is simply applied like a cream. It is worth paying attention to rinsing the larynx with a propolis solution. This procedure will not only help treat your throat from cold germs, but will also clear your airways. Do not use pure alcohol tincture under any circumstances, you will burn your throat! Dilute the tincture to 10% and heat it in a water bath. In its pure form, it is advisable to take ground propolis with milk. Do not forget also about the method of kneading propolis to the state of platinum and applying it to external damage. This method is effective in 98% of cases of damage to the external integrity of the skin.

The best effect is achieved when taken orally. Of course, with the exception of external wounds. In the case of milk tincture, there are practically no contraindications; the main thing is not to overuse it. The same cannot be said about alcohol tincture. It can have a negative effect on the body in large doses. It's a matter of concentration, and we shouldn't forget about the immediate properties of alcohol. Be sure to dilute the tincture with water, and daily consumption maximum 30g of original product.

Contraindications for use

If you are allergic to bee products, then any connection with propolis is contraindicated for you. If you do not do this, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Temperature;
  • Burning;
  • Weakness;
  • Severe itching.

If you notice these symptoms, seek professional medical help immediately.

To test yourself, try using a small amount of propolis, severe harm small dose will not cause harm, and the verification is needed for your confidence. If none of the above appears, feel free to use this medicine in the required doses.

Now you know how to use propolis and prepare it, don’t get sick and don’t overuse self-medication.

Video about the beneficial properties of bee products

In this video you will learn about propolis treatment:

Propolis is a unique substance that bees produce from plant pollen and the secretion of the maxillary gland for the purpose of sealing cracks in the hive, gluing frames to the walls of the hive, etc. Its healing properties have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of fungal diseases, ulcers, frostbite, elimination of calluses, treatment of the respiratory system, burns, digestive system, and also as an analgesic and hemostatic agent.

Propolis or, as it is also called, bee glue (bee putty) has the appearance of a sticky substance dark brown with shades of yellow-brown color, depending on climate conditions. It has a bitter-burning taste, a pleasant resinous aroma and strong antibacterial properties. In addition, its use provides antiseptic, antimicrobial and regenerating effects.

Propolis contains mainly plant resins, wax and essential oils. In addition, it is rich in valuable microelements (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc.), essential amino acids, which are the main element for building animals and vegetable proteins, vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, B6), which in combination with glycosides help to enhance the activity of all critical systems body and restoration of their proper functioning.

No other natural substance has such miraculous properties. It has been proven that propolis has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves vision and well-being, and has positive effect in treatment inflammatory processes V digestive system, improves memory, strengthens the immune system and general physical condition, eliminates bedsores, abscesses, boils, eczema. In general, propolis has a huge number of beneficial properties for our body.

Buy this unique product Available from sellers of beekeeping products.

Properties of propolis.
Propolis, thanks to its unique properties, has a multifaceted effect on our body. Their useful qualities this substance does not lose even when boiled for an hour, which gives enormous advantages in cases where it is necessary to use it heated, boiled or mixed with hot water.

Most often in medical practice Propolis is widely used as a bactericidal and bacteriostatic agent. This substance can have a detrimental effect and inhibit the activity of most microorganisms, including tubercle bacilli, candidiasis, trichomonas, fungi, herpes viruses, influenza and hepatitis. At the same time, by destroying and removing foreign cells from the body, propolis leaves the local microflora of the body intact. That is why its use does not affect the intestinal microflora and does not lead to dysbacteriosis, as, for example, when taking antibiotics. This quality is inherent in propolis regardless of its state (aqueous or alcohol solution s).

By the way, back in the 19th century it was discovered that propolis prevents the growth of viruses and is an excellent prevention of the development of viral infections in the body. This fact was the result of a study of the state of a healthy hive, in which complete sterility reigned, which, as it turned out, was facilitated by this unique adhesive substance.

Another unique and valuable property propolis. With its long-term use, microorganisms do not develop resistance to it. This fact is due to the fact that to obtain propolis, bees collect resins from various plants that have certain properties, as a result of which the resulting propolis has a huge spectrum protective properties inherent in various plants. Therefore, microorganisms simply do not have time to adapt to it.

Treatment with simultaneous use propolis and antibiotics enhance the effect of the latter (with the exception of penicillin and chloramphenicol). In addition to the harmful effects on microorganisms, this substance stimulates the process of phagocytosis, resulting in the rapid removal of foreign material from the human body and strengthening the immune system. It is especially recommended for use when viral infections. Propolis also has an anti-inflammatory effect, preventing, weakening and stopping the development inflammatory reaction organism to the appearance of a foreign agent.

Propolis is effectively used in complex therapy hepatitis B and reducing its consequences and complications. Due to its antitoxic properties, propolis is effective against various poisonings and intoxications of the body. In addition, it has painkillers and wound healing properties, it has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, connective tissue, intercartilaginous fibers and interarticular surfaces, significantly strengthening them and restoring elasticity.

This unique substance It is also known for its anesthetic properties. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, teeth and gums (rinsing and applying plates with propolis), taken orally for gastritis, an alcohol solution is dripped for otitis, used as applications in the treatment of wounds, burns, frostbite, an aqueous solution is instilled into the eyes for injuries. and eye burns. It has been proven that the analgesic effect occurs within five to ten minutes after use and lasts from forty minutes to two hours.

To the spectrum positive qualities propolis also has antitumor and antioxidant properties. It limits the process of tumor formation, helps cleanse cell membranes, in particular restores liver function and improves the ratio of Albumin and Globulins in the blood, promoting biochemical cleansing of the blood. Also, the use of propolis normalizes cellular respiration and is involved in stabilizing cell reproduction in our body. Over the years, this process is no longer controlled by the body, resulting in the emergence and development of tumors. That is why people after fifty years of age are recommended to take propolis internally. In addition, there are cases where the use of propolis cured the initial stages of cancer and significantly improved general condition and reduced pain in cases with advanced stages of tumor diseases.

The regenerating properties of propolis, according to some data, have been used in the treatment of strokes and heart attacks. Its use as aqueous solution significantly reduced the occurrence of scars on the heart muscle, which was confirmed ECG results. The ability to accelerate tissue restoration when damaged is used in cosmetology and medicine in the treatment of burns, wounds, acne on the face, furunculosis.

This valuable substance has a beneficial effect on capillaries, strengthens their walls, which is especially effective for various types of bleeding, wounds, cuts, minor abrasions and bruises. In addition, in its spectrum positive influence includes strengthening the natural permeability of the skin, resulting in improved penetration of drugs through the skin to the site of damage. That is why it is often used as an additional means in treatment to enhance the effect.

Propolis is good in action and in the treatment of various suppurations and abscesses. By accelerating the resorption process, it increases blood supply to the site of injury.

Another unique property of propolis is the ability to regulate blood clotting processes. It works especially effectively in the treatment and prevention of complications after strokes and heart attacks, the treatment of varicose veins, since in these cases blood clotting is increased, which is fraught severe complications. Blood clotting also tends to increase over the years, so it is recommended to use propolis as a preventive measure after fifty years.

The action of propolis perfectly copes with itching due to psoriasis and other skin diseases, after insect bites, relieves painful sensations for burns, fungal diseases of the feet. It is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis, resorption of various seals, restoration of the integrity of mucous membranes, as well as the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds.

The use of propolis has a beneficial effect on the eyes, restoring the normal transparency of the lens in case of cataracts. Is an excellent means of prevention of this disease eye.

There is also experience in treating diseases with propolis endocrine system, since its action stabilizes processes and harmonizes the work of all endocrine glands. However, there is one point here - propolis helps reduce the functioning of the pancreas, lowering blood sugar levels, so this should especially be taken into account in case of diabetes.

Propolis is widely used in the medical field in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract, digestive system, various diseases skin. In addition, it is widely used in dentistry, pediatrics, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynecology, urology and other fields of medicine.

Application of propolis.
Propolis can be used to treat both adults and children, since, thanks to its unique properties, it does not cause irritation to the stomach and liver, as is the case with synthetic-based drugs. The only contraindication for the use of propolis is individual intolerance beekeeping products, as well as a tendency to allergic reactions, which may result in a rash, itching and redness of the skin, as well as weakness, fever, as a last resort, swelling of the larynx or anaphylactic shock may occur. Therefore, if you have previously had an allergy to bee products, then treatment with propolis will not suit you. When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Propolis is recommended to be taken in order to strengthen the immune system, as preventative measure during the period seasonal diseases, as well as for the treatment of various diseases and wound healing. As a preventive measure, propolis should be used in courses from three weeks to three months. Treatment with propolis can last from two days to two weeks until the signs of the disease are completely eliminated. If during treatment there is an increase in temperature, or signs of the disease do not subside even on the third day of treatment, you should consult a specialist. Long-term daily use propolis is not recommended, as this can provoke an increase in the reactive sensitivity of cells and tissues, contributing to the further development of allergic reactions.

Since propolis contains dust and particles of dead insects, before use it undergoes a series of cleansing procedures and special manipulations, after which chewing balls or plates, ointments, alcohol, oil and water extracts, oil, tablets, suppositories, solutions, etc. are made from it. d. The use of propolis can be internal, external, and it is also used as douching and inhalation.

In its pure form, propolis is used to treat toothache, painful attacks radiculitis and osteochondrosis by applying applications to sore spots. It is also used for fungal infections of the scalp by rubbing. Thanks to wide range properties, propolis is recommended as an additional treatment for diseases of the respiratory tract and oral cavity. Various forms of propolis tinctures are used in the treatment of eye diseases, wounds and abrasions, ulcerative lesions, as prophylactic and treatment of diseases prostate gland, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Propolis tincture is the most common form used for treatment. It can be purchased either ready-made or prepared independently. To obtain a 20% propolis tincture, you need 20 g of propolis and 100 ml of 70-proof alcohol, for a 10% tincture you will need 10 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol. Propolis should be cooled before preparation, then crushed and placed in a glass container, filled with alcohol. In a closed place, the liquid must be infused for two weeks, shaking the contents regularly. After two weeks, the tincture should be strained and stored in the refrigerator. Propolis with alcohol is used in medical practice for bedsores, abscesses, colds, purulent wounds, inflammation of the throat and ears, mucous membranes, cataracts. This tincture is diluted with water in the ratio of 10 ml of tincture to 60 ml of boiled cold water.

For young children, elderly people, drivers, as well as pregnant women, it is recommended to use aqueous extract propolis, for the preparation of which you should pour 10 g of crushed propolis with half a glass of warm boiled water and leave to infuse for a day. It is better to prepare the infusion in a thermos. This product can be used for no more than three days, then a new portion is made.

For internal use, the use of propolis in milk is well suited. This tincture is especially useful for children, as well as elderly people, for the prevention of many diseases. It is especially often recommended for asthma, depression and bronchitis. To prepare this tincture, you need to boil a liter of milk and add 100 g of crushed propolis to it. Stirring thoroughly, keep the mixture on the fire for ten minutes, after which the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into a clean and dry glass container. As the liquid cools, a layer of wax will form on its surface, which should be removed. After this, the product is ready for use. It should be stored in the refrigerator. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to carry out a four or six-week treatment course, during which you take a tablespoon of the product half an hour after eating.

Propolis ointment is used for external use. It is effective in the treatment of burns, frostbite, abrasions and wounds, abscesses, hemorrhoids, bedsores, and venous nodes. To prepare it, you should grind 10 g, 15 g or 20 g of propolis (depending on the required percentage concentration the resulting product), place in an enamel bowl and melt in a water bath. Next, add 90 g, 85 g or 80 g of Vaseline or a mixture of Vaseline and lanolin, respectively, and keep in a water bath for another half hour with constant stirring. After this, filter the warm mixture through two layers of gauze, wait until it cools completely and transfer it to a resealable dark glass container. This ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

To increase the effectiveness of propolis treatment, you should additionally use honey. You can melt 20 g of propolis in a water bath and mix with 80 g of honey, hold for another five minutes in a water bath, then cool. The mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container. If necessary (in case of decreased immunity and colds), take a teaspoon at night (for children up to half a teaspoon).

Propolis at proper storage completely retains its beneficial qualities. It must be stored in a dry, dark place, at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees Celsius. Do not store propolis near strongly odorous compounds, pesticides, fertilizers and other substances.

In conclusion, I note that propolis is an indispensable tool treatment and prevention of most common diseases, therefore should be in home medicine cabinet every family. It will help keep your family healthy!

Everyone knows the healing properties bee honey, pollen, collected by bees, royal jelly and bee venom. But there are little-known beekeeping products that have equally valuable qualities. For example, propolis. This biologically active product of the bee family is used in both medicine and cosmetology.

Origin and composition of propolis

Propolis (derived from the Latin word “to seal”, “to seal”) is bee glue, a viscous substance similar to resin, with pleasant smell, yellowish-brown in color, produced by bees. Bees use it to cover the cracks in the hive, polish the cells, giving them strength, cover the canvases located on top of the frames, thus helping to retain heat in the nest, and wall up pests found in the hive. In the autumn, on the eve of a long winter, bees store propolis in large quantities.

Origin and exact chemical composition Propolis has not yet been fully studied. There is a hypothesis that bees bring the bulk of propolis from sticky tree buds and pollen grains. The composition of bee glue is not the same and depends on the location of the bee colony; on average, propolis approximately contains:

  • up to 55% resins and balms;
  • 10% essential oils;
  • 30% wax;
  • up to 5% pollen and aromatic substances.

Healing properties of propolis

At the end of the twentieth century, interest in bee glue increased enormously. Propolis, medicinal properties which are described in many medical treatises of the last century, is now widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Modern researchers have proven that propolis has a multifaceted effect on the human body:

  • cleanses cell membranes, normalizes cellular respiration, removes, suppresses pathological processes in the cell, does not give rise to chromosomal and mitotic abnormalities, restores the affected tissue;
  • participates in the regulation of the endocrine system, directly affecting the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, promotes the release of corticosteroids;
  • improves the balance of albumins and globulins, acting as an analogue of Essentiale, reduces signs of necrosis in the liver;
  • has an antioxidant effect, inhibits growth cancer cells. During irradiation, it is advisable to take propolis, as it activates protective functions the body against radiation;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration, improves the growth of callus after fractures and helps soften scars after burns;
  • has a positive effect on the balance of hormones, enhancing the body’s protective functions: it causes a plasmacytic reaction, stimulates the formation of antibodies and the growth of antitoxins in the blood;
  • has a general tonic effect on the nervous system, improving the patient’s mood and reducing feelings of depression and anxiety.

In addition, propolis is the most natural product, and despite all the variety of healing properties, it does not have such a destructive effect on the body as artificial drugs - the result of the development of pharmacology.

Propolis: recipes for treatment

For stomach ulcers, hypertension, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity you can simply chew 1-3 grams of propolis per day. After chewing for ten minutes, you need to take a two-hour break, then chew and swallow again. This simple way of consuming propolis also helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent caries. It’s not for nothing that propolis is included in many toothpastes.

For sore throat you need to slowly chew a piece of propolis the size of a 5-kopeck coin. In total, you need to eat about 5-7 grams per day. With this treatment and good propolis, the symptoms of sore throat disappear in two days without further complications.

In the treatment of stomatitis, candidiasis, gingivitis and periodontal disease in initial stages when conventional antibiotics do not help or are not recommended, you can use propolis, recipes alcohol infusion whom. Here is the most universal one: 50 g of purified and finely crushed (you can use a hammer) propolis is poured into 80 ml of 70-proof alcohol and infused, stirring every day, for a week, after which it is left for two days and filtered through a layer of cotton wool or gauze.

The affected area must first be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and dried with a stream of warm air, then, using a pipette, apply a few drops of propolis infusion and dry until a small film forms that lasts throughout the day. Usually, after 5-8 days of such treatment, either full recovery, or significant improvements. Do not use alcohol tincture of propolis internally - alcohol is poisonous.

At acute otitis media V ear canal a tampon soaked in alcohol tincture of propolis is inserted and left for a day. Treatment for 10 – 15 days has a positive result. You can instill 3-4 drops of infusion 3 times a day, but this method is less effective.

For chronic otitis mediasore ear the pus is removed, for example, using hydrogen peroxide, and a tampon soaked in a propolis solution is inserted into the ear canal. The tampon should have good hygroscopicity and it is advisable to leave it for a whole day. Repeat the procedure daily for 20-25 days.

For treatment skin diseases best action provides 50% ointment with propolis, made on the basis of any vegetable oil. This composition is effective even for hyperkeratosis, trichophytosis, and skin tuberculosis. You need to apply the ointment in a thick layer and cover it with paper for two to three days. The course of treatment lasts from one to two months.

We want to repeat once again - do not use alcohol tincture of propolis internally, it is dangerous. Instead, use a solution of propolis in water, which is prepared as follows: First, cool the propolis in the freezer for 15-20 minutes - this is enough for the propolis to become hard and brittle. It is then crushed into powder. At the rate of 30 grams of the resulting powder per 100 ml of water, a solution is made, which is placed on a regular water bath for 1 hour. Don't forget to stir the solution. Then the solution is filtered and cooled for some time. The effectiveness of such a solution is not very long-lasting - no more than 7-10 days.

Honey with propolis - double effect

To improve taste and enhance healing properties, beekeeping products are often mixed with each other. So, in combination with honey and propolis beneficial properties honey increases, and due to the content of propolis, the mixture itself is more easily absorbed by the body. This composition has a powerful antiseptic, immunostimulating, wound-healing effect.

Honey with propolis is a viscous mass, a mixture of crushed propolis and flower honey. You can buy ready-made composition at the pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Honey with propolis is widely used in folk and traditional medicine for:

  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • prevention of cancer and aging processes;
  • purulent wounds;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vascular spasms and headaches;
  • colds;
  • metabolic disorders.

Propolis mixed with butter in equal parts with honey, has proven itself in the treatment of certain forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy. At the same time, patients' appetite noticeably improves (ROE decreases and weight increases).

All over the world, beekeeping products are considered to be restorative and healing, including propolis; their use helps strengthen the immune system, protects against the penetration of viruses, and is effective for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs