Coriander - beneficial properties for human health. What are the benefits of coriander seeds? Interesting facts and features of the plant

The beneficial effects of coriander on the human body were known back in the ancient world. All parts of the plant are useful - roots, leaves, fruits. The rich chemical composition helps relieve symptoms of anemia, rheumatism and arthritis. Coriander improves the general condition of the stomach and intestines, reduces cholesterol levels. The plant has beneficial properties and contraindications. Before using coriander decoction or infusion, it is best to consult a doctor.

What is coriander?

This is otherwise called cilantro or Chinese parsley. Fresh is used in salads and main courses, giving them a specific aroma. Cilantro begins to bloom in June-July. The fruits can be collected in August-September. Its spherical seeds have a brown tint. Coriander is used in marinades, sauces, fillings, and alcoholic beverages. The fruits of the plant are added to baked goods, which gives them a distinctive smell.

Coriander is an annual plant. In addition to its specific smell, cilantro is often used as a medicinal plant. Already in Ancient Egypt, coriander was valued for its beneficial properties. And in Greece, the plant was called “bedbug” because of its unusual aroma.

Currently, coriander is popular in Indian, Mexican cuisine, the North Caucasus, Europe, America, Russia, and Morocco.

Coriander can be dried throughout the summer. Each medicinal plant has beneficial properties and contraindications. So that dried cilantro does not lose its medicinal effect, it is better to store it in a sealed glass container.

Beneficial effects of the plant

Coriander is considered a mild spice, so it is suitable not for treatment, but for the prevention of diseases. It is used for the diuretic effect of the herb, which helps remove stones and reduce swelling.

Coriander improves liver function and promotes appetite. It removes accumulated impurities and toxins. The bactericidal properties of the plant increase the body's protective properties and improve resistance to infectious diseases.

Coriander enhances cardiac and brain activity. It strengthens the gums and prevents the occurrence of stomatitis. Coriander has a choleretic and analgesic effect, helps fight inflammation, can disinfect the respiratory tract, and reduces high blood pressure.

You should not abuse this plant. Coriander can cause poisoning. The beneficial properties and contraindications of cilantro should be taken into account when preventing diseases. In large doses, the herb can cause vomiting, sleep disturbances, and memory impairment. Therefore, the maximum dose of coriander greens per day is 35 g, fruits - no more than 4 g.


Each medicinal plant has its own contraindications. Coriander should not be taken during pregnancy. Plant greens should not be consumed by people with diseases such as:

  • asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis;
  • cholecystitis.

Chemical composition of coriander

Greens and seeds coriander contains magnesium, keratin, pectin, iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, C, B1, B2, B4, B9, E. Dodecenal is a natural antibiotic that is part of coriander and is effective against infectious intestinal diseases and salmonellosis.

Coriander extract

Coriander is used to treat colds, measles, scrofula, cough, hemorrhoids, eczema, and nervous disorders. Extract recipes boil down to infusing the seeds of the plant in vodka. In a ratio of 1:10, the fruits are poured with vodka or alcohol. The extract should be infused for a week in a dark place. After straining, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

You can make a tincture not only with vodka. Red wine will also enhance the medicinal qualities of the plant. To do this, use 100 grams of seeds and 1 liter of wine. The tincture should be kept in a dark place. After a week, strain, take 100 g (1 glass) 2-3 times a day.

The extract is useful for depressed conditions. Improves sleep, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums.

Coriander decoction

Coriander promotes longevity and improves potency. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant cannot always improve the condition of diabetes. Therefore, before using coriander decoction, you should consult your doctor.

Coriander for diabetes can be prepared in the form of a paste. Dry leaves (10 g) pour a glass (200 g) of cold water. Boil for 5 minutes. Grind the mixture in a blender and store in the refrigerator. The gruel must be taken with food. The finished mixture should be consumed during the day in 3 doses.

A decoction of the seeds treats sore throat, sanitizes the oral cavity, and alleviates diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Relieves abdominal pain and is used to treat colic, flatulence, and constipation. To prepare the decoction, take a teaspoon of coriander seeds (pre-crushed). Pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is ready. Take 50 g half an hour before meals (up to 4 times a day).

Pregnant women are advised to drink tea from the leaves of the plant 1-2 weeks before giving birth. It will promote contraction of the uterus and enhance labor. It will help prevent subsequent inflammation.

Compresses made from coriander decoction improve the condition of the skin with eczema and dermatitis. Wounds can be treated with a pulp of the crushed plant.

Spice is used not only to enrich the taste and flavor of food. Leaves and fruits saturate the body with vitamins and improve health. known for more than 3000 years. Residents of the East and the Mediterranean believed that the plant gave strength. The Romans claimed that the spice invigorates and stimulates the appetite. Hippocrates prepared decoctions with cilantro for patients with hysteria and depression, Dioxide and Galen treated skin diseases with them. You can find out: from the previous article.

Coriander fruits: health benefits and harms

The spice contains: carbohydrates, mono-disaccharides, nitrogenous substances, proteins. The list continues:

  • fatty acids - maristic, linoleic, oleic, isooleic;
  • organic matter;
  • pectins;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins: B1, B2, E, PP, A, C;
  • mineral group – potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc.
  • alkaloids.

The benefits of coriander seeds for the body are undeniable. Chewing grains helps with stomatitis and toothache. The pungent odor cleanses the oral cavity of pathogenic microorganisms. The fruits are considered the first remedy against caries. The bitter-spicy taste stimulates the production of gastric juice, bile, and enzymes.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of coriander

Decoctions from plant materials have a diuretic effect. Used for cystitis, inflammation of the renal pelvis, gall bladder, painful urination. The product is effective:

  • for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, liver;
  • strengthening the immune system, heart and blood vessels, bones;
  • against flatulence and intestinal colic;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • colds;
  • allergies:
  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • arthritis.

The value of the spice with a specific aroma is due to the content of linalool and geraniol in the essential oil. It is included in the formulas of choleretic, anthelmintic, antihemorrhoidal, and laxatives. Linalool serves as a raw material for citral, used to treat keratitis and conjunctivitis. There are also known preparations with coriander for allergies.

  1. Tinctures and decoctions remove heavy metals and help with nausea, diarrhea, and belching.
  2. Seed oil contains substances that promote the digestion and absorption of starchy foods and root vegetables.
  3. Ground coriander is used as an antiseptic instead of iodine and brilliant green to disinfect wounds and fungal infections.

There are few restrictions on use. To avoid poisoning, the spice should be consumed in moderation. You should eat up to 50 g of greens and 3 g of seeds per day. It is not recommended to take:

  • with hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • hypotension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis.

Restrictions do not prevent you from throwing a couple of fruits into a hot dish for flavor or a sprig of cilantro into a salad. People with individual spice intolerance need to know.

What are the benefits of coriander for women?

The spice is often found in cosmetics. Homemade lotions and decoctions from seeds contain carotene and essential oils. They are useful:

  • for the treatment of acne;
  • eliminating swelling under the lower eyelids;
  • whitening age spots;
  • rinsing hair to strengthen the roots and eliminate dandruff.

To do this, place a spoonful of greens or seeds in hot water in the evening, and wipe your face with the infusion in the morning. A few drops of essential oil are added to the bath to firm and moisturize the skin.

Herbalists advise using infusions during menopause. They relieve nervous excitement and eliminate sweating during hot flashes. To do this, place a spoonful of seeds in a glass of boiling water and drink 1/3 half an hour before meals.

The infusion is effective for normalizing the menstrual cycle. 1 tsp peas are poured with 250 ml of water and evaporated over fire until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Take 5 days before menstruation, 30 ml three times a day.

Coriander during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Most spices are prohibited during this period. Some increase the tone of the uterus, others provoke allergies. In the absence of individual intolerance, the spice will only bring benefits to the expectant mother. To get rid of nausea and heartburn, chew several grains. In this case, the components have a gentle effect on the bladder. This helps remove excess fluid and get rid of swelling.

Tea with 4 sprigs of cilantro or coriander decoction:

  • relieves mental stress;
  • calms the nerves;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • normalize sugar and cholesterol levels,

Beneficial properties of coriander for men

The spice is taken for potency and libido enhancement. Kolyandra contains a phytohormone - androsterone - an analogue of testosterone. Salad with cilantro is considered an aphrodisiac. Herbs and fruits increase sperm motility, improve sperm quality, which greatly increases the possibility of conception. Chewing aromatic peas reduces the smell of alcohol and helps maintain a sober mind.

The use of coriander spice in folk medicine: recipes

Several adapted options for the treatment of common diseases.

  • To enhance smooth muscle tone during intestinal atony, it is recommended to take 50 ml of a decoction of dried fruits.
  • Add 2 drops of coriander oil to ointments to relieve rheumatic pain and rub on problem areas. For internal use, 3 drops are combined with honey and drunk after meals.
  • For fever and chills, a recipe will help: 10 g of kolyandra powder is placed in a thermos and filled with warm water. Drink the infusion in the morning. During the day, drink green tea with spices and lemon.
  • For diabetes, 10 g of fruits are ground into pestles and boiled in a glass of water for 3 minutes. The quantity is divided into 3 days. Should be taken at intervals between meals for up to 3 months.

Tea for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Mix the spice and crushed licorice, yarrow, cassia leaves, and bitter buckthorn in equal volumes. A spoonful of the mixture is placed in a teapot and brewed. The healing drink is consumed before bed, 100 ml.

Choleretic agent

Ingredients: 1 g of fruits, 3 g of watch leaves and caraway flowers. Take 2 liters of herbal mixture, add 500 ml of water, simmer on fire for 8 minutes, infuse. Taken for problems with the gallbladder and to cleanse the liver ducts. Dose – 60 ml.

Coriander for weight loss

Those who watch their weight actively use the spice in their diet. It replaces salt, brings new notes to food, accelerates breakdown and metabolism. If you give up foods with empty calories and balance your diet in favor of vegetable and protein dishes, your weight loss in a month will be more than 5 kg. However, there is no need to sprinkle the cilantro salad with spice grains. To intensify the process, adhere to the norm and regularly flavor the food.

Cilantro roots are added to stews and soups. The ground grains are sprinkled on any savory dish or chewed directly in the mouth. To give a refined taste, it is combined with bay leaf, cumin, black pepper, and cardamom. The beneficial properties and contraindications of cardamom spice are described in detail in this article.

Coriander for worms

The spice is harmful to parasites. It is known that sweet foods promote the proliferation of worms. For prevention, more bitter-tasting spices are introduced into the diet. If infection has already occurred, a recipe with a spice is effective for treating helminthic infestation. The peas are poured onto a hot frying pan and heated. Grind the mixture into dust and take the powder on the tip of a spoon before meals for 6 days.

Most often, spices are added during the preparation of various dishes for a richer and more intense taste. But they are famous not only for their taste, but also for their positive effect on the body. They help cleanse the body and improve the condition. One of these spicy ingredients is coriander (cilantro - young leaves of the plant), the beneficial properties and contraindications of which should be considered.

Description of the plant

What is coriander? This is a plant that is actively used in cooking and other fields of activity. The seeds and flowers of the plant are usually used for medicinal and preventive purposes. As for the young leaves, they are used in recipes for preparing various dishes. They have a rich, pleasant aroma and are called cilantro. Ground coriander is also used in cooking.

Various decoctions and tinctures are prepared from the fruits of this plant, as well as essential oils, which are actively used in aromatherapy. Coriander can be grown all year round; it begins to bloom in early summer. The plant is quite unpretentious, so many people grow it in flower pots on windowsills. It blooms with small flowers of pale pink or white.

Coriander seeds: beneficial properties

This plant has a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • eliminates pathogenic bacteria, therefore it is actively used for infectious diseases;
  • improves brain activity and the ability to remember;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • calms the nervous system during stressful situations and emotional turmoil;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases appetite;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • relieves cramps;
  • removes unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • improves the condition as a result of alcohol poisoning.

Thanks to these beneficial properties, coriander is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • neurosis;
  • cystitis;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

The seeds of this plant are used in their pure form, and medicinal decoctions are also prepared from them.

Coriander fruits: beneficial properties

The fruits of this plant are actively used in folk medicine. Based on them, many medications are prepared that are aimed at eliminating the following problems:

  • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
  • poor appetite or complete loss of it, anorexia;
  • inflammatory processes in joint tissues;
  • increased blood glucose;
  • anemia;
  • eye fatigue and other visual problems.

Important to know! Coriander fruits are an effective diuretic! Therefore, they can be used to reduce blood and intraocular pressure.

Ground coriander: beneficial properties

Ground coriander is most often used as a seasoning for various dishes. Also, this plant in powder form is actively used in cosmetology and medicine, since various ointments and creams can be prepared on its basis. These products relieve inflammatory processes on the skin, and also promote faster healing of wounds, cuts, ulcers and other mechanical damage.

As for the use of ground plant seeds in cooking, this spice is very popular in the preparation of Indian, Greek and Caucasian dishes. Also, coffee has a richer taste and aroma if you add coriander to it.

Coriander honey: beneficial properties

Due to its pleasant taste and aroma, honey from this plant is used in the following fields: cosmetology, soap making, perfumery, and medicine. Flowers appear in early summer, after which honey can be prepared. It is enriched with manganese, copper and iron, and has a specific caramel taste. Consuming coriander honey has the following effects on the body:

  • mild stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • disinfectant;
  • relieves pain, therefore it is actively used by women during menstrual periods;
  • normalizes rapid heartbeat;
  • increases appetite;
  • promotes faster secretion of gastric juice;
  • used in the treatment of dry and wet cough;
  • improves memory ability, activates brain activity.

This product is also very useful for men, as it increases potency.

Important to know! In addition to the above functions, coriander honey improves the composition of the blood and helps cleanse it of harmful substances!

Coriander tea: beneficial properties

A fairly popular remedy in alternative medicine is a decoction or tea of ​​coriander or cilantro. What are the benefits of cilantro in tea form? This liquid can be used to treat wounds and other damage to the skin. Since this tea is considered an excellent diuretic, it can be used for swelling of the upper and lower extremities, as well as to reduce blood and intraocular pressure. In addition to these beneficial properties, it is used to treat the following diseases:

  • allergic manifestations on the skin and the form of inflammation, itching, burning, rashes;
  • convulsions;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • infectious diseases of the visual apparatus;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • psoriasis;
  • epileptic seizures.

Important to know! Coriander tea helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole!

This plant is actively used in cosmetology for the preparation of various ointments, creams and masks that have a beneficial effect on women's appearance. In addition, it helps normalize hormonal levels, thereby restoring the menstrual cycle. Also, during menstrual periods, cilantro-based medications help relieve unpleasant symptoms, such as pain in the abdominal cavity, migraines, weakness, etc. For the same reasons, the use of the plant is very useful during menopause.

Important to remember! It is better not to use coriander when losing weight! Because it promotes the active production of gastric juice, which increases appetite.

Benefits for men

What are the benefits of cilantro for men? Tincture or decoction of cilantro leaves has a beneficial effect on the male body, namely:

  • increases potency;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing myocardial infarction;
  • prevention of high blood pressure.

Cilantro is also very effective for urolithiasis and kidney dysfunction, which mainly affects men.

Parsley or cilantro: which is healthier?

These types of greens have an external similarity. But despite this, even in smell they have significant differences. Every person knows that eating greens is very good for health. But which is healthier: parsley or cilantro? Much has already been said about the healing properties of cilantro. As for parsley, it has the following effects on the human body:

  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • restores the menstrual cycle;
  • increases lactation during breastfeeding;
  • benefits for the stomach - improves the functioning of this organ;
  • helps with diseases of the liver system;
  • relieves swelling of the upper and lower extremities;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • reduces body temperature in hot weather;
  • relieves pain and itching resulting from insect bites;
  • helps improve immunity.

Parsley is also used in cosmetology, like cilantro. Therefore, it is very difficult to talk about which greens are healthier. Both cilantro and parsley are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Contraindications to the use of coriander

This plant in any form is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. This is due to the effect this product has on the endocrine system. Therefore, it is better not to use it even as a seasoning for pregnant women. Also, women should refrain from consuming coriander during breastfeeding, so as not to harm the baby.

Also, people with the following ailments should refrain from using this plant:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction;
  • gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • renal failure.

To use the plant for medicinal purposes, you need to consult a specialist. Since excessive consumption of cilantro can negatively affect the general condition of the body and the course of the disease. Also, excessive consumption of cilantro activates the nervous system, as a result of which a person develops insomnia. As for women, they may experience menstrual irregularities. Therefore, coriander, like any other product, should be consumed in moderation. In this way, this product will release only beneficial substances without negative consequences.

We are used to adding spices to food to achieve greater richness of taste and its different shades. But many spices not only make dishes more original and piquant, but also bring great benefits to our body. They cleanse away toxins and impurities and improve overall condition. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of coriander. The article will talk about how it is beneficial for the body and how to use it. In addition, contraindications to the use of this spice will be considered.

What kind of plant is this?

This plant is very common in cooking. Coriander flowers and seeds are used to treat diseases and prevent diseases. Young leaves are called cilantro and are used to prepare a variety of dishes. Cilantro received this use for its pleasant, rich smell. In addition, ground coriander is added to food.

From the fruits of this most useful plant, essential oils are obtained, which have a number of beneficial properties and are widely used in aromatherapy. Also, tinctures and decoctions are prepared from coriander fruits, used by traditional healers for medicinal purposes.

The plant blooms in June, but it can be grown throughout the year. Many housewives simply grow coriander on the windowsill in flower pots, as it does not require special care or conditions. Coriander flowers are small in size and are white or pale pink in color.

Beneficial properties of seeds

This plant has a positive and versatile effect on the body:

  1. Due to its ability to destroy pathogenic microflora, it is often used to treat various infections.
  2. Promotes activation of mental activity, helps improve memory.
  3. People who consume coriander complain less about heart problems.
  4. Helps cope with nervous shock and stressful conditions.
  5. Improves appetite, stimulates digestion.
  6. A person's endurance for physical activity increases.
  7. Helps with cramps.
  8. Relieves bad breath.
  9. Removes toxins from alcohol poisoning.

Due to its rich composition, the plant is used to treat metabolic disorders in the body, nervous disorders, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and cystitis. The seeds of the plant are taken raw or decoctions are made from them.

What are the benefits of fruits?

Healers often mention coriander fruits in their recipes. They prepare various potions that help in the treatment of diseases such as loss of appetite or disturbances, gallbladder disease, and inflammation of the joints. In addition, it lowers glucose levels, helps against anemia, fights anorexia, and relieves eye fatigue.

For hypertension and increased intraocular pressure, this remedy has a positive effect, as it has diuretic properties.

In addition to using this powder in cooking, it is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Cosmetologists advise preparing products such as creams and ointments using ground coriander. These ointments treat skin inflammation and promote healing of injuries such as wounds, cuts or ulcers. Some people like to add coriander to coffee; it gives the drink an original taste and aroma. As a seasoning, this plant is most popular in Greek, Caucasian, and Indian cuisine.

Properties of coriander honey

Coriander honey is widely used in various fields. It has a very pleasant smell and rich taste. Due to this, such honey is added in the manufacture of soap, perfume, and cosmetics. It is also used in folk medicine. Honey is made from the flowers of the plant, which appear in early June. It contains large quantities of trace elements such as copper, iron and manganese.

Consuming honey has the following effects on the body:

  • It has a slightly stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
  • Disinfects.
  • Analgesic (often used by women to relieve menstrual pain).
  • Normalizes pulse.
  • Increases impaired appetite, causing the production of gastric juice.
  • Helps cure cough of any kind.
  • Improves memory and brain activity.
  • Increases male potency.

Thanks to these properties, diseases of the digestive system, chronic fatigue, depression, asthma, and bronchitis are treated. In addition, consuming coriander honey improves the composition of the blood and cleanses it of impurities.

Benefits of coriander tea

Coriander tea or decoction is widely used in folk medicine. What did he do to deserve such fame? This decoction is used to treat wounds, treat swelling of the limbs, and reduce blood pressure. Coriander tea helps with allergies, cramps, insomnia, eye infections, as well as hemorrhoids and psoriasis.

In addition to being used in cosmetology, coriander helps normalize hormonal levels, restoring the cycle. Women use coriander products during menstruation to improve their overall health. Thanks to their unique properties, such products will also help with menopause.

Advice! If you want to lose weight with the help of diets, then it is better to refuse to use this spice for this period. Remember that it increases appetite.

What are the benefits for men

Tinctures and decoctions of cilantro help increase potency. They also improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, prevent heart attack and the development of hypertension, treat urolithiasis and kidney disorders.


  1. During pregnancy, doctors strictly prohibit the use of this seasoning, as well as medicinal products based on coriander. This is due to the fact that coriander is able to change hormonal levels in the body.
  2. To avoid harm to the baby's health, coriander should not be consumed during lactation.
  3. In addition, people who suffer from cardiac ischemia or are undergoing rehabilitation after a heart attack are prohibited from consuming the plant.
  4. Coriander is also prohibited for kidney disease, diabetes, high acidity and high blood clotting.

Before using any products containing coriander, you should consult a doctor.

You should not eat cilantro in very large quantities, since instead of being beneficial, it can cause considerable harm to the body and aggravate diseases. In addition, such a passion for cilantro threatens insomnia, as it activates the nervous system. And in women, this can lead to irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the consumption of this herb in moderation.

Small, hard, ribbed brown balls with a tart aroma - the well-known coriander. The beneficial properties of the plant are used in many areas of life - in cooking, cosmetology, and folk medicine. The plant is sometimes called cilantro. Clarification: - these are green leaves, and the fruits are called coriander. We will tell you in detail about the properties and uses of the plant.

About the spice

Cilantro is an annual herbaceous plant. Its leaves resemble parsley in shape, but have a more spicy aroma and bitter taste. The plant is called coriander for a reason: the green fruits have an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of a bug. This insect is called coriander in Greek.

Dried fruits smell completely different. The seeds owe their woody aroma to the essential oil content. It is this substance that makes them spicy. It’s not for nothing that coriander is added even to sweet baked goods.

The plant's homeland is the eastern Mediterranean. Its spread began in the era of great geographical discoveries - from the 15th century. Nowadays, cilantro is grown everywhere. In Russia, the growing area is the central and southeastern regions. Other plant names:

  • Chinese parsley;
  • calandra - in Belarus;
  • sowing kishnets - in Russia;
  • dhaniya - in India,
  • sancho - in Korea.

What parts of the plant are used:

  1. Green. Used fresh. The youngest leaves are collected as soon as the cilantro sprouts.
  2. Dried cilantro leaves are harvested for adding to food and making medicines.
  3. Coriander fruits are eaten only in dried form. First they are dried, then cleaned and crushed as necessary.
  4. Coriander essential oil is extracted using steam distillation.


Widespread use is explained by the rich composition of the spice. It is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for humans. Vitamins in coriander:

  • B1, B2, B3, B4 and B9.


  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • copper.


  • phosphorus,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • potassium.

Fatty acids:

  • stearic,
  • oleic,
  • linoleic,
  • palmitic.

Coriander contains tannins, dietary fiber, starch and. The spice contains flavonoids, phytoncides, antioxidants, choline, and dodecenal - a natural antibiotic. The spice also contains alkaloids, fructose and glucose. Calorie content per 100 g of product: in leaves - 23 calories, in ground seeds - 298 kcal.


The spice is used in cooking for its spicy aroma and sweet taste. Coriander has the property of improving appetite. The spectrum of action of the plant is wide, which allows it to be equally successfully used both in cooking and in cosmetology and medicine. Main properties of cilantro:

  • antiseptic,
  • choleretic,
  • painkiller,
  • expectorant
  • warming,
  • soothing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • hemostatic,
  • laxative,
  • cleansing,
  • anticancer,
  • whitening,
  • rejuvenating.


What benefits can you get from eating coriander seeds?

  • Improves blood composition due to iron content. To increase hemoglobin, eat a bunch of fresh cilantro every day.
  • The iron in the plant helps prevent anemia. Moreover, coriander acts not only as a prophylactic, but also as a medicinal agent in the early stages of this disease.
  • The spice normalizes cholesterol levels.
  • Selenium removes waste and toxins, as well as heavy metals, from the body's cells.
  • The spice is useful for joints: linoleic acid in its composition helps fight arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Improves digestion. Essential oils help secrete gastric juice and enzymes.
  • Cilantro greens neutralize bloating and gas formation in the intestines.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the pancreas.
  • The antibacterial properties of cilantro are the key to success in the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with infection by harmful microorganisms, such as salmonellosis.

The Polzateevo magazine clarifies: do not cancel the medications prescribed to you, just include coriander in your diet with the permission of your doctor.

  • The benefit for women is to normalize the menstrual cycle. The spice softens premenstrual symptoms and relieves pain during menstruation. Effective for menopause.
  • For men, coriander is very valuable because it is a natural male aphrodisiac. Its properties to enhance sexual desire are used in perfumery.
  • Coriander strengthens the gums and, in general, has a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity. The disease of the 21st century is caries. It occurs in almost all people with a European-type diet. The spice coriander helps prevent tooth damage or slow down the development of caries. Useful seasoning for stomatitis.
  • There is a beneficial effect on the condition of the eye muscles and nerves. Vitamins A and E prevent various eye diseases and slow down their aging. In folk medicine, the properties of coriander are used to treat conjunctivitis.
  • It is an antidepressant.
  • Benefits of coriander for the skin: its antiseptic properties help fight acne, acne, and eczema. The plant can cure fungal skin diseases in the early stages.
  • Combats flaking and dry skin.
  • The seeds have a wound-healing effect. For cuts and scrapes, coriander powder will help prevent infections from entering the wound.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and bladder can be cured with coriander as part of complex therapy.
  • If you suffer from swelling in the morning, coriander will again help, or rather, a decoction of cilantro. Bags under the eyes and general skin fatigue can also be eliminated with the help of the plant.
  • The spice whitens age spots.
  • For the scalp, the use of coriander strengthens the hair follicles and, therefore, stops hair loss. Fat content is eliminated. Dandruff disappears. The spice is suitable for all hair types, so you can provide complete care to both oily and fine dry hair.


Coriander in cooking is a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, potatoes, and cereals. Used in canning. It goes well with a variety of foods and is appropriate in dishes such as soups and salads. Add the spice to baked goods, for example, to black bread along with cumin seeds. It is used to flavor alcoholic products - liqueurs.

The substances linalool and geraniol are extracted from the seeds of the plant. They are used in the pharmaceutical industry to create drugs that help with stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenal ulcers. In folk medicine, both a decoction of fresh herbs and dried crushed fruits are used for treatment. Interestingly, ancient shamans used the plant in magical rituals.


Such a useful spice can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The product may cause individual intolerance. The spice has a dosage, exceeding which has a negative effect on the body.

Use no more than 4 g (1 teaspoon) of plant seeds per day, and 35 g of greens.

Side effects of cilantro:

  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • memory impairment.

Children should be given the spice with extreme caution, as it can cause stuttering. During pregnancy, coriander is not recommended. It can be eaten with caution in small quantities and only as a seasoning. For diabetes mellitus, the inclusion of coriander in the diet must be agreed with the doctor, since it contains glucose.

Contraindications for use:

  • stomach ulcer,
  • cholecystitis,
  • gastritis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • heart attack,
  • high blood pressure.

Medicinal recipes

For a cold

You will need:

  • cilantro seeds - 4 tbsp;
  • ginger root - 4 small pieces;
  • 4 glasses of water.

Lightly fry the coriander, mix with ginger and cook in water. When the plants have boiled down by half, filter the broth and drink in small portions until the condition improves.

For flatulence


  • coriander - 2 parts,
  • anise - 1 part,
  • - Part 1.

For 2 tsp. spice mixture - 100 ml boiling water. Pour in seasonings. Leave for 10 minutes. Strain and drink.

For depression

  • 100 g seeds,
  • 1 liter of red wine.

Leave the mixture for a week. Strain before use. Drink 0.5 cups 2 times a day.

For inflammation of the gallbladder

You will need:

  • coriander seeds - 1 g,
  • watch leaves - 3 g,
  • caraway flowers - 4 g.

Boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Strain, take warm 20 minutes before meals, half a glass.

Anti-puffiness tea


  • fresh cilantro leaves,
  • water.

Raw materials and water are taken in a ratio of 1:4. Pour boiling water over the leaves, wait 5 minutes and drink.

For beauty

Lotion for problem skin

The product tones and fights inflammation. For 1 tbsp. cilantro leaves - 1 cup boiling water. Brew for 20 minutes. Wipe the skin twice - morning and evening.

Home peeling

  • cilantro seeds,
  • aloe,
  • cumin,
  • comfrey,
  • elderberry flowers,
  • licorice,
  • lemon zest,
  • sandalwood,
  • vetiver,
  • mineral water,
  • lemon juice - for oily skin,
  • milk - for dry skin,
  • cosmetic clay.

Mix seeds and herbs in equal proportions. Add cosmetic clay. For the peeling procedure, dilute the mixture with mineral water in a ratio of 3:1. For oily skin, add a little lemon juice; for dry skin, add a little milk. For normal skin, the basic ingredients are sufficient. When the herbs swell, massage the mixture onto your skin for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

In cooking

Mediterranean dish - marinated olives


  • green - 200 g,
  • coriander grains - 10 pcs.,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp,
  • cold pressed olive oil - 1 tbsp.,
  • ground black pepper, garlic - to taste.


  1. Grind the coriander seeds.
  2. Mix the spice with olives.
  3. Mix the oil with lemon juice and black pepper. It tastes better if it is freshly ground.
  4. Mix all products.
  5. Add the grated clove of garlic and leave to marinate for 2 days.

Bon appetit, don’t get sick, and let coriander bring only benefits to you and your loved ones!



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