Celery root: benefits and harm. Properties of celery root and their positive effects on the human body


What is celery?

What is celery, the benefits and harms of celery for human health, what medicinal properties it has, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment, including using vegetables. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Celery (Apium) is a genus of herbaceous plants in the Apiaceae family. The most famous type of celery (Apium graveolens) is a common vegetable crop.

Biennial or perennial plants of medium to large size with thickened roots, preferring to grow in the moist soils of swamps and salt marshes. They grow up to 1 m in height and have double pinnately dissected leaves on a grooved branched stem and small greenish-white flowers collected in complex umbellate inflorescences.

Over the course of centuries of history, celery (celery) has had to fight for its place in the sun, or rather, for a place on our dining table. It was forgotten, banned by church decrees, but used with varying success on all continents (except Australia).

When celery finally established its right to life, breeders worked on developing pleasant varieties.

  • The most aromatic and delicate of all imaginable root seasonings is “root” celery.
  • “Petiolate” varieties have a delicate, juicy stem.
  • And leafy varieties have a spicy green aroma.

Celery is a seasoning with remarkable aromatic qualities and a very healthy vegetable. It contains many vitamins and essential microelements. AND large number biologically active substances, which resist gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Root varieties are used as seasonings in soups and broths, and in stewing dishes. The roots are cut into strips and added to salads. For salads, celery can be pre-boiled. The root can also be an independent dish.

Some tips for using root varieties:

To prevent the peeled root from darkening, it must be kept in water acidified with lemon or other acidic product. The finer the roots are chopped, the more flavor they release. And one more thing: if you soak the roots in their own juice, they will become tastier!

Leaf varieties are used as a seasoning for soups and salads. For soups, the leaves are mixed with the stem and placed in a pan during the cooking process. Before serving, remove the leaves.

Petiole varieties are used as a seasoning for stews, they are grated into salads of fresh vegetables. The petioles can be boiled into vinaigrettes, but not for long.

Celery seed is a spicy, bright spice that goes well with boiled or stewed vegetables. Cabbage is fermented with seeds; in ground form, they are used to season salads, pates, omelettes, and sauces (especially tomato). Ground seeds are used to season cheese sauces and baked goods.

Useful properties:

The beneficial properties of celery cannot be described, there are so many of them. Its roots and leaves contain the most valuable amino acids asparagine, tyrosine, carotene, nicotinic acid, trace elements, essential oils (in roots up to 10, in leaves - up to 30 mg/%). All parts of the plant stimulate the appetite. Celery is rich in vitamins - these are B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin), vitamins K, E, provitamin A and ascorbic acid. In addition to minerals, celery contains choline and protein. Apiol gives celery its specific taste.

Celery is able to slow down the aging process, since the unique set of proteins, vitamins, acids and minerals it contains ensures the stability of the body's cells. Celery has calming properties - celery greens are used to treat nervous disorders resulting from overwork. The essential oil found in the roots and stems of celery stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Celery is included in the menu of patients with diabetes. It improves water-salt metabolism, so it is especially recommended for older people. Celery contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for men.

Fresh celery greens are added to vitamin salads. Juicy leaves and stems, as well as roots cut into thin slices, are added to soups.

The seeds of this plant are especially effective in first courses.

Dried, crushed to a powder form, celery is used to make sauces. It goes well with poultry dishes, especially fatty ones, and eggs. Celery is used as an additive in the production of homemade pork sausages.

This spice also gives a refined taste and aroma to meat, vegetable (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, etc.) and mushroom dishes. It is often used in dishes made from legumes. In the cooking of some European countries, it is added to meat gravies to improve the taste.

Dried celery roots are added to some dry spice mixtures.

In home canning, this spice is used in marinades for pickling cucumbers, eggplants, squash and zucchini.


Celery is absolutely contraindicated:

  • For epilepsy
  • During pregnancy and lactation
  • For varicose veins
  • If thrombophlebitis is diagnosed
  • For enterocolitis
  • At uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation in women
  • If a stomach ulcer is detected
  • For urticaria, malaria, diseases of the endocrine system
  • For hemorrhagic vasculitis (disease of the capillaries and vessels of the epidermis)
  • If pathologies are detected genitourinary system

Celery should be used with caution by older people, as well as people diagnosed with kidney stones. Due to its high diuretic and choleretic properties, when celery enters the body, active movement of stones and accelerated leaching of sand from the kidneys may begin. These processes are accompanied by severe pain, movement of stones, and the only relief for the patient from burning pain is surgical intervention.

What are the benefits of celery for men?

First of all, celery rejuvenates and heals a man’s body. With regular consumption of dishes that include celery or its juice, the blood condition improves and the body receives a rejuvenating effect. As a result, blood pressure is normalized and cholesterol levels are lowered, the body's defenses are strengthened, making it stronger and less vulnerable.

The peculiarity of the effect of this vegetable on the male body is its effect on the production of hormones. With regular use, libido levels increase. The roots, stems and leaves of celery activate the synthesis of testosterone, which leads to increased male potency. In addition, the leaves of the plant contain calcium, which also promotes the synthesis of sex hormones.

Celery also causes the production of another sex hormone - androsterone. When its level in the blood increases, libido increases and sexual interest returns, even in men who have lost it. According to some experts, the effect of celery on the male body is similar to the effect of Viagra, only it is of natural origin. There is also an opinion that androsterone, when excreted from the body through sweat, acts on women like a pheromone, attracting and exciting the fairer sex.

Eating celery also promotes other chemical reactions in the pituitary gland, which results in the release of additional sex hormones.

To ensure that celery intake is as effective as possible, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice. The leaves are also very useful, as they improve digestion due to insulin-like hormonal compounds. Among other things, they also have a very beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Medicinal properties of celery:

The chemical composition of celery determines its extraordinary healing properties.

  • Celery has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, helps improve blood circulation, has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves metabolism.
  • Constant use of the spice leads to improved vitality and rejuvenation of the body, so older people should consume celery in large quantities.
  • Celery juice is a powerful diuretic that prevents the deposition of salts in the kidneys and joints. Thanks to this spice, kidney function is normalized.
  • Drinking juice also relieves fatigue, helps cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the body.
  • In Japan, a diet based on celery is successfully used to treat joints. For a long time, patients eat dishes prepared from celery according to various recipes.
  • The spice stimulates the glands internal secretion, has a positive effect on the normal development of the young body.
  • The roots and leaves of the spice contain the substance furocoumarin, which has anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • In folk medicine, selera is recommended for shortness of breath, flatulence, and vitamin C deficiency, which manifests itself in various symptoms.
  • Official medicine recommends consuming celery for vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus(especially type 2), for arthritis and even for obesity.

Interestingly, freshly prepared juice helps those who quit smoking to regain their willpower, and for those with a sweet tooth it replaces extra candy.

Eating celery has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, nervous system. This plant stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach, reduces blood sugar levels, acts as an analgesic for migraines and joint diseases, and has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations made from celery seeds remove uric acid from the body. Celery is a unique natural cosmetic product. Masks made from its roots and stems are used to smooth out wrinkles and improve skin tone.

How to treat arthrosis and rheumatism with celery?

Pour 100 g of grated celery root and 1/4 pod of hot pepper into 300 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days, strain. Rub the tincture on sore joints 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7–14 days.

Mix 200 ml of celery root and stalk juice with 1 tablespoon of honey. Moisten gauze with the drug and apply it to the sore joints for 1 hour. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Treatment of wounds and burns:

Grate the celery root, wrap it in gauze, apply to the festering wound, and leave for 3-4 hours. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Moisten the burn area with the juice of a celery stalk. For sunburn, lubricate the reddened areas of the skin with celery juice mixed with lard in a 1:2 ratio.

How is celery good for gout?

Pour 1 teaspoon of celery seeds into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 2 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 14 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 2 times a year.

Pour 1 teaspoon of celery seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of dill seeds and a pinch of corn silk into 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 7 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 2–3 times a year.

Prevention of liver and kidney diseases:

Mix 100 ml of celery stalk juice with 2 g of mumiyo and 1 teaspoon of honey. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 1 hour before meals to prevent liver disease. The course of prophylaxis is 1 month.

Pour 100 g of celery greens and 1 teaspoon of corn silk into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 7 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 3 times a year.

Celery for diabetes:

Eat 30 g of root, 20 g of greens or 100 g of celery stalk, fresh or boiled, daily.

Mix 100 ml of celery stalk juice with 50 ml of Jerusalem artichoke juice and 50 ml of oat broth. Take 100 ml 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals if there is a risk of increased blood sugar.

Recipes from the book by D. Nesterova “Healing with vegetables. Healers from the gardens."

How is celery useful in weight loss diets?

In various sources you can find a lot of information about the benefits of celery for weight loss. It really belongs to the products that improve metabolism. The substances included in its composition stimulate metabolic processes, including fat and carbohydrates. The calorie content of celery is very low: about 16 kcal is contained in 100 g of leaves and about 35 kcal in the same amount of root.

In order to “process” celery, the body expends more calories than are contained in the plant. Its roots and greens contain fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility and removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body, so it is useful for constipation.

There are many recipes for dietary dishes that include celery root, its greens or juice. Juice can be prepared both from the root of the plant and from its above-ground part. Celery can be used to prepare side dishes for meat dishes and other “heavy” foods, since it facilitates its digestion and absorption. The root and stems of this plant are often used in the preparation of low-calorie, healthy soups.

The benefits and harms of celery were known several thousand years before our era. Once upon a time, celery was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, and only in the 17th century it began to be eaten as a regular vegetable.

Currently, three cultivated types of celery are grown: root, petiole (salad) and leaf.

The greatest benefit comes from celery root and stalks.

But its seeds are also used as a seasoning in cooking, as well as in folk medicine. Celery seed oil is used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery.

The unique composition of this healing vegetable allows you to compare the healing properties of celery with the properties of ginseng.

The benefits and harms of celery root and stems are based on its rich composition. Here you can find:

  • vitamins,
  • amino acids,
  • nicotinic acid,
  • as well as a large number of essential oils.

Greens contain:

  • vitamins PP, A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E
  • ascorbic acid.

The root contains:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, K
  • vitamin C.

As for micro- and macroelements, both the green part and the root contain calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

What beneficial properties does celery have?

Celery is an amazing plant with many beneficial properties. Thanks to its unique composition, it has a wide range of effects on the body.

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has a mild diuretic and laxative effect;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes toxins well;
  • essential oils in its composition have a regenerating effect on cells;
  • has antiseptic and antioxidant properties;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • has a beneficial effect on joints, heart and blood vessels;
  • has a calming effect;
  • has low calorie content.

The healing properties of celery: what diseases is the vegetable useful for?

  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bladder;
  • joint diseases: arthritis, rheumatism, gout;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • migraines;
  • obesity;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • constipation;
  • asthma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dropsy;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • cold.

It is often used as a spice that stimulates the appetite, and served as a side dish, celery improves the absorption of food.

Celery greens are used in the treatment and restoration of a weakened nervous system. Preparations based on the plant have an analgesic and wound-healing effect. They are also useful for various types of allergies - diathesis, urticaria and others.

Celery is an excellent natural sleeping pill that is not addictive. It is included in many medications to improve sleep. Eating celery has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, flushing them and preventing the formation of stones and eliminating swelling.

Since ancient times, the plant has been known as a strong aphrodisiac.

What are the benefits of celery for women?

The beneficial properties of celery for women are very extensive. Firstly, celery serves as a good prevention of cancer. It removes toxins, waste, and decay products from the body, cleansing the body.

This naturally affects the condition of everything that makes up female beauty - hair, nails, skin.

Secondly, thanks to its calming properties, it helps a woman gain peace of mind and calm the nervous system.

Therefore, for neuroses, asthenia, sleep disturbances and other problems of a “nervous” nature characteristic of the female sex, it is simply irreplaceable.

The urinary system is another weak point for the fair half of humanity. And here celery will show its best side. It has a disinfecting effect on the kidneys and bladder and regulates water-salt metabolism.

The medicinal properties of celery root are often used to treat kidneys and improve urinary tract activity in women.

Few people know that celery can be a great help in the fight against protruding blood vessels on the legs, which often appear when walking in heels. And the benefit of celery juice is that this drink improves blood composition and strengthens blood vessels, preventing the occurrence of such problems.

For women who smoke, celery is literally a savior. It helps eliminate toxins and also neutralizes carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke. Therefore, ladies who just can’t give up this habit by eating celery have a chance to preserve their youth and natural beauty.

You can’t ignore the qualities of celery that help restore libido. This, in turn, improves a woman’s sex life, and therefore her health.

Celery and wasp waist: how to lose weight with celery?

Celery is a real godsend for those who are overweight.

The beneficial properties of celery for weight loss lie, first of all, in the fact that this vegetable has a “negative” calorie content, that is, when it is eaten, the body receives fewer calories than it spends on absorption.

Therefore, celery is indispensable in weight loss diets.

Such diets have long proven their high effectiveness. For example, there are many good reviews about the seven-day diet, the main dish of which is celery soup. It allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of unnecessary pounds.

This diet is used even for severe obesity and before weight correction operations.

How to make celery soup?

This healthy soup is very easy to prepare. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of celery;
  • 6 medium onions;
  • 0.5 kg cabbage;
  • 3 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 pods of sweet bell pepper.

All vegetables must be washed, finely chopped, filled with water and boiled. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper. The soup is ready!

The great advantage of the celery diet is that you can eat such soup at any time of the day without restrictions. After some time, the excess fat will disappear as if by magic. By the way, the soup is not only healthy, but also surprisingly tasty.

Celery and male power

Even the ancient Greeks knew about the invaluable benefits this plant brings to men's health.

The beneficial properties of celery for men are as follows: celery is able to increase libido, and both the stems, leaves and roots increase male power.

In addition, when consumed, the body rejuvenates, the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases, the immune system is strengthened and potency increases.

The plant is also known as a good prophylactic against prostatitis. And its diuretic properties help cope with infections of the genitourinary system.

Experts in the field of sexology believe that celery is especially useful for men after 40 years of age, as it helps to qualitatively change a fading intimate life. The plant is rich in phytohormones, which, when released through sweat, act as pheromones, causing mutual sexual attraction in women.

These properties are successfully used in perfumery to create men's cosmetics with an attractive aroma for women.

When the stems and roots of the plant are eaten, the male body begins to secrete androsterone, provoking the man to perform sexual exploits. But celery juice is especially useful for men.

In terms of its effects, it can be compared with the well-known Viagra, which is why healers and herbalists recommend it to all representatives of the stronger sex without exception.

What part of celery is the healthiest?

The beneficial properties of petiole and stem celery are reflected in various branches of medicine. However, it is believed that the best results in the treatment and prevention of various diseases and health problems come from the root.

It is used in many medications to enhance potency, as well as for the treatment of kidneys, liver, and other diseases.

In what form is celery most beneficial?

The plant can be prepared in different ways: stewed, boiled, fried, etc. With celery you can prepare wonderful vitamin-rich salads, soups, stews, purees and other dishes. They will all be tasty and healthy.

However, it is best to eat celery raw, as it retains maximum of the elements the body needs.

The beneficial properties of celery root are that this plant is effectively used to prevent and treat certain diseases, for example, diseases of the stomach, intestines, and urolithiasis.

And in case of sexual impotence, use celery juice, the benefits and harms of which also depend on the chemical composition.

In diluted form, it is also used as a general tonic and useful remedy:

  1. Stem celery juice is diluted with water (1 part juice to 10 parts water).
  2. Drink 1/4 cup of celery drink for 7 days (important condition: the juice should be drunk before meals).
  3. Then take a 2-day break and repeat the course if necessary.

Celery juice with the addition of natural honey is also useful. It showed very good results in the treatment of polyarthritis deformans.

The juice is mixed with honey and drunk three times a day, about half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts one month, after another month the course is repeated if necessary.

When salts are deposited, you can also take advantage of the beneficial properties of celery root:

  1. Wash and dry, and then grind 1 kg of celery with roots and leaves and 3 whole lemons through a meat grinder.
  2. Infuse the lemon-celery mixture for seven days.
  3. Squeeze out the resulting infusion, then add 300 g of natural honey.
  4. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Keep refrigerated.

Celery seeds also have beneficial properties.

For example, when treating manifestations associated with hormonal changes in the female body during menopause, treatment with seeds is carried out for 4 years:

To do this, pour ½ teaspoon of seeds with boiling water, leave for a while, then strain and take 4 times a day before meals.

For kidney problems, use the seeds of the plant with honey:

  • 1 tsp. seeds in a glass of water, add a small amount of boiled peas and honey.
  • This drink should be drunk three times daily, 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

All types of celery are beneficial: root, leaf, and petiole. The main thing is not to heat treat it, otherwise most of the medicinal properties of celery are lost.

And you can read about the properties of sea buckthorn jam in ours.

Harm of celery

Celery has many advantages, but does this wonderful plant have equally significant disadvantages? Celery has no particular disadvantages. And much less can be said about the contraindications of celery than about the beneficial properties.

You should not use recipes with celery after the sixth or 6th month of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Another harmful property of celery is that it has a negative effect on people prone to epileptic seizures.

Patients with acute diseases of the digestive system, as well as those who have been diagnosed with kidney stones, should eat the fresh plant and dishes made from it with caution.

Celery is a magnificent gift that nature has given us. It includes huge amount useful elements. The plant treats and prevents many diseases, improves vision, increases sexuality, fills the body with vitamins and gives harmony.

Well, why not a panacea for all diseases? Its only drawback is its peculiar taste, which not everyone likes. But compared to the benefits for health and beauty, this drawback seems completely insignificant.

Each of us strives to be healthy, beautiful and well-groomed. What foods should you include in your diet so that your figure is chiseled, your curls frame your face with a thick and fluffy cap, and your nails delight you with shine and strength?

In this article we will continue the story about the well-known celery, which is respected not only by chefs, but also by doctors.

Nutritionists recommend using the “moon plant” year-round for girls who dream of saying goodbye to unsightly folds on their body. The fragrant biennial is famous for its unusually life-giving juice, which effectively flushes decay products from the body, neutralizes the harmful effects of toxic substances, and prevents premature aging of the body.

What else is celery rich in and what are its benefits for women? A unique combination of plant hormones, acids and vitamins has a beneficial effect on the female hormonal system, ensures a high level of metabolic processes, and serves as a reliable shield against depression, depression and anxiety.

To be beautiful

Even the beauties of Ancient Rome believed in the magical power of fragrant grass to give attractiveness and perfection, tenderness and softness to the body, and whiteness and an amazing inner radiance to the face. The combination of vitamins and minerals never ceases to amaze cosmetologists. It is as if it was specially selected and calculated by nature to preserve the youth, freshness, velvety and beauty of the epithelium.

Carved leaves and stems of the plant are a priceless and rich storehouse of essential oils, which gently and carefully fill all systems with energy and strength, increase endurance, restore and strengthen the body after increased physical activity. Scented greenery creates a joyful and upbeat mood and miraculously “tames” various phobias, aggressiveness, and increased excitability.

Both leaf celery and stalk and root celery differ from other vegetables in significant content:

  • selenium and potassium,
  • iron and magnesium,
  • zinc and calcium,
  • oils and fiber,
  • sugars

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is especially important for the sensitive female body, as it normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands and gonads of the endocrine system. Included in the composition strengthens vision, stimulates collagen production, and strengthens the body's resistance to infections.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) strengthens the nervous system and improves blood circulation, promotes the rhythmic functioning of the heart muscle. Due to the rich content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the vegetable is often called nature’s rejuvenating gift. Ascorbic acid is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and protein production, and increases the ability of leukocytes to fight microorganisms.

All varieties of plants are rich in useful substances; only their percentages may differ. Thus, on supermarket shelves, the petiole type is more often found, which is ideal for creating all kinds of cosmetics. The benefits of celery juice lie in its cleansing, vitaminizing and tonic effect.

The healing biennial will help problem dermis to cope with inflammation; oily dermis will help with acne and excess sebum secretion. Dry skin will gain elasticity and say goodbye to redness and flaking. In general, the cosmetic properties of a fragrant product will greatly benefit any skin.

Advice: Before applying the mixture according to one of the following recipes, it is better to play it safe by testing the mixture on the inside of the elbow (wrist) so that an unpleasant “surprise” does not arise in the form of an allergic reaction.

Preparing masks

  • Tonic mixture recipe. Grind a bunch of leaves in a blender, add cow's milk (preferably homemade), bring to a boil over low heat (don't forget to stir!). Strain the warm mixture and add a few drops of grape seed oil. Lubricate your face with the mixture, after 20 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin, and wash with cool water.
  • Whitening mixture recipe. In equal proportions, mix the pulp from the cooked tuber, cream and half a teaspoon of aqueous infusion of celandine. Apply cream to problem areas. After half an hour, we wash ourselves with warm water, and additionally pass over the face with a piece of ice from the chamomile decoction.
  • Nutritional mixture recipe. Grind the juicy tuber on a grater, mix with fat curd, add 1-2 tablespoons of warm milk. Are early furrows appearing on the skin? Add a little honey to the mixture. Keep the mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes.
  • Refreshing mixture recipe. Mix the juice from the petioles and leaves, cucumber, carrots and water infusion of yarrow (1:1:1:1). We use the composition daily instead of morning wash.

To be healthy

It is easy to enhance the beneficial effects of green medicine on the body by including it in all kinds of dishes. In addition to its magical effect on the epithelium, the spicy plant has a laxative and diuretic effect, strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process, cleanses the liver and kidneys, and can significantly.

Magnesium, which tubers are especially rich in, is of particular value for the female body. Having sedative properties, the microelement easily “softens” premenstrual syndrome: relieves pain in the lower abdomen, tension in the chest, nervousness, irritability, tearfulness and depression.

  • Salad against fatigue. Chop root vegetables, small turnips and carrots. Season the dish with flaxseed oil, sprinkle with lemon juice, and garnish with a handful of peeled pumpkin seeds and pine nuts.

Do you know that this wonderful plant is a symbol of a light and flying gait? It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “Eat more vegetables to have more fun.” Try making a drink that will relieve your legs from fatigue and heaviness.

  • Drink for tired legs. Mix 100 g of juice from stems and leaves, 25 g of freshly squeezed apple or 50 g of plum (pear) juice, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. You should drink a “cocktail” before going to bed.

Chinese medicine practitioners have long been used to combat hypertension. What is his strength? Firstly, the phthalides included in the composition - rare active compounds - contribute to the dilation of blood vessels. Secondly, tubers are rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium. Increased intake of these minerals also helps lower blood pressure (BP).

  • Paste for lowering blood pressure. Peel the fleshy “bump”, grate it on a fine grater, mix with sour milk (homemade). Add chopped walnuts, a few sprigs of parsley, and a crushed clove of garlic. Take the medicine daily, 1 tablespoon before meals.

From the people's treasury

Numerous recipes for cooking celery are incredibly interesting because they use leaves and roots, seeds and petioles. The healing vegetable can be used to prepare juice, alcohol and water tinctures, boil and bake. It keeps well dry and frozen.

  1. Boil the tuber and drink 100 ml of decoction before eating. You will quickly get rid of duodenitis and constipation.
  2. Mix biennial juice with cabbage, pumpkin, apple and carrot juices. You will have a wonderful drink to improve your complexion.
  3. Boil the tuber, chop, sprinkle with olive oil. Use the fragrant mass as a side dish for any dish. You will forget about inflammatory processes, stomach pain, allergies.

To be slim

If you can't find a product that effectively burns body fat, pay attention to the amazing biennial. How is celery useful for women who want to have a beautiful and toned body?

We suggest using an old recipe for quick weight loss without any harm to health. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Strain and take 100 ml three times a day before meals.


Vegetables are the first source of vitamins and minerals. They are rich in carbohydrates, organic substances, and polysaccharides. One of the indispensable products on the table in the diet is celery. Celery is considered a Mediterranean plant. The spread throughout the planet came from there. The vegetable gained fame back in the 3rd - 2nd centuries. BC In those days it was used as a medicine. Cultivation of the crop by humans in Europe began in Italy, after which the spread of the plant went north.

Scientists from the USA and Japan began studying the vegetable. The results shocked the entire planet. Celery has useful components in the amount of 86 components. Its harm is very small.

The vegetable grows on all continents. Celery comes in leaf, root and petiole types. The greens have a strong spicy aroma. Both the root and leaves are edible. Grows small in size.

Benefits of vegetables

Celery is a very useful plant. People who eat celery do not realize that it has many benefits. Centuries-old cultivation of the vegetable has revealed many beneficial and healing properties. It is the main source of many proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals for children, women and men.

The calorie content of the product per 100 grams is only 13 kcal.

A 100 gram serving is rich in carbohydrates – 2.1 g, proteins – 0.9 g.

Fat in celery is at least 0.1 g.

The vegetable consists of 94% water.

The plant includes vitamins A, RE, beta-Carotene, B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 9), vitamin C, E and PP, NE. Macronutrients obtained from celery improve the functioning of the body. These include: iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. Vitamins and macroelements are responsible for sexual function, skin, eyes, mental development, strengthen gums and blood vessels.

Vitamin C in vegetables is contained in double the norm, unlike citrus fruits. The product is very useful for children with illnesses. There is a lot of beta keratin in the roots and leaves. Thanks to vitamin E, the body is able to maintain youth.

Calories vary among parts of celery. So in petiole celery there are 13 kcal, and in root celery - 21 kcal. The glycemic index - the level of glucose in the blood, also depends on the part of the vegetable and the method of consumption. The raw root has a GI of 35, and the boiled one - 85. The glycemic index of the petiole part is 15. Eating leaves, stems and root vegetables in raw and cooked form improves the health of men, women and children.

Useful video No. 1:

Celery copes with diseases and strengthens the immune system

Healing properties of the vegetable:

  • medicine for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • protection against infections;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • treatment of the genitourinary system, kidneys, high blood pressure.
  • improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines, metabolism;
  • reduction of inflammation during ulcers and gastritis;

Benefits for diabetics and weight loss.

The glycemic index does not cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

Low calorie content helps girls lose excess weight.

For those who have lost interest in their significant other, the miracle plant will act as an aphrodisiac. Passion and desire will return to your family. It is no less useful for women. The oils and acids, vitamins and minerals of the plant make it unique. Eating it in your diet is simply necessary.

Benefits for men

Doctors note that the fruit and stem can cause attraction in men. Male strength increases under the influence of the hormone androsterone found in the plant. Inclusion in nutrition cures diseases in men. People with high blood pressure need to consume the vegetable, as it is normalized due to antioxidants.

The beneficial properties for men have been valued at all times. The ancient Greeks consumed the root vegetable for strength before battles and competitions. Alchemists of the Middle Ages prepared potions and potions based on celery. Casanova knew the composition and effect of greens and ate it before his adventures.

Benefits for women

Celery is also beneficial for women. Low calorie content helps you stay in shape and have a wasp waist. Normalization of water-salt metabolism and improvement of digestion occurs due to its amazing composition. Dietary nutrition will be complete and healthy only if celery is present in the diet. Stopping aging and the anti-aging effect for women is the most important argument. Celery disperses sadness, melancholy, tension and fatigue. Vitamin E not only improves the skin and makes it elastic, but improves hair and nails. By introducing vegetables into the diet, there is an improvement in the cardiovascular system. Celery will help women treat varicose veins.

Harm and contraindications

The positives are very attractive, but nothing is perfect. Celery can have a negative effect on the body. The harm sometimes outweighs the benefit. Treatment of diseases can develop into the opposite effect. To undermine your health due to ignorance is the worst thing.

Contraindications for use:

  • high blood pressure;
  • varicose veins, thrombosis;
  • exacerbation of senile diseases;
  • kidney stones;
  • presence of colitis;
  • the presence of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • tendency to severe allergies;
  • nervousness.

Contraindications are pregnancy and breastfeeding. Lactation decreases and the taste of milk changes. Heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding make consumption taboo. Assess your health with a specialist so that the benefits of celery do not turn into harm.

Select and store correctly

Walking into the store, the shelves sparkle with the freshness of fruits and vegetables. Celery is no exception. But how not to fall for the deception of sellers and choose a fresh vegetable? It's easy to do:

  1. The leaves of fresh celery are elastic, have a natural shine and a bright green color.
  2. By pressing a little with your finger, you will feel the moisture and spicy smell.
  3. The petioles are brittle and crispy. The color is bright green.
  4. The root of the vegetable is hard and heavy. The color is uniform.

Store celery in the refrigerator for several days, before rinsing the stalks and leaves under the tap, drying them and wrapping them in paper or foil.

You can also store it as a preparation. Such products can be stored for up to 8 months at room temperature. Salted greens are suitable for making sauces.

The root is well preserved in the cellar. It is important that it is uncleaned. Wash it off the soil and dry it, wrap it in paper, newspaper will do, and put it on the shelves in storage.

Diet and weight loss

Celery is an excellent assistant for weight loss. The vegetable is recommended to be used during a diet in combination with other products. Losing weight will be fast and beneficial.

How it works:

  • low calorie content;
  • calories spent are greater than calories received;
  • restores water-salt solution;
  • purgation.

You should not eat only celery for a long time. A mono-diet can be harmful to health.

Useful video No. 2:

Celery is a plant from the Apiaceae family. The Mediterranean is considered its homeland. In Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece it was used as a medicinal plant and only in the Middle Ages it began to be eaten. Today, celery is one of the most consumed plants in the world. It is universal in use; all its parts are used for food. Greens are used in meat dishes and salads. The roots are consumed both raw and dried. Today they are added to dishes, boiled, fried, baked, and used as a seasoning.

Harvesting and storing celery

To preserve the product for a long time, you need to know about some rules for its preparation and storage.

  • The root is washed with water, peeled and cut into strips. You can dry the prepared roots in the sun or in a warm, well-ventilated room. Place the dried roots in a glass container and close the lid tightly.
  • Pickling the roots. Fresh roots are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Marinade: 1 glass of vinegar, 4 glasses of water, allspice, cloves. Prepared celery for 2-3 minutes. Place in boiling water, remove, and after the water has drained, place in jars. Pour in the marinade and pasteurize for 20-25 minutes.

Leaf celery is also prepared for future use.

  • Harvested fresh leaves are washed, dried, and cut. Mix with salt and place in jars (1 kg of leaves - about 250 g of salt). The jars are sealed with lids and stored in a cool, dark room.
  • Drying leaves. Dry the prepared greens and grind them into powder. Very convenient for use in winter.
  • Pickling. There are several simple ways to pickle celery leaves to preserve the product for a long time.
  • Freezing. Place the prepared, washed and dried celery into bags and seal.

Use in everyday life

The product is often used as a spicy flavoring additive in the process of preparing aromatic salad dressings for side dishes, salads, soups and simply as an edible decoration for the table. The petioles and root vegetables are used to prepare independent dishes: baked root vegetables, stewed assorted vegetables with celery. Excellent tasting celery cutlets made from root vegetables and oatmeal. The product goes well with sour varieties of apples, pineapples, carrots, both stewed and in salads.

All parts of the plant are suitable for consumption in fresh, salted and dried form. Traditional medicine uses an aqueous infusion of celery leaves and roots. This plant has antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known for its mild laxative effects and its ability to improve the overall tone of the body, helping to cope with increased physical and mental stress. The seeds produce oil, which is used in pharmaceuticals and perfumes. The roots are used to produce celery salt, which is a source of organic sodium.

Medicinal properties of celery

Celery is both a medicinal product and a valuable food product:

  1. Its root vegetables contain amino acids: tyrosine, asparagine, carotene, trace elements, nicotinic acid, essential oils, of which the leaves contain up to 30%. The product contains many vitamins - vitamin K, E, ascorbic acid, provitamin A, B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine). Contains choline and protein.
  2. Celery delays the aging process in the body, thanks to the unique combination of vitamins, proteins, minerals and acids it contains, which contribute to the stability of the body's cells.
  3. Having calming properties, celery is used in the practice of treating nervous diseases that arise as a result of overwork. The roots and stems of the plant are rich in essential oils, which are responsible for the production of gastric juice.
  4. The product can be included in the menu for people with diabetes. Due to its ability to normalize the water-salt balance in the body, celery is highly recommended for consumption by older people.
  5. Celery compositions are used to regulate the functions of the liver and kidneys, and restore normal sexual function. They are also used as an analgesic, sleeping pill, and wound healing agent.
  6. They help in the fight against obesity, normalize metabolism, and are taken to prevent atherosclerosis. Celery juice is recommended for urolithiasis, as a remedy for allergies.
  7. Regular consumption of juice helps cleanse the blood, thereby helping to recover from skin diseases.
  8. The beneficial effect of this product on the heart muscle and its effective use against rheumatism and gout have been proven.
  9. Due to its high potassium and asparagine content, celery has diuretic properties. It is recommended to use for internal anxiety and exhaustion.
  10. Celery is useful for diseases of the genitourinary system and inflammation of the joints.
  11. It is beneficial for vision and is used in the treatment of certain ophthalmic diseases.
  12. The use of celery in folk medicine

    Using Celery Juice to Strengthen Broken Nerves

    Root juice and honey are mixed in equal quantities. Use 8 teaspoons of the product 3 times a day for 7 days.

    The use of juice as a general strengthening and tonic

    Before meals, drink 50 g of juice from the root vegetable 3-4 times a day or constantly use celery in food.

    The use of infusion to normalize digestion, for chronic colitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers

    Take 3-4 g of prepared and chopped celery root, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, infuse for 8 hours, filter. The infusion is taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Use of celery decoction for infertility

    The crushed root (50 g) is poured into 1 cup of boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes, cooled. Take 3-4 times throughout the day.

    3-4 g of prepared raw material is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 8 hours, filtered. Use 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Celery root infusion for the prevention of viral and colds

    Prepare juice from the vegetable and consume 1-2 teaspoons before meals 3 times a day.


    Before using celery in your diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its beneficial properties and contraindications, so that ignorance does not cause harm to the body. Celery helps to cope with many diseases and support the body as a whole, but there are still contraindications to the use of this product.

    Celery should not be eaten if:

  • there are problems with blood pressure, because taking this plant can cause a worsening of the condition;
  • there are varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • a sick or elderly person has an exacerbation of the disease;
  • there are clear signs of gastrointestinal disease and the manifestation of kidney stones;
  • colitis and enterocolitis are annoying;
  • the presence of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis suggests limited intake of celery;
  • There are severe forms of allergies, then it is undesirable to drink celery juice and follow a diet based on this product.

Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding are strictly prohibited from eating celery, because the milk can not only acquire a specific taste, but also disappear completely. Uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation also make it impossible to eat celery.



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