preschool preparation

“School of the future first-grader”

This speech program, being an invaluable assistant in the complex and painstaking work of developing students’ speech, will help teachers - speech therapists, parents prepare their children for school, for school education, and move to a new level.

Explanatory note.

Preschool age is an important and unique period in the development of a child, especially in terms of the development of his speech. Without the formation of pure and correct speech, it is impossible to acquire communication skills and learn to build relationships with the outside world. In our age of “high technology” and global computerization of society, the level of development of speech and communication skills of preschoolers leaves much to be desired; the child does not know how to correctly construct a phrase, and, moreover, compose a story from a picture.

Very often, a speech disorder, being a primary defect, entails a noticeable lag in mental development.

An entertaining selection of topics in a playful way makes additional speech therapy classes exciting, fun, and highly effective. An integrated approach allows you to develop the skills of phonetic analysis and synthesis, strengthen the psychological basis of speech (memory, perception, attention, thinking), and cultivate interest, respect and love for the living Russian word.

Pre-school speech therapy work makes it easier for the speech therapist to prepare for basic speech correction classes, makes it possible to sensitively and timely respond to any changes in the child’s capabilities, needs and personal preferences, which, in turn, can update his internal resources and turn on the self-correction mechanism.

The work program is compiled taking into account and using modern innovative technologies and techniques in the field of proper breathing, the development of finger and general motor skills, ensuring motor functions of the hand, coordinated actions of the eye and hand, which have a positive effect on improving the cognitive abilities and speech development of children, with the active participation of parents.

The main goal of the work program: Providing practical assistance to parents in preparing for school. Prevention of oral and written speech; development of a free, creative, active personality and creation of optimal conditions for successful speech correction in children. The child must see his potential, believe in himself, and learn to be successful in his activities. This will greatly facilitate the child’s transition from kindergarten to school, and will maintain and develop interest in learning in school settings.

Program objectives:

    Ensure continuity between preschool institutions and primary schools.

    To prepare future first-graders to master knowledge, skills, and abilities in basic subjects: literacy (Russian language), literary reading, the world around us.

    Help the child adapt to a new team based on common norms and rules of interaction.

    Develop the functions of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

    Develop coherent, grammatically and phonetically correct speech.

    Create conditions for the development of children’s social and psychological readiness for school (ability to communicate, listen to teachers and friends, act together with others).

    To help children suffering from general speech underdevelopment in terms of developing skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, preventing dysgraphia and dyslexia.

    Learn to pronounce words of varying syllabic complexity.

    Develop the ability to accept a learning task and solve it independently.

    Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Principles of program construction

Systematicity Child development is a process in which all components are interconnected and interdependent. You cannot develop just one function; systematic work is necessary.

Complexity. Child development is a complex process in which the development of one cognitive function (for example, speech) determines and complements the development of others.

Compliance with age and individual capabilities. The school preparation program is built in accordance with the psychophysical laws of age-related development.

Graduality(step-by-step) and systematic in the development and formation of school-significant functions, following from simple and accessible tasks to more complex, complex ones.

Adequacy The requirements and loads placed on the child during classes helps to optimize classes and increase efficiency.

Individualization of the pace of work transition to a new stage of training only after complete mastery of the material of the previous stage.

Repeatability(cyclical repetition) of material, which allows you to form and consolidate the mechanisms and strategy for implementing the function.

Interactions joint interaction between school and family, aimed at creating conditions for more successful realization of the child’s abilities.

The program is intended for children 6-7 years of age, both those attending and not attending preschool institutions, and is a comprehensive program of classes on the formation of coherent speech (development of the ability to meaningfully and logically construct statements correctly, speak convincingly, vividly on various topics, choose accurate words to characterize objects and phenomena). The developed special tasks will allow children to master a wide range of speech skills in a playful way, including constructing statements logically and grammatically correctly, freely composing stories and retellings, and the tasks will significantly expand the vocabulary of children, will contribute to the development of attention, memory and imagination, the development of fine motor skills of fingers, communication skills, adaptation to school. The program is structured in the form of children going through lexical topics. This program allows the teacher to develop the child’s personality in play, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and direct educational activities.

In preparing a child for school, what is more important is not the child’s special preparation in the subject, the main thing is to form the child’s psychological readiness for school, his cognitive interest, and a certain level of development of thinking; attention, memory, speech, initiative, communication, creativity and self-control skills.

The maximum effect in realizing the great potential of a preschooler is achieved if the methods and forms of education are built in accordance with the psychophysical characteristics of preschool age. Education of preschoolers is possible in the form of games, direct observations and subject lessons, and various types of practical activities.

Forms of work:

    Examination, reading, discussion, conversation, story

    Solving problem situations, talking with children

    Games, activities and exercises for sensory development, playful communication, role-playing games

    Independent activity

Expected results

Need to achieve:

Changes in the general emotional state of children (children become active and confident in their actions, they develop cognitive learning interest);

Introducing thematic groups of words into the linguistic consciousness of children, teaching them to correctly name objects, composing small sentences, mini-stories, gradually developing the ability to sequentially retell text

To develop early literacy in children and sharply reduce the number of mistakes typical of first-graders.

Calendar and thematic planning of classes

Speech therapy section

(32 hours per year)

Consultation for parents “Preparing a child for school. Features of preschool preparation of children in a speech therapy group Speech therapist prepares for school

  • choose your school wisely;
  • when choosing a fashionable educational institution, be careful;
  • remember that a child cannot turn into a schoolboy overnight, he needs your help and support;
  • Discuss school problems with your child every day;
  • remember that highly paid education does not guarantee a good level of education;
  • be able to stand up for your child during the time, because there is no one to protect the child except the parents;
  • take an interest in your child’s circle of new acquaintances, because “adult” problems can arise in elementary school;
  • develop the child’s cognitive interests, because museums, concerts, exhibitions, hikes are the parents’ business.

Do it!

  • Rejoice in your son, daughter.
  • Talk to your child in a caring, supportive tone.
  • Listen carefully, without interrupting, when the child speaks.
  • Set clear and specific requirements for your child.
  • Your explanations should be simple and clear.
  • First ask “What?” and then “Why and Why?”
  • Read to your child every day and discuss what you read.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions.
  • Be patient.
  • Encourage his curiosity, inquisitiveness and imagination.
  • Praise often.
  • Try to show interest in everything that he likes (collecting, drawing, etc.)
  • Don't lose your sense of humor.
  • Do something with your family.
  • Be an example for your child: let him see the pleasure you get from reading newspapers, magazines, and books.
  • Buy new cassettes with your favorite recordings.
  • Try to have your child do something around the house with you.
  • Take him to the library regularly.


  • Do not interrupt the child, do not say that you understand everything until he finishes speaking.
  • Don't ask too many questions.
  • Don't force your child to do something he is not ready for.
  • Do not force your child to do anything if he is fidgety, tired, or upset.
  • There is no need to criticize a child face to face, especially in the presence of other people.
  • There is no need to make too many rules for your child; he will stop paying attention to them.
  • Don't expect your child to understand - all the logical rules, all your feelings, abstract reasoning and explanations.
  • Do not compare your child with any other children - brother, sister, neighbors, friends.
  • Don’t say: “No, it’s not red,” rather say: “It’s blue.”
  • Consult with experts, other parents, and read books on parenting issues more often.

Debate with yourself

“The image of a teacher in my mind and in my child’s mind”

Question: Remember an episode from your school childhood about how they themselves mastered the role of schoolchildren. Question: Listen to several options for judgments about parents’ perception of the teacher:">

“A teacher is a person who evaluates my child and me as a parent”

“A teacher is a professional who is responsible for my child’s learning new norms of behavior and knowledge.”

“The teacher is the authority that dominates the child in his school life”

“A teacher is a person who supports and develops my child’s abilities”

Complete the judgments with your own wording.

Question: Does a future first-grader need another teacher in the form of a mother?
How can maternal behavior duplicate teacher behavior? (checking homework, evaluating a child in the family based on school grades, exchanging mother’s love for success

Does your child have the confidence to adapt to school?

Psychologists compare a newborn baby to a blank slate - no ideas about the world, about oneself, about what is “good” or “bad.” And no self-esteem!
How it all happens.

Self-esteem develops in several stages, each of which is incredibly significant for the baby, but adults often ignore their importance.

From birth to one and a half years a child experiences the most amazing stage of life: at this time, trust in the big world into which he finds himself is built. A positive outlook and attitude towards oneself is formed due to the attitude of parents.

How to behave:

  • Smile. Don’t be afraid to overdo it with smiles and joyful moments: now you must show your child that he is desired and loved. In a couple of years, they will become the foundation for self-esteem.
  • Show your child the world around him. Talk a little about everything that the child sees around him, this is important.

During this period, it is easiest to develop low self-esteem and a feeling of oppression.

You must not:

  • Be silent. Children with whom they had little contact in childhood grew up with low self-esteem (they were afraid to speak first, closed in on themselves, and ignored communication with peers.
  • Lisp. Talk as equals, and leave the “y-ty-my-pussy” for the teddy bear. Babysitting creates an inferiority complex.

At this age, “Star fever” and hyper-self-esteem develop quickly.

From one and a half to 4 years The child develops an awareness of his own “I”. The baby already understands that he is an independent being. The feeling of autonomy and independence greatly changes your once obedient baby - he increasingly seems unbearable and uncontrollable. But this can be explained very simply: a child tests the world for strength.

During this period, it is easiest to develop low self-esteem and a feeling of oppression.

How to behave:

  • Introduce him to the wide range of emotions your child will get to know during this period, the better.
  • Explain why one action causes a positive reaction in the mother, while another makes her upset or angry.
  • React like an adult. The “three-year crisis” refers to the formation of self-esteem. How will my mother react if I lie on the floor and scream? What will daddy say if I get covered in mud? This is approximately how the innocent angel thinks, planning what adults will call pranks and hooliganism. Be perplexed, ask questions, avoid conflict, be offended and indignant in moderation. The child must face a healthy, adequate, and not a feigned reaction from his parents.

The formation of your child’s self-esteem is influenced by absolutely his entire environment.

Parents should not:

  • Overpraise. Don’t get your child hooked on praise if you don’t want to develop an excellent student complex in him. We praise them once for achievements, and deal with misdeeds in a calm atmosphere.
  • Approve what is natural. Treat your baby's household responsibilities calmly. The second aspect that cannot be praised is the child’s natural abilities. If he is flexible and athletic, physical activity is easy for him, so you should not praise the next conquered height. The most you can say is: “Wow, today you jumped higher than yesterday!” No “no one could do that!” or “you are the best” should not sound!

From the age of 4 to school, the child lives by the motto “I am what others say about me.” He realized that he is a man, and now he is making a decision about what kind of man he will become.

How to behave:

  • Help with “searching for yourself.” Play with him in different professions: doctor, athlete, military man, cook and tell him what good things each profession brings.
  • Lead by example. Instead of: “Oh, what a bungler I am, I spilled the tea,” say, “Oh, my mother decided to wash the floor with tea.”
  • Follow the rules, if yesterday it was forbidden to climb a tree, then today it is also forbidden.
  • Don't stifle initiative. If a child wants to help, gladly accept him in your affairs, even if it is at the expense of time and cleanliness of the floor.

At school age, be careful with praise. Do not praise your child for something he has been able to do for several days now. Praise him for first place in the Olympiad and rejoice together with a good grade for any lesson.

Remember that a child’s self-esteem can change many times over the course of his life.

  • Don’t compare him with others, only with yourself: “yesterday you made 5 mistakes, and today only two. You are growing noticeably."
  • Don't judge your child for wrongdoing. After all, it is not the child who is bad, but the offense that he committed. Calmly review the situation. Everyone has the right to make mistakes.
  • Don’t focus on age: “You’re so big, and your mom is still packing your briefcase.” By comparing a child with a “baby incompetent”, you hurt his pride and deeply drive the thought of worthlessness.

Tsyganok I.Yu., speech therapist teacher
Solodovnik A.V., teacher-speech therapist
Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 156” in Krasnodar.

Currently, the problem of a child’s readiness for school is the most pressing. This is due to the fact that the school has recently undergone serious changes, new programs have been introduced, and its structure has changed. Increasingly high demands are placed on children entering first grade.

“I’ll go to school soon...” kids usually say with pride. They know and feel that they are growing and changing. Parents carefully monitor their growth and development, tormented by doubts: “Is it time or not to go to school?” Who can answer this question? Psychologists, teachers, or maybe the parents themselves?

But, unfortunately, parents’ awareness of this issue always leaves much to be desired. The reason for this is the constant lack of time parents have to find useful information that could answer their questions.

That is why there was a need to draw up methodological recommendations, which in their content reflect the advice of various experts on the issue of children’s readiness for school.

Is it possible to determine readiness for school?

Absolutely yes. Currently, simple, accessible for use in practice, sufficiently informed and reliable criteria for a child’s readiness for systematic schooling have been developed.

We would like to draw your attention to the following: assessing readiness for school by level of intellectual development is the most common mistake parents make. Many believe that the main condition for readiness for school is the amount of knowledge that a child should have. In this case, the efforts of parents do not know the limits, and the capabilities of the children are not taken into account. Such parents, without teaching their child to tie his shoelaces, “stuff” all kinds of information into him, regardless of age characteristics. Imagine how a six-year-old child knows all the constellations of our galaxy, but does not know what street he lives on. Another has learned an encyclopedic dictionary almost by heart, but is completely unable to communicate with peers, is afraid of them, and is unable to concentrate on the simplest task even for several minutes.

There are cases when the high intellectual development of a child who has not yet reached the age of six misleads both parents and teachers: he is accepted into school, and then... The middle of the school year: interest in school disappears, children complain of headaches, fatigue , to the fact that school is “difficult.” They stop mastering the writing program, don’t remember how to write many letters, write poorly, slowly, become irritable, and sometimes start crying for no reason. And it takes a long time to convince parents that their child needs a gentle regime (more walks, hardening procedures, more movements, and not sitting in front of the TV) and it would be much better to spend the year at home. We need to let him get stronger, pay attention to the development of hand coordination (modelling, drawing, embroidery).

And such cases prove that readiness for school is determined not only by the level of intelligence. What is important is not only the amount of information and knowledge that a child has, but also its quality, degree of awareness, and clarity of ideas.

Of particular importance in psychological readiness for school are the abilities or prerequisites for mastering certain special knowledge and skills. Psychologists call these prerequisites "introductory skills."

That is why it is more important not to teach a child to read, but to develop speech, the ability to distinguish sounds, not to teach to write, but to create conditions for the development of motor skills, and especially movements of the hand and fingers. I also want to emphasize the need to develop the ability to listen, understand the meaning of what is read, the ability to retell, make visual comparisons; it is not the amount of knowledge that is important, but the quality of thinking.

It must be remembered that if, at the time of entering school, your child has not reached the level of readiness, but is enrolled in a preparatory class, he needs to organize a so-called gentle regime in the family. First of all, it is advisable for such children to spend the second half of the day not at school, in after-school care, but at home, which allows them to relieve additional psychological stress. They need two hours of sleep during the day, good nutrition, and, if necessary, medical and health measures.

By assessing their children through the prism of health and readiness to learn, parents can understand what is hidden behind the so-called laziness, reluctance to work, absent-mindedness, disobedience, and will take exactly those measures that can help the matter.

Is it necessary for a child to be present when enrolling him in 1st grade?

Yes. This is necessary for both children and adults: parents, teachers.

What is the purpose of an interview with a future first-grader and his parents when enrolling in school?

Conducting an interview with children serves to determine a training program that corresponds to the level of development, abilities and health of the child (4-year education in a comprehensive school, correctional and developmental education, pedagogical systems of developmental education, etc.)

The main purpose of the interview with a future first-grader and his parents upon admission to school is:

Identification of the level of preschool preparation, development and readiness for systematic learning at school;

Recommendations for parents on drawing up an individual plan for preparing a child for the beginning of education, correctional work, consultations with specialized specialists are offered: a speech therapist, a psychologist, and, if necessary, a psychoneurologist; an examination by a medical-pedagogical commission to clarify the issue of choosing the type of school: general education or special ( correctional);

Advance forecasting of difficulties and timely assistance from parents, teachers, and specialists is the task facing the school staff when first meeting a future first-grader.

Currently, there are alternative forms of education, and a whole range of opportunities opens up for parents. You can send your child to school from the age of 6 or 7, spend the first year of education at school or at a preschool institution, or educate your child in a private or public educational institution. Parents can solve this issue with the help of educators, teachers and psychologists only by determining the degree of readiness for school.

How does the school admission interview take place?

Currently, in many schools the practice of admitting children to first grade on the basis of an interview is becoming increasingly widespread. During an oral conversation with a child, specialists find out his ability to compose a story from a picture, answer basic questions, and solve simple problems.

They also check mental arithmetic skills, analyze the child’s speech, that is, they look at how well he can select the right words, how rich his vocabulary is, and whether he can clearly, coherently and emotionally express this or that thought.

The admissions committee also checks the child’s ability to understand the question posed and answer it essentially, without being distracted by minor points. The child's phonemic hearing and the logic of his reasoning are also subject to testing. When children perform practical actions, they also look at their sensory development and ability to plan their actions. Along with general development, the level of children’s initial knowledge in basic school disciplines is also determined: children’s knowledge of numbers and letters, ability to read, count, use a pencil, scissors and other objects are tested.

There are many different methods to test a child’s readiness for school. However, no matter what methods you use to prepare, no matter what recommendations you use and no matter what test tests you perform in advance for training, in no case should you train your child before the interview or force him to memorize ready-made answers.

Preparing for school is a painstaking task, and good results are possible only with systematic and systematic studies. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to train your child for an interview at the last moment, the teacher or psychologist will definitely determine that the child has simply memorized ready-made answers to questions.

Thus, it should be remembered that in such a complex matter as education, nothing can be achieved with a one-time effort. Consequently, only constant systematic work can ensure good results. It is difficult to name specific tasks and tests that will be included in the interview, since they are usually determined in accordance with the specifics of the school or class. After all, there are special schools with in-depth study of subjects, schools where some school disciplines do not begin in the fifth, seventh, etc. grades, but already from the first year of study, children are introduced to such a complex subject as a foreign language, or are studied in more depth mathematics. There are also special gymnasium classes, the conditions for admission to which are more strict than to regular, general education classes.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty which tests your child will be asked at the admission interview. However, the basis of any tasks will be the arsenal of knowledge, skills and abilities that a preschooler must master in order to enter school and study successfully there.

How do you know if your child is ready for school?

By the beginning of school, the child should have developed:

* elementary mathematical concepts.

He should know:

Composition of the numbers of the first ten (from individual units and from two smaller numbers);

How to get the number of the first ten by adding one to the previous one and subtracting one from the next one in the series;

Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;

Signs +, -, =, >,<;

Name of the current month, sequence of days of the week;

He must be able to:

Name numbers in forward and reverse order;

Correlate the number and number of objects;

Compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction;

Use arithmetic symbols;

Measure the length of objects using a conventional measure;

Compose larger figures from several triangles and quadrilaterals;

Divide a circle or square into 2 and 4 parts;

Use a piece of checkered paper to guide you.

* speech children should be able to:

Construct complex sentences of different types;

Compose stories based on a picture, a series of pictures, short fairy tales;

Find words with a certain sound;

Determine the place of sound in a word;

Make sentences of 3-4 words;

Divide simple sentences into words;

Divide words into syllables (parts);

Distinguish between different genres of fiction: fairy tale, short story, poem;

Independently, expressively, consistently convey the content of small literary texts, dramatize small works.

* ideas about the surrounding world:

Be able to distinguish plants common in a given area by their appearance;

Have an idea of ​​seasonal natural phenomena;

Know your home address, last name, first name, and patronymic of your parents.

Is it possible to determine a child’s psychological readiness for school?

1. Social and psychological readiness for school:

Educational motivation (wants to go to school; understands the importance and necessity of learning; shows a pronounced interest in acquiring new knowledge);

Ability to communicate with peers and adults (the child easily makes contact, is not aggressive, knows how to find a way out of problematic communication situations, recognizes the authority of adults);

Ability to accept a learning task (listen carefully, clarify the task if necessary).

2. Development of school-significant psychological functions:

Development of small muscles of the hand (the hand is well developed, the child confidently wields a pencil and scissors);

Spatial organization, coordination of movements (the ability to correctly determine above - below, forward - backward, left - right);

Coordination in the eye-hand system (the child can correctly transfer into a notebook the simplest graphic image - a pattern, a figure - visually perceived at a distance (for example, from books);

Development of logical thinking (the ability to find similarities and differences between different objects when comparing, the ability to correctly combine objects into groups according to common essential features);

Development of voluntary attention (the ability to maintain attention on the work at hand for 15-20 minutes);

Development of voluntary memory (the ability for indirect memorization: to associate the memorized material with a specific symbol /word - picture or word - situation/).

How to choose the right school for your child?

When sending their child to school, parents must understand what they want to get from the educational institution to which they send their child. Some want the child to be erudite and have a lot of knowledge. Others, so that their heir has a high level of competence: knows how to study, work with information, and conducts research work. Still others, having a child with poor health, want to educate him in a school where, along with educational programs, health programs are also implemented.

In addition, the following must also be taken into account. They say that you should choose a teacher, not a school. This is not entirely true, although in elementary school a teacher is a king and god for a child. But the overall atmosphere in the school is more important.

Inside the school you need to look at the condition of the toilets and cafeteria. If there are advertisements on the stands that were written six months ago, obviously not everything is in order within these walls.

You can meet with the director and look at the general culture and level of friendliness of this person. You can try walking along the corridors of schools in your area (in my opinion, it is better for a child to study in an elementary school close to home) and listen to whether the teachers there shout at the children or not.

It is also important that the child has the opportunity to express himself and receive approval, if not in studies, then in creations, or sports, etc. People around you should know about this. Then the child will not have an inferiority complex. And some parents, having bought a large chocolate bar and given it to the cleaning lady, learn from her the characteristics of all the teachers.

Should a child be sent to 1st grade from the age of six or seven?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that determine a child’s readiness for learning. It is how much the child is developed physically, mentally, mentally and personally, as well as the state of the child’s health, that will determine at what age he needs to start school. The whole complex of factors that determine the level of development of a child is important, at which the requirements of systematic education will not be excessive and will not lead to impairment of his health.

Let us recall that children who are not prepared for systematic learning have a more difficult and longer period of adaptation to school; they are much more likely to exhibit various learning difficulties; among them there are significantly more underachievers, and not only in the first grade.

According to the sanitary and epidemiological rules SanPin 2.42.1178-02 “Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in general education institutions,” children of the seventh or eighth year of life are admitted to the first grades of schools at the discretion of the parents based on the conclusion of the psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission (consultation) on the child’s readiness to learning.

A prerequisite for admitting children in their seventh year to school is that they reach at least six and a half years of age by September 1. Education for children under six and a half years old at the beginning of the school year is carried out in a kindergarten.

How can you help your child adapt to school more easily?

Wake up the child calmly. When he wakes up, he should see your smile. Don’t rush him in the morning and don’t push him over trifles. There is no need to reproach him for mistakes, even if you warned him yesterday.

Do not say goodbye under any circumstances, warning: “Be careful not to play around!”, “Behave well!”, “So that there are no bad grades today!” etc. Wish your child good luck, encourage him, find a few kind words - he has a difficult day ahead.

After listening to the teacher’s remark, do not rush to scold him; try to have your conversation with the teacher without the child. By the way, it’s always a good idea to listen to both sides and not rush to conclusions.

After school, do not rush to sit your child down to do his homework; 2-3 hours of rest, preferably sleep, are needed. The best time to prepare homework is from 15 to 17 hours.

Don't force students to do their homework in one sitting. After 15-20 minutes of exercise, 10-15 minutes of “break” are needed - preferably moving.

When preparing lessons, do not sit “over your head”, give the child the opportunity to work on his own, but if your help is needed, be patient. Contact him calmly: “Don’t worry, everything will work out, let’s figure it out together. I'll help." Praise, even if something doesn’t work out, is necessary.

When communicating with your child, try to avoid the conditions: “If you do it, then...” Sometimes the conditions become impossible to fulfill through no fault of the child, and you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Remember that during the school year there are critical periods when it is more difficult to study, fatigue sets in faster, and performance is reduced. This is the first 4-6 weeks after classes start, the end of the school year, or the first week after winter break. During these periods, you should be especially attentive to the child’s condition.

Do not ignore your child's complaints about headaches, fatigue and poor health. Most often, these are objective indicators of learning difficulty.

Keep in mind that even older children love bedtime stories, songs, and other signs of affection. All this calms them down and helps them relieve stress and fall asleep peacefully. Try not to think about troubles before going to bed, or discuss tomorrow’s test.

How to properly organize a first-grader’s workplace?

1. Landing- children should sit upright without their chest touching the table.

The entire feet are on the floor or stand, the head is tilted slightly to the left (to the right for those who are left-handed.

2.Pencil position- the pencil is held with three fingers: thumb, index and middle, and the ring and little fingers are bent to the palm. Keep your fingers at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the rod.

3.Notebook position- place the notebook so that the beginning of the line on the page where the work is being done is in the middle of the chest, the distance from the notebook to the eyes should be at least 33 cm

4.Hand position when writing- the writer’s hands should lie on the table so that the elbow of the right hand protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table and the right hand moves freely along the line, and the left hand lies on the table and holds the worksheet from below.

5. Good illumination of the workplace. – the lamp should be on the left side of the child (for right-handers).

6. Desk– First of all, the child’s growth is taken into account. If the desk and chair correspond to the student’s height, it is much easier for the child to study, and he remains productive and active longer. To determine whether the height of the table and chair is suitable for the student’s height, use the “right angle” rule. It is known that with the correct landing, a person can see two right angles. The first is formed at the knee by the shin and femur, and the second - at the elbow by the shoulder and forearm, if the hands lie on the surface of the table.

How to carry out phonemic analysis of a word?

A modern school requires from children entering grade 1 the ability to act mentally, to analyze and generalize. Proper preparation for language learning is realized at the level of sound analysis of the word.

Sound analysis is:

Determining the order of sounds in a word

Isolating individual sounds

Distinguishing sounds by their qualitative characteristics.

We offer you reference material on sound-letter analysis of words.


2.When pronouncing vowels, the air coming out of the mouth does not meet any obstacles.

3. As many vowels as there are in a word, there are as many syllables in the word.

4.Indicated in red.

5. Soften the consonant: I, E, Yu, I.


1. Pronounced with noise.

2. When pronouncing consonant sounds, the air coming out of the mouth encounters a barrier in the form of the tongue, teeth, lips.

3. A consonant sound can be hard or soft.

4. A hard consonant is indicated by BLUE, a soft consonant by GREEN.

5.Always firm: W F C

6.Always soft: Ch Y Shch.


Hard (blue) Soft (green)

If after a consonant it stands -if after a consonant it stands


If acc. stands at the end of the word - if after acc. costs b

Always hard: Sh Zh Ts - always soft: Ch Y Shch


By ear say the word (POWER)

What is the first sound in a word?

What color is it indicated by?

Mark it with a green dot on a piece of paper.

What is the second sound, mark it with a red dot.

Which third one is marked in blue.

Which is the fourth one, mark it in red.

How many consonants are there in a word? Name them.

How many vowels are there in a word? Name it.

How many sounds are there in a word?

Reading: harm or benefit...

Teaching a child to read is one of the main conditions for successful early childhood development. Parents often ask teachers questions about when it is time for a child to read, and how to teach him to read. At what age should a child be taught to read? How long does it take for a child to master reading? Is it necessary to teach a child to name letters? What method of teaching a child to read is more effective? Let's try to understand these issues.

Supporters of most existing methods of teaching children to read guarantee one hundred percent results. However, none of them analyzes cases of children who are not very successful in their education. It would be foolish to deny the positive aspects of various teaching methods. However, some children do not learn to read until they are 7 or 8 years old, or they make specific errors while reading (dyslexia).

What can become an obstacle to a child learning to read?

Letter by letter reading. Parents who do not know how to teach reading correctly teach their child the letters: “A - Be - Ve - Ge - De...”. During the learning process, the child remembers the names of letters. But when parents begin to teach the baby to put letters into words, the simple word “mom” sounds like “ME-A-ME-A” and the child does not understand which word he read. The word read is not similar to the one the baby is used to hearing. Learning to read turns into cramming. Both parents and children feel disappointed with such training.

Mechanical reading. Often, in the process of learning to read, parents do not show or explain to the child pictures or objects whose names he has just read. Therefore, the child cannot explain the word or phrase read.

Individual characteristics of child development. Reading is a complex process that depends on the joint work of several areas of the cerebral cortex. Underdevelopment or damage to one of the brain regions can lead to the child’s reading skill appearing much later or being impaired, up to the complete impossibility of mastering reading (Alexia). One of the main tasks in the reading process is performed by the occipital and occipital-parietal areas of the cortex, which are responsible for visual perception. These areas mature later than other areas of the cerebral cortex. If the development of these areas of the brain is delayed, then in order to successfully teach a child to read, he will have to use other perception systems (tactile sensitivity, general movements). For example, Maria Montessori suggested that children remember the outline of “rough” letters cut out of sandpaper by “writing” them with their fingers.

Development problems. A child with mental retardation and reduced visual acuity is less likely to learn to read early than his healthy peer. However, reading can help a child with developmental problems. Early teaching of a child to read promotes speech development in non-speaking children, as well as in children with hearing impairments and communication problems. There are cases where children with early childhood autism syndrome mastered reading 20–30 new words every day thanks to their phenomenal visual memory.

Certainly! There is no method of teaching reading that is equally effective for every child. This does not mean that you should jump from one method of teaching reading to another. There are many ways to teach a child to read. You may want to develop a personalized reading program for your child.

How long does it take to teach a child at home?

The duration of daily home lessons to develop the cognitive abilities of first-graders (on the individual recommendation of the teacher) should not exceed 30 minutes. Remember that for a 6-7 year old child, play is the main way of understanding the world around him. Therefore, it is necessary to include game elements in classes.

What activities are useful for a child while preparing for school?

1. Development of small muscles of the hand:

Working with different types of constructors;

Working with scissors, plasticine;

Drawing in albums (pencils, paints).

2. Development of cognitive abilities (development of memory, attention, perception, thinking).

Lesson number

Lexical topic.

Literature used for the lesson


Kindergarten. Toys.

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “corridor”, “office”, “explain”, “friendly”, “lay”, “rubber”, “plastic”, “multi-colored”, “metal”; work on the lexical meaning of words; practicing the ability to correctly select the endings of nouns; compiling a short story based on a ready-made plan; formation of directions right-left, top-bottom using prepositions.

Back to school soon. School supplies.

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “class”, “student”, “student”, “lesson”, “recess”; work on the development of logical thinking using the example of the game “The Fourth Wheel”, as well as solving school-themed riddles; development of short-term memory using the example of learning short poetic lines.

Batyaeva S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “year”, “month”, “leaf fall”, “frown”, “shower”, “drizzle”; compiling a mini-story based on the proposed questions; work on the formation of grammatical forms of words using affectionate suffixes; development of cognitive processes through the game “Finish the sentence”.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “ripen”, “dig”, “weed”, “loose”, “harvest”; enriching children's vocabulary with attribute words: ripe, sweet, sour, juicy, salty, green, mature, small...; work on the grammatical design of words through the game “One-Many”, work on the tempo-rhythmic pattern of speech when playing a game on coordinating speech with movement.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “fruit”, “fragrant”, “fragrant”; selection of adjectives in accordance with the proposed question: which one? which? which? which?; development of children's vocabulary using the example of selecting antonym words; observation of the formation of related words, work on selecting a number of cognate words for a given one.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “shepherd”, “mane”, “hooves”, “bleat”, “hardy”; work on the lexical and grammatical design of speech through the use of games in the classroom: “Whose baby is this?”, “Who gives the voice?”, “Who lives where?”; work on constructing a story about your favorite animal.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “plumage”, “membranes”, “comb”, “spurs”, “crest”, “peck”, “cocky”, “hiss”; working on a deformed sentence; development of memory through the example of learning short poems, development of verbal and logical thinking through solving riddles on the topic of the lesson.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Wild animals

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “skin”, “fangs”, “fur”, “howl”, “stock up”, “molt”, “growl”; development of children's vocabulary through the use of games “Name the baby”, “Who eats what?”; work on the development of grammar through the formation of possessive adjectives in the game “Whose is this?”; development of coherent speech through independent compilation of a story about an animal.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Human body

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “back of the head”, “forehead”, “comb”, “brown”, “curly”; work on the grammatical design of verbs when using singular and plural forms of nouns; formation of the concepts “part” and “whole”; memory development through learning the corresponding quatrains; development of fine motor skills of the hands through finger exercises.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “T-shirt”, “blouse”, “cloak”, “tuck in”, “demi-season clothing”; formation of grammatical forms in the game “Name it based on the material”, “Count things”, “Say kindly”; work on the development of coherent statements when forming answers to questions based on the text read.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “boots”, “felt boots”, “sandals”, “sandals”, “slippers”, “sneakers”, “sneakers”, “fastener”, “lace up”; development of vocabulary using the example of work on selecting a number of cognate words; compiling a mini-text description on the proposed topic.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “helmet”, “Panama”, “shawl”, “hat”, “shawl”, “kerchief”, “helmet”; work on developing the tempo-rhythmic side of speech when memorizing poetic lines, combining speech with movement; work on the grammatical design of speech when playing the game “One, one, alone.”

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 1. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Winter. New Year's holiday

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “blizzard”, “blizzard”, “blizzard”, “frost”, “freeze”, “cracker”, “tinsel”, “garland”, “carnival”, “cover”, “crackle” ; development of children’s general outlook through the game “Signs of Winter”, “What is It Like”; work on word formation by adding prefixes to the original word; compiling a mini-text-argument based on a given beginning of the main part of complex sentences; work on the lexical meaning of synonymous words, choosing the most accurate word for a given context; determining the boundaries of fiction and truth in the proposed thematic text.

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Birds: wintering and migratory

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “beak”, “flutter”, “coo”, “nimble”, “curl”, “singing”, “waterfowl”; work on developing a general outlook through identifying the distinctive features of wintering and migratory birds; work on developing a vocabulary of adjectives using the example of the game “What flock?”; work on the use of prepositions in speech when composing topic sentences.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to children's active vocabulary of words: “ladle”, “saucepan”, “saucer”, “frying pan”, “cover”, “bring”, “serve”, “serve”, “deep”, “shallow”, “tea” , “coffee room”, “dining room”; development of grammar using the example of the games “One - Many”, “Say Kindly”, Name It Based on the Material”; work on vocabulary development using the example of the games “Say the other way around”, “Part-whole”.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “bagels”, “canned food”, “borscht”, “pepper”, “fry”, “cook”, “rye”, “wheat”, “oven”, “stew”; expanding the vocabulary of adjectives using the example of the game “What is made of what”; developing the ability to classify objects depending on how they were obtained; development of logical thinking using the example of solving riddles; work on the development of long-term memory using the example of memorizing short poems.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “educator”, “teacher”, “speech therapist”. “builder”, “hairdresser”, “pilot”, “writer”, “crane operator”, “excavator operator”, “noble”, “patient”, “caring”; work to expand children's vocabulary using the example of the game “Who needs what for work?”; work on word formation by completing tasks to form new words by adding suffixes or prefixes to these words; development of coherent speech and imagination using the example of the game “Who will I become.”

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “stool”, “sideboard”, “buffet”, “assemble”, “durable”, “comfortable”, “polished”, “modern”, “high-quality”; work on grammar using the example of using various prepositions in sentences, as well as selecting endings for nouns with possessive pronouns: my, my, mine; work on replenishing children's vocabulary when selecting words - antonyms; development of coherent speech through compiling a mini-story based on a ready-made plan.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist’s library).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “parents”, “relative”, “baby”, “nephew”, “respect”, “affectionate”, “attentive”, “serious” “adult”; development of fine motor skills using the example of finger gymnastics, work on word formation in the formation of words-features from words-objects; work on the education of moral feelings using the example of a conversation on the content and analysis of listened texts; development of coherent speech based on compiling a mini-story about a family based on a picture.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Holidays. Defender of the Fatherland Day. International Women's Day

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “holiday”, “mimosa”, “defender”, “fighter”, “warrior”, “proud”, “fight”, “march”, “heroic”, “brave”; replenishment of vocabulary using the example of the games “Type of weapons”, “Who protects us how”; development of grammar through the games “Whose, whose?”, “Say Kindly”, “Count to Five”, development of children’s memory through memorizing short poems for relevant holidays.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “thaw”, “drops”, “thawed patches”, “buds”, “murmur”, “rainy”, “long-awaited”, “twitter”, “wind”, “out”; development of coherent speech based on compiling a mini-story about spring based on a plan, compiling a continuation of a given text; replenishment of the vocabulary of adjectives through the game “Which one?” which? Which?"; development of a general outlook through analysis of the main signs of spring.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 2. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “deciduous”, “coniferous”, “fertilize”, “green”, “shady”, “cool”; development of the grammatical structure of speech using the example of the games “One - Many”, “Say with the word again”; Development of coherent speech using the example of composing a story - a description based on one’s own observations on the topic of the lesson, as well as listening and subsequent retelling of the text read by a speech therapist; development of children's memory using the example of learning poems.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 3. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007


Introduction to children's active vocabulary of words: “root”, “stem”, “leaves”, “bud”, “fragrant”, “curly”, “flexible”, “wither”, “lush”, “delicate”, “fragrant” , “flowerbed”, “weed” “primrose”; replenishing the dictionary with antonym words, working on the grammatical design of speech through the use of prepositions when composing sentences on the topic of the lesson, developing coherent speech through compiling a mini-story description based on a ready-made plan.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 3. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Transport and technology

Introduction to children's active vocabulary of words: “trolleybus”, “tram”, “metro”, “helicopter”, “boat”, “ambulance”, “police car”, “fire engine”, “boat”, “harness” , “motor”, “railroad”, “slow down”, “signal”, “moor”, “baggage”; replenishing children's vocabulary through the game “Who controls what?”, the formation of new words through the use of prefixes; expanding the general horizons of children through the game “Street Rules”, developing logical thinking through the game “Fourth Odd”, solving riddles on the topic of the lesson.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 3. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “bush”, “fruit”, “currant”, “blackberry”, “gooseberry”, “cherry”, “feast”, “tear”, “medicinal”, “ripe”, “poisonous” ; work on word formation through the game “What is what”; work on the development of the grammatical structure of speech through composing sentences with pronouns and prepositions, playing games “Say a word” “Match the word-subject to the proposed words-features; development of children's vocabulary through the selection of antonym words, development of coherent speech through compilation of a mini-story about a berry they like based on a plan, development of children's memory through the example of learning poems on the topic of the lesson.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 3. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007


Introduction to children's active vocabulary of words: “park”, “square”, “abdomen”, “paws”, “antennae”, “beehive”, “flutter”, “sting”, “buzz”, “shaggy”, “annoying” , "hardworking"; developing children’s general outlook through providing information about the lifestyle of insects and the dangers of some insects; development of logical thinking through solving riddles, playing games “Correct the mistake”, “Who moves how”, “Pick up a sign”; development of grammar through the games “Who did you see”, “Find out whose wing”; development of coherent speech through compiling a mini-story about an insect based on a plan.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 3. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 2- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “wildflowers”, “bloom”, “rest”, “harvest”, “sunny”, “healthy”; work on the development of grammar through the games “Answer with what?”, “Say kindly”, “One - many”, the development of coherent speech based on compiling a mini-text description about summer based on questions; work on the tempo-rhythmic pattern of speech when playing a game to coordinate speech with movement.

Sidorova U. M. Learning words and sentences. Speech games and exercises for children 5-6 years old: In 3 notebooks. Notebook 3. – M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 32 p. (Home speech therapy notebook)

Batyaeva. S.V. Album on speech development. (for preschoolers) We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2014

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Color and shape of objects

Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “orange”, “purple”, “circle”, “ball”, “square”, “cube”, “triangle”, “pyramid”, “rectangle”, the development of logical thinking and imagination of children through solving riddles, selecting objects to their corresponding forms, developing children's memory through learning short poems on the topic of the lesson.

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years old.-M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Volodina N.V. I speak beautifully: for children 6-7 years old: at 2 o’clock. Part 1- M.: Eksmo, 2014.-56 p. : ill.- (Lomonosov school).

Times of Day. Days of the week

Introduction to children's active vocabulary of words: “week”, “weekend”, “weekdays”, “day”, “breakfast”, “lunch”, “dinner”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday” , “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday”, “month”; development of children's memory through the example of learning relevant poetic lines; development of coherent speech through the compilation of mini-stories based on pictures.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “edible”, “inedible”, “boletus”, “honey mushrooms”, “chanterelles”, “milk mushroom”, “russula”, “boletus”, “boletus”, “fly agaric”; development of coherent speech in children using the example of composing complex sentences on the topic of the lesson; development of children's memory using the example of learning short poems; development of children’s general outlook when conducting an educational conversation regarding behavior in the forest, picking mushrooms in the forest.

Volodina V. S. Album on speech development. We speak correctly. – M.: ROSMEN, 2007

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “flute”, “violin”, “piano”, “accordion”, “accordion”, “chainsaw”, “screwdriver”, “plane”, “syringe”, “scalpel”; development of children's grammar and attention using the example of the game “Whose instrument is this?”; development of children's memory using the example of learning short poems on the topic of the lesson.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)


Introduction to the active vocabulary of children of the words: “carp”, “roach”, “pink salmon”, “bream”, “sturgeon”, development of children’s memory using the example of learning poems; development of logical thinking using the example of solving riddles on the topic of the lesson; development of coherent speech and attention of children using the example of answers to questions on the content of the text they listened to and its subsequent retelling.

Workbook for a speech therapist: riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters./ comp. T.V., Friday.- Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010.-315 pp.- (Speech therapist library)

Krylova O. N. I am learning to speak correctly: 6 years. -M.: Exam, 201е3.-32с. (Series “Preschool Education”). A manual for the “Success” program.

T.I. Zhurina

Some parents seriously think that in order to prepare a child for school, it is enough to buy everything he needs on time: clothes (uniforms) and shoes, a backpack, textbooks and notebooks, school supplies... So that he, as they say, is “no worse than others.” This is a deeply erroneous opinion.

Entering school is an extremely important, perhaps the most important stage in a person’s life. And his entire subsequent life often depends on how this stage goes. This is why it is so important to prepare your child for school in advance.

What does this process consist of? From a whole complex of components that concern literally all aspects of the little person’s personality.

For clarity, imagine a huge tree. If we put “readiness for school” in its roots, and name the branches that form the crown: “thinking”, “speech”, “reading”, “counting”, “memory” (including muscular), etc., then the trunk is “arbitrariness of behavior,” and the top of the tree is the child’s ability to perceive sounds, distinguish them, etc. - what experts call “phonemic hearing.”

Here is the famous statement on this matter by the famous psychologist A.R. Luria: “To master literacy, that is, the initial skills of reading and writing, first of all, it is necessary to sufficiently develop phonemic hearing and the pronunciation side of speech, which serves as the basis for mastering the skills of sound-letter analysis.”

Unfortunately, not every child has them sufficiently developed. Statistics show that about 50% of children have underdeveloped phonemic hearing. True, the degree of impairment of oral and written speech is different for them, but this still makes it difficult for them to learn in the general stream. Many parents and kindergarten teachers try to correct the negative situation in one way or another, even inviting speech therapists. However, classes with the preschooler are immediately stopped as soon as his obvious (audible) impairments disappear.

But finally, the child goes to school. And this is where the “hidden pathology” begins to bloom in full bloom. In other words, various violations of written speech are becoming more and more obvious.

For example: Petya, 8 years old, 3rd grade, regular school. Intelligence is generally preserved. Hearing is normal. But the picture against the background of unformed phonemic hearing looks like this (illustrations from a textbook):

What violations are observed most often? There are many of them:

- in vowels - any substitutions (o=a, e=i, o=yu), omissions of letters.

- in consonants - confusion d=t, b=p, t=p, n=p, s=z.

- some prepositions are written together (“in three steps...”, “in the sky...”).

- there are extra syllables or missing letters (“slededy”, “returned”)

- mistakes are made in the root of the word (“skvrtsy”, “parted…”)

- the endings of the words are not added ("overflow") - there is no agreement between the words ("September has come...").

From here it is clear how important it is for a child of the preschool and primer period to learn to distinguish - “differentiate” - letters mixed when writing - “graphic forms”: a-o, i-e, i-e, o-b, i-u, etc. , e-a, r-l, o-e, x-j, r-p, b-d, y-z, r-z, sh-sch, i-ts, c-sch, sh-z, and etc., as well as sounds - “phonetic forms” (children also mix them by ear): s-ya, yu-yo, e-ya, s-z, e-i, d-t, b-p , k-g, v-f, sh-zh, s-h, etc.

But there is not enough time for this work during the preschool and primer period! And elementary school teachers are not able to replace the lessons of a speech therapist with their lessons. So a vicious circle arises. As a result, the child often develops a persistent lag in the Russian language - up to the 11th grade, and parents think that the child does not learn the rules and reads little. It's not about the rules, of course. You can memorize them all, but in practice, in a learning situation, the child does not see or hear the words, and he cannot apply the rule in a particular case. This requires long-term help from a professional speech therapist!

Dear parents! Don't rush to grab the belt! Think carefully about your child’s failures. Try to help him. After all, these are not just “ridiculous” mistakes, but the result of his incorrect perception of sounds - or, as we say, the immaturity of phonemic processes and the lexico-grammatical side of speech. Such children are often classified as lazy - incapacitated, absent-minded, inattentive, or poorly able to switch attention. But this is not their fault, but a misfortune, since they have poor auditory perception, impaired phonemic hearing. In turn, this entails

- inability to copy,

- analyze what is written,

- memorize a phrase of 4-5 words,

- difficulties in writing from memory, etc.

Such children cannot select test words; they lack a sense of language.

To avoid all this, a lot of preparatory work is required with the child before school.

What exactly needs to be done? As neurolinguists say: “Let speech in.” The sooner you start developing your child's speech, the better. It is during the period up to 5 years that the neurosensory pathways are open to words and sounds. During this period, sound imitations, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, and songs are needed. Every day, be sure to read to your child not only fairy tales, but also poetry: this forms the rhythmic side of speech. Speech creativity should be joint: together with the child you should look at pictures and objects, speak, tell stories, draw, sing, compose, etc. In short, it is necessary to “verify” all joint activities with him.

The question may arise: is it worth doing all this if the child is small and does not even speak yet? Simply necessary! Any child from birth onwards must literally “bathe” in sounds - speech and non-speech, naturally distinguish between them, recognize and repeat. A response, if the child can hear and there is no fear that he has hearing loss, will definitely come. But there is no need to compete, compete with other families: all children develop differently.

What if a child learns a foreign language? It is important to moderate parental ambitions regarding early teaching of children a foreign language. How often do we hear bravado: “My son speaks English better than Russian!” In practice, “bilingual” children take a long time to master their native language and often mix letters and sounds.

It is also impossible to teach reading to children who cannot pronounce sounds, as this leads to errors in writing and the consolidation of already defective pronunciation.

We must remember that speech is not only the “golden key” to the magical land of knowledge and personal development, but also a way to express yourself, make friends, and become a free and happy person. Proficiency in the literary language is required for a person to successfully study all school disciplines. The native language is both a means of communication, expression of thought, and a powerful stimulus for the development of a person’s personality.

Good luck and success to you, dear parents, and we, speech therapists, will always help you!

The article uses the following special publications on this topical issue:

  1. Volodina V.S. Album on speech development. M., 2007
  2. Povalyaeva M.A. Prevention and correction of written speech disorders. Rostov-on-Don, 2006
  3. Dmitriev S.D., Dmitriev V.S. Entertaining correction of written speech. Collection of exercises. M., 2005
  4. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by immature phonemic hearing. Vol. 1-5. M. 2004

Irina Ivanovna Filippova
Preparing children for school in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten

Preparing children for school in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten.

Possession of the gift of speech is important for a person of any profession, and in everyday life, a particularly pleasant, winning impression on others is always made by a person who knows how to be a pleasant conversationalist. Such a person turns out to be more successful both in everyday situations and in business life.

That is why the formation and development of a child’s correct expressive speech is becoming an increasingly pressing problem facing the family and the educational institution. And that is why the responsibility and importance of the work of teachers involved in the formation and development of speech is so high.

Analysis of the real situation currently existing in the education and training system showed preschool children that quantity children with speech development disorders is growing steadily. These children make up the main risk group for school failure, especially when mastering writing and reading. As studies of speech activity show children with developmental disabilities, training children correctional and developmental programs allow you to completely eliminate speech disorders, form an oral-speech basis for mastering the elements of writing and reading as early as preschool period. Timely and person-oriented interventions on impaired parts of the speech function make it possible to return the child to the ontogenetic path of development. This is a necessary condition for full integration preschoolers with speech impairments among normally developing peers.

It is clear that no child can master full speech immediately. All children go through a stage of initial learning during which they make mistakes. As is known, children with normal speech throughout preschool age, they acquire the necessary vocabulary, master grammatical forms, and become ready to master the sound and morphemic analysis of words. However, children With various forms of speech pathology, these processes lag. It has now been established that writing and reading disorders in children most often arise as a result of phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and general underdevelopment of all components of language (III-level).

FFN is a violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation side of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

OSD – various complex speech disorders in which children the formation of all speech components is impaired systems: sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech. Timely detection children with FFNR and ONR-III level, conducting specially organized training in conditions kindergarten allows you to correct speech defects, prepare children for school.

At the age of 5 years, children with OHP-III level are enrolled for education and training in high school. kindergarten group for two years. Children with FFND at the age of 6 years are enrolled in preparatory group for one year.

The main objectives of correctional education are:

1. Formation of a full-fledged sound aspect of speech (cultivation of articulation skills, correct sound pronunciation, syllable structure, phonemic processes);

2. Development of voluntary motor skills of the fingers;

3. Preparation for literacy, mastering the elements of literacy;

4. Practical acquisition of lexical and grammatical means of the language;

5. Development of coherent speech.

Let's take a closer look at each of these tasks.

It has been established and practice confirmed that the level of speech development children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Therefore, training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating the child’s speech development, contributing to the improvement of articulatory movements, preparing hands to write and, which is no less important, is a powerful means of increasing the performance of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of thinking.

Work on developing movements of the hand and fingers is carried out on speech therapy classes, in classes in group during physical exercises, in organizational aspects, in physical education and music classes using games and gaming techniques. It is carried out daily, systematically for 3-5 minutes. Self-massage, as well as visual arts and manual labor, have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills.

Movement disorders in children We see speech pathology very often. IN there are a lot of children in kindergartens with an erased form of dysarthria (dysarthria is a violation of the pronunciation aspect of speech caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus). Dysarthria is characterized by disturbances in articulatory motor skills, which are manifested by a number of signs of impaired muscle tone, the nature of which depends primarily on the location of the brain lesion.


Spasticity of articulatory muscles (constant increase in tone in the muscles of the tongue, lips, face, neck;

Hypotonia – decreased muscle tone;

Dystonia is a changing pattern of muscle tone.

Therefore, an important role in the formation of correct pronunciation is played by clear, precise, coordinated work of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate). To develop full-fledged movements, as well as to combine simple movements into complex ones (articulatory patterns, articulatory gymnastics is useful. Articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for the lips, tongue, lower jaw. It is carried out daily for several minutes in front of a mirror. The pace and number of exercises is gradually increase. In parallel with the work on developing the mobility of speech muscles, exercises are carried out for the facial muscles. preschool As children age, they develop arbitrariness and differentiation of facial movements and control over their facial expressions. The child is taught to close and open his eyes, frown, puff out his cheeks, swallow saliva, close and open his mouth.

Speech therapy work to correct violations of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is carried out according to the following directions:

Vocabulary enrichment;

Clarification of the meanings of words;

Formation of inflection;

Formation of word formation.

In parallel with these areas, work continues to develop speech understanding. Children They are taught to listen attentively to spoken speech, to highlight the names of objects, actions, signs, and to understand the general meaning of words. The ability to identify parts of objects is developed. Particular attention is paid to an accurate understanding of the meaning of sentences that include words that are similar in their sound composition, but different in meaning. For example, the use of personal and reflexive verbs (show where the boy is sledding and where the boy is being sledged). Oral speech practice is organized on the basis of the refined passive speech reserve. In the process of mastering the subject vocabulary, familiarization continues children with different ways of word formation. For example, suffix for nouns and adjectives, prefix for verbs. By drawing attention to the commonality of the root part among a chain of related words, an intuitive idea of ​​the system of word-formation connections of the language is formed. Simultaneously children they are taught to understand the general meaning of a word, the ability to form adjectives from adverbs and nouns is developed; They are taught to form diminutive names for the qualities of objects.

A necessary condition for clarifying and expanding the vocabulary children is the practical mastery of the most common cases of polysemy of words (for example, nouns in which transfer is based on specific, visual signs: a girl’s hat, a mushroom, a nail, or verbs – a fly, an airplane, a bird is flying). Preparatory familiarization stage children with words - antonyms is to check and clarify words known to children - names of signs of objects and actions. Pairs of objects with pronounced characteristics are selected and compared by taste, size, color, etc.

Simultaneously with the enrichment of vocabulary, its grammatical development occurs. Specially created situations and the use of routine moments help in practical terms to assimilate the meanings of objects, distinguish the endings of case forms, and correctly coordinate adjectives and numerals with nouns. All work on the formation of grammatically correct speech is necessarily based on the child’s real ideas and constantly improving auditory perception. The new grammatical form is consolidated in exercises on inflection and word formation, on composing phrases and sentences.

Formation of coherent speech children is carried out both in the process of various practical activities during games, routine moments, observations of the environment, and in special correctional classes. In the program of correctional education and upbringing children recommendations are provided on the formation of coherent speech children. So, in the first year of education, children should master the skills of composing simple sentences based on questions, demonstrated actions and pictures, followed by composing short stories; dialogue skills are also being improved, training is being introduced children compiling a simple description of an object, short stories based on pictures and their series, descriptive stories, simple retellings. At the end of the year, training in writing a story on a topic is provided. Content speech therapy work in the second year of study involves consolidating the skills of coherent and expressive retelling of literary works; A significant place is devoted to exercises in composing complex plot stories, fairy tales, and essays based on personal experience.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the content of correctional work on the development of phonemic processes, since children who have underdevelopment of phonemic hearing and perception very often find themselves underachieving in writing and reading.

Phonemic hearing is a subtle, systematized hearing that has the ability to carry out operations of identification, discrimination, sound selection, syllables in speech.

Phonemic perception - special mental actions to differentiate phonemes, determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

On the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing testifies special nature of sound impairments speeches:

1. Undifferentiated pronunciation of pairs or groups of sounds. In these cases, the same sound can serve as a substitute for 2 or 3 other sounds for the child.

2. Replacing some sounds with others that have easier articulation and therefore present less pronunciation difficulty for the child.

3. Mixing sounds. This phenomenon is characterized by unsustainable use the whole a number of sounds in different words. A child can use sounds correctly in some words, but in others replace them with similar ones in articulation or acoustic characteristics.

But cases are not uncommon when the perception of the so-called "safe" sounds, i.e. pronounced in compliance with the necessary articulatory structure. U children included in this group, with apparently good pronunciation, there are significant difficulties in the perception of sounds, which without careful study may go unnoticed. It is these children who often, unexpectedly for those around them, find themselves underachieving in writing and reading.

The whole system speech therapy development work children ability to differentiate phonemes can be divided into several stages:

1. Recognition of non-speech sounds;

3. Distinguishing words that are similar in sound composition;

4. Differentiation syllables;

5. Differentiation of phonemes;

6. Development of skills of elementary sound analysis.

Underdevelopment of phonemic hearing negatively affects the formation of children readiness for sound analysis of words. So children find it difficult:

In highlighting the first vowel, consonant sound;

In the selection of pictures that include this sound;

In independently inventing and naming words with a given sound.

Therefore, at each frontal lesson, exercises are carried out on preparing children to the analysis of the sound composition of a word. Attention first preschoolers are attracted to individual sounds and sounds within a word. Gradually from the ability to hear a separate sound as part of a word children lead to mastery of the skills of complete sound analysis of the simplest monosyllabic words. A certain correspondence is provided between the sounds being studied and certain forms of analysis. So the original Preparation analysis includes the following sections:

1. Isolating the first stressed vowel sound at the beginning of a word. Based on the material of these sounds, children are given the first idea that sounds can be arranged in a certain sequence. Children determine the number of sounds and their sequence in sound combinations.

2. Isolation of the first and last consonant sound in monosyllabic words, analysis and synthesis of the reverse syllable.

3. Isolation of a stressed vowel in a word from the position after the consonants.

4. Mastery of sound analysis and synthesis of direct lines syllables, as well as monosyllabic words.

Gradually, the word becomes the main unit of study. Children learn to divide a word into syllables. Children acquire complete phonosyllabic analysis of one-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable words without a consonant cluster and with a consonant cluster. Children learn that there is so much in a word syllables how many vowel sounds, learn terms "syllable", "word", "offer", "vowel", "consonant", "solid", "soft", "deaf", "voiced" sounds.

As a result of such numerous exercises, children find themselves prepared to master reading. Now new ones are being installed tasks: master the letter designations of sounds, learn to merge letters into syllables, acquire conscious syllable reading.

So, the entire system of correctional classes allows you to form preschoolers full speech, makes it possible not only to overcome the child’s speech deficiencies, but also prepare him for school.

Education in general education school after such a gradual preparation becomes more successful. Moreover, observations show that children who have completed correctional education in full often turn out to be better prepared for literacy than their peers.



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