Summary of healthy eating for preschoolers. Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: ECD "Healthy food"

Irina Galushina
Lesson notes in middle group"Healthy and healthy food»

Target: Formation of the concept that health depends on proper nutrition and healthy food. Tasks:1. Give children an idea of healthy and wholesome food. 2. Show the effect of proper nutrition on health. 3. Develop the ability to analyze and generalize. 4. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, we talked a lot about what you need to do to grow up vigorous, healthy and strong. Today we’ll talk about our food. What kind of food do you think we eat in the garden? (children's answers). That's right, in our kindergarten the food is not only delicious, but also useful. And as you understand, healthy food - what kind of food is it?? (children's answers)

That’s right, there should be enough vitamins in food so that they protect our body from various diseases. What foods should we eat to keep our body strong? (children's answers)

How do porridge, cottage cheese, eggs and fermented milk products help us? (children's answers)

That's right, they strengthen our bones and help the stomach and intestines work well. Children, why do they say “vitamins grow on trees”? (children's answers).

That's right, apples, cherries, plums, apricots, etc. contain a lot of vitamin useful for our body. Do you think vitamins only grow on trees? (children's answers)

Of course, vitamins also grow in the ground, such as onions, garlic, cabbage, potatoes, and above the ground, such as strawberries, raspberries, grapes, currants and others.

Guys, bread is healthy food ? (children's answers)

It’s true, it’s impossible to imagine life now without bread, cookies, and various baked goods. This is very wholesome and healthy food, but you need to eat it in moderation. Overeating any healthy and wholesome food is bad for our body.

Children, useful and healthy products not only help us grow and strengthen our body, but can also heal it. I’ll now tell you the fairy tale “Daniel” and you will find out how dad cured his son healthy yoghurts.

IN ancient times, back at the beginning of the twentieth century, she lived in distant Spain - there was a small family: mom, dad and son Daniel. The family was friendly, cheerful and happy. Mom and Dad loved Daniel very much, and he loved his parents very much. But soon the happiness of the family began to be overshadowed by lethargy and frequent illnesses Daniel. In Spain at this time, not only Daniel, but also many other children suffered from intestinal infections. Medicines were not enough at that time and not all parents could cure their children. And one day Daniel's dad dreamed magical fairyHealth. She told how to make delicious yoghurts to cure sick children. In the morning, as soon as Daniel’s dad Isaac woke up, he immediately began producing yoghurts in clay pots in his small laboratory. And these yogurts began to be fed to sick children. To the delight of everyone, the children quickly became recover. Popularity useful product grew very quickly. Production also grew. Daniel's dad no longer had a small laboratory, but a company producing exclusively healthy products: fermented milk products, mineral water and drinks, children's and therapeutic nutrition. Daniel too recovered and to celebrate, Isaac Carasso affectionately named all his products and company in honor of his son "Danone". Daniel's family became cheerful and happy again. And along with her, other families became happy, because their children also stopped getting sick, thanks to the products "Danone".

Now guys, you know how much there is healthy and wholesome food. You just need to eat it as much as your body needs. It is bad not to finish eating, but it is also harmful to overeat it.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an open lesson on physical education in the middle group “Healthy food” Goal: To make children want to take care of their health. Objectives: Educational: - consolidate children's knowledge about healthy foods and.

Summary of cognitive activities with children of the preparatory group “Healthy food” Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Sun”, Privolzhsk Abstract cognitive activity.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention the experimental activity “The Path of Bread”. I saw it on the Internet and was very interested, huh.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on the surrounding world “Healthy and unhealthy food” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the usefulness and harmfulness of food. Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge about healthy rules.

On the topic “Healthy food” in our group I made a guide - a lapbook. It helps to captivate children with its pictures and tasks.

GCD in valeology “Healthy food” (senior group) MBDOU Child Development Center – kindergarten “Lastochka” Orenburg district, With. Pavlovka GCD on valeology in the senior group on the topic: “Healthy.

Open lesson on the world around us in first grade “Healthy food” Open lesson on the surrounding world "Healthy food". 1st grade Author of the material (full name) Baidanova Botagoz Ryspaevna Position primary teacher.

Summary of the lesson "Healthy eating - healthy life."

Program content:

1. Introduce children to the rules of rational nutrition.

2. Strengthen children’s compliance with hygiene skills and abilities;
3. Cultivate neatness and cleanliness.

Preliminary work: 1.Have a conversation with children about diet;
2. Excursion with children to the kitchen kindergarten;
3. Introduce children to the main groups of healthy foods that need to be eaten.

Progress of the lesson: Educator:
Today we will talk to you about food hygiene. But first answer me this question: why do we eat?
Man eats in order to live. Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for its growth and development.
Educator: Now tell me, does it matter what food we eat?
Children: No.
Educator: What should food products be like?

Children: Fresh, clean.
Right. How can you keep food fresh?
They need to be stored in the refrigerator.
Right. Can all foods be eaten raw?
No. For example, meat, fish need to be boiled or fried, etc.
Educator: Right. Some foods need to be cooked: fried, steamed, boiled, baked, etc. But what should we do with foods before cooking and before eating if we eat foods raw?
They need to be cleaned and washed.
Okay, let's say we washed the apples and got ready to eat them.
Have we done everything right? Is it enough that our apples are clean?
Children: No. It is necessary that your hands are clean.
Right. That is, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands, use clean dishes, napkins, etc.
Educator: But does it matter how we eat?

Children: Important. While eating, you should not talk, watch TV, or read.
Right. All this gets in the way normal process eating is a distraction. But you ate, got up and left?
No. You need to put away the dishes, wipe the table, thank those who prepared the food.
Educator: If we always eat at the same time, then our stomach begins to produce gastric juice for the next meal and is ready to eat. It seems to work according to certain internal clock and this promotes the absorption of food. What hygiene requirement are we talking about?
What should we observe?
Children: Diet.
Right. You need to eat 4 times a day at the same time.
If you divide the entire volume of food into one hundred parts, then 40 of them are for lunch, 5 for breakfast, 15 for second breakfast and 25 for dinner. Dinner should be no later than 19.00.
Now answer me the next question: is it healthy to eat only the same foods all the time?
No. The diet should not be monotonous; vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis and other diseases may occur.

Food consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins.
We need squirrels for construction. They are like the bricks that make up a building. Proteins are the building material of the body.
Without them there is no development and growth. Therefore, it is the growing body that needs them most.
Proteins are found in milk, eggs, nuts, etc. Construction requires not only building material, but also energy, which is produced by carbohydrates and fats. However, energy that is not expended is stored as fat. A small amount of fat in the body is necessary; it protects the organs by absorbing shock. But its large quantity makes it difficult to work internal organs by creating them additional load. Therefore, excess weight is harmful to humans.
We also need minerals. A particularly large amount is required for bones. They give them hardness. Vitamins are needed for the growth and development of the body. There are several groups of them. These are group vitamins
A, B, C, D, RR, K etc.
I will only tell you about a few:
VITAMIN A is a growth vitamin. It will help you grow and also preserve your vision. With a lack of this vitamin, people can get so-called! " night blindness", i.e. during the day a person sees well, but with the onset of darkness, visual acuity decreases.
VITAMIN B - regulates metabolism.VITAMIN C - is general strengthening.
VITAMIN D - a child can get rickets: it is important for the growth and strengthening of bones.

(Visually show in the table) "Daily norms of vitamins" Educator: Which product contains which vitamin?
So, you have learned what substances food consists of and what role they play in our body. Naturally, they are in the most various products Therefore, the diet should be varied. For example, (meat and milk have a lot of proteins, but few vitamins, bread has carbohydrates, and vegetables) have a lot of vitamins and few proteins and fats.
Physical exercise.
One - get up, pull yourself up,
Two - bend over, straighten up,
Three - clap 3 hands,
Three nods of the head,
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit down quietly.
Now let's see if you can read the recipe proposed by Dr. Aibolit and explain the rules that are written in it. So, rule one: “We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live”
How do you understand this rule?
Children: A person should eat as much food as he needs to live, i.e. undereating and overeating are harmful to the body.
Educator: Rule two: “Don’t skimp on food – this is the worst saving in the world”
This rule says that you need to eat a varied and quality products to get the nutrients you need mineral salts, vitamins for normal growth, development and metabolism in the body.
Educator: Rule three! “Don’t sit at the table if there are no vegetables on it.
Give preference to plant foods." Why?
Children: Vegetables contain many vitamins, and plant food easier to absorb by the body.
Rule four: “Do not get carried away with carbohydrates: bread, potatoes, sweets. Salt, sugar are the white enemies of health.” Carbohydrates, if they are not absorbed by the body, are stored as fat, which leads to obesity and overweight. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate. Also, excess sugar in the body leads to diabetes mellitus. Salt in large quantities cannot be used. This leads to the deposition of salts in the body. Fifth rule: “The less cooking, the more vitamins you will get.” Under the influence high temperature many vitamins are destroyed, i.e. we get them in smaller quantities. And the last rule: “Do not have dinner after 19.00.” You cannot eat right before bed, otherwise, when we sleep, the stomach does not rest, it works. And this is harmful to the body. Therefore, you need to eat two hours before bedtime. And you go to bed at 21.00 - 22.00. In addition, you must follow your diet.
I see that you have completed this task, read and deciphered Dr. Aibolit’s prescription. What can you add to his recipes? What should you avoid to maintain your health and digestive organs?


And now we will go to where food is prepared, what is this place called? (kitchen). There you will see how food is prepared, they will show you what it is prepared from, what products are used.

(we all go to the kitchen together).

Did you guys enjoy the tour? What interesting things did you see there? What new did you learn?

Summary of the lesson "Healthy eating - healthy life."

Program content:

1. Introduce children to the rules of rational nutrition.

2. Strengthen children’s compliance with hygiene skills and abilities;
3. Cultivate neatness and cleanliness.

Preliminary work:
1.Have a conversation with children about diet;
2. Excursion with children to the kindergarten kitchen;
3. Introduce children to the main groups of healthy foods that need to be eaten.

Progress of the lesson:
Today we will talk to you about food hygiene. But first answer me this question: why do we eat?
Man eats in order to live. Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for its growth and development.
Now tell me, does it matter what food we eat?
What should food products be like?

Fresh, clean.
Right. How can you keep food fresh?
They need to be stored in the refrigerator.
Right. Can all foods be eaten raw?
No. For example, meat, fish need to be boiled or fried, etc.
Right. Some foods need to be cooked: fried, steamed, boiled, baked, etc. But what should we do with foods before cooking and before eating if we eat foods raw?
They need to be cleaned and washed.
Okay, let's say we washed the apples and got ready to eat them.
Have we done everything right? Is it enough that our apples are clean?
No. It is necessary that your hands are clean.
Right. That is, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands, use clean dishes, napkins, etc.
But does it matter how we eat?

Important. While eating, you should not talk, watch TV, or read.
Right. All this interferes with the normal process of eating and is a distraction. But you ate, got up and left?
No. You need to put away the dishes, wipe the table, thank those who prepared the food.
If we always eat at the same time, then our stomach begins to produce gastric juice for the next meal and is ready to eat. It seems to work according to a certain internal clock and this promotes the absorption of food. What hygiene requirement are we talking about?
What should we observe?
Right. You need to eat 4 times a day at the same time.
If you divide the entire volume of food into one hundred parts, then 40 of them are for lunch, 5 for breakfast, 15 for second breakfast and 25 for dinner. Dinner should be no later than 19.00.
Now answer me the next question: is it healthy to eat only the same foods all the time?
No. The diet should not be monotonous; vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis and other diseases may occur.

Food consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
We need squirrels for construction. They are like the bricks that make up a building. Proteins are the building material of the body.
Without them there is no development and growth. Therefore, it is the growing body that needs them most.
Proteins are found in milk, eggs, nuts, etc. Construction requires not only building material, but also energy, which is produced by carbohydrates and fats. However, energy that is not expended is stored as fat. A small amount of fat in the body is necessary; it protects the organs by absorbing shock. But a large amount of it complicates the work of internal organs, creating additional stress for them. Therefore, excess weight is harmful to humans.
We also need minerals. A particularly large amount is required for bones. They give them hardness. Vitamins are needed for the growth and development of the body. There are several groups of them. These are group vitamins
A, B, C, D, RR, K etc.
I will only tell you about a few:
VITAMIN A is a growth vitamin. It will help you grow and also preserve your vision. With a lack of this vitamin, people can get so-called! "night blindness", i.e. During the day, a person sees well, but with the onset of darkness, visual acuity decreases.
VITAMIN B - regulates metabolism. VITAMIN C - is general strengthening.
VITAMIN D - a child can get rickets: it is important for the growth and strengthening of bones.

(Visually show in the table) "Daily norms of vitamins"
Which product contains which vitamin?
So, you have learned what substances food consists of and what role they play in our body. Naturally, they are found in a wide variety of foods, so your diet should be varied. For example, (meat and milk have a lot of proteins, but few vitamins, bread has carbohydrates, and vegetables) have a lot of vitamins and few proteins and fats.
Physical exercise.
One - get up, pull yourself up,
Two - bend over, straighten up,
Three - clap 3 hands,
Three nods of the head,
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit down quietly.
Now let's see if you can read the recipe proposed by Dr. Aibolit and explain the rules that are written in it. So, rule one: “We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live”
How do you understand this rule?
A person should eat as much food as he needs to live, i.e. undereating and overeating are harmful to the body.
Rule two: “Don’t skimp on food – this is the worst saving in the world”
This rule says that you need to eat a variety of high-quality foods in order to get the necessary nutrients, mineral salts, vitamins for normal growth, development and metabolism in the body.
Rule three! “Don’t sit at the table if there are no vegetables on it.
Give preference to plant foods." Why?
Vegetables contain many vitamins, and plant foods are more easily absorbed by the body.
Rule four: “Do not get carried away with carbohydrates: bread, potatoes, sweets. Salt, sugar are the white enemies of health.” Carbohydrates, if they are not absorbed by the body, are stored as fat, which leads to obesity and overweight. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate. Also, excess sugar in the body leads to diabetes. Salt should not be consumed in large quantities. This leads to the deposition of salts in the body. Fifth rule: “The less cooking, the more vitamins you will get.” Under the influence of high temperature, many vitamins are destroyed, i.e. we get them in smaller quantities. And the last rule: “Do not have dinner after 19.00.” You cannot eat right before bed, otherwise, when we sleep, the stomach does not rest, it works. And this is harmful to the body. Therefore, you need to eat two hours before bedtime. And you go to bed at 21.00 - 22.00. In addition, you must follow your diet.
I see that you have completed this task, read and deciphered Dr. Aibolit’s prescription. What can you add to his recipes? What should you avoid to maintain your health and digestive organs?

Yulia Korobkina
Open lesson on the topic “Proper nutrition”

Target: Expand children's understanding of products nutrition and their significance for a person to highlight healthy eating rules.


Educational: Strengthen children's knowledge about products nutrition and their meaning for humans, about the concepts « correct» , or "healthy nutrition» .

Developmental: Develop curiosity, the ability to prepare soup, juice, pies yourself.

Educational: To instill in children an attitude towards their own health and the health of others. Cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests. I'm glad to see you all! And before we begin our class, - Listen to the poem, and tell me, what important things will we talk about today?

A person needs to eat

To stand up and to sit down,

To jump, tumble,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh,

To grow and develop,

And at the same time not to get sick,

Need to eat right,

From the very youth be able to.

Educator: Tell me, my dears, what is our talk about today? class?

Children: children's answers!

Educator: Right, my you are golden!

Educator: Today I want to talk to you about healthy nutrition!

Educator. Everyone knows that it is good to eat porridge in the morning. Why are they useful? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Good girls! There's a lot of work in the morning, classes, all this requires a lot of effort; and energy, but there’s a lot in porridge useful vitamins and substances.

Why do you think about some people They say: “Did he not eat enough porridge?” (children's answers)

Educator: Yes, you are are right, this is said about weak and frail people who do not eat porridge.

Educator: Do you know what porridge is made from? (children's answers)

Educator: Great! How much do you know! Porridges are made from rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal, and corn!

Surprise moment: Knock on the door! Dunno appears! Hello guys! I came to you with gifts! Do you want to know which ones? (children, yes! Then guess the riddles!

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids.


Orange fruit -

Like the sun in a hot summer!

Let's go to the store with mom

Let's buy a juicy one. (orange)

On the top of the head there is a crown,

Thick skin

Similar to a ball

Who does he look like!

Answer: Pomegranate

There is a green tail above the ground,

Underground red nose.

The bunny eats it deftly.

What's her name?


Educator: Well done! Now tell me, what can be made from these fruits? (salad, juice)

Educator: Guys, let's be a little cooks and prepare a delicious and healthy juice? (We approach the table)

What color is the orange? (children's answers), what does it taste like? (children's answers), And what shape is it (children’s answers, good! What color is the carrot? What shape? (cut it, taste it, what taste, what color is the apple? What taste is it? What pomegranate!

Cut it open and prepare the juice!

Educator: my suns! We have prepared a healthy juice for you! What's the use of it? (children's answers)

Fruits are very healthy nutritious, they have a lot of vitamins! We have prepared a delicious and healthy juice for you!

Educator: Now let's rest a little. Game "Yes and No"

If "YES" stand up and raise our hands if "NO"- let's squat.

Porridge is a delicious food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Green onions sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (No)

Cabbage soup is great food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Fly agaric soup is always -

Is this useful to us? (No)

Fruits are simply beautiful!

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Sometimes dirty berries

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (No)

A ridge of vegetables grows.

Are vegetables healthy? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are they useful to us, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candies

Is this harmful, kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on our table!

And since it's healthy food -

Will we be healthy? (Yes)

Educator: Let's continue our class! We learned that it is healthy to eat fruits and that you can make healthy juice from them! What else is healthy to eat? (Children's answers)

Educator: Right! It's good to eat soup! Do you know what borscht is made from? (children's answers) There is a picture of a saucepan on the board and, fruits and vegetables, put in the saucepan what you use to make borscht!

(On the board hangs an illustration of a saucepan, illustrations of cabbage, beets, onions, meat, carrots, potatoes, orange, apple, cucumber, tangerine)

Educator: my you are independent! We cooked borscht! What should you eat borscht with?

Children with bread!

Educator: Do you know how bread gets to our table? (children's answers)

Educator: Right! I'll tell you about the adventures of the grain. “We planted a small seed in the ground in the spring. First a sprout appeared, then it turned into a spikelet. All summer the spikelet grew and gained strength. There were a lot of grains in the spikelet. Earth, sun, water, heat helped a small grain turn into a strong ear full of new grains. And they have a lot of useful nutrients . In the fall, the spikelets were collected, threshed, and the grains were taken out.

Then our grain is ground into flour, sugar, salt are added to the flour, vegetable oil, mix, put in a special form and place in the oven!

Story teacher accompanied by computer illustrations.

Educator: Today we were cooks, I propose to be cooks some more, bake pies, which we will then eat at lunch!

Let's make pies and take them to the kitchen!

Publications on the topic:

Group project “Proper nutrition” Type of project: educational Duration: 1 month Age of children: 6-7 years Project participants: children, educators, specialists, parents.

Goal: Enrich the pedagogical skills of parents; coordinate the points of view of teachers and parents on issues of rational and correct.

Abstract class hour for grade 2 “Proper nutrition” Goal: to create conditions for the formation of knowledge correct attitude to your health.

Lesson summary “Proper nutrition is the key to health” Prepared by: teacher of group 2 Garmash E. A. Topic: Proper nutrition is the key health. Goal: Consolidating children's knowledge about useful and harmful.

Project "Danon - Proper Nutrition" in the senior group Group short-term project Relevance Proper nutrition is the key to health, but not everyone takes it seriously. About “daily bread”.

municipal budget educational institution

« High school No. 5"Gclan of Smolensk

Methodological development extracurricularWowevents

in elementary school

Topic: "Talk about proper nutrition»

for the competition

“Formation of a culture of healthy eating”

teacher primary classes


Explanatory note

This educational event (development) about proper nutrition is aimed at younger children school age(grades 1-4). This is one of a series of planned classes on health and healthy lifestyle. The game form of the lesson will help to interest students.

A presentation has been developed for the lesson, and there is an appendix (handouts).

Purpose of the lesson: to form in children an idea of healthy eating, talk about the importance of nutrition for humans; explain what healthy food is and why food should be varied. Develop the ability to eat properly. Instill in children a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks:- introduce the concepts: “proper nutrition”, “ healthy products”, “appetite”, “vitamins”; - learn to distinguish between useful and delicious products; - introduce the rules of proper nutrition;

Instill a culture of nutrition;

Develop cognitive interest to this topic;

Enrich and expand vocabulary students;

Develop attention, memory, thinking;

To develop students’ speech, the ability to correctly formulate their statements (answers) in orally, conduct educational dialogue correctly;

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s explanations, listen and evaluate the answers of comrades;

Motivate students to strive to maintain their health; to form a desire to lead a correct, and therefore healthy, lifestyle.

Expected results: This event aims to educate junior schoolchildren O correct technique food and education of nutritional culture in children.

I. Organizational moment (emotional mood to work).

Guys, hold hands, look into each other's eyes and give a smile. I’ll now read you a short poem, and at this time you try to convey to your neighbor a charge of cheerfulness and warmth through a handshake. Are you ready?
May there be peace on earth,
And fruits and vegetables on our table,
And so that your health is strong,
And it never failed.
So that joy knocks on the house
Morning, evening and afternoon!

Now I ask you guys to take your seats and get ready for interesting work.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Preparation for the perception of new material (updating).

Now please answer the question. When you meet acquaintances, friends, guests, what do you tell them? How do you greet them? (Hello)

What wish are you conveying with this word (we wish good health, be healthy).

How do you understand what health is? (Suggested answers: healthy person is not sick, he is strong, brave, dexterous, resilient, kind, cheerful and cheerful, he can handle any job, he works or studies well...)

One wise man was asked: “What is the most important and valuable thing in life for a person - wealth, fame?” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than any sick king.”

Do you agree with the opinion of the sage? (Yes.)

The concept of “health” is very multifaceted.

Exists world organization health. She adopted this definition of health: “Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Health largely depends on the person himself. What should a person do to be healthy? What is needed for this? (Suggested answers: toughen up, do exercises, play sports, move more, brush your teeth, keep your body clean, etc.) In general, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

2.Introductory conversation with students, accompanied by a story from the teacher.

What do you guys think, what is a healthy lifestyle?

Guys, I want to tell you about one boy. He knows well all the rules of maintaining and promoting health. He knows, but almost never follows them. Sometimes he forgets, sometimes he’s lazy, sometimes he’s in a hurry somewhere and says to himself: “Tomorrow I’ll do everything right, but today I’ll do it somehow.” But the next day the same thing repeats. Do you think this boy will be healthy?

The rules for preserving and strengthening health only bring real benefits to those who follow them not occasionally, but constantly, who live by these rules. They say about such a person: he leads a healthy lifestyle.

The concept of lifestyle includes the following components: (on a slide or on a board)

- nutrition

- physical activity

- attitude towards bad habits

- psychological microclimate

- sex education

Naturally, depending on these components, the lifestyle may be different.

Of course, we won’t have time to talk about all the components today. We talked about the psychological microclimate at extracurricular activity, you will learn about sex education (about raising boys and girls) in biology lessons in high school. And what we will talk about today, you can guess from the poem. Listen here:

A person needs to eat

To get up and to sit down,

To jump, tumble,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh,

To grow and develop,

And at the same time not to get sick,

You need to eat right

From a very young age to be able to.

Did you guess it? What will we talk about today? (about proper nutrition)

3. - Subject our lesson “Talking about healthy eating” (on a slide or on the board)

4. - Motto lessons will be words: (on the slide or on the board)

Before I sit down at the table,
I'll think about what to eat.

To grow and strengthen, it is important Right eat. What does this mean? (Eat at the same time, little by little, 4-5 times a day...)

Food is a kind of fuel for our body, which, when processed, turns into energy. In order for our body to always be energetic, we must eat food several times during the day. Let's create a schoolchild's diet. How many times a day should a person eat so that his body constantly produces energy? (4 times).

- What is the name of the first meal in the morning? (Breakfast)

How many times can you have breakfast? (2 times: 1st breakfast and second breakfast).

- In order for food to be beneficial, it must be taken at the same time. What time should you have breakfast for the first time? (at 7.30)

- The second time we have breakfast at school. Who remembers what time? (After 2 lessons)

- What is it called next appointment food? (Dinner)

- What time do we have lunch? (from 13.00 to 14.00)

- To ensure that the break between lunch and dinner is not too long, there is one more meal. What is it called? (Afternoon snack)

Set a time for afternoon tea. (from 15.30 to 16.30)

- What is the last meal called? (Dinner)

- Nutritionists advise having dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Set a time for dinner. (19.00-19.30)

What rule should we remember?

It is necessary to follow a diet.(The caption appears on the slide)

Does our health depend on what we eat?

Not all foods a person eats are healthy. Proper nutrition is a condition for health, incorrect nutrition leads to illness.

Which foods do you think are healthy and which are harmful? Why?

5. Practical work.

There is a menu on your desk. Aibolit invites you to choose the correct one from two menus. We work in pairs. (List which foods are good for your health? Which ones should you eat in limited quantities and treat them with caution?) Menu in Appendix No. 1

Menu No. 1

1 Breakfast:

2 Breakfast: chocolate, Pepsi-Cola (Coca-Cola).

Dinner: 2 pieces of cake, smoked chicken, boiled pasta with ketchup, cocoa.

Afternoon snack: Snickers bar, Fanta.

Dinner: fried fish, mashed potatoes, Korean spicy carrots, coffee, cake.

Menu No. 2

1 Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk

2 Breakfast: pear.


Afternoon snack: yogurt, cookies.


6. Creative work (group work– in rows)

You have to continue the tale:

"Once upon a time there was a fairy-tale king. He had a daughter. She loved only sweets. And trouble happened to her."

What misfortune could happen to the princess?

Advise the king on how to cure the princess.

Tell us how to eat properly. (Answers from students of all groups)

What does " varied " nutrition?

6. Z guesses about vegetables and fruits.

Aibolit has prepared riddles for you. Take a card from the basket, read the riddle, guess, check (the answer is on back side cards).

I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that. (Tomato)

There is green in the garden,
And in the barrel it’s salty. (Cucumber)

Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.
They just hang out in the garden
Green heels. (Carrot)

Ermoshka sits
On one leg
He's wearing a hundred clothes
And all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Dark as a plum
Like a turnip, round.
I accumulated strength in the garden,
The hostess got into borscht. (Beet)

Round, rosy
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children. (Apple)

I grew up in a garden bed
My nasty character:
Wherever I go, I will bring everyone to tears. (Onion)

Round, round, sweet, sweet,

With striped skin smooth,

And if you cut it, look:

It's red, it's red on the inside. (Watermelon)

Red maiden,

Heart of Stone. (Cherry)

Lies on the green bed
he's a big guy, and his name is... (zucchini)

Round. Not a month.

Yellow. Not butter.

Sweet, not sugar.

With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

They look like cucumbers

They only grow in ligaments,

And these fruits for breakfast

They serve the monkeys. (Bananas)

Blue uniform

white lining,

in the middle - sweet. (Plum)

It’s not very easy to guess -

This is the kind of fruit I know -

It's about not about coconut

Not about the pear, not about the plum,

There is also such a bird,

Also called - ... (Kiwi)

Not in the fields. Not in the gardens.

Neither you nor us,

And in the tropical forests

Grows up... (Pineapple)

A student reads a poem:

Vitamins are simply a miracle!

How much joy they bring:

All diseases and colds

They turn away from us.

That's why it's always

For our health

Complete food -

The most important condition.

Who knows other riddles about vegetables, fruits and berries? Make a wish.

7. D/i “Distribute vegetables and fruits.”

Two groups of students (two rows) participate. Students receive a set of cards (lotto) with images of vegetables and fruits. Cards (lotto) need to be distributed into two piles (vegetables, fruits).

What fruits do you like?

What about vegetables?

8. Didactic game for the third group:

D/Game “Cooks”.

The cook must select the vegetables on the lotto cards needed for the borscht.

Do you think vegetables and fruits are healthy foods? Why?

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins. Vegetables seem to “invite appetite”, as the body begins to excrete gastric juice. Thus, other dishes are better digested. Therefore, it is recommended to start lunch with salads, and then be sure to have the first course.

9. Wellness moment.

D/game “Tops and Roots”.

If we eat underground parts of food, we need to sit down, if we eat above-ground parts, we need to stand up to our full height and stretch our arms up. (Potatoes, beans, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkin, peas, squash, radishes, zucchini, radish.)

10. This is interesting!

The word "vitamin" was coined by the American scientist - biochemist Casimir Funk. He discovered that the substance ("amine") contained in the shell of the rice grain is vital. By combining the Latin word vita ("life") with "amine", the word "vitamin" was obtained. Children need to eat 500 - 600 g of vegetables and fruits per day.

No wonder the proverbs say:

Vegetables pantry health”, “Vegetables and fruits - healthy products”

11. - Guys, read the proverbs and explain their meaning:

A) A little of the good stuff, not enough of the sweet stuff.

B) Honey is sweet, but not two spoons per mouth.

IN) Buckwheat porridge- our mother, and the rye bread is our dear father.

D) If you eat a lot, then the honey will seem bitter.

D) I ate like a bull, I don’t know what to do.

E) When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

G) Vegetables are a pantry of health.

H) Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

I) Without bread, there will be no lunch.

J) If you don’t forget about the porridge, you will be healthy.

L) Buckwheat porridge is our mother.

What do all these proverbs have in common?

Let's draw a conclusion.

I suggest you listen to the letter that the doctor of our school, Olesya Vladimirovna, conveyed to you:

“Hello, guys! A person’s nutrition depends on his normal height, development and health. The body resists better various diseases, including infectious ones, if you eat right. Food should give the body everything it needs for what is happening in it. increased growth and development. It is necessary that it contains the substances from which it consists human body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. You will learn a lot in the next classes.”

Guys, do you want to know how to grow up strong, beautiful, healthy? (Children's answers)

To do this, you need to follow a daily routine, keep your body clean, do gymnastics and eat healthy foods.

Look at the screen. Let's read Aibolit's questions together and try to answer them. (Slide or on the board)

12. Questions for children on the screen (board):

1. What foods are healthy?

2. How to eat correctly?

3. Why is it better to eat at the same time?

4. Do you know what porridge is made from and how to make porridge tasty?

5. What is the menu?

6. Why shouldn't you overeat?

7. What drinks are good to drink?

Humans are 70% water. The most common drink is tea. Tea has been around for over 5,000 years. He came to us from China. And in Rus' they drank – fruit drinks, brines, kvass, jelly. More recently, people have learned to preserve juices obtained from fruits and vegetables.

13. Conducting the “Vulcan” experiment

- In order to demonstrate the harm that eating harmful foods can cause to your body, I propose to conduct such an experiment. There is a Pepsi drink in front of you, raise your hand, who often drinks this drink? But this is an ordinary candy, Mentos, you also love it. Let's put this candy in the drink bottle (the child comes out and helps). See what reaction can occur in our body when consuming these foods.

- What conclusion can be drawn? ( You need to eat only healthy foods).

14. Work in groups.

a) One group restores the proverb and explains its meaning.

b) Another group works with a dictionary and looks for the definition of the word appetite.

Guys, moderation is also needed in food,

So that unexpected misfortune does not happen,

You need to eat at the appointed time,

A little bit a day, but several times.

Always follow this law

And your food will become healthy.

Regime is also important in nutrition, then we will escape from diseases.

You also need to know about calories

So that you don’t go through them in a day!

Buns, candies, cookies, cakes

Children need it in small quantities.

15. Musical break: song Glutton (from the play “Leopold and Others”)

16. Physical education minute

I'm skiing from the mountain
The bear is flying head over heels.
We came running for lunch
And Appetite came to us.
We sat down at the table with him,
We ate everything with Appetite.
Come to us, Appetite!
Our mother says
What good appetite
Won't hurt anyone .

What is appetite? Let's listen to the guys who found the information in the dictionary.

Appetite is...

17. Game “Connect the beginning of the proverb about nutrition with its end”(work in pairs).

1. Everyone needs........................ both lunch and dinner.

2. Hungry Fedot.................. would love any cabbage soup.

3. If the cabbage soup is good.........don’t look for other food.

4. Rye bread.................................. Grandfather rolls.

5. The doctor helps the sick, ........ and the hungry - the kalach.

Self-test on a slide (board).

What foods are harmful?

What harm do they cause to health?

“Everything that fits into your mouth is useful” (on a slide or on the board)

How do you feel about this opinion? Look carefully at the useful and harmful products. Everything that children love and that you eat with great pleasure turns out to be a very harmful and unsafe product.

Therefore, now guys, I invite you to the research laboratory “The Truth About Different Things”. Our researchers will tell you a lot of interesting things (students prepare material on given topics in advance).

Student Researcher 1.

Did you know that carbonated drinks contain various preservatives, flavors and colorings that adversely affect gastrointestinal tract schoolchildren. Sugar, in large quantities present in carbonated water, promotes the development of caries.

Regular sweet carbonated water does not contain any vitamins or minerals that are so necessary for a growing body.

Dear researchers, what can you say about chewing gum, which many children love?

Student researcher 2.

Having carefully studied the labels chewing gum which are sold in stores, we found out that chewing gum contains sweeteners, dyes, and flavors. It has long been proven that the longer the contact of sugar with teeth, the higher the risk of developing caries. And here, chewing gum, as well as chewing candies, simply have no competitors. In the practice of children's doctors, there were cases when children who complained of abdominal pain found rubber “stones” in the intestines from sticky multi-colored lumps formed from chewing gum.

Dear researchers, now I want to ask you, are chips and french fries unhealthy?

Student Researcher 3 .

I want to say that in French fries and chips scientists have discovered a whole series harmful substances, including substances that are used in the production of various plastics and paints. These substances have been proven to have a toxic effect on nervous system animals and humans.

Children who eat mainly chips, candy, and carbonated drinks may develop vitamin deficiency. Scientists believe that a lack of vitamins in the diet of schoolchildren can cause violations of discipline and poor academic performance.

Guys, I hope that you will listen to the advice of our consultants and try not to consume these harmful products.

Conclusion: Food should be healthy.

18. D/game “Harmful - Useful”

The class is divided into 2 teams (TEAM OF BOYS AND GIRLS). The players must divide the food cards into 2 groups: healthy and harmful: fish, Pepsi, kefir, Fanta, chips, rolled oats, fatty meat, sunflower oil, cakes, Snickers, carrots, cabbage, chocolates, apples, pears, bread cheese, chips, butter, Fanta, grapes, eggs, bread, jam, lemonade, milk, mustard, cabbage, cottage cheese, coffee) .

Since ancient times, the food of our ancestors has always been light, not burdensome, they never overeated. IN daily diet vegetables, fruits, herbs, milk and dairy products, honey, herbal products.

A student reads a poem:

Received as a gift from nature

Not the ball and not balloon

This is not a globe, not a watermelon

Health is a very fragile cargo.

To live a happy life,

III. Reflection

What did we learn in this lesson? Continue:

I understand …

I won't...

Read and complete the sentences:

“To be healthy, you need...”

How do you understand these words?

Today in class I learned...

The class ends and I want to say...


Dr. Aibolit really liked our lesson and the way you worked today. He decided to treat you with the most healthy fruit.

What is the healthiest fruit in the world? (Apple)

The teacher treats the children to apple slices (or whole ones).

The teacher reads a poem:

I wish you guys

Always be healthy.

But to achieve results

Impossible without difficulty.

I revealed my secrets to you

Follow all the tips

And life will be easy for you.

Sources used:

1. Bezrukikh M. M., Filippova T. A., Makeeva A. G. Conversation about proper nutrition / Methodical manual. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2010.

2. A.K. Aksyonova, E.V. Yakubovskaya " Didactic games in class."

3. Magazine " Primary school» No. 5 1991

4. Illustrative material: a set of lotto cards (vegetables, fruits, berries).

5. Larisa Shuftaykina, “Nutrition for schoolchildren - healthy eating”,, 2011.

6. “Basics of healthy eating”,, 2012

7. 10 rules for healthy and balanced nutrition.


For the teacher: drawing with the image of Aibolit, poster with rules healthy image life, exhibition of books “About tasty and healthy food”, presentation “Talk about proper nutrition”, big apple(depending on the number of children, 2 apples are possible), toothpicks or skewers for food.

For students: two menu options on cards from the application, explanatory dictionary, lotto cards with images of fruits and vegetables.

Appendix No. 1

1 Breakfast: gingerbread, candy, noodles instant cooking with spices, sweet tea.

2 Breakfast


Afternoon snack: Snickers bar, Fanta.


1 Breakfast: gingerbread, sweets, instant noodles with seasonings, sweet tea.

2 Breakfast: chocolate, Pepsi-Cola (Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite).

Dinner: 2 pieces of cake, chicken leg (smoked), boiled horns with ketchup, cocoa.

Afternoon snack: Snickers bar, Fanta.

Dinner: fried fish, mashed potatoes, Korean carrots, coffee, cake.

1 Breakfast: gingerbread, sweets, instant noodles with seasonings, sweet tea.

2 Breakfast: chocolate, Pepsi-Cola (Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite).

Dinner: 2 pieces of cake, chicken leg (smoked), boiled horns with ketchup, cocoa.

Afternoon snack: Snickers bar, Fanta.

Dinner: fried fish, mashed potatoes, Korean carrots, coffee, cake.

1 Breakfast:

2 Breakfast: pear.

Dinner: salad from fresh vegetables, cabbage soup with sour cream, hedgehogs sour cream sauce with boiled potatoes, compote, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: yogurt, cookies.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk, tea with sugar, wheat bread, kefir

1Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk.

2Breakfast: pear.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, cabbage soup with sour cream, hedgehogs in sour cream sauce with boiled potatoes, compote, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: yogurt, cookies.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk, tea with sugar, wheat bread, kefir

1Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, wheat bread with butter, cocoa with milk.

2Breakfast: pear.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, cabbage soup with sour cream, hedgehogs in sour cream sauce with boiled potatoes, compote, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: yogurt, cookies.

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk, tea with sugar, wheat bread, kefir



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