Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound and letter Sh. Summary of the lesson on the topic “sound and letter Sh Homework sound and letter sh

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Malyshok"

Summary of organized educational activities for literacy training

on the topic: “Sound and letter Sh”

Compiled by: teacher of the first qualification category

Ivenskaya Venera Minvalievna.

village Berezovo, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Summary of organized educational activities for teaching literacy on the topic: “Sound and letter Sh”

for children of the preparatory group.

Form of conduct: gaming

Target: Introducing the sound and letter “sh”


Educational objectives:

Strengthen the activation and characteristics of the sound “sh”.

Reinforce the pronunciation of the sound “sh” in words and sentences.

Post words with the letter “sh”.

Exercise in sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words.

Introduce the letter "sh".

Practice composing sentences with given words and drawing up sentence diagrams.

Teach children to divide two- and three-syllable words with open syllables.

Developmental tasks:

Develop phonemic awareness, attention and memory.

Develop skills in reading syllables and short words.

Educational tasks:

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades.

Cultivate the desire and ability to work in a team.

Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”.

Preliminary work:

· Conduct literacy classes according to plan.

· Learning pure sayings.

· Conversation with children.

· Word games.

Methods and techniques:

· Visual (working with subject pictures and diagrams, letters and syllables laid out on an easel).

· Verbal (artistic words, questions for children).

· Practical (joint activities of adults and children, games).

Materials and equipment:

· Subject pictures.

· Notebooks.

· Pencils.

· Easel.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guests came to our lesson. Let's say hello to them (children say hello)


All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Educator: And now I suggest you start our lesson.


What time of year is it now? (winter)

Name what kind of winter there can be? (harsh, cold, fierce, light, frosty, windy, snowy, long, silvery, snow-white, magical...)

What could be winter? (evening, day, wind, frost...)

What does our speech consist of? (words)

What are our words made of? (sounds)

What sounds are there? (vowels, consonants)

What can you say about the letter? (we see, we write)

What can you say about the sound? (hear, pronounce)

Game "Change the word"(children sitting on the carpet):

Children, come up with a short word, change the word so that it has two syllables, three syllables (snow, snowball, snowflake).

Game “Repeat the phrase”:

The one who pronounces the correct phrase correctly will stand up:

Sha – sha-sha – hat, chess, noodles.

Shi-shi-shi - awl, tire, reeds.

Shu-shu-shu - Masha eats noodles.

Shi-shi-shi - eat your porridge, kids.

Sho-sho-sho - Pasha writes well.

Ash-ash-ash – ball, car, pencil.

Children, what sound was repeated in pure speech?

Showing the letter that represents the sound “sh”:

articulation and characteristics of the sound “sh” (consonant, difficult to pronounce, teeth interfere, hisses).

Game “Catch the sound “sh”:

Among other sounds

In syllables;

In words (snow, baby, meat, fur coat, wall, lily of the valley, tower, fence, donut, owl, cat, beads, midge, spoon, cheesecake, reeds).

Name names with the sound "sh": (Sasha, Masha, Dasha, Pasha, Natasha, Andryusha, Tanyusha, Valyusha)

Choose words with the sound “sh” in pure speech:

“We walked and walked and found a pie. We sat down, ate, and went again.”

Game “Speak the Truth”:

You need to pronounce the phrase in accordance with the picture.

Game "Change the word":

Guys, change the word so that the sound “sh” appears in it:

Bread - bread, nuts - nuts, ant - ant, sparrow - sparrow, cow - cow, peas - peas, fish - fish, rooster - cockerel, boy - boy, stones - pebbles, mother - mother.

Physical education lesson “White Winter”:

Let everything be covered with snow,

Let the cold rage

Winter won't freeze me

It will never scare you.

White snowflakes in winter

They're dancing outside my window

ADed Moroz his pictures

Draws on glass at night.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you sit down at the tables. Today we will read syllables with the sound “sh”, then words (Ball, noise, Shura, Pasha, Mura, Rama).

Let's read the sentences using pictures:

Shura's (apple)

Mary's (pear)

Mom's (plate)

At Dad's (book)

On the easel there is an inscription: “Shura has an apple.”

Educator: What is this? (offer)

Let's draw a diagram of the proposal.

Name the first word, second, third.

How many words does it have?(3)

Is it long or short? (short)

How can I make this sentence contain more words (add words).

Game "Walk":

We come up with a long sentence and determine who has the longer sentence.

Game "Living Words"(work at tables):

Find the location of the sound in the words (balls, Pasha, naughty, baby, hut, fur coat, Shura, mouse, tower, lily of the valley, reeds, midge, hat, shirt).

Sound-letter analysis of words (balls, Shura, rustling mouse, donut, cannon).

Graphic dictation(work in notebooks):

4 k. up, 1 k. to the right, 3k. down, 1k. to the right, 3k. up, 1k.right, 3k.down, 1k. right, 3k.up, 1k.right, 4k. down, 5k.left.

Educator: I invite everyone to stand in a circle.

Game "Negotiate an offer": ( the phrase “mouse with little mice” is added in different cases)

Masha ran to the forest and saw a mouse with little mice.

She came closer to the mouse with the little mice.

A mouse with little mice hid in a hole from Masha.

Masha ran around the entire edge of the forest and did not find the mouse with the little mice.

Masha was very sorry that she could not make friends with the mouse and the little mice.

Lesson reflection:

Thank you guys for your efforts. You all did a great job today, well done! What did you like most? What tasks gave you difficulty?


1. S.F.Vinogradova, V.Yu.Babchinskaya. Planning of organized educational activities of a teacher with children of the preparatory group (technological maps for every day according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva). - Volgograd, publishing house “Teacher” ", 2016.

2. N.S. Varentsova. Teaching preschoolers literacy for classes with children 3-7 years old. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2012.

3. L.E.Kylasova. Speech development. Lesson notes for the preparatory group. – Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2015.

4. O.M. Rybnikova. Teaching reading and literacy to children 6–7 years old. Lesson notes. – Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2015.

5. O.A. Stepanova. Preparing children for school. Educational games and exercises. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008.

MADO "Kindergarten No. 6" Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region.

Teacher Somkina Marina Vasilievna

Summary of a lesson on preparing for literacy training in a preparatory group

Subject: sound[w] , letter Ш.

Target: Exercise in determining the presence or absence of the sound [w] in words; in determining the position of the sound [w] in a word (beginning, middle, end). Improve the analysis and synthesis of the syllables ША, ШО, ШУ. Reading the syllables SHA, SHO, SHU. Teach the synthesis of the word Shusha. Introduce the letterSh . Develop auditory attention, memory, coordination of speech and movement.Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, and goodwill.


Demo material: symbols of the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “I”, “W”, colored magnets, “Magic bag”; magnetic letters: Ш, У, А...Toy: mouse Shusha. Items: with and without the sound “Ш”; chips for sound analysis, sound rulers; "Games for Tiggers."

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment:

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When you meet, say hello.

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning, smiling faces!

I want to wish you all a good morning and good afternoon today.

Today in class we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter. But first, let's remember how a sound differs from a letter. (We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write and read letters).

We can't see the sound
And we can’t take it in our hands.
We can only hear the sound
And also to say it.

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.)

How do vowels differ from consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not meet any obstacles and therefore the sound can be

take a long time. The consonant sound does not last because the air encounters obstacles when pronouncing it).

The vowels are drawn to the ringing song.
They may cry and sob.
In the dark forest calling and calling,
But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But I don’t want to sing to them.

Let's play: I show the letter, and you take turns calling the sound and the word that begins with this sound.

Guys, someone came to visit us today, I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you’ll immediately guess who came to us.

Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.
Short legs; afraid of cats. (Mouse)

The teacher takes out the mouse.

Guys, this mouse's name is Shusha. He has come up with many tasks for you, and if you complete all the tasks, he will give you something.

What sound is repeated in the words Shusha and little mouse?

That's right, this is the sound [w].

Guys, our guest Shusha is a naughty guy. Shusha climbs behind the screen and rustles there: shu - shu - shu. “Cat!!!”, mom squeaks, and she and dad hide behind the closet.

Guys, how was Shusha rustling?

That’s right, let’s all say it together: shu – shu – shu.

What is the first sound?

Let's say it.

Guys, what is the sound [w]: a vowel or a consonant?

That's right, the sound [sh] is a consonant.

Is the sound [sh] hard or soft?

This sound has a peculiarity: it is never soft, always hard. Unlike our mouse, this sound does not like to play pranks and make noise, and if someone starts making noise, he always says shhhh.

(There are red and blue houses on the easel, and next to them there are corresponding chips to indicate sounds.)

What sounds live in the red house?(Vowel sounds).

What sounds live in the blue house?(Hard consonants).

Which house will we put the sound [w] in?(In blue, since the sound “Ш” is consonant and ALWAYS hard).

What color chip will we use to mark the sound [w]?(blue chip).

D/i “Yes or not.”

The mouse brought various objects with him, but he doesn’t know whether their names contain the sound “SH” or not? If the name of an object contains the sound Ш, you “hiss”; if not, then you are silent. (I take out 1 object and the children determine the presence of a sound in the words).

The mouse has prepared an interesting game for you: “Where is the sound hidden?” - “Games for Tigers” - determining the sound “sh” at the beginning, middle or end of a word.

Dynamic pause with a mouse.

Jump and jump, jump and jump

The mouse jumped onto a tree stump.

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites you to play leapfrog.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes!

We put our paws on the side,

Jump-jump-jump on your toes.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't freeze.

Let's read, let's play

You need to read the syllable and add it to the word

SHA...(hat, chess...)

SHU….(fur coat, joke…)

SHO...(shorts, seam...)

SHI...(spikes, tire...) We write I, but we hear Y. The letter Ш does not like to be followed by the letter Y (propaedeutic work).

"Lighting the lights"

The mouse Shusha has prepared one last task for you. He brought multi-colored lights (blue, red, green).

Sound analysis of the word (Shusha). Open as many windows as there are sounds in the word Shusha.

Name the first sound (What kind of fire will we light? Why?...

What sound and letter did we meet today? What games did you play?

Will give you pictures in which you will find the favorite letter of the mouse Shushi (Ш).

Olesya Morozova
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Sound and letter Sh”

Goals: 1. Getting to know sound <;Ш>, its characteristic features, with letter Ш.

2. Reinforcing correct pronunciation sound <;Ш> in syllables, words.

3. Development of phonemic hearing: ability to highlight sound <;Ш> by ear and in pronunciation from a number of others sounds, syllables, words and determine position sound in a word.

4. Reading exercise syllables, words with letter Ш. Introducing the rule for writing the syllable SHI.

5. Fostering the desire to pronounce words correctly sounds.

Equipment: mirrors, demonstration subject pictures (cornflowers, daisies, bumblebee, bee, lily of the valley, violet, shirt, T-shirt, trousers, shorts, slippers, sandals, chocolate, candy, hut, house, pen, pencil, individual subject pictures, 2 for each child (watch, reeds, bow, horse, ring, wardrobe, sled, cannon, pipe, ball, plane, cat, hare, hat, umbrella, mouse, rustling toy, sound houses, sets for word schemes, consonant lock letters, demo card letters Ш, flashcards, work sheets ABC book with the letter Ш, containers with colored pencils, presentation to occupation, computer.

Plan classes:

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Before the beginning classes a communication game is being played

"Good morning":

Morning came again. I will smile at you and you will smile at each other.

Well done! Hope you will be on class are as attentive to each other as during this game.

II. Topic message classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, today we will meet new sound and letter. But with which ones, my friend Shurshunchik will tell us about it.

III. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Let's say hello to Rustle.

Children: Hello, Shurshunchik.

Rustle: Welcome, guys!

Speech therapist: Oh, Rustle! What's wrong with you?

Rustle: I don’t reap!

Speech therapist: Did you do exercises for your tongue today?

Rustle: No!

Speech therapist: Well, then everything is clear to me. Your tongue hasn't woken up, and that's why you can't pronounce everything correctly sounds. But we will fix this now.

Guys, let the words sound smooth,

Let's do exercises for the tongue.

- "Smile":

We'll wake up early in the morning,

Let's smile at mom and dad.

- "Fence":

Let's look out the window into the yard

And we will see a fence there.

- "Painter":

To keep the house clean,

We will paint the ceiling with a brush.

- "Cup":

And now we will rest,

Let's take a tea cup.

- "Delicious brew":

Let's drink tea with brew.

- "Horse":

Along the narrow, smooth path

We'll ride a horse.

- "Fungus":

There is an oak tree by the path,

A fungus grows under an oak tree.

- "Harmonic":

We are a little overjoyed

Let's play the harmonica.

Rustle: Oh! And it really helped. That's it sounds are obtained!

IV. Selection<Ш>from the name. Characteristic sound.

Rustle, what a sound are we going to teach today?

How have you not guessed it yet? This sound hidden in the beginning and middle of my name!

Guys, you guessed which one it is sound?

- Sound Sh.

Right. Say sound Sh and look at yourself in the mirror. Is there an obstruction to the air? So this is what sound: vowel or consonant? The children answer.

Place your palm on the neck and say sound. Is there a voice singing? Means sound Ш: voiceless or voiced? Children's answers.

Yes guys sound Ш - consonant, deaf, and he is also always hard. And he lives in the blue wing of the castle of consonants.

Let's repeat the characteristic sound Ш.

Children repeat: Sound Ш – consonant, hard, deaf.

Rustle: Oh, what great fellows!

V. Game "Catch sound Ш» .

Speech therapist: Yes, Shurshunchik, my guys are very smart and attentive.

Rustle: Oh, I want to see if they are really so attentive. I suggest you play the game "Catch sound Ш» .

Speech therapist: And what? Good idea! We got our hands ready. If you hear sound <;Sh>, clap in clap:

A) Sh, S, M, Sh, Sh, Z, S, Sh



Rustle: Well done, you did it!

VI. Pronunciation sound in syllables, words. Word choice with sound Ш.

Rustle: Guys, I dream of becoming a writer. And I decided to write a story about how I went to visit Khomyak in the summer. But I want the story to have as many words as possible sound <;Sh>. Can you help me choose them?

Tatyana Anatolyevna is well acquainted with this story. So let her talk and I'll take notes.

Speech therapist: Agreed. Well, let's begin.

One fine summer morning, Shurshunchik decided to go visit his friend Hamster. While getting ready, he hummed funny songs to himself. I ask you now to listen to them carefully and without making mistakes repeat: SHA-SHO-SHU

And from now on we need help choosing words from sound <;Sh>.

So, Shurshunchik decided to dress up. He put on (shirt or T-shirt, (pants or shorts). He put comfortable shoes on his feet (sandals or flip-flops). And, closing the door tightly, he walked along the path. Cornflowers or daisies were blooming beautifully along it, and they were buzzing above the flowers. (bumblebees or bees). At the very edge of the forest grew a fragrant (dandelion or lily of the valley). An interesting bird was sitting on a branch of a tall pine tree. It was (cuckoo or oriole). How beautiful it was in the forest! Here and there in the grass were visible (boletus or champignons). Coming out into a wide clearing, Shurshunchik saw (hut or house) Hamster. He was very happy to see his friend. Shurshunchik brought as a gift (pen or pencil). And the Hamster treated the guest (chocolate or candy). And then the friends decided to play a game "Settled down sound Sh in the house» .

VII. A game "Settled down sound <;Sh> to the house".

Let's play this game too, guys.

Speech therapist names words from the board (words that the children chose, and the guys on sound houses determine the position sound Ш in them.

Rustle: Ha! It's easy for everyone to play this game together. You can also spy on your neighbor.

Speech therapist: Well. Let's check how the guys cope with this task on their own. You have 2 pictures on your tables. Take them, choose a picture from sound W and determine the place sound in it.

Children complete the task. Then they explain it out loud.

Rustle: Well done!

VIII. Physical education moment.

Speech therapist: Rustle! And the guys and I know the game about your friend Hamster. Do you wanna take a look?

Rustle: With pleasure!

Children together with speech therapist do physical exercises "Hamster":

Hamster, hamster, hamster -

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early,

He washes his cheeks and rubs his ears.

The hamster sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge.

One two three four five -

Khomka wants to become strong.

IX. Getting to know letter Ш.

Rustle: Oh, how interesting! Do you know, when I was leaving home, the Hamster gave me letter Ш. If you want, I'll give it to you.

Speech therapist: Thank you, Shurshunchik!

Look at letter Ш -

The letter is very good,

I wrote the letter Ш:

Three poles and a sleeper at the bottom.

Speech therapist shows the children a demonstration card with letter Ш.

Then he explains how to spell this correctly. letter.

X. Reading syllables and words on cards:





XI. Working on Worksheets Primer.

Speech therapist: Guys, please remember better letter Sh and did not confuse her with others letters, Shurshunchik and I suggest you color the letter Ш on the sheets of the Primer. What color will you paint? letters? Why? Children's answers. Paint letters should only be in blue because it denotes one hard consonant sound Ш.

Children coloring letter.

XII. Bottom line classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you remember which one? we studied sounds and letters today?

The children answer.

Rustle: Well done! Thank you guys for your help! Goodbye!

Speech therapist: Goodbye, Shurshunchik!

Outline plan of direct educational activities for teaching literacy in a compensatory group (second year of study).

Theme “Sound and letter Sh”

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Cognitive Development"
  • "Speech development"
  • “Socio-communicative development”,
  • "Physical development".


  • Form the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh],
  • introduce the letter Sh.


  • consolidate the skill of clear pronunciation of the sound [w] in syllables, words, phrases;
  • develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • practice sound-letter, syllabic analysis and word synthesis;
  • practice coordinating words in a sentence;
  • introduce the letter Ш, the rule for writing words with “shi”;
  • develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention.


  • object pictures, the name of which contains the sound [w], individual mirrors, pictures - symbols for performing articulation exercises, pens, notebooks, object pictures with the image of a balloon, a kingdom, a castle, Princess Jokes; electronic game “Harvest”, letter Ш, counting sticks, colored pencils, printed letter Ш for each child.

Approximate course of direct educational activities:

I. Organizational moment.

Today we will go to the fairy-tale kingdom of the Princess of Jokes. She was named that way because she loves laughter and fun. But to get to the kingdom, you need to name the sounds in words in order: yours, ours, shower, Masha, noise, ours, porridge, tire, Dasha, Misha, dry land.

Name the sound that was repeated most often in these words (sound [w])

Today we will get acquainted with this sound during our journey through the fairy kingdom.

II. Main part.

1. Relaxation exercises.

So we ended up in the kingdom. The princess of jokes, waking up, looks in the mirror every morning, smiles and goes to drink tea with jam. Let's do this too:

  • “Tense smile” - smile, straining and stretching your lips with force. Then relax with your mouth slightly open.
  • “Mouthpiece” - open your mouth slightly, stretch your lips forward, round them, relax.
  • “Spatula” - smile, place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. Hold this position for a count of 10.
  • “Delicious jam” - smile, open your mouth slightly, lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, making movements from top to bottom. Close your mouth, relax.
  • “Cup” - smile, open your mouth slightly, place your wide tongue on your lower lip, then lift it to your upper lip, hide the “cup” in your mouth. Then relax, placing your tongue at the bottom of your mouth.

2. D/u “Magic spell”.

You and I found ourselves in front of the castle gates. But these doors are not simple, but magical. To open them, you need to cast a spell. Listen and repeat after me:

  • sha - sho - sha ash - ash - osh she - sha - she
  • shi - shi - shu ush - ysh - ush sho - she - sha
  • sho - sha - sho osh - ash - osh ush - ush - sha
  • sha – shi – sho ush – ish – osh ish – ash – ish

3. D/u “Balloon”.

But for some reason the gates don’t open. Then we'll fly over them in a hot air balloon. But first, let's fool him.

We quickly inflate the balloon, fingers of both hands in a pinch
It becomes large, the tips touch.
Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out, in this position, blow on them,
He became thin and thin. the fingers take the shape of a ball.
The air comes out, the fingers return to their original position.
Sho-sho-sho-it’s good for us to fly.

When pronouncing the sound [sh], our lips are rounded and stretched forward, but the air has a barrier in the form of a tongue. The air breaks through the gap and makes a noise: “sh-sh-sh.”

Remember: the sound [w] is a consonant, because it cannot be sung or drawn out; deaf because the throat does not tremble when pronouncing it; always hard, therefore indicated by a blue circle.

4. D/i “Gifts for the Princess”.

So we found ourselves in the castle. The Princess meets us. But it is customary to come to visit with gifts. Let's choose gifts.

Look at the pictures: bear, waffles, balls, puppy, chocolate, cookies, scarf, candy, pencil, mouse, cheesecake, car, frog, dog, pillow, scooter.

Select only those whose names contain the sound [ш].

What did you choose? (bear, balls, chocolate, scarf, pencil, mouse, cheesecake, car, frog, pillow)

Now, among these objects, name only those whose names have the sound [w] at the beginning of the word (balls, chocolate, scarf).

5. D/u “New words”.

The princess of jokes is happy about your gifts and invites you to joke with her. Replace the first sound in a word with [sh] and you get a new word:

  • cup – checker gift – ball magician – step
  • mouse - bump soap - awl sorry - shawl
  • Garik - ball stomp - whisper juice - shock
  • lips - fur coats slippers - hats porridge - checker

6. D/u “Harvest”.

The Princess of Jokes has a magical garden in which trees grow. An unusual harvest has long ripened on the trees. Help harvest the three baskets. Collect items with one syllable in the first basket, items with two syllables in the second basket, and items with three syllables in the third basket.

Pictures: fur coat, jester, checkers, car, mouse, hat, reel, ball, cannon, frog, scarf, chess, tire, mascara, hat, rosehip.

8. Physical exercise.

We worked in the garden, we’re tired, let’s rest.
Listen, fabulous people, we are going to a gathering.
Hurry up and stand in a circle
And start charging.
Stretch, stretch!
Hurry, hurry, wake up!
Slap, slap on the knees,
Now give me a pat on the shoulders!
Slap yourself on the sides
We can clap behind our backs
We clap in front of ourselves.
We can go right, we can go left,
And fold our hands crosswise.

9. Finger gymnastics.

One, two, three, four, five - Clap your hands.
Let's bend our fingers.
Here's the thumb, here's the index finger, alternate bending
Be careful now! fingers
We'll bend the middle one now,
Let's call the nameless one.
And little finger - well done
Finally down!
The result was fists,
The hammers started pounding:
Knock-Knock! Tapping fist on fist.
Listen to your knock!

10. Introducing the letter Sh.

a) showing the letter.

Look, there is a coat of arms painted on the Princess's castle - a sign that the palace belongs to her. This coat of arms is the letter Sh.

Look at the letter Ш -
The letter is very good
Shura raked the hay,
I forgot my pitchfork in the hay.

The sound [ш] in writing is indicated by the letter Ш.

Lay out the letter Ш from sticks. How many elements are there in writing a letter?

What does the letter Sh look like? Transform a letter into any object by adding missing parts.

b) work in notebooks:

Printing the letters Ш Ш;
- typing words under dictation: porridge, gun, cat, bear;
- sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words: ears, cone (familiarity with the rule of writing “shi”).

11. D/u “Bridge from the Castle”.

It’s time for us to return, and for this we will build a bridge from the Princess’s castle to the kindergarten. “Make friends” the words, assemble them into a sentence:

Wardrobe, hang, in, Misha, fur coat. - Misha is hanging his fur coat in the closet.
Alyosha, car, grandfather, buy.
Couch, on, rest, grandpa.
Masha, porridge, eat.
B, write, Masha, school, letters.
Alyosha, give, teddy bear.
Pants, Masha, Misha, sew.
Yasha, bump, carry, car, on.

III. Result:

Where have we been today?

What sound and letter did you become familiar with?

Ovchinnikova T.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Ш, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Ш, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Ш in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Balls Bumblebee Cones Chess

The water was turned off in Brother-in-law's house. Shura opens the tap - there is no water, only the air hisses: shhhh...

  1. How does the air hiss in the tap?
  2. What was the girl's name?
  3. What is the first sound in the word SHURA?
  4. What sound is there in the word HAT, and in the word MOUSE, and in the word SHOWER?
  5. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word, is the [w] sound in the word HAT? - SHOWER? - MOUSE? - FUR COAT? - CAT?

When we pronounce the sound [w], the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost clenched, there is only a narrow gap between them. Say: Shhh. Both the tongue and teeth prevent air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [w].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [sh]?
  • Is this sound voiced or dull?
  • Why?
  • What other consonant sounds do you know?

Assignment: printed letter Ш for preschoolers

Examine the letter Ш. Sew the letter Ш in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

If we grow on spruce,
We are here, we are in business.
And on the foreheads of the children
Nobody needs... (bumps).

I sewed a shirt for a bear.
I'll sew him... (pants).

Today everyone is rejoicing!
In the hands of a child
They dance for joy

The bear hears out of the corner of his ear,
Like a fly buzzing over your ear.
The bear grabs a fly with its paw!
You can't even hear a fly!
But the bear cannot understand,
Why is there... (bump) above the ear?

Tale about the letter Sh

How Mouse was naughty

Mouse Mouse was a terrible naughty boy. For example, his dad is going to hunt somewhere. He fumbles and fumbles through all the closets: looking for his slippers, pants, scarf and hat, but they are nowhere to be found.

Mouse! Where is my stuff?! - Dad asks menacingly.
- I ate them... Accidentally...
- How did you eat it? Oh, you naughty man!
- Why are you making noise? - Mom stands up.
- He was joking.
- Did you also eat your hat last year as a joke?!

Or the Mouse will climb behind the screen and rustle there: shur-shur-shur...

Cat!!! - Mom squeals, and she and Dad scurry under the closet.

Or he will tie a twine to a hose and pull it across the room.

Snake... - Dad whispers and, together with Mom, faints.
“This is not life, but a nightmare!” Dad is indignant.
- We didn’t play around like that in our time.

Riddles for children starting with the letter Sh

Our auntie needle
She drew a line across the field.
Line by line
Line by line.
There will be a dress for your daughter.
(Sewing machine)

I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Sh

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
Know more and say less.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
There are toys for the cat and tears for the mouse.
The mouse and the cat are a beast.
Murder will out.
If you don’t see, go up the mountain; if you don’t understand, ask the elder.
If you were mistaken that you hurt yourself, then science goes ahead.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
The sooner you start, the sooner you will be in time.

Funny poems about the letter Sh for children

What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh?
This cone flopped, rustling.
A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge.
Insects rustle in the rose hips.
What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh?
Noise and rustling near the hut.
(M. Yasnov)

The mongrel barks very loudly.
The mongrel knows very firmly:
The one who says “woof” louder
He will always be right!
(B. Zakhoder)

Air balloon,
He ran away with the wind,
And where to?
And he didn't say it.
(F. Bobylev)

The rolled ball lay
So that he doesn't run out the window.
And now I’ll fool him,
I'll go outside with him.
(G. Satir)

I was walking through the forest and was afraid...
I came across someone's scarf.
Immediately the forest became less scary.
- Hey, who lost the scarf?
(G. Vieru)

I sewed a fur coat -
I sewed a skirt
I sewed a hat -
I sewed a slipper!
Natasha is a good seamstress!
(E. Blaginina)

Bumblebee sells balloons.
The balls are so naughty!
The balls rustle and burst into the sky,
And the silk threads are torn.
(G. Satir)

The bumblebee darted and rustled in the sage,
The bumblebee made a terrible noise.
How many things has he done?
Even woke up the hornet.
(A. Pudval)

The sword swallower wasn't joking
He fearlessly swallowed five swords.
Hey, naughty people! Increase your pace!
Bring me the sixth sword.
(V. Berestov)

Autumn bushes rustle.
The leaves rustle on the tree.
The reeds rustle.
And the rain rustles.
And the mouse, rustling,
He hurries to the hole.
And there they rustle quietly
Six smart little mice.
But everyone around is outraged:
- How the naughty people rustled!
(A. Usachev)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.


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