Chinese acupressure - active acupuncture points on the human body. Acupuncture massage: what is it, video, technique

Acupuncture or acupressure– massage, which is carried out by applying fingers or a brush to vital points, performing the functions of both prevention and healing of the body.

A unique method of healing and treatment based on the use of internal energy human body, is reflected in acupressure. The origins of acupuncture massage are in the East. Eastern theory says that internal energy must be in balance; fluctuations in one direction or the other lead to malfunctions in the body, that is, to diseases.

Energy of life - qi

Eastern doctors claim that the world exists thanks to internal energy. Man is a particle of the universe, and lives thanks to the energy of qi, which fills all cells and all organs. The means of transporting blood are vessels; qi energy moves along meridians that cannot be seen, they must be felt. The disease occurs when the movement of internal energy fails, when so-called blocks arise. By applying pressure or acupuncture, the meridian is unblocked and the free flow of qi energy is restored. The disease goes away. Knowing the human body perfectly allows you to manage it, treat it and stop the aging process.

Indications for the use of acupuncture massage

  • atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative - vascular dystonia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • impotence;
  • allergies;
  • asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • hemorrhoids

and many other diseases.

Benefits of Acupuncture Massage

The uniqueness of acupressure is that with regular professional conduct treatment sessions, you can completely restore the diseased organ without drugs. Acupuncture can tone or relax the body.

The advantage of this unique method is:

individual approach for every disease.

Basic techniques of acupuncture massage

To conduct a massage session, you must master the basic techniques classic massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading. Acupuncture massage can be carried out either by a specialist in case of illness, or independently for prevention; in this case, it is recommended to consult with a specialist about choosing and finding points of influence.

According to the qi system, there are 365 most important points on the surface of the human body. The vital points are not necessarily located near the diseased organ, so the heart can be influenced through the foot or hand. Right side is responsible for pain in the left, and vice versa. Impact on an incorrectly found point can lead to complications.

Knowing the area where the point is located, it is not difficult to detect it; it is in this place that the sharp pain and aches.

When performing techniques with your fingers or the entire hand (the supporting surface of the palm or the knuckles), it is important to regulate the intensity of the impact. You should start with a gentle impact, increasing the pressure towards the middle of the session and decreasing at the end. The main thing to remember is that acupuncture will not cause bruises only with good warming and rubbing.

The duration of the session starts from 5-10 minutes, but does not exceed 30 minutes. Course – 1-3 weeks.

Be careful - main contraindications

Contraindications to the use of acupuncture massage

  • oncology;
  • acute infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • open fracture;
  • severe fatigue
  • purulent arthritis;
  • severe heart disease.

Women are prohibited from receiving acupuncture massage during menstruation, and the elderly and children under 1 year of age are also prohibited.

You cannot perform massage sessions on an empty stomach or while intoxicated.

Facial acupuncture

There are points on the surface of the face and head, the impact of which can bring relief very quickly. Acupuncture of facial points is available to everyone, at any time of the day. A 5-10 minute morning massage will transform your facial expression and charge you with energy for the whole day. It is difficult to make a mistake with the choice of facial points, because pain is felt in the center of the point.

  1. The crown, which is so cared for in babies, is still playing important role. In the recess of the parietal region there is a point of “thousand meetings”. Acupuncture massage of this point for 2-3 minutes will relieve insomnia, headaches and neurosis.
  2. Massage every morning inner corners the eye will restore vision, these are points of “clear light”.
  3. By pressing the points at the beginning of the eyebrows, which are above the “clear color” points, you can quickly stop dizziness and pain in the frontal part of the face.
  4. At the end of the eyebrows, a little higher, at the level outer corners In the eyes there are points of “strands of bamboo”, which are responsible for vision.
  5. Between the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead, there is a point that is often rubbed for headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Sometimes this is done instinctively, the body itself comes to the rescue.
  6. Migraine pain eases if you apply rhythmic pressure for several minutes at points located at a distance of 0.7-1 cm from the outer corners of the eye.
  7. The temporal cavity is rich in the “sun” point, massage of which relieves headaches.
  8. Eye tics and maxillary pain go away faster when you massage the points located below the eyes under the pupils, at the level of the beginning of the wings of the nose.
  9. “The middle of a person” is a point located under the nose, in the hole above upper lip, will become a salvation in case of fainting, shock, or hysterical state of a person.
  10. In the middle of the face, just below lower lip there is a point responsible for anti-stress.
  11. After applying the treatment to the points of the face, the massaged area should be stroked and gently patted. Facial massage is done with maximum relaxation.

Foot acupuncture

If the points can relieve headaches and relieve stressful emotions, then the human foot is simply a treasure trove for massage. Knowing certain points, you can relieve tension not only from the spine, but from specific internal organs.

The points of the spine are located on inside stop, from the end thumb, to the beginning of the heel. By carefully diagnosing the surface of the feet, you can feel painful nodules, which are problem areas on the vertebra. This is a kind of blocking of the vertebra; foot acupuncture will relieve tension from the entire spine.

Having looked at the map reflex zones wait, you can find all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, eyes, throat and ears. In this case, the effect on the organs does not occur directly, but upon release nerve endings, which acts softer and more efficiently. A variation of acupuncture foot massage would be walking barefoot on pebbles or large pebbles.

At self-massage stop, your feet should be washed warm water and grease with cream or oil. Rubbing and kneading should be done from the heel to the toes and back, then you should massage each finger, carefully working out every fold, every dent. A massage session for each foot lasts 5-7 minutes; after the massage, you should stroke the foot and put on a warm sock to retain heat. When performing the procedure daily or every other day for 20-25 sessions, internal energy is released from blocks, and the body is renewed again.

Acupuncture gives you slimness

The desire to get rid of extra pounds makes people swallow pills, go on diets, and starve themselves. Acupuncture massage can get rid of 3-5 kilograms per month, if performed regularly.

  1. The main position (OP) is sitting, legs bent at the knees. The point is located in the outer fossa of the knee. This is the only point that can be massaged daily for 15-20 minutes. The result is minus 0.4 kg weekly. The remaining points are massaged for 2-3 minutes.
  2. OP doesn't matter. The point is located 3 mm from the outer edge of the thumbnail.
  3. OP - sitting. Interior shin, from the protruding bone at a distance of 15-18 cm. Symmetrical.
  4. Op - sitting. By moving the little toe of the foot, the desired point is located in the hole at the base. Symmetrical. Both are massaged at the same time.
  5. OP – sitting. The head is tilted forward. The point is located between the 6-7 cervical vertebrae.
  6. The main point, maybe the only one, is located under the navel at a distance of 7-9 cm. Acupuncture of this point reduces appetite.

Massage for weight loss can be done once a day, on an empty stomach.

Acupuncture face lifting - Chinese acupressure

Acupuncture and Chinese acupressure are ancient oriental methods of healing and preserving youth and beauty. In China, these techniques have been used for centuries, but in the Western world they became popular only a few decades ago, largely thanks to real effect skin tightening. Acupressure of the face helps not only improve its oval, but also soften scar lines, remove stretch marks, age spots, swelling, acne. While acupuncture affects the body in a literal and literal sense even deeper, improving the functioning of the whole organism even more intensively.

Benefits of acupuncture face lift

Traditional acupuncture face lifting is based on the pinpoint impact of thin needles installed at biological active points energy meridians. Acupuncture massage is subject exclusively to the hands of a sensitive researcher of this technology, because determining the location of the needles is a very delicate and fine work. Therefore, only a specialist with the necessary medical qualifications and an appropriate certificate can perform acupuncture. Acupuncture lifting activates natural processes skin rejuvenation. This is its main advantage. Among the advantages of the technique are also:

  • wide age range (from 25 to 75 years);
  • does not require preliminary preparation;
  • there is no need for pain relief or other medications;
  • suitable for all skin types;
  • no visible marks remain after acupuncture;
  • there is no rehabilitation period after the procedures;
  • in addition to lifting, you get a general healing effect;
  • goes well with other cosmetic procedures;
  • The result of this facial skin tightening is noticeable after just a few procedures.

The uniqueness of acupuncture lies in the fact that when the tissue is physically punctured, the patient does not experience a sharp response from the nerve endings. On the contrary, the procedure is painless, and the nervous system relaxes, muscle tension goes away, and stressful conditions. Sipping acupuncture face lifting is pleasant in every way, especially since it traditionally takes place in a relaxing environment, combined with aromatherapy and meditative melodies.

Key points on the face for acupuncture and manual Chinese massage

Ancients Chinese atlases contain comprehensive knowledge about which of the hundreds of biologically active points of the face are mini-projections to the internal organs. We are in general outline We will introduce you to these correspondences so that during the procedures you understand what healing changes Chinese acupressure and acupuncture facelift create on your face and the entire body:

  1. The central part of the chin (the complexion becomes healthier, metabolism accelerates, and regenerative processes in the skin cells and internal organs, a light and energetic mood appears).
  2. Areas that visually continue the line of the corners of the lips (after a series of procedures nasolabial triangle less pronounced).
  3. Areas near the wings of the nose (nasolabial folds become less deep, chronic fatigue goes away, toxins are eliminated and intestinal function improves).
  4. The bridge of the nose and sunken points above the inner corners of the eyes (swelling, “bags”, bruises under the eyes disappear, accelerate metabolic processes, kidney function improves; manifestations of colds, including runny nose and conjunctivitis, disappear).
  5. Areas above the brow ridges (the eyelids are tightened even with manual stimulation, while acupuncture face lifting practically eliminates age-related wrinkles from the forehead; swelling of the eyelids also quickly disappears, and an influx of energy is felt).

These are the main points with which specialists work, and knowledge general map their locations are just the basics. Acupuncture lifting is performed for each person at different depths inserting needles and finding impact points on each face is a separate skill. Below we will look at how Chinese acupressure and acupuncture procedures for face lifting occur.

Performing Chinese acupressure massage

Acupressure has many varieties, but general essence is not only to restore the face to its youth and beauty, but also to complex impact to organs through biological points and improvement of metabolic processes. Almost every Chinese acupressure technique combines plastic, lymphatic drainage, osteopathic and reflexology effects.

First, the patient takes a comfortable position. On preparatory stage the skin is cleansed and warmed up. Chinese facial massage is performed with three fingers - thumb, index and middle. During the process, the master smoothly, without stretching the skin, acts on active points. You feel general calm and relax. Within half an hour of the procedure, a state of pleasant inner silence is achieved. Full course includes 10-15 procedures that need to be done every other day. In the process, the skin of the face is tightened, its color improves, scars and stretch marks become less pronounced, and the body regains its pleasant tone and lightness.

An interesting variety of Chinese point technique– facial massage using a Guasha scraper. This oldest method, which was used by Chinese empresses, who stood out for their porcelain smoothness and beauty of skin at any age.

Acupuncture face lifting technique

Initially, the face must be cleaned of cosmetics, street dust and treated antiseptic solution. Acupuncture face lifting involves maximum comfort, so it is done in comfortable position lying down. The cervical vertebrae and muscles are supported by an anatomical pad, and the hair is covered.

The doctor delicately identifies important points and carefully, without haste, inserts needles into these places. The angle of insertion is initially straight, but at the required depth the needle turns slightly under the skin - for the patient this technique is almost imperceptible and is perceived painlessly, like a tiny wave of current.

One session of acupuncture face lifting lasts 5-20 minutes, during which there is no pain - only sensation complete relaxation, peace of mind and harmony. The master removes the needles in the order in which they were inserted, also very carefully - at first he pulls slowly, then easily snatches them from the surface layer of the skin. In this case, there are never any bruises, there is almost no blood, and the tiny channels through which the needles were inserted completely heal in about two days.

In the first days, while the channels are being tightened, it is necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature and prolonged exposure to direct rays of the sun; it is important to avoid excessive physical activity. You should also forget about cosmetics, massage and hardware procedures for a short time.

Sessions are performed once or twice a week. The full course consists of 10-15 procedures, during which you should not even think about introducing fillers or Botox, it will be a waste of time and money. So you will simply experience experimentally how much your metabolism accelerates after acupuncture face lifting, because these foreign substances will be eliminated from the body amazingly quickly.

Acupuncture face lifting and acupressure Chinese massage- This unique techniques, timelessly proven to be effective. The Chinese approach to beauty and health is very simple and sophisticated at the same time: the beauty and health of the body corresponds to the beauty and health of the soul. Using ancient techniques of acupuncture and manual point impact, you feel not the “salon quality” of rejuvenation procedures, but their deepest subtext - you become younger in face, stronger, more harmonious in body and spirit.

Telephone for consultations on acupuncture face lifting and Chinese acupressure

8 911 276 68 06 - consultations and treatment are carried out the best specialists Henan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Pulse diagnostics and consultation are now FREE with us! (if it happens on the same day as the session)

Main acupuncture points

There are biologically active points on the human face, which are also projections of internal organs. They are actively used by traditional Chinese medicine. Their relationship and effective combination are quite complex among themselves. Therefore, here, for informational purposes, we will talk about the location of only the most important of them:

On the sides of the wings of the nose. Helps reduce the depth of nasolabial folds, stimulates intestinal activity, relieves general fatigue, and accelerates detoxification of the body.

Shang-ying-xiang (EX-HN8)

Topography Shang-ying-xiang (EX-HN8):

At the intersection of the cartilage of the nasal wing and the nasal concha, at the upper edge of the nasolabial groove.


The injection is inclined, upward, the depth of needle insertion is 0.3-0.5 cun, thermopuncture is applicable.

Above the middle of the eyebrows (two fingers higher brow ridge). Even their regular stimulation with fingers (acupressure) gives an excellent lifting effect to the forehead and lifts upper eyelids. Quickly relieves morning puffiness, makes the look more open, and gives energy.

Yang-bai (GB-14) (陽白, yáng-bái - yang clarity) - additional signal

Topography: 1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow; projected onto the frontal belly of the supracranial muscle; here pass the branches of the supraorbital artery and vein, the endings of the lateral branch of the supraorbital nerve from the system trigeminal nerve.
Technique: the injection is almost horizontal, upward, the depth of needle insertion is 5 - 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is limited (distant exposure up to 5 minutes).
Indications: headache, dizziness, night blindness and others eye diseases, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis and contracture of facial muscles, sleep disturbance.

Center of the chin . Responsible for general condition body. Exposure to it accelerates metabolic processes and cell regeneration, improves mood, and improves complexion.

  1. (CV.24) Cheng-jiang (承漿, chéng-jiāng - saliva receiver)

Topography: in the center of the chin-labial groove; projected onto bottom part orbicularis oris muscle innervated facial nerve; the inferior furnace artery, a branch, passes here facial artery, inferior labial vein, mental nerve (from the third branch of the trigeminal nerve).

Technique: direct or oblique injection, needle insertion depth 5 - 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is limited (distant exposure up to 5 minutes).

Mouth area. 1.5 cm higher at an angle of 45 from the corners of the lips. Very important points that help smooth out the nasolabial triangle, which for many is a problem area that reveals true age.

Di-cang (ST-4) (地倉, dì-cāng - earthly storehouse)

Topography: at the intersection of a vertical line passing through the pupil with a horizontal line drawn at the level of the corner of the mouth, approximately 1 cm outward from it; projected onto the orbicularis oris muscle, buccal muscle; here pass the branches of the facial artery and vein, the buccal artery and vein, the infraorbital nerve, the buccal nerve belonging to the trigeminal nerve system, and the buccal branch of the facial nerve.

bridge of the nose. The hollows are just above the inner corners of the eyes. Their stimulation allows you to get rid of bruises, bags and puffiness under the eyes, improves kidney function, relieves conjunctivitis and even stops a runny nose.

Qing-ming (UB-1) (睛明, jīng-míng - eye shine)

Topography: in the depression inward and slightly upward from the inner corner of the eye (about 0.3 cm); projected onto the medial ligament of the eyelid; here pass the angular artery, which departs from the facial artery, the angular vein, the subtrochlear, supratrochlear and nasociliary nerves (branches optic nerve from the trigeminal nerve system).
Technique: Lightly pressing the inner corner of the eye with a fingertip, a direct injection is performed, the depth of needle insertion is 3 - 5 mm, thermopuncture is contraindicated.

Naturally, these are only the most important areas, and even then they are named very roughly. The exact location of the points and the depth of insertion of needles into them is determined individually by a qualified specialist.

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If the West has always brought new solutions and achievements to the world, then the East was, is and will be the keeper of ancient knowledge and real wisdom, which today it shares with the whole world. One of the real treasures of ancient knowledge and skills is massage. There are many types of massage, but one of the most effective is acupressure. Acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu, pressing - all these are names for one procedure that can restore health, improve the functioning of internal organs, restore harmony to our mind and energy to our body.
Acupressure appeared a long time ago, on the territory of modern China. And it is based on the doctrine that, in human body There are many channels, or meridians, through which the energy “Qi” flows. It is this energy that nourishes all internal organs, and various diseases arise just when energy stagnates in one of the channels - circulation is disrupted, and the organ that receives less energy begins to work worse, and a disease occurs. These channels and the movement of “Qi” energy can be influenced through certain points on the human body that connect the meridians. There are many such points, more than one and a half thousand, but in practice no more than 150 are used.
Chinese acupressure massage is performed to treat many diseases. So, they do acupressure for headaches, diseases of internal organs, colds. There is acupressure for a runny nose and illnesses hormonal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Acupressure helps to cure diseases faster reproductive system, both in women and men. Acupressure massage is widely used for weight loss - unlike anti-cellulite massage, it does not break down fat, but affects digestion, the functioning of internal organs and systems in such a way that metabolism is normalized, appetite is reduced, and, as a result, patients lose weight - as much as possible naturally. And, of course, acupressure is an excellent way to relieve nervous tension, fatigue, anxiety. Many beauty salons offer acupressure facial massage - this is an excellent remedy for rejuvenation, getting rid of wrinkles and other skin imperfections. A properly performed massage returns beauty and youth to the face - and this without the use of any drugs, without injections, physiotherapy, and so on.
But this type of massage, like any other procedure, has contraindications. These are various neoplasms, both benign and malignant, fever, active form tuberculosis, severe exhaustion, stomach ulcer and duodenum, blood diseases, severe damage to internal organs and severe upset their functions, mental illness accompanied by strong arousal, pregnancy. Acupressure is contraindicated for children under one year of age. Also, massage should not be performed on older people.
Learning acupressure is not so difficult - today there are many manuals and courses. At the same time, many manuals are freely available - on the Internet you can easily find acupressure in pictures, video lessons, books, and so on. But if you want to learn how to do acupressure - feet, palms, other parts of the body, you need to attend massage courses. In such courses, acupressure, points, techniques and techniques are studied not only theoretically, but also in practice, under the guidance of experienced teachers. During the courses, you will also be provided with manuals that will allow you to study acupressure massage in more depth - videos, books, brochures.

Acupressure is based on strict theoretical basis, which is quite difficult to understand and especially apply in life to an unprepared person. For this reason, specialists in this field have developed so-called “recipes” used for certain conditions of the human body. "Recipes" are ready-made sets of points for massage. The patient’s task is only to regularly massage the proposed points, without delving into the theory of meridians and the rules for the flow of “chi” energy through human organs and systems.

On this page you will find options for using Chinese acupressure (acupuncture) that can be used at home.

From the proposed points, select 3 - 5 and massage them regularly in the described mode; there is no need to act on all the proposed points every day.

Revitalizing acupuncture massage

Daily acupressure will prevent weakening protective forces the body, will reduce the tendency to infectious diseases, increase efficiency and quality of life. The method of acupressure in this case is tonic, the technique is deep pressure for 0.5 - 1 minute on each point. The points can be massaged daily in the morning after exercise or in the evening.

To find the points, they use a length measure called “tsunami”, the value of which is strictly individual and is defined as the distance between the folds of the extremely bent middle finger of a man on the left hand, and of a woman on the right, or the size of the diameter of the thumb.

Point 1 (zu-san-li) -“longevity point”, or “curing point for one hundred diseases” - symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below the patella (with the leg extended) and 1 cun outward from the front edge tibia. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting position with legs extended.

Point 2 (gao-huang) -“the point of preventing one hundred diseases” is symmetrical, located 3 cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the IV and V thoracic vertebrae. It is convenient to count the vertebrae from VII cervical vertebra, the spinous process of which protrudes more than others when the head is tilted forward. Another person should massage on the right and left at the same time. Your position: lying on your stomach or sitting, slightly leaning forward.

Point 3 (san-yin-jiao) -“The meeting point of the three YINs” is symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the inner ankle. Massage similarly to point 1.

Point 4 (xuan-zhong) -“the point at the hanging bell” is symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun above the outer ankle. Massage similarly to point 1.

Point 5 (da-doo) -"dot y" big city" - symmetrical, located on the border of the dorsum and plantar surface of the foot between 1 metatarsal bone and the main phalanx of the thumb. Massage similarly to point 1.

Acupuncture massage for increased fatigue (asthenic syndrome)

Increased or chronic fatigue is a feeling familiar to the majority of the modern population of cities and villages. In such a situation, it is imperative to adjust your sleep and rest patterns, take care light gymnastics on fresh air, try to stimulate positive emotions in yourself.

Acupressure will help solve the problem chronic fatigue. The impact on the points is made tonic method, using deep pressure for 0.5 - 1 minute.

Point 1 (fu-si) -“the point at the superficial valley” is symmetrical, located 1 cun above the popliteal fold at the inner edge of the biceps femoris muscle. Massage simultaneously on both sides in a sitting position with bent legs.

Point 2 (zhao-hai) -“The point at the large glass” is symmetrical, located on the foot under the inner ankle at the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the skin of the foot. Massage simultaneously on both sides in a sitting position with legs bent at the knees.

Point 3 (xing jian) -“the point of sufficient “gap” is symmetrical, located on the back of the foot between the heads of the I and II metatarsal bones in the maximum gap between the bones. Massage in the same way as point 2.

Point 4 (qu-quan) -"the point where the source bends" - symmetrical, located in the region knee joint at the inner end of the popliteal fold at the level of the center of the patella. Massage simultaneously on both sides, similar to point 1.

Point 5 (le-que) -“the point missing in the row” - symmetrical, located on the forearm 1.5 cun above the middle fold of the wrist in the depression behind the styloid process radius. Massage alternately on the right and left in a sitting position, with the hand resting on the table.

Point 6 (he-gu) -“a point in a valley closed on all sides” - symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the I and II metacarpal bones, closer to the II metacarpal bone. Massage while sitting alternately on the right and left, with the hand resting on the table.

Point 7 (qu chi) -"point at the winding pond" - symmetrical, located in the area elbow joint at the end of the fold, formed when the arm is bent at the elbow, on the side of the thumb. Massage alternately on the right and left in a sitting position, with the half-bent arm lying on the table, palm down.

Acupuncture massage for sleep disorders

Sleep disturbance is not independent disease, but a symptom of various disorders of the body. Therefore, the fight for good sleep should begin not with pills, but with the normalization of life and reasonable combination mental and physical labor.

In all these cases, acupressure may be helpful. The impact on the points is carried out using a calming method using light stroking in a slow rhythm or light pressure for 3 - 5 minutes.

Point 1 (yin-tang) -

Point 2 (tai chun) -“high point of the foot” - symmetrical, located on the back of the foot at the narrowest point of the gap between I and II metatarsal bones. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting or lying position with legs bent at the knees.

Point 3 (li-dui) - The “point of strict modification” is symmetrical, located at 3 mm. outward from the angle of the nail bed of the second toe. Another person should massage on the right and left at the same time. Your position is lying on your back.

Point 4 (zhao-hai) -“The point at the large glass” is symmetrical, located on the foot under the inner ankle, on the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the skin of the foot. Massage simultaneously on the right and left while lying down with bent knees or sitting.

Point 5 (gong-sun) -“The prince’s grandson’s point” is symmetrical, located on the foot at the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the skin of the foot under the first metatarsal bone. Massage simultaneously on the right and left, similar to point 4.

Point 6 (Shen-Mai) -“The point at the stretch vessel” is symmetrical, located on the foot in the depression under the outer malleolus at the border of the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the skin of the foot. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting or lying position with bent knees.

Point 7 (ju-wei) -“the point at the pigeon’s tail” is asymmetrical, located on the stomach on the anterior midline 1.5 centimeters below the xiphoid process of the sternum. Massage while lying on your back, relaxed.

Point 8 (Shen Man) - " point at the divine gate" - symmetrical, located on the front surface of the wrist in the recess between the tendons on the middle fold. Massage alternately on the right and left in a sitting position, the hand lies on the table, palm up.

Point 9 (qu-quan) -“the point where the source bends” is symmetrical, located in the area of ​​the knee joint at the inner end of the popliteal fold at the level of the center of the patella. Massage on both sides at the same time.

Acupressure for insomnia is performed only in the evening. If possible, the massage can be performed by another person. It is absolutely not necessary to use all the specified points. It is necessary to select several points or maybe even one, the massage of which will lead to a healthy, restful sleep.

If you are tormented by bad things during sleep, heavy dreams try to fix this by massaging these points.

Point 1 (yin-tang) -“point on the forehead line” - asymmetrical, located in the middle of the line connecting the inner ends of the eyebrows. Massage while lying on your back or sitting with your head tilted forward.

Point 2 (Shen Zhu) -“the point at the body column” is asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the III and IV thoracic vertebrae. Another person must massage. Your position: lying on your stomach with a small pillow placed under your stomach.

When overworked and nervous depression interferes normal sleep various thoughts that are spinning in your head. To solve this problem, you need to regularly massage the following points. Massage is performed calming using a light touch and pressure method for 3 to 5 minutes.

Point 1 (hou-din) -“the point at the posterior hill of the head” - asymmetrical, located on the head, on the posterior midline 5.5 cun higher posterior border scalp. Massage in a sitting position, tilting your head forward.

Point 2 (qi-hai) -“sea of ​​energy” - asymmetrical is located on the stomach on the anterior midline 1.5 cun below the navel. Massage while lying down and relaxed.

Point 6 (Shen-Mai) -“The point at the stretch vessel” is symmetrical, located on the foot in the depression under the outer malleolus at the border of the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the skin of the foot. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting or lying position with bent knees.

Acupuncture massage for headaches

The headache may be various reasons, so it always makes sense to consult a doctor. With regular use, acupressure can serve as a good preventive measure for persistent headaches. In this case, acupressure is performed calming method by stroking the point for 3 - 5 minutes. Symmetrical points massaged at the same time. During the massage, the person should sit relaxed.

Point 1 (kunlun) -“The point at Kunlun Mountain” is symmetrical, located on the foot in the depression between the heel tendon and the outer ankle at the level of its center. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting position, bending your knees.

Point 2 (zhi-yin) -“YIN achievement point” is symmetrical, located 3 millimeters outward from the corner of the nail bed of the little toe. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting position, bending your knees.

Point 3 (xuan-li) -“the point at the freely hanging balance” is symmetrical, located at the intersection of a horizontal straight line drawn along the upper edge of the ear and a line 1.5 centimeters posterior to the border of the scalp. Massage simultaneously on the right and left. There is a white dot in the photo.

Point 4 (tai-yang) -"sun point" - symmetrical, located in temporal fossa near the border of the scalp. Massage simultaneously on the right and left.

Point 5 (feng chi) -“the point at the air container” is symmetrical, located in the center of the occipital cavity at the site of attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Massage simultaneously on the right and left. There is a white dot in the photo.

Point 6 (qing-ming) -“eye shine point” is symmetrical, located 2 - 3 millimeters towards the nose from the inner corner of the eye. Massage while sitting with a large or index finger, simultaneously on both sides, while a slight rotational movement should be directed under the brow ridges.

The following points are affected tonic method using deep pressure for 0.5 - 1 minute.

Point 1 (he-gu) -“a point in a valley closed on all sides” - symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the I and II metacarpal bones, closer to the II metacarpal bone. Massage while sitting alternately on the right and left, with the hand resting on the table. Point 2 (le-que) -“the point missing in the row” is symmetrical, located on the forearm 1.5 cun above the middle fold of the wrist, in the depression at the styloid process of the radius. Massage alternately on the right and left, placing your hand on the table.

Point 3 (zu-san-li) -“longevity point” is symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below the lower edge of the patella and 1 cun outward from the anterior edge of the tibia. Massage simultaneously on the right and left in a sitting position with legs extended.

Point 4 (ching-men) -“The point at the golden gate” is symmetrical, located on the stomach in front of the free edge of the XII rib. Massage simultaneously on the right and left while sitting.

Point 5 (Shen Shu) -“point of agreement of the kidneys” is symmetrical, located 1.5 cun away from the posterior midline at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the II and III lumbar vertebrae. Another person should massage on the right and left at the same time. Your position is lying on your stomach with a pillow placed under your stomach.

Additional articles with useful information
Therapeutic exercise spine

All experts agree that the source of back pain is pinched nerve roots spinal cord due to wear and tear of the intervertebral discs.

Headache. Answers to questions

1. Does migraine cause any additional disease? There is no data that frequent attacks Migraines cause some kind of permanent brain damage.

According to the teachings of Qi energy, our internal energy can heal us if it is properly revealed and directed. There are entire techniques for balancing internal energy so that it does not harm, but, on the contrary, improves our condition. The technique originates in China, where Chinese acupuncture massage is practiced using fingers or needles. At home, you can repeat this procedure using mats on which there are thorns - needles that have a similar effect on the body.

Acupuncture facial massage:
There are a lot of points on the face that can change your condition, improve your mood and even change your facial expression. In the morning, you can independently massage acupuncture points, stimulating the proper production of internal energy and at the same time carrying out treatment and prevention of diseases:

    Massage of the crown: in the depression there is a point, when stimulated, insomnia disappears and headaches disappear;

    Massaging the corners of the eyes near the nose improves vision;

    Pressing on the points at the beginning of the eyebrows: removes frontal pain and dizziness;

    Massage of the temples eliminates migraines;

    Massaging the point under the lower lip reduces stress.

More detailed methods on facial massage can be read in numerous treatises about oriental medicine and acupuncture massage.

Acupuncture body massage:
Stimulating points on the body not only relieves stress, but also relieves pain and even reduces weight. If you purchase a special mat, you can massage at home, improving posture and blood circulation, which helps eliminate congestion in the blood, gives you strength and fills you with energy from the inside. It is recommended to exercise on the mat for 3 to 10 minutes, then the time can be increased, depending on the adaptation of the skin and your body as a whole. Lying on the pins and needles of such a coating is very useful and is recommended by various specialists.

Acupuncture foot massage:
Stimulating various points on the legs can relieve joint pain, knee pain, swelling and fatigue. The main purpose of foot massage is acupuncture foot massage. There are the most points on the foot that not only relieve stress, but also heal headache, diseases gastrointestinal tract, hearts, vision problems and much more. Acupuncture foot massage can be performed using acupuncture, using gentle and proper massage hands, and also with the help of a mat. If you walk on the mat for 2-5 minutes during the first procedures, almost all points will be stimulated, after which you will feel a surge of strength and relief in the spine.

To heal your body, renew it and give it strength, you don’t have to go to exhausting classes, which are not a panacea, and can even sometimes cause harm, in certain cases when exercise is contraindicated. Acupuncture acupressure will help you be slim, healthy, with straight posture, without headaches and insomnia! Just a few procedures, and you will already feel an improvement and the release of internal energy, which, it would seem, you have never felt before.
It’s not for nothing that people in the East live long, you should listen to the recommendations of experts and use harmless and effective procedure.
Remember, we are our health, how we feel! Drug-free therapy and massage will give you a feeling of lightness!



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