Cynological sports: what to do with your dog for mutual benefit. What sports to do with a dog, types of sports Dog competitions

It has long been known that movement is life. Moving with a dog is a rewarding and very fun life.

Active movement in the fresh air improves well-being, stabilizes blood pressure, and increases the overall tone of the human body. A dog and a person, when playing sports together, establish a very close, trusting contact. Dogs that receive adequate exercise waste their energy, so they are calm at home and do not chew anything. Sport is an excellent prevention of obesity in dogs, which is especially important for sterilized animals. Some advantages.

Riding sport

Sled sport is not only dog ​​sledding. This skijoring(skiing competitions), bikejoring(competition between cyclists and dogs),canicross(running with the dog)

In Soviet times, our country had a special discipline for service dogs - skier towing. The skier towing competition was part of the DOSAAF Winter All-Around. The dog and the skier had to cover a distance of about one kilometer. At stopping points, the skier shot or threw a grenade. The purpose of these competitions was to develop skills in case of hostilities. In the 1990s, skier towing competitions began to be held independently. The speed of passage, the dog's controllability, and the quality of turns were taken into account. Currently, this sport is officially recognized and is called skijoring.

Dog sledding is one of the most popular and beautiful types of dog sports. Traditionally, huskies are used for sleds (Siberian husky and Alaskan malamute, Samoyed and Chinook, Kamchatka, Chukotka sled dog). These breeds are genetically adapted to overcome vast spaces, are resistant to cold and have endurance in running. But the rules do not prohibit the use of other breeds of dogs for sport. You can often see hounds, shepherd dogs and mestizos in sleds.

Children from 9 years of age can participate in competitions, in the absence of medical contraindications;

Both men and women participate in the competition;

Dogs of any breed are allowed;

Age of dogs for competitions: skijoring, canicross - from 12 months. In sled competitions at distances of 30 km and more, bikejoring - from 18 months, in the pulka discipline at distances of 15 km and more, skijoring - 1 - 2 dogs at distances of 20 km and more - from 24 months.

Flyball is a type of frisbee dog. The dog does not catch the plate, but the balls that are released by a special device (flybox). Flyball is a team competition. The team's dogs must overcome obstacles, press the lever of the machine that releases the balls, catch and bring the ball to the owner. In Russia, flyball competitions were held in 2011. This is a new sport that is still gaining popularity.

Website about dog sports, description of sports, competition announcements, rules, list of clubs, communication

Every dog, regardless of breed and age, needs education and training. A well-mannered dog is the pride of its owner. Until recently, the learning process was limited to two types of training - General training course And Protective guard service. But time does not stand still, cynology, as a science, is developing widely, and recently more and more new types of dog training have appeared.

If you want to achieve a much deeper contact and high skill with your pet than just teaching him to sit, lie down and give a paw on command, we can offer you such a service as - sports dog training.

Why should you exercise with your dog?

Sports with a dog is a useful and exciting activity not only for the owner, but also for the pet. Despite the popular belief that obedience is enough for a dog, it has long been known that dogs love to learn and experience something new. In addition to the fact that regular exercise improves the physical condition of your four-legged friend, he also develops intellectually. Let us note that with sports training, the relationship between the owner and the dog becomes more harmonious, the dog’s working qualities improve, and it becomes confident in its abilities. Also, dogs that become winners of sports competitions increase the prestige of the owner, since throughout the world it is considered prestigious to have a champion pet with many cups and awards.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that for some dog breeds (working and hunting breeds), it is not enough just the usual walking, they require daily physical activity. If it’s not enough to overload such a pet with exercises during a walk, then at home they begin problems– Your pet may begin to destroy your home and damage property.

Please note: if your pupil moves little, sleeps a lot, and is not interested in going for long walks and playing, perhaps he has ahealth problems.

Do you want to see next to you a healthy, energetic, full of strength and joy, ward who has no problems with excess weight? In this case, you need to regularly conduct active games and outdoor activities.

We invite you to the fascinating world of cynological sports, which will help diversify the lives of you and your pet!

Contacting us is beneficial for you because:

1. The company's employees are qualified dog handlers with extensive experience working with dogs of different breeds, participants in various sporting competitions.

2. Professional handlers will not only train and prepare your pet and you for competitions, but will also be able to adequately participate with your dog in competitions.

3. When preparing for competitions, the instructor will take into account all your wishes and the characteristics of your pet.

4. A FREE canine specialist will draw up an individual plan for your pet’s participation in sports competitions.

5. Consultation on animal care – as a GIFT!

What sports can we teach you and your dog?

Today, there are more than 10 types of canine sports in which you can participate in competitions with your pet: agility, Frisbee dog, white-pulling, freestyle, flyball, canicross, bike joring, skijoring, coursing, dog-karting, dog surfing , dog scootering, springpole, skipulling.

Any dog ​​breed is suitable for leading a healthy lifestyle with your pet. This could be walks and jogging in the park or in the forest, swimming, active games in nature. But to get involved in sports, you need to take into account the properties of the breed and the character of your pet. For example, for agility it is better to choose a Belgian Shepherd Malinois, but sledding is more acceptable for Malamutes than for Yorkies.

Below are the most popular sports with your four-legged friend.

  • Agility– the most popular type of “dog” sporting competition. English competitions came to us at the end of the 20th century. Translated, the name means “dexterity, mobility, speed.” According to the name, the participants - the handler and the dog - must differ in precisely these qualities. The main task is to overcome various barriers along a given route - a slide, a tunnel, a table, a boom, a swing and others at speed. The obstacle course is carried out by the dog, and the handler controls it through voice commands and gestures. The dog must be without a collar, and the manager is not allowed to touch the equipment or the four-legged athlete.
  • Waitpulling– presentation of the dog's draft power to the fans. In this sports match, athletes pull a load located on a cart or sleigh over certain distances.

How are the competitions held? A load of a certain weight is attached to a cart or sleigh, and the dog is harnessed to this structure. At the command of the handler (owner or trainer), the dog drags the load at a distance of 4.8 - 6.1 m. While the dog is pulling the load, it is prohibited to: touch the dog, lure it, use special expressions to encourage action. Anything that even remotely suggests a threat to the pet is also prohibited. Untrained dogs are not allowed to compete.

  • Frisbee dog. The sport involves a dog catching a plastic disk in flight - a frisbee. The exercises are based on developing the “Fetch!” command. The dog, jumping up, catches the disc, which is launched by the trainer, and brings the Frisbee back. Agile and physically fit dogs participate in Frisbee dog competitions. The handler is required to have precision and passion in launching the disc.

This game has fairly simple rules. The dog prevents the plate from falling to the ground, catching him in the jump. Dogs aged at least 1 year and 3 months are allowed to compete. Pets compete without a leash or collar.

  • Flyball. These competitions are most popular in the USA and Great Britain. The competition is reminiscent of a relay race. Usually 2 teams of 4 dogs each participate in competitions. Participants of each team must take turns to complete the course, which consists of three main elements:

1. start line (also known as the finish line);

2. 4 barriers of the same height, located at a distance of 3 meters from each other;

3. catapult with a ball.

The dog’s task is to overcome obstacles, take the ball from the catapult by pressing the pedal with its paw, and again jumping over the bars, bring the ball to the owner and give it back.
The most difficult thing here is to teach the student to press the pedal and correctly remove the ball from the catapult. Another difficulty is that the dog forgets to cross the finish line, which leads to a decrease in team points.
Although the game is simple and poses virtually no physical stress for the owner, pets really love such physical exercises.

  • Freestyle. Quite a new canine sport. It amazingly combines obedience training and dancing. To the accompaniment of music, the trainer and the dog perform a single dance routine. This sport is similar to rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating. Cynological freestyle is built on the same idea - a four-legged participant and a partner-instructor perform a set of specific, technically complex elements that represent a single dance picture. At the competition, experts evaluate the complexity of the production, artistry and purity of execution.
  • Canicross- a subtype of sledding sport, reminiscent of jogging with a pet. It looks like this. The handler wears a special belt to which a cord is attached. The second part of the cord is attached to the dog’s equipment. Thus, a bundle is obtained in which the dog drags the athlete while running. In competitions, specific distances are established on straight or rough terrain, which the instructor (or owner) and his four-legged friend must overcome together. The dog is controlled only by voice. Partners in a team need to run exclusively next to each other.
  • Bike joring– also a subtype of sled sport, only the athlete rides a bicycle behind the dog. The competition takes place on rough terrain. Roads should not be paved. The rules of the fight are quite strict; there are also restrictions on the age and health of the dogs. The handler must be equipped with protective equipment and have a working bicycle. This type of sport is extreme: if the dog is not sufficiently prepared, it can switch to events happening nearby and stop obeying commands.

However, bikejoring is a hobby that has a beneficial effect on the health of the dog, providing it with sufficient physical exercise.

  • Skijoring. Competitions in this sledding sport are held in winter. The difference from bike joring is that in this sport the dog pulls the skier. According to the competition rules, no more than three dogs can participate with one athlete. The connection between the instructor and the students is carried out using a special harness. A person controls dogs through signals and certain commands. The dog in the sled must be properly motivated and run forward of its own free will. The reaction is to the manager’s voice, telling her which direction to move.

Most often, setters, malamutes, and Samoyed huskies participate in such competitions. However, Giant Schnauzers, Retrievers, Labradors, Yard Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, American Bull Terriers and Bulldogs, and Mastiffs also enjoy harnessing.

Less common dog sports:

coursing - chasing a mechanical hare;

spring floor - hanging on a rope;

dog scootering - riding a scooter with a dog;

dog-karting – towing a cart containing a load or a person at speed by a dog sled;

Skipulling is a winter sport. The dogs are harnessed in single file and carry a pulka (sledge), to which the skier is attached with a special cable.

dog surfing - balancing a dog on a surfboard.

If you are simply interested in active recreation with your dog, then we can teach your pet the following exercises:

    Parkour with a dog– overcoming obstacles in urban areas. Your pet can be taught various tricks: jumping over high fences and manholes, walking along curbs, performing beautiful jumps, pushing off a tree or the wall of a building, and much, much more! Along with dogs, children and teenagers can also learn this developing sport.

    Puller game. The puller is a universal toy for dogs, consisting of two plastic rings, for which you can run, swim and pull.

    A game with a dog to find an object or person.

    Game with bringing an object(practicing the commands “Fetch!”, “Come to me!”, “Give!”).

You can choose any of the above types of “dog” sports and contact us about training and preparation for competitions.

Raising a future champion – 1500 rubles for one individual lesson!

Dog sports have become so popular and accessible these days that every owner tries to choose an activity to their liking for themselves and their pet. This is not the first time that competitions have been held in Russia in many sports.


Dog sports have become so popular and accessible these days that every owner tries to choose an activity to their liking for themselves and their pet.

This is not the first time that competitions have been held in Russia in many sports. Dog sports can be divided into two categories: racing on snow and racing on land, which professionals call dryland.


Dog-pulling Dog-pulling is one of the newest types of dog sports, tug-of-war competitions. This sport originated in Russia, the rules were developed by members of the United Commonwealth of Breeders and Fans of APBT.

Dogs over 10 months old are allowed to participate in dog-pulling competitions. Breed does not matter.

Competitions are held in weight groups: group 1 – up to 25 kg, group 2 – 25-35 kg, group 3 – 35-45 kg.

(Springpole) - rope hanging competition. The venue for the first such competitions was the United States of America. In Russia, this type of dog sport is practically unknown.

Springpoll competitions are held for dogs of different breeds, but the main participants in this sport are American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers. Dogs older than 12 months are allowed to participate in springpole competitions.

(Agility) is a dog sport that originated in England in 1978 and is associated with the name of John Varley. Translated from English, agility means speed, agility, dexterity. John Varley, who was involved in equestrian sports, decided to organize a kind of show jumping for dogs, in which animals, at the command of a person, overcome barriers and other equipment.

(Weightpulling) arose to demonstrate to fans the drafting power of a dog. Every dog ​​can greatly benefit from this sport. Physically, the weight she pulls not only stimulates muscular development, but also increases bone density, tendon strength and cardiovascular health.

Weightpulling is a weight-pulling competition over a specified distance in which competitors are divided into weight classes and the load is carried on a wheeled cart or sled. It may seem that weightpulling is limited to displaying physical strength, but it is not. This is a very big warm-up and conditioning for the dog's mental development - the dog's ability to maintain and maintain focused attention to complete a task. Not only large and powerful dogs can take part in it.


Bikejoring(Bikejoring) is a summer type of sled sport, originally invented for training sled dogs in the warm season.


Freestyle is a relatively new dog sport that combines the elements of obedience and dance in the most amazing way.

A dog and a person perform various movements to the music, subordinated to a single dance concept. In most training, the leading role belongs to the dog - it is its qualities and talent that are assessed. In freestyle, the couple as a whole is assessed - its harmony, coordination of movements, artistry.


Skipulling(Skypulling) is a sport with a dog in which one or more dogs, harnessed in single file, carry with them a small sled (pulka) connected to a skier by a special cable.


Skijoring(Skijоring) is one of the sled sport disciplines in which a skier-racer moves freely along a ski distance together with one or two dogs, with whom he is connected by a special shock-absorbing cord.

(Canicross) is a running between an owner and a dog, in which the dog runs in front of the owner, as if helping him move, while the person and dog are connected to each other by a rope sling.

The essence of the competition in this program is that the athlete, together with the dog, needs to run a certain distance around the stadium or over rough terrain in a minimum time.

Dog owners are increasingly exercising with their pets. If in Soviet times there was only service all-around, today it has been supplemented by agility, cany-cross, sled racing, musical freestyle….

What kind of dog sports are these? This is a type of human sports activity that takes place simultaneously with a four-legged pet. This activity allows you not only to spend time with your dog on the move, but also in the company of others who are equally athletic and interested in training. Sport is, first of all, health and beauty, and dog sports are about healthy and beautiful people with dogs.

What is canycross?

Consider the sport of cany-cross. This is a run with a dog on a leash, which is attached to the owner’s belt. Distances can vary from four hundred meters to five kilometers. The dog should run in front and the person behind. It is prohibited to hold the leash with your hands and to move your four-legged partner.

The difficulty lies not only in the fact that both must have good physical fitness, but also high coordination of movements. The person and the dog must feel each other well - the four-legged athlete must help the owner move, but, at the same time, not pull him. Running can take place both in a stadium and over rough terrain and, of course, against time.

Skryjoring and bikejoring

Skryjoring is a winter type of canicross that takes place in winter, and a person moves on skis. Domestic dog breeders know this sport under the name skier towing. These competitions are also held for speed; the physical fitness of the athlete and the dog, its training and, of course, the coordination of their movements are assessed.

Bikejoring is a variation of screejoring, but takes place in the summer and involves the athlete towing a bicycle. The best results are achieved by athletes with dogs of such breeds as Dobermans, Boxers, Giant Schnauzers and, of course, German Shepherds, but there are no restrictions on breeds - athletes even with outbred pets can take part. The main thing here is the dog’s great love for running.

Agility as a sport

Agility is the dog overcoming various obstacles independently along a certain trajectory. The owner does not run with his pet, but leads from a distance. A variety of dog breeds, including mixed breeds, participate in these competitions.

The dogs show their agility, speed and training. The physical fitness of the owner himself is not important; people with disabilities, pensioners and children can participate in this sport. The obstacles for these competitions - booms, stairs and various barriers - are set individually, so even small dogs can take part.

Dog racing

Sled dog racing is the oldest form of human-dog interaction, and perhaps one of the first dog sports. In the northern regions of our country, it has long been practiced to travel with dogs harnessed to a special sleigh. The spirit of competition pushed people to organize such competitions.

Only certain breeds of huskies, malamutes, Chukchi sled dogs and some of their crosses take part in these competitions. This is a very spectacular sport, where not only the work of the dog and the owner is assessed, but also the relationship between several dogs in one team.

What is flyball?

Flybo is a kind of sports retrieval, but instead of a retrieval object they use special plates that can glide in the air. The athlete throws the flying saucer, and the dog brings it back. The couple that does it the fastest wins; the dog that catches the plate in a jump, showing the best jump, is additionally rewarded with special points.

Thus, the pets also demonstrate their acrobatics skills. Both large and small breeds of dogs take part in this sport, and often small pets win the most serious competitions.

Wetpulling – weightlifting for dogs!

Wetpulling is a difficult sport for dogs. It estimates the weight of the load and the distance the animal can drag it in a certain time - one minute. In this sport, strict requirements are imposed only on the lower limit of the dog’s weight, which must be at least fifteen kilograms; dogs up to fifty-five kilograms usually take part, but the upper limit is not regulated.

The dogs participating in these competitions are real fighters with a great desire to win. During the competition, it is prohibited to help the pet or use any bait. The athlete is at a certain distance from the pet and should not touch it. The winner, of course, is the dog that is able to drag the heaviest load farthest from others, but there are no losers - if the load turns out to be too heavy and the dog was unable to move it after the end of the minute allotted for the competition, he will certainly be helped. The pet should not know defeat. The organizers emphasize that not a single animal was harmed in these competitions!

Dog dancing

Musical freestyle is the most beautiful sport with dogs. This is sports dancing, only one partner is a person, and the second is a dog. The breed does not play a significant role; training, music and a sense of rhythm are important here. The best dances of such unusual couples are demonstrated at competitions. This sport has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years.

The Federation of COMPLEX AND APPLIED CYNOLOGICAL SPORTS (FKS), a sports organization, has existed in Russia since 1998. This purely sports organization was created on the basis of the Timiryazevsky service dog breeding club in Moscow, which has existed since 1991. At first, complex competitions were held at the regional level, mainly in Moscow, then the geography of dog sports organizations and events expanded significantly.

Throughout the year, the Federation holds competitions in a wide variety of sports: winter all-around, sledding, academic combined (general training course and protective guard duty), summer all-around and some others. Cynological sport is an integral part of cynological activities and dog breeding. It contributes to the moral education of a person and improves his general culture. Here, success depends on the interaction between the athlete and his dog, whose behavior and personality must be deeply studied. A person involved in canine sports is more of a specialist than an ordinary dog ​​owner. During training, athletes not only learn to understand their four-legged partner, but also receive a lot of information about how to properly care for a dog and how to protect others from possible aggressive manifestations on the part of their pet. This suggests that the more widespread sports dog breeding becomes, the fewer problems society will have associated with keeping dogs. Also, the sports arena becomes a kind of testing ground for testing and subsequent implementation of advanced forms and methods of work in the field of dog training. At the competitions, representatives of various cynological schools and directions exchange experience, and there is healthy competition for the right to be called the best trainer or the strongest cynological organization. Only competitions in which each instructor or canine organization will demonstrate the skills of their students will be able to identify the best trainers, trainers and the strongest organizations involved in dog training.

Particular attention must be paid to the revival and development of domestic dog sports, which are based on the rich traditions of Russian dog breeding, where the high usability of the dog has always been valued. The applied nature of domestic sports in dog breeding is of great importance. Young people, joining canine sports, not only enrich themselves physically, but also spiritually. Many of those who began their journey in dog breeding by participating in competitions became professionals, connecting their lives with service in the army, police, border troops, and other departments where dogs are widely used.

Unfortunately, there are a number of negative aspects that do not contribute to the development and popularization of sports cynological events. One of them is the lack of understanding by some organizers of canine activities (both domestic and foreign) that a sporting event cannot be a test for selection for breeding and that the principles for assessing a dog’s performance in competitions are not applicable when assessing its performance in trials and vice versa. The main objective of the competition is to identify the best athlete-trainer, trainer, and the strongest training organization in terms of method. The purpose of the tests is to determine whether the dog has the working qualities characteristic of this breed in the necessary and sufficient amount for its admission to breeding, and whether the dog’s behavior meets the requirements for individuals of this breed.

The test standard may provide for the issuance of a rating as a result of the judge’s analysis of the dog’s behavior, its reactions to certain stimuli with a certain degree of subjectivity. In canine sports (with rare exceptions), on the contrary, the assessment should be based on precise measurements - meters, seconds; The parameters for evaluating the performance must be determined as specifically as possible, and the judge only records the errors of the dog and the athlete that are necessarily specified in the standards. The test standard must also take into account the behavioral characteristics of dogs of a particular breed. Competitions involve athletes with dogs of different breeds and mongrel dogs, and the standard must be the same for all competitors. Attempts to hold competitions according to standards created for testing and vice versa are doomed to failure, since it is impossible to combine the incompatible, to embrace the immensity. This widespread methodological error causes great harm to dog breeding, since, on the one hand, it prevents the correct assessment of the working qualities and behavior of dogs for their selection for breeding, and on the other hand, it forms a strong opinion among athletes about the impossibility of objective judging.

When developing competition rules, experts set a goal to support sports that are traditional in this regard for Russia, preserving in the rules the best that has been developed by organizations and departments that previously held similar competitions, as well as to offer justified innovations, sometimes fundamentally reconsidering views on a particular sport . Work on the rules, which have been repeatedly tested in practice, supplemented and clarified, has been carried out since 1991. Repeated champions and prize-winners of Russia and Moscow, trainers of winners and prize-winners of various competitions, and representatives of leading Russian organizations in the field of dog training participated in the development of rules and regulations. It is safe to say that the judges have received in their hands a fairly accurate tool that allows them to objectively evaluate the work of the athlete and his dog.

The task of those who are directly involved in canine sports is to put into practice the high potential accumulated by domestic dog breeding in the field of complex and applied sports using dogs, to raise the professionalism and prestige of domestic canine sports, to allow it to communicate on equal terms with foreign and international ones. canine structures. Everyone should understand this: from a beginner athlete to a champion of the most prestigious competitions.

Chairman of the Federation of Complex and Applied Cynological Sports
Yu. E. Ostashenko



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