How to attract money abundance. How to learn magic and attract big money? What to put in your wallet to attract money and good luck to your home

20 most effective and working ways to attract money. It has been verified that money will start coming from a variety of sources!

How to attract money and have everything you want?

To start, just imagine...

Imagine that you managed to attract money, completely retire, and provide for yourself and your family for the rest of your life. Now you can do only the things you love and don’t have to go to work...

You have a lot of time freed up for meditation, for loved ones, for relaxation, creativity, and pleasant activities. Moreover, you can make the life of your loved ones better and more comfortable. How nice it is to give gifts to people and see their happy faces!

Do you want it?

Money is the energy of prosperity that everyone needs. But people often complain about lack of funds.

What does it mean?

And, first of all, this suggests that there is a serious problem in working with the energy of prosperity - such people always have black holes that are present in their aura¹. The energy of wealth leaks through these holes.

The energy of money is living, conscious, and you need to learn how to handle it correctly.

The British say: “If you have little money, throw a spider in your wallet, the spider will make a web that will help you get money very quickly.”

You need to treat money with respect!

Money should lie very evenly in the wallet, side to side, and should not be wrinkled. From personal experience I can say that it works and helps you become richer.

How to attract money?

Since ancient times, people have noticed the laws of money² and ways to attract it. By studying folk wisdom and money signs, you can find a lot of advice on how to quickly attract money into your life. This ancient experience is based on immutable energy laws.

20 old signs on how to attract money!

These signs for money are time-tested. They will help you preserve monetary energy and quickly attract money into your life.

1 money sign:

It is better to take banknotes and coins with your left hand and give them with your right.

2 money sign:

On Monday and Sunday, do not borrow money, because otherwise the borrower will not repay you.

3 money sign:

The best day to repay borrowed money is Monday.

4 money sign:

You can only pay your taxes in the morning, because if you do it in the evening, you will be left penniless.

5 money sign:

The debt must be paid off first. Try not to borrow money or take loans - debts destroy the energy of prosperity.

6 money sign:

Never give anything to anyone over the threshold, especially in the evening or at night.

7 money sign:

Clean your house only during the day, otherwise you will be left without money.

8 money sign:

If money falls out of your wallet, you can only take it with your right hand.

9 money sign:

Before entering a new house, throw a coin in front of you, a silver coin is better.

10 money sign:

Always keep a few bills around the house (desk drawer or other place).

11th money sign:

When you give money, mentally repeat: “You will return to me a thousandfold.”

12th money sign:

When giving money to someone, do not look the recipient in the face.

13th money sign:

Keep a piggy bank or vase in your house and throw in all the metal coins that come to you. Do not count their number. This is your money magnet.

14th money sign:

Don't pick up lost money on the street.

15 money sign:

Buy a money tree.

16th money sign:

Do not bring objects symbolizing real estate to the southwest side of the house.

17 money sign:

If you keep your money at home, keep it in an envelope, wallet or box, preferably red or gold.

18th money sign:

Don't keep empty wallets in the house. Throw at least one coin at them.

19 money sign:

Try to spend the money you win in the lottery or casino as quickly as possible, because it attracts poverty. If you can believe that you deserve wealth, money will find you.

20 money sign:

Psychologists are confident that all people can independently program themselves to attract money. Therefore, if there is no money, then you should not blame anyone but yourself for it.

And the most important secret on how to attract money!

To tune your consciousness to a better life, don’t complain, don’t say that the rich live well and the poor live poorly. Repeat to yourself that you are rich in the wealth of the Universe.

Avoid any conversations about lack of money!

This is the main reason for their shortage. Stop listening to bad news. Tell yourself that tomorrow your material well-being will improve, and believe it! Then everything will definitely work out!

2 guaranteed ways to attract money!

In addition to following money signs and money laws, you need to take action.

There are 3 options.

  • You can go to work and get paid.
  • You can open your own business, not depend on anyone and receive a constant profit.
  • You can place successful bets in lotteries and win 15,000 per week or more.

We will not consider option 1, you understand why. Option 2 requires knowledge and investment, but the 3rd...

By guessing just 3-4 out of 5 numbers, you can regularly receive 15,000 - 50,000 additional income per week!

Alexander Kling

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (Wikipedia).

² You will find all the laws of money

In the article you will learn:

Good afternoon
Every person has black and white stripes in their life. They say if you have a white line now, turn around and walk vertically along it. Everyone would like to have such luck. Although there are hugely lucky people in life who were born under a lucky star. They tend to be in the right place at the right time, and then reap the benefits of the opportunities they take advantage of. These guys don't even ask themselves how to become more successful or how to attract luck into their lives.

For example, my neighbor at the age of 55 won a million pounds in the lottery, quit his job and now lives well with his wife in his own house. Every year he decorates his home for Christmas with thousands of lights and decorations to bring joy to his neighbors and town.

Other people are not so lucky, which is why I raised the question of how to attract luck and money into the house, since in most cases it all depends on our psychological state, on our state of mind. In this article I will give rituals for good luck and rituals for money. How to attract luck? Let's figure it out.

How to attract luck and money to your home

The end of the year is coming - a time of miracles and faith in magic, fairy tales and love spells. I will share with you the most effective ways to attract good luck and money into your home, using a little magic or New Year's mood. But first, I want to convince you that our failures largely depend on how we perceive them. Often we ourselves paint neutral events black because we look at the world negatively. If we try to change our approach and look at things from a positive side, we can see that some events that at first glance seem unsuccessful to us lead us to better changes and to a better life. I advise you to read the article on how to get rid of negative thoughts.
Another common mistake is that people themselves turn away from the chances that come their way. Many are afraid to change their lives, and any event that potentially carries the opportunity to become better and luckier leads them to flee. You might be in for a shock when I tell you that many more people are afraid of their potential and grandiosity. We are less afraid of failure than of success. Because all our lives we are taught how to deal with failures, how to rise from our knees, how to strive for the best, but rarely does anyone teach us how to be and arrive in a state of wealth, happiness and good luck. If you want to learn not only to achieve success, but also to be successful (live happily, and not strive for happiness), subscribe to Juno's blog.

Attract good luck and money at home

Now let’s talk a little about rituals for good luck and rituals for money. In order for you to always have good luck, you must make yourself a magic bag. There are stores that sell such bags, but if you sew it yourself, the magic will be stronger. Sew a bag of green fabric with your own hands. Pour it in

  • 5 pinches of mint
  • 3 sch. coarse salt
    10 pinches of basil
  • dried and grated skin of three apples
  • 3 coins (copper)
  • 1 penny made of white metal

When you have added all the ingredients to the bag, it's time for the magic words. Whisper a spell over the bag: “Business is behind, business is ahead, profit is in the middle”, and then hang the bag where you work.
And every Monday or Tuesday, cast a spell over it three times.
This ritual will help you open a money channel and attract good luck at home.

There is another ritual with a mirror. It’s quite easy to make and you don’t have to grind any apples.
Take a small mirror and say:

“Mirror, mirror, bright window, reflect all troubles and obstacles, remove them from my path, only attract good things, luck and success to me.”

Then you put this mirror in a bluish bag (which you sewed in advance), and put a piece of paper with your full name (I.F.O.) + date of birth in it. Carry this bag with you for the first week, and then as needed and as desired. This ritual will protect you from failures in the future and attract success and luck into your life.
I will tell you a few more small tips on how to open a money channel at home.

  • You need to give money on the waning moon, and borrow on the waxing moon.
  • Give money with your right hand and take it with your left.
  • Money loves counting, so count your money periodically.
  • The broom in the house should be positioned with the handle down and the whisk up to attract financial luck.
  • When you drink tea and foam forms on top, you must drink this foam (catch it with a spoon and eat it) - I remember when I was little, I heard this from my grandmother very often. She still drinks foam.
  • To attract money at home, you need to place a coin in every corner of the house and not touch it.
  • On Tuesday and Friday, trim your nails or get your nails done to open your money channel.
  • Place a dollar bill folded in a triangle facing up in your wallet.

Rituals for money and luck - the Placebo effect

And now, perhaps, let’s return from the fabulous heavens to earth. I believe that rituals can help people bring good luck and money into their homes because they give people the confidence that they lack in life. Such rituals work thanks to the placebo effect, which is based on the mechanism of suggestion. Have you ever heard of him? It seems to me that I will have to write an article about suggestion and self-hypnosis, because it is very interesting. So, the more complex the ritual, the more a person believes that it will help. Share with me in the comments your favorite rituals or helpers in attracting money and good luck.
If you consider yourself easily suggestible or simply love all sorts of little things and rituals, I advise you to have your own talisman. The talisman must be chosen wisely; it must be a special thing. Most often this is a pebble, such as moonstone or agate. Choose your talisman based on your zodiac sign. For Aries, the best talisman is a diamond, for Taurus - emerald and chrysoprase (which give confidence and wisdom), for Capricorns - ruby, onyx and green malachite. Of course, this is all individual. Both stones and people. Some people prefer to have a ring or a small souvenir from someone they care about as a talisman.
In general, sometimes in order to attract good luck and wealth into your home, all you have to do is believe that you deserve to be rich and lucky. You need to become bolder so as not to miss the opportunities that arise around you from time to time. Remember that many successful people have suffered a huge number of failures on their way to success. So don’t despair, no matter what happens.
I will give you my personal advice on how to attract money luck.

  1. Read books on finance and investing. Learn how to handle money already! Understand what it is and how money works.
  2. Find the best way to store money for yourself. If it’s only for a few months, then you can start a piggy bank at home and save money, but not “for a rainy day,” but for a “bright day.” You need to program yourself to the fact that this money brings wealth with it and one fine day you will spend it with pleasure on the things that you yourself want to buy.
  3. Be rational. Money comes and goes. This is a flow, you don’t need to restrain it too much - otherwise you will become greedy, but you don’t need it all the time let go - otherwise your destiny is to be a spender.

Rituals for money and rituals for good luck are, of course, good However, we must also look at things realistically. If, when you receive your salary, you immediately rush to buy things for yourself and waste 90% of the money in the first money, you may have a broom properly placed at home and coins placed in every corner of the house, but this will not particularly enrich you. Therefore, I encourage everyone to open the money channel and attract good luck through rituals and your realistic and rational approach to money.
Now share your favorite rituals for money and luck in the comments and share the article with your friends so that they do not miss out on their luck and wealth.

See you soon,

It’s hard to argue with the fact that many people dream of financial wealth and having good luck as often as possible. In fact, we are not talking about such unrealistic dreams, and if you really want it, and also put some effort into your “wanting,” then everything will work out!

Attracting money and luck into your life - myth or reality

As practice and real stories from people’s lives show, success can be achieved by those who believe that it is achievable. Many examples of happy destinies are demonstrated in the film “The Secret,” which has already become a cult classic. This picture very clearly explains the principle of attracting luck into life - you need to adhere to certain simple rules, and then reap the results. At first glance, this method seems simply fantastic, but, for sure, many will change their minds when they get to know it better. In turn, various skeptics consider similar and other methods of attracting money and success to be complete nonsense, arguing that there is only one way to get what you want is to work and earn it. It is noteworthy that people who adhere only to this attitude actually achieve success and financial well-being exclusively in this way. However, why not try to expand the boundaries of your thinking and find other ways to attract the necessary benefits into your life?

How to attract money into your life

Change your approach to life

Surely, you have noticed that some people are lucky in money matters, while others are not. Of course, this depends on the approach to your life, as well as financial affairs. First of all, remove from your vocabulary such phrases as: “I don’t have enough money for...”, “I don’t have enough for...” and the like. By saying such words, you give them a negative meaning, but think about the fact that you can think in a different way. Form the thought in your head that if you cannot acquire something now, then it is for good and not for harm. That is, it is important to set yourself up for positive reasoning. For example, if you don’t have enough for a skirt, you won’t have to choose a blouse to match it. Come to the realization that not all of our desires come down to vital things. Perhaps today you don’t have enough for new shoes, but you had enough for bread, tea, butter - and you might not have even that. Learn to look for the positive aspects in everything, and luck itself will come into your hands.

Learn to live within your means

At times, people do not have enough money not because they earn little, but only because they do not know how to live within their means. As you understand, we are talking about irrational expenses. Many families have this principle: in the first days after receiving their salary, they live in grand style, allowing themselves unimaginable delicacies and so on, but for the rest of the month they have to eat somehow, and, sometimes, take out debt in order to buy the most necessary things. At the same time, they promise themselves that next time they will be more sensible about spending, but they rarely keep their word. The result is a kind of vicious circle. Spontaneous acquisitions also contribute to irrational spending of money, especially if they are expensive. Yes, sometimes such purchases are very pleasant and even necessary, but if this happens regularly, then do not be surprised by the natural lack of money. By the way, try to pay less attention to various advertisements and listen to all the laudatory reviews about this or that (often unnecessary) product. Manufacturers are interested in sales, and make the most effective advertising for this. You are simply satisfying other people’s needs with optional purchases. If you have an idea to buy some product, but at the same time, five minutes ago you were not planning this purchase, leave these spontaneous thoughts until the next day. Think carefully about whether you really need this thing, or perhaps there is something more necessary. It may also be that you simply want to please yourself with something, in which case a delicious chocolate bar would be more appropriate than new sandals of an “unusual color.” In general, you will also see how to learn to live within your means in the next paragraph.


It is quite difficult to live in abundance for people who do not know how to plan their expenses. It is important to note that simply planning is not enough to achieve financial well-being. Of course, you should stick to your plans, and then success will accompany you constantly. First, you need to plan your monthly expenses. Write down on a separate piece of paper the expenses that you will have to make in the next thirty days - the approximate amount of paying for utilities, replenishing accounts, the necessary list of products, travel expenses, and so on. So, you will get an amount that cannot be spent on anything else other than the things mentioned.

Set goals and go towards them

Set yourself goals in advance that you would like to achieve. Plan how much money you need to achieve these goals and how long it will take you to raise it. Naturally, it is important to take into account the mandatory expenses that you make every month, immediately determine how much you can save once a month in order to subsequently purchase the coveted purchase, and stick to this plan.

Use spiritual practices, mantras, mudras

Some people are of the opinion that money will only go to the house where they live according to Feng Shui. By the way, “feng shui” is translated from Chinese as “water and wind.” According to the notes in ancient teachings, things in the house should have a certain order. However, often this means not only the furniture in the room, but also thoughts and intentions. However, now we are talking specifically about the house, so it is worth paying attention to some recommendations. To prevent luck and positive energy from dissipating, the Chinese recommend placing the bed so that the sleeping man lay facing the door. Also, the bed should not be in front of a mirror - there is an opinion that if a person in a dream is reflected in the mirror, then he will attract bad luck to himself. It is also not recommended to hang any shelves above the sleeping area - it is believed that this will prevent the energy from rising upward.

It is also important to keep your windows clean. If you place any objects on the windowsill, make sure that they do not block the penetration of light. It is also not recommended to block the entrance to the house in any way - otherwise flows of negative energy will stagnate in your abode. Some housewives like to store dried flowers in vases, thus preserving the memory of an event, or simply considering it beautiful . Ancient teaching does not recommend adhering to such a tradition. There should be only live indoor plants in the house, and even then, you should not place them in excessive quantities. Water symbolizes material success, so it would be very appropriate to put a small decorative fountain in the house, or place an aquarium with fish. You can also pay attention to a rather remarkable mantra , which is designed to attract money and luck: “Om lakshmi viganshri kamala dhairigan matchmaker.” Pronounce it in a chant, with your open palms extended towards the moonlight. In addition, it is recommended to repeat this mantra three times in the morning for a month.

How to attract good luck and fortune at home

By performing unique rituals at home and following some recommendations, you can attract good luck. Kitchen. It is believed that the kitchen reflects family well-being and is the main “magnet” for attracting good luck. There are many rituals associated with this part of the house, and the principle of one of them is this: place any banknote on the refrigerator. That's it! It is expected that after this you will experience success in financial matters. By the way, many “luck hunters” believe that money should be kept in the kitchen. In addition, there is something that should not be done in this room - do not sit on the table, and certainly do not stand on it with your feet. Money in the wallet. If you want to attract financial flow into your home, then you should not neglect storing money in your own wallet - try to fold it carefully. Moreover, they should “look” in one direction. Also, do not forget to sort them by value, and store coins in a separate compartment or in a different wallet altogether. Charity and savings. Try to periodically save some money for charity - it is believed that this will attract material well-being. Donate some amount regularly to those in need. It is also recommended to make some savings - at least ten percent of your total income. Saved money will attract new finances to you. By the way, you can hear such simple advice not only from esotericists, but also from successful financiers. Reception of guests. After the guests have left your house, shake out the tablecloth outside that was on the table when you received visitors - this way you will get rid of possible gossip and negativity. If someone asks you to borrow money on Monday, you should refuse - it is believed that on this day it is undesirable to give your money if you want to be a financially prosperous person. Garbage. You should not take out trash from your home in bad weather - there is an opinion that this can lead to poverty. It is also not recommended to sweep the floor or brush debris off the table with your hand after sunset. Piggy bank. To attract finance in the house, it is useful to keep a piggy bank, however, try not to look into it until the time comes to break it - otherwise your income will decrease. In general, avoid fuss in any money matters.

Use of talismans

You can pay attention to some well-known talismans, which owners often place in their homes to attract money.
    Toad. Surely you have seen this talisman - a toad with a coin in its mouth. Legend has it that Buddha once caught an evil and greedy toad and wanted to punish it by forcing it to secretly enter other people's houses and spit out stolen coins. Elephant. The elephant is a talisman for material protection. Admirers of various Feng Shui practices recommend buying such figurines for entrepreneurs and people whose work involves financial risks. You can also read this advice: before making an important decision related to money, you need to stroke the elephant's trunk. Coins. We are talking about three Chinese coins with holes, which are connected with a red thread. In general, this is one of the most famous symbols of financial well-being, which is recommended to be kept in your wallet.

Attract good luck and big money with the help of magic spells

It is believed that you can attract financial well-being through various rituals. Let's look at some of them! Bowl of rice Clean your house, then take a small bowl and fill it two-thirds with grains of rice. The container should be placed at the front door. Every day when you come home, put a few coins taken from your wallet or pocket into a bowl. At the same time, lightly stir the rice with your fingers, quietly saying: “I am getting richer every day.” The action must be repeated for twenty-seven days. An important condition: only one person should do this, without missing a single day! When the 28th day comes, you need to take the money collected during this time from the bowl and give a tenth of it to the one who needs it. With the remaining coins, buy yourself any talisman (a ring, a pebble, a figurine of some animal, etc.) and carry it with you - it will bring good luck. Hide the rice in a secluded place, and after some time, when you feel the need, perform a ritual with it. Envelopes Quite an interesting ritual in which four red envelopes are used. You need to take any sixteen bills and put four bills in each of the available envelopes. Now they should be placed in different parts of the house, however, not on the floor! It is important that they are hidden from prying eyes. Try not to spend this money, and then it will attract other finances to your monastery.

The most effective ways to attract money and luck

There are various ways to attract money. We also advise you not to ignore some signs that portend financial profit. If you have indoor plants in your home, then expect profit when they bloom. However, during this period, try not to move pots with plants or move them. We recommend hanging a horseshoe above the front door - this is a long-known symbol of good luck. Even if your horseshoe is a souvenir and not a real one, it will still bring good luck to your home. There is another sign that indicates that profit will soon await you: scratching your left palm. However, it is important to note that in order for the omen to come true, it is advisable to knock on the table with your left palm. Many people do not pay attention to the coins that come their way, however, according to an old belief, it is better to pick them up and bring them home - their energy is no different from large bills. If you find any expensive item, such as jewelry, this also promises you financial well-being. According to many people, a butterfly or bat flying into the house does not promise anything positive. In fact, this is not the case at all - on the contrary, such a situation promises wealth that will literally fall on you in an unexpected way. It is important not to take the lives of these uninvited visitors - let them leave the premises on their own. Take a walk through the forest. If on your way you find a clover leaf with 4 leaves, then this is a sign of great luck in money matters. Try to communicate with wealthy and successful people, without being envious of other people's well-being. If thoughts about other people's wealth make you feel negative, it will interfere with your own success. It is important to learn to value your work. If you are unhappy with the state of affairs at work, then without a doubt change it - look for what you like best. A person who really wants to find a better place finds it. By receiving less than you deserve, you do not become one step closer to prosperity, but only move further away from it. When you realize that your financial future is in your own hands, you will be more motivated to work towards your success.

Too often, in conversations, people complain about the lack of money, about the fact that luck passes them by, that dreams do not come true, and too rarely boast about success and stable income. But everything in this life depends only on us.

If you take responsibility for the quality of life into your own hands, then everything can be fixed. In order to become rich, you only need good motivation, perseverance, self-discipline and the right thoughts in your head.

So how can you attract into your life what most people desire - wealth and success? First of all, you need to clearly know what money likes and doesn’t like.

Never, under any circumstances, discuss your money problems with strangers.

Don't talk to other people about debts and loans. By doing this, you are sending your instructions to the Universe - “there is no money.”

The Universe takes this literally and gives you even more opportunities to experience a lack of money. Remember, all the affirmations we think or say are multiplied.

If we talk about a lack of money, then this lack will grow; If we talk about debts, then they will also increase.

Therefore, it’s time to switch to the positive and talk about what you have enough for today cash. By following the rules of attracting money, it is certainly possible to improve a person’s financial situation and quality of life.

How to treat money

How to attract money? Let's start with the fact that money should be treated with great respect. They need to be loved. You can’t throw even small things around the house.

Money must have a good home - a wallet. To make money live with you, buy a new, beautiful wallet for it. Choose white, beige or gold.

Money loves order. See how they are stored in your wallet. Never fold them in half - banknotes should only be stored flat.

Place them in your wallet in order - first small ones, then large ones, facing you (with the bill number). You should not clutter your wallet with receipts, checks, discount coupons, business cards, and photographs of relatives.

This place is only for money. It will be useful to drop a few drops of strawberry oil, which money loves, into your wallet.

Law of Gratitude

The Law of Gratitude says - the more you thank Life, God, the Universe and other people, the more benefits you receive.

Be grateful for what you already have - for the roof over your head, for the fact that you sleep in bed on clean sheets, for the fact that you have something to eat today. Remember that there are people who don't have this.

This law will also work in reverse order - when you do not feel gratitude, you lose something of what you are rich in now. Remember to always thank people who have helped you in any way.

Scientists' opinion on why some people are richer and luckier than others

Scientists from Italy conducted an experiment. With the help of computer programs, they found out that it is not the most intelligent, talented and inveterate workaholics who achieve financial success, but those who are lucky, those who turn out to be lucky and the favorite of fortune.

Why did they succeed? Simply because they were not worried about their success, they were optimistic and determined, their inner state attracted favorable conditions for the implementation of grandiose plans.

Therefore, everyone can achieve financial well-being. How to attract luck and money? You should become a magnet to attract money. And to do this, you need to change your internal charge from “-” to “+”.

Changing internal attitudes as a way to attract money

We need to understand this thing - everything is in our head - both wealth and poverty, therefore, we need to start by changing our internal attitudes.

Remember the sayings about money:

  • There is no money, and there never will be.
  • Money comes only to money.
  • You won't earn all the money.
  • You can't earn money honestly.
  • All money is dirty.

Those who make such judgments will not succeed. These statements are like programs written in the subconscious, preventing you from opening up to the energy of money.

You have to love money, but here love is not even close. Be sure to watch not only what you say out loud, but also how you think.

Try replacing them with affirmations:

  • The abundance of the Universe fills my reality.
  • I have everything I want. Everything comes to me on time.
  • I am like a magnet, attracting a lot of money.
  • I accept the money with great gratitude.
  • My income is growing daily.

Soon you will begin to notice that your money situation is beginning to change for the better.

Affirmations should be read in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. The main rule is not to quit what you started. We are all different and changes will take different amounts of time. Some will change their inner mood in a month, while for others even a year will not be enough.

Communication with successful people

Admire prosperous, rich people instead of judging them, envying them and listening to gossip. Feed on successful people with the energy of money.

If you have such friends or relatives, then try to be close to them. Watch how they behave confidently, learn from them the qualities that led them to success.

Make it a habit to go to expensive stores. Entrance to them is available not only to rich people. Look at luxury, inhale the smell of money, touch expensive things with your hands, try them on yourself.

Just don’t think that this is not available to you. Don't say the word "expensive" about things. Let the Universe see that you are in tune with the wave of success, money and good luck.

Watch also videos about famous rich people. Visualize yourself as a successful person. Let these paintings be bold and bright.

Popular prayers for wealth

Prayers accumulate the strongest energy that can revive miracles. By repeating the lines of prayers for money, both emotionally and mentally, you can get a good result.

These prayers help solve problems.

Our Father Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

May your kingdom come

Thy will be done

Like in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts,

Just as we leave our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky:

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health.

Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son, and To the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Rituals and spells for good luck and wealth

You can successfully perform rituals and spells on a waxing and full moon. To make your dreams come true, you need to believe very strongly in a positive result.

It happens that a person wants, with the help of a certain ritual, to improve his financial condition and get a lot of money, dreams of success, but at the same time he thinks: “I don’t really believe in this, but I’ll try to do it anyway.”

Most likely, this person is doomed to failure. It is necessary to believe as we once trusted fairy tales in childhood. If you do not count on the support of your loved ones, then it is better for them not to know about your rituals.

Full moon ritual

On a full moon, you need to leave the house, stand facing the moon, imagine how your whole body is filled with moonlight. Stand for a while and direct your light to the Moon in the form of an energy exchange between you and the Moon.

Take a coin, preferably silver or similar to silver, look through the coin at the face of the Moon, say three times: “Silver coin, silver Moon, bring me wealth, bring me in full. Lucky coin, lucky moon, bring me luck, bring me plenty. That’s the way I want it and that’s the way it is.”

After this, you need to kiss the coin and express gratitude for the help of the Moon.

Ritual of multiplication

To increase the amount of money, you can place it in front of a mirror in which your reflection should be visible. Look at them, saying: “My money is growing every day.”

Feng Shui technique

Feng Shui is the art and science of managing life processes. By following the centuries-tested rules of Feng Shui, you can invite wealth, success, love, children, health and career growth into your life and home.

According to these rules, any house is divided into 9 sectors, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​our life.

The money sector in the house is southeast. You can determine where it is using a compass. It is necessary to pay increased attention to this sector in order to achieve wealth and good luck.

This place in the house should be perfectly clean, since the energy of money should spread freely in the house. It is advisable to do general cleaning here more often. Large plants or trees need to be placed in this sector - their growth will increase the energy of money.

Sacred symbols will help activate this sector:

  • money tree;
  • a three-legged toad sitting on coins;
  • god of wealth Hottei;
  • star elder Fuk;
  • eagle flying above the sun.

Money loves the smell of cinnamon, mint, neer, and lavender. You need to buy them to scent the air in the southeastern sector.

Growing a money tree

To attract wealth, use Money Tree or Crassula. It needs to be placed in the wealth sector. You can buy it in a store or plant it yourself from a leaf, cutting or shoot.

It is believed that it is better not to buy a money tree, but to plant it yourself. In order for it to bring financial well-being, you need to choose the right pot for it. It should be dark blue, green, purple or black. You cannot buy pots of red, brown, yellow and white.

Crassula is an unpretentious plant, the main thing for it is to have light. To enhance the effect of this tree on financial well-being, you can tie red ribbons with Chinese coins to the branches.

You can bury a few coins in the ground. You can put a red money mat or banknotes under the pot, or just a piece of red cloth.

IN lately, a new means of attracting money has appeared - the Dollar Tree or Zamioculcas. It is considered one of the most miraculous means for attracting both dollars and rubles.

Use of amulets

To change contact with money energy for the better, it is advisable to use amulets and talismans to attract money.

A spoon - a scoop - an old Russian amulet. It looks like a small spoon, the purpose of which is to draw wealth for the owner. It is put in the wallet.

Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon are placed in the wealth sector or placed in a wallet, inviting money there.

The decorative gold bill lives in your wallet permanently. She attracts money.

A money toad, to be kept in a wallet with a coin in its mouth, is a symbol of wealth and will help to establish a relationship with money.

Money mantras

Mantras are powerful energy messages that can change lives, improve health, open cash flow and bring abundance. Reciting mantras is one of the powerful rituals that help attract abundance.

A strong mantra that helps solve money issues is addressed to the goddess Tara Vasudhara.


You need to repeat it 108 times daily.

Another powerful mantra for financial well-being is the call to Ganesha:


20 old signs on how to attract money

Since ancient times, people have used omens for money. They should be treated carefully.

  1. Know how to give money to charity. In Rus' it was customary to give tithes. And be generous.
  2. You can’t throw money around the house, even small change. They should have their own house - a box, a safe, a beautiful wallet.
  3. You cannot throw garbage out the window.
  4. It is unacceptable for the faucet in the house to leak, otherwise the money will flow away.
  5. You can’t lend money in the evening.
  6. To attract money and promote your own well-being, you should cut your nails only on Tuesday and Friday.
  7. You cannot leave the toilet lid open. After use, it must be closed, otherwise monetary energy will flow away.
  8. The right hand is giving, and the left is taking, therefore, you need to give with your right hand, but always take with your left.
  9. You cannot transfer money “from hand to hand”; you need to put it on the table.
  10. It is unacceptable to sit on the dinner table - the money will decrease.
  11. Money loves to be counted. If you want to attract money, count it more often.
  12. You can’t cut your own hair – it means lack of money.
  13. You can't whistle at home - the money will leave the house.
  14. The broom should be placed in a corner with the whisk pointing up.
  15. Above the entrance to the house you need to place a horseshoe - a real one, a used one. For the house to be a full bowl, the edges of the horseshoe must be directed upward.
  16. The left palm itches - to receive money.
  17. You can’t sweep crumbs off the dinner table with your hand—money doesn’t like that.
  18. Old things in the house and other rubbish do not allow money energy to circulate in the house. Therefore, everything unnecessary must be thrown away on time.
  19. When giving money or paying at a store, you should admonish them: “I’m letting you go. Come back with your friends." Use the sign that attracts money more often.
  20. If a coin falls, you need to pick it up and say: “This is money coming to me.”

The most important secret on how to attract money

The most important secret is don’t give up. We are all often hindered by laziness, inertia, envy, putting things off until tomorrow, Monday, and lack of right thoughts.

If every day you take, even the smallest, step towards your well-being, you will certainly attract undeniable success and desired wealth into your real life.

No matter what your relatives and friends tell you that all these rituals are complete nonsense, if you believe and constantly follow them, the time will come when everything will definitely work out.

The most famous teaching about the correct arrangement of objects in the house is Feng Shui. But, besides Eastern methods, there are other techniques for organizing the environment in the house, attracting good luck and money.

Few people know that money and luck are attracted to the house by 7 objects that complement and enhance each other. To reveal the beneficial qualities of these things, it is enough to place them in the apartment in a certain way.

7 things to attract money and good luck to your home


First of all, this product is responsible for well-being and prevents money from “flowing” out of the house. These abilities are inherent in the very structure of honey, making it viscous.

You can enhance its properties by attracting wealth.

How to unleash the power of honey:

  • Buy flower honey collected from different plants. Only fresh, uncandied and unfermented product is suitable.
  • Do a general cleaning and sweep out dust and cobwebs from all accessible corners.
  • Take a clean brush, an open jar of honey and stand on the threshold. Instead of the whole jar, you can take the lid if there is a lot of honey left on it.
  • Walk around the entire apartment clockwise, dripping a little honey into each corner with a brush (you also need to walk around the room clockwise). Do not touch the floor or baseboard with the brush, let the honey drain on its own. If you cannot reach a corner, you can drop it next to it - opposite the cabinet or chest of drawers standing in this corner.
  • After “sprinkling” the home, place the jar of honey in the center of the table. As long as the product is not candied, all family members should eat it.


Quartz is considered the “TV” of the planet, seeing and showing everything that happened on Earth. Like honey, the crystal attracts money and monetary luck, but is responsible not for preserving funds, but for turning a risky situation in favor of the owner.

As a witness to all events, the stone knows what a person’s decision can lead to and prevents him from making a losing trade. Rock crystal helps businessmen and private entrepreneurs.

Quartz will bring the greatest benefit to traders on the stock exchange and professional gamblers - people whose work involves financial risks.

How to unlock the power of rock crystal

The stone does not need any additional ritual - place it on the windowsill, on the sunny or brightest side of the apartment. But in order for the rock crystal to quickly tune in to the new owner and begin to actively attract money and good luck, you can tell him every day about plans, dreams related to winning or business.


With its help, many rituals are performed for various purposes, and as a talisman for material well-being, it effectively attracts money and good luck to the house, which complements the capabilities of honey and rock crystal.

It's all about the crystal lattice of water - it is a kind of matrix on which you can write (say) anything you want, including attracting money and good luck to your home.

How to unleash the power of water

  • Buy a beautiful bowl that will serve as a “home” for the future amulet. You cannot take a vase or jug ​​- the container must have a wide neck. You can choose any material except wood and plastic. Place the bowl in the northern or western part of the apartment.
  • If possible, pour spring water into the container. Store-bought non-carbonated mineral water is also suitable. You can also pour liquid from the tap, but you need to clean it first:
  1. filter in a regular filter - purification with earth;
  2. freeze in the freezer or on the balcony in winter - cleanse with water;
  3. defrost on the stove - cleansing by fire;
  4. Boil, cover with a lid - air purification.
  • Periodically, water needs to be added to the bowl; do not keep the container half empty.


As a talisman, the red ball is responsible for health, but it is often used to attract good luck and money.

The scarlet thread preserves and restores strength, which helps to better concentrate on work and therefore, although indirectly, affects earnings.

How to unlock the power of the ball

  • Buy a ball of natural wool and pay with yellow or copper coins. The desired thread tone is pure red.
  • At home, unravel the ball and wind the resulting thread on a wooden stick. A clean wooden spoon will also work.
  • Keep the ball in the bedroom and do not cut the thread from it unless necessary.

These are “perfect” red shades, without admixtures of other colors. In the light, the thread should glow orange-red (like the first color on the left). A hint of crimson indicates an admixture of blue.


Coins with a yellow or red tint (preferably copper) will help you ensure that you always have the right amount in your wallet, and that there is plenty of money in your house and good luck.

Coins are the physical materialization of the energy of money, and that is why they are so often used in various money rituals and ceremonies.

How to Unleash the Power of Coins

  • Find 12 coins of the desired shade and any denomination. They should be in circulation in your country.
  • When there is a full moon, place the coins on the windowsill so that the moon's light falls on them.
  • Sew a bag from red cotton fabric. Coins should fit freely into it. The bag is tied with thread from a red ball.
  • Place the bag of coins in the jewelry box.
  • Every six months, the coins are recharged under the light of the full moon. If moonlight does not fall on any windowsill of the apartment, and the month is not visible from the windows, put the coins in the same room where there is a bowl of water.


A talisman in the form of a small aspen branch does not attract good luck and money to the house, but it helps to get rid of problems that already exist in the house.

Its effect is complemented by talismans for protection from misfortunes.

How to unleash the power of a twig

  • Buy a sickle or knife with a wooden, bone or metal handle.
  • Purchase tree food (organic liquid).
  • Find a healthy, non-dead aspen tree. Pour fertilizer under the root and cut a thin branch 10-20 cm long.
  • At home, wrap the rod in white cotton cloth and place it on a shelf in your bathroom or closet.


The amulet nail will also not help you attract money and good luck to your home, but it effectively protects the house from misfortunes, which complements the effect of the aspen branch talisman.

When hammering a nail, mentally imagine how you are driving and imprinting reliable armor and protection from all misfortunes, sorrows and misfortunes into your house.

How to Unleash the Power of a Nail

  • Take a new nail - with a wide head, long. Clean and rust free.
  • Hammer it into the door frame to the kitchen, preferably up to the top. If there is no door in the kitchen, a jamb above the entrance to the apartment will do. The nail can be driven in at an angle if it is too long to fit straight into the jamb.
  • If you can't hammer a nail into the head, don't hang anything on it.
  • You can disguise the amulet from prying eyes by hanging a clock or a picture above it.

Friends, now you know How to attract money and luck to your home with the help of seemingly ordinary things and objects. Remember that they do not work separately, but only in full ammunition, as they say, in a large and friendly company :)

May money and luck always go with you in life!

Alena Golovina




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