How to properly feed a 4 month old kitten. How to care for a kitten of three to four months

Hot salted milk mushrooms are a recipe for 100% success at both a festive and everyday dinner with potatoes. How nice it is in winter to take out a jar of salted mushrooms and put it on the festive table next to other snacks. One of the most popular types for pickling are milk mushrooms. Since the time of our grandparents, this type of mushroom has been equated to a delicacy.

Milk mushrooms are tasty and nutritious mushrooms, undeservedly ignored by many mushroom pickers.

Features of this type of mushroom

Thanks to the meaty base, unique aroma and delicate taste, most lovers of mushroom pickles prefer to stock up on these mushrooms for the winter. And although today there are several types of processing and preparation of milk mushrooms (stewing, frying, pickling), salting is considered the most ancient method.

There are two methods for pickling this type of mushroom: cold method and hot. The difference between these procedures is that with the cold method the milk mushrooms will be salted raw, the mushrooms are first soaked in liquid, and with the hot method they are subjected to heat treatment after soaking. Cooking this type of mushroom using the hot method is considered the most popular among mushroom lovers. We will tell you how to prepare and marinate this type of mushroom so that the milk mushrooms do not lose their shape or color and retain their characteristic mushroom crunch.

Before salting, milk mushrooms must be cleared of soil, leaves and insects.

So, if you want hot salted milk mushrooms, you need to do the following. Whether you bought milk mushrooms at the market, your friends brought them to you, or you collected them yourself in the forest, you will bring home not only mushrooms, but also a piece of the forest: soil, blades of grass, leaves and other debris. Using our hands, we clean the milk mushrooms from forest debris and transfer them to a bathtub or large bowl. We give the mushrooms the opportunity to swim in cold water for several hours. In the meantime, milk mushrooms are making water treatments, do not forget to periodically change their water. This is necessary not only to remove as much dirt as possible, cold water will remove the bitterness characteristic of this type of mushroom. After this, be patient and use a sponge or toothbrush. Each mushroom must be washed under clean water, removing small grains of dirt. You don’t want to spend the whole winter listening not to the crunch of mushrooms, but to the creaking of sand on your teeth? Next, you can cut the milk mushrooms into several parts or leave them whole; there are no strict recommendations here. On this preparatory stage completed. People who have pickled more than one jar of milk mushrooms testify that preparing for pickling is the most labor-intensive process, taking half the time.

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How to cook crispy milk mushrooms

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time soaking mushrooms before salting, but like the milk mushrooms to retain their specific crunch, try this recipe. Its main difference is that during heat treatment you do not need to add salt. So, to prepare crispy salted milk mushrooms in a hot way we will need: mushrooms, salt, dill seeds, cabbage leaves and garlic. Place clean mushrooms in a saucepan and pour cold water and let it boil. After boiling, set aside for 20 minutes and let the mushrooms simmer over low heat. Take them out of the water and cool. And we filter the water from the pan and put it in a cool place.

To give the mushrooms a piquant taste, you can add dill seeds.

Place 3 tablespoons of salt at the bottom of the container in which the mushrooms will be salted, sprinkle dill seeds and garlic cloves on top. Now carefully lay out the mushrooms with their stems up, add salt on top and again place a layer of milk mushrooms. Thus, we put all the mushrooms in a container, cover the layers with a flat plate, and put some kind of pressure on top. This could be a jar of pickles or a small saucepan of water. The brine that the milk mushrooms give should completely cover the “pyramid” under the plate. If there is not enough liquid, the water in which the mushrooms were boiled will come in handy. Cover the bucket or bowl in which the mushrooms will be salted with a clean towel and leave the milk mushrooms for three days.

After this time, we prepare sterilized jars and transfer the milk mushrooms into glass containers, pressing them tightly against each other, helping cabbage leaf. We close the jars with mushrooms with plastic lids and store them in the refrigerator or basement. After just eight or ten days, the salted milk mushrooms can be taken out of the jar and put on the table for dinner.

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Milk mushrooms with brine

This recipe does not contain any special secret; the mushrooms take much longer to salt than in the previous recipe, but at the same time, the salted milk mushrooms give such an indescribable aroma and taste that you want to try it again and again. For this recipe you need to stock up on: the mushrooms themselves, salt, allspice and black pepper, garlic, horseradish and vegetable oil. You can also take cloves, cherry or currant leaves to your taste, as well as bay leaf.

In an enamel saucepan, bring water to a boil, add salt at the rate of two tablespoons per liter of liquid, add milk mushrooms and let them boil for about 20 minutes. While the milk mushrooms are boiling, there is time to prepare the brine in a separate container. The ratio of salt and water is the same, add 25 black peppercorns and 10 allspice, if desired, you can add bay leaf and other dry spices to your taste.

To pickle mushrooms you will need 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.

Let the water boil over low heat and wait until the salt dissolves. While the brine is cooking, remove the milk mushrooms with a slotted spoon, transfer them to a pan with brine and let the mushrooms boil in a second pan for 10-15 minutes.

Next, remove the pan from the heat, add a few cloves of garlic and horseradish to the brine with mushrooms. Cover the mushrooms with a plate or something flat to press down the milk mushrooms. It is very important here not to overdo it with pressure, so as not to crush the mushrooms in the pan and turn them into mush. Make sure that the brine completely covers the mushrooms. Ready! Now you need to cover the container with a towel and put the mushrooms in the cold for six days. After this time, we steal the milk mushrooms into jars, having previously sterilized them. Pour the brine in which the milk mushrooms were simmered into the jars of mushrooms and add a few spoons to each container. vegetable oil. This is necessary in order to block the access of oxygen to the mushrooms. We close the glass jars with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator or cellar. Salted milk mushrooms will be ready in 5-7 weeks.

Mushroom picking season is in full swing. But not all of them can be fried in a frying pan or dried for the winter. For milk mushrooms, for example, best option preparation - pickling (although modern cooks fry and stew them). However, not everyone knows how to pickle white milk mushrooms.

How to distinguish milk mushrooms

These mushrooms grow in large quantities in our forests. And collecting them is a pleasure: they grow in large colonies, and distinguishing them from their inedible relatives is quite easy. But before you salt white milk mushrooms, you need to understand that they can be raw, black, yellow, and peppery.

White (also called real - raw) milk mushrooms are considered the most delicious when pickled. The cap of this mushroom is white or yellowish (more likely even creamy) with watery streaks. It is uneven in shape (wavy), tucked in and heavily pubescent at the edges. If the milk mushroom is broken anywhere, white juice will appear, which will turn grayish in air. It is best to look for such mushrooms in birch and pine forests.

If you have collected the yellow variety, then you definitely need to figure out how to salt milk mushrooms in jars - they are used only in salted form. The cap of the yellow milk mushroom can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. But this is not the maximum yet. Black ones are considered the largest. Their caps can be 20-22 cm. This type of mushroom is eaten salted, but first boiled.

Pepper mushrooms are also considered interesting. The fact is that if you dry it and crush it, it can completely replace pepper on your table.

Secrets to getting great crispy salted mushrooms

So, we already know that milk mushrooms are an excellent appetizer on the winter table. Crispy, delicious, it will remind you of the sunny autumn days of “quiet hunting”. But the stories of the masters about how to properly salt white milk mushrooms are depressing, and it seems that it is tedious and difficult.

First, there are a few important details to remember:

  1. Only young and firm mushrooms without traces of “rust” or worms are suitable for pickling.
  2. Before salting white milk mushrooms, be sure to soak them for several days.
  3. Use the right containers: enamel dishes without chips, ceramic or wooden barrels, glass jars.
  4. Already prepared mushrooms be sure to rinse under running water; you should do the same with the cloth that covers the pickles and the pressure.

Processing method

So, if you are planning to salt milk mushrooms, you will need a proven recipe that is suitable specifically for your mushrooms. Because, as already mentioned, black milk mushrooms must be boiled before salting, and white milk mushrooms can easily be sent to a jar and raw. Actually, there are two main methods for preparing salted milk mushrooms: cold method and hot.


In both cases, the preparatory stage involves not only thoroughly washing the mushrooms, but also soaking them in clean water. If the days are hot, then the water needs to be changed every 2 hours, and total time The stay of milk mushrooms in it should not be extended for more than 1.5 days (day, night, day). In cool weather, you can increase the time to 2-3 days with water changes every 4-5 hours. All the bitterness will come out of the mushrooms.

Cold way

It’s not difficult to understand how to salt white milk mushrooms. The main thing is to follow all the rules. If you only have a few mushrooms, clean ones will do just fine. glass jar. Of course, traditional oak barrels are preferable, but where can you get them?

Add a layer of salt to the bottom of the jar (remember that for all types of pickles you should use coarse, non-iodized salt). It should be assumed that for every kilogram of mushrooms, about 40 g of salt is taken. We place horseradish and currant or cherry leaves on it, garlic (this should also be cut into small slices) and dill inflorescences. Having dealt with the spices, start arranging the mushrooms. This must be done very calmly and carefully so as not to break the fragile mushrooms. The milk mushrooms should be folded with their caps facing down. Sprinkle each layer with peppercorns (3-4 pcs.). Fill the jar to the top and cover the mushrooms with currant or cherry leaves.

Then you need to create oppression. To do this, take a lid or saucer smaller than the neck of the jar, and place a load on it. The entire structure must be removed for 1-2 months in a cool, dark place. In the city this is most often a refrigerator, but in suburban conditions it is a basement.

Hot way

If you are not sure that you know how to pickle milk mushrooms, hot way for you. Firstly, most people are afraid to use raw mushrooms, and secondly, this technology prevents them from souring in the marinade.

For hot pickling, you don’t have to soak the milk mushrooms for so long. A couple of hours is enough. Then each batch of mushrooms should be boiled in salted water for 20-30 minutes. The water needs to be changed for each serving.

During the cooking process, foam will appear on the surface of the pan, which must be removed as much as possible. Next, the mushrooms are placed on a sieve and washed with cold running water.

The pickling container is filled with spices (unlike cold pickling, onions can also be used here), then mushrooms are also placed with their caps down and, pressed down with a load, they are put away in a cool place for a week.

If you have collected a whole cart of milk mushrooms, then boiling them a few pieces at a time is impractical. A large volume of mushrooms is blanched. Boil salted water in a saucepan and place mushrooms in nets for blanching (these are containers in the form of stainless steel nets). After 15-20 minutes, the milk mushrooms are removed and the water is allowed to drain. Then, based on the calculation: 60 g of salt per kilogram of already boiled mushrooms, they are salted in prepared containers. These pickles will be ready in 20 days.

Milk mushrooms have been appearing on the dinner table in the form of pickles for a long time. And this is not surprising: thanks to their unusual subtle taste and amazing aroma, many mushroom fans cook them with great pleasure. If you have stocked up on these wonderful mushrooms, then it would be a good idea for you to learn how to cook them correctly. Today you will meet the best recipes preparing milk mushrooms (white and black) for the winter. Also included is a description of the mushrooms (with photographs) and instructions for preparing them.

Breast milk: description, properties

Today, about 20 varieties of milk mushrooms are known that are suitable for consumption. Milk mushrooms contain milky juice, and the flesh is dense, but over time it begins to crumble. The most popular among mushroom pickers (both beginners and experienced) are three varieties:

  • Real (wet, sometimes called pepper). This type of milk mushroom is a solitary mushroom and is quite difficult to find. Pepper mushroom is not particularly common: it can most often be found in coniferous forests. The mushroom loves sandy wet soil. It is worth noting that the size of other representatives of the species is significantly inferior to its counterpart: sometimes the diameter of the cap of a wet mushroom reaches 20 cm. A young mushroom has a flat (sometimes slightly convex) cap. The mushroom is also distinguished by a fairly high (up to 7 cm) and thick (up to 5 cm) stalk. The surface of the mushroom is white and smooth. The pulp is dense and becomes brittle over time.

White breast

  • White (white wave). It is distinguished by its rather “modest” dimensions: the diameter of the cap is only about 8-10 cm. Although the white milk mushroom is difficult to distinguish from the real one, it is inferior to it in taste qualities. You can find it in coniferous forests, sometimes in oak and walnut groves.
  • Black (“chernukha”). Belongs to category 2 mushrooms. In Europe, nigella is considered a poisonous mushroom. In our country it is quite popular, but is used only for pickling. What makes milk mushroom different from other varieties is its unusual appearance: dark cap, the shade of which varies from olive to brown (sometimes almost black). By the way, dry milk mushrooms often grow next to black milk mushrooms, which do not have the characteristic milky juice inside, so they can be prepared not only as pickles, but also used in soups and pies. In terms of size, the chernuka can compete even with a real milk mushroom: the diameter of the cap sometimes reaches 18-20 cm, and the height of the stem reaches 8 cm (but it is not very wide - only 2-3 cm).

Advice. Almost all varieties of milk mushrooms are inedible in their raw form, even poisonous. It's all about the presence of a large amount of milky juice, which gives an unpleasant bitter taste. For this reason, when cooking, milk mushrooms must pass heat treatment. When boiled, they not only lose their characteristic flavor, but also acquire a delicate aromatic taste.

The best recipes for winter preparations of white and black milk mushrooms

As mentioned earlier, milk mushrooms are most often used as pickles because of their specific taste. But this is one of the most commonly used mushrooms as winter harvesting. There are many marinade recipes and methods for preparing it, among which are: classic recipes: They are simple and at the same time delicious.

Hot salted white milk mushrooms

For those who would not like to languish for a long time waiting for mushroom pickles to be ready, a recipe for preparing milk mushrooms using hot marinade is ideal. So, for 2 kg of mushrooms you will need about 5 cloves of garlic, the same number of sprigs of dill and currant leaves. You will also need several bay leaves and salt (about 100 g).

Hot salted milk mushrooms

Wash the milk mushrooms thoroughly and leave them in cool water for several hours, after removing the stems. Prepare hot brine. To do this, boil 2 liters of water, adding 3-4 tbsp. spoons of salt. Then add the mushrooms and cook for about half an hour. Pour a little salt into the pickling container, then you can lay out the mushrooms, alternating them with spices and salt. The thickness of each mushroom layer should not exceed 5 cm. Cover the mushroom mass with oppression. After 2-3 days, you can take the container with mushrooms out into the cold and 30 days after salting, enjoy delicious crispy mushrooms.

Salted black milk mushrooms

Simple and delicious recipe pickling nigella. We will need the following products:

  • black milk mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • dill - 10 small umbrellas;
  • garlic – 10 medium cloves;
  • salt (regular) – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil, water.

Start by preparing the mushrooms: Wash them thoroughly with cold water. Boil water, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil and add the prepared mushrooms there. Cook for about 5 minutes (do not forget to skim off the foam). Drain the water from the container, add salt and the remaining ingredients. Stir, cover with oppression overnight. In the morning, stir the mushrooms again and cover again until evening.

Salted milk mushrooms

After at least 10 hours, remove the mushrooms, put them in jars, place the dill stems tightly on top and fill the semi-finished mushrooms with the brine remaining in the container. Use only plastic lids. Place the jars in the refrigerator. In a few weeks the mushrooms will be ready.

Advice. Try to carefully select mushrooms for salting (immediately discard mushrooms with “rusty” spots, since they are old) and wash them just as thoroughly, using a hard brush or sponge, since dirt eats into the milk mushrooms very deeply.

Today we met an unusual mushroom, which many know about from the good old proverb. Now you know how you can prepare it to delight your loved ones with delicious crispy mushrooms in winter. Good luck!

At the end of summer and autumn, they appear in the forests various types mushrooms, and all the mushroom pickers rush to their favorite “silent hunt”. Representatives of the mushroom kingdom such as boletus, white boletus, saffron milk cap and others are placed in the basket. It is considered especially chic to find a clearing of strong white milk mushrooms. These mushrooms are considered one of the best for preparing pickles for the winter. Find out how to pickle white milk mushrooms at home in two main ways: hot and cold.

Before you start salting milk mushrooms, you must collect them and prepare them properly. At the same time, they should be collected only in those forest belts that are located at some distance from industrial sites and highways. The fact is that any fruiting bodies of mushrooms are a kind of sponge for toxins, absorbing various toxic substances.

You can salt milk mushrooms of any kind - excellent preparations are made from black, dry, oak, aspen, and real white milk mushrooms. The main thing is to choose among them those that are not rotten or wormy. It is best to use small mushrooms, but large ones will also work if they are not old.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

No matter how clean and beautiful the mushrooms collected in the forest are, you can pickle milk mushrooms only after they have been carefully prepared. It is best to carry out all procedures immediately after collection. All leaves and needles are removed from the mushrooms, earthen debris is removed, after which they are thoroughly washed with clean water. You can use a soft brush or sponge or a knife - this will speed up the cleansing process. Rotten or worm-eaten areas are cut off. The plate part is washed under the pressure of running water.

Please note that it is not always necessary to soak milk mushrooms before salting (especially white ones), but only if this process occurs without first boiling the fruiting bodies. But you can also soak mushrooms in order to rid them of dried specks.

How much soaking depends directly on the purpose for which this procedure is carried out. For example, to remove debris, just a few hours are enough, but preparing to pickle white milk mushrooms at home without cooking involves a long process of keeping them in water, which must be constantly replaced with fresh water during the process. After this, they must be rinsed.

Also, before salting, white milk mushrooms are sorted: small ones are salted whole, large ones are cut into several parts. The stems of fruiting bodies are usually cut off, leaving only a centimeter.

Preparing the dishes

You can salt milk mushrooms for the winter only in certain containers. It should be either a glass container or an enameled one, but it must be without chips of the enamel. Also, in the old fashioned way, some continue to use wooden tubs. Most often, mushrooms are stored in jars for the winter.

Do not use earthenware - it will deteriorate when exposed to saline solution. The coating of such dishes may contain lead, which, as a result of the action of an aggressive environment, dissolves in the brine and penetrates into the mushrooms. Also do not use galvanized tin utensils.

Any dishes should be carefully prepared: it is customary to soak a wooden container so that it swells and stops leaking. New oak tubs are kept in water for at least 10-12 days with periodic replacement of the liquid - this is necessary to remove tannins. Otherwise, the mushrooms, and even the brine in which they swim, will turn black.

After this, each tub is rinsed with water and cleaned with a brush, and then steamed with a boiling solution of caustic soda (the solution is prepared at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water). It is customary to fumigate containers treated in this way with a sulfur smoke bomb - this will ensure that there are no pathogenic microorganisms or substances left in the wood that can spoil all the preparations.

Glass containers or enamel containers are washed well with soap and then dried in the oven - sterilization is carried out. Clean dishes should not have any odors.

Cold salting method

Most often, mushroom pickers use this method of preparation. Cold salting of milk mushrooms is done without the cooking process and provides the resulting product with a unique taste. However, the duration of cooking mushrooms according to this recipe is long, about 30-40 days.

First, the fruiting bodies need to be soaked. To do this, prepared white milk mushrooms, cleaned of debris, are poured into a large enamel basin or bucket, and then filled with water. A large glass dish is placed on top, on top of which a small weight is placed. It is necessary that all fruiting bodies be immersed in water, but you should not press them too hard at this stage.

The mushrooms are kept in this state for about 3-5 days, and a complete water change is necessary at least 2 times a day.

Please note that sour mushrooms cannot be used for pickling - they become hazardous to health.

Spices, currant and horseradish leaves are placed at the bottom of the prepared container, salt is sprinkled on top, then the soaked mushrooms are laid in layers with their caps down (some are laid with the plates down). Each layer of milk mushrooms is sprinkled with salt, peppercorns, chopped garlic, dill umbrellas, and currant leaves. In this case, the salt consumption is as follows: for 1 kg of mushrooms - 35-40 g. The very last layer of white milk mushrooms is also covered with currant and horseradish leaves.

A plate is placed on top of all the mushrooms, a size slightly smaller than the diameter of the selected container (if a wooden circle is used, then it is wrapped in clean gauze), a pressure is placed on top of it - something heavy, usually a stone (bricks, dolomite, limestone, metal products) or you can put a glass jar with water. In this state, the mushrooms remain for 30-40 days in a well-ventilated room, where the air temperature is not higher than 6 ° C, but not lower than 0 ° C. It is advisable to cover the entire structure with a cloth on top to protect the mushrooms from dust.

You can also add freshly picked white milk mushrooms to the container as the old ones settle.

You can salt milk mushrooms in a cold way in a slightly different way. That is, they are soaked in the same way, kept under pressure, but this time not for long. Literally after 3 days, the white milk mushrooms begin to be laid out very tightly in sterilized jars and filled with the resulting brine. A currant or horseradish leaf is placed on the surface, and a little vegetable oil is poured on top, after which the jar is covered with a plastic lid.

The taste of salted milk mushrooms can be seriously affected by the set of seasonings used to prepare the preparation. In general, black peppercorns, dill, horseradish (leaves and roots), cloves, blackcurrant or cherry leaves, garlic, cumin are used. But remember that too large number spices can drown out the true taste and aroma of white milk mushrooms. The most natural taste is obtained if only salt is used.

Hot salting method

There is a recipe for salting milk mushrooms and pre-cooking the mushrooms. Many people prefer to use it, since it is faster (mushrooms will be ready to eat in 15 days), and more likely that all toxins accumulated from the air during growth will be released from the fruiting bodies.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms looks like as follows: mushrooms prepared and soaked for 6-12 hours are placed in a pan (enamel), filled with water, to which 3 laurel leaves are added and brought to a boil, then cooked for 15-20 minutes over low heat. The foam is removed with a slotted spoon.

After cooling in their own broth, boiled mushrooms are transferred to a colander. Then the white milk mushrooms are placed in prepared containers in layers, which are sprinkled with salt. Salt consumption – 30-40 g/kg. A layer of spices, blanched currant and horseradish leaves, and dill inflorescences are placed on the bottom of the container and on top of the mushrooms. Then a pressure is placed on top (a plate of smaller container diameter and a glass jar with liquid).

The amount of salt often depends on plans - how long the white milk mushrooms will be stored. For example, if you plan to eat them in the near future, then you can add less. For longer periods, white milk mushrooms are kept in a more concentrated environment. The brine will appear in a couple of hours, and after 3-6 days the workpiece can be placed in jars and covered with nylon lids.

At the same time, it is also important to put mushrooms in jars correctly. The container must be sterilized. The mushrooms are placed in a jar with their caps down and filled with brine so that it completely covers them. Currant or horseradish leaves are placed on top and only then covered with boiled nylon lids.

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way is quite simple and even more common for many than in a cold way. In addition, this option for preparing preparations allows you to get a fragrant and tasty delicacy as quickly as possible and will very soon rid your home of the presence of large containers with pickled white milk mushrooms.

It is noteworthy that it is recommended to rinse white milk mushrooms with cold water before eating to remove the salt. This is especially true for fruiting bodies harvested in brine with high concentration salt. In general, white milk mushrooms prepared in this way are stored for about 6 months at a temperature of 5-6 degrees. It is best to put the jars in the refrigerator or cellar. By the way, white milk mushrooms should always be in brine - if it evaporates, then boiled water is added to the container.

It’s up to you to decide which recipe to pickle white milk mushrooms. Try both methods and choose the most optimal and suitable option for you.

Mushrooms contain maximum quantity protein, which is why the product has high value. Many housewives prefer to salt milk mushrooms for the winter, so that they can subsequently enjoy the snack at any time. convenient time. Crispy aromatic mushrooms are served not only with everyday dishes, but also festive table. To save everything useful elements and remove toxins from the cavity of milk mushrooms, it is important to salt correctly.

Salting milk mushrooms: features of the procedure

  1. Mushrooms have unpleasant property absorb poisons from the environment. You should not eat salted raw milk mushrooms without pre-processing them. Otherwise, instead beneficial properties you fill your body with “toxins”.
  2. The optimal place for harvesting is considered to be a thicket or clearing away from highways. It is strictly not recommended to collect milk mushrooms near the highway, industrial plants and other enterprises that emit gases. environment(unfavorable areas in terms of ecology).
  3. Before salting, sort out the milk mushrooms, eliminating wormy and damaged specimens. As mentioned earlier, mushrooms absorb all debris, so it needs to be eliminated. Rub the stained areas with a soft sponge or children's toothbrush. If the dirt cannot be cleaned, place the milk mushrooms in a bowl of water and repeat the manipulations after 2 hours.
  4. During the process of sorting and cleaning, chop the mushrooms into 3-4 parts along the grain. If you wish, you can separate the caps from the stems and then salt them separately. Some housewives prefer to pickle the caps and make mushroom caviar from the legs.
  5. To soak, completely fill the fruit with cold water. Drown the milk mushrooms with a plate, place a three-liter jar of liquid on the dish (organize a press). Change the water three times a day, soak the mushrooms for at least 70 hours (about 3 days). After the procedure, the milk mushrooms are washed 3-5 times, with attention paid to each fruit.
  6. Glass, ceramic, and wooden containers are suitable for manipulating mushrooms. You cannot use metal and clay dishes; the former containers oxidize, the latter absorb all the juice and aroma.

Pickling milk mushrooms: traditional version

  • mushrooms - 6 kg.
  • salt (table salt, coarse) - 320-340 gr.
  1. Sort through the collected milk mushrooms, remove rotten and spoiled specimens. It is also necessary to cut off the holes that were formed from the puncture of coniferous trees.
  2. Cut about 3 mm from the stem, rinse the mushrooms in a basin, change the water constantly. Now choose a suitable container for soaking, place the milk mushrooms in it, and fill it with cold water.
  3. Place a plate on top, set a pressure (a three- or five-liter bottle will do). It is important that the mushrooms are constantly in the water and not floating on the surface.
  4. Change the liquid every 4 hours so that the milk mushrooms do not stagnate. After 7-10 hours, foam will begin to form in the water, you need to drain it immediately. After this, rinse the mushrooms 3-4 times and add water again.
  5. The duration of soaking is 3-5 days, during which time all toxins will be released from the mushrooms. During the soaking process, the fruits will decrease in size due to loss of juice. After the mushroom pulp stops being bitter, the mushrooms can be salted.
  6. Chop the milk mushrooms into small pieces (along the fibers), if desired, leave only the caps, and place the legs on the caviar. Place the slices in a suitable bowl and sprinkle with salt. Alternate the ingredients in layers (salt-mushrooms-salt).
  7. After salting, place the contents under a press, placing a flat plate and a bottle of water on top of it. The oppression is maintained for 3 days; throughout the entire period, the mushrooms must be stirred periodically (about 4 times a day).
  8. Sterilize the container in advance using a water bath or oven. Dry the jars and place the pickled mushrooms on them. Pack the contents tightly, since milk mushrooms are stored without marinade.
  9. Seal the composition with nylon caps. Send it into the cold, the exposure time is 1.5-2 months, during which time the mushrooms will infuse and be ready for use.

Hot method of salting milk mushrooms

  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • mushrooms - 2.2 kg.
  • drinking water - 2.2 l.
  • table salt - 85 gr.
  • laurel leaf - 4 pcs.
  • peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • dried cloves - 4 stars
  1. Pre-rinse and soak the mushrooms in running water, change the liquid every 4 hours. The aging period is 3 days, during which time all the bitterness will come out of the mushrooms. The fruits will decrease in volume due to loss of juice.
  2. Mix water with bay leaf, salt, cloves, pepper, pour the mixture into a saucepan. Place on the stove, simmer at medium power until the crystals dissolve. Chop the mushrooms and place them in brine, simmer for half an hour, skim off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Remove the milk mushrooms from the stove, add chopped garlic to the brine. Set the oppression (a flat plate and a five-liter bottle), leave the mushrooms to simmer in the brine. Refrigerate the contents and wait 30 hours.
  4. Sterilize the jars and dry the containers. Boil the mixture of mushrooms and solution over high heat for 10 minutes. Pour the contents into hot containers and compact the milk mushrooms thoroughly.
  5. Seal the composition with tin lids and turn the neck down. Make sure there are no leaks, wrap the container with a warm cloth. Wait until it cools, transfer to the cold.

  • purified water - 4.5 l.
  • mushrooms - 4.7 kg.
  • onions- 900 gr.
  • crushed sea salt - 225 gr.
  1. Sort through the milk mushrooms, eliminate all excess, clean the mushrooms with a soft sponge. Rinse the fruits under the tap several times, then place them in a bowl of cold water. Set the oppression, soak the milk mushrooms for 3 days.
  2. After 7 hours of soaking, foam forms on the surface, drain the liquid. Change the water 4 times a day. As the mushrooms reduce in size, they will lose their bitterness. It is at this moment that you can start salting.
  3. Prepare a solution of 4.5 liters. filtered water and 60 gr. salt, wait until the granules dissolve. Pour the mixture over the mushrooms and leave for 11-12 hours. During the entire soaking period, rinse the fruits 2 times.
  4. Now remove the milk mushrooms and set the brine aside, you will need it. Partially dry the mushrooms. Peel the onion, chop it thinly (rings or half rings), add milk mushrooms and the remaining salt.
  5. Place the contents (onions, mushrooms, salt) under a press and wait 48 hours. Stir the container composition every 7 hours. Sterilize the jars, place the prepared mushrooms in them, and compact them well.
  6. Fill with brine, seal with nylon lids, and send to the cold or cellar to infuse. After 2 days, you can start tasting the milk mushrooms.

Salting milk mushrooms in cabbage leaves

  • currant leaves - 25 pcs.
  • cherry leaves - 25 pcs.
  • mushrooms - 5.5 kg.
  • crushed salt - 330 gr.
  • garlic - 10 cloves
  • fresh dill - 1-2 bunches
  • cabbage leaves (large) - 12 pcs.
  • drinking water - 5.5 l.
  1. Sort the mushrooms, wash the caps soft brush, cut off the legs. Rinse the fruits under the tap, then transfer them to a basin and fill with cold water. Soak the milk mushrooms for 2.5-3 days, replace the liquid every 6 hours.
  2. When the specified period has expired, remove the composition and rinse the mushrooms under the tap. In another bowl, mix 60 g. salt with filtered water, wait until the crystals dissolve. Pour brine over the mushrooms and set pressure, wait 12 hours.
  3. Remove the mushrooms from the solution every 4 hours and rinse them with plain water. After the allotted time has passed, remove the fruits from the salted liquid and leave in a colander to dry.
  4. Chop the garlic into slices, chop fresh dill, rinse the cabbage, currant and cherry leaves. Sterilize the jars, start laying out the mushrooms in layers, alternating them with a mixture of the remaining salt, garlic and other ingredients.
  5. Compact the contents so that the mushrooms reach the edges of the jar. Seal with plastic lids and leave in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months. During this period, the fruits will be salted as much as possible, so you can start tasting.

Before salting, milk mushrooms must be soaked. This move will remove poisons from the cavity of the mushrooms, making them suitable for consumption. This step cannot be skipped, otherwise you will not get rid of the bitter taste.

Video: how to quickly pickle milk mushrooms



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