How to understand that there are problems with the bladder. Full bladder

Problems with urination in men occur due to the development pathological processes in internal organs genitourinary system. Manifests itself in incontinence or retention of urine outflow. Data negative states are not independent diseases, arise due to impaired functioning of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract due to the formation of stones, the development of inflammatory processes, purulent foci, and oncological tumors. Urinary problems occur with equal frequency in both women and men.

Most often, representatives of the stronger half of humanity develop a pathology such as strangury - a very unpleasant and painful condition characterized by urinary retention. The disease develops due to inflammatory processes and infectious diseases in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Factors that provoke urinary problems in men are the following:

  • adenoma prostate gland;
  • prostate cancer;
  • pathological narrowing of the lumen of the urethra;
  • prostatitis;
  • development of urolithiasis;
  • urethritis;
  • injuries of the bladder, genital organs;
  • previous surgery on the genitourinary system;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system leading to disruption of the bladder sphincter.

Pathology can be physiological, normal character, if it occurs in men aged 50–60 years. With normal narrowing of the urethra, associated with age-related changes in the body, gradual aging and suppression of the functions of the genitourinary system, there are no urinary retention painful signs. This condition is not a pathology, cannot be corrected and cannot be treated.

Why do women have problems with urine flow?

The causes of urinary retention in women, as well as men, are due to disruption of the functioning of the genitourinary system under the influence of developing pathological processes associated with inflammation, infection, and the entry of bacteriological pathogenic microflora into the body.

Depending on what pathologies develop in the body, problems with the process of urination can be characterized not only by retention, but also by urinary incontinence. Factors that provoke problems in women are:

  • availability foreign objects in the urethra;
  • pinching of the urinary canal;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • strong, prolonged stressful situations;
  • overuse alcoholic drinks;
  • long-term use medications with a diuretic effect;
  • violation of the rules for the use of oral contraceptives;
  • spinal injuries;
  • age-related changes.

More often urethra undergoes pathological changes in women with chronic diseases gynecological nature. Among problems with the outflow of urine, strangury is often encountered - urine retention. In this case, going to the toilet is accompanied by pain, cramps, and constant feeling full bladder.

The causes of strangury are inflammatory processes, oncological tumors that put pressure on the organs of the reproductive system. Frequent urge to urinate - pollakiuria - occurs due to inflammation of the bladder and infectious diseases.

Urinary incontinence occurs due to weakening of the bladder sphincter. This pathology is associated with age-related changes and injuries. Given the absence of a specific symptomatic picture, determine without medical tests factors influencing urinary excretion are not possible.

How does urinary dysfunction manifest?

Signs of the development of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system appear gradually. At first, most people do not pay attention to frequent visits to the toilet, thinking that it is due to the use of large quantity water, juices, diuretic products.

Over time, pain appears when urinating. At first insignificant, it gradually increases in intensity and becomes unbearable. A person, going to the toilet, tenses his abdominal muscles, not allowing the stream of urine to come out normally, because he is afraid of an attack of pain, but this only worsens the situation.

Signs of urinary dysfunction in men:

  • urinary retention, why man forced to strongly strain the abdominal muscles;
  • constant feeling full bubble, despite its emptying;
  • excretion of urine not in a stream, but in drops;
  • splitting or interruption of the stream;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased duration of urination;
  • presence of blood clots in urine.

How does urinary dysfunction manifest in women? Clinical signs are as follows:

  • drip discharge;
  • prolonged duration of urination;
  • urine flows out in a very thin stream, despite the tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • bifurcated jet;
  • urine comes out of the urethra in splashes;
  • pain;
  • feeling of burning and stinging.

In the presence of severe pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system - extensive inflammation with purulent foci, development oncological tumors- in addition to the violation of the act of urination, another accompanying symptoms: body temperature rises, lower back pain occurs, blood clots in urine.

Pain when urinating, an atypical nature of the stream from the urinary canal, and cramps are not temporary symptoms that can go away on their own. This clinical picture indicates serious illnesses, which must be immediately diagnosed and treated. The more the disease worsens, the more severe the intensity of the symptoms.

Diagnosis of pathology

Before prescribing adequate treatment, it is necessary to find out the reasons that led to problems with urination. Men need to see a urologist, women – a gynecologist. Methods for diagnosing pathologies of the genitourinary system in men:

  • ultrasound and rectal finger examination prostate gland;
  • blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys;
  • computed tomography;
  • urine analysis for the presence of mucus, red blood cells, and white blood cells in it, indicating inflammatory processes;
  • urethroscopy;
  • bacteriological culture of a smear from the urethra.

In women, to diagnose problems with urination, a number of similar tests are performed - ultrasound, computed tomography, blood and urine are taken for general analysis, a vaginal smear is diagnosed to detect sexually transmitted diseases. An examination by a gynecologist is required, since the pathological process can be caused by diseases of the uterus, its cervix, and ovaries.

To examine the condition of the bladder in men and women, cystoscopy is performed, which is carried out using a special medical device inserted into the urethra. Given diagnostic method shows the condition of the organ, helps to identify the causes of its narrowing.

Only after receiving the test results will the doctor be able to prescribe effective treatment. Difficulty urinating, incontinence and other disorders are only symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system. Treatment is primarily aimed at stopping the underlying cause. Without the intervention of a specialist, it is only possible to temporarily remove the painful clinical picture, while the underlying disease will gradually develop.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for problematic urination is selected individually, depending on what caused the complication.

In case of a malignant or benign neoplasm that cannot be removed surgically due to its inaccessibility, location near vital important organs or coronary blood vessels, medications are prescribed to reduce the tumor, stop or slow down its intensive growth.

Treatment includes a course of chemotherapy. Elimination of symptoms in the form of a violation of the outflow of urine is carried out with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, and physiotherapy is prescribed.

For pathological narrowing of the urethra, a procedure to excise the thickened wall is recommended. For this manipulation it is used endoscopic technique. If there are stones in the kidneys or bladder, if the stones have a small diameter, they are prescribed medicines for their dissolution with further removal from the body through urine.

If the stones are large, they are crushed with a laser. If it is impossible to use this technique, removal of stones is carried out through surgery open or laparoscopic type, depending on the severity of the clinical case.

Subject to availability inflammatory process caused by pathogenic activity bacterial microflora, antibiotics are prescribed. Drugs are selected individually, based on analysis results indicating the type of pathogen. Men who have problems with urination due to prostatitis undergo symptomatic treatment using medications and physiotherapy to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Cystitis, a disease characterized by inflammation of the bladder, causing obstruction of the outflow of urine and occurring most often in women, must be treated comprehensively. Appointed drug therapy, aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and destroying pathogenic microflora, which provoked the development of a negative process. Patients are prescribed therapeutic diet, drugs - immunostimulants.

Preventive measures

Measures to prevent disturbances in the urination process are aimed at preventing the development of diseases and pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. To prevent inflammation of the prostate, men need to follow active image life, perform regularly special exercises for the prostate gland after 45 years of age.

Good prevention various diseases is the presence of regular sex life, but with the use of contraception and with a permanent, trusted partner. Another preventive measure is careful adherence intimate hygiene. It will not be superfluous to adjust your diet - limiting the consumption of fatty and fried foods, spices, marinades, moderate use of alcoholic beverages, coffee.

Women need to protect the body from hypothermia, which is the main factor provoking the development of cystitis and other inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary system. The main measure to prevent problems with urination is to protect the body from stressful situations and moral shocks.

Inflammation of the bladder in women is much more common than in men due to anatomical features genitourinary system. Women have a much shorter urethra, making it easier for bacteria to enter. bladder. In addition, during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, the body creates favorable conditions for the development of infections. Cystitis, as the disease is scientifically called, can develop at any age.

Causes and symptoms of bladder inflammation

The development of the disease is promoted by:

  • gynecological problems that contribute to infection in the bladder;
  • the presence of stones or tumors in the bladder;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • hypothermia;
  • rare or incomplete emptying bladder;
  • stress, alcohol intake, vitamin deficiency.

Acute inflammation of the bladder

The acute form of the disease usually occurs suddenly, with symptoms worsening over the first few hours. Usually, a woman begins to be bothered by rapid and burning sensations. The intervals between urges can be reduced from 5 to 15 minutes and do not stop even at night. Trying to suppress the urge to urinate can result in urinary incontinence. On the contrary, some patients experience difficulty urinating.

Chronic inflammation of the bladder

Chronic cystitis develops not so much due to infection entering the bladder, but due to dystrophic changes in tissues. Signs of chronic inflammation bladder are the same as with acute form diseases, but less pronounced. The course of the disease can vary dramatically depending on the severity of symptoms. In some patients, the disease occurs in waves: with periods of exacerbation, which are very similar to acute or subacute inflammation of the bladder, and varying periods of improvement. In other patients, a rather monotonous picture of clinical and laboratory data is observed.

How to cure bladder inflammation?

Before treating inflammation of the bladder with medications, the foci of infection should be sanitized and the causes of relapse should be eliminated. chronic form. Drug treatment includes the selection of drugs aimed at eliminating antispasmodic and pain symptoms. Many patients experience deterioration clinical picture after sex, therefore, during the period of treatment of bladder inflammation, you should completely abstain from sexual activity.

For patients with bladder inflammation, effective antibiotics are selected that provide correct anti-inflammatory therapy and eliminate the causative agents of infection. At acute cystitis Monural is often prescribed; in the chronic form of the disease, antibiotics from the fluorophinolone group are effective: norfloxacin, ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. Means that are aimed at increasing protective forces body and boosting immunity.

A proper diet can significantly speed up the healing process. The food we eat has a direct effect on the mucous membrane of the bladder, so in case of inflammation, the diet should be aimed at washing the urinary tract and removing the infectious agent.

Must include drinking plenty of fluids at least 2 liters per day. These can be fruit drinks, juices (all except tomato), compotes (especially useful from lingonberries and cranberries), calcium chloride mineral water, weak tea without sugar. Useful for bladder inflammation and medicinal herbs, from which you can make infusions. At severe inflammation Mint will help: pour 20 g of herb into 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave and drink 1 glass 3 times a day. To the most useful products food includes fruits and vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, zucchini), fermented milk products, which have a beneficial effect on microflora, meat and fish of low-fat varieties.

Problem associated with lack of control over bladder, much more common than is commonly thought. According to statistics, 45 percent of adults aged 40 to 60 years old may experience this problem. Urinary incontinence occurs almost 2 times more often in women than in men. However, it is wrong to think that this problem is real only for older women. Every tenth girl has ever experienced uncontrolled leakage of fluid from the bladder.

Leaving urinary incontinence unchecked can make your life a living hell. Doctors recommend that their patients do not rush to move away from active social life, but reconsider the principles of nutrition and acquire healthy habits.

A little about the functions of the bladder

The bladder is muscular organ, in which urine is temporarily stored. In women, it is located directly behind the uterus, and ligaments in the pelvis hold it securely in place. The size of the bladder varies depending on the amount of fluid it can hold. When it is empty, its diameter does not exceed 7.5 cm; when it is full, it can absorb up to 2 liters of urine.

Sphincters - the muscles surrounding the opening of the organ - are mobile. By closing tightly, they help keep urine from leaking into the urethra. The nerves in the walls of the bladder are very sensitive. They signal to you that it is time to go to the toilet and empty your bladder. During urination, the brain sends signals that relax the sphincter muscles and tighten the walls of the organ to squeeze the liquid out.

When all the signals follow each other in the correct order, no unexpected troubles occur. And if some kind of failure occurs in the system, you are faced with the problem of urinary incontinence. Next, let's talk about the myths that accompany this medical condition.

Myth 1: Urinary incontinence is only a problem for older women.

A recent sociological survey found that one in three women aged 18 to 75 years has at some time experienced the problem of urinary incontinence. This condition undermines the confidence and personal well-being of the fair sex, and is also a sensitive topic that one does not want to talk about.

Myth 2: There is no treatment

Depending on the type of urinary incontinence, the doctor selects various measures to restore the functioning of the sphincter muscles. And although there are no effective synthetic drugs, there are techniques for training the bladder walls, and changing your diet and fluid intake can also help.

Myth 3: People with urinary incontinence should undergo surgery.

There are treatment methods that do not involve surgical intervention. The operation is indicated for patients who have tried without success various methods therapy. While there are chances to correct the situation without the aggressive intervention of surgeons, you should not think about radical measures.

Myth 4: Drinking less fluid will improve your overall health

Many ladies mistakenly believe that reducing fluid intake will help prevent incontinence. But strict restriction leads to the production of more concentrated and caustic urine, which further irritates the bladder walls and makes the problem worse.

Myth 5: You will have to put up with the inconvenience of diapers and diapers

When women think about solving a problem, bulky diapers and diapers appear in their imagination. However, in at the moment There are many more convenient options in the hygiene products market.

How to get rid of urinary incontinence quickly and naturally?

First of all, doctors advise patients to quit smoking. Chronic cough causes additional load on the bladder. For the same reason, you should strengthen your immune system and be especially vigilant during seasonal outbreaks. viral infections.

Avoid caffeinated drinks, which dehydrate the body and irritate the bladder. Alternative choice in the morning you can take herbal and berry infusions (chamomile, mint, sea buckthorn), as well as water.

The perfect workout for muscles pelvic floor is a Kegel exercise that helps improve the tension and relaxation functions of the sphincter.

It may seem counterintuitive, but you have to drink sufficient quantity fluids, as hydration maintains normal bladder function.

The human genitourinary system is a collection of organs, one part of which is responsible for reproductive function (procreation), while the second is responsible for excretory function(removal of accumulated fluid from the body).

Liquid excrement, which is formed in the kidneys, enters a kind of “storage” - the bladder - through the ureters and is then discharged out through the urethra.

In the absence of problems with the organs of the urinary system, a person can control the process of urination, and even in the case of a strong urge, retain urine in the body. Any disturbances in the excretion of urine outside may indicate a malfunction in the operation of this system. This is especially true for women - due to the characteristics anatomical structure their body.

What is the danger of bladder disease in women?

Diseases urinary system Women are diagnosed much more often than men. Symptoms of diseases of this “storage” organ in women are insidious. They are often disguised as signs of dysfunction of the reproductive system. Since the external openings of the female genital organs and the urethra are located close to each other, there is a risk of mutual infection.

A correctly diagnosed and timely treatment will allow women to avoid problems with reproductive function, often occurring against the background of bladder diseases.

Causes of diseases of the urinary system

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of diseases of the urinary system.

  • Weakened immunity.
  • Hypothermia of the female body.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Availability infectious processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Diseases hormonal system, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of major diseases of the urinary system

Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. In diseases of the bladder, pain can be of a varied nature:

  • Instantly occurring, radiating to the pelvic area or genitals.
  • Long-lasting and aching, surrounding the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Appearing during urination (a woman experiences pain of such strength that the pain can radiate to the anus).

The presence of foreign impurities in the urine. Various impurities appear in urine:

  • Drops of blood.
  • Pieces of mucus.
  • Purulent inclusions.
  • Sediment in the form of flakes.

Other symptoms:

  1. Frequent urination. An unbearable desire to empty the bladder, reaching up to 30 times a day.
  2. Signs of general body malaise(as with a cold). A woman may experience increased body temperature, headaches, dizziness and weakness.
  3. Imaginary urge to urinate. Women feel the heaviness and fullness of the bladder, but at the same time experience discomfort from the inability to empty it.
  4. Urinary retention. A very small amount of urine is excreted, despite a persistent urge to empty the bladder (only a few drops may be released).
  5. Urinary incontinence. Inability to control the process of urine retention at any time of the day. A woman does not have time to respond to the urge to urinate, even during the day and with a not very full bladder.
  6. Nocturia(night urge to urinate). Nocturnal bladder emptying, which exceeds daytime emptying, leads not only to sleep disturbances, but also to impaired concentration and decreased performance. Nocturia can be not only a symptom of bladder problems, but also serious sign diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Main bladder diseases and their symptoms

This disease most often affects the female genitourinary system and is infectious lesion the inner lining of the bladder.

The main causes of cystitis are regular hypothermia of the body or the presence of an infection of the genital organs. If the treatment of the disease is superficial (elimination acute symptoms), then the disease becomes chronic.

Symptoms of cystitis are pronounced:

  • Cutting pain syndrome, both during urination and at rest.
  • The bladder feels full.
  • The number of urges to urinate increases sharply.
  • There are problems with involuntary bowel movement bladder.
  • The color and smell of urine changes, and impurities appear.

This disease is extremely insidious, as it may not show symptoms for a long time.

It is quite difficult to diagnose, but only until acute signs arise:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which appears not only when moving, but also at rest, as well as during urination.
  • The appearance of impurities in the urine.
  • General weakness with nausea and vomiting. Blood pressure may increase.

Bladder rupture

Serious damage to the bladder that requires urgent appeal see a doctor. A rupture can occur with a strong and sharp blow to the abdominal area (for example, in an accident). The main symptoms are acute “cutting” pain in the lower abdomen and the presence of drops of blood in the urine.

Bladder neurosis

Women's disease old age. This problem occurs when the inner lining of the bladder loses its elasticity. The main signs are urinary incontinence and frequent urination.


Emergence malignant neoplasms in the bladder is accompanied by symptoms that are often characteristic of cystitis. May occur aching pain in the lumbar and pubic areas. But there is one main symptom of this disease - hematuria(presence of blood in the urine in large quantities).

According to statistics female body is less likely to be affected by this disease than men.

Doctors of all specialties, from therapists to dentists, note a sad picture: many people tend to put off visiting the doctor’s office until the last minute, until one or another health problem becomes completely unbearable. There is a “hit parade” of reasons and excuses heard from patients and urologists. What are these reasons?

It’s embarrassing to discuss such health problems

Yes, bladder disorders are not migraines or colds, which are usually included in the range of topics for conversation even with unfamiliar people. And it’s not always convenient for loved ones to talk about the fear of going far from the toilet, frequent urges to urination, which bothers you even at night, and others sensitive issues. Most often, you simply don’t want to upset, worry, or make household members worry... But hushing up a problem in front of a doctor, or being embarrassed to describe your condition to him, is not at all reasonable, because, firstly, without an anamnesis (that is, a medical history: complaints, symptoms and other details), heard from the patient, it is more difficult for a specialist to diagnose and prescribe treatment, prescribe necessary medications. And secondly, no one has canceled the concept of medical confidentiality.

Urological diagnosis is complex and uncomfortable

In fact, there is nothing painful or unpleasant about the examinations prescribed by a urologist. Mandatory diagnostic measures are urine tests (general and urine culture for bacterial and fungal flora), ultrasound examination(ultrasound) of the bladder and kidneys and keeping a urination diary. In the diary, the patient notes the time and number of urinations per day, the volume of each urination in milliliters, the presence or absence of an urgent (sudden, difficult to control) urge to urinate and episodes of urinary incontinence.

Cases of in-depth examination of a patient with complaints about the bladder are quite rare in the practice of urologists. Then the patient may be prescribed a complex urodynamic study (CUDI) - determining the function of the lower urinary tract, bladder behavior during filling and emptying. It is performed using special equipment with disposable sensors and is painless for the person being examined. Sometimes, to diagnose bladder disorders, a consultation is formed with the participation of a urologist and other specialists: neurologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, therapist, etc. The patient may also require examinations such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance therapy (MRI).

Such disorders are inevitable with age.

There is indeed a definite relationship between age (and gender) and bladder disorders. For example, infections are common in young women genitourinary tract. And older women, on average over 40 years old, often experience symptoms of overactive bladder and stress urinary incontinence. In men, urinary disorders, as a rule, make themselves felt over the age of 45–50 years. Symptoms of urinary disorders in representatives of the stronger sex can be a manifestation of an overactive bladder or prostate adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia), as well as a consequence of a combination of these two diseases.

However, the opinion of inevitability age-related changes and related diseases of the genitourinary system is mistaken. This belief often becomes the reason for the sick person to ignore his condition ( “I’m already over... which means my condition is normal”) or self-medication. The latter is dangerous because one urological disease can be mistaken for something else, and that “self-designated” medicinal product not suitable for indications and dosage. Then the patient, as a rule, still applies for medical care, because he feels a significant decrease in quality of life, but late treatment often affects the duration of the course of treatment, increasing it.

Regardless of the causes and nature of urinary disorders, patients of any gender and age can be helped. State of the art modern medicine allows you to effectively cure or correct any bladder problems to a comfortable state for the patient.

Personal experience

This is the story 36-year-old Christina shares with other Internet users on a urology forum:

“I never thought that I would have problems with my bladder. There were no prerequisites that I would consider a “red flag” before. The problems began unnoticed, gradually getting worse and actively interfering in my life. Frequent urination, which at first I didn’t pay attention to and just “ran” to the toilet, became so frequent that my work in the office began to suffer. Colleagues began to notice to me that I ran more than sat at the computer. This fact amazed me and drew my attention to the situation: one day I counted 19 visits to the toilet!!! Indeed, my thoughts began only about the toilet - about the fact that I need to be patient, distract myself, that I need to work without being distracted. I became distracted and withdrawn. At some point, I decided that enough was enough and I needed to see a doctor, even though it was scary. Being an active Internet user, I first read about my problem and realized that I couldn’t figure it out on my own. I realized that I needed to go to a urologist. The visit to the urologist was quite exciting, but, in the end, not as scary as I thought. The doctor asked me in detail about the symptoms and gave homework– fill out a urination diary. For three days I had to record in detail how much water I drank, how many times I went to the toilet, how much urine was excreted - just a urological dossier! At the same time, it was necessary to undergo an examination - give urine and have an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. The second appointment a few days later made me happy: no tumors or inflammation were detected! This made all other problems less important. My diagnosis is “overactive bladder.” The urologist prescribed pills (you only need to take them once a day), and after three months he told me to come back and tell you about how you were feeling. My treatment is not complete, but I already feel human. The symptoms gradually disappeared, and I hope that the disease is a thing of the past.”

Health to you and your loved ones!



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