How to open a private therapy office. Main stages of licensing

*Calculations use average data for Russia

500,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

Up to 2 years




Many doctors who work in budget institutions sooner or later think about the possibility of opening their own private office. Private medical practice– a relatively new phenomenon in our country. Although the opportunity to open their own offices appeared not so long ago, more and more doctors are starting to engage in private practice.

What is needed to open a medical office

If previously obtaining various permits was associated with various problems(mainly of a bureaucratic nature), now the procedure for their registration has been significantly simplified. However, opening a private medical office requires considerable investment, and not all doctors who want to work for themselves are ready for this.

This type of business has another, very significant drawback: with relatively large investments, the payback period for a private office is at least two years. Not all doctors have the opportunity to wait that long. However, the increase in the number of private offices indicates that such medical practice can still be a profitable enterprise, especially in the long term. Sooner or later, any specialist working in someone else’s company reaches the “ceiling”. In the case of your own business, the options for development are practically unlimited.

So, let's take a closer look at the procedure for opening a private medical office. First of all, you need to choose a suitable room for its location. It’s good if such a premises is on your property. Someone even uses their house or apartment (or a separate part of it) for an office. However, in order to open an office in an apartment, it must be transferred to a non-residential property. It goes without saying that this apartment should be located on the first floor of an apartment building. To transfer it to a non-residential property, you will need to obtain the consent of all residents of your house. In principle, the process of collecting signatures is not difficult. But, firstly, it takes too much time (you will have to go around the apartments more than once to catch all the owners of the house), and, secondly, there is a high probability that some residents simply will not agree to put their signatures (especially those whose apartments adjacent to yours).

Another option is to rent a separate office (preferably corresponding to your specialty) in medical institution- more convenient, and in some cases much more profitable. In this case you will have much less problems with various inspection bodies. In addition, you will have to spend less on advertising, because your potential clients will come to you themselves. This option is especially convenient for dental offices. But experts advise pediatric doctors to look for a separate room. Many parents come to the children's clinic solely to fill out the necessary certificates and do not want to visit it again for fear that the child may become infected there from other children.

To rent an office in a medical institution, you must enter into a lease agreement with the city administration's DIZO. This will take about four to five weeks. When preparing documents, it is recommended to indicate the exact schedule of your work: days and times, otherwise you will pay rent for 24 hours a day, and this may end up costing a lot of money.

How to register a medical office

To run your own private practice, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can do this yourself or use the services of numerous intermediary companies. As a code economic activity(OKVED) you will need to select “medical practice” (85.1). It will take no more than a week to complete the documents. As a result, the regional Federal Tax Service will issue you a registration certificate. Select the tax regime that suits you in advance.

The fact is that if you do not apply to choose a tax regime, then by default you will work according to general regime, which is completely unprofitable. You can go broke on taxes and accountant fees. For medical activities, a simplified taxation system is suitable, which is a special type of tax regime for small businesses with a simpler operating system accounting. Article 346.20 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following tax rates for a single tax:
6% if income is taxed;

15% if the object of taxation is income minus expenses. From January 1, 2009, in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation, differentiated tax rates may be established in the range from 5 to 15%, depending on the categories of taxpayers.

The second option is less convenient, since in this case it is necessary to keep complex records of all expenses. Unfortunately, not all expenses can be documented with the help of checks and receipts. Please note: an application for the simplified tax system must be submitted simultaneously with the registration of an individual entrepreneur. After receiving the certificate, you will also need to register with the Pension Fund as an entrepreneur and register with the Regional Statistics Committee.

What permits are needed to open a medical office?

To practice medicine you will need a special license. You can start preparing it as soon as you have a lease agreement in your hands. Exact list necessary documents To obtain a license, you can inquire at the licensing department of the regional Ministry of Health.

It may include the following documents:

    application for the provision of the established form of license,

    copies of certified and bound constituent documents with seals of the license applicant (for a legal entity),

    a copy of the certificate of entry on legal entities ah to the Unified Register of State Legal Entities,

    a copy of the certificate of state registration of the license applicant as individual entrepreneur,

    a copy of the certificate of registration of the applicant for a license with the tax authorities,

    a copy of the conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority on the compliance of the work performed and services provided with sanitary rules,

    copies of all documents that confirm the qualifications of an individual entrepreneur or employees of a legal entity,

    receipts for payment of license fees for consideration by licensing authorities of an application for a license,

    power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the license applicant (with the participation of intermediaries).

In addition, you will need to submit documents for the premises (ownership document or lease agreement), documents that confirm the availability of organizational and technical appropriate conditions, as well as material and technical equipment (equipment, tools, transport, etc.), documents confirming the availability and maintenance of fire protection equipment (fire extinguishing and fire alarm), documents confirming the presence in your staff of employees with at least five years of experience (for legal entities), documents confirming the presence of secondary or higher medical education and work experience in a licensed activity of at least two years (for individual entrepreneurs), documents that confirm the fact of advanced training at least once every five years for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of medicine.

Ready ideas for your business

The exact list of required documents depends on many factors, including the availability of special equipment, the specifics of your activity, etc.

In practice, the most difficult thing on this list is to obtain a conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. Reaching this conclusion on your own takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, experts advise turning to the services of intermediary firms. In this case, the conclusion will cost more, but the difference in price will be compensated by the time and nerves saved. The services of intermediary firms will cost from 7 thousand rubles (verification of all documents submitted to obtain a license) and from 35 thousand rubles for obtaining the license itself. A license will have to be obtained every five years.

In addition to the license itself, the registration of which takes the most time, you will need to purchase and register with the tax office the “Book of Income and Expenses”, the “Book of Registration of Strict Reporting Forms”, the strict reporting forms themselves, the “Book of Desk Inspections”, keep various journals, including fire safety log, etc.

Once you start working, you will have to regularly make mandatory contributions to Pension fund RF and to the Health Insurance Fund (the amount of payments depends on the minimum wage). Keep in mind that if you plan to hire employees, you will also have to pay contributions to the Pension Fund, Health Insurance Fund, and Social Security Fund for them.

How to choose a location for a medical office

So, the main issues that you will have to solve when opening your own medical office are choosing its location, obtaining the necessary documents and licenses, and promoting your services. When choosing a location, experts advise carefully analyzing the situation with competitors.

Moreover, since people usually approach the choice of a doctor very responsibly, when analyzing the level of competition, there is no need to take into account only the area where you plan to open an office. Of course, you shouldn't open a third one dental office on the same street, but to a good specialist trustworthy, clients are ready to travel to the other end of the city. On the other hand, experienced entrepreneurs recommend renting office space in a residential area with new buildings and cottages. The more expensive and “elite” the housing in this area is, the better.

You can study competitors not only “live”, but also based on reviews of certain doctors on the Internet on local forums. By the way, you can offer your services and place advertisements there. It is highly advisable to monitor reviews about your work on the Internet, because the number of your clients directly depends on this. Don't forget about traditional methods promotion - distributing leaflets, placing advertisements in print media, placing outdoor advertising.

Ready ideas for your business

If you rent premises not on the territory of a municipal health care institution and work independently without hired employees, then consider whether it is worth spending money on making a large sign. Most likely, you will not be sitting in your office all the time, and your potential clients, attracted by the sign, may not find you there, which will not make the best impression. You can limit yourself to a sign on the door with an appointment schedule and a telephone number for pre-registration.

Among other issues, you will also have to deal with accounting and management, receiving visitors and promotion. It won't be easy to deal with all this alone. It is advisable that from the very beginning you have at least one assistant, albeit without a medical education, but with good organizational and entrepreneurial skills, who will deal with administrative problems.

To open a private medical office you will need from 500 thousand rubles. Exact amount depends on your specialty, the need to purchase (and cost) special equipment, the number of employees and other factors. The payback period for such a business is two years.

180 people are studying this business today.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + public utilities etc. rub.

To open private dentistry will require from 3 million rubles. Monthly expenses – 370 thousand rubles. Successful dental clinic pays for itself in 3 years.

The total cost of the equipment is 7 million 570 thousand rubles ≈ 7 million 600 thousand. The main source of income is, of course, treatment and its support and, of course, IVF itself.

The average amount required to open your own office or class is from 150 thousand rubles, excluding organizational expenses. This amount can be an order of magnitude greater if you...

Private medical offices in the domestic market medical services appeared relatively recently. Several years ago, opening your own office was almost impossible due to the enormous paperwork that accompanied the main activity. To date, all the preparation work necessary documentation can be entrusted to organizations specializing in providing legal assistance. The last barriers to opening your own medical office remain large financial investments, as well as their relatively long payback period.

Which direction to choose

The medical office is more conventional concept, which, as a rule, means a separate room that is part of the structure of a medical institution. In such offices it can be quite wide range services ranging from diagnosis to, for example, treatment or rehabilitation of injured people. Typically, medical offices are divided into:

  • doctor's offices where direct care is provided
  • auxiliary rooms where the patient undergoes various examinations.

Among all areas of paid medicine, the most profitable at present are:

  • gynecology;
  • dentistry;
  • plastic surgery;
  • medical cosmetology;
  • urology;
  • ophthalmology.

Room for a medical office

As a rule, rented space in a medical institution is used as premises for a medical office. In this case, there are no problems with sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Medical offices located in residential buildings are much less common. In some cases, such a choice is indeed justified, for example, if the location of the apartment is convenient, and the main target audience of the medical office is residents of the house.


To organize the work of a medical office you need:

  • 2 nurses;
  • 2 doctors;
  • accountant;
  • administrator;

As a rule, one doctor should work with one nurse, but nowadays it is quite difficult to find nursing staff, so options for working with one nurse and two doctors are often practiced. Of course, in this case, malfunctions in the operation of the office are possible.

It is worth noting that the responsibilities for accounting and timely submission of reports can be assigned to companies specializing in such.

A rather subtle point is the doctor’s remuneration. IN lately greatest distribution received the practice according to which a doctor’s salary consists of two parts:

  1. minimum wages in the region;
  2. 10-30 percent of the cost of services provided.


The most expensive part of organizing a medical office is purchasing necessary equipment. It is worth noting that the range of prices in Russia is extremely wide and depends, in fact, only on financial capabilities. To purchase the necessary equipment, it is best to contact a specialist. As a rule, the cost of such a manager’s services is up to 15% of the price of the equipment, which is compensated by a discount provided by the equipment seller. Average cost equipment for one type of activity ranges from 15-25 thousand dollars.

Required investment volume and profitability

The required amount of investment to open a highly specialized medical office ranges from 25-60 thousand dollars. It is worth noting that to open a multidisciplinary office you will have to spend at least 100 thousand dollars.

The profitability of an office ultimately depends on its attendance. Exact numbers It’s difficult to name, since the number of clients greatly depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the chosen location. According to statistics, a small medical office with an average workload actually pays for itself in 1-2 years.

Creating a highly specialized medical services office will require relatively small funds. For optimal equipment, 500-600 thousand rubles will be enough. And the specialization of a dermatovenerologist will provide a clientele of different ages. This includes the diagnosis and removal of skin tumors, as well as medical care for specific (venereal) diseases. The main tasks that will have to be solved when organizing an office are: optimal choice its location, obtaining a license, equipment and promotion of services. The payback of business activities occurs in the second year of operation of the medical office.

  • Where is the best place to locate a dermatology center?
  • Promotion and advertising of a private office of a dermatologist-venereologist

Step-by-step plan - where to start a business and how to open your own dermatologist’s office from scratch

First you need to decide which form of doing business will be most optimal: as a business or as a limited liability company. We choose taking into account the fact that the individual entrepreneur is obliged to carry out activities in the field of medical services personally, since the license is issued for individual. And in the case of an LLC, it is possible to hire staff. Accordingly, to register an individual entrepreneur you will need: a civil passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of the duty, a scanned copy of the TIN certificate.

To register an LLC with the tax authorities, you will need: an application, two copies of the charter and a decision on the founding of the company, if the founder is a single person. As well as a protocol of shareholder fees and an agreement on establishment (if there are several founders) and a document confirming payment of state fees. OKVED for registration - code 86, is responsible for activities in the field of healthcare. Having decided on the form of business, we choose the most favorable taxation.

Information For both an individual entrepreneur and society, a simplified taxation system (6% of income) is optimal and convenient. At the same time, an LLC must have a bank account; for an individual entrepreneur, this is not necessary. Payments to patients can be made using cash registers (cash register) or receipts. Cash register will cost about 3-3.5 thousand rubles. and a contract for its maintenance - up to 200 rubles. per month.

And receipts are purchased at a price of approximately 100 rubles. for 50 pcs. and are registered in the “Register of Strict Reporting Forms”. In addition, you will need books “Accounting for income/expenses”, “Desk audits”, and other registration journals. In total, the cost of state registration can range from 5 to 12 thousand rubles (depending on the form of economic activity).

What documents are needed to open a dermatologist’s office - registration and registration

To conduct a private medical practice, you will need an appropriate license. You need to obtain one when you already have confirmation of the lease or ownership of the premises where medical services will take place. The exact list of documentation for licensing can be clarified in the regional department of the Ministry of Health. But, as a rule, the list of documents includes:

  • application for a license;
  • constituent package of documents, if the applicant is an LLC (notarized copies);
  • certificate of inclusion in the Unified Register of State Legal Entities;
  • state registration certificate (if as a private entrepreneur);
  • confirmation of registration with the tax authorities;
  • title documentation for ownership or lease of premises;
  • conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor on sanitary and epidemiological conditions;
  • fire inspection permits;
  • diplomas, certificates, etc., which confirm the qualifications of individual entrepreneurs or LLC employees;
  • receipts for payment of license fees.

In addition, you will need to confirm the presence of sufficient organizational and technical equipment in the office, as well as provide evidence of work experience of at least two years in the licensed field of activity (for individual entrepreneurs). Documents confirming the increase will be required qualification levels in this field of medicine. Moreover, at least once every five years for both hired employees of an LLC and a private entrepreneur. The cost of licensing can reach 25 thousand rubles and more, depending on the form of business and other factors.

Agreements with public utilities for waste removal and with a disinfection station for disinfection, deratization and disinfestation are also mandatory. Obtaining an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor will cost about 5-6 thousand rubles. It includes the cost of contracts with municipal and sanitary services, as well as mandatory sanitary examinations of water, air, etc.).

Where is the best place to locate a dermatology center?

You need to choose whether the office will work in an existing clinic or be located separately. IN latest version you will have to solve the problem of where visitors should leave their outerwear, where they should be while waiting for an appointment, and so on. Placement in an existing medical institution makes it easier to advertise the services of a dermatovenerologist and largely eliminates the problem of inspections various organs(fire and sanitary supervision). But on the other hand, for example, mothers of children will be very happy to take their children to see a dermatologist outside the clinic (since there is less contact and risk of infection from a lot of other patients). And clients with specific diseases will naturally prefer anonymity, so they are more likely to come to a separate office outside a large medical institution.

From a competitive point of view, experienced businessmen advise placing medical services premises in residential or cottage areas of new buildings. If you are considering your own apartment as a future medical office, then you should take into account that it needs to be converted into non-residential premises. And also the living space must be located on the 1st floor (if it is an apartment building). And in this case, it will be necessary to obtain the consent of the residents of the high-rise building in writing. The document regulating the choice of premises is SanPiN “Hygiene. requirements for the placement, design, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals"from 06.06.03

In accordance with approved sanitary standards The area of ​​the dermatovenerologist's office must have at least 18 square meters, another two squares are allocated for a cabin (screen) for undressing, and the same square area (18 + 2) is occupied by a treatment room with a drain. If fluorescent diagnostics are planned, then a booth of 4 sq.m. should be provided for this. Rent prices for non-residential space start at 500 rubles per square meter.

How much can you earn by opening a dermatologist's office?

By providing dermatologist services you can get stable income from 500 thousand rubles. Need to highlight resort towns, in them, net income can exceed 2 million rubles per month.

How much money do you need to open a dermatologist's office?

Equipment standards medical institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, oblige the dermatovenerologist’s office to provide the following equipment:

  • couch price from 4 thousand rubles;
  • dermatoscope - from 14 thousand rubles;
  • magnifying glass (with backlight) - from 6,500 rubles;
  • bactericidal irradiator-recirculator - from: 3 thousand rubles;
  • sphygmomanometer (tonometer) - from 3,600 rubles.

And also during the work you will need:

  • portable cryodevice - from 107,347 rubles;
  • sterilizer - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • stethoscope - from 1,800 rubles;
  • table and chair for a doctor’s office - from 4 thousand rubles;
  • surgical instruments - from 100 rubles;
  • cryodestructor - from 89,000 rubles;
  • Wood lamp - from 2,500 rubles;
  • other consumables.

Taking into account the specifics and future expansion of the range of medical services, devices for removing non-malignant tumors on the skin, such as a radio wave knife or a laser machine, may be needed. Price radio wave apparatus for electrocoagulation is 60-70 thousand rubles or more, depending on the modification. Price laser equipment reaches several hundred thousand rubles. But scarring after the laser procedure, which is possible with cryodestruction, is practically absent.

In the future, with an increase in the list of diagnostic and medical procedures in the field of dermatovenerology you will need:

  • Gynecological chair - from 17 thousand rubles;
  • Colposcope - from 94 thousand rubles;
  • Vaginoscope - from 117 thousand rubles;
  • Lamp for gynecological examination− from 27 thousand rubles;
  • Urethroscope - from 54 thousand rubles;
  • Videodermatoscope – from RUB 116,500;
  • Equipment for assessing skin morphofunctional parameters - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment for determination functional state hairline– from 100 thousand rubles.

Promotion and advertising of a private office of a dermatologist-venereologist

An advertising campaign on the eve of the opening and during the provision of medical services is traditional. These are all kinds of printed advertising in the media and on the Internet, banners and signs, booklets and leaflets. Mandatory monitoring of feedback on the work of the office. A good informative site with the opportunity online recordings at the reception will greatly facilitate the organization of the flow potential clients. It will also attract them with the convenience of registration without wasting time.

Advice Do not neglect social networks and various specialized forums, where you can briefly outline the list of services, office operating hours and contact information. Important factor− quality of service. A client who is satisfied with the medical care provided will bring their friends, family and colleagues to you.

At first, it is possible for us to cope with the flow of clientele on our own. But in the future, in order to avoid unpleasant complications and inconvenience for patients, it is better to have an assistant. Let this be a person without medical education, but with good organizational skills and the ability to manage paperwork.

It can take at least one year to collect all the documents and permits, so be prepared for serious work. After preparing the papers and submitting the application, you must wait for a decision for several months. Please note that a license will also be required to issue hospital cards. The total cost of registration is from 50,000 rubles. Equipment for a medical center. Which one should I buy? One of the main expense items is the purchase of necessary equipment. This is the case when saving will only be harmful. When choosing, focus on product quality, warranty and availability of service. Don’t take everything in a row - buy only the equipment you need to work in your field.

How to open a private medical office from scratch

If you go to the state branch of this department, then, firstly, it will be long, and secondly, everything will be very strict and difficult. Therefore, it is more advisable to contact a commercial company of this profile. You will pay a little more, but they will do everything faster and much easier... At the last licensing (and this needs to be done every five years), the services of such a company cost me about 11-12 thousand.
rubles (but this is based on acquaintance). In general, licensing is now becoming a tedious matter. The order is:

  • We collected the documents, paid the fee (300-400 rubles), and submitted them.
  • They check and offer to wait for an expert to visit your office. We need to bring an expert by car (and then deliver it to the Ministry of Health).
  • The expert will make his opinion and will most likely tell you what additional documents need to be collected.

How to open a private medical office

Find a room to rent I know two doctors who used their apartment (or part of it) for their office, transferring it to non-residential use. But now the rules for transferring an apartment to non-residential stock have become more complicated: the consent of all (!) residents of an apartment building is required. It is much easier to rent an office in a medical institution.


Moreover, best option– an office according to the profile of your specialty; There will be less hassle with sanitary and epidemiological inspection. I did just that. In this case, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement with the city administration DIZO; it will take about a month. When preparing documents, it is important to note in the schedule that you will be working certain time per week.

Otherwise, the rental rate will be calculated for 24-hour use (you will go broke). 2. Become an entrepreneur. This is easy to do on your own; within five days you will be issued a Certificate by the regional Federal Tax Service.

Your own business: how to open a medical office

Costs and profits Starting investments in documentation, premises and equipment start at 13 thousand dollars and can reach 20-25 thousand. Monthly expenses (rent, salary, disinfection and pest control) – about $5,000. Such a business will not pay off immediately. It may take a year or two to develop a client base and reputation.

But even with an average attendance of 10-15 people per day, you can count on 3-5 thousand dollars in net profit per month. And the net income of a successful medical office can reach 10 thousand dollars a month. In order to start such a business from scratch, you will need considerable endurance and patience.
But it’s not for nothing that the field of medicine is considered so lucrative. In a few years, you can start expanding your business and earning decent amounts of money by helping people.


Typically, a medical center should have the following equipment - analytical instruments, weighing equipment, devices for measuring physical parameters, special furniture for patient treatment, laboratory furniture and cabinets. If your center has a laboratory, then you cannot do without magnetic hangers, a centrifuge, a microscope, a water bath, drying cabinets, thermostats, heating plates, shakers, stirring devices, muffle furnaces and other specialized equipment. The total cost of purchasing equipment can range from 3-4 million.

The upper limit on costs is unlimited. Remember that people are willing to pay for qualified service on high-precision equipment. Therefore, your expenses will definitely pay off.

How to open a medical office from scratch, where to start

It is important to select the economic activity code (OKVED) - “ medical practice"(85.1). 3. Choosing a taxation regime (important!) But it is no less important to immediately decide on the taxation regime. It is impossible for an ordinary doctor to work according to the general regime (which is determined by default): he will have to pay a ton of taxes and maintain complex accounting.
A simplified taxation system (STS) is allowed for medical activities. It is divided into two modes:

  • “income minus expenses” - the rate is 15% (now, depending on the region, the rate ranges from 5% to 15%) and
  • “income” - rate 6%.

The first option involves complex accounting of all expenses. All receipts and receipts must be kept and accounted for. This is almost impossible, since, in practice, not all expenses can be documented.
Physicians typically choose “income.”

Opening of a medical office. what documents are needed?

Are you real or not); It’s more convenient to pay in quarterly installments

  • The “single tax in connection with the application of the simplified tax system” must also be paid quarterly, and a declaration under the simplified tax system must be submitted once a year. You calculate the tax and fill out the Declaration yourself, or hire an accountant; It's not hard to learn on your own.
  • You will also have to pay rent at the DIZO. True, now this moment is simplified: you can pay at the clinic and renew the contract (annually) too.
  • Nuances of the work of a medical office Nuance No. 1 If you have hired employees, then from an ordinary individual entrepreneur, you turn into an individual entrepreneur.

    And the responsibility and the number of things you have to deal with immediately increases.

How to open a private medical office?

Let's just imagine indicative prices. Surely, you want your services to be in demand among the population, and for this you should provide people quality help, which in turn requires the use medical equipment serious manufacturers working according to Western standards. Modern equipment is very expensive. An ultrasound machine will cost you no less than 5 million rubles, diagnostic devices cost ranging from 300 thousand to two million rubles, prices for dental units range from 450 thousand to 2.5 million rubles. Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion To obtain such a conclusion, Rospotrebnadzor will need to provide documents confirming ownership of the premises in which the doctor’s office is located, or a lease agreement, as well as tax certificates and medical records.

How to open a private medical office

You can apply for a license yourself or use the services of a company that will help you obtain it. Before obtaining a license, an expert comes to the office premises to inspect and issue requirements for additional documents that need to be collected. Next, the issue is submitted to the Ministry of Health commission. If the decision is positive, a fee of 1000 rubles is paid, a license is obtained and the office can begin to work. 4. Reporting and registration documents. Equipment

  • Account journal registered with the tax service
  • Strict reporting forms and their logbook
  • Desk Inspection Book
  • Fire Safety Magazine
  • Depending on the profile of the medical office, the appropriate basic and auxiliary equipment is purchased

Opening a medical center from scratch

These should include staff salaries (if any), costs of repairs and maintenance of equipment, purchase costs consumables (medical supplies, medicines), payment for security services, communications, advertising costs, utility bills, and so on. We hope that from the article you learned all the necessary information on how to open a private medical office. Good luck in your endeavors!

  • 30.03.2014

A medical office is a separate institution that provides a full range of services for both treatment and prevention of various diseases. To obtain licenses to provide medical care, as well as to open the appropriate office, it is necessary to collect all the documents that will confirm the professional capabilities of its employees within the framework of a specific type of treatment.

What does medical practice require?

The medical office at the school is also subject to licensing.

Medical activities require documentary certification, as well as compliance with all standards of the premises in which it will be carried out. This includes documentation such as certificates, permissions to use medical technologies, passports, papers for equipment, tools and transport. In this article we will take a closer look at how licensing takes place. medical offices?

Legal requirements for medical offices

Legal standards include the following requirements for space when creating and equipping medical examination rooms:

  • The gynecologist's workplace must have a total area of ​​eighteen square meters (special medical furniture is required);
  • the area of ​​the same office without an examination chair may be six meters less;
  • A gynecologist's office with a procedural area and s assumes dimensions equal to 24 square meters. m;
  • the therapist’s workplace should also be twelve square meters;
  • a psychotherapist's office measuring 18 square meters. m;
  • The area of ​​the medical territory of a psychologist and psychotherapist is 12 square meters. m;
  • a surgical room with a small operating room requires 34 sq. m;
  • office for conducting ultrasound examinations must have fourteen square meters at his disposal; Licensing of medical offices has become increasingly popular recently.

Basic provisions for licensing medical premises

Licensing of a medical office is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Decree of the Government of the country No. 291 of April 16, 2012, which is called “On licensing of medical activities”.
  • Federal Law No. 99, issued on May 4, 2011, entitled “On the procedure for licensing certain types of activities.”
  • Resolution of the Chief State Medical Officer No. 58, adopted on May 18, 2010 “On approval of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions conducting medical activities.”
  • By order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation No. 121 of April 11, 2013

Main stages of licensing

The process of registering a medical office, as a rule, consists of the following sequential stages. The first step is to conduct an examination of the object that requires licensing in order to determine its compliance with existing regulatory requirements. Medical furniture is also assessed. From of this person require the mandatory availability of documents such as a plan of the technical inventory bureau, that is, the BTI of the premises for creating a medical office, a certificate of confirmation of ownership of this place and a lease agreement, along with an act of acceptance and transfer of the area to the person who requires registration. The latter is possible in situations where real estate is leased from licensees. What else does licensing of medical offices involve?

Conclusion of an agreement

Official conclusion of an agreement with the assistant company to conduct comprehensive measures on work and determining the timing of their implementation, as well as clarifying the cost of the services provided.

Preparing the premises

Preparation of the required premises, as well as bringing it into proper condition in accordance with all licensing requirements. Office equipment also needs to be purchased.

Registration of sanitary and epidemiological report

Drawing up a sanitary and epidemiological report for medical activities. As part of this stage, the licensee will be required to provide a certified copy of the company’s charter, confirmation of registration with the tax authority in the form of a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number, and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with a date no older than ten days. In addition to the listed documents, you will also need a copy of the certificate of ownership of the premises, a lease agreement with an office acceptance certificate for the person registering it. This agreement must be concluded for at least eleven months. You will also need a certificate of registration of the institution (OGRN).

Registration of a medical license to open a medical office

The requirements are quite high. This stage is quite extensive and requires the provision wide list documents, including:

  • the charter of the enterprise plus amendments to it, if any;
  • certificate of registration with the tax service, that is, TIN;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the period of which should not be older than ten days from the date of its receipt;
  • availability of a certificate of direct ownership of the premises;
  • a lease agreement and an act of acceptance and transfer of premises in cases where the property is leased.
  • certificate of registration of the organization;

Among other things, an on-site examination of the licensing object must be carried out, as well as the submitted list of necessary documents. An on-site examination is usually carried out by Rospotrebnadzor or the Department of Health of the Russian Federation. The final document itself is issued to the licensee upon presentation of a passport, seal and power of attorney. In cases where the director receives the paper personally, it is necessary to provide an order appointing him to this position.

We reviewed the licensing of medical offices. This process is not difficult, but it requires some preparation.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs