How often can you wash your cat: useful tips. How often can you wash your cat? Should domestic cats be washed?

Bathing a cat

There are many stories and stories about the love of mustachioed striped animals for water procedures. And, some eyewitnesses are even ready to show eloquent scratches after they decided to introduce their Murchik to water. However, any publication that talks about how to care for cats living in our house claims that it is necessary to bathe a cat - this is one of the components of hygiene procedures. But just how to bathe a member of the feline family so that the animal does not get stressed, and you do not become a patient in the surgical room - we decided to tell you about this in our next “cat” publication...

Should I bathe my cat?

Let's, first of all, try to determine whether water procedures for mustachioed and striped animals are our whim or necessity. If it’s a whim, then we don’t think it’s worth torturing an animal, but if it’s a necessity, then you’ll have to try, and you’ll have to adapt and train the animal.

So, scientists and veterinarians say that it is necessary to bathe cats. And this must be done for several reasons. Firstly, this is a truly hygienic and preventive procedure, secondly, during bathing the animal’s skin is softened and moisturized (especially important for the winter period, when the skin is dry), and thirdly, nothing removes fallen hairs like water, and fourthly, cats that are bathed have hair that grows faster, and the representatives of the feline family themselves look neater and more well-groomed...

However, veterinarians also do not recommend abusing this procedure. Everything is good in moderation. Therefore, this must be done either in case of contamination of the animal’s fur, or once every 2-3 months...

Video about bathing a cat:

When can you bathe a cat?

You shouldn't bathe kittens

The question at what age can you bathe a cat is another one of the mega-popular and frequently asked questions. And, there are also clear instructions here, by following which you will not only show your love, but also care for your pet.

Instructions for bathing a cat at home

So, you have a cat, a bathroom, warm water and a great desire to bathe the animal. With this set you should be able to do everything. Well, if you also follow the points of our short instructions, then both parties will enjoy bathing - both the one who is bathing and the one who is bathing.

  • So, if your cat has long hair, be sure to comb it before water treatments. This way, you will comb out the fallen hairs and prevent the possibility of tangling and tangling of the hair. If the animal has a coat of medium or short length, it is not necessary to comb it.
  • Your cat is a capricious creature, which, by the way, can very easily catch a cold during and after bathing, so make sure that the temperature in the room is at least 15 degrees above zero Celsius. If the thermometer reading does not reach this temperature, either warm up the room or postpone swimming until it warms up. As for the water temperature, it should not be too hot - no more than 39 degrees above zero Celsius, but not too cold - there is no need to harden Murchik.
  • Is it possible to bathe a cat under running tap water, or a shower, or should I still use a small bath for this procedure? It is not recommended to consider or try the first option. The animal may be frightened by both the noise of the water and the force of the stream and, in panic, scratch you and injure itself. Oh, here’s a small bath, at the bottom of which you put a small rubber special mat so that the animal’s paws do not slide along the bottom - this will completely calm your pet. As for the level of water that you will draw into the bathtub for bathing, the optimal height is the level up to the animal’s neck. More is not worth it, as the cat may choke, but if there is less water, it will be uncomfortable for you.
  • So, the preparatory work is completed, the water has been collected, the towel is prepared, the cat is warily watching your actions... Take the pet in your arms, talking to it affectionately, fix its body in your hands (make sure that the animal is not able to move its paws) and carefully , slowly and gradually immerse the animal in the water. Give the cat the opportunity to adapt to the aquatic environment, and then, using a previously prepared mug, start dousing the cat, being careful not to get water on the animal’s head, eyes, ears or nose. When his fur is completely wet, rub shampoo into the fur (special, designed for the type of hair of your cat, but in no case human). Again, avoid lathering the scalp area. After all, if soap suds gets into your pet’s eyes and starts to sting, rest assured that no one will be able to cope with the distraught cat, and you will have to catch the soapy animal throughout the apartment. Afterwards, the shampoo must be rinsed off. If the last water is clean and clear, you can finish swimming. If you do not wash the fur well, the animal may be poisoned, since in any case, after bathing, the cat will definitely lick itself. After you have taken the cat out of the water, wrap it in a towel - under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the fur, you may hurt the animal. Be prepared to change the towel several times until the animal's fur dries. By the way, some cat owners insert cotton swabs into their animals' ears to prevent water from getting into the animal's ears - you can try, however, not every cat will allow you to do this...
  • It will be much easier and more convenient if someone from your family assists you while bathing your pet.

Is it necessary to wash indoor cats if their wild relatives manage perfectly well without washing? Of course, in the wild there is no need to pay special attention to hygiene, but the physiology of all cats, regardless of their habitat, is identical. And are we not overdoing our attachment to cleanliness, forcing the poor animal to undergo water procedures too often? And even with the use of chemicals in the form of shampoos.

Features of cats' fur

All cats have a completely different body heat exchange system than humans. They lack sweat glands throughout their body and are only found on the pads of their feet. All hairs are covered with secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands. This secret allows the animal to avoid hypothermia and not be afraid of drafts and low temperatures. All cat lovers know how necessary it is to be attentive to animals after bathing, when natural protection is washed away with shampoos. And until it recovers, the animal is at risk of catching a cold and getting sick.

Indications for washing cats

Of course, sometimes there are cases when washing animals is indispensable. An inquisitive cat sticks its nose everywhere and can get dirty with paint, other chemicals, roll in the dirt, or worse, in manure. In these cases, the animal must be washed to avoid complications from chemicals or simply to protect its home from dirt, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. After bathing, the cat should be wrapped in a warm towel and ensure that it does not get into drafts or run out into the street.

The coat of cats that take part in exhibitions must have the proper appearance. Breeders of purebred beauties know how to care for the coat, alternating bathing with dry brushing. They always bathe their pets with special products to improve the quality and shine of their coat. But even in these cases, this happens within a few days so that the coat has time to restore its natural protective barrier.

Anti-flea prevention also includes mandatory washing of cats. Although today, in addition to flea shampoos, there are enough other products that do not require water procedures: drops, collars. If shampoo is still the most suitable option in a particular case, then veterinarians advise washing the animal no more than once a month.

How to wash a cat

Having decided whether to wash your cat, you should take care of special detergents. Shampoos or soaps intended for humans are not suitable for pet hair. This is due to different PH levels. Human hair care products can cause an allergic reaction, dandruff and itching, and spoil the quality of hair in animals.

Today there are three types of shampoos:

  • Dry;
  • Sprays;
  • Liquid.

Each owner individually decides whether cats need to be washed in one case or another. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that later you don’t have to spend a long time and painstakingly restoring the natural state of the animal’s fur.

Bathing a cat - video

Almost all domestic cats cannot tolerate water procedures. However, this procedure, although rare, is necessary. Therefore, in order to get only benefits from the process, you need to carefully prepare for bathing a kitten or cat.

Bathing a kitten

The kitten has a childish, vulnerable psyche. In order not to instill in your baby a persistent aversion to water and to ensure safe bathing for yourself, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • The first bath is the most important. The kitten’s further attitude towards this procedure depends on it. You need to accustom your baby to water from the age of 3-4 months. Until this age, his mother will wash him. However, in special cases, you can also bathe a one-month-old kitten - for example, if it is very dirty.
  • Don't bathe a small kitten in a large bathtub, better - in the sink. It doesn't look as scary, and it's easier to keep the animal in it. The water level should be minimal (ideally up to the kitten’s belly).
  • Talk quietly to your baby while bathing, call him by name.
  • Don't wet your kitten's head in water, better do it with a sponge.
  • Use for kittens, based on your pet’s coat type. If you don’t have such shampoo, take a regular baby shampoo.
  • Don't use 2 in 1− shampoo + conditioner.
  • Long-haired kitten Rinse your fur coat thoroughly to remove any soap residue.
  • The water should be warm: Keep in mind that the kitten’s body temperature is about +38°C. In the bathroom it should not be below +15°C.
  • Be careful not to let water get into your ears. Make cotton earplugs for the kitten while bathing.
  • To prevent shampoo from getting into your eyes, apply Vaseline oil to the corners of the animal’s eyes.
  • If the kitten is very afraid during the process, distract him with soap bubbles or balls.
  • If your baby just can't handle bathing, buy dry shampoo for him. It is not recommended only for dark kittens, as it is based on powder.

You can make your own dry shampoo by mixing cornstarch and baby powder.

The answer to this question depends on the breed, or more precisely on the coat of the kitten. Bathe your pet as soon as it gets dirty.

Ideally, no more than 3-4 times a month.

Frequent bathing will not lead to anything good: the grease from the fur will be washed away, and this is fraught with diseases and loss of the healthy appearance of the cat’s “coat”.

Bathing an adult cat

Water procedures for an adult pet are not much different from bathing a baby.

You shouldn't bathe your cat often. In fact, this should only be done when there is a special reason: severe soiling after a walk, getting rid of fleas or other skin diseases, preparing for an exhibition.

However, let's add some details.

  1. Prepare for a swim: put on gloves, trim the cat’s claws, you can light aromatic candles a couple of minutes before the start of the procedure. An adult cat can be washed in the bath. To prevent the animal from slipping, cover the bottom with a towel.
  2. Next task– thoroughly wet the cat’s fur. This can be done with a sponge. Bathing water for an adult cat may be cooler than for a kitten.
  3. Slowly lather the fur shampoo, massage in. For purebred animals, buy only.
  4. Brush foam.
  5. Rinse it off with warm water from a mug without touching the cat's head - you can simply wipe it off.
  6. Dry the fur with a towel without rubbing, so as not to create tangles. Then pat dry again.
  7. After swimming Be sure to give your cat a treat.

Only long-haired cats can be dried with a hairdryer. To dry and not get sick, the cat must spend more than 12 hours in a warm room.

About using regular shampoo for bathing a cat - the recommendation is the same: if it is absolutely impossible to purchase a special shampoo, use a children's shampoo, but not two-in-one.

If your cat has not been trained since childhood and very afraid of water, in most cases you can get by.

How often should you bathe an adult cat?

A pregnant cat should not be bathed– this is a huge stress for the expectant mother. Postpone the procedure, using dry shampoo and combing during this period.

Shampoo for humans or dogs can be poisonous to cats;

if the animal gets dirty with something oily, lubricate the stain with butter before bathing, massage and blot with a napkin;

When removing fleas, when bathing, first wet the cat’s neck so that fleas cannot “escape” onto her head;

  • If your cat shakes violently for more than 5 minutes after a bath, dry it with a hairdryer or wrap it in a towel to protect it from pneumonia.

What to do if your pet falls from a great height:


This video shows how to properly bathe a Persian cat, one of the most difficult breeds to care for.

Bathing a cat is a rather labor-intensive and responsible procedure. However, if you know the rules of bathing perfectly, you can turn this process into a fun time with your beloved pet.

In addition, there is a chance that your cat will love water, and this largely depends on you.

Cats are very clean animals and spend a lot of time grooming their own coats. However, sometimes the animal needs to be washed. Most cats and kittens really do not like this procedure. It is up to the owner to carry it out quickly and carefully so that the pet does not feel much discomfort.

When to bathe a cat

You need to wash your cat no more than once every three months.

You must have a good reason to wash your cat. A healthy animal takes care of the cleanliness of its fur, and cats avoid contact with water in every possible way. But there are times when a bath cannot be avoided. Needs washing:

  • kittens and adult cats taken into the house from the street;
  • sick or old animals that are unable to care for themselves;
  • cats being prepared for exhibition;
  • animals that got very dirty during a walk.

A separate category includes kittens left without a mother. The cat constantly licks the babies, tidying up their fur and removing the remains of excrement and urine. If the kittens are orphaned, the owner will have to take on the responsibilities of the mother cat. Babies can be washed with warm water with or without shampoo. Usually small animals are not given a full bath, only the contaminated areas are washed. Full washing with shampoo is practiced from the age of one month.

It is not recommended to wash adult cats more than once every 3 months. The optimal schedule is 2 or 3 mints per year. If the animal does not leave the apartment and does not attend exhibitions, it can live most of its life without water treatments.

What you need for washing

To bathe cats, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. You will need:

  • suitable shampoo;
  • rubber mat or towel for the bath;
  • terry towels for drying wool (2-3 large pieces);
  • ladle for diluting shampoo;
  • wide-toothed comb (for long-haired breeds).

Today, the choice of shampoos for cats is varied.

To wash cats you need a special shampoo, which can be bought at a pet store or pharmacy. The choice depends on the condition of the animal's coat. A kitten taken from the street needs a gentle anti-flea shampoo. You can also use it to wash a cat that has returned from the dacha. You should not overuse shampoo with insecticides; a single wash is usually enough to eliminate fleas.

Special tinted shampoos have been created for animals with long, monochromatic hair. Such products are especially necessary for cats that are being prepared for exhibition. White cats need a shampoo that removes yellow pigment and gives their coat a shiny, snow-white hue. Black and bluish-gray animals need a shampoo with a bluing effect that eliminates tan marks. There are special products for red, peach and cream cats.

Shampoos are available in different price categories. For purebred cats, you can choose a shampoo specifically designed for Persians or Siamese. These preparations take into account the length and texture of the fur of specific animals. But universal shampoos for cats are also good, they are fully adapted to the needs of animals.

It is not recommended to use shampoo intended for humans to wash cats. Animals have a different fur texture; any, even the mildest, human hair products wash off the protective fat film from it. The fur becomes too soft, ruffled, fluffy, and electrified. The cat may develop dandruff, itchy skin, and even small ulcers on the skin.

How to bathe a cat: step-by-step instructions

Make sure the water is warm and not hot

Before you take your cat to the bathroom, prepare everything you need. Try to shorten the procedure, which is unpleasant for the animal, by doing everything quickly, clearly, and carefully.

  1. Dilute a portion of shampoo in a ladle with warm water in advance. Beat the foam. The soap solution is distributed more evenly over the wool, rinses it better and rinses faster.
  2. Take care that the cat doesn't scratch you. In advance for animals.
  3. Place a rubber mat or thick towel in the bathtub. A cat placed in a bathtub will not slide, making it easier for you to secure it.
  4. Fill the bathtub with a few centimeters of water. The water should be warm, but not hot. Adjust the shower in advance. Remember that cats are afraid of the sound of pouring water; the stream should not be too strong. If your cat reacts nervously to the shower, rinse him by pouring water from a ladle.
  5. Place the cat in the bath. Hold it firmly with your left hand so that the animal does not have the opportunity to jump out.
  6. Using the right river, scoop up water with diluted shampoo and water the cat's back, chest, belly, paws and tail. Gently rub the shampoo over the fur, being careful not to cause discomfort to the cat.
  7. Start washing from the back and tail, then treat the chest, paws and abdomen. Lastly, wash your hair. Be careful not to let water get into your cat's ears.
  8. Give the cat a warm shower, rinsing off the shampoo. The water pressure should not be too strong so as not to frighten the pet. First strip the back, then the belly, tail and paws. Rinse your head by collecting water in your palm, and wash your face in the same way.
  9. Rinse the cat thoroughly until the water flowing from the fur is completely clear. Shampoo residue can cause dandruff.
  10. Squeeze out the fur with your right hand while continuing to hold the animal with your left. Wring out the fur on the tail, belly, hind legs and chest especially carefully.
  11. Throw a towel over the cat and remove it from the bath, at the same time wrapping it so that water does not drip from the wet fur. Lay another towel on the floor or one hundred, place the animal on it and start drying.
  12. When the towels get wet, replace them with dry ones. After drying, long-haired cats can be combed with a wide-tooth comb. Do not use a slicker, it will damage wet wool.
  13. Release the animal, give it the opportunity to lick the fur, regaining your peace of mind. Make sure that the room where the drying cat is located is warm. In drafts, a wet animal can catch a cold.

How to wash specific body parts

Treat your cat kindly while washing your cat.

Sometimes a cat needs a partial bath. Perhaps the pet got dirty after eating, accidentally got into the mud, or did not take care of its fur very carefully after using the toilet. Partial washing can be done in a bathtub or basin.

Prepare your cat. Gently remove sticky dirt and dry debris with your hands or a comb. Matted tangles can be carefully cut off with scissors. In the same way, soiled fur from the anus is removed.

If you need to wash the tail and paws, fill a basin with some warm water and dilute shampoo in it. Place the cat in the container and, holding it with one hand, wash the contaminated areas with the other.

A dirty muzzle or collar can be washed with warm water with or without shampoo. Wrap the cat in a thick fly towel so that the head and chest are outside. Wet the contaminated areas with warm water and diluted shampoo, rub with your hands, and then rinse with clean water from another ladle. This technique allows you not to wet the clean fur and not irritate the cat.

Smooth-haired cats can be wiped with a damp cloth instead of washing. This procedure removes lost hairs, removes minor dirt, while maintaining a normal fat film on the coat. Use soft cotton cloths or specially made terry cloth mittens.

After bathing, do not try to dry your cat with a hairdryer.

It is convenient to wash an adult cat in a bathtub or shower tray. It is better to bathe a small kitten in a shallow basin, placing it on the table.

While washing, treat your pet kindly, talk to him, trying to calm him down. Do not be outraged if the animal meows or hisses. It is a rare cat that tolerates bathing calmly and unperturbed.

Don't try to blow dry your cat. Dogs react calmly to a noisy household appliance, but cats simply cannot stand it.

When planning a bath, lock your cat in the room in advance so you don't have to look for her at the last moment. If the pet has already undergone a wash and does not like it, the cat will try in every possible way to avoid this unpleasant procedure.

If your cat tries to jump out of the bathtub, place her with her back to you and her face to the wall. Seeing no way out, the pet will behave calmer. Close the bathroom door to prevent your cat from escaping.

After washing, you can carry out other hygiene procedures. Rub your cat's eyes with an antibacterial cleansing lotion. Check your ears and, if necessary, remove the yellowish coating using cotton swabs and a special liquid.

How to wash purebred cats

After bathing, you can carry out other hygiene procedures

Long-haired cats (Persian, Angora, Highland Fold, Siberian, Neva Masquerade) need to comb their hair before and after washing. Pre-combing will help remove tangles and small debris stuck in the fur. Used for combing wool.

Persian cats, which have particularly fine coats that tangle easily, need special conditioners to add shine and improve texture. After drying the animal after washing, spray its fur with a conditioner spray or a self-prepared solution of citric acid. Brush the coat thoroughly and let it dry. The procedure can be repeated in between washes, but not more than once a week.

A convenient option for long-haired cats that do not leave the apartment is dry shampoo in a spray. It is suitable for Persians or Angora cats that need to be groomed before a show. The shampoo is sprayed onto the coat and then combed out with a fine-toothed comb. Buy a product specifically designed for long-haired cats.

Thai and Siamese cats need additional ear protection. Before bathing, put a post-operative collar on the cat and secure it around the neck. If necessary, after washing the head and face can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Sphynx cats need special hypoallergenic shampoos. Regular cleaning products can cause skin irritation. After washing, rinse your cat especially thoroughly. If the tap water is too hard, it is better to first boil it and cool it to the desired temperature.

And finally, watch the video.

Some even wash themselves with their tongue - even those who don’t have a cat or other pets have heard about this. But as soon as a cat appears in the house, the new owners discover that “some” also need water treatments. But if it is possible and even necessary to wash a cat, then it remains questionable how often one can wash a cat. Believe me, the questions are just beginning! Soon you will be faced with the dilemma of how to wash your kitten, and you will learn about the existence of special cat shampoos. But, if cats are washed with shampoo, what kind? And how often can you wash your cat with or without shampoo?

My head is spinning! And then the “hero of the occasion” gets underfoot, or vice versa, hides deep under the bathtub and categorically refuses to climb into it and bathe. We will not leave you in this mess and will tell you what and how often you can wash cats, male cats, kittens, depending on age, health status and breed. By following these tips, you can avoid the cat's heart-rending screams and even leave the bathroom relatively dry, with a clean and calm pet in your arms.

Is it possible to wash a cat? How often can cats be washed?
At first glance, this seems pointless: why wash the cat extra if all he does is lick his fur. And at second glance, the picture does not become clearer: nature created representatives of the cat family with a “built-in” mechanism for maintaining personal hygiene. Cat saliva contains active components and is acidic to dissolve contaminants, and the tongue is covered with a large number of small and sharp papillae that literally scrape out the fur. Cats lick themselves instinctively; they do not need to be taught this, and ideally, an adult healthy cat is able to completely ensure its own cleanliness.
But what is created by nature is repeatedly distorted in the modern living conditions of cats in the house next to people and among household chemicals, electronics and other far from natural phenomena. Therefore, there may be different reasons and reasons for bathing a cat:
Now you know why you should wash your cat, and you can decide for yourself whether you need to do it. But don’t get carried away and control yourself! Some owners are ready to bathe their cat often just to amuse themselves with its pitiful wet appearance. We hope you are not one of them and have a reasonable understanding of feline anatomy. The epidermis of cats is devoid of sweat glands, and a small amount of secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands is necessary to protect against dryness. Frequent bathing with tap water washes away the secretions and dries out the skin, causing peeling, cracks and even hair loss.

How often can you wash your cat with shampoo?
This last point may be confusing: how often should you bathe your cat without harming it? Frequent bathing as part of treatment or on special occasions won't hurt, but your cat usually won't need it. Under normal conditions, focus on the following frequency of bathing your cat:
What shampoo should I use to wash my cat?
Shampoos for human hair, even the softest and babyish ones “without tears” are not suitable for cats. Cats are bathed with shampoos with a special composition and alkaline balance, which is gentle on sensitive skin. If you've ever tried to wash your cat with soap, you probably know that nothing good came out of it: only irritated, dry skin and dull fur after bathing. Take the time and money to specifically buy shampoo for your cat at the pet store:

  1. Liquid shampoo for cats consists of natural ingredients that care for the coat. It is sold in small bottles, but is used sparingly and lasts a long time if you wash your cat no more than a couple of times a year. They produce tar shampoo for cats, shampoo with medicinal herbs, special shampoos for fluffy, smooth-haired breeds and shampoo for cats with problem skin.
  2. Dry shampoo for cats it is similar to talc or baby powder: this fine powder is applied to the coat and then combed out along with dirt and excess sebum. It is recommended to wash your cat with dry shampoo if he absolutely does not tolerate water. But dry pet shampoo is more expensive and less effective than liquid detergent.
There is no need to wash your cat frequently with flea shampoo unless necessary; it is better to use a mild detergent from a pet store. And in general, remember the main rule of bathing cats: less often is better than more often. If you don't have to wash your cat, don't wash it. Instead, brush the coat frequently with a special down brush to prevent it from matting and forming hard tangles.

Grooming cats before an exhibition is a separate topic; there are special care rules and frequency of bathing. About a week before the competition, the cat is bathed with shampoo to make its coat shiny, then cut and treated with volume powder. If your pet does not participate in exhibitions, then we can say that both his and your life are relatively simple and pleasant, and you can wash the cat occasionally and without violence.



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