Why do you dream about dead relatives? Why do you dream of dead relatives - is this a bad or a good indicator? If a deceased relative came to eat in a dream

Everyone knows that sometimes dead people come into our dreams. Such dreams always foreshadow some serious events.

You should not be afraid of such “visits”! Very often, “guests” who come to a dream foreshadow joyful changes. At the same time, it is worth remembering that if a person passed away not so long ago and you are still bitterly worried and often think about him, such dreams only reflect your thoughts and do not foreshadow anything.

In other cases, this is a dream for a reason. How to understand why you dream about dead relatives? The interpreter will help you figure it out, but first remember all the details: what these people were like, what they did or said, what you had to do. The options are as follows:

  • I dream about deceased relatives (parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters).
  • They dream of being alive, young, beautiful and cheerful.
  • Take something from them or give or give something.
  • Talk to them.

See - and only

Often in dreams we only see a person, but do not speak or interact with him in any way. If you just saw your deceased grandfather or grandmother, mother or brother, remember what he looked like and what he did. And the dream book will tell you what this is for.

1. Grandmother, who is no longer alive, dreams of serious and positive changes, the time for which has already come. If you see a granny, be prepared that life will soon begin to change, do not resist this - everything is for the better.

2. If you dream of a deceased grandfather alive and well, this is advice to be wiser, accept other people’s experiences, and don’t wonder. Talk less, delve more - this is the advice the interpreter gives. Listen!

3. If you dream of a sibling or cousin who has passed away, alive and well, especially cheerful and smiling, that’s great! Happiness awaits you, primarily in amorous matters. Soon you will find yourself in an atmosphere of mutual love, harmony and delight!

4. Dreaming of a dead sister always brings unexpected joy, especially if a girl or lady sees the dream. This is a very good sign, expect surprises from fate!

5. I often dream about my own mother who died. Know that she has always been and will be your guardian angel - both during life and after death. If you saw her, it foreshadows a happy event, an unexpected turn in life, good luck.

6. Dreaming of a father alive and well is a very good sign, a symbol of reliable protection and support from higher powers. Perhaps this vision is a call to be bolder and act more decisively, courageously and actively.

7. If you dreamed of both deceased parents alive and smiling, this is a rare symbol, and it foretells the dreamer happiness in everything, even wealth.

8. If in dreams relatives who have left our world speak to the dreamer, it is very important to remember what exactly they say. It is worth listening and taking into account everything that you can remember from what they said.

9. It is very good if a relative laughed in a dream, was cheerful, young and handsome. This is a happy vision, it foretells the dreamer a white streak, joy, good luck and many pleasant surprises!

Contact and interaction

If in your dreams you not only saw your loved one from the outside, but also somehow interacted with him, this already carries other meanings. To get a reliable interpretation in this case, you will have to remember your actions in detail.

1. Taking something from the hands of this person is a wonderful sign; it promises happiness, great profit, in general - gifts from a generous and favorable fate. The bad streak will end, luck will follow you relentlessly, and you will not need anything!

2. Quite the contrary, if you gave or gave them something (money, things, etc.), this promises possible losses or illnesses - be careful. Take care of your relationships with people, take care of your health, and be prudent. Now is just an unfavorable and slightly dangerous period, but it will soon pass.

3. Talking to a dead relative in your dreams is an omen of important news that awaits you in reality . You will learn something very significant that can even change your current life.

4. If a deceased loved one scolded you in a dream, scolded you for something, be prudent in your everyday life in reality.

The interpreter assures that your lifestyle, behavior or actions are risky and the dream strongly advises you to reconsider your attitude towards life.

5. If in your dreams you congratulated a deceased relative on something, that’s good. This means that soon in reality you will do a very good, noble, kind deed. Author: Vasilina Serova

A deceased relative visiting in a dream will scare anyone. Such a plot raises a lot of questions regarding what dead relatives dream about in this or that dream book.

Seeing relatives in a dream

Such dreams are not forgotten for a long time, leaving sadness or melancholy in the soul, and sometimes joy. The most important thing is that dreams about deceased loved ones are very significant and can predict various events in the dreamer's real life. But don’t be afraid of such a dream: it often promises joyful changes. It is worth understanding that if a close relative passed away quite recently, the dream you saw with his participation is only a reflection of thoughts and internal experiences, but nothing more. In all other cases, if you dream of deceased relatives, you should turn to the interpretations of the dream book, which will warn you about some events in your life or help you understand this or that problem that has haunted you for a long time in reality.

  • Seeing a deceased grandmother means it’s time for serious positive changes in life. Don't resist change, but prepare for it;
  • Seeing a deceased grandfather healthy is advice to be wiser and take on someone else’s experience;
  • A sibling or cousin who has passed away means happiness in all matters, especially in your personal life. Mutual love and harmony will soon await you;
  • A deceased sister is an unexpected joy, surprises of fate;
  • A mother who died is a happy event, pleasant life turns and good luck;
  • A deceased father is a symbol of protection and support from higher powers. Perhaps this dream is a call to be bolder, more decisive and more active;
  • Both deceased parents are joyful and smiling - happiness in all areas and wealth.

If in a night vision your relatives who left this world were talking to you, then it is very important to remember what exactly you were talking about. You should listen to their words and take into account everything they say. A very positive sign is the fact that deceased relatives in a dream appear in a good mood, laughing and smiling. This joyful vision promises good luck and many pleasant surprises that will await you literally at every step.

Interacting with dead relatives in a dream

The interpretation of what dead relatives mean in dreams can change dramatically depending on the nature of the interaction with the characters in the plot. To get a more reliable interpretation, you will have to remember all the nuances and details of the night dream.

  • Taking something from a person’s hands means happiness, profit and generous gifts of fate;
  • Giving or presenting something to a deceased relative means loss and illness. Now is an unfavorable period, so you should take care of your health and protect your relationships with people close to you;
  • Talking to the dead is a foreshadowing of important news in reality. It is quite possible that you will learn something significant that will change the course of your life;
  • A deceased loved one scolds you for something - the need to show prudence in everyday life;
  • Congratulating a dead relative - in reality you will do a useful, noble and good deed.

Deceased relatives in Freud's dream book

Dreams in which living people are visited by the dead are not meaningless. Relatives who have passed away visit us in dreams to warn us about something or make some wish. According to Freud's dream book, seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of a long life. A mother who sees a dead child in her dream may mean problems with conception.

Deceased people according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga believed that if a loved one who died appears in a dream, then one should expect changes in real life. It is important to listen to what he is saying: perhaps he is trying to warn the dreamer about something. Many deceased relatives and loved ones in a dream often serve as a harbinger of global epidemics or terrible large-scale disasters.

Dead relatives according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller advised to be careful about such visions, as they can serve as a warning of danger. Here are just some of the interpretations of the dream book of a famous psychologist:

  • Communicating with a deceased mother means health problems, but the illness will not be serious;
  • Seeing a dead brother means helping a loved one in reality. If one of your loved ones needs help, do not refuse support: your goods will return to you with interest;
  • Seeing resurrected relatives is a bad influence from the people around you.

In a dream, you can find yourself in the most extraordinary places and become a participant in extraordinary events. Why do you dream about dead relatives? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do deceased relatives dream - basic interpretation

If you saw deceased relatives in a dream, you should not worry or worry. Such a dream may not portend anything terrible, it simply means that changes are coming in your life. In order to fully interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its details:

· Have relatives ever appeared in your dreams?

· What did you talk to them about;

· What did they do;

· Who exactly appeared in your dream;

· What emotions did you experience during and after sleep?

If you are visited by anxiety and simply cannot find a place for yourself, such a dream suggests that in reality you will be worried about trifles and will not be able to concentrate on what you have planned. If in a dream you see someone knocking on your door and you feel fear, you will be afraid in reality. You will be afraid of the prospects that await you in the future. This fear is unfounded and should not exist in your life. If in a dream you open a door and a deceased relative, the eldest of your family, is standing behind it, you should be concerned.

Something has gone wrong in your life, something you need to pay attention to. Perhaps it's time for you to unleash your potential. Your family is watching you and guiding your actions in the right direction. But don't you resist? Are you trying to stay in the same place you've been in for many years in a row? Perhaps it's time for you to reconsider your attitude towards life in general?

If the elder of your family gives you a valuable thing in a dream, you will receive support and help in material matters. She will come on time, because a protracted crisis could begin in your life. After such a dream, you should know that you are protected and nothing threatens you.

A dream in which you hear strange steps around the apartment for a long time and cannot understand who is walking around it should alert you. If in the end it turns out that it was one of your deceased relatives, then it’s high time for you to visit your living relatives. They will be glad to see you and even welcome you as a guest with gratitude.

If you see your deceased relative walking around your apartment and causing harm in every possible way, it means that you yourself have done something wrong to your relatives. Perhaps you did not pay due attention, did not visit their home when there was an urgent need for it, and now through deceased relatives you are receiving a hint that it is time to change the situation. Otherwise, you will not end up with problems and hassles.

A dream in which a deceased relative waves to you from the window suggests that it is time to think about the future and moving forward. Perhaps you sit at the same job for a long time, do not change your place of residence, although the living conditions do not suit you, and do not break off boring ties.

If this is really the case, after such a dream you need to weigh the pros and cons in every possible way and make a decision. If you dream about having dinner with a deceased relative, difficult times will begin in your life.

You will lack finances, and you will begin to look for additional opportunities to earn money. Money will seem to flow through your fingers. Try to minimize your spending and make it reasonable, otherwise your wastefulness will ruin you.

A dream in which you shake hands with a deceased relative suggests that you will lack the reserves and strength to conclude an important deal. You will need outside help in this matter. Try to ask for it from a trusted person so as not to waste money and time.

If you dream of a long conversation with your deceased grandmother, it’s time to think about your health. Perhaps you have worked a lot and been nervous a lot lately and your dream is telling you that it’s time to relieve stress and just relax, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get caught up in the rut of things in the future. You will be constantly tired and disconnected from life events.

If you still don’t take risks and don’t radically change anything in your life, it will stagnate. You will stagnate in one place and will not change anything fundamentally. If in a dream a deceased relative gives you advice, listen to them, but do not rush to do everything exactly as you were advised. Perhaps the best solution now is to think about events and strategy.

If in a dream you receive a letter from a deceased relative, something secret will become apparent, and you will not be very happy about it. The dream book advises you to prepare for this mentally and not force events. Everything will happen when it's supposed to happen. If you have something to hide, make sure that your secret does not come out publicly.

If in a dream dead relatives are sitting with you at the festive table, this is a very disturbing dream. It is worth taking care of your health and avoiding unnecessary work and excessive physical activity.

The dream book also advises, after a dream in which a deceased relative drinks tea, to remember all the relatives who have died and try to lead a measured lifestyle in the near future, not to take risks, and not to take rash actions.

Why do dead relatives dream according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that you dream of deceased relatives when it is high time for you to reconsider the relationships that occupy all your free time. Try to pay more and more attention to yourself and your desires if in a dream dead relatives give you a gift. If in a dream a deceased relative speaks to you in a whisper, it’s time to find out the secret.

You may even find out that there is a rival who is insidiously trying to destroy your family. A dream in which a deceased relative smiles at you suggests that in matters of personal life, success may give way to disappointment.

If you are alone and you dreamed of your deceased grandmother, try to resolve the issue with your former relationship as soon as possible, which took up a lot of your memories and took a lot of energy.

Why do you dream of dead relatives rocking you in their arms? Such a dream promises big health problems. You will have to go through a difficult period in your life, you will spend a lot of energy and emotions in order to recover. A dream in which dead relatives knock on your windows suggests that gossipers will interfere in your life in every possible way. You will not be able to minimize the harm from their intervention. But you can warn him.

For a pregnant woman to see deceased relatives in a dream - to problems and worries. She will be all excited about her future and this will prevent her from living in harmony and happiness. If a deceased relative grabs a pregnant woman by the hand in a dream, it is important for her to monitor her health and moral well-being.

Why do deceased relatives dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that if you dream of deceased relatives, this means that it is time for you to take care of your own well-being. After such a dream, you need to remember all the deceased and order prayers for them.

Do not make important decisions or enter into contracts after such a dream. Why do you dream about dead relatives if they came to visit you? Such a dream means that you will be in worries and troubles for a long time. Such a dream means that you will be busy for a long time with small matters that will distract you from more important matters.

Why do deceased relatives dream in other dream books?

Aesop's dream book says that deceased relatives can symbolize the end of some important matter in reality. If in a dream you do not recognize them, but you know for sure that they were family to you, you will begin to act in life on the basis of emotions and sensations. You will spend a long time adapting to others and ultimately decide to live the way you want.

Grishina’s dream book says that if you dreamed of deceased relatives, you can expect support and help from them. You can expect new opportunities and new offers from life. But you should be more careful in implementing your plans. Do not retreat from your intended goal and do not give up your positions.

Now it is important to complete any task and get maximum pleasure from any task. Don't stop halfway - go to the end and then the results of your work will not take long to arrive. If your deceased relative cries in a dream, joy and happiness await you in reality, it’s time to enjoy life.

A dream in which dead relatives appear always evokes a feeling of fear. In many cultures, dead people in dreams are regarded as advisers and tipsters. Some people dream of them as harbingers of bad weather, a bad idea, or good news. If a dream with a deceased person is repeated frequently, the dreamer needs to remember what usually happens after such a dream and associate the deceased in a dream with the events that he always warns about.

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      Why do you dream about dead relatives?

      The subconscious sometimes “follows orders” and represents in the form of a dream the thoughts that visited during the day. For example, remembering deceased parents (this could even be a fleeting thought), one can expect a night dream about them.

      Sometimes people believe that this “visit” may not be accidental - close relatives who have left the dreamer are trying to convey something, warn about danger, convey news. Or they want to "see each other" this way. But such dreams also have more veiled meanings, revealed in well-known dream books.

      • Each dream book reveals the essence of dreams with the dead in different ways. The most popular interpreters always attach special significance to this dream.

        Miller's Dream Book

        According to this dream interpreter, the dead who appear alive in a dream come to warn of a dangerous situation. If they give advice to the sleeping person, then this advice has great power and should be believed and followed. As a rule, the deceased father always protects from harm, and the deceased mother strives to protect health.

        After talking with her, you need to listen to your body and undergo examination at the slightest ailment. But this is if you dream of dead people alive. If they “revolt” in a dream, then this promises a difficult situation, a problem.

        Vanga's dream book says that deceased relatives always warn of an imminent illness or a possible accident. If in a dream dead people hug a sleeping person, this indicates imminent changes in life. Moreover, the coming changes can be both good and bad.

        When the dead die again in a dream, this speaks of imminent betrayal on the part of loved ones, friends and impending conspiracies and intrigues on their part. After such a dream, it is better to be more attentive with your family and beware of betrayal.

        Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

        The deceased who dreamed of being alive indicate that they need to be remembered, order a prayer service, a service, light a candle or visit their graves.

        If you kiss or hug dead relatives in a dream, then in reality all doubts, hesitations or fears about making an important decision will go away. But if in a dream only the voice of the deceased is heard, this means a serious illness or health problems.

        Interpreter of Freud

        In this case, Freud's dream book “spared” kindred feelings. He does not see any sexual connotation in such a dream, considering the appearance of the deceased a sign of longevity for the dreamer.

        Freud also points out the importance of speeches made by the dead in dreams. These words or advice are prophetic and must be followed.

        Modern interpreter

        According to the modern dream interpreter, seeing dead relatives in night vision is a sign of a change in weather. Also, such a dream will lead to everyday troubles and problems. Kissing the dead in a dream means a long life.

        If the dead call for them and the dreamer leaves with them, this is a bad sign, a harbinger of imminent death. If the dreamer refused to go, he may avoid death, but caution should be exercised in the near future. Also considered a sign of death is a dream in which the dreamer eats food with deceased loved ones.


        A mother is always the protector of her children. And even after her death, she continues to protect and warn of danger. Dreams in which a deceased mother appears alive can have several interpretations:

        • The dreamer must be careful, he should avoid dangerous situations;
        • Such a dream during pregnancy foretells the birth of a girl;
        • The house to which the deceased mother came will be filled with prosperity and warmth;
        • If in a dream there was a quarrel with a deceased mother, this predicts a deterioration in the dreamer’s health.


        In such dreams, every detail is important: what the father said, when he appeared, what the situation was, how the dreamer himself was presented. All the words spoken by the deceased father have meaning; they must be seriously considered.

        If the father appears in beautiful, new clothes, smiling and good-natured, this promises the child a prosperous life, family joys and prosperity. This dream also suggests that it is time to resolve important issues and do not hesitate. And that the outcome of events will be favorable for the dreamer.

        A hug with a deceased dad is a very good dream, foreshadowing improved relationships with loved ones, reconciliation, and successful resolution of conflicts.

        If your daughter dreams of a dead father, you need to remember what the deceased relative looked like. If he was joyful and kind, the daughter will have a good future and marriage. And if the father was angry, then the girl should not blindly trust the groom, she needs to be convinced of his good intentions.

        If a deceased father gives money in a dream, this is a sign of financial problems. The dreamer should be careful with money, not give or borrow, not get involved in dubious enterprises, and not trust business partners.

Such a dream foreshadows various events: both bad and good. It all depends on who your relative was during life and what happened next in the dream. Some people dream of deceased relatives on the eve of important dates, such as 40 days, the day of death, birth, or a year after the funeral.

In some situations, they beg, cry, lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight. In some situations, the dream book writes that such dreams mean that a relative needs church commemoration if he is baptized. Such dreams should not be given much importance, since they do not foretell any changes in the future. This is what dead relatives dream about most often.

Need for care or guardianship

Usually in such situations we dream of living parents, grandparents or family friends. The dreamer talks to them, asks for advice, or simply rejoices at the meeting, as in reality. Why do you have such a dream, especially to see them friendly and sociable? The dream book writes that seeing this dream in a dream means joy, pleasant communication and unexpected nostalgia and memories. The past will remind you of itself again with unfinished business, the meeting of an old friend or the appearance of a new person in your environment, somewhat reminiscent of a relative who no longer exists. In some cases, such a dream is dreamed to complete past affairs and start a new life.

Why do you dream of dead relatives who look at you strictly or condemn you for something? The dream book writes that such a dream means a wrong action or that you will do something wrong in life. If you had a dream where a deceased parent or grandfather was making the bed, expect illness. Pay attention to who slept on the bed - this will tell you who in the family will get sick. If you had to see your parents, grandparents, affectionate, pleasant people who take care of you, treat you with milk or simply stroke you like babies, and this is repeated several times, then such a dream means that you need their care, affection and kindness council.

Sometimes the dream book writes that it was difficult for you to part with childhood memories and feelings, or that reality is too harsh to bring you joy. This is why you need protection and love, and sleep provides such an opportunity during night dreams and travel. However, if you are annoyed by such affection, then such a dream means that you will feel inferior or that those around you underestimate you or simply do not take you seriously. The dream book writes that you should not let others offend you and try to enjoy life and love more often.

If the father or mother were gloomy and overly strict in the dream, expect unhappiness in the house or trouble, an act that you will greatly regret later. Usually the father shows strong-willed qualities, relationships with people, career and power, the possibility or impossibility of achieving what you want, reason and strong-willed personality traits, logic. If he is good-natured in a dream, then the dream book writes that seeing him joyful means happiness, success in business or personal life, a successful marriage or an act that will help you strengthen yourself in life.

Mom shows feminine qualities, feelings, family values ​​and personal life, the world of experiences. Seeing her joyful when you sleep means good luck in your personal life, approval of some important action, for girls - a good marriage, personal happiness, the birth of children and motherly chores. In some situations, the dream book interprets such a dream as a sign of gaining female wisdom.

Grandparents in a dream, when they are friendly, mean higher wisdom, the need for warmth and care, love and gratitude. Seeing them happy means joy for you, good news, peace in the house.

Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts

The dream book writes that they mean different relationships with the outside world. Seeing them friendly, kind and pleasant, when in reality they were not distinguished by the best and exemplary behavior, dreams of surprise and forgiveness of enemies, if you have them.

Seeing a drunkard or a suicide in a frightening form most often dreams of bad changes, quarrels with his relatives and friends, divisions over inheritance and disputes. This is a bad omen.

It is very bad to see a crazy relative, a bandit and a murderer.

What does a dream mean when you dream of a kind and pleasant relative whose warmth and support you so lack in your life? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts unexpected joy, happiness in love, or wise thought and advice that will help you correct your trouble. This is a very good omen. Seeing a deceased younger brother or sister who passed away in childhood is a sign of nostalgic experiences and obvious growing up against one’s will, too early and painful.



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