The follicle does not mature to the required size for a reason. Why doesn't he ripen? Why the follicle does not mature - reasons

Every woman who has at least once been interested in the features of the reproductive system that nature has endowed her with knows about the most important role of follicles. It is they, ripening in the ovaries, that lead to ovulation and make it possible to get pregnant.
You have also most likely heard that the number of follicles in female body limited - that is why upon achieving of a certain age women can no longer have children (during menopause, the ovaries stop stimulating the development of follicles).

How should follicles mature in the ovaries?

As we said just above, the supply of follicles given to each woman by nature is not only individual (some may have higher or lower fertility than others), but, alas, it is also limited. Moreover, this amount is laid down even before the birth of a girl (during the formation of the fetus in the mother’s womb) and it is impossible to change it throughout life.

On average, this number can be about half a million cells, but you shouldn’t delude yourself - not all of them are used. By the time puberty ends, a girl has no more than 40 thousand left (give or take), but not all of them will have time to mature throughout her life.

On average, only half a thousand follicles out of the entire innate reserve go through all the stages of maturation in the ovaries - the rest “fade out” even before the start of the active growth phase (this phenomenon is called atresia).

The maturation of follicles is a very complex and multi-stage process. The slightest hormonal imbalance can disrupt harmony. But more on that a little later.

Stages of follicle maturation:
1. First week menstrual cycle.
Under hormonal influence at the same time, a dozen follicles begin to mature, of which subsequently only the strongest (dominant) remains, which, during ovulation, will give birth to an egg ready for conception. Follicles of several millimeters are clearly visible on ultrasound at the end of the first week of the cycle.
2. Growth of the dominant follicle.
It gains 2 millimeters in diameter every day.
3. Ovulation.
After the follicle reaches a diameter of about 2 centimeters, it bursts, releasing a mature egg, which is ovulation.
If the cycle is stable and without interruptions, then ovulation occurs approximately on the 13-15th days of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the chances of pregnancy are highest during unprotected sex.

Knowing your cycle (if it is regular, of course), it is easy to independently trace the stages of follicle maturation to determine ovulation and identify deviations in order to consult a doctor in time for a comprehensive examination.

It is also useful for women planning to conceive and calculating the timing of ovulation to know some typical signs of its onset. However, remember: all the signs listed below are individual and may not be observed in all women.

Signs of ovulation:
- With daily measurements rectal temperature you can notice that on the day of ovulation itself it may decrease, and then increase again.
- The level of luteinizing hormone (LH) rises sharply in the blood. Its level can be determined using special tests for determining ovulation, which are sold in pharmacies and are similar in principle to tests for determining pregnancy.
- The amount of mucous discharge from the vagina may increase.
- It may hurt or pull in the lower abdomen (but the pain should never be acute!).

Possible pathologies of follicle maturation in the ovaries

If the maturation process is disrupted, unfortunately, this often means infertility. However, in many cases this is a process amenable to hormonal correction and medical care, so don’t be so quick to lose heart.
But you shouldn’t delay contacting specialists (gynecologists and endocrinologists), who will definitely find out the causes and eliminate them.

Possible reasons for the absence or defects in follicle maturation:
- Ovarian dysfunction.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.
- Sexual infections.
- Neoplasms (not only in the pelvis, but also in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland).
- Early menopause.
- Emotional instability caused by constant stress or depression, can also cause a hormonal surge and, as a result, cause reproductive dysfunction.

Due to one of these reasons, it is even possible that there are no follicles in the ovaries. If the maturation process is defective, the follicle freezes at some phase of growth or, moreover, begins to “fade out” before the end of maturation, or cannot grow to the required size, or does not even burst, not releasing the mature egg out. Also considered a pathology is too early or, conversely, late maturation of the follicle.

As we wrote, by the time of ovulation only one follicle matures. However, in in rare cases two follicles can mature at the same time. This is not a pathology, since it increases the chances not only of the success of conception itself, but also of the birth of two children at once.

By the way, this often happens during the IVF procedure. Many of the defects in follicular maturation (and therefore infertility) are treated with hormone therapy, which stimulates ovulation, causing follicles to grow in the ovaries.
However, in order to choose the right drugs, the doctor will first have to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive examination of the patient. Health to you, dear readers!

The extreme form of impaired follicular maturation - anovulation with amenorrhea - is much less common than those forms in which the menstrual cycle is maintained.


Amenorrhea, or absence of menstruation, is a symptom of many disorders. It is caused either by endometrial dysfunction or disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system, when the endometrium maintains a normal response to exogenous hormones. Amenorrhea is classified according to WHO criteria.

Amenorrhea can be primary or secondary. This classification does not say anything about the cause of amenorrhea, since both forms can be a consequence of the same disorders. Primary amenorrhea is defined as the absence of menstruation by age 16. In 35-40% of cases, its cause is primary ovarian failure or dysgenesis of the genitourinary organs.
Secondary amenorrhea is at least four months of absence of menstruation in women with a history of at least one spontaneous menstrual cycle.

Primary amenorrhea:

Women with primary amenorrhea rarely consult doctors about infertility, since in most cases this disorder has genetic reasons and is diagnosed in puberty or even in early childhood. The main cause of primary infertility is Turner syndrome with the classic XO karyotype. Only in very rare cases do such patients have secondary amenorrhea associated with premature ovarian failure.

The second most common cause of primary amenorrhea is Müllerian duct dysgenesis, characterized by congenital underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes, uterus and/or vagina.
An example is Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome with vaginal aplasia, a rudimentary uterus and normal fallopian tubes. With Müllerian duct dysgenesis, ovarian function is not affected, and therefore levels of gonadotropins and sex steroids remain normal. Diagnosis is based on anatomical features, imaging studies, and hysteroscopy; Diagnostic laparoscopy is sometimes required.

Primary amenorrhea occurs when body weight lags significantly behind height. The importance of body weight for the normal development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis is emphasized by the hypothesis of critical body mass. According to this hypothesis, menstruation begins only at a certain ratio between body weight and height. Primary amenorrhea may also be based on a number of congenital or acquired defects of the hypothalamic-pituitary system with impaired hormonal regulation (similar to what occurs in men).

Secondary amenorrhea:

Secondary amenorrhea in therapeutic practice is much more common than primary amenorrhea.
The main cause of secondary amenorrhea is pregnancy. This should be kept in mind when evaluating any woman with amenorrhea.

Even if there is another reason, it must be remembered that pregnancy can occur against the background of amenorrhea. This is often observed in cases of hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea.

Rarely, amenorrhea develops due to uterine adhesions(Asherman's syndrome), leading to obliteration of the uterine cavity. The cause of Asherman's syndrome is usually an infected abortion or intensive curettage, but it can also be a consequence of nonspecific or tuberculous endometriosis. Diagnosis requires careful consideration of medical history. Asherman's syndrome should be suspected if normal levels estradiol and progesterone in the luteal phase or when amenorrhea persists after hormonal stimulation.

The diagnosis is made based on the results of hysteroscopy or hysterosalpingography.

Treatment involves the elimination of uterine adhesions followed by the induction of pseudo-pregnancy with the help of estrogens and progesterone. To prevent the formation of new adhesions as the endometrium regenerates, intrauterine devices are used.

In all other cases, the cause of secondary amenorrhea is either dysfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, or ovarian failure.

Hypothalamic amenorrhea:

Hypothalamic amenorrhea is diagnosed by exclusion. It occurs due to a functional defect in the secretion of gonadotropins associated with rapid change body weight, systemic diseases, intensive physical activity and/or with a severe stressful situation. Hypothalamic amenorrhea is an extreme case of impaired follicular maturation, in which secondary amenorrhea, for the above reasons, is preceded by inadequate luteal phase or anovulatory cycles with normal menstruation.

A common cause of lack of menstruation is hyperprolactinemia. And in these cases, amenorrhea is an extreme manifestation of pathology. Much more often there is inadequacy of the luteal phase and anovulation with normal menstrual bleeding. In case of hyperprolactinemia, pituitary adenoma or hypothyroidism should be considered.

An important cause of impaired follicular maturation and thus amenorrhea is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS syndrome). This is the first thing to think about when examining an obese woman with symptoms of hyperandrogenism and a typical (described above) ultrasound picture. The so-called PCOS syndrome, or Stein-Leventhal syndrome, is only the final stage in the development of a whole group of various pathological processes, manifested by a violation of the cyclic function of the ovaries, an increase in the androgen/estrogens ratio and a change in the LH/FSH balance.

In addition to the three listed common reasons There are also more rare causes of secondary amenorrhea: tumors and cysts of the hypothalamus, as well as infiltrative processes in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis or histiocytosis X), however, these forms of pathology are extremely rare even in specialized centers.

Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is relatively easy to treat, but primary ovarian failure with atresia of the primordial follicles and absolute loss of eggs requires the use of donor eggs. In countries where this is prohibited by law, assistance to such patients usually ends with a diagnosis. Premature ovarian failure is the loss of ovarian function before the age of 35. This may be due to chemotherapy or radiation, as well as immunological reasons.


The connection between reproductive dysfunction and lactation has long been known. In the old literature you can find such names as Chiari-Frommel syndrome (postpartum amenorrhea with persistent lactation), Argonz-Aumada del Castillo syndrome (galactorrhea and decreased estrogen levels in the urine) and Albright-Forbes syndrome (amenorrhea, decreased FSH levels in the urine and galactorrhea). After 1972, when it first became possible to determine human prolactin, it became clear that all these syndromes have a common cause - hyperprolactinemia.

Unlike the secretion of other pituitary hormones, the secretion of prolactin is regulated by the hypothalamus through an inhibitory factor. The main inhibitor is dopamine. In experiments on rats, infusion of dopamine against the background of preliminary blockade of its endogenous synthesis inhibits the secretion of prolactin by 70%. The second inhibitory factor, although weaker, is γ -aminobutyric acid(GABA).

A number of substances that stimulate the secretion of prolactin have also been discovered. These include thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and angiotensin. Serotonin precursors also enhance the secretion of prolactin, and blockade of serotonin synthesis inhibits its secretion. Endogenous opioids increase the secretion of prolactin, inhibiting the synthesis and reducing the secretion of dopamine. Histamine and substance P stimulate prolactin secretion, but the mechanism of their regulatory effects is not precisely known.

Causes of hyperprolactinemia:

The causes of hyperprolactinemia are associated with a violation of the mechanisms regulating prolactin secretion. A mild increase in serum prolactin levels may be a symptom of functional dysregulation in the central nervous system. nervous system, for example under stress. Hyperprolactinemia is caused by many drugs. One of its causes is primary hypothyroidism. Even hormonally inactive tumors in the pituitary gland can be accompanied by hyperprolactinemia if they interfere with blood circulation in the portal system. Very high concentrations of prolactin are usually caused by a prolactin-secreting tumor (prolactinoma).

Pituitary adenomas are found in approximately one third of women with secondary amenorrhea. If amenorrhea is accompanied by galactorrhea, then anomalies of the sella turcica are found in 50% of cases. Infertility in such patients is more closely related to prolactin levels than to tumor size, except, of course, in extreme cases.

Prolactinoma is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of dopamine in the hypothalamus, which inhibits the secretion of GnRH and, accordingly, gonadotropins. The latter is the basis of anovulation. In such cases, it is necessary to either remove the adenoma or reduce the concentration of prolactin using specific inhibitors.

Since typical symptoms do not develop in all cases of hyperprolactinemia, determination of the concentration of prolactin in the serum is a mandatory diagnostic test when determining the female factor of infertility.

It is best to take a blood sample during basal metabolic conditions, in the early morning hours. Since this is not always possible, when evaluating the results obtained, it is necessary to take into account circadian rhythm hormone and the woman’s condition at the time of taking a blood sample. Detected hyperprolactinemia should be confirmed by repeat analysis. Serum prolactin levels exhibit dramatic fluctuations associated with various physiological stimuli, such as eating and sleeping patterns, stress, and physical activity. It is also necessary to consider the possibility of taking prolactin-stimulating drugs.

For mild or moderate hyperprolactinemia (less than 50 ng/ml), TSH should be determined in the same blood sample before starting treatment. Its level below 3 µU/l allows us to exclude hypothyroidism. Otherwise, treatment with thyroid hormones may be indicated. If the prolactin level is more than 50 ng/ml (in the absence of physiological stimuli for its secretion), it is necessary to x-ray check the condition of the sella turcica.

The probability of detecting a pituitary adenoma in such cases is approximately 20%. When prolactin concentration is more than 100 ng/ml, the probability of adenoma increases to 50%. With more high concentrations prolactin microadenomas are found in almost all patients, and when its levels are more than 1000 ng/ml, the presence of macroprolactinoma is very likely.

The most common pituitary tumors are prolactin-secreting adenomas. These include about 50% of all pituitary adenomas found at autopsy in men and women. Prolactinomas are found at autopsies in 9-27% of deceased people, most often between the ages of 50 and 60 years. There is no difference in the incidence of these tumors in men and women, although clinical symptoms much more often observed in women. Hyperprolactinemia in women is diagnosed 5 times more often than in men.

In recent years, approaches to radiology diagnostics Pituitary adenomas have changed. X-ray of the sella turcica reveals only adenomas larger than 10 mm. CT scanning of the pituitary gland in combination with the introduction of radiopaque media can detect tumors measuring about 2 mm. MRI reveals even smaller microadenomas, and this method can exclude pituitary tumors more reliably than CT scans. Ophthalmological examination is necessary only for adenomas with a diameter of more than 10 mm.

Empty sella syndrome:

With empty sella syndrome, there is congenital anomaly the sellar diaphragm, as a result of which the subarachnoid space extends into the pituitary fossa. The pituitary gland itself shifts to the walls of the fossa, and the saddle looks empty. Empty sella syndrome occurs in 5% of all autopsies, and in 85% of cases in women. This is usually a benign syndrome, although sometimes a tumor is misdiagnosed based on radiological findings. Surgical intervention in such cases is strictly contraindicated. Once diagnosed, prolactin concentrations should be checked annually. For hyperprolactinemia, prolactin inhibitors are prescribed.

Until recently, it was assumed that excess prolactin directly interferes with the maturation of follicles, causing their atresia and anovulation, and also inhibits the development of the corpus luteum and accelerates luteolysis. All this was shown in experiments on rats, but the possibility of transferring such data to humans remains unclear.

Later, the prevailing point of view was that these changes were caused by changes in the hypothalamus. Hyperprolactinemia appears to develop secondaryly as a result of dysregulatory processes associated mainly with impaired impulse secretion of GnRH. These disturbances affect the secretion of gonadotropins and thereby the maturation of follicles. In rhesus monkeys with hypothalamic damage, pulsed administration of exogenous GnRH normalizes postovulatory plasma progesterone concentrations independent of serum prolactin levels. In women with luteal phase inadequacy, as well as in healthy women, there is no correlation between progesterone and prolactin levels.

Regardless of whether excess prolactin affects follicle maturation directly or indirectly, hyperprolactinemia is undoubtedly a cause of infertility in women and should be eliminated.

Surgical and radiation treatment of hyperprolactinemia:

Before the advent of dopamine agonists, patients with pituitary adenomas were either operated on or treated with radiation therapy. Transsphenoidal resection of the pituitary gland restores ovulatory menstrual cycles in 80% of patients with microadenomas, but only in 40% with macroadenomas, but even microadenomas recur in 30% of cases. The recurrence rate of macroadenomas reaches 90%. Indications for neurosurgical intervention are also limited by severe side effects, such as panhypopituitarism and liquorrhea.

The results of radiation are even worse, and radiation therapy should be used only for recurrent large tumors that do not respond to pharmacotherapy.

Previously, it was believed that pregnancy contributes to the recurrence of pituitary adenomas, but with microadenomas this is extremely rare. Patients with microadenomas can even be allowed to breastfeed without fear of stimulating tumor growth. With large adenomas, the risk of their further growth during pregnancy increases. Previously, monthly ophthalmological examination and determination of serum prolactin concentration were recommended for microadenomas. Later, the recommendations became less strict, and relevant studies are carried out only when headaches or visual impairment occur.

Since even now neurosurgical intervention during pregnancy is resorted to only when acute symptoms, less stringent recommendations seem justified. However, both the doctor and the patient can feel more confident by adhering to the traditional approach to examinations.


The emergence of synthetic inhibitors of prolactin secretion has opened up new possibilities for the treatment of hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea and infertility. The first among such drugs in the 1970s. started using bromocriptine.

Bromocriptine, a lysergic acid derivative, is a dopamine agonist. It inhibits the secretion of prolactin by interacting with its receptors. Depending on the concentration of prolactin, normalization of its level is achieved by taking bromocriptine in the evening at a dose of 1.25 to 2.5 mg. For pituitary adenomas, doses of more than 10 mg per day may be required. Bromocriptine is very effective, but due to adverse reactions not tolerated by all patients. At the beginning of treatment, headaches and nausea often occur. Due to disruption of noradrenergic mechanisms, dizziness in orthostasis may occur.

Slowly increasing the dose minimizes these symptoms. Treatment should always begin with half a tablet in the evening. Every three days the dose can be increased by 1.25 mg to the maximum tolerated. Side effects of bromocriptine occur much less frequently when used transvaginally. Since bromocriptine is absorbed faster and has a weaker effect on the liver, desired effect can be achieved with less daily dose. This method is often used in the clinic.

Treatment with bromocriptine restores regular menstrual cycles in 80% of patients with hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea.

In 50-75% of patients with pituitary adenoma, treatment with dopamine agonists significantly reduces tumor size. With long-term treatment, in 25-30% of cases the tumor disappears altogether. Given this effect, pharmacotherapy for pituitary adenoma should be the method of choice. Transsphenoidal neurosurgery should be considered only when treatment with bromocriptine has not resulted in tumor shrinkage, even if prolactin levels have returned to normal. In such cases, there is apparently a non-functioning tumor that causes hyperprolactinemia simply by compressing the pituitary stalk and preventing the entry of dopamine into it.

During pregnancy, treatment with bromocriptine is usually interrupted. Three large studies have shown that continuation of therapy is not associated with any significant negative consequences for the fetus.

Currently, a number of new inhibitors of prolactin secretion have appeared. Lisuride has greater activity, a longer half-life and is better tolerated by some patients. Therefore, if it is impossible to continue taking bromocriptine, it can be replaced with lisuride.

Metagoline is an antiserotonergic substance that does not act through a dominaphergic mechanism. You can try to use it as an alternative remedy.

A new inhibitor of prolactin secretion, carbegoline, has an effect when taken only 1-2 times a week. Early clinical trials show that it is better tolerated than bromocriptine.

For hyperprolactinemia due to dysfunction thyroid gland use thyroid drugs.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):

Various pathological processes, united by the term “polycystic ovary syndrome”, are next after hyperprolactinemia the most important reason anovulatory infertility. In such patients, only anovulation may occur, but sometimes (as in the first patient described by Stein and Leventhal) obesity, hirsutism and oligomenorrhea are observed.

The typical changes in the ovaries, from which the disease gets its name, are also not observed in all cases. Typically, the ovaries are 2.8 times enlarged and surrounded by a smooth pearly white capsule. The number of primordial follicles does not change, but the number of maturing and atretic follicles doubles, so that each ovary contains from 20 to 100 cystic follicles visible through the capsule. The shell is approximately 50% thicker than normal. The volume of chyle cells is increased 4 times; the cortical and subcortical layers of the stroma are expanded.

Causes of PCOS:

Previously, it was mistakenly believed that PCOS was purely ovarian in origin. In fact anatomical changes in the ovaries - a consequence of a violation of their hormonal regulation with the gradual formation of a vicious circle. The syndrome may have hypothalamic, pituitary, ovarian and/or adrenal causes, and dysfunction of all these organs is often accompanied by oligo or amenorrhea, hirsutism and infertility.

Polycystic disease develops in the ovaries when there is no ovulation for a long time. Thus, PCOS is not a diagnosis, but only characteristic shape chronic hyperandrogenic anovulation. Recently it was shown that the cause of the syndrome is disturbances in the secretion of androgens and the regulation of their biosynthesis. Changes in ovarian morphology are completely insufficient for diagnosis. In the ovaries of many women, even in the absence of hormonal changes, more than eight cysts with a diameter of less than 10 mm are found under the capsule.

As epidemiological studies show, in approximately 25% of premenopausal women, ultrasound reveals typical signs of PCOS. Similar signs are found on ultrasound even in 14% of women using oral contraceptives. Anovulation against this background is observed in no more than 5-10% of cases.

In the pathogenesis of PCOS, the most important role is played by increased production of androgens. The biosynthesis of steroids in the ovaries and adrenal cortex in women follows the same patterns as in men. Produced by the ovaries, androstenedione serves as a precursor to both testosterone and estrogens.

Unlike men, in women androgens do not inhibit the secretion of LH and ACTH by a negative feedback mechanism, since they are only by-products synthesis of estrogen and cortisol. The main role is played by intraovarian regulation of androgen production. Androgens in the ovaries are " necessary evil"On the one hand, without them the synthesis of estrogens and the growth of small follicles is impossible, but on the other hand, their excess prevents selection dominant follicle and causes his atresia.

The nature of steroid secretion in patients with PCOS indicates a general dysregulation of androgen production, in particular at the level of 17-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase. Dysregulation may affect androgen production in only the ovaries, only in the adrenal glands, or in both organs. PCOS syndrome may be a consequence of hyperandrogenism and purely adrenal origin.

Violation of the correct rhythm of secretion of gonadotropins and sex steroids causes constant anovulation. Serum testosterone, androstenedione, dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, and estrone levels increase. Elevated levels of estrogen are not associated with their direct secretion by the ovaries. Daily estradiol production in women with PCOS does not differ from that in healthy women in the early follicular phase. The increase in serum estrogen concentration is due to increased conversion of androstenedione to estrone in adipose tissue.

In polycystic ovary disease, the LH/FSH ratio usually exceeds 3, but in 20-40% of patients there is no such shift in the ratio of gonadotropins. LH secretion remains pulsating. The amplitude of individual impulses (12.2 ± 2.7 mU/ml) is higher than at the beginning or middle of the follicular phase of the normal cycle (6.2 ± 0.8 mU/ml). This appears to be the result of changes in the frequency of GnRH pulses.

An increase in the amplitude of GnRH pulses at a constant frequency leads to a decrease in the peripheral concentration of FSH without affecting the level of LH. This causes a typical shift in the ratio of gonadotropins. Thus, the change in the LH/FSH ratio characteristic of PCOS is based on a disturbance in the frequency and amplitude of GnRH secretion, and not on a primary disturbance in LH secretion.

Hypothalamic GnRH production is influenced by endogenous opiates. In PCOS, changes in endorphin metabolism have been found. (3-endorphin and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) are formed from a single precursor, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). It is known that in situations accompanied by an increase in ACTH production, the level of P-endorphin also increases. In patients with PCOS, the concentrations of ACTH and cortisol are normal, which does not exclude an acceleration of their metabolism. Since the level of P-endorphin increases under stress, and patients with PCOS experience psychological stress, it can be assumed that there is a single cause for the disruption of central regulatory mechanisms.

The effect of hyperprolactinemia described above on the central mechanisms of hormonal regulation may explain the frequent combination of PCOS with hyperprolactinemia.

High concentrations of testosterone reduce sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. Therefore, in women with polycystic ovaries, the SHBG content is usually halved due to secondary hyperandrogenism. This is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of free estrogens, which again correlates with an increase in the LH/FSH ratio. The increased concentration of free estradiol and the peripheral conversion of androstenedione to estrogens cause a decrease in FSH levels, but the residual amount of FSH is still sufficient to continue ovarian stimulation and the formation of follicles in them.

However, follicle maturation does not end with ovulation. Small follicles mature very slowly, over several months, which leads to the formation of follicular cysts measuring 2-6 mm. The hyperplastic theca, under conditions of continuous gonadotropic stimulation, constantly produces steroids. The vicious circle closes and the disease continues. After the death of the follicles and the disintegration of the granulosa, the theca layer is preserved, which (according to the two-cell theory described above) leads to an increase in the production of testosterone and androstenedione. Elevated testosterone levels further reduce SHBG levels, resulting in an increase in the concentration of free estrogens. At the same time, the fraction of free testosterone increases, affecting androgen-dependent tissues.

Insulin resistance:

Approximately 40% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance. Although obesity and age may play a role in its genesis, impaired glucose tolerance in PCOS is observed even in the absence of obesity and in young women. Glucose infusion causes excessive insulin secretion. It has been established that almost 10% of all cases of impaired glucose tolerance in PCOS are associated with insulin resistance. Up to 15% of patients with type II diabetes suffer from PCOS.

Although androgens can cause mild insulin resistance, their concentrations in PCOS are insufficient to induce abnormalities in insulin metabolism. Inhibition of androgen production does not normalize insulin sensitivity. Conversely, taking androgens (for example, during a gender transition from female to male) only slightly increases the degree of insulin resistance.

In any case, with increased levels of insulin in the blood, its binding by IGF-I receptors on theca cells increases. This potentiates the stimulating effect of LH on androgen production. Thus, increased level insulin in the blood increases the production of androgens. At the same time, it reduces the production of SHBG and IGF-binding protein-I in the liver. Although there are indications of increased insulin secretion in hyperandrogenism, most evidence suggests that hyperinsulinemia precedes disturbances in androgen metabolism and not vice versa.


Since an increase in body weight and abdominal adipose tissue is accompanied by hyperinsulinemia and a decrease in glucose tolerance, it can be assumed that obesity plays a major role in the pathogenesis of PCOS. Fat deposition in the thigh area, which is typical for women, has a much lesser effect on the development of hyperinsulinemia. An objective indicator of the distribution of fat in the body is the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. If this ratio exceeds 0.85, an android distribution of adipose tissue is said to contribute to hyperinsulinism. When the ratio is less than 0.75, a gynoid distribution most likely occurs, which is rarely combined with disorders of insulin metabolism.


With anovulation without clinical signs In PCOS, hormonal studies mainly help to verify the real absence of this syndrome. Contrary to previous beliefs, the typical ultrasound picture is not sufficient to make a diagnosis. Treatment should be approached individually, taking into account the results of determining the levels of testosterone, androstenedione, DHEAS, estradiol, LH, FSH and prolactin in the first half of the cycle. If adrenal pathology is suspected, the content of cortisol and 17-0H-progesterone is also determined.

Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome:

In PCOS, there are usually elevated levels of androgens and estrogens, as well as an inversion of the LH/FSH ratio. Treatment should be aimed at “breaking” the existing vicious circle in order to ensure the possibility of ovulation.

The following forms of treatment are used:
1) antiestrogens (for example, clomiphene),
2) glucocorticoids (dexamethasone 0.25-0.5 mg/day),
3) pulsed administration of GnRH using a special pump,
4) stimulation of MG,
5) surgical removal of part of the ovarian stroma,
6) oral antidiabetic agents.

The first three forms of therapy are designed to correct feedback in the system of regulation of follicle maturation. In contrast, MG or hCG act directly at the ovarian level, and therefore their use is associated with high risk hyperstimulation. TO surgical removal ovarian stroma, which produces androgens, should be used only if other types of treatment are ineffective.

After clomiphene therapy, ovulation appears in 63-95% of patients with PCOS. Clomiphene is a weak anti-estrogen and causes an increase in gonadotropin levels. The drug is usually prescribed at 50 mg/day. for 5 days (from 3 to 7 days of the menstrual cycle). This dosage restores ovulation in 27-50% of patients. Sometimes the dose has to be increased to 150 mg/day, which leads to ovulation in another 26-29% of women. If ovulation is not restored even with this dosage, you can additionally prescribe dexamethasone at 0.25-0.5 mg/day. depending on the concentration of DHEA sulfate in the serum.

In the case when the results of ultrasound and hormonal studies indicate maturation of the follicles, and ovulation is absent, it can be induced by hCG in a dose of 5000 to 10 thousand IU IM. Since it is normal to conceive in the first 3 months. cohabitation occurs in only 50% married couples, and a year later - in 80%, insofar as after normalization of the luteal phase (according to ultrasound and hormonal studies) treatment should be continued for at least 6 months. or cycles. Clomiphene therapy allows success in 90% of cases of infertility caused by PCOS syndrome.

MG and FSH:

If clomiphene therapy is unsuccessful, they proceed to the next stage - the administration of gonadotropins. With hyperandrogenism, the effectiveness of such treatment is lower than with a purely hypothalamic form of amenorrhea. Since PCOS is characterized by high sensitivity to the stimulating effect of MG, it is necessary to maintain a fine line between ovulation induction and hyperstimulation, which threatens multiple pregnancies. The appearance of purified FSH drugs gave rise to hope for the possibility of correcting the LH/FSH ratio, which should increase the effectiveness of therapy, however clinical application purified FSH has not yet lived up to these hopes. The advantage of new FSH drugs is that they can be subcutaneous injections. Uncontrolled studies suggest more likely conception and less frequency of hyperstimulation when using such drugs.

"Down-regulation" of GnRH receptors:

Stimulation of MG and hCG often leads to a premature peak of LH with luteinization of the follicle. Some authors consider this to be the main cause of late miscarriages, which is often observed with PCOS. However, this point of view does not have clear clinical confirmation. Therefore, when using MG and HCG, it is not necessary to recommend “down-regulation” of GnRH receptors.

Pulse administration of GnRH:

Large-scale studies conducted in the 1980s showed that such therapy provided a relatively high chance of pregnancy without increasing the risk of overstimulation. Pulse administration of GnRH (with resistance to clomiphene citrate) leads to pregnancy in 26% per cycle. Preliminary “down-regulation” allows you to increase this figure to 38%; The frequency of miscarriages also increases to the same level.

Wedge resection of the ovaries:

If all of the above types of therapy do not lead to pregnancy, wedge resection of the ovaries is recommended, which reduces the production of androgens by the ovarian stroma. After such an operation, ovulation is restored in almost 90% of patients. About a third of them develop oligos/or amenorrhea the following year. The probability of conception drops to 1.8% per cycle, which may be due to the formation of postoperative adhesions. Microsurgical and endoscopic thermocautery, laser vaporization, or electrocoagulation appear to avoid this complication. Among 100 patients who underwent electrocoagulation of the ovaries, the pregnancy rate was 70%.

Oral antidiabetic agents:

Metformin and troglitazone were used to overcome insulin resistance. At the same time, there was indeed a decrease in androgen levels and restoration ovulatory cycles. This type of therapy cannot yet be recommended for wide application, especially since troglitazone has been withdrawn from sale in America.

Low body weight and follicular maturation

Regardless of the above methods of therapy, priority Treatment of obese patients with PCOS should include weight loss. The risk of impaired follicular maturation and amenorrhea increases not only with high, but also with low body weight. The latter is typical for large group patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea and impaired impulse secretion of GnRH.

In such cases, it is necessary to exclude pituitary pathology. Hypothalamic regulation is disrupted not only with obvious weight deficiency, but also due to psychological stress(for example, leaving your husband or changing your partner). In this case, extremely low concentrations of gonadotropins are observed. Prolactin levels and sella turcica remain normal. A modified progesterone test (G-farlutal 5 mg twice daily for 10 days) does not cause bleeding, indicating the absence of estrogen stimulation of the endometrium.

Most shining example amenorrhea associated with low body weight - anorexia nervosa. In infertility clinics, the pure form of anorexia is extremely rare, but its “milder” forms are observed more often.

Unlike anorexia nervosa, accompanied by changes in regulatory mechanisms in the central nervous system, the maturation of follicles can be disrupted even with simple weight loss, which is not always paid attention to. Hormonal shifts in these cases are similar to those with anorexia nervosa: low concentrations of FSH and LH, increased levels of cortisol, normal levels of prolactin, TSH and thyroxine, the level of free T3 - on lower limit norms, increased content reverse T3. Abrupt loss weight is accompanied by loss of sleep-related episodes of LH secretion (similar to what is observed on early stages puberty). The condition of patients improves when body weight differs from ideal by no more than 15%.

Regulation of cyclic ovarian function depends not only on body weight, but also on physical activity. It has been repeatedly shown that female athletes, especially stayers and ballerinas, have impaired menstrual function. The incidence of amenorrhea is proportional to the distance traveled per week and inversely proportional to body weight. A decrease in body weight is accompanied by an increase in anovulatory cycles and a deterioration in the quality of the luteal phase. The disruption of GnRH secretion is based on shifts in estrogen metabolism: estradiol is converted to catechol estrogens, which apparently have antiestrogenic properties.

Increased physical activity (eg, running) is accompanied by "runner's intoxication, which is believed to be due to an increase in the level of endogenous opiates. These substances increase the concentration of corticotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn reduces the secretion of gonadotropins. The production of hypothalamic GnRH appears to , falls. Naltrexone (at a dose of 25-125 mg/day) normalized the menstrual cycle in 49 of 66 women with impaired hypothalamic regulation of follicle maturation. Pregnancy occurred in almost the same percentage of cases as in healthy women in the control group. GnRH pulse therapy or ovarian stimulation with MG and hCG, but the risk of multiple pregnancy should be taken into account. First of all, body weight must be normalized.

Primary ovarian failure:

When examining women with secondary amenorrhea, it is first necessary to assume primary ovarian failure, as evidenced by increased FSH levels and decreased estradiol concentrations. FSH level should be at least two standard deviations above the mean for the follicular phase, and this should be verified when re-determination.

1% of women under 35 years of age experience premature menopause associated with ovarian failure. The reasons generally remain unknown. Sometimes it can be chromosomal abnormalities; in other cases - autoimmune diseases, viral infections, undergone chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

The most common chromosomal defect in humans is Turner syndrome, which involves the loss of one of the X chromosomes. It occurs in one in 2,500 live births. In typical cases, short stature and cord-like gonads occur. The degree of ovarian pathology varies sharply. The presence of ovaries was detected by ultrasound in a third of 104 young women with Turner syndrome.

Many of these women had an incomplete deletion of the X chromosome, which explains the possibility of pregnancy and live birth (before the development of premature ovarian failure).

Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism is also characteristic of other genetic abnormalities. They are so rare in regular fertility clinics that special genetic research hardly justified.

In addition to chromosomal pathology, premature ovarian failure can also be caused by such genetic diseases like galactosemia.

Impaired ovarian function may be a consequence of chemotherapy using antimetabolites, as well as radiation, which must be taken into account when studying the patient's medical history.

The role of exogenous toxins in the genesis of premature ovarian failure remains unclear. By analogy with orchitis in men, it is assumed that mumps can lead to oophoritis, but this has been observed only in isolated cases.

Autoimmune diseases:

Some data indicate the possibility of developing premature ovarian failure in autoimmune diseases. Indeed, this is often observed in such typical autoimmune diseases as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' and Addison's diseases, juvenile diabetes, pernicious anemia, alopecia areata, vitiligo and myasthenia gravis. There is often a combination of several autoimmune diseases (known as polyglandular deficiency syndrome), especially thyroid disease and Addison's disease.

In the serum of patients with primary ovarian failure, autoantibodies to the ovarian stroma can be detected. It is unclear whether they are of primary or secondary origin. The same can be said about cellular autoimmune processes with lymphocytic infiltration of the ovaries.

Finally, about immunological reason Premature ovarian failure is evidenced by statistically significant correlations between this condition and certain human leukocyte antigens (HLA).

In rare cases, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism is associated with a defect in FSH receptors or with the formation of biologically inactive gonadotropins. This is extremely rare in routine clinical practice.

Treatment of ovarian failure:

After a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure is made, estrogen-progesterone replacement therapy is recommended. Spontaneous remission is rare. However, etiotropic therapy for hypergonadotropic hypogonadism is impossible. In Germany, egg and embryo donation is prohibited, but in the United States these methods lead to success in 22-50% of cases.

Estrogen replacement therapy should also be recommended during natural menopause in order to minimize the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. The lowest dose is 2 mg estradiol or estradiol valeriat or 0.625 mg conjugated estrogens per day. Transdermal use of 0.05 mg estradiol optimizes the pharmacokinetics of the drug and eliminates the effect of the first passage through the liver.

In the presence of a uterus, it is necessary to additionally use progestins to prevent the risk of endometrial cancer. Progestins can be administered sequentially at a dose of 0.35 mg norethisterone, 5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate, or 10 mg dydrogesterone per day for 10-14 days. They can also be taken continuously in the form of norethisterone acetate at 1 mg/day. With this treatment, amenorrhea usually develops after 2-6 cycles.

Follicles are special formations round shape, inside which the eggs mature. Their number is determined by the girl even during intrauterine development. If initially there were about half a million of them, then adult woman There are on average only 500 of them left. Follicle maturation - prerequisite for the formation of a complete egg. Without this process, a woman is unable to become pregnant.

It is quite complex and multi-stage. The process of maturation in the ovary begins in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. This is facilitated by the hormones lutein and progesterone. Their insufficient quantity can disrupt the balance of functionality of the reproductive system.

Every month, several (up to 10) follicles develop in the female body. However, only one of them reaches required sizes. He is considered dominant. The remaining bubbles begin to regress. If there is a failure in the hormonal system, then these small formations do not die off and prevent the dominant follicle from growing to the required size.

If you have a normal and regular menstrual cycle, you can determine the period of maturation yourself: according to your own feelings, using measurements basal temperature. In patients who have undergone ovarian stimulation, this process is monitored using an ultrasound procedure performed on different days.

The following symptoms indicate that the follicle has matured and the woman will soon begin ovulation:

  • nagging pain localized in the lower abdomen;
  • an increase in the amount of white mucous discharge from the vagina (some patients confuse it with thrush);
  • a decrease in rectal temperature, which occurs 12-24 hours before the day of ovulation, and then an increase by 0.2-0.5 degrees;
  • increased levels of progesterone in the blood (this can be determined using special tests);
  • mood change: the woman becomes more sensitive and irritable.

During one menstrual cycle, one follicle usually matures in a woman’s body. However, in some cases there may be several of them. There is no pathology in this; the patient simply has an increased chance of fertilizing the egg or having a multiple pregnancy.

Why doesn't ripening happen?

The diagnosis of infertility has not been uncommon for a long time. Moreover main reason This is often due to the fact that the follicles simply do not mature. In this case, you need to do a thorough examination, determine the cause of the pathology and begin treatment. A disruption in the maturation process can be caused by:

If the functionality of the reproductive system is impaired, a mature follicle does not appear at all, so it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

The previously mentioned factors can disrupt the formation process of the presented formation or cause its regression. The follicle fails to grow to the desired size or does not rupture. Ovulation, and therefore pregnancy, does not occur. But even if the egg is ready for fertilization, and the endometrium (endometrium) does not have the required thickness, it simply will not attach to the uterus.

If the follicle matures too early or too late, then this can also be considered a deviation. You also need to pay special attention when a woman’s ultrasound reveals numerous bubbles in the ovarian area. Here the patient is diagnosed with ovaries. On the monitor, the specialist can see a large number of bubbles. They are located along the periphery of the ovary. These bubbles interfere with the development of the dominant formation, since it cannot mature normally. If the endik is thin, then pregnancy may not occur, despite successful fertilization of the egg.

Follicle maturation by cycle day

Follicles in the ovary. Maturation of the dominant

The follicle matures gradually. On an ultrasound it can be seen like this:

  • on the 7th day, small 5-6 mm vesicles containing fluid are visible in the ovarian area;
  • from day 8, intensive growth of education begins;
  • on the 11th day, the size of the dominant follicle is 1-1.2 cm in diameter, while the rest begin to regress and decrease;
  • from the 11th to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, the size of the formation is already approaching 1.8 cm;
  • on the 15th day, the follicle becomes very large (2 cm) and bursts - an egg ready for fertilization comes out of it, that is, ovulation occurs;

If the follicular formation is larger than 2.5 cm in size, then we can already talk about the presence of a cyst. In this case, it is necessary to carry out treatment.

Many women worry whether their menstrual cycle will be disrupted after hysteroscopy. This procedure is performed to examine the inner surface of the uterus. Most often, it is necessary to make a diagnosis of endometriosis. It should be done on days 6-10 of the menstrual cycle, while follicle maturation is on the 7th day. That is, hysteroscopy does not have a significant effect negative influence on a woman's reproductive function.

Stages of follicle maturation

The presented process begins in adolescence. As soon as the girl’s body matures, and her reproductive system becomes ready to produce full-fledged eggs, she has the opportunity to become pregnant.

In its development, the follicle goes through several stages:

  1. Primordial. At this stage, women's sex cell is immature and covered with follicular cells. Before puberty, there are a lot of noocytes in a girl’s body. Further, there are much fewer of them.
  2. Primary. Here the presented cells begin to quickly divide and form follicular epithelium. Next, a formation shell appears from connective tissue. The egg is located closer to it. At this stage, the granular cells of the follicle begin to produce protein clear liquid. It is she who nourishes the growing egg.
  3. Secondary follicle. The epithelium of the formation differentiates and becomes thicker. The follicular cavity begins to form. Quantity nutrient increases as the need for it increases. The membrane is formed separately near the egg. She subsequently takes over nutritional functions.
  4. Tertiary follicle. At this stage, the presented formation is fully mature and ready for ovulation. Its size is about 1.5 cm. Having reached its maximum size (2.1 cm), it ruptures, releasing a full-fledged egg.

After ovulation is completed, the follicle transforms into corpus luteum. It is of great importance for the normal development of pregnancy in a woman in the early stages. If the maturation process is disrupted, a woman cannot become pregnant.

Sometimes it may be necessary to mature the follicles. In general, maturation is a complex biological process that can be disrupted by various internal or external factors. Therefore, a woman is obliged to take care of her health. If you still had to do stimulation, then you must strictly follow all the doctors’ recommendations.

If you ask a qualified physician about how follicle formation occurs, he will tell you that it is phase-based.

This indicates the staged nature of follicle formation in the ovaries.

In the early phase, the growth of all follicles occurs at the same level, they develop simultaneously. A little later, one of them becomes dominant, significantly ahead of the others in development.

The dominant follicle has a diameter of about 15 mm, while the growth of the remaining follicles slows down due to the process of reverse development, atresia. By the time of ovulation, the size of the dominant follicle reaches 18-24 mm. This is how dominant follicles form and develop.

After this, the follicles usually stop growing, since follicles rupture during ovulation. It is imperative that the mature follicle rupture, since it is after this that the egg can be released.

In the same place where the follicle was, the corpus luteum begins to develop, the function of which is to produce certain hormones, preparing the body for pregnancy.

Why doesn't it burst?

It also happens that women have to wonder why the follicle does not burst. There are several reasons for this. The answer to this question may be that the capsule walls are too thick or certain hormonal problems.

If the corpus luteum described above is formed before the follicle bursts, then it is called non-ovulating. In this case, the dominant follicle can develop normally. But later, this is already a non-ovulating follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, but the rupture does not occur. Consequently, if a non-ovulating mature follicle is formed, then the egg cannot enter abdominal cavity, which means pregnancy becomes impossible.

The next stage of development is persistence. With persistence, a dominant follicle is also determined, which then develops normally to the desired size, but rupture does not occur. Moreover, such a persistent follicle continues to exist throughout the entire cycle. It is worth noting some of its peculiarities, namely: a persistent non-ovulating follicle can survive after menstruation.

The persistence of an unruptured follicle has characteristic features, including the absence of the corpus luteum, increased levels of estrogen, decreased levels of progesterone (as in the first phase) and absence free liquid in the retrouterine space.

Lack of follicles

If the doctor finds that you have a complete absence of any follicles, this indicates ovarian dysfunction. With early menopause, which occurs before the age of 45, there is also a lack of follicles. Doctors do not consider this normal, so patients are prescribed hormonal therapy and often increased sexual activity.

Additionally, if a woman is having difficulty ovulating, this can be determined by the length of her menstrual cycle. If it is more than 35 days, or less than 21 days, then the risk of an immature or non-viable egg increases.

Why doesn't he ripen?

Women all over the world are forced to face the same question: why does the follicle not mature? The answers are still the same: early menopause, disruption of the ovaries, problems with ovulation - this is why they do not ripen, or a so-called empty follicle is formed.

For young women this is a cause for concern, while for older women this is practically the norm. An experienced doctor can tell you about anovulatory cycles.

These are menstrual cycles without ovulation. This time is considered a period of “rest”, or regeneration of the ovaries, when a completely empty follicle is formed in them. This happens 2-3 times a year in a normal healthy woman; after 33 years, the phenomenon will become more frequent up to 3-4 times annually.

The older you get, the more often an anovulatory cycle occurs. Excessively thin girls and women, and especially those who regularly exhaust their bodies with diets, suffer from the lack of not only ovulation, but also menstruation. The amount of estrogen they produce drops sharply, so ovulation and sometimes menstruation also disappear.

Incorrect development

To diagnose infertility due to undeveloped follicles, ultrasound diagnostics can be used. It is usually carried out 8-10 days after the start of the cycle and after menstruation. After the test result, the doctor can tell you about the following characteristics:

  • normal ovulation;
  • regression of the dominant follicle;
  • persistence;
  • follicular cyst;
  • luteinization;
  • the follicle does not rupture.

As you can see, using the usual ultrasound examination You can identify several causes of infertility at once. Depending on what problems the doctor finds in your reproductive system, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

The female body is designed in such a way that the birth of a new life depends on the quantity and quality of these small follicular elements in which the egg matures. Expectant mothers should know what processes are happening in their reproductive organs, so that if there are any problems, they can contact a gynecologist in time.

What are follicles

The process of the emergence of human life begins with the fertilization of the egg. What are follicles? These are the elements that protect it, the place where it matures until the moment of ovulation. The egg is securely surrounded by a layer of epithelium, a double layer of connective tissue. The possibility of pregnancy and bearing a child depends on quality protection. On ultrasound it looks like a round formation. The second function of the elements is the production of the hormone estrogen.

The follicles on the ovaries undergo their monthly evolutionary cycle:

  • several small pieces are starting to develop;
  • one - antral - begins to increase in size;
  • the rest shrink and die - atresia occurs;
  • the largest – dominant – continues to grow;
  • under the influence of hormones it breaks through, ovulation occurs;
  • the egg enters the fallopian tubes;
  • during sexual intercourse, at the moment of meeting the sperm, fertilization occurs;
  • if this does not happen, during menstruation the egg leaves the uterus along with the epithelium.

What is a dominant follicle?

By the middle of the menstrual cycle, the follicular apparatus approaches the main stage of its activity. What is a dominant follicle? This is the largest and mature element, protecting the egg, which is already ready for fertilization. Before ovulation, it can grow up to two centimeters, and is most often located in the right ovary.

In the mature state, under the influence of hormones, it ruptures - ovulation. The egg rushes to the fallopian tubes. If the dominant element does not mature, ovulation does not occur. The causes of this condition are developmental disorders.

Persistent ovarian follicle - what is it?

Through fault hormonal changes, starting in adolescence, during menopause, there may be a disruption in the activity of the follicular apparatus - persistence. This can cause a delay in menstruation and bleeding. Persistent ovarian follicle - what is it? The situation means that the security element:

  • matured;
  • reached a dominant state;
  • there was no rupture;
  • the egg did not come out;
  • fertilization did not occur;
  • pregnancy did not take place.

In this situation, persistence occurs - the reverse development of the follicular formation; with further developments, a cyst may form from it. To ensure that the formation can burst, gynecology prescribes treatment with progesterone. What happens during persistence? The following process develops:

  • hormones continue to be produced;
  • thickening of the endometrial mucosa occurs;
  • the uterus is compressed;
  • the endometrium begins to be rejected;
  • bleeding occurs.

Primordial follicle

The supply of eggs for a woman’s entire life is laid in the mother’s womb, it is called the ovarian reserve. The primordial follicle is the primary stage of development of the protective element. The rudiments of germ cells - oogonia - are located on the periphery of the inner surface of the ovary and have sizes that are not visible to the eye. They are protected by a layer of granulosa cells and are in a state of rest.

This continues until the girl reaches puberty - the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The course of this period is characterized by:

  • formation of follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • under its influence, the growth of the nucleus of the egg - oocyte;
  • maturation of two layers of outer protective shell;
  • monthly development of several follicular elements protecting the egg.

Antral follicles

On the next one secondary stage, the follicles in the ovaries continue to develop. Around the seventh day of the cycle, the number of cells producing follicular fluid increases. Structural processes of the structure occur:

  • antral follicles begin producing estrogen on day 8;
  • the theca cells of the outer layer synthesize androgens - testosterone, androstenedione;
  • the cavity containing follicular fluid enlarges;
  • the epithelium differentiates and becomes two-layered.

Preovulatory follicle - what is it?

At the last, tertiary stage of maturation, the egg takes place on a special hill, it is ready for fertilization. Preovulatory follicle - what is it? At this moment, it is called a graafian bubble and is almost completely filled with liquid. Its number has increased tenfold compared to the previous period. The day before ovulation, serious changes begin to occur.

At this time, estrogen production increases, then:

  • it stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone, which triggers ovulation;
  • the Graafian vesicle forms a stigma on the wall - a protrusion;
  • at this point a breakthrough appears - ovulation;
  • after that, the corpus luteum is formed, which prevents endometrial rejection due to the production of progesterone;
  • following ovulation, it forms a pronounced network of blood vessels, which helps further formation placenta.

Single follicles in the ovary

How many tragedies happen due to the inability to conceive a child. In some cases, ovarian depletion syndrome occurs. A woman is unable to become pregnant because their functioning stops. Single follicles in the ovary cannot develop to normal size, there is a lack of ovulation, and early menopause occurs. The reasons for this situation may be:

  • active sports;
  • starvation diets;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity.

Normal follicles in the ovary

If there is abnormal development of the follicular apparatus, the woman undergoes regular ultrasound examinations. The real picture and the number of follicles are normal are compared. If there are deviations - increases or decreases - a pathology occurs - the impossibility of conception, the woman begins to be treated. How many follicles should there be in an ovary? At reproductive age it depends on the days of the cycle:

  • on the sixth, seventh – from 6 to 10 pieces;
  • from the eighth to the tenth - one dominant appears - the rest die off.

How many follicles should there be for conception?

In order for a woman to become pregnant, the egg must mature completely. How many follicles should there be to conceive? At the stage before fertilization, it is necessary to have one - high-quality dominant development. He should be ready to ovulate. If an ultrasound examination reveals two such formations, and they both undergo fertilization, twins will be born.

Follicle maturation

Folliculogenesis is the process of growth and maturation of the follicle during favorable conditions ends with ovulation and fertilization. Things don't always go well. In case of developmental disorders, observation and analysis are carried out using ultrasound. Starting from the 10th day of the cycle, the growth of the dominant element is monitored. If slow maturation is observed and ovulation does not occur, treatment is prescribed. During the next cycle, the results are monitored. This way you can increase the speed of maturation and achieve the onset of long-awaited pregnancy.

Follicle size by cycle day

Every month during menstruation, follicles gradually grow day by day. The following process is observed:

  • until the seventh day, the size of the bubble ranges from 2 to 6 millimeters;
  • starting from the eighth, the growth of the dominant formation is activated up to 15 mm;
  • the rest reduce in size and die off;
  • from 11 to 14 days of the cycle, daily growth is observed;
  • a mature element can have a size of up to 25 mm.

Many follicles in the ovary - what does this mean?

Deviation from the norm in the direction of increase is considered pathology. Large quantity follicles in the ovaries - more than 10 pieces are called multifollicular. During ultrasound, a huge number of small bubbles are observed, which is called follicular ovaries or polyfolicularity. When their number increases several times, polycystic disease is diagnosed.

This situation does not mean the formation of a cyst; it is characterized by the presence of multiple follicular elements along the periphery. This can interfere with dominant development, ovulation and conception. Such problems may be caused by stress or nervous disorders, can quickly return to normal. Conditions caused by:

Few follicles in the ovaries

A woman cannot get pregnant; to find out the reason, she is prescribed an ultrasound. Such a study takes place during the antral phase of the follicular apparatus - on the seventh day of the menstrual cycle. When it is discovered that there are very few follicles in the ovaries, it is possible that the situation was triggered by a decrease in hormone levels. The analysis is carried out using a vaginal sensor. If during examination the follicles in the ovaries are found in the following quantities:

  • from 7 to 16 – there is a chance of conception;
  • from 4 to 6 – the possibility of getting pregnant is low;
  • less than 4 – there is no chance of conception.

Two dominant follicles in one ovary

During the treatment of infertility with hormones, their concentration increases; instead of one, two dominant follicles mature in one ovary. Less often this happens on the left side. Those elements that should have stopped developing under the influence of hormones begin to grow. Fertilization of two eggs may occur simultaneously or with a short interval of time. This will lead to the birth of twins. If a woman has had sexual intercourse with a woman for a short period of time different men– perhaps the children will have different fathers.

Why the follicle does not mature - reasons

Developmental disorders have a very serious problems– leads to infertility. Why doesn't the follicle grow? There could be many reasons for this:

  • early menopause - natural or surgical;
  • disruption of ovarian function;
  • having problems with ovulation;
  • low estrogen production;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland.

Interruptions in maturation cause: stressful situations, presence of depression, nervous tension. The condition of the follicular component itself plays an important role; it can:

  • absent;
  • have a developmental arrest;
  • do not reach the required dimensions;
  • be late in maturation;
  • not develop at all;
  • delay the moment of formation.

Video: how the follicle grows



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