Espumisan for newborns - important rules for use. "Espumizan": instructions for use of drops for newborns, composition and dosage of the suspension

Throughout his life, a person gets sick repeatedly and takes a number of medications necessary for treatment. Any medicine has positive and negative qualities that affect the human body in one way or another. Today we will talk about the drug espumisan, its instructions for use and why it is needed.

Indications for use

The scope of application of espumisan is quite extensive. It is used in the treatment (we will talk about this below), especially in the postoperative period, dyspepsia, aerophagia. In addition, espumizan is used as an additional drug to “color” medications, which are used to obtain a contrast picture when diagnosing the body, such as ultrasound examination, X-ray, gastrofibroscopy. Also, the use of espumisan is good for poisoning with detergents, in particular powders. In this case, espumisan behaves as an antifoam.

As for flatulence in newborns. All parents are well aware of the period of three months of infant colic, when the baby suffers and sleep becomes a rare occurrence. In this case, espumisan is a lifeline. Literally 10 minutes and the colic goes away. Of course, children are different and not everyone is suitable for this or that drug, but nevertheless, children's espumizan has proven itself to be an excellent first aid for children.

Composition of espumisan

Espumisan owes its excellent properties to its composition. It is based on simethicone. In appearance, the medicine is a viscous milky-white emulsion with a banana flavor. This is a stable surfactant polydimethylsiloxane. It affects the surface tension of air bubbles formed in the digestive tract, thereby causing them to burst. The very good thing is that simethicone itself is absolutely chemically inert and its effect is based only on the physiological level.

Contraindications for espumisan

When prescribing a drug, special attention should be paid to its indications for use. Although the drug is harmless, it should not be taken for diseases of the digestive tract and intolerance to simethicone, as well as for complete intestinal obstruction. You should also consult a doctor if you experience any pain or discomfort during treatment with the drug.

The drug is approved for use by persons driving or operating various mechanisms, pregnant or lactating women and children.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken after a meal or during it. Shake the bottle thoroughly beforehand so that the drug is well mixed. The dosage is as follows.

  1. For newborns, add 25 drops (this is 1 ml) of espumizan to the mixture at each feeding.
  2. Children aged 1-6 years are given one ml of the drug no more than five times a day.
  3. Older children (from 6 to 14 years old) are given 25-50 drops of espumizan 3 to 5 times a day.
  4. Adults and children over 14 years of age can take the medicine 2 ml 3-5 times a day.

If you need to prepare for diagnostics of the abdominal cavity of the body, then adults drink the drug three times a day, two ml and in the morning again 2 ml immediately before the test.

If “color” diagnostics are carried out, then espumizan is added to the contrast agents at the rate of 100-200 drops per liter.

In case of poisoning, depending on the severity of the condition, children are given 65 drops or a third of the bottle. For adults, 1/3-2/3 of the total volume of the bottle.

Side effects

Scientists have not identified any consequences of an overdose of the drug, but to calm your soul and conscience, it is better to consult a doctor in this case. In rare cases, allergic skin manifestations such as itching and rashes have been recorded.

Espumisan can be used in combination with other drugs, since there are no chemical interactions between them.

When using the drug, you need to know that its shelf life is 3 years. But if you have opened the bottle, you can store it for no more than a month in a dark, cool place and away from children.

Espumisan is a drug that reduces gas formation in the intestines. This remedy not only prevents the formation of gas, but also destroys already accumulated gases in the mucous membrane or food suspension of the gastrointestinal tract. It is noteworthy that the released gases can either be excreted from the intestine or dissolved within the intestine, being absorbed into its walls.

The drug in question is available in the form of an emulsion and in the form of capsules - in the first case, the drug is intended for children, although adults can also use it. The active substance in two pharmacological forms is simethicone in an amount of 40 mg; there are also auxiliary components that do not have any effect on the clinical picture.

Espumisan - indications

The drug in question is used not only to suppress gas formation in the intestines, but also in preparation for certain diagnostic studies.

The official annotation for Espumisan indicates the following indications:

  1. Classic symptoms of flatulence are a feeling of bloating, distension in the epigastric region, and increased gas production. Moreover, it does not matter at what age such symptoms occur - the drug is used in both general therapeutic and pediatric practice.
  2. – severe pain in the abdominal area, the patient cannot determine the exact location of the pain syndrome.
  3. Upcoming diagnostic tests - for example, ultrasound or x-ray. Espumisan can also be used as an additive to contrast agents.
  4. Tenside poisoning.

How to take Espumisan

In order for the drug in question to bring real benefits, you need to know both the principles of its use and dosages for different age groups.

They are prescribed to adults and children over 6 years of age. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules 3-4 times a day.

Espumisan capsules are taken after meals with a small amount of water. If increased gas formation leads to discomfort and pain at night, then the last 2 capsules per day are taken before bed. If this pharmacological form of Espumisan is prescribed before a diagnostic study, then the day before the prescribed procedure, take 2 capsules 4-5 times a day, and on the day of the study - 2 capsules in the morning.

For flatulence, the following dosages are recommended:

  • adults and children over 14 years of age – 50 drops of emulsion 4-5 times a day;
  • children aged 6-14 years – 25-50 drops of Espumisan 3-4 times a day;
  • children aged 1 to 6 years – 25 drops 3 times a day.

Espumisan emulsion is prescribed for increased gas formation and for very young children - how to give Espumisan to newborns?

It is recommended that infants be given 10-15 drops of the drug in question 2-3 times a day after meals. Doctors advise mothers to add Espumisan drops to a bottle of formula or complementary foods. If the drug is given after a meal, be sure to give the baby something to wash it down with - the emulsion has an unusual consistency, which not all children like; they will simply spit out the medicine. Please note:in some cases, mothers give the drug in question to young children as a prophylactic agent to prevent the formation of large amounts of gas in the intestines. Despite the fact that the emulsion is absolutely harmless to the newborn’s body, such prophylaxis is impractical - after all, Espumisan is a drug.

Before use, the bottle of emulsion must be shaken! Espumisan drops are also used as part of the preparatory period before diagnostic studies. The usual dosage is 25 drops three times a day 24 hours before the scheduled examination and 25 drops in the morning on the day of the procedure.

Side effects

It is generally accepted that the drug in question is well tolerated by children and adults. But in some cases, an inadequate allergic reaction may occur - this especially often happens when Espumisan is given to children under 3 years of age. Parents should closely monitor the baby's condition - breathing problems may begin (it becomes deep and frequent), and skin rashes may appear. In this case, you should immediately seek help from medical professionals and, of course, stop giving your baby Espumisan.

Espumisan - contraindications

There are several diseases that serve as a categorical contraindication to the use of the drug in question. These include:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an obstructive nature;
  • hypersensitivity and/or individual intolerance to the main active substance in Espumisan or excipients.

Doctors actively recommend using Espumisan during pregnancy - during this period, a woman’s body can react with increased gas formation and intestinal colic to eating even the most common foods. The dosage of the drug in question for pregnant women is 25 drops 3-5 times a day immediately after meals.

Important: It is worth knowing that no studies have been conducted regarding the effect of Espumisan on the body of a pregnant woman - expectant mothers need to be extremely careful and immediately stop taking Espumisan if any unusual syndromes appear.

Espumisan's analogs

There are many analogues of Espumisan - they are all identical in composition, and their effectiveness is the same. Analogues of Espumisan include:

  • Meteospasmil;
  • Antiflat Lannacher;
  • Sub simplex;
  • Simikol.

There is also a Russian analogue of Espumisan - the drug Bobotik, which is recommended to be given for intestinal colic and increased gas formation to children from the 28th day of life. The recommended dosage of Bobotik is 8 drops 4 times a day after meals. Drops of the presented Russian analogue of Espumisan are diluted with milk or water, and if the child is breastfed, then immediately after the medicine enters his mouth, he should be given to drink them down. Bobotik begins to act in the child’s intestines 15-20 minutes after consumption - this is considered a good effect.

The peace that accompanied the expectant mother before giving birth is over and the time of worries and worries about the newborn baby has begun. One of the first problems that parents have to face is colic and bloating in the little one’s tummy. They prevent the baby from sleeping peacefully, which means that his parents do not sleep either.

The most effective remedy aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms is Espumisan. The line of medicines with this name consists of several drugs, so when purchasing, make sure that you need Espumisan for newborns with the prefix “Baby” or “L”. Why do many mothers love this drug so much? How is it fundamentally different from other treatments for colic? We will answer all questions below.

Composition and release form

In Espumisan, the main “fighter” against gases in the intestines is simethicone. It is this that slows down the process of gas formation and destroys existing gases. The active substance is excreted from the intestines without being absorbed - the drug is absolutely safe for newborns. Additional substances included in the composition include: polysorbate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharinate, carmellose sodium, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium cyclamate, banana flavor and water.

As you can see, Espumisan does not contain sugar or lactose, which means it is suitable for children with high blood glucose levels, as well as for children with lactase deficiency.

Today the drug can be purchased in 2 types. The method of administration will depend on the form of release of the drug:

  1. Espumisan L drops (30 ml);
  2. emulsion (or syrup) Espumisan baby (30 and 50 ml).

Indications for use of children's Espumisan

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The instructions for the drug Espumisan are brought to the attention of parents. The emulsion or drops should be given to the newborn using a spoon or from a formula bottle.

Intestinal colic is a frightening symptom for many parents, which can be easily eliminated with the help of Espumisan (we recommend reading:). However, the drug must be used under the supervision of a doctor and on his recommendation.
  • . While not a pain reliever in itself, the drug copes well with the problem of intestinal colic, having a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and helps relieve discomfort and sensations in the baby’s tummy and relieve pain.
  • Flatulence. The medicine contains the active ingredient simethicone, which is the best carminative. It helps the rapid absorption of air bubbles into the walls of the stomach and intestines and accelerates the process of their removal from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Poisoning. The product is recommended to eliminate the consequences of food poisoning or household chemicals. Attention! Despite all the harmlessness of the medicine, you can take it only after consulting a doctor.

Since the problem of bloating and colic can torment a child quite for a long time, the drug can be taken regularly. Espumisan is not addictive and does not have any other negative consequences:

  • Espumisan should be given immediately before, during or immediately after meals.
  • If your baby is suffering and cannot fall asleep due to tummy pain, it is possible to alleviate his suffering by giving him medicine at night.

Calculation of dosages of Espumisan baby and Espumisan L

The dosage of drops depends on the age and form of release:

Features of taking the drug

How often can Espumisan be given to a newborn?

Newborn children, according to the instructions for use, can be given drops and suspension up to 5 times a day. It is possible to add the product directly to a bottle of breast milk or an adapted formula, give drops through a pipette or from a spoon.

How quickly does it take effect?

Within 5-7 minutes after using the drug, it begins to act, and you will notice a weakening of symptoms. The most complete effect occurs after 15 minutes.

How long can the drug be stored?

No more than 4 weeks should pass from the date of opening the package. Storage temperature – no higher than +30°С.

The instructions for use of the drug clearly indicate that you should not engage in amateur activities, because intestinal disorders or abdominal pain may be associated with more serious problems. Consult your doctor before use

Espumisan's analogs

Is there an alternative to Espumisan? Yes, there are a number of analogues on the market based on simethicone and natural substances that can, to one degree or another, replace Espumisan.

Preparations based on simethicone

Natural based preparations

  • . The release form of the drug is different - it is a powder that should be dissolved in water before use. The main component of the drug is fennel. There have been cases of individual intolerance to this plant, and not every baby will want to drink the resulting solution. The natural composition of Plantex is not harmful and generally eliminates the occurrence of side effects, but at the same time, there are cases of stool disorders in babies.
  • A herbal-based drug, where the main active ingredient is fennel, and additional ingredients are chamomile and coriander seeds.

Plantex is a good alternative, also obtained from an absolutely natural substance - fennel. Unfortunately, not all children like this medicine, and sometimes it even provokes stool upset.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug Espumisan is very well tolerated by newborn babies if taken correctly, but there are also a number of contraindications that should be taken into account before starting use. The product is not recommended to be given to a child:

  • with fructose intolerance;
  • if you know in advance about an allergy to one of the components of the drug;
  • for constipation.

Please note that Espumisan syrup or drops are a medicine that is used exclusively to relieve specific symptoms. Taking the drug does not exclude possible diagnosis or other treatment with medications if any serious gastrointestinal diseases are detected.

Can a newborn develop an allergy to Espumisan?

Simethicone, the main component of the drug, rarely causes allergic reactions. Allergies can be triggered by excipients, in particular banana flavoring, as well as the simultaneous use of Espumisan and other anti-colic drugs.

Allergy symptoms may include:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea and vomiting, diarrhea / constipation;
  • from the respiratory system - wheezing, nasal congestion, sneezing, nasal discharge;
  • skin reactions - rash, swelling of the tongue/mucous membranes/face;
  • general reactions of the body - dizziness, fever, tearfulness.

If the listed symptoms are detected, first of all, it is necessary to discontinue the medicine and select a product without simethicone in the composition. Antihistamines are prescribed by a doctor in a dosage appropriate to the age of the baby.

The drug Espumisan is used to treat digestive problems. The main property of the drug is the treatment of signs of indigestion, elimination of heartburn, bloating, and increased gas formation. Moreover, the active substances of the drug can only affect the existing gastric juice and cannot prevent, reduce, or limit its formation.

Espumisan is prescribed as a separate drug or included in a treatment complex, together with other drugs that can reduce the production of gastric juice. For example, if it is necessary for treatment, the medicine is combined with Cimetidine or Opemprazole.

Well, let's talk about everything in order. To learn more about the drug espumizan, its use, how to replace it, and much more... To do this, you need to open the instructions attached to the medicine and read it carefully. What we will do now:

What is the composition of Espumisan?

It must be said right away that the drug is presented in pharmacies in the form of soft yellow gelatin capsules filled with a medicinal substance - simethicone. Each capsule contains 40 mg of this substance. In addition to it, the product contains minor components - glycerin and methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate.

The second dosage form is an emulsion of light consistency. A single dose of 5 ml of emulsion also contains 40 mg of simethicone. Additionally, it contains sodium cyclamate, purified water, saccharin sodium salt, etc.

What are Espumisan's analogues?

The following drugs have a similar effect: Kuplaton, Disflatil, Metsil forte and Sab simplex. They can replace Espumisan if necessary.

What are Espumisan's indications for use?

The instructions for use of the drug Espumisan recommend using it for flatulence and bloating. This occurs due to excess accumulation of gases in the intestines and is often observed after surgical interventions.

Espumisan is prescribed to patients before surgery or examination of the abdominal organs using medical instruments.

The medicine can be used in the treatment of children when they experience colic and flatulence.

The drug is prescribed for the complex treatment of aerophagia, dyspepsia, Roemheld syndrome. It is used to relieve symptoms of acute poisoning from chemical detergents.

What is the dosage and use of Espumisan?

It is recommended to take the medicine during or after meals. If there is such a need, you can take it before bed. Take the capsule with plenty of clean water, equal to a full glass. The medicine is prescribed in the following generally accepted dosage:

Adults - 2 tsp. suspensions or 1-2 capsules once. Daily dose - 80 mg.

Children (6-14 years old) - 1-2 tsp. emulsions or 1-2 capsules once. The daily dose is from 40 to 80 mg.

Infants and children under 7 years of age are prescribed only Espumisan emulsion. Dosage - 1 tsp. (40 mg) once. For infants, the emulsion is given with food or boiled water from a bottle.

Before surgery or before conducting a diagnostic examination of the abdominal organs, the dosage and duration of administration are determined individually by the attending physician.

The average dosage regimen is as follows: 2 tsp. emulsions or 2 capsules 3 times a day. The drug should be taken one day before the procedure. Or prescribe 2 tsp. emulsions or 2 capsules in the morning, every day when the examination is carried out.

In case of acute poisoning with chemical detergents, the following is prescribed: Adults - 50-100 ml emulsion. one-time Children - 10-50 ml. one-time The dose and number of doses may vary depending on the severity of the victim’s condition.

If during treatment with the drug the symptoms worsen, or if the desired relief does not occur after a week of treatment, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. You may have a serious illness that will require treatment with other medications.

What are the contraindications for Espumisan?

The drug should not be taken by patients with hypersensitivity or intolerance to any of its components.

What are the side effects of Espumisan?

There are usually no side effects from using the medicine. Quite rarely, allergic manifestations can occur.

It should also be noted that the drug does not contain sugar, so it can be taken by patients suffering from diabetes or having diseases of the digestive system. But, even with the relative harmlessness of the drug Espumisan, it should be used according to medical advice, following the advice of the attending physician. Be healthy!

Flatulence is a common problem in adults and children of all ages. Espumisan helps reduce gas formation. This drug is available in different forms, is effective and safe even for infants. However, it is important to know how to take this carminative correctly to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Espumisan - indications for use

This product is available in several forms, which must be selected taking into account the age of the patient. The highest price is for the drug in the form of an emulsion, which can be given to even the smallest babies. In all pharmacological forms, the active substance is simethicone. The use of Espumisan very rarely causes side effects or complications.

This mild carminative is actively used to reduce gas formation, which can be the result of a huge number of diseases. This drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with heaviness in the abdomen;
  • with bloating;
  • with cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • for surfactant poisoning;
  • with stagnation of gas in the intestines;
  • when belching;
  • with infant colic;
  • for dyspepsia;
  • with flatulence with nausea;
  • with Roemheld's syndrome.

In addition, the drug can be used as an additional remedy for diarrhea, treatment of symptoms of pancreatitis, before surgery and ultrasound examinations. In the latter case, it is worth starting taking tablets or syrup in advance to reduce the formation of gases. The last appointment should take place several hours before the patient’s examination.

Espumisan for newborns - instructions for use

Many mothers are faced with the fact that a child at an early age (especially before 3 months) begins to suffer from intestinal colic. The cause of such symptoms is the process of development and adaptation of the body to new food. In order not to endure the constant cries of the baby, you can purchase Espumisan liquid syrup for newborns at the pharmacy. The high price of the medicine, according to reviews, is fully compensated by the effectiveness of the drug.

How to give Espumisan to infants depends on the form of the drug. You should consult your doctor for exact instructions for use, because each baby has its own characteristics. The form of the drug also affects the dose. If parents decide to use a liquid emulsion, then give 25 drops. Babies are given 1 teaspoon of banana-flavored suspension. The medicine is added to drink or food. It is recommended to use the product in the presence of pronounced signs of the disease.

Espumisan for children

For many years, this remedy has been used in pediatrics to relieve painful colic, discomfort, and gas accumulation. Within 15-20 minutes after using the baby syrup, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work better, and the baby’s well-being improves. You can give emulsion to your child when swallowing soap solutions. Reviews from parents and specialists confirm the effectiveness of the product.

Espumisan for children is used according to the instructions:

  1. Child age 1-6 years: 1 measuring spoon (or 25 drops) up to 5 times daily.
  2. Ages 6-14 years: 1-2 spoons (or 25-50 drops) up to 5 times a day.
  3. For flatulence, adults and adolescents: 2 spoons 3-5 times every day.

Espumisan during pregnancy

When a woman is preparing to become a mother, the issue of drug safety becomes especially relevant for her. Espumisan is not dangerous during early pregnancy and can be used according to instructions. The absence of sugar in the composition allows even patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system to take the medicine. The drug does not affect the functioning of internal organs and is excreted under the influence of intestinal peristalsis. Instructions on how to take Espumisan depend on the form of the medicine.

As a rule, take the drug 3-5 times every day:

  • capsules – 2 pieces;
  • emulsion – 2 teaspoons;
  • drops – 50 pcs.

Espumisan for adults

This drug helps reduce the surface tension of the bubbles during flatulence in the colon, thereby making the patient's condition easier. You can use the drug even during breastfeeding. Reviews confirm that Espumisan for adults is no less effective than for children. Before you start using tablets or syrup, you should consult a doctor and read the accompanying photo instructions.

Take the product after meals 3-4 times daily. Depending on the form of release, the dosage of the drug is calculated: 2 capsules, 50 drops or 2 teaspoons of emulsion. If the drug is liquid, then it must be shaken before use. To count the exact number of drops, the bottle is held vertically. This medication can be taken as a course or if appropriate symptoms are present.

Composition of Espumisan

The effectiveness of this product and numerous analogues is explained by the components included in the drug. The main substance is simethicone. This is an organosilicon compound that is part of the group of organic elements. In addition to it, Espumisan contains excipients, which depend on whether the drug is Russian or foreign and the age category for which the product is intended.

Additional elements contained in Espumisan:

  1. If the drug is produced as an emulsion, then it contains hyprolose, cyclamate, flavoring, and sorbic acid.
  2. The tablets additionally contain glycerol, gelatin, dyes, and methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  3. The suspension includes elements such as methyl parahydroxybenzoate, polysorbate, hydrochloric acid, banana flavor, sodium carmellose, saccharin.

Espumisan instructions

This drug is prescribed to patients with different symptoms, which determine the use. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor, he will give a recommendation on how to take Espumisan. As a rule, the drug is consumed after meals. For infants, syrup or drops are given with food or drink. Dosage and special instructions depend on the specific case and form of release of the medicine.

Espumisan tablets - instructions for use

Compared to suspensions, capsules are inexpensive and can be an excellent replacement for syrup. Espumisan tablets are used more often by adult patients according to the instructions:

  • 2 capsules up to 5 times a day for flatulence;
  • 2 pieces 3 times a day before the ultrasound;
  • for surfactant poisoning (one dose): adults 10-20 capsules, children 3-10 capsules.

Espumisan drops - instructions for use

This form has an affordable price and is suitable for children and adults. Espumisan drops must be shaken before use. The instructions are as follows:

  • 50 drops, 3-5 times every day for patients over 14 years of age;
  • 25-50 drops for children 6-14 years old 3-4 times;
  • 25 drops 3 times daily for children up to 6 years old.

If the patient is prescribed the drug before an ultrasound, then drink 50 drops 3 times. In case of poisoning with detergents, take 10-20 ml of the drug at a time. Children are given 65 drops of the product. Depending on the severity of the poisoning, the dosage may vary. Shake the bottle before using the medicine. To correctly calculate the volume of the drug, the bottle is held vertically.

Espumisan suspension - instructions for use

If flatulence is detected in a baby under one year old, then syrup will be the best option for treating the disease. Espumisan suspension is available with a measuring spoon and a dropper. Take the drug 3-5 times every day until complete recovery:

  • newborns 1 spoon;
  • children under 14 years old: 1-2 spoons;
  • patients over 14 years old: 2 spoons.

Espumisan dosage

This medicine is safe and has a natural composition, so its use is not harmful. However, it is recommended to follow the instructions and single dosage of Espumisan:

  • 80 mg – adult patients;
  • 40-80 mg – children 6-14 years old;
  • 40 mg – children 1-6 years old;
  • 20-40 mg – children under 1 year.

Espumisan price

Today, this medicine can be purchased at an online pharmacy or at your nearest pharmaceutical supply point. How much does Espumisan cost? The price is influenced by the manufacturer's brand, region and other factors. Due to the high cost, some parents prefer to use analogues with a similar composition. For example, for children it has a lower price and has a similar effect. For adults there are analogues: Kuplaton, Disflatil, Kolikid.

In addition, the price depends on the form of release:

  1. Tablets (40 mg packaging) can be ordered at a price of 370-450 rubles.
  2. Emulsion (syrup for children) is sold in pharmacies at a price of 380-720 rubles.
  3. Drops cost 350-410 rubles.

Espumisan - side effects

Espumisan syrup or tablets rarely lead to serious consequences. Overdoses have not been previously identified, however, it is better to consult a doctor if you use it excessively. The annotation notes side effects from Espumisan such as urticaria or itching. The medicine does not react with other drugs, but you should not use it with alcohol. The product has a shelf life of 3 years, but an open bottle should not be stored for longer than 30 days. If you are allergic to components, it is better to take an analogue.

Espumisan - contraindications for use

Before taking any medicine, you should read the instructions that come with it, because for some diseases certain pills can be harmful. For example, the following contraindications of Espumisan are known:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergy to components;
  • obstructive problems with the gastrointestinal tract.




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