Erosive intestinal colitis symptoms. Forms of the disease and its causes

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease must be carried out on time, but many people categorically do not like the word “diet” and refuse to pay attention to the signs of pathology, even if they become obvious.

By delaying a visit to a gastroenterologist, a person does not realize that he may encounter consequences such as internal bleeding, intestinal perforation, tumors, including malignant ones.


Erosive intestinal colitis can be caused by various factors, both individual, for example, genetics, and common. The root cause of the pathology is identified by the doctor. Based on the data obtained and the picture of the disease, he draws up a treatment regimen.

Erosive colitis is inherently one of the initial stages of the inflammatory process in the intestines.

Initially, a person develops a superficial form of colitis, that is, inflammation affects the superficial layers of the intestinal mucosa. If treatment and diet are absent, the disease will quickly move into the next phase - the inflammatory process will be aggravated by the development of erosive lesions on the mucosa. This stage can last quite a long time, but its exact timing directly depends on the lifestyle the patient leads.

If a person still neglects his diet, abuses alcohol and does not take treatment accompanying pathologies, then soon the resulting erosions transform into ulcerative defects.

As a result, the disease will move to a new, more severe stage. To prevent this, it is important to consult a doctor if any signs of trouble with the digestive organs appear.


Symptoms of erosive intestinal colitis often resemble other diseases of the digestive system. Many patients mistake the signs of erosive colitis for banal digestive disorders or gastritis, without taking any measures to identify the pathology and its treatment.

Doctors note that most patients come to them with an advanced form of the disease, when erosive colitis turns into ulcerative form. Sometimes conservative therapy turns out to be useless, since medications cannot provide the desired effect in a seriously affected area of ​​the intestine.

Primary symptoms of erosive colitis:

  • discomfort and pain in the stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • unpleasant odor and taste in the mouth;
  • digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, flatulence;
  • constant lack of appetite.

If a person turns to a specialist at this stage of the disease, then in 80% of cases doctors guarantee a positive outcome. To prevent chronic inflammatory process, it is important to start treatment of erosive colitis on time.

If you ignore the condition, the inflammatory process will continue to worsen and spread to new tissues, against which the patient may experience the following symptoms:
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased body temperature;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Unfortunately, erosive colitis does not always occur with a characteristic clinical picture. Sometimes the disease goes silent, and it is almost impossible to track its development.


The disease develops gradually and in most cases proceeds without appropriate treatment. long time, which is dangerous for the development of serious complications. Most often these are pathologies of a local and general nature.

Local complications of erosive colitis are abundant gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of the intestinal wall, megacolon, oncological conditions, if the disease lasts more than 10 years. General complications manifest themselves in others internal organs, for example, in the oral cavity (stomatitis), liver, joints and skin.


Erosive colitis is detected using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, which have maximum information in this case.

Before making a diagnosis, you must undergo tests and undergo the following examinations:

  1. General blood test. Shows an inflammatory process in the body, less often anemia associated with internal blood loss.
  2. Microscopic and macroscopic analysis of stool. Informative signs will be the presence of mucus, traces of blood, undigested food and other components in the stool.
  3. Bacterial culture to detect the causative agent of the disease.
  4. Examination of stool for worm eggs and scraping for enterobiasis.
  5. Irrigoscopy. Allows you to clarify the localization and nature of inflammation in the intestines.
  6. Colonoscopy. The method assesses the condition of the mucosa and allows you to take cells from the affected area of ​​the intestine for a biopsy.
  7. Histology. Biological material taken from the site of inflammation during a biopsy is assessed. This is necessary to exclude oncology and assess the nature of the lesion.


Treatment of erosive colitis depends on the nature of the inflammatory process and associated complications. The goal of treatment is to prevent further development disease, eliminate its acute clinical picture and eliminate possible complications.

Treatment of erosive intestinal colitis in the initial stage is carried out on an outpatient basis. Serious lesions digestive tract require hospitalization of the patient in a hospital.

Most often, the doctor prescribes the following groups drugs:

  • Medicines containing 5-acetylsalicylic acid (Sulfasalizin, Salfalk, Pentasa). Active ingredient The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive effect on local reactions of the immune system.
  • Glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone). The drugs are prescribed for the treatment of erosive colitis in severe cases and effectively eliminate inflammation and intestinal bleeding.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs (Methotrexate, Cyclosporine). They are used in extreme cases when treatment with glucocorticosteroids does not have the desired effect.

Also, treatment of erosive intestinal colitis, depending on the causes of the disease, can be carried out with antibacterial drugs and agents that restore intestinal microflora.

To maintain the body, vitamins of groups A, B and D, ascorbic acid and sedatives are prescribed to normalize the patient’s neuropsychic state.


Preventing the development of erosive colitis is much easier than suffering from the manifestations of the disease and dealing with its difficult treatment.

Prevention requires compliance with the following aspects:
  1. Consult a doctor in a timely manner if you suspect a pathology of the digestive organs and, if necessary, treat the disease in a timely manner, preventing it from becoming chronic.
  2. Regularly undergo preventive examinations at the dentist, treat caries and other oral diseases in a timely manner, preventing infection from entering the body.
  3. Lead healthy active image life, move a lot, be in the fresh air and minimize stress factors.
  4. Eat as healthy as possible natural food, avoiding chemical dyes, flavors and preservatives in your diet.
  5. Follow a diet, eating regularly, at least 5 times a day. A larger amount of the daily diet should be eaten during breakfast.
  6. Exclude bad habits, in particular, smoking and alcohol.


Treatment of symptoms of erosive colitis cannot take place without diet therapy. Dietary nutrition is an integral element of effective treatment.

  • food products should be consumed in crushed form, especially during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • meals should be fractional - at least 5 times a day, in small portions;
  • must be observed drinking regime- water will flush toxins from the body and replenish fluid loss;
  • preference should be given plant foods, but without coarse fiber, which can irritate and injure the inflamed intestinal walls;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or caffeine;
  • After eating, it is advisable to pay attention to the body’s reaction every time: if your health worsens even a little, it is advisable to refuse the provocateur dish in the future;
  • You should not get carried away with dishes that can linger and rot in the intestines for some time, for example, red meat, this aggravates the course of the disease.
Dietary nutrition for erosive colitis is usually developed by a doctor. U different people it may differ depending on individual characteristics the patient and the nature of his illness.

At complete cure pathology or elimination of an acute process, you need to continue following the diet for some time, since abrupt refusal from its principles can cause a relapse of the disease.

Erosive colitis is a disease that requires mandatory assistance from a gastroenterologist, otherwise complications of the pathological process will be unpredictable.

The disease develops for various reasons, including the body’s hereditary predisposition to the disease. But even if there are no signs of trouble, and a person feels healthy, one should not give up on prevention - maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reasonable nutrition will help prevent many problems not only in the digestive tract, but throughout the body.

Useful video about performing an ultrasound of the intestines

Every day we consume the most different products, often without thinking at all about their compatibility, usefulness and quality. But such carelessness is fraught with the emergence of the most different problems with health. Doctors warn that proper balanced nutrition is one of the simplest and most accessible methods of preventing diseases of the digestive tract and other diseases of the most different organs and systems. Poor quality food and disturbances in eating rhythm can cause erosive ulcerative colitis, the treatment of which will be discussed in a little more detail, and we will also clarify what diet patients with this diagnosis need.

Erosive ulcerative colitis is a lifelong disease that affects the mucous membranes of the colon. Similar illness leads to the development of destructive ulcerative lesions varying degrees intensity. Erosive ulcerative colitis is accompanied by the appearance of the most different symptoms, among which are blood in the stool, constipation and diarrhea, false urges to defecation, fecal incontinence and bloating. Patients are also often concerned about pain and signs of intoxication. Treatment of this disease is carried out exclusively by a qualified gastroenterologist.

Treatment of erosive ulcerative colitis

Patients with erosive ulcerative colitis are prescribed dietary nutrition, the features of which we will discuss below. Drug therapy is selected individually. Doctors usually prescribe medications containing 5-acetylsalicylic acid to such patients. They are represented by Salofalk, Sulfasalazine, Pentasa, Mezavant, etc. These drugs can be used in the form of tablets, granules or capsules. Sometimes they are used in the form of suppositories, ready-made enemas or foams, which are intended for direct insertion into the rectum.

Corticosteroids, for example, Hydrocortisone, Methylprednosolone or Prednisolone, are also the drugs of choice for erosive ulcerative colitis. They are used in tablet form or in the form of ordinary or rectal droppers.

Among other things, patients with this diagnosis are often prescribed immunosuppressants that suppress the pathological activity of the immune system. Such drugs are usually Cyclosporine, Azathioprine, Methotrexate (the instructions for use of each drug before use must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package!).

In some other cases, doctors may insist on using powerful and expensive biological treatments such as Imfliximab, Adalimumab, etc.

It is worth noting that medications for local impact(suppositories, foams, as well as rectal droppers with enemas) are especially effective in treating inflammation of the lower intestine.

Hormonal treatment, use of immunosuppressants and drugs biological therapy selected and controlled only qualified specialist. After all, all these drugs can cause reactions of individual intolerance, and in some cases, patients gradually develop resistance to their effects. The described medications can provoke a lot of serious side effects, including bone marrow damage, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.

After achieving remission, the patient should never relax, otherwise the disease will recur. Therefore, patients need to systematically take anti-relapse medications selected by a doctor.

If drug treatment does not cause erosive ulcerative colitis positive effect or if the patient develops complications (bleeding, perforation, toxic megacolon or colon cancer), radical surgery is performed. At the same time, doctors most often decide on complete removal the entire colon.

Nutrition treats erosive ulcerative colitis: the diet is not “empty”...

Nutrition for erosive ulcerative colitis should be gentle. Should be excluded from the diet coarse fiber: raw vegetables, berries, fruits, vegetables, seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, bran, legumes, etc. Food should be steamed or boiled, and should be taken up to five times a day. Most of the daily amount of food should be eaten in the first half of the day, and the food should be warm.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to wipe or grate food on a coarse grater. At the same time, the patient needs to eat increased amount proteins (100-100g): mainly of animal origin, it is best to give preference to lean meat, fish and eggs. You can also eat cottage cheese and soy products. Carbohydrates should be preferred semolina porridge, porridge from cereals and rice.

As for drinks, it is allowed to take jelly; a decoction of rose hips (semi-sweet), blueberries, and black currants is useful. Consumption of self-prepared juices with pulp is allowed. Vegetables and fruits should only be eaten grated. It is allowed to include in the diet dry biscuits (unsweetened), dried white bread. As the patient's condition improves, the diet can be gradually expanded.

But in any case, patients with erosive ulcerative colitis are contraindicated from eating fried, fatty and salty foods. They should give up spicy dishes, chocolate, sweets, do not consume fresh green onions, avoid garlic, sorrel, spinach, radish, radish and rutabaga. Kiwi, beets, dried apricots, plums, etc. are also prohibited. All dietary recommendations for this disease should be discussed with your doctor.

Folk remedies

Patients with erosive ulcerative colitis will be helped not only by medicines, but also by traditional medicine. So wonderful therapeutic effect gives the application of the next fee. To prepare it, you need to combine the blue cyanosis plant (herb), chamomile (flowers) and buckthorn bark. All components - a couple of tablespoons. Also use three tablespoons of marsh cucumber and a teaspoon dill seeds, ground in a coffee grinder.

A couple of tablespoons ready collection Brew with three hundred milliliters of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for two hours, then strain and take warm about half an hour before meals. Repeat the intake three times a day. A single dose is seventy milliliters.

The feasibility of using traditional medicine is necessary in mandatory discuss with your doctor.

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Erosive colitis is a pathology characterized by inflammation of the lining of the digestive organ. In the presence of a disease occurs large number ulcerative lesions. The erosive type of the disease is considered one of the most dangerous. A patient with a disease needs timely and complex treatment. The pathology affects the rectum and leads to complications. If left untreated, the disease spreads to all parts intestinal tract. Therapy for the deviation may take several years. The violation has specific symptoms. People over 30 years of age are most susceptible to developing the disease. As a rule, patients with pathology require immediate hospitalization. At complete absence treatment, the patient may experience internal bleeding. High risk of formation malignant neoplasms.

Erosive colitis involves the appearance of a large number of ulcerative formations

In this article you will learn:

Factors influencing the development of the disease

Erosive-ulcerative colitis can form under the influence of many internal and external factors. Some are purely individual. It is impossible to independently determine the root cause. Only a doctor can do this, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s condition. All provoking factors are described in the table.

Often the pathology develops against the background of a long-term dietary disorder. The risk of developing a disorder increases if a person has a hereditary predisposition or addiction to alcohol-containing drinks.

As the disease progresses, minor inflammatory lesions on the intestinal mucosa. If left untreated, the defects become erosive. Over time, they increase in size and deepen.

One of the reasons for the development of the disease is not proper nutrition

A through defect may appear. The speed of the deviation directly depends on the negative factors that affect the body.

Types of deviation

Depending on the course of the pathology, doctors distinguish the following forms:

  • chronic;
  • spicy.

The chronic form of the pathology is characterized by a long course. Symptoms are mild and occasionally cause significant discomfort. The patient alternates between stages of remission and exacerbation.

Chronic erosive colitis is diagnosed in 50% of patients with disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract. Pathology occurs in both men and women. Periodically, the patient has dull and aching pain in the stomach.

If you suspect a disease, you must have it diagnosed by a doctor.

Symptoms intensify immediately after eating. If there is a deviation, the patient has the urge to defecate up to 8 times a day. Residues are present in fecal matter undigested food and mucus. There is a significant loss of strength and diarrhea.

The acute form of the pathology is accompanied by more severe symptoms. The patient complains of a gag reflex, severe pain in the digestive organ, rumbling in the stomach regardless of food intake, belching and bitterness in the esophagus, loss of appetite, insomnia in the background painful sensation in the stomach.

In the absence of proper treatment, the acute form becomes chronic.

Gag reflex more often occurs in acute forms of the disease


Symptoms of erosive intestinal colitis depend on the degree of neglect of the pathology. The signs resemble the clinical picture of the most common gastritis. It is for this reason that many patients consult a doctor untimely.

The first and main signs include:

  • heaviness and feeling of fullness in the digestive organ;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • burping;
  • blood in feces;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite.

In the absence of treatment, the initial form of the pathology becomes protracted. The condition is rapidly deteriorating.

Unexplained fatigue is one of the symptoms of a long-term illness

During a protracted stage of deviation, the following are added to the main symptoms:

  • significant loss of strength;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rapid jumps in blood pressure;
  • constant attacks of the gag reflex.

Every day becomes a real test for the patient. The state of health deteriorates significantly and can lead to the formation of irreversible complications.

The video details the symptoms and treatment of ulcerative colitis:

Formation of possible complications

Pathology often leads to complications. This is due to the long asymptomatic course of the disease. Patients for a long time They are not even aware of the presence of a deviation.

Complications of colitis can be local and general. The first include:

  • perforation;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • formation of malignant neoplasms.

General complications include stomatitis in the oral cavity and disturbances in the functioning of the liver and joints. The patient's skin becomes drier and more problematic. Hair begins to actively fall out, and the nail plate becomes brittle.

If the disease is not treated, it can lead to the formation of malignant tumors

The risk of the formation of malignant neoplasms is present with the long-term presence of pathology. Tumors usually appear after about 10 years of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of erosive intestinal colitis in adults vary from person to person. The risk of complications can be reduced through adequate treatment, which was selected by a highly qualified doctor.

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis can only be confirmed through a series of studies. It is impossible to select treatment based on initial assumptions. When you first see a doctor:

  • anamnesis is collected;
  • the present signs are analyzed;
  • the abdominal cavity is palpated.

Based on the results of the initial study, the doctor gives a referral for instrumental examination methods. It is possible to assess the condition of the mucous membrane using endoscopy.

Diagnostic methods are determined by the doctor after examination

After establishing final diagnosis The doctor will tell you which diet for constipation from chronic erosive colitis will be most effective. The patient is also prescribed irrigoscopy. The study will detect swelling in the intestinal tract.

Treatment measures

Treatment should begin immediately. The patient must carefully follow all the doctor's instructions. The patient is given an appointment:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs to stop internal bleeding;
  • immunosuppressive medications.

In addition, the patient will need to adjust his lifestyle. Treatment is selected based on the underlying causes of the disease. Antibacterial therapy may be needed.

In addition to standard medications, the patient is prescribed pills to restore the body. These include vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment of colitis, usually with medication

Treatment of erosive intestinal colitis is carried out under close medical supervision. The patient is required to regularly visit his doctor. Any negative changes must be reported promptly.

Nutritional Features

The diet for erosive colitis is characterized by:

  • exclusion of heavy carbohydrate foods;
  • use low-fat varieties fish and meat;
  • regular use of vitamin complexes;
  • increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • refusal to eat food at night.

Meals should be fractional and balanced. It is necessary to exclude all harmful products. We need to focus on healthy food. The patient is required to maintain a fluid regime. Alcohol-containing drinks are strictly prohibited. Alcohol can worsen the condition and lead to exacerbation.

Treatment of colitis is a set of measures aimed at stopping inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the large intestine and restoring its normal functioning. IN general view The therapeutic course for colitis includes the following steps:

  • Elimination of provoking factors;

  • Drug relief of inflammation;

  • Symptomatic care;

  • Restoration of microflora and integrity of the mucous membrane;

  • Prevention of exacerbations;

The disease has a wide etiological basis. Depending on what was the root cause of the intestinal dysfunction, colitis is classified into 15 types. The most commonly diagnosed among them are the following:

  • Catarrhal colitis;

  • Catarrhal type is defined as initial stage an illness that can be caused by simple failure to comply with hygiene standards, eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, one-time severe physical or mental strain, stress. A predisposing factor may be a genetic predisposition, which allows the formation of a strong response even to a minor stimulus. This form of colitis is not very aggressive, does not entail changes in morphological and functional nature - with normal functioning of the immune system and the exclusion of provoking conditions, the disease is short-term and goes away on its own.

  • Pseudomembranous colitis;

  • This form develops against the background of long-term antibacterial therapy. Its second name is drug-induced intestinal colitis. Pseudomembranous colitis, as a rule, is secondary in nature, being a side effect of treatment of the underlying disease or rehabilitation therapy after surgery. However, self-medication without prior medical consultation can also cause the disease, especially in cases where the patient uses antibacterial drugs without following the regimen and dosage of their intake. The aggressive action of drugs destroys the natural microenvironment of the large intestine, reduces local immunity and creates conditions for active growth and reproduction pathogenic bacteria. Treatment of this form of colitis should begin no earlier than the end of the course of antibiotics.

  • Erosive colitis;

  • The erosive form of the disease occurs as a result of entry into the intestines infectious agents– streptococci, staphylococci, other bacteria of a pathogenic nature, as well as against the background of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract – gastritis, pancreatitis, congenital dysfunctions of the intestines. The disease is characterized by extensive ulceration of the mucous membrane, which, if ignored, can lead to the development of a duodenal ulcer.

These types of illness are not gender-age related - they can be found in both adults and children. In old age, spastic and ischemic colitis are also common forms of intestinal colitis.

The second stage in the fight against colitis is drug treatment inflammatory processes in the intestines. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed antiseptic and antibacterial action. In this case, preference is given to those antibiotics that have a local rather than general action, which allows you to reduce negative impact antibiotic therapy on the patient's immunity. The choice of a specific drug is made by a proctologist or gastroenterologist after performing a culture test for sensitivity.

The task of antibiotics and antiseptics is to stop the growth of pathogenic microbes in the body, stop reproduction, neutralize their waste products and speed up elimination from the colon. In the case of colitis, the development of inflammatory processes leads to the fact that the cells of the mucous membrane begin to intensively produce mucus. chemical composition, different from “healthy”, which accumulates in the intestinal lumen and acts as a powerful irritant.

The disease can occur in two forms - acute and chronic, each of which has its own symptoms. Acute colitis has a distinct clinical picture, a rapid course and high responsiveness to therapeutic measures. With timely treatment, you can completely get rid of the symptoms of colitis in two weeks. However, if the manifestations of the disease were ignored, or therapy was insufficient, the disease may develop into chronic form, which is characterized by a sluggish course, alternating periods of remissions and complications.

Acute colitis is accompanied by the following main symptoms:

  • Sharp, sudden pain of a spasmodic nature in the abdominal area, mainly in the left hypochondrium;

  • Stool disorder with predominant constipation or diarrhea;

  • Increased gas formation, bloating, flatulence;

  • False urge to defecate;

  • Belching, nausea, vomiting;

  • Lack of appetite, loss of strength.

Pseudomembranous colitis may be accompanied by significant increases in body temperature. In this case, the patient experiences pain, aching joints, and headaches. The erosive type is characterized by the presence of mucopurulent or bloody inclusions in the stool.
Similar symptoms characterize the chronic form of the disease during periods of exacerbation. If exacerbations occur frequently and there is no adequate treatment, complications may develop in the form of rectal or internal bleeding, hemorrhagic changes, perforation of the intestinal walls, peritonitis or abscess. Chronic forms of colitis can complicate work cardiovascular system, disrupt metabolism in the body, leading to anorexic states. In the remission phase, colitis does not cause much concern - the signs of the disease do not disappear completely, but appear much less frequently.

Catarrhal colitis practically does not require drug treatment - it is based on adsorbents and proper nutrition. The procedure is reminiscent of helping in case of poisoning - the patient is recommended to:

  • Rinse the stomach weak solution potassium permanganate;

  • Take activated carbon;

  • Fast for 24 hours;

  • Drink plenty of fluids;

  • For the next week, eat pureed porridges, weak broths, and steamed dishes.

Symptomatic treatment of other forms of colitis involves, as traditional pharmacological preparations, as well as folk remedies. To remove pain syndrome antispasmodics of chemical or plant origin are used. Mild laxatives will help deal with constipation, and adsorbents, such as activated carbon or polysorb, will help cope with diarrhea. To facilitate the process of digesting food, enzymatic preparations are prescribed, and to reduce irritation from chemical and physical impact food in the stomach and intestines, it is recommended to take enveloping enterogels.

In moderate and severe forms, erosive and pseudomembranous colitis often exhausts the patient with its symptoms and may be accompanied by excessive nervous excitability. To alleviate the condition in such cases, it is recommended to take light sedatives.

With the doctor's permission, drug treatment can be supplemented folk ways healing. So, if catarrhal colitis is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, you can apply warm heating pad. Three-minute circular stroking of the abdomen around the navel in a clockwise direction, then in the opposite direction, also helps relieve pain.

For constipation, oily and herbal remedies even preferable than chemicals, since they do not irritate the already inflamed intestinal mucosa. Favorites among them are Vaseline, olive and castor oils, flax seed.

Rice water or an infusion of viburnum berries will help relieve diarrhea, and potato juice is recommended for flatulence.

To remove nervous tension You can use relaxing massage, baths with essential oils or other types of aromatherapy.

A special place in folk medicine is occupied by the treatment of colitis with propolis. This product, having an antimicrobial, disinfecting and wound-healing effect, has proven its effectiveness in almost any form of intestinal colitis. Depending on how the disease progresses, propolis extract is used in enema solutions, in the manufacture of wound-healing suppositories, and in the form of alcohol tinctures. In the treatment of colitis at home, the product of the vital activity of bees has gained fame the best means among natural medicines.

Intensive treatment for colitis has an adverse effect on the natural intestinal microflora, which dies under the influence of strong medications. Patients develop dysbiosis, which can result in a transition from one form of the disease to another. For example, acute catarrhal colitis with overtreatment can transform into pseudomembranous. This can be avoided if you do not engage in healing yourself and seek help from a specialist in time, who will indicate the right way healing and prescribe bacterial replacement therapy. It involves taking probiotics and prebiotics - microorganisms designed to populate the intestinal mucosa and restore its functions. Considering that during illness the ability of the intestine to absorb nutrients from food has been weakened, patients may develop hypovitaminosis both locally and general level. A course of a multivitamin complex will help compensate for the lack of vitamins.

The best prevention of colitis is a correct lifestyle, which includes:

  • Maintaining physical fitness;

  • Diet food;

  • Quitting bad habits;

  • Seek medical advice promptly if symptoms occur;

  • Optimization of work and rest regimes.

Diet for colitis involves fractional meals, exclusion from the diet of spicy, fried, fatty foods, too salty dishes and spices. Portions should be small so as not to overload the stomach. For the same purpose, you should not eat food before bed.

Compliance preventive measures– the ability to achieve stable remission even in chronic forms of the disease.

Colitis (inflammatory process of the colon mucosa) is, according to statistics, the most popular disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Many patients mistake intestinal colic for colitis, but these two concepts have nothing in common. Intestinal colic is an intense pain attack, characterized by a short-term course. Intestinal colic is not an independent disease, but a symptom of many pathologies of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Colitis is a completely independent pathology, which manifests itself with certain symptoms and develops against the background of infection.

Table of contents:

Classification of colitis

The classification of the disease in question can be called complex - doctors distinguish both certain forms and specific types of colitis.

Acute form

Most often, it is with this type of colitis that patients turn to a doctor for help. Characterized by acute colitis sudden appearance characteristic symptoms, over time they increase. It is noteworthy that with this form of the disease, certain symptoms do not subside even after taking medicines antispasmodic action. If a patient with acute form colitis was not treated on time medical care, then the symptoms will become less noticeable over time, and subsequently “go away” altogether. But this does not mean recovery - colitis has simply become chronic.

Chronic form

Always develops as a consequence of ignoring symptoms acute colitis, but doctors believe that the cause of development chronic colitis is an unhealthy/unbalanced diet. Most often, this form of the disease in question is diagnosed in people aged 25-40 years. Distinctive feature chronic colitis - frequent relapses, during which all the symptoms appear very clearly, but even during periods of remission, low-intensity manifestations will be present.

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It is characterized by the appearance of ulcerated areas against the background of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Doctors call the reasons for the development of this type of disease in question:

  1. Genetic factor– there is an assumption that the body’s immune system “fails” when the body’s cells themselves begin to produce antibodies that “devour” the intestinal epithelium.
  2. Hereditary factor– the theory that ulcerative colitis is inherited is true. Moreover, it even has evidence at a scientific level.
  3. Infectious factor– Ulcerative colitis can develop due to infection or pathogenic bacteria entering the body. However, the specific strain of bacteria has not yet been identified.

The type of colitis in question does not occur on its own and suddenly - there must be some kind of push. For example, the onset of symptoms of ulcerative colitis and its progression can provoke sedentary lifestyle life, poor nutrition (namely, lack of vegetables and fruits on the menu), dysbacteriosis. Please note:Ulcerative colitis can occur in three stages, the most dangerous being the third/severe stage. It is during this course of the disease that intestinal perforation (rupture) can occur - this leads to sepsis, peritonitis, and in the absence of emergency measures, this condition can quickly lead to the death of the patient.

Spastic type of colitis

A distinctive feature of this type of disease in question is the occurrence of pathology against the background of significantly reduced intestinal function and weak peristalsis. Most often, doctors classify spastic colitis as a “disorder of intestinal function.” The main symptom of this type of colitis is considered to be persistent, chronic constipation– empty the bowels and resume them normal work does not work even with the use of medications with laxative effects. When examining a patient using ultrasound, the doctor will definitely detect spasmodic areas of the large intestine - against the background big picture they will be significantly narrowed. Please note:if spastic colitis has been progressing for a long time, then not only swelling of the large intestine may appear, but also dryness of its walls. And this, in turn, provokes the formation of cracks - they can be mistaken for manifestations of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, the doctor must carry out not only finger and ultrasound examination intestines, but also rectoscopy.

Catarrhal type of colitis

This type of disease in question cannot be called separate disease– catarrhal colitis is most likely a certain stage in the development of pathology. It can be diagnosed only at the beginning of the progression of the disease, progresses rapidly within 2, maximum 3, days and is characterized by pronounced symptoms. This type Colitis is very easy to diagnose - it is characterized by certain symptoms that allow you to do without complex instrumental examination patient. But a visit to a doctor should be mandatory - if catarrhal colitis is not diagnosed in time and adequate treatment is not started, it can turn into an ulcerative form. Please note:catarrhal colitis can develop not as a disease, but be just a manifestation food poisoning or alcohol intoxication. In this case, properly administered therapy will completely heal the patient without transitioning to a chronic form of colitis.

Atrophic type of colitis

Atrophic colitis usually accompanies the spastic form of the same disease and appears on late stages its development. Due to too long a stagnant process (we remind you that the main symptom spastic colitis– chronic/persistent constipation) atrophy occurs smooth muscle intestines. Over time, if missing professional treatment, atrophic colitis turns into ulcerative, quantity pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines does not decrease and this leads to severe consequences– perforation of the intestinal wall and sepsis or peritonitis. Please note:All of the above types and forms of the disease in question are inherent in both the small and large intestines. And only atrophic colitis is localized exclusively in the large intestine.

Erosive type of colitis

Erosive colitis is not classified by all specialists as independent disease, a specific type of colitis - they believe that this is just the initial stage of development of the ulcerative type of colitis. The most important difference between the erosive type and the ulcerative one is pathological changes mucosa and epithelium of the intestinal walls are not so pronounced, are easily diagnosed and never lead to perforation. The peculiarity of erosive colitis is that with all the standard symptoms of the disease in question, patients always complain of stomach pain. An inexperienced doctor may suspect the development of gastritis - this will entail prescribing completely incorrect treatment.

This is perhaps the most severe type of the disease in question - it affects both parts of the intestine (both small and large), so the symptoms will be unusually vivid from the first hours of the development of the pathology. Patient complaints can lead the doctor down the wrong path in diagnosis - they may indicate the simultaneous development of gastritis and enteritis. Nevertheless, with the proper medical experience, it is possible to diagnose diffuse colitis with minimal examinations.
Please note:in some cases, on the 2nd-3rd day of illness the patient may complain of acute attacks pain in the right hypochondrium or lower abdomen. In this case, the doctor must differentiate the disease and exclude acute.

Causes of colitis development

The true causes of the disease in question have not yet been identified, despite the possibilities modern medicine. Nevertheless, doctors identify several factors that high probability lead to the development of different types/forms of colitis. These include:

  1. Eating disorder. These are the so-called nutritional reasons - constant consumption of fast foods, dry food, insufficient quantity vegetables and fruits on the menu, abuse alcoholic drinks, exclusion of meat or fish from food.
  2. Taking medications. In this case, colitis may develop against the background of forced long-term use medications - they negatively affect the intestinal microflora. The most “dangerous” medications in this regard include antibacterial drugs (), aminoglycoside and anti-inflammatory drugs, some for oral use.
  3. Infectious diseases. It is no secret that people often eat low-quality foods - pathogenic microorganisms enter the body with them. Or the patient was previously diagnosed with dysentery - in this case, there is also a danger of developing colitis, since irritation of the intestinal walls occurs under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. But no matter what infection is diagnosed, colitis in any case will not be a contagious disease.
  4. Presence of other pathologies in the body. This applies mainly to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - for example, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), / duodenum and so on.
  5. Toxic poisoning.
  6. Allergic reaction.
  7. Mechanical impact. Here we are talking about excessive use of enemas and suppositories - this irritates the walls of the large intestine, negatively affects the composition of the microflora and provokes the development of colitis.

The symptoms of acute and chronic colitis differ from each other from the first day of the disease. There are some features in clinical picture and some types of the disease in question, so you need to navigate such diversity.

Acute colitis

Chronic colitis

  • Increased gas formation even without eating specific foods.
  • Constipation. They will be spastic in nature and have a difficult course.
  • Loud rumbling in the stomach, occurring 40-60 minutes after eating.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen A. Occur after physical activity or psycho-emotional disorders (for example, suffered).
  • Rash on the skin. This is a consequence toxic poisoning the body due to stagnation of feces in the intestines.
  • Headaches. Possible general weakness.

Please note:the listed symptoms appear both during periods of remission and during periods of exacerbation of chronic colitis. Only in the second case will they be more pronounced.

Ulcerative colitis

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea). The urge to defecate is too frequent (up to 15 per day), and a small amount of liquid feces is released from the intestines.
  • Natural constipation. They occur only if the ulcerative disease in question spreads in the small intestine.
  • Intoxication of the body. Patients complain of the usual symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections - nausea, headache, slight increase fever, drowsiness, lacrimation.
  • Presence of foreign impurities in feces. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by the presence of greenish streaks and traces of blood in the stool. Moreover, at the beginning of the disease, blood can only be seen on toilet paper, but as it progresses, this impurity can be seen with the naked eye in the feces.

To diagnose the disease in question, doctors use various methods– from a banal interview with the patient to an instrumental examination of the intestines. As part of diagnosing colitis, doctors use the following examinations/studies::

  1. Laboratory methods:

  1. Instrumental methods:

To get rid of colitis, the patient must not only undergo drug treatment, but also adhere to strict diet– a nutritionist and a gastroenterologist will help with this.

Diet for colitis

In order for the treatment of the disease in question to be effective, patients must reconsider their diet - it is necessary to completely exclude some foods from the diet, and, on the contrary, introduce some. Remember what you need to include in your daily menu for colitis:

  1. IN acute phase progression of the inflammatory process in question, you need to drink astringent drinks - black tea, jelly, berry compotes. The desired effect has blackcurrant and bird cherry - they can be consumed not only in the form of compotes, but also fresh.
  2. Eating vegetables is possible, even necessary, but only in the form of purees - in another form, fiber can have an impact irritant effect on the inflamed intestinal walls. Has a calming effect on the intestines cauliflower– it must be present on the menu of a patient diagnosed with colitis.
  3. It would be appropriate to regularly consume pears, apples,... But keep in mind - they also have to be pureed!
  4. Porridges and soups. They are prepared exclusively with water - during the period of treatment of colitis, it is necessary to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract as much as possible. That is why you should not cook these dishes on meat broths and use frying in cooking.
  5. Of the dairy products in the acute phase, you can only consume cottage cheese, milk and cheeses - always low-fat!
  6. Meat and fish. They should not be excluded from the menu, because this will lead to imbalance useful substances in the body - this will provoke more severe course the disease in question. From these products you need to make minced meat and prepare steam cutlets and meatballs from it with the addition of pearl barley.
  7. Offal can be included in the menu, but not fried, but only boiled. For a variety of nutrition, pates are made from it.
  8. Bakery products can only be consumed a day old and prepared with durum wheat flour.
  9. Sweets are allowed, but only in small quantities - no more than 1 chocolate or 2 caramel. Sugar per day should be no more than 2 teaspoons.
  1. Fermented milk products. Sour cream, whole milk, fermented baked milk and other products - they should not be consumed, even if they have low level fat content
  2. Muffins, pastries and fresh bread. These products improve the process of gas formation, provoke improved peristalsis - this acts aggressively on the inflamed intestinal walls and worsens the patient’s condition.
  3. Canned food, pickles. It's about about any types of preservation - from homemade marinades to industrially produced canned food.
  4. Lots of raw fruits and vegetables. It is worth giving them up completely only because the fiber contained in these products will provoke active work intestines, will increase gas formation and cause flatulence.
  5. Pasta and all legumes. They overload the intestines, giving it extra stress.

Naturally, you need to give up fast food, fried potatoes, sausages and any sausages, seasonings and spices, mayonnaise and sauces.

Treatment of colitis with folk remedies

  1. Honey and water are mixed in a glass in the proportion of a tablespoon of honey and 200 ml of warm boiled water. You should drink 1/3 glass of this “sweet water” 3 times a day. Duration of use – at least 45 days.
  2. Half a teaspoon of bee bread three times a day - it should be eaten with a small amount warm water, before eating. Duration of use – 30 days.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 200 ml of apple juice. Drink half a glass twice a day. Duration of treatment – ​​30 days.

Please note:if doctors have diagnosed, in addition to colitis, gastritis and/or peptic ulcer stomach, then apple juice is strictly contraindicated for use.

  1. 3 tablespoons dried flowers pharmaceutical chamomile pour 700 ml of boiling water and leave for 4-6 hours. Then 100 g of honey is added to the resulting infusion. Medicine Take 150 ml 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 45 days.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry St. John's wort into 500 ml of boiling water and cook the product at low boil for 15 minutes. Infuse the decoction for at least 2 hours, then strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment 0-30 days.
  3. Pour 3 tablespoons of blueberry leaves (or fruits) into 600 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 hours. Then strain and take 200 ml three times a day.

Any folk remedies that are taken for colitis must be prepared from raw materials purchased in pharmacies. Do not forget to obtain permission for such therapy from your attending physician, and do not “discount” the possibility of manifestations allergic reaction. Colitis is a disease that can begin with innocent constipation and pain in the intestines, and end with perforation of the intestinal wall, sepsis or peritonitis. Only timely medical care will guarantee a successful prognosis. Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.



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