Dolichosigma of the intestine: symptoms and treatment. What is an elongated large intestine? How is it treated

Dolichosigma intestinalis is often called a congenital abnormal elongation of the sigmoid colon (part of the large intestine). As a result of its increased size, it is twisted one or more times and may have a larger diameter (megadolichosigma). This leads to the appearance of the main symptom of this condition - a violation of bowel movements, which is replaced by persistent constipation.

The normal length of one sigmoid loop in an adult is from 24 to 46 cm. If this value is less than 24 cm, a developmental anomaly called “brachysigma” is noted. If the intestinal length is more than 46 cm, dolichosigma is noted. However, the opinions of scientists differ on whether this condition should be classified as a pathology or not. Some consider this a pathology that requires immediate treatment. According to others, this is only a difference in the structure of the intestines, and therefore treatment may be needed only after the appearance of tangible symptoms that prevent the patient from living a normal life.

It should be noted that there may be cases where symptoms do not appear immediately. But this is rather an exception to the rule; usually a person is bothered by frequent constipation. That is why dolichosigma is an anomaly that will ultimately lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. The diagnosis of dolichosigma intestines is made equally often in both adult patients and children, and their manifestations are similar.

Symptomatic picture of the condition

The manifestations of this pathology are determined by the degree of functional disturbances in the functioning of the colon and chronic poisoning of the body with toxic substances that are formed as a result of long-term presence of feces in the intestinal lumen.

The main symptom is persistent constipation. At first they appear sporadically, and therefore there is no bowel movement for more than 3 days. However, over time, the frequency and duration of such “difficulties” increases. Sometimes constipation can last up to 1 month. This leads to an increase in the diameter of the sigmoid colon while simultaneously thinning the thickness of its walls, which can lead to perforation.

Also, the result of frequent constipation is a natural decrease in the natural reflex to empty (the body begins to “forget” how to do it). This is due to the fact that patients usually resort to self-medication using all kinds of laxatives, suppositories or enemas.

Feces also undergo changes. It becomes more dense and has a large diameter, is often similar in shape to a “fir cone” and has a sharp, specific smell. Since solid feces pass through the rectum with great difficulty, damage to the mucous membrane is inevitable, and therefore droplets of blood may appear in the stool.
This condition is very rarely painless. As a rule, recurrent pain occurs (that is, a painful attack occurs 3 or more times over 3 months) in the area around the navel or in the left iliac region. Due to disturbances in the digestive system, flatulence appears. The listed symptoms are especially pronounced after eating and physical activity (at an advanced stage, pain can appear even after a long walk or a quick step), and disappear only after successful bowel movement.

The presence of pain syndrome is caused by a reflex spasm of the intestines, the appearance of characteristic scars on the mesenteries and the onset of the inflammatory process on the damaged intestinal mucosa.

Often this condition is concomitant with chronic gastroduodenitis, biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis and varicose veins.

A dangerous complication of dolichosigma is the formation of fecal stones, as a result of which fecal poisoning, dysbacteriosis, anemia (“bleeding”) and irritable bowel syndrome quickly develop. Since the elongated intestine can form torsions, kinks, and nodes, there is a high risk of developing acute intestinal obstruction. Signs of an “acute abdomen” may appear.

The extent of symptoms depends on the stage of the disease:

Compressed. The patients feel normal, their general condition is usually not impaired and there are no signs of inflammation. However, when palpating the abdomen, you can feel the intestine filled with hard feces. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can still be improved with the help of a specially selected diet and taking “light” laxatives.

Subcompensated. Constipation is becoming more and more common, and proper nutrition and laxatives are no longer effective. The patient's health deteriorates sharply, and signs of intoxication appear. Defecation is possible only after using special cleansing enemas.

Decompensated. Signs of the condition increase very quickly, with loss of appetite, up to complete refusal of food, nausea often occurs, sometimes vomiting, constant headaches, weakness and lethargy, indicating anemia. That is, there are signs of intoxication. Only siphon enemas help to have a bowel movement.

Reasons for the appearance of additional sigmoid loops

Dolichosigma of the intestine can be either a congenital anomaly of the organ or a condition acquired throughout life. Until now, scientists have not fully figured out why, during fetal development, the sigmoid colon is suddenly supplemented with “extra” loops. According to some versions, this can lead to:

  • unfavorable heredity (the presence in the anamnesis of future parents of anomalies and pathologies of the development of the gastrointestinal tract);
    the impact on the developing fetus of harmful substances (pesticides, dangerous additives, preservatives in food), as well as physical factors;
  • diseases of any nature suffered by a pregnant woman, be it viral, infectious or bacterial;
    use of certain groups of medications (antibiotics, antidepressants and others) during pregnancy.

However, disturbances in digestive processes, which lead to the onset of fermentation of intestinal contents and its gradual rotting, can lead to lengthening of the sigmoid colon. As a rule, this condition is typical for people over 50 years of age. This should especially alert those who lead a sedentary lifestyle without even minimal physical activity and abuse fatty foods and quickly digestible carbohydrates.

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus whether dolichosigma should be considered a developmental defect or whether it is a purely individual feature. However, it must also be taken into account that such a condition entails disturbances in the functioning of this intestinal section, which affect the patient’s health, and therefore it can be argued that this is an anomaly. After all, elongation of the sigmoid colon is the “start” for the development of many gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, a morphological examination of the intestinal mucosa also reveals structural changes. As a rule, the phenomenon of fibrosis is observed, in which, as a result of scar formation, most normal typical tissues are replaced by connective tissue, and severe swelling is observed due to the saturation of the intestinal lining with tissue fluid. Such changes are associated with a slowdown in peristalsis and the presence of a chronic inflammatory process, which also leads to a slowdown in motility.

Diagnosis of dolichosigmoid intestines

When examining the patient, underweight and pale skin (one of the signs of anemia) are usually revealed. When palpating the abdomen, the gastroenterologist detects intestinal loops filled with feces. A digital rectal examination will show an empty rectum, although the patient will usually complain of prolonged constipation.

The main diagnostic method in this case is irrigography. As the examination progresses, an increase in size of the sigmoid colon is detected in the presence of “extra” loops.

An instrumental diagnostic method for detecting this condition with high accuracy is computed tomography of the large intestine. Using virtual CT colonography, you can assess the condition of the colon mucosa and identify space-occupying lesions without the need for endoscopic examinations.

To assess intestinal motility, the doctor may prescribe electromyography and sphincterometry. Colonoscopy and ultrasound of the abdominal organs for suspected dolichosigma of the intestine are usually of an auxiliary nature.

It is also necessary to analyze stool for occult blood (detection of bleeding), dysbacteriosis and worm eggs (to exclude concomitant pathologies); blood tests (determining the level of leukocytes, ESR and hemoglobin values).
As diagnostic measures are carried out, the possibility of developing diseases such as ulcerative colitis, enterobiasis, chronic appendicitis, and Hirschsprung's disease should be excluded. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, you may need not only a consultation with a gastroenterologist, but also a coloproctologist or surgeon.

Treatment of dolichosigma

After detection of intestinal dolichosigma, the patient is registered with a gastroenterologist, after which it is necessary to clearly determine at what stage of development the anomaly is now. However, treatment always involves a conservative approach. First, a diet is selected aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Principles of proper nutrition:

  • split meals in small portions 5 times throughout the day, breaks between them should not be more than 2 hours;
    the diet should be rich in fiber-rich foods (fresh vegetables and fruits, bran);
  • Fermented milk products will be beneficial;
  • The daily menu should also include black bread, homemade kvass (since during industrial production the drink is often enriched with carbon dioxide, which is unacceptable in this state), salads from fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • Instead of flour products, it is better to eat potato dishes;
  • It is advisable to take 15 ml of olive or castor oil every day to normalize bowel movements;
  • Oat decoction and sulfur-containing mineral waters, such as “Essentuki No. 17” or “Borjomi”, are ideal to drink, preferably warm.

In addition, it is also very important to follow a diet. Complex therapy involves prescribing appropriate medications. Sometimes it is possible to use mild laxatives (lactulose syrup, lactusan) and microenemas. Doses of medications are selected for each patient, taking into account the degree of manifestation of functional disorders, including soft bowel movements. However, the primary task when lengthening the sigmoid colon is to “form” the reflex to emptying again.

In case of particularly acute symptoms in a hospital setting, the following may be prescribed:

  • proserin and/or dibazol by injection or in tablet form for 2 weeks, with a break of 1-2 months;
  • supporting the body with vitamin therapy (group B);
  • preparations for restoring intestinal microflora (pro- and prebiotics);
  • abdominal massage courses;
  • stimulation of the colon through electric current (electrical stimulation), acupuncture, colon hydrotherapy, exercise therapy;
  • if you complain of pain, take antispasmodics (no-spa, platifillin).

Upon completion of drug therapy in the hospital, additional sanatorium-resort treatment is recommended, which should become regular. However, this treatment option is effective only in the early stages of the disease. Despite this, indications for surgical treatment are rare.

Surgical intervention is justified in case of persistent and persistent constipation, lasting more than 1 month, with progression of the expansion of the intestinal lumen and identification of persistent damage to its neuromuscular conduction. Surgery is also necessary in case of development of acute intestinal obstruction, lack of results of drug treatment, increasing signs of intoxication, or detection of intestinal kinks that cannot be straightened. Typically, the surgeon excises excess intestinal loops; extremely rarely, the sigmoid colon is completely removed.

As a rule, strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations leads to normalization of bowel movements and the appearance of independent stool. However, even after completing a course of therapy, you must adhere to proper nutrition to prevent the development of nutritional or psychogenic constipation. Then a positive effect from drug treatment is observed in more than 90% of patients, no deaths were noted at all, and therefore the prognosis is only favorable. With intestinal dolichosigma, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his recommendations, then you can forget about “especially difficult” days.

Dolichosigmoid intestinalis occurs in almost a quarter of the world's population. However, doctors suggest that the pathology is much more common; it is simply not always diagnosed, since in some cases it occurs with implicit symptoms.

With dolichosigma, the sigmoid colon lengthens without narrowing or changing the thickness of the walls. That is, it does not stretch, but rather increases. After lengthening, the sigmoid colon becomes mobile and interferes with the proper functioning of the large intestine. The formation and removal of feces from the body is disrupted.

In medicine, there are several types of abnormal sigmoid colon:

  1. Normosigma is a colon 25-45 cm long.
  2. Brachysigma is an abnormally short intestine, less than 25 cm.
  3. Dolichosigma is a sigmoid colon longer than 45 cm.
  4. Magadolichosigma is an elongated sigmoid colon with thickened walls.

Causes of occurrence and development of dolichosigma

Dolichosigma can be either congenital or acquired. What specifically affects the enlargement of the sigmoid colon is still unknown. There is an assumption that dolichosigma is transmitted from parents to children at the genetic level. There is also a theory that dolichosigma in children develops in the womb under the influence of infectious diseases that a pregnant woman suffers from, or under the influence of drugs that she took. Dolichosigma in children is usually congenital.

Acquired dolichosigma occurs in middle-aged people - from 45 to 55 years. This is due to the fact that by this age people begin to lead a sedentary lifestyle and often abuse meat products and foods rich in fast carbohydrates. These factors promote fermentation and putrefaction in the colon, which leads to enlargement of the sigmoid segment. Although there are experts who believe that in these cases, dolichosigma was congenital in the patient, but manifested itself only under the influence of age and these factors.

Currently, there is no clear answer to the question of the origin of dolichosigma or whether it should be recognized as an anomaly at all. It is known that more than 15% of children with dolichosigma live without experiencing any problems with the colon and its functionality. On the other hand, prolonged occurrence of dolichosigma causes inflammation on the inside of the intestine, which affects the entire functioning of the digestive system.

Types of dolichosigma

The sigmoid colon has an S-shaped single-loop shape. When additional loops appear, the sigmoid colon is called two-loop or multi-loop. A similar phenomenon is called dolichosigma. This intestine is overactive and does not change in size or length after a bowel movement.

There are several options or stages of dolichosigma:

  1. At the compensation stage, constipation lasts no more than 3 days. There is severe abdominal pain. Constipation can be overcome with laxatives and diet. The general condition of the person is normal.
  2. The subcompensation stage is a condition when constipation and flatulence continue continuously. Abdominal pain is constantly present. Laxatives do not provide relief; an enema must be used to defecate.
  3. The stage of decompensation is the most severe form of dolichosigma. At this stage, constipation is constant. The abdominal pain does not subside. The large intestine is swollen with accumulated stool and gas. There is a pronounced intoxication of the body - the person has no appetite, is tormented by nausea, and pimples appear on the skin. In this case, only a siphon enema helps.

Symptoms of dolichosigma

Symptoms of dolichosigma appear against the background of intoxication of the body in the form of functional disorders in the large intestine. With intestinal dolichosigma, the symptoms are directly proportional to the length of the sigmoid colon and the body’s ability to fight intoxication.

Dolichosigma in a child manifests itself from six months to a year. It is caused by a change in nutrition from breastfeeding to artificial. At the same time, the composition, consistency and amount of feces changes. In children over 3 years of age, dolichosigma causes constipation, which lasts for several days. With age, constipation becomes more frequent and longer lasting, which, accordingly, affects the morphology of the intestine and also causes a decrease in the bowel reflex.

Feces with dolichosigma have the shape of a fir cone. It is abnormally hard and, when passing through the rectum, can damage the mucous membrane and cause bleeding. The smell of such feces is strong and unpleasant, since due to stagnation it has time to ferment or begin to rot.

Inflammation of the inner wall of the colon can cause pain in the belly button area. This symptom appears after physical activity and disappears after defecation. Often the pain is accompanied by flatulence.

Dolichosigma often becomes a provocateur of concomitant diseases. Children begin to suffer from pancreatitis, colitis or dysbacteriosis. Diverticular disease may develop. Dolichosigma in adults causes hemorrhoids from constant effort and varicose veins. Dolichosigma in children causes the appearance of fecal stones, as well as fecal autointoxication, and the development of anemia is possible.

The most severe complication is considered to be volvulus or kinking of the sigmoid colon. In this case, complete intestinal obstruction occurs, which is characterized by acute pain.

Diagnostic measures

Examination of the patient and palpation of the abdomen is one of the first methods of diagnosis. In children, upon palpation, an empty rectum is clearly felt with a tense, overfilled abdomen. The main tool that allows you to determine the shape and number of loops of the sigmoid colon is irrigography.

The large intestine is studied using MSCT. This method allows you to determine its length, contour and shape, and the internal lumen of the intestine is measured. Children undergo colonoscopy.

In adult patients, dolichosigma can be diagnosed using intestinal ultrasound or colon ultrasonography. In laboratories, dolichosigma is diagnosed by testing for dysbacteriosis. The stool is checked for the presence of blood and helminth eggs. Blood biochemistry is carried out.

For proper treatment, it is important to differentiate the pathology from other diseases - colitis, Crohn's disease, enterobiasis, chronic appendicitis. To do this, the child undergoes a consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist and a pediatric surgery specialist.

Treatment of dolichosigma

With intestinal dolichosigma, complex treatment is required. First of all, the patient is prescribed a certain diet. It should include vegetables, wholemeal or bran bread, fruits, berries, various greens, vegetable oil and dairy products. Meals should be fractional - consist of several meals a day in small portions. This is necessary so that a healthy microflora is formed in the intestines and reflexes to spontaneous defecation arise.

In some cases, therapy includes an enema and laxatives. For severe pain, the antispasmodic Drotaverine or Platifilin is prescribed. If intestinal hypotension occurs, Prozerin is prescribed. You can massage the abdomen. Colon hydrotherapy is widely used. A course of vitamins B, C and E is often prescribed.

Only a doctor can recognize the symptoms, and only a specialist should prescribe treatment. Dolichosigma is a rather dangerous phenomenon that can have serious consequences, especially in children. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. No treatment with folk remedies can shorten the sigmoid colon to an acceptable size, so self-medication should be excluded.

Doctors resort to surgical treatment if the sigmoid colon is bent or a node forms on it. This leads to acute intestinal obstruction and, as a consequence, chronic intoxication of the body.

What are the forecasts

With proper and timely treatment, dolichosigma is asymptomatic. Constipation becomes less frequent and bowel movements occur regularly. In most cases, childhood dolichosigma goes away with age. But if the sigmoid colon remains long after the child grows up, then as an adult he will have to follow a diet all his life.

Young patients diagnosed with dolichosigma should be regularly checked by a gastroenterologist. At the slightest deviation from normal bowel movements, the doctor will be able to choose the right mild remedy for constipation and will prevent the occurrence of intoxication and severe abdominal pain.

Preventive measures

Since dolichosigma is a congenital phenomenon that appears in the womb, no special preventive measures are taken. However, if dolichosigma is diagnosed, you should follow a diet, drink more water, eat cellulose, which facilitates the movement of feces through the intestines, and regularly massage the abdomen. These measures will help avoid constipation and related troubles. Be healthy!

The sigmoid colon is an S-shaped segment of the digestive canal, 24-46 cm long and 4 cm wide, where water and vitamins are absorbed. For each person, this part of the large intestine differs in some anatomical features. Cases of its abnormal lengthening are called dolichosigma.

Without unpleasant symptoms, the condition is considered normal. If it is accompanied by prolonged constipation, flatulence, recurrent abdominal pain, then it is already called a pathology and requires adequate treatment. Many people have not heard much about this rare disease, although its destructive effects on digestion and the body as a whole deserve close attention. So we will look at what an elongated intestine is and how to treat it.

What is dolichosigma

This is a defect of the large intestine that causes its excessive mobility, as a result of which serious problems arise with the formation and passage of feces. The incidence of pathology in the adult population is quite high and amounts to 25%, although the real numbers are much higher. Reasons: difficulties in diagnosis and erased symptoms. In childhood, dolichosigma is found in 40% of cases associated with constipation.

Causes of the disease

Dolichosigma is characterized by an unclear etiology. It can be congenital and caused by a number of factors, among which the most significant are:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • The impact of unfavorable conditions on the embryonic development of the fetus.
  • Past infections and taking certain medications during pregnancy.

The reasons for the acquired form of elongated sigma are:

  • Prolonged rotting of food in the intestines.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Abuse of carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Stress.
  • Age over 50 years.

The motility of the digestive canal weakens due to secondary changes in the intestine, including:

  • Dystrophy of the mucous membrane.
  • Overgrowth of muscle tissue.
  • Disturbances in the structure of the mesentery.

According to some experts, dolichosigma is always congenital, and the manifestation of its manifestations occurs due to problematic digestion and anatomical defects. Until now, proctologists cannot come to a consensus on whether dolichosigma is a defect or is considered normal.


Among the main signs of the disease are:

  • Prolonged constipation, the number of which increases over time. There may be no stool for a week, and sometimes even a month.
  • Stagnation of feces leads to poisoning of the body.
  • Pain with difficult localization. It intensifies over time.
  • Flatulence.
  • Bloating.
  • Problems with appetite.

Accurate diagnosis

It begins with an examination of the patient by a doctor who collects data on complaints, operations and previous diseases. Thanks to the analysis of family history, the specialist determines the genetic predisposition to anomalies in the structure of the sigmoid. The doctor palpates the abdomen and, if pathology is present, detects pain in the area to the left of the navel.

Laboratory diagnostic methods make it possible to evaluate the composition of blood and feces, which can already be used to judge the presence of inflammatory processes, hemoglobin levels, and the concentration of basic microelements.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • Sigmoidoscopy with visualization of the mucous membrane of the lower parts of the digestive canal.
  • Colonoscopy with examination and biopsy of the intestinal wall.
  • Irrigography with contrast to identify its narrowed or expanded areas.
  • X-ray examination with detection of characteristic sigma loops.
  • Ultrasound and multislice computed tomography.

Stages and possible complications

Dolichosigma proceeds through 3 stages:

  • Compensated, with pain in the lower abdomen due to periodic constipation lasting 3 days. The patient's condition improves after taking laxatives and following a diet.
  • Subcompensated, characterized by flatulence and constant constipation. Enema and medications with a laxative effect help.
  • Decompensated, which is characterized by delayed defecation for up to a week, bloating, accompanied by constant severe pain. The consequence of poisoning of the body is skin lesions with the appearance of pustules, nausea, and lack of appetite. Relief occurs after a siphon enema.

Ignoring the problem can cause complications, including:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by abdominal discomfort, flatulence and other functional digestive disorders.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Anemia.
  • Weight loss.
  • Problems with intestinal patency.
  • Cracks in the walls of the stomach and bleeding.
  • The formation of dense, dry fecal stones from stagnant feces, which makes independent defecation difficult.
  • Poisoning of the body with toxic products of decay due to their reabsorption into the blood.

Treatment of dolichosigmoid intestines

Therapy begins with determining the clinical stage of the disease and registering the patient with a dispensary.


The treatment regimen consists of repeated courses and is carried out conservatively if there is no threat to the life and health of the patient. For hypotension of the digestive canal, the doctor prescribes: Prozerin course of 2-3 weeks, taking vitamins B6, B12, E and C, reflexology, electrical stimulation of the large intestine (consisting of 15 procedures, one each day).

If necessary, treatment in adults is carried out using sleeping pills and sedatives, as well as antispasmodics (No-spa and Platyfillin), defoamers, pre- and probiotics, prokinetics, saline laxatives to increase stool volume.

To consolidate the achieved positive results, treatment in specialized sanatorium-resort complexes is recommended.

Folk remedies

Subject to a special diet and medical recommendations, dolichosigma can be treated with home recipes, but only after the doctor’s approval. To get rid of constipation prepare:

  • A decoction of 250 ml water and 2 tbsp. l. buckthorn fruit. After 2 hours of infusion, drink a third of a glass before bed. Will lead to a successful morning bowel movement.
  • Take cabbage juice 0.5 tbsp. within 3 weeks.
  • A mixture of yarrow, caraway, buckthorn and watch (2:1:5:2). Pour one tablespoon of herbal mixture into a glass of boiling water, after infusing and straining, divide the resulting volume by 3-4 times.
  • A remedy made from 250 ml of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. raisins Leave for an hour. Can be given to a child.


When diagnosed with dolichosigma intestines, professional sports and intense physical activity are contraindicated, but walking, not very long jogging, swimming, morning exercises and sets of special exercises are useful. They normalize intestinal function and improve the general condition of a person.

In the morning, without getting out of bed, you can perform a complex of physical therapy consisting of the following exercises:

  • Sitting on the edge of the sofa, raise your arms, your left leg too, while lowering your right leg and using your torso movements, strive for the limbs to meet. Perform 10 times.
  • Sitting on the bed, feet shoulder-width apart. Try to touch your right knee with your left elbow.
  • Hands behind your head. Legs are bent at the knees and raised at a right angle. Perform knee turns in one direction or the other.
  • Hold the headboard with your hands. Rotate your feet, keeping your legs straight and closed.
  • The starting position is the same. The left leg is placed on top of the right, foot down, trying to reach the bed.

The problem of prolonged constipation is eliminated by doing regular squats every day.

Exercises in combination with massage give good results, for example, in a standing position, tilt your torso forward, rest your fists on the area on both sides of the navel and make rotational and pressing movements. Simple exposure to the peritoneal area is ineffective.


Surgical intervention is prescribed in the case of complicated dolichosigma, which does not respond to drug therapy, and its symptoms affect the patient’s work and social activity. In exceptional cases, an operation is performed to resect excess loops and kinks that cannot be straightened, or the entire intestine. It is indicated for progressive long-term and persistent constipation, a sharp weakening of reflexes in response to mechanical stimuli, expansion of the sigmoid, persistent damage to the muscular system and nervous regulation. The endoscopic detorsion method is used in case of sigmoid torsion.

Diet for illness

Nutritional correction is part of the treatment of the uncomplicated form of dolichosigma. The patient's condition improves by observing the water-salt regime and consuming foods high in fiber: honey, fruits, kvass, rye bread and raw vegetables. Your diet should include potato dishes instead of flour products.

The intestine is a long organ that is a conductor for nutrients entering the blood. It starts from Food and goes a long way, starting from the esophagus and along the entire length of the intestines. Adults and children may have problems, but not everyone knows about them. Many people do not know how long the intestines are in an adult. This article can help you figure it out.

Bowel functions

So, more details. The intestines break down nutrients, which then enter the blood. They come from the stomach already digested. Everything that turns out to be unnecessary leaves him through the anus, in the form of gases and feces. The intestines perform a peculiar role as a juicer. That is, it selects everything useful from the body, and removes the rest that does not bring any benefit to the outside. Also, along the entire length of the intestines, an adult and a child have beneficial bacteria. They are able to attack pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. If the intestinal microflora is disrupted, problems with the digestive system may begin and various diseases may begin to develop.


The intestinal section begins with the duodenum. It is shaped like an arc. Its length is approximately 20 centimeters. It is she who controls the functioning of the stomach, that is, regulates its motor function, and is also responsible for the amount of acid secreted. It also breaks down proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

After the small intestine comes the large intestine. Everything that could not be digested gets into it. Its main function will be the formation of feces and its removal, as well as the absorption of water. The digestion process continues in the large intestine. Various bacteria help her in this matter. The more there are, the easier it is to do this. But when there are few of them, for example due to the use of antibiotics, then it becomes difficult for the intestines.

The large intestine ends in the rectum. This is where feces accumulate, which is then expelled from the body when you go to the toilet.

Along the entire length of the adult intestine there are important bacteria that help a person maintain the immune system. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor it.

Colon diseases

Today, there are many diseases that can harm this part of the intestine. Here are the main ones:

  • Colitis is an inflammation of the intestine that can progress in acute, chronic and ulcerative forms. It can occur after poor nutrition, surgery, or infection. It is considered a very dangerous disease, since in severe forms it can lead to peritonitis or even death.
  • Suction problem. It is in the colon that fluids are absorbed, but sometimes due to inflammation this function is disrupted. Because of this, the body may suffer from dehydration.
  • Constipation is a disorder caused by the absence of stool for a long time. According to the rules, a person must go to the toilet once a day; if he does not do this, then constipation has occurred. This problem comes from poor diet or certain diseases.
  • Diarrhea is a frequent urge to go to the toilet, in which stool comes out in a liquid state. This disorder can be caused by infection, disease, poor diet, or stress. With diarrhea, a person may experience pain in the anus and abdomen.

Diseases of the small intestine

The small intestine is considered very important for a person, but diseases can periodically arise that can change normal life. Some of them:

  • Enteritis. This disease is caused by Escherichia coli or Salmonella. Long-term use of antibiotics may also be a cause.
  • Celiac disease. This disease occurs when there is a deficiency of the enzyme that can break down gluten. It leaves behind residues that have a negative effect on the small intestine. Because of this, the walls of the latter become thinner, and it begins to do its job poorly.
  • Whipple's disease. The cause is inflammation, which is caused by certain bacteria, after which they block the ability to absorb nutrients.
  • Dysbacteriosis. It is formed when there is a significant decrease in beneficial bacteria in the small intestine. This can occur due to long-term use of antibiotics or antimicrobial agents, as well as infections or food poisoning.

How long is the intestine in an adult?

The question is ambiguous. The length of the small intestine is approximately four meters. This figure may be a little more or less, it depends on the size of the person, as well as his gender. In a dead person, the length of the small intestine will be much greater, approximately eight meters. This is due to the fact that he lacks muscle tone.

The length of the large intestine in an adult will be much shorter than the small intestine. It will be approximately two meters, but there may be slight changes in the indicators.

Gas formation, or bloating, occurs from swallowed air, which passes along the entire length of the intestines of an adult and a child. In order to avoid this, you need to chew your food thoroughly.

When food enters the body, all digestive organs begin to contract so that food passes more easily.

About 7 liters of fluid enters the colon. It is obtained from water, mucus, bile and enzymes. But only 7 tablespoons come out of the human body.

Why do humans have such long intestines?

Herbivores have fairly long intestines. The blind and thick sections are quite well developed in them. The length of the colon in rodents can reach 53% of the total length of the entire intestine. In predators it is much shorter. For example, a sheep has an intestine whose length exceeds the body length by 29-35 times, a wild boar by 14 times, a horse by 12 times, and a wolf by 6 times. The thick section is inhabited by symbiotic microflora, which is most well developed in herbivores. The intestines...

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Biologically, man was formed as a vegan a very long time ago, and, as is known, hereditary characteristics in highly organized beings are very stable.

Although, since the Ice Age, man has been eating meat, his anatomy and physiology have remained the same, adapted to eating plant foods rather than meat. Its teeth cannot tear raw meat, it does not have the fangs of a predator, but its front teeth - incisors - are adapted for biting off fruits or vegetables, and the side teeth are designed for chewing fiber and rough plant foods.

The human intestines are long, like those of other herbivorous animals - fiber requires considerable time to digest.

The human body temperature is lower than that of a predator (for example, a dog), and this also prevents a person from digesting meat food.

Comparative analysis of the human digestive system with carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Man is most often referred to as an "omnivore"....

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The intestine is a section of the digestive system in most vertebrates. It follows directly behind the stomach. In the intestine, the final digestion of food taken, the absorption of nutrients, and the removal (evacuation) of undigested substances are carried out. In some animals, the digestive tract consists only of this section. Moreover, the length of the intestine depends on the type of animal, the characteristics of the food it eats and age.

Herbivores have fairly long intestines. The blind and thick sections are quite well developed in them. The length of the colon in rodents can reach 53% of the total length of the entire intestine. In predators it is much shorter. For example, a sheep has an intestine whose length exceeds the body length by 29-35 times, a wild boar by 14 times, a horse by 12 times, and a wolf by 6 times. The thick section is inhabited by symbiotic microflora, which is most well developed in herbivores. The human intestine is the largest organ of the digestive system....

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In carnivores, the length of the gastrointestinal tract is only 3 times the length of the animal's body, which allows rotting meat to be quickly removed from the body.

In herbivores, the length of the gastrointestinal tract is 6-10 times longer than the body length; Plant foods break down much more slowly than meat, so they can stay in the intestines longer.

In humans, as an omnivore (but more of a herbivore), the length of the intestine is 6-8 times the length of the body.

In its internal structure, humans are more similar to herbivores than to predators. It has ten times less acidic gastric juice than carnivores, does not have sharp incisors necessary for tearing meat, and has flat molars designed for longer digestion of food.
A person does not have fangs, but only the rudiments of fangs. The length of the gastrointestinal tract in humans is like that of a cow: eight times longer than the length of the body, so toxins released during the decomposition of eaten meat remain in the body for a very long time...

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The intestine is a long organ that conducts nutrients into the blood. It starts from the pylorus of the stomach. Food travels a long way, starting from the esophagus and along the entire length of the intestines. Adults and children may have problems, but not everyone knows about them. Many people do not know how long the intestines are in an adult. This article can help you figure it out.

Bowel functions

So, more details. The intestines break down nutrients, which then enter the blood. They come from the stomach already digested. Everything that turns out to be unnecessary leaves him through the anus, in the form of gases and feces. The intestines perform a peculiar role as a juicer. That is, it selects everything useful from the body, and removes the rest that does not bring any benefit to the outside. Also, along the entire length of the intestines, an adult and a child have beneficial bacteria. They are able to attack pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. In case of violation...

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Intestinal length in animals and humans

Vegetarianism or meat-eating - what is a person intended for?

I quite often hear statements that a person is by design a predator or, on the contrary, a herbivore. Sometimes this develops into debates about the benefits/harms of vegetarianism/meat-eating and what food the human body is designed for.

I wanted to understand this issue more deeply, to find arguments in favor of one point of view or another.

I must immediately make a reservation that I consider vegetarianism more preferable for humans.

All factors in favor of a particular food belong to one of two types: physiological (structure of external and internal organs) and factors of expediency #8212; that is, what a person wants to get from food and how nutrition affects a person.

First, let's consider physiological factors.

The group of carnivores, like the group of herbivores, within the group are distinguished by a similar structure of external and...

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The intestine is the part of the digestive system that begins with the duodenum and ends with the anus. The intestine is a structure in which various processes occur that carry out the digestion and absorption of nutrients. At the same time, the mucous membrane produces a number of biologically active compounds necessary for the physiological breakdown of products. This article will tell you everything about the structure, physiology, function, pathology and diagnosis of the human intestine.

3D intestinal model


How many meters is the intestine of an adult human? Structurally and anatomically, the intestine can be divided into a small and thick section. The total length of the intestine in an adult is from 3.2 to 4.7 m. The length of the small intestine can range from 1.7 to 4.2 m. In women, the length of the small intestine is shorter than in men. In the initial part, the length of the small intestine is 50 mm, in the transition section the diameter reaches 30...

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There is a medical term - dolichosigma, which means elongation of the large intestine. What it is and how it is treated - you can learn about this and much more by reading this material.

What is dolichosigma?

Our intestines, as you know, consist of sections.

The lower section is the large intestine.

Its longest part is the colon, which, like a rim, surrounds the small intestine. Thus, the small intestine is located in the center of the abdominal cavity, while the colon wraps around its edges.

In turn, the colon also has several sections, one of which is the descending colon, which passes into the sigmoid colon - the final section of the large intestine (ending with the rectum). Dolichosigma is an elongation of the sigmoid colon.

In many cases, bowel elongation does not cause any symptoms throughout life. In this case, we are talking about one of the variants of the norm, an individual characteristic...

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Dolichosigma is a congenital pathological condition of the intestine, when the sigmoid colon (the area that passes into the rectum) is longer than the physiological norm. Due to its size, the sigmoid colon can be twisted, lie in layers or have a diameter that is too large, so intestinal dolichosigma sometimes manifests itself as disturbances in the processes of absorption and excretion in the body. Medical specialists diagnose it as a disease only if such intestinal deformation causes discomfort, leads to pathologies and needs to be treated urgently.

What causes the disease? Forms of dolichosigma Main signs Possible complications Diagnostic methods Features of treatment


Dolichosigma is considered not only a pathology, but also a variation in the structural features of the intestine, depending on the specific clinical case. The reasons for this change may be:

1. Congenital, when the sigmoid...

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The intestine is the part of the gastrointestinal tract that runs from the stomach to the anus. Despite the insignificant volume that the intestines have in their natural position, they are very long. This organ is involved in digestion and elimination of toxins, and is also an integral part of the immune system. In addition, hormones are synthesized here.

Bowel length

The intestine is divided into 2 parts: thin and thick.

The intestine is divided into 2 parts:

Thin (with a varying diameter from 2.5 cm to 6 cm); thick (with a diameter of 6 - 10 cm).

The length of these parts also varies: in the large intestine it is approximately 2 m.

The length of the thin one is about 4 m, but these indicators are typical for living people. After death, the length of the small intestine increases significantly - up to 8 m.

This is possible due to the complete relaxation of his muscles. It has been noted that the length of the small intestine differs between women and men: among the stronger sex it is longer. The intestines increase in length with growth...

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When the sigmoid colon and its mesentery are lengthened, intestinal dolichosigma is diagnosed. What is it? At the same time, people complain of impaired intestinal motility with difficulty defecating. Such anomalies are often accompanied by attacks of flatulence, frequent pain with prolonged constipation. It is not uncommon for people to experience bloating. Dolichosigma can be diagnosed using X-ray or endoscopic examination. Treatment of this disease is based on the use of physiotherapeutic procedures, special massages and maintaining a special diet.

Description of the pathology

Dolichosigma intestinalis is associated with pathological elongation of the rectum. At the same time, its mesenteric part also lengthens. Dolichosigma in both adults and children is congenital, so it is extremely difficult to cure.

Abnormal elongation of the sigmoid colon has a certain course: Sometimes it appears from birth. Often it does not manifest itself for a long part of life....

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The intestine is one of the vital human organs, since it supplies the body with necessary valuable substances, eliminates harmful substances and compounds, and supports immune defense.

Length, structure and function of the intestine

The intestine is the largest organ located in the abdominal cavity. It is included in the excretory and digestive systems of the body.

It contains the following departments:

Duodenum; ileum and jejunum; caecum; transverse ascending and colon descending colon; rectum and sigmoid colon; anus.

The organ begins after the stomach and connects to it. Belonging to the digestive system, the intestines interact with its organs. Bile constantly flows into it from the gallbladder. The intestines themselves provide hydrochloric acid to the stomach for the primary process of decomposition of incoming food.

It grows simultaneously with a person: its thickness, length, diameter, shape changes....

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Dolichosigma intestinalis is often called a congenital abnormal elongation of the sigmoid colon (part of the large intestine). As a result of its increased size, it is twisted one or more times and may have a larger diameter (megadolichosigma). This leads to the appearance of the main symptom of this condition - a violation of bowel movements, which is replaced by persistent constipation.

The normal length of one sigmoid loop in an adult is from 24 to 46 cm. If this value is less than 24 cm, a developmental anomaly called “brachysigma” is noted. If the intestinal length is more than 46 cm, dolichosigma is noted. However, the opinions of scientists differ on whether this condition should be classified as a pathology or not. Some consider this a pathology that requires immediate treatment. According to others, this is only a difference in the structure of the intestines, and therefore treatment may be needed only after the appearance of tangible symptoms that prevent the patient from living a normal life.

It should be noted that it is possible...

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2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs