Color for a good mood. Human mood and color

Scientists have long been conducting research on the influence of color on our state of mind.

In Russia, for more than 20-25 years, many higher educational institutions (not only medical, but also technical) have included a subject that teaches and talks about the influence of color on human activity.

Intuitively, we feel the influence of color on our state of mind. There are times when we especially feel a preference for one color scheme or another. Why is this happening?

Energy plays a big role here. So, in the teachings of Feng Shui, each color is associated with a certain type energy.

Let me remind you that different colors cause different sensations. So, “warm” colors are considered red, yellow and orange, and “cold” colors are blue and purple.. Their impact on our mental sphere– undoubtedly. The energy of color affects our psychological state, in some cases it stimulates our activity, and in others it gives calm and relaxation.

Let's consider the primary colors and their impact on our psyche.


This color gives us joy, gives courage and self-confidence. Considering the positive vital energy Therefore, we should use red clothes if we feel a loss of strength, in cases where we have important negotiations ahead or carry out a responsible task.

Video: how color affects a person’s mood: red, yellow, green

There is some insidiousness hidden in the color red for men, since any woman uses red tones in makeup, knowing that this color excites nervous system and that representatives of the stronger sex react to it on an instinctive level.

Red color can be used when decorating work rooms, which will only contribute to increased efficiency.

But you should not use shades of red in rest rooms. Red color will only excite the nervous system and will not help relax the body.


An interesting color because orange is a mixture of yellow (the color of happiness) and red (the color of life).

He gives us cheerful, good mood, does sociable, helps with work and promotes think creatively and constructively, directs our thoughts to positive changes.

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Wearing orange clothes makes us more visible and attracts the attention of others. Therefore, it is great to have orange clothes in your wardrobe and wear them to parties and discos, or to work when it is not related to creative activity.

Bohemians love this color very much. But, if you appear in an orange outfit in the office, then they may not understand you (this is putting it mildly).

You shouldn’t decorate your apartment with orange: after all, the rest room needs calm shades, and in the office it will contribute to a frivolous mood.


According to Feng Shui, this is wisdom and dignity. The color yellow gives clarity of mind, gives rise to curiosity, a passion for understanding the world around us, practicality, intelligence and a charge of optimism.

Is this why spiritual teachers love to dress in this color so much? If you are planning to study cognitive activity, then yellow clothes will be quite appropriate and correct.


The color of inner harmony. It symbolizes love, harmony and rebirth. Supports soul and body. Helps to achieve an understanding of the spiritual world of other people
and mutual understanding with them. Sets you in a romantic mood.

When playing sports, meditating, chatting with friends, or going on a date, it is useful to wear green. In addition, people with low vision benefit from looking at the color green.

It’s very good to decorate a relaxation room at home.


Symbolizes knowledge, health and the ability to make correct and responsible decisions. Blue has a good effect on the nervous system, promotes the development of tact and loyalty to others, gives attention And ingenuity.

Blue clothes are useful for children, especially restless ones.

&Cold& blue also great for bedroom decoration.

This color symbolizes beauty, inspiration, creativity. This color gives goodness, the desire for justice and self-sacrifice, and gives rise to the desire for charitable ascetic activity.

Artists often wear clothes of this color.

You can decorate the hallway and corridor in the apartment with purple color.

But you should not use this color in residential areas, where it will have a depressing effect.


Indigo color is a cross between blue and violet.. Unusual, mysterious color. It is even credited with mystical properties. It is believed that this color makes a person wiser and braver, improves him physical condition . Sharpenes intuition and develops imagination.

He approaches people who strive for self-knowledge and the search for truth, who believe in mysticism.

Clothes of this color are suitable for yoga or meditation.

Black and white and gray

White color gives birth feeling of cold and lightness. In clothes it acts as a neutral color.

As interior white suitable for offices, although individual parts for home interiors can be used.

Gray makes a person depressed. At the same time, gray color creates the ideal mood for work - it’s not for nothing that offices are often decorated with this color.


This is a heavy color that has a depressing effect on a person. Still looks good in clothes. You can use this color for some interior items. But it is strictly not recommended to decorate rooms in black tones.

Scientists are still conducting research in the field of the influence of color on a person’s emotional range.

Research on the influence of color on a person's mood

Scientists from the University Hospital of South Manchester and the University of Manchester (UK) experimentally managed to confirm the influence of color shades on the emotions experienced by a person.

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As a result of research, all colors were divided into three groups: positive, negative and neutral.

The study involved 300 volunteers. According to study leader Peter Whorwell, surveys showed that each of the volunteers had their own “favorite” shades.

Depending on the commitment, a person experiences different emotions:

  • state of depression and anxiety causes grey, black or brown colors– negative emotions;
  • happy and healthy people gave preference yellow, red, orange or pink color– positive emotions;
  • at the same time, most participants named it as one of their favorite colors blue, so it was defined as a neutral color.

Conclusion: British scientists believe that the resulting &color test& can be used when diagnosing depression, for example, in children, since it is usually difficult for them to describe their condition in words.

Video: How color affects human health and mood

Let's think about it for a second: could a person live in black and white world? Hardly. Such a life would seem boring and tedious. Color plays important role in a person’s life, because every day the shades around us affect our emotions and actions. Do you want to know exactly how color influences on your health and mood? Read our article, we will tell you about this in detail!

How does color affect our daily lives?

Different colors have their own effect on a person. Taking into account the characteristics of each of them, we can use certain shades depending on the effect we want to achieve.


This is the brightest and most energetic color of all. color range. It is able to have a stimulating effect on the human adrenal glands and neurons.

Since red stimulates the nervous system, clothes of this color can be chosen for a walk or hike. gym. It will fill you with energy and vitality.

Be careful, because red in excess can cause disappointment and even anger.

On the other hand, the color red is considered a symbol of love and passion. Therefore this perfect choice For romantic date or an intimate meeting.

The results of studies have shown that a woman in a red dress or jacket becomes more attractive in the eyes of a man.

If red is not one of your favorite colors, you can use it for some small detail: choose lipstick red color or hair accessories.


We associate this color with sunlight and the warmth of its rays, and therefore yellow is considered excellent .

When we're surrounded yellow, our body produces a substance called serotonin hormone of happiness and joy.

Experts who have conducted research on this topic have come to the conclusion that the color yellow has a positive effect on the ability to concentrate and pay attention, and also awakens the human nervous system.

Therefore, this color is suitable for offices, as well as rooms for implementing creative ideas.

On the other hand, in a yellow room, babies cry more, and some adults cannot sleep and become impatient.

Finally, yellow color speeds up metabolism, and therefore products of this color should appear on our table more often.


According to experts, blue stimulates creativity in humans. This color is also known for its calming effect.

If a person is surrounded by blue objects for a long time, sadness and depression may appear.

Blue is considered synonymous with indifference, as well as formality and taking things seriously. Therefore, this color is often chosen for office interior design.

By the way, do you know why blue dumbbells and weights are so common in gyms? The point is that human brain perceives blue objects as lighter.

As for cooking, this color is rarely found here. This can be explained by the fact that the blue color of food is subconsciously associated with its toxicity. Blue also suppresses appetite (this interesting feature is worth keeping in mind for those who are on a diet).


Black is the most popular color in the fashion world because it is associated with elegance and style. Also, wearing black clothes makes your figure visually slimmer.

It is worth noting that this tone is quite aggressive; various sports teams often choose it to emphasize their strength (for example, the New Zealand rugby team has a black uniform).


This is the most neutral representative of the color scheme, a symbol of innocence and purity. It is the color that brides choose for wedding dress, the same can be said about the clothing of newborns, the uniform of doctors and the design of hospitals and medical centers.

White symbolizes purity and wisdom. White furnishings are calming and white rooms appear brighter.


This color is a symbol of nature. Nowadays, many people choose it to decorate the interiors of apartments and houses.

The fact is that green color has a positive effect on the human nervous system: it relaxes our eyes, reduces stress levels and increases attention and concentration. This is why many school boards are produced green.

This color is associated with fertility. Don't underestimate and healing effect.

In stores whose interiors are decorated in green colors, customers spend more time and spend more money.


It is the most romantic of all flowers and is associated with femininity. It is also the color of calm. Many parents choose pink to dress and decorate their daughters' rooms.

It calms irritation and anxiety. Some prisons paint the walls of common areas pink to create a calming environment for inmates.

Even if we feel an impulse of irritation or aggression, it is unlikely that we will get angry in a pink room, since the human heart muscles react more slowly in such an environment.


This color is a symbol of wisdom, luxury and splendor. Clothing in purple tones is perceived as a sign of wealth.

This color creates a favorable environment for deep reflection and spiritual development. Purple color affects sex life, stimulating and improving it, and therefore it is recommended to choose it for decorating a marital bedroom.


The impact of this bright color in humans it is similar to the effects of yellow. Orange improves our mood and fills us.

If you want to feel more active, feel free to choose this color! The combination of orange and red will make you feel energetic throughout the day.

Orange stimulates intellectual activity, so it's ideal option, if you need to study or do work that involves high mental stress. Orange color also increases appetite.

Experts from the University of New South Wales discovered that Bad mood improves memory processes. Understanding your mood is important not only for successful planning of activities, but also for effective communication with people.

Choose the one you like best from the suggested colors. Decide quickly! The first answer that comes to mind will be correct.

"Joyful" colorsRed, orange, yellow - all shades of fire cause positive emotions.

Red color symbolizes fire, life, energy, will, struggle, passion.

If you choose red, you are full vitality and energy, decisive, self-confident. With your energy you inspire everyone around you to work overtime, and after work to go to the club. But this color is aggressive, dominant. That is why the person who chooses it risks finding himself in constant emotional stress. In addition, he puts a lot of pressure on close people with his pressure. If you feel constantly excited, as if you drank a lot of coffee, we advise you to relax. This can be done by simply switching to another activity. Leave thoughts about the unfinished project in the office, and at home - watch a movie, think about the design of new curtains for the living room. If you can’t calm down, you just need to get rid of the accumulated energy and go in for sports. Swim in the pool, go for a run. Most likely, immediately after this you will be slightly exhausted, but you will fall asleep very quickly, and your body will get a well-deserved rest.

Orange color improves mood and self-esteem. Symbolizes movement, joy, sensuality, cheerfulness, sociability.

Orange is chosen by those who are in a cheerful, joyful mood. This state is the most suitable for organizing a party, meeting with friends or a conference with partners. You will certainly be the life of the party, because you attract others with your “orange” mood. But if you only choose this color all the time, perhaps you lack seriousness and focus. In this case, the cheerful feeling becomes a little artificial. Do you remember people who can't stop laughing when they're stressed, and the laughter seems nervous? This is how you look now. Maybe that's how it works defense mechanism, who tries to protect you from some worries. We advise you to sit down and calmly think about what is bothering you so much. Maybe a quarrel with parents or a boyfriend who went on a long business trip. In such a situation, you should not hide from the problem, but try to solve it. Divide all the accumulated issues by degree of importance and pay attention only to the most important ones.

The color yellow is associated with intelligence, can have a positive effect on cognitive activity (it is known to improve memory), helps make decisions, and generate new ideas. Yellow is considered the “happiest” color, representing warmth and joy.

If you chose yellow, you are open to learning new knowledge, sociable, calm, rational and inquisitive. In this mood you are good at making decisions complex tasks. However, the thirst for knowledge can lead to information overload and, consequently, overwork. In such a situation, it is very important to learn to perceive everything new in doses, thinking about each fact.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with thinking. For example, if you decide to start looking for a new job, this important task, of course, should be given special attention. However, sending your resume to 40 companies at once is clearly too much. Try to take a simpler and lighter approach to issues that do not require an immediate solution.

"Calm" shadesBlue, green and purple colors are associated with peace and serenity.

Green calms and relaxes, creates a feeling of security. It symbolizes life, faith, harmony, naturalness.

The choice of green indicates a contradiction between inner sensations and them external manifestations. From the outside you look calm and unperturbed. However, deep inside there is a rich life.

Most likely in at the moment a reassessment of values ​​occurs, you analyze the events that happened to you recently, and draw conclusions. The inability to express your thoughts and feelings can lead to emotional fatigue. The best thing to do is to let out the pent-up emotions. People around you probably don’t even know what’s going on in your soul. Maybe someone close to you offended you, but you didn’t let him understand it. And now you are even more upset that the person did not show participation and did not ask for forgiveness. Share your experiences with a close friend, try to find words and describe what is happening inside you.

Blue color - calms and promotes relaxation. Almost all shades of blue evoke positive emotions. symbolize purity and sincerity.

Unlike green, blue color symbolizes harmony, balance between internal experiences and their manifestation. If you choose blue, you are in a calm, peaceful mood. You are relaxed and self-absorbed, in harmony with the world. Perhaps you are even in love or have sympathy for someone. Your mood can be called happy and romantic.

As a rule, this state is very pleasant and comfortable. True, if you have big accomplishments coming up (an important event at work or the need to quickly pack your things for a trip), you will need to cheer up. For example, draw up a clear action plan and monitor their implementation.

The color purple promotes inspiration. Symbolizes wisdom, spirituality, artistry. Choice purple indicates a rather contradictory mood. You are sensitive and vulnerable, prone to dreams and fantasies. In addition, the “violet” mood contributes to a sharpening of intuition, therefore, even without being able to explain something logically, you can sensory level determine the right direction for your activities.

Violet mood promotes creativity. However, when you are carried away by creating a new project, you may forget about basic things: having lunch, calling your parents, going to an important meeting. We recommend hanging reminder stickers around your apartment. On the refrigerator - “Eat me”, on the phone - “Call Mom.” In such a situation, an alarm clock set for a certain time when you need to leave the house or go to bed will be very effective.

"Restless" shadesThese colors lack warmth, so they are perceived as distant, solemn, and anxious.

White contains all the colors of the spectrum and is considered neutral. It is associated with purity and innocence. Symbolizes peace, serenity, detachment, loneliness.

Choosing white indicates that you are tired of some events in your life. Perhaps she quarreled with a friend, got upset severe stress At work. Now you seem to be standing at a crossroads - you have every opportunity to continue the road, and are free to choose any direction. Perhaps you want to “turn the page” and start over from scratch. Give yourself the opportunity to think it over thoroughly and move on without stopping there. Don't be afraid to take on new things, try new opportunities. If you haven’t yet understood what exactly you want to achieve, “let go” of the situation, allow yourself to plunge into a state of doing nothing. It is quite possible that the answers will come on their own.

Gray color is considered impartial, solemn, alarming. He is often perceived as dull, inconspicuous and distant. symbolizes stability, boredom, melancholy.

If you chose gray, you are in an anxious and restless mood. I want to “hide” from everyone. Perhaps it’s just fatigue from past events (thesis defense, promotion at work and new responsibilities). Or maybe you are worried about an upcoming event - important negotiations with key clients, changes in personal life. You may worry whether everything will go well. To get rid of disturbing thoughts, understand the true reason that haunts you. Maybe you're afraid of mixing up research data during a presentation, or you're worried that you won't be able to clearly explain a complex topic to the thesis committee.

Do everything to protect yourself as much as possible: talk to your supervisor, repeat the text. In a word, turn to your loved ones for help, don’t fight your fears yourself. Otherwise, anxiety will interfere with living a peaceful life.

Black has ambivalent properties: on the one hand, it creates a feeling of security and stability, on the other, it interferes with decision-making. Symbolizes peace, sadness, depression, death.

Preference for the color black indicates a tense mood. You may be experiencing stress or depression, even loss. You feel unhappy and unlucky. You need solitude. Give yourself the opportunity to experience this state, allow yourself to relax and understand everything that is happening.

The best way is to be alone, to grieve the loss. If you have lost your job, allow yourself to come to terms with this thought. Now is the time to pamper yourself and do what you love. For example, forgetting about your diet, eat a piece of delicious cake or drink aromatic coffee.

A little later, you can turn to a loved one (mother, friend, friend) for support. But only to someone who is able to listen, support, and not say: “I told you so!” If all these methods do not help you cope with your depression, you may need to seek help from a psychologist.

Back in the days ancient civilizations people used color for healing. So, in Ancient Egypt there were special rooms in temples where sun rays refracted and gave different colors of the spectrum. The man was literally bathed in color. This method of treatment was called Ra-therapy. Nowadays, it has been replaced by chromotherapy. She studies the effect of color on human health.

So, red color stimulates nerve centers, left hemisphere, energizes the liver and muscles. However, long-term exposure may cause fatigue and increased heart rate. It is used in the treatment of anemia, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, diseases endocrine system, rheumatism, apathy, retinal pathology and strabismus.

Red color is contraindicated during fever, nervous excitement, hypertension, inflammatory processes, neuritis. It also has a bad effect on people with bright red hair.

Yellow and lemon colors activate motor centers, generate energy for muscles, stimulate and cleanse the liver, intestines, skin, and have a choleretic and laxative effect. These are the colors of joyful mood and sexuality. Used in treatment diabetes mellitus, digestive disorders, dysfunction of the gallbladder, liver, intestines. In ophthalmology - for strabismus, low vision, diseases of the retina and blood vessels of the eye.

Yellow colors should not be used elevated temperature body, neuralgia, overexcitation, inflammation and visual hallucinations. Photo:

Green color eliminates vascular spasms and reduces blood pressure, dilates capillaries, promotes a good mood. Therefore it is used when cardiovascular diseases, neuralgia, asthma, osteochondrosis, impotence, insomnia. Also for the treatment of glaucoma, myopia, diseases of the retina and optic nerve.

Blue color, on the contrary, promotes vasospasm and increases blood pressure. Possesses antimicrobial effect. It is used for disinfection of premises, for the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, gastrointestinal tract. Regarding the eyes, these are diseases of the cornea, initial cataracts, myopia.

With prolonged exposure, the color blue can cause fatigue and depression.

Violet color stimulates parathyroid gland, spleen function, increases muscle tone. Otherwise, this color works the same as blue.

In ophthalmology, a device is used that affects the eyes with a certain combination of colors. After color exposure, some eye diseases are completely cured, others significantly retreat. At the same time, as a rule, it improves general condition, headaches go away, appetite increases, sleep normalizes.

Color and mood

When buying clothes, arranging a home in a certain color scheme, why do we prefer some colors and “dislike” others? I just like it, depending on the mood.

Psychologists say that everything is not so simple. Mood and character do not always coincide. Just like the weather and climate. In areas with an even climate, rain, hail, and snow sometimes occur. It’s the same when choosing a color - you can prefer one color all your life, but at some point you will uncontrollably want to surround yourself with a completely opposite color.
Photo: Depositphotos

You always wear gray and blue clothes and suddenly bought a red blouse. After a while, you look at it and regret the money you spent. Don’t rush to get rid of it, because the desire to cheer up will return, and you will put on this blouse.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon this way. A person’s constant predilection for a certain color characterizes his character, and unexpected “bursts” characterize his mood at the moment. It turns out that you can use color to “interrupt” the mood.

We buy this or that thing, guided by our own taste and preferences. But, if in lately experienced physical and emotional overload, we will instinctively choose dark colors. If, on the contrary, the body is “on the rise” and you want achievements, we will choose bright colors.

Scientists identify the main colors that determine psychological attitude person: satisfaction, self-affirmation, activity, affection, expectation of something good. Let's consider the meaning of primary colors in order to assess the character of yourself and your loved ones.

Red symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, independence, mobility. The man in red is cheerful, sexy, energetic. There is sensuality in color itself. He fills life with passion and desires. If you are overwhelmed by everyday life or have routine work to do, use this color. If you are excited, nervously exhausted, red color will only make the situation worse.

Orange represents optimism, cordiality, impulsiveness and perseverance. People who prefer orange good friends, always ready to help.

Pink- the color of tenderness and femininity.
Photo: Depositphotos

Yellow- color sunlight and joyful hopes. It is chosen by cheerful, cheerful, purposeful, active and even expansive people. The man in yellow is friendly, confident, and knows how to make money. This color helps control your figure.

Green indicates flexibility of mind, prudence, and understanding of the situation. Symbolizes financial well-being and prosperity. Bright green makes you look younger. Dislike for green indicates dissatisfaction with your emotional state.

Blue- the color of the world, the color of truth. A person who prefers blue knows how to tell the hard truth softly and not offensively and will always be correctly understood. Love for blue speaks of a highly developed intellect. The character of this color is restrained and cold. If you tend to be overweight, you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Blue prefer passive sensitive people, loving order and cleanliness. Peace of mind is paramount to them; they are melancholic. Therefore, you should not get carried away with this color.
Photo: Depositphotos

Violet awakens sublime dreams and mystery. These are creative people who strive to charm everyone. If this does not happen, they become capricious and hot-tempered.

Brown the color of conservatism. Represents stability, restraint in everything, reliability and modesty. A person who loves this color is an excellent worker and partner who you can always rely on.

White- the color of purity, chastity, tranquility and peace of mind. With obvious passion, white color can cause a feeling of isolation and detachment.

Grey- business color. Its owner is strong in character, resilient and adamant. Prefers to control feelings, strives for stability. If overly enthusiastic, it can cause despondency and depression.

Black- the color of “femme fatales”. The Woman in Black is selfish and ruthless. But in the fashion world, the opinion has become established that black is the color of elegance, style, and good taste.

So, once again we are convinced that everything in life has a certain meaning and is not accidental. It would seem that the preference for a certain color scheme or demonstrative multicolor is purely on a subconscious level. But, with due attention, color not only decorates a person, but also brings additional colors to the understanding of his character and worldview.

How color affects a person.

It has long been no secret to almost anyone that success in life depends on correctly set goals. We set a goal, then think through the motivation to achieve this goal, and gradually move towards it. It looks quite simple, but still many people do not achieve success, although they know the scheme well. It is likely that the problem lies in the lack of impact on the visual centers. There are special color stimuli that directly affect energy. Exposure to these stimuli is called color therapy. Science appeared a long time ago, it gives positive result while pursuing a dream.

Treatment with color) Even in the times of ancient civilizations, people used color for treatment. So, in Ancient Egypt there were special rooms in temples where the sun's rays were refracted and gave different colors of the spectrum. The man was literally bathed in color. This method of treatment was called Ra-therapy. Nowadays, it has been replaced by chromotherapy. She studies the effect of color on human health

Red and orange Red symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, independence, mobility. The man in red is cheerful, sexy, energetic. There is sensuality in color itself. He fills life with passion and desires. If you are overwhelmed by everyday life or have routine work to do, use this color. If you are excited, nervously exhausted, red color will only make the situation worse. Orange represents optimism, cordiality, impulsiveness and perseverance. People who prefer orange are good friends, always ready to help.

The influence of color on a person

Pink and yellow Pink is the color of tenderness and femininity. Yellow is the color of sunshine and joyful hopes. It is chosen by cheerful, cheerful, purposeful, active and even expansive people. The man in yellow is friendly, confident, and knows how to make money. This color helps control your figure.

Tips for the influence of color on the physical and psycho-emotional state Colors have the same effect on every person. This fact has been proven by research. Therefore, you can use methods of how colors affect the psyche, in ordinary life. This practice helps when working, signing important business papers, concluding contracts. You can use the qualities of colors to make decisions and explore new areas.

Green and blue Blue is the color of peace, the color of truth. A person who prefers blue knows how to tell the hard truth softly and not offensively and will always be correctly understood. Love for blue speaks of a highly developed intellect. The character of this color is restrained and cold. Green indicates flexibility of mind, prudence, and understanding of the situation. Symbolizes financial well-being and prosperity. Bright green makes you look younger. Dislike for green indicates dissatisfaction with your emotional state.

Blue and purple Blue is preferred by passive, sensitive people who love order and cleanliness. Peace of mind is paramount to them; they are melancholic. Therefore, you should not get carried away with this color. Purple evokes lofty dreams and mystery. These are creative people who strive to charm everyone. If this does not happen, they become capricious and hot-tempered.


Brown and white Brown conservatism. Represents stability, restraint in everything, reliability and modesty. A person who loves this color is an excellent worker and partner who you can always rely on. White is the color of purity, chastity, tranquility and peace of mind. With obvious passion, white color can cause a feeling of isolation and detachment.

Gray and black Gray is a business color. Its owner is strong in character, resilient and adamant. Prefers to control feelings, strives for stability. If overly enthusiastic, it can cause despondency and depression. Black is the color of “femme fatales.” The Woman in Black is selfish and ruthless. But in the fashion world, the opinion has become established that black is the color of elegance, style, and good taste.

THE END!) Prepared by: Mikhailova Evgenia Teacher: Konovalova Elena Anatolyevna MKOU GSOSH 6a class 2014



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