What is bladder emptying and how can you make urination easier? Why does the bladder feel like it is not completely emptying?

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The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder is a common problem that is often faced by both men and women. This phenomenon is not normal and is accompanied by significant discomfort due to the constant urge to empty the bladder of fluid.

Typically in women urinary retention inside the bladder indicates the presence of serious genitourinary diseases that require immediate treatment.

The urge to urinate is completely controlled by the body's reflexes. In a normal state, the desire to visit the toilet occurs in an adult when at least 200–300 ml of fluid accumulates in the bladder. However, with inflammatory processes or diseases of the pelvic organs, this process can be significantly disrupted and the desire to urinate arises even with a minimal volume of liquid.

Symptoms and causes of incomplete bladder emptying

Pathology of the genitourinary system can be identified by characteristic symptoms:

  • After urinating, there is a feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied of urine.
  • Literally a few minutes after visiting the toilet, a man or woman again experiences the urge to urinate. Thus, the sick person cannot move far from the toilet, which greatly interferes with his usual daily activities.
  • Emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain, a burning sensation and discomfort. This is the result of stretching of the walls of the urine reservoir and its increase in size due to the accumulation of a large volume of fluid.

Incomplete emptying of the bladder is rarely an independent disease. In most cases, pathology is a secondary symptom indicating the development of another disease in the body. There are many diseases that can be accompanied by a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder:

  • In women, this pathology in most cases acts as one of the main symptoms of cystitis or urethritis, occurring in acute or chronic form.
  • Presence of stones in the kidneys or urinary tract.
  • Neoplasms in the pelvic area, which can be both malignant and benign.
  • often accompanied by a feeling of incomplete emptying.
  • If the feeling that the bladder does not empty completely bothers a man, this may indicate the development of prostatitis or prostate adenoma.
  • The inability to completely empty the urine reservoir in women can be a characteristic sign of genital herpes, severe postpartum complications, inflammation in the vagina and vulva, or infection directly in the urinary canal.
  • Atony, urinary incontinence, or hypoatonia, that is, decreased activity of the muscular walls of the urinary organ.

Incomplete emptying of the urine reservoir can be a sign not only of pathologies of the pelvic organs, but also of general diseases. For example, many diseases of the spinal cord are accompanied by the inability to fully empty the bladder. Such diseases include various mechanical injuries of the spine, radiculitis, and multiple sclerosis.

In some cases, the causes of this pathology include increased brain impulses. What does this mean? During urination, the bladder is completely emptied, but impulses are sent to the brain that it is full. Naturally, there is an erroneous urge to urinate. Most often, excessive impulses occur against the background of pyelonephritis, appendicitis, andexitis, and salpingoophoritis. In addition, incomplete excretion of urine may have psychological causes - prolonged stress, nervous shock, or a previous state of shock.

Incomplete bladder emptying should not be treated carelessly, as this pathology not only significantly reduces the quality of life, but can also have dangerous consequences. In residual urine, pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply, provoking the development of inflammatory processes and serious diseases of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of pathology

Incomplete emptying of the urinary organ can take two forms - complete and partial. The full form of the pathology is characterized by the inability of women or men to free the urinary organ from fluid: there is a urge, but the fluid is not released, the patient feels cramps and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Partial emptying is a slight drainage of urine. Fluid is released from the urinary tract, but a short time after urination, the person is forced to go to the toilet again.

To eliminate and restore its normal functioning, it is necessary to establish the root cause of the pathology. You cannot do without consulting an experienced specialist. The urologist will examine the patient and prescribe special laboratory tests. Only on the basis of a complete clinical picture can treatment begin.

All therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating not the pathology as such, but the cause that led to its occurrence. Accordingly, if the inability to completely empty the bladder occurs due to infectious diseases, the man or woman is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs, antibiotics; in the presence of stones in the urinary tract, medications whose action is aimed at removing stones.

If the causes of the disease are psychological in nature, the patient is prescribed sedatives and other medications aimed at normalizing his psychological state. If a woman has a feeling that urine is not completely coming out of the bladder due to a certain gynecological disease, then the main efforts of doctors should be aimed at eliminating the root cause. In some cases, it is recommended to use hormonal drugs that normalize the condition of the female genital organs.

In severe cases, when conservative treatment methods have not brought the expected results, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention. Most often, the prerequisite for surgical treatment is stones in the organs of the genitourinary system that are too large, as well as malignant or benign neoplasms in the pelvic area.

The patient can significantly alleviate his condition on his own by following a few simple rules:

  1. When urinating, you need to relax as much as possible and not strain the muscles of the bladder and abdominal cavity. A tense bladder may not be able to completely rid itself of fluid.
  2. If you apply light pressure with your palm to the bladder area while urinating, this stimulates its contraction, facilitating more complete emptying.
  3. The sounds of flowing water stimulate the excretion of urine. This means that while urinating, you need to turn on the water from the tap. This will free up the bladder much more completely.
  4. In some cases, the urge to urinate becomes so strong that the patient simply does not have time to run to the toilet. Don’t be embarrassed to tell your doctor about this - this will help the doctor more accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

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Why does the bladder not completely empty in women?

Problems with incomplete urine output from the body

Diseases of the genitourinary system occupy one of the first places in terms of frequency of occurrence among pathologies of the whole body. Both men and women are equally susceptible to them. Only the weaker sex more often suffers from diseases of some organs, and the male part of the population suffers from damage to others.

One of the first symptoms of the development of pathology and a bell that should be a signal to contact your doctor is the feeling that urine is not completely coming out of the bladder.

Physiology of urination

Urine consists of water and various elements that occur in the body due to metabolic processes. The kidneys filter harmful substances and excess fluid from the blood, passing it through a system of special tubules, and then direct the finished urine into the bladder through two long tubes - the ureters.

The ureters empty into the bladder cavity. There are no sphincters on them, so they are always open, and urine continuously flows into the bladder. When a sufficient amount of liquid is collected in it (usually 200–300 ml is enough), the folds on the walls stretch and stimulate specific receptors.

They, in turn, send a signal to the spinal cord that the organ is full. Neurons in the spinal cord process the information received and send a response, instructing the muscles and internal sphincter to relax.

Location of the genitourinary system organs

Thus, urine begins to flow into the urethra, and the person feels the need to visit the toilet. If there is no opportunity to immediately empty the bladder, then a person can hold urine in the urethra for a while by squeezing the muscles and closing the external sphincter.

In diseases of the genitourinary system, and in some cases with the involvement of other organs, disturbances may occur at all stages of secretion and excretion of urine. For example, with pathologies of innervation, signals provoking relaxation of the bladder muscles may arrive when the organ is not yet completely filled. And with prostatitis or prostate adenoma, men experience difficulties in the process of urination itself, as well as a frequent urge to do so.

Causes of the unpleasant symptom

There are many reasons why urine does not completely exit the bladder; only an experienced specialist can make a differential diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. This is due to the fact that the pathological process does not necessarily have to be concentrated in the bladder itself to cause unpleasant symptoms.

In most cases, the feeling that not all urine has left the body occurs in the following conditions:

Why doesn't my bladder empty completely?

  1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) or prostatitis occurs only in the male population. Other symptoms may include decreased urine pressure and painful bowel movements. In addition, it is difficult for such patients to start releasing urine.
  2. Cystitis is the presence of an inflammatory process in the walls of the bladder. It can develop in both men and the fair sex. But women are more susceptible to this disease. This is due to the fact that the urethra of girls is several times shorter than that of men, so it is easier for pathogenic microflora to penetrate inside the body.
  3. Calculous formations, in other words, stones in the bladder. The pathology is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, blood in the urine, and when a stone blocks the excretory canal, ischuria occurs - acute urinary retention.
  4. Urethritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra. It manifests itself as cutting pain in the area of ​​the urethra and unpleasant discharge from it.
  5. Overactive bladder syndrome is a condition in which receptors located in the folds react and send a signal to the spinal cord even when the walls are slightly stretched by fluid.
  6. Benign or oncological processes in the bladder, accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms that irritate the walls of the organ or take up a lot of space.

Yes, the feeling that urine is coming out is not completely false. That is, the bladder itself is empty, but it seems to the patient that some of the urine still remains in the body.

Back injuries can lead to disturbances in the innervation of the bladder

This condition is associated with pathologies of the nervous system and diseases of the spinal cord:

  • radiculitis;
  • exacerbation phase of multiple sclerosis or its advanced forms;
  • hernias that occur in parts of the spinal cord that are responsible for innervation in the pelvic organs;
  • back injuries.

Also quite often, disturbances in the control of an organ by the nervous system can lead to diabetes.

The following pathologies may also be the reason that the urine is not completely out and some of it remains in the bladder:

  • strictures of the channels through which urine exits (narrowing or fusion of the walls);
  • hypotension or complete lack of organ tone;
  • a tumor that compresses the bladder.

It is not uncommon for diseases of the organs located in the pelvis to cause excessive irritation and a feeling of emptiness:

  • women may have salpingoophoritis, that is, inflammation of the uterine appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • pelvioperitonitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the small and/or large intestine.

If the bladder is difficult to empty, it can cause the bladder walls to become overstretched. In such cases, patients begin to complain of aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, a constant feeling of heaviness and fullness above the pubis. In addition, if the organ is stretched and greatly enlarged in size, it can be felt during palpation of the abdomen.

Stagnant urine is an excellent environment in which various pathogenic microorganisms almost immediately establish themselves and begin to actively multiply. Therefore, patients with a similar problem often experience urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Since such a sign can indicate many diseases, you should not self-medicate. When there is a feeling of incomplete release of the bladder, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Because only an experienced specialist can figure it out, find the true cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Inflammation of the genitourinary organs

Most often, such pathologies occur in women. They are characterized by cutting pain, a burning sensation and intense pain when trying to urinate. In the case of pyelonephritis, the pain may be localized in the lower back. The urine becomes whitish, cloudy and floccile.

Prostate diseases

It can only cause this in men, since women simply do not have the problem organ. Typically, in the male population, the prostate grows throughout life, and by the age of 55–60 it grows so large that it begins to compress the channel through which urine comes out. Patients also complain of pain, but often a problem such as impotence is added.

With age, the prostate can grow and block the urethra.

If prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma) develops, the patient rapidly begins to lose weight, and the body temperature constantly remains between 37–37.5 degrees.

If there are calculous formations in any part of the genitourinary system, patients will definitely have a history of renal colic. Patients will also complain of severe back pain, and their urine will be cloudy, sometimes mixed with blood. In some cases, you will notice sand in it - salt crystals.

Neurogenic bladder

Patients cannot move away from the toilet; the need to urinate is felt almost all the time. The disease develops little by little, at first its manifestations are minor, but intensify every day.

What to do when you feel like there is fluid left in the bladder after urination? You need to contact your attending physician, who will conduct an examination and refer you to a more specialized specialist - a urologist, andrologist, etc.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a number of additional studies:

  • General analysis of capillary blood (blood from a finger);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • bacteriological examination of urine (inoculation on a life-giving medium in order to grow microorganisms that may be in the urine);
  • ultrasound examination of organs located in the pelvis, as well as the kidneys;
  • contrast retrograde or intravenous urography;
  • cystoscopy.

In severe cases, when it is difficult to make a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe more serious and expensive methods - magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide studies, etc.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom

To minimize discomfort during and after urination, you can use the following techniques:

  1. You need to take a comfortable position on the toilet and try to completely relax, especially for the pelvic floor muscles. Sit in this state for about 5 minutes. This exercise will help you remove as much urine as possible.
  2. To force the bladder to contract better and remove urine more actively, you need to press slightly above the pubis with your hand while urinating.
  3. You can open the water tap. The murmuring sound reflexively relaxes the muscles and stimulates emptying.
  4. You can also urinate in a bucket of hot water that produces steam. But you need to be careful not to burn the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

In addition, doctors recommend drinking diuretics, and traditional medicine uses various herbs that promote urine excretion. You can make various tinctures, decoctions, etc. from medicinal plants. But such treatment usually lasts a long time, and it is advisable to combine it with traditional methods.


Causes of incomplete emptying of the bladder

Urinary problems can affect people of any gender and age. Moreover, in men they can result from some diseases, and in women from others. One of the most common disorders in the functioning of the bladder is its incomplete emptying.

The feeling that the bladder remains full after emptying occurs, as a rule, due to retention of residual urine in it. The reasons may be:

  1. The emergence of obstacles to the removal of the entire volume of produced urine. An example of situations where urinary stagnation occurs is a blockage of the urethra with a stone or a decrease in its width due to the growth of the prostate.
  2. A condition of the bladder itself when its muscles or surrounding muscles are weakened.

The formation of stagnant urine can be a consequence of many specific diseases:

  • cystitis in any form;
  • urethritis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • bladder stones;
  • prostatitis;
  • polyps on the walls of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • and others.

The fact that after urination some of the urine remains in the bladder may be due to diseases of both the pelvic organs and other parts of the human body, for example:

  1. appendicitis;
  2. pyelonephritis;
  3. andexite;
  4. diabetes;
  5. spinal cord injuries and diseases;
  6. and others.

Associated symptoms

The feeling that fluid remains in the body after urination is just one of the symptoms of diseases of the bladder and other pelvic organs. Other frequently occurring accompanying sensations are also considered:

  • problems with potency;
  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;
  • decreased pressure or interruption of the urinary stream;
  • spontaneous decrease in weight indicators;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • urine with blood.

Urolithiasis almost always causes discomfort during urination, regardless of the gender of the patient. But frequent urges to go to the toilet more than ten times a day can indicate such a deviation in the functioning of the bladder as its hyperactivity.

It is very difficult to make such a diagnosis, and therefore it is arrived at by excluding other diseases. In addition to the frequency of urges, this disease is characterized by an increase in the force of urine pressure.

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Features of disease diagnosis

To determine the nature of the disease, one of the symptoms of which is the feeling of an incompletely empty bladder after visiting the toilet, you need to contact a specialist in the field of urology and undergo a full diagnosis. It is important to take into account that the structure of the female and male genitourinary systems differs significantly from each other, and therefore the methods for determining the disease in people of each sex may be different.

Most often, a course of tests that allows you to identify the cause of the formation of urine residues includes a number of laboratory tests:

  1. general analysis of urine and blood;
  2. urine culture to determine microflora disorders in the bladder;
  3. Ultrasound of all organs located in the pelvis: male prostate or female ovaries and bladder;
  4. Ultrasound of the kidneys to exclude pyelonephritis;
  5. cystoscopy, which is a procedure for examining the bladder with a cystoscope using local anesthesia;
  6. X-ray of the bladder with the introduction of a contrast agent into it to identify tumors and other formations;
  7. magnetic resonance imaging if particularly necessary.

Sometimes studies of the genitourinary and other pelvic organs have to be combined with the diagnosis of abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.

There are cases where the feeling of a full bladder after urination is an indicator of heart disease.

Only after receiving all the results of diagnostic procedures can a specialist determine the actual diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Relief of painful condition

To relieve the pain associated with the formation of urine residue in the bladder after urination, you can use several methods:

  1. During the process of urination, it is necessary to relax the pelvic muscles, so it is better to visit the toilet in places where a person is not exposed to psychological discomfort.
  2. Take your time to empty your bladder so that unfinished urination does not develop into a habit.
  3. You should not leave the toilet room immediately after the main exit of urine, remaining in a half-sitting position, you need to move your body back and forth several times. After such movements, the remaining urine should come out.
  4. Accompany your trip to the toilet with the sounds of running water. They subconsciously stimulate the bladder to empty. It is important only to use this method in extreme cases, so as not to cause the urinary organs to become unstable.
  5. During emptying, you can gently press on the bladder muscle, which will help reduce its volume and remove more fluid.
  6. As a last resort, doctors use a catheter inserted into the urethra. It promotes complete excretion of urine and thereby eliminates pain.

The formation of urine residue after visiting the toilet can be caused by various diseases. If the peculiarities of their course are not determined in time and the necessary treatment is not received, the consequences can be unpredictable and sometimes irreversible. Therefore, if you experience a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, it is very important to contact a medical facility and undergo the entire course of diagnostic tests.


The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder in adults and children: what to do about it?

Discomfort, constraint, disruption of the usual routine - this is what is accompanied by incomplete emptying of the bladder. This problem happens to both children and adults; it affects both women and men.

There are many factors that can affect genitourinary dysfunction. Most often this is due to an inflammatory process that disrupts healthy urinary mechanisms.

Causes of the phenomenon

We can talk about pathology if after going to the toilet there is a feeling that the process has not been completed completely. After a couple of minutes, the person goes to the toilet again, but the feeling of completion of the act of urination still does not come.

This seriously interferes with work and doing normal activities; a person is literally tied to going to the toilet.

Read about urethritis in men in our article.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet can be explained by urolithiasis and tumors of various types in the bladder.

If the innervation of the pelvic organs is impaired, problems may also arise with urination itself, because reflexes control this process. But acute or chronic cystitis affects men much less often than women.

If this is acute cystitis, it needs to be properly treated so that the situation does not progress to the stage of a chronic disease.

Other causes of problems with emptying the bladder of urine include:

  • Narrowing/fusion of urethral cells;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Neurogenic bladder;
  • Inadequate supply of tissues with nerve cells.

Gynecological diseases are also an inflammatory process that can also affect the bladder. It causes a reflex contraction, which is expressed by the feeling that you constantly want to go to the toilet.

This is not a separate disease - incomplete emptying is considered only a symptom, a sign of some pathology.

Also, similar sensations occur in pregnant women, especially those who are in the last weeks of bearing a baby.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic organs, including the bladder. It is unnaturally compressed, which can send signals to the brain about the desire to urinate. The problem goes away on its own after childbirth.

This disease can be explained by a violation of the nervous regulation of urination, therefore the cause of a neurogenic bladder can be congenital malformations of the central nervous system, neuritis, underdeveloped sacrum and coccyx.

But sometimes such a problem indicates kidney pathology, cystitis, or viral infections. Psychological dysfunctions, which also often lead to urination problems, cannot be ruled out.

Associated pathologies following symptoms:

  • The pain occurs constantly, it intensifies when palpating the abdomen, lifting weights, or physical exertion;
  • Acute pain in the lumbar area is characteristic of urolithiasis;
  • Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • Change in urine color;
  • Blood in urine.

These manifestations are dangerous because a person does not immediately react to them. This situation can be fraught with stagnation of urine. Due to stagnation, the patient suffers from a constant pressing sensation, a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Bacteria and other pathogenic organisms also begin to develop in stagnant urine. They can affect the bladder and even the urethra.

And if the inflammatory process is not stopped, the infection will reach the kidneys and cause pyelonephritis.

Therefore, it is very important to quickly seek help from doctors at the first symptoms of the disease.

Not only current symptoms are taken into account, but also those diseases that the person previously suffered from. The age, gender of the patient, chronic diseases, etc. are taken into account.

The doctor may prescribe:

  1. Several detailed tests (urine and blood);
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  3. Consultation with a nephrologist, gynecologist, neurologist, etc.

The sooner you complete all diagnostic procedures, the sooner you can begin treatment.

In the partial form of the disease, urine is drained slightly. It seems that the liquid comes out, but pretty soon the person wants to go to the toilet again.

Treatment can begin only after establishing the cause of the pathology. After the results of laboratory tests, therapy can be prescribed.

What treatment might be:

  • If the cause is a bacterial infection, then a course of antibiotics will be prescribed, which is taken strictly according to the regimen;
  • If stones are found in the urinary tract, medications will be prescribed, the action of the drugs is aimed specifically at removing these stones;
  • If there is a psychological factor in the disease, the person will be prescribed sedatives, they will calm the patient;
  • For gynecological underlying causes, treatment will be aimed at resolving the gynecological disease;
  • In case of disorders of the nervous system, treatment will be prescribed by a neurologist.

Particularly severe cases that do not respond to conservative medicine require surgical intervention. This usually happens when too large stones are found in the organs of the genitourinary system. Tumors and neoplasms can also cause the need for surgery.

The patient himself can help himself alleviate the condition and relieve some unpleasant symptoms. During the act of urination there should be no tension, you need to relax as much as possible.

If you gently press your palm on the bladder area at the very moment of urination, this will stimulate its contraction. While you are on the toilet, you can turn on the water - the sound of flowing water helps urination.

Symptoms should not be treated with folk remedies; this is not yet a disease, but only its signs. Be sure to find out what caused the urination problem, undergo all examinations and begin treatment according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Learn about the causes and methods of treating urinary retention from the video:


Why the bladder does not empty completely - Everything you wanted to ask

Urological problems, especially urinary disorders, often cause embarrassment and shame in patients. Therefore, many patients are willing to endure difficulties and pain for years, embarrassed to see a doctor.

  • cystitis (acute or chronic);
  • urethritis;
  • in men, an inflammatory process affecting the prostate, or an adenoma;
  • solid neoplasms (calculi);
  • tumor growths in the bladder cavity (for example, cancer, leukoplakia);
  • overactive or even neurogenic bladder;
  • impaired innervation of organs located in the pelvic area;
  • urethral strictures (a pathological condition in which the walls narrow or grow together);
  • inflammation affecting other organs located in the pelvis (the bladder in this case is irritated reflexively).

All these factors can become prerequisites for the development of sensations reminiscent of incomplete emptying of the bladder, both in women and men. In order to better understand the essence of this problem (the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder), it is necessary to understand in more detail the pathogenesis of the phenomenon.

Symptoms and causes

Some illnesses can cause the feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied due to residual urine fluid in the cavity of this organ. Especially often, such a deviation in the functioning of the urinary system is caused by obstacles that disrupt the normal outflow of urinary fluid. These can be urethral strictures, hard tumors, and also prostatitis in men.

Auxiliary products - catheters and hygiene bags.

Even if you do not feel pain, you should definitely do a urine test. A sign of infection is cloudy, foul-smelling, frequently dripping urine, sometimes with blood; fever, increased cramping and extreme fatigue. Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract may occur

due to residual urine in the bladder after catheterization or due to stones.

In the case when the bladder does not fully perform its functions, that is, does not empty, overstretching of its walls occurs. This is a very common problem, accompanied by pain and a feeling of fullness. Even the patient himself can easily feel that the bladder is enlarged.

Incomplete emptying of the bladder is fraught with the proliferation of various types of bacteria, as they are formed in residual urine. This contributes to the development of various inflammations, for example, cystitis or pyelonephritis. Don't delay visiting a doctor. Only a doctor is able to correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment. And this will help get rid of the disease and its possible consequences, which can be much worse than the disease itself.

How is the disease diagnosed?

There is such a thing as stress urinary incontinence, or stress incontinence. This is the loss of urine during any physical stress: laughing, coughing, sneezing, fast sudden movements, lifting weights. It is clear that such a phenomenon causes serious social, psychological and purely hygienic problems for women. But there is also urinary incontinence caused by various temporary circumstances - for example, an infection that led to inflammation of the bladder, constipation, and certain medications. It can also be triggered by people who abuse caffeine, alcohol, artificial food additives, and carbonated drinks. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the unfavorable circumstances, and the problem disappears.

However, even in the case of stress urinary incontinence (as long as the problem is not so advanced that it needs to be eliminated through surgery), a person can be helped. It is clear that muscles and ligaments overstretched during pregnancy and childbirth, tears during childbirth, etc. worsen the situation - there is no escape from this. But a woman should always, and especially after pregnancy and childbirth, take care of herself. These are, first of all, physical exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help keep the organs in the position they should be in to avoid incontinence, urine leakage, and exacerbations of cystitis. When the normal anatomy of the urinary system - the bladder and urethra - is maintained, then there will be no problems.

For several years now I have not been able to leave home for a long time or be in some place where there is no toilet. It seems that I drink very little, but the frequent urge to urinate does not allow me to live. What to do about it?

In men with prostatitis or prostate adenoma, the gland increases in size, squeezing the urethra. This leads to disruption of the outflow of urine and its retention. The patient may complain of pain in the lower abdomen, a weak and intermittent stream of urine during urination, and dripping of urine. Often these symptoms are accompanied by impotence. With adenocarcinoma of the prostate (malignant tumor), the patient loses body weight, and there is a prolonged low-grade fever (slight increase in temperature). The same symptoms are characteristic of bladder tumors, but in these cases blood is often released in the urine.

Diseases of the female genital area

Women may feel insufficient emptying of the bladder with adnexitis. With this disease, the body temperature may rise, nagging pain appears in the left or right groin area, less often on both sides. Sometimes there is pathological discharge from the genital tract.

If you notice that the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder has become more and more frequent, you should consult a doctor, and the sooner the better, since this symptom can signal quite serious problems.


You should not think that the problem will resolve itself - you must consult a doctor. But in order to alleviate your condition at least a little, you can take an antispasmodic and lie down with a heating pad on your lower abdomen, and if time permits, take a warm bath.

The above tips are only relevant when there is at least some fluid discharge. If this is completely impossible and we are talking about complete urinary retention during pregnancy, treatment (insertion of a catheter to empty the bladder) should be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. If necessary, the device remains in the bladder for several days until normal functioning of the latter is restored.

To confirm or refute his assumptions, the doctor prescribes:

  • bacteriological examination of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs;
  • radiography, including contrast urography;
  • cystoscopy.

Ultrasound is a highly informative method for diagnosing most diseases of the genitourinary system.

Urinary incontinence. Loss of bladder control is manifested by uncontrollable leakage of urine. There are several causes and types of urinary incontinence, which determine the treatment method. Treatment for urinary incontinence ranges from simple exercises to surgery. Women suffer from urinary incontinence more often than men.

Urinary retention or difficulty emptying the bladder is a common urological problem that can develop due to many reasons. Normally, when urinating, the bladder empties completely. When urinary retention occurs, urine accumulates in the bladder. Acute urinary retention is an acute condition in which the patient is unable to urinate and experiences pain and discomfort. Causes may include urinary obstruction, stress, or neurological problems. With chronic urinary retention, urine accumulates in the bladder because the bladder does not empty completely. Common causes of chronic urinary retention include detrusor muscle insufficiency, nerve damage, or urinary tract obstruction. Treatment for chronic urinary retention depends on its cause.

Who to contact for treatment of diseases of the urinary system?

Your local physician will prescribe treatment for certain diseases of the urinary system. For diseases of the urinary system that occur in children, you should consult a pediatrician. But some diseases of the urinary system may require the intervention of a urologist - a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the urinary system and reproductive system in men. A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the female reproductive system and can help treat some urological diseases in women. A urogynecologist is a gynecologist who specializes in treating diseases of the urinary system in women. A nephrologist is a doctor who treats kidney diseases.

This condition can be caused by muscle weakness, nerve damage, kidney stones, bladder infection, prostate enlargement, and other reasons. Urinary retention leads to a complete or partial inability to empty the bladder; it can be either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). In most cases, this condition can be treated with various methods at home, but sometimes urgent medical intervention is required.


Part 1

Making Urination Easier with Home Remedies

    Strengthen your pelvic muscles. One of the most famous and effective ways to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles is Kegel exercises. These simple exercises you can do at home strengthen the muscles that control the bladder, as well as the uterus, small intestine and rectum. To locate your pelvic floor muscles, stop urinating in the middle. In doing so, you will contract the very muscles that Kegel exercises strengthen. These exercises can be performed in any position, although they are easiest to do while lying down.

    Train your bladder. Such training is an important behavioral therapy to help relieve urinary retention or incontinence. The goal of this therapy is to increase the time interval between urination, increase the volume of fluid retained by the bladder, and reduce the frequency and intensity of the urge to urinate. To train your bladder, you need to create a bathroom schedule that you can stick to regardless of whether you feel the urge to pee at any given time. If you want to pee earlier than the scheduled time, try to suppress your desire by squeezing your pelvic muscles.

    Make sure you are comfortable in the restroom. Comfortable conditions in the toilet promote normal bladder emptying. If the air in the restroom is too cool and the floor is too cold, you won't be able to relax properly. The toilet seat should be comfortable for both sexes, as some men find it uncomfortable to urinate while standing (they experience back, neck or prostate pain). Privacy is also important for comfort, so try to avoid public restrooms and close the door when using the restroom at home.

    Press down on your lower abdomen. By applying pressure to the lower abdomen, where the bladder is located, you stimulate urination. Consider this technique to help you empty your bladder completely as a form of massage and physical therapy. Find information on the Internet about where exactly the bladder is located, and lightly press the abdomen in this place towards the back and down, as if “milking” your bladder while urinating. It is easier to do this while standing, rather than sitting on the toilet, leaning forward.

    • You can also lightly pat your abdomen with your palm to cause muscle contraction and make urination easier.
    • Women can insert a disinfected finger into the vagina and apply gentle pressure to the front wall of the vagina, which also stimulates the bladder and promotes emptying.
    • In men, too much stimulation of the lower abdomen can cause an erection that makes urination very difficult. While trying to completely empty your bladder, avoid erections.
    • By running warm water over your lower abdomen and genitals, you stimulate urination. Try peeing while taking a warm shower.
  1. Learn how to catheter yourself. If you have great difficulty urinating and significant pain in your bladder and kidneys, and previous methods have not worked, self-catheterization may help. This method involves inserting a catheter (a long, thin tube) into the urethra and leading it to the opening of the bladder, draining urine through the tube. Your family doctor or urologist can teach you this procedure, but it is not recommended for those with heart disease or those who are overly squeamish.

    • It is better to have a doctor perform the catheterization under local anesthesia, but if you are not embarrassed by this procedure, you can try it yourself using a lubricant.
    • Lubricant will partially replace local anesthesia, but some substances (for example, Vaseline) can cause irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the urethra, accompanied by pain.
    • Before inserting the catheter, it should be thoroughly sterilized to avoid introducing infection into the urethra.

    Part 2

    Health care
    1. Consult your doctor. If you have difficulty urinating for several days in a row, consult your doctor. The doctor will examine you and try to determine the cause. In addition to weak pelvic muscles, urinary retention can be caused by a blocked urethra, bladder or kidney stones, genitourinary tract infection, severe constipation, cystocele (in women), enlarged prostate (in men), spinal cord injury, and overuse of antihistamines. , residual effects of anesthesia after surgery.

      Consult your doctor about medications. Ask your doctor if your bladder problems and difficulty urinating can be treated with medication. Some drugs cause dilatation (relaxation and widening) of the smooth muscles of the urethra and opening of the bladder, although long-term use can lead to the opposite problem - loss of bladder control and urinary incontinence. If bladder and urinary problems in men are associated with an enlarged prostate, medications such as dutasteride (Avodart) and finasteride (Proscar) can help stop the growth of prostate cancer and even shrink it.

    2. Consider urethral dilatation and stenting. Urethral dilatation helps unblock the urethra, gradually widening it by inserting increasingly larger diameter tubes into it. A narrowed urethra can also be widened using a stent. The stent inserted into the canal expands like a spring and exerts pressure on the surrounding tissue, gradually expanding it. Stents can be either temporary or permanent. Both dilatation and stenting are outpatient procedures performed under local anesthesia and sometimes sedation.

      • The urethra is also dilated by inserting an air-filled ball attached to the end of the catheter.
      • These procedures are performed by a urologist.
      • Unlike conventional catheterization, which can be performed independently at home after appropriate training, dilatation and stenting should never be performed at home.
    3. Consider sacral neuromodulation. In sacral neuromodulation, the nerves that control the bladder and pelvic floor muscles are exposed to weak electrical impulses. This procedure improves communication between the brain, nerves and smooth muscles, normalizing bladder function and promoting complete and regular emptying. In this case, a special device is surgically implanted into the body, which, when turned on, begins to send electrical impulses. This device can be turned off at any time and, if necessary, removed from the body.

      • This method is also called sacral nerve stimulation, although the nerves in and around the sacrum can also be stimulated manually by massaging the area with a vibrating device. Try massage at home - it may improve your bladder function.
      • Sacral nerve stimulation does not help urinary retention or bladder problems if they are caused by an obstruction.
      • Keep in mind that sacral nerve stimulation does not help with all types of non-obstructive urinary retention. Before using this method, consult a urologist.
    4. As a last resort, consider surgery. If all of the above methods do not work, your doctor may recommend surgery if he thinks it will help relieve your condition. There are many different surgeries available, and the specific choice depends on what exactly is causing your problems. Just a few examples of surgeries that help overcome urinary retention include internal urethrotomy, cystocele and rectocele treatment for women, and prostate surgery for men.

      • Internal urethrotomy involves eliminating the stricture (narrowing) of the urethra by inserting a special catheter with a laser at the end.
      • Surgery to treat a cystocele or rectocele involves removing the cyst, closing the holes, and strengthening the vagina and surrounding tissue to return the bladder to its normal position.
      • To eliminate urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate adenoma, part or all of the prostate gland is surgically removed; Usually the transurethral method is used, in which a catheter is inserted into the urethra.
      • Other surgeries are performed to remove tumors and/or cancerous tissue in the bladder and urethra.

A hollow muscular organ located in the pelvis is called the bladder. Urine accumulates in it, and when the bladder fills, a person feels the urge to urinate, urine is excreted from time to time through the urethra. Each person's bladder can hold up to half a liter of urine, but its walls can stretch, and depending on individual anatomy, the bladder can hold up to a liter of urine. Incomplete emptying of the bladder - what does it lead to?

Emptying the bladder - how does it happen?

Urine, which is formed in the kidneys, flows from the renal calyces into the pelvis and then into the ureters. The walls of the ureter are characterized by peristaltic movement, thanks to which urine drops from the ureters into the bladder. It gradually accumulates and fills the bladder. In this case, the external and internal sphincters of the urinary canal are contracted, and urine does not leave the bladder.

Emptying the bladder occurs as a result of a reflex. When about 300 ml of urine accumulates in the bladder, it begins to put pressure on the walls of the bladder, the force of this pressure is about 15 centimeters of water. In this case, the person feels the urge to urinate, but it is worth noting that a healthy person can hold 300 ml of urine in the bladder for up to five hours.

On the walls of the bladder there are receptors that generate nerve impulses and direct them to the urination center, which is located in the sacral part of the spinal cord. The center issues “commands” that travel through the parasympathetic pelvic nerve fibers to the sphincters and walls of the bladder.

Thanks to these signals, the muscles of the walls of the bladder contract and the sphincters of the urethra open, this happens simultaneously, and as a result, urine is expelled.

The micturition centers are located in the frontal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres. During the process of upbringing, a person develops a conditioned reflex delay in the urge to urinate; it is absent in newborn children and appears only in the first year of life.

Nerve impulses can cause urine production to increase or decrease.

Incomplete emptying of the bladder - what does it lead to?

It is the first sign of chronic urinary retention. At the same time, other signs also appear, for example, the act of urination does not end with contraction of the bladder and urethra, due to which the remaining urine is thrown out of the bladder. The amount of residual urine can reach half a liter. In this case, patients themselves can palpate the distension of the bladder. And a doctor, using the percussion method, can diagnose spherical dullness of the bladder, which does not disappear after urination.

Residual urine in the bladder, its presence and quantity, is determined by catheterization after urination, isotope method or ultrasound. If the amount of urine that remains in the bladder after urination exceeds 150 ml, this is a reason to seriously think about the problem and begin treatment.

The main sign of progressive and chronic urinary retention is a dullness of the urge to urinate, which develops gradually as bladder atony develops. With complete delay, in the stage of paradoxical incontinence, this sign disappears. The patient does not feel any pain and does not react to urinary retention, so the disease enters the second stage. Secondary atony of the bladder leads to degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of nerve receptors.

Consequences of incomplete bladder emptying

Incomplete emptying of the bladder, or chronic urinary retention, almost always leads to impaired renal function, which can be detected by isotope renography. Patients are required to undergo a kidney function test; blood biochemistry in this case may show azotemia and creatinemia.

The patient may experience symptoms such as lower back pain, fever, chills, toxic changes in the blood picture, for example, high leukocytosis. These signs may indicate urosepsis, which develops in the body and can be malignant.

After these symptoms appear, treatment should be started immediately, and this is no longer treating the causes of the disease, but, in the literal sense, saving the patient’s life. Urgent urine diversion is performed using trocar puncture or a suprapubic bladder fistula is applied.

One of the most common symptoms of pathologies of the urinary system is the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder cavity.

Modern medicine has effective methods of combating this disease and helping to eliminate it. The main task is to discover the root cause of the condition and begin treatment in a timely manner.

The process of urination

To complete the picture, let’s consider the process of urination itself. A urea can hold 300 ml of urine for 5 hours. Its walls are equipped with nerve endings that send signals to the central system responsible for the process of urine excretion. The control center is located in the sacral zone of the spinal cord.

This zone controls the functioning of the bladder through stimulation through the parasympathetic nerve channels. Under the influence of nerve impulses, the walls gradually tighten and the sphincter muscles relax, after which the process of urination begins.

Causes of the pathological condition

The reasons for the sensation of a full bladder in men and women are many and varied. However, medicine identifies a number of the main ones:

It should be noted that the feeling of fullness in the organ can be affected by drinks containing alcohol, problems with the intestinal tract and exposure to low temperature.

Associated symptoms of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder

Often the feeling of overcrowding in the urinary system is accompanied by a list of the following symptoms:

The clinical picture with characteristic symptoms does not clearly define the root cause of the pathology, which is why it is necessary to consult a doctor for additional examination and prescription of competent treatment.

Possible complications due to incomplete emptying

When the organ is not completely emptied, fluid stagnates inside it. Often, stagnant urine is a catalyst for the appearance of a feeling of pressure and bloating, it seems that the bladder is full. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms develop in the remaining urine, affecting the urethra and the organ itself, causing cystitis. If the inflammatory process reaches the kidneys, then pyelonephritis is likely to develop.

Characteristic signs for diagnosing the disease

Due to the fact that the feeling of fullness of the bladder can provoke many diseases, it would be advisable to undergo a diagnosis before prescribing a treatment regimen. When making a conclusion, the doctor must consider the following:

  • patient symptoms;
  • diseases of any etiology of the patient that were previously;
  • age category.

Inflammation of the urinary system

Females are more often susceptible to the development of inflammation in the genitourinary organs. The process is characterized by symptoms:

Prostate diseases

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma, or tumors of other organs of the urinary system are characterized by enlargement of the organ. The swelling puts pressure on the urethral canal and makes it much more difficult for fluid to come out. Therefore, there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied. The main signs indicating prostatitis:

For prostate adenoma, the following are added to the existing list:

  • weight loss;
  • long period of elevated body temperature.

If blood is detected in the urine, you should immediately visit your doctor, as this is a signal of the development of bladder cancer.

Gynecological diseases

Failures in emptying the bladder may indicate the presence of an inflammatory disease of the ovaries and fallopian tubes - adnexitis. Main features:

  • elevated temperature;
  • systematic pain (pulling) in the lower abdomen on one or both sides;
  • some discharge from .

Stone formation

The difficulty of completely emptying the organ of the urinary system can arise when the lumen of the urinary canals narrows. In most cases, stones are found in them. In this case, the person experiences the following:

  • sharp pain, acute attacks in the lumbar area;
  • burning sensation in the urinary tract.

The presence requires urgent measures, so at the first clinical manifestations you must consult a doctor.

Innervation disorders

Damage to the nerves responsible for the functioning of the bladder and the process of urination is another reason that causes the feeling of fullness in the organ. Such a failure may be accompanied by the presence of severe diabetes in a person.

When the innervation of other organs of the human genitourinary system is disrupted, they affect the functioning of urination. In turn, the organ cannot contract so much as to completely empty itself. As a result, urine remains in the cavity. Consequences of organ innervation:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • spinal cord damage;
  • development of a hernia compressing the spinal cord.

With this disease, the bladder also stretches without causing pain, since the process occurs gradually, and nerve impulses hardly penetrate the organ or are completely absent. However, with a distended organ cavity, the patient will experience a small amount of urine.

Diagnostic methods

The main goal of diagnostic measures is to find out whether the incomplete emptying of the bladder is real or false. After this, the patient is examined to find the root cause.

Diagnosis takes place in 2 stages: collecting anamnesis and prescribing a list of studies. Methods of examining the patient:

As an addition, the doctor may prescribe: analysis of prostate juice, spermogram.

Therapy for a constant feeling of fullness

Treatment incomplete emptying of the bladder begins with eliminating the root cause:

To improve the patient's condition, the following techniques can be used:

  1. When urinating, relax the abdominal muscles and the organ itself.
  2. Do not speed up the process of emptying the bladder cavity.
  3. To facilitate emptying, press slightly with your palm on the area above the pubis.
  4. Do not intentionally interrupt the process of urination, as this will lead to further disturbances.

If the methods described above are not effective, the medical professional performs catheterization, as in the case of acute urine retention. However, this method is strictly prohibited for prostatitis or urolithiasis.

A feeling of bladder fullness is a serious problem that requires immediate attention to a qualified doctor. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the correctness of the conclusion after a series of examinations. Delayed diagnosis of pathology and an incorrect therapeutic regimen can become a catalyst for the development of complications, which in the future will require more time and effort to heal. That is why self-medication is prohibited and it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo all necessary examinations.



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