What does the presence of fluid in the retrouterine space mean? Amniotic and retrouterine fluid during pregnancy

Sometimes a situation arises when, when carrying out ultrasound examination, the doctor finds no large number fluid in the retrouterine space. What this is fraught with and what problems it threatens, we will analyze in detail.

Presence of liquid under normal conditions

The retrouterine space itself is located behind the uterus and is limited by the peritoneum. Fluid accumulation is possible in the lower part of this cavity.

Sometimes minor fluid in the retrouterine space can be caused by natural causes and does not threaten serious problems.

Fluid in the retrouterine space during ovulation

Perhaps this is due to a rupture of the follicle. Let us recall how the ovulation process occurs:

  • Liquid bubbles called follicles develop in the ovary.
  • One vesicle is ahead of the others in growth and serves as a shell for the formation of the egg. The remaining bubbles gradually decrease in size and disappear.
  • The follicle reaches 20-25 mm in diameter, which indicates the full development of the cell.
  • The vesicle bursts, the cell leaves the membrane, moving towards the uterus.

This process is cyclical and occurs every month. It lasts after the end of menstruation until the middle of the cycle. The process of cell release is called ovulation. It is at the moment of rupture that a certain amount of liquid may enter the abdominal cavity. But there is very little of this fluid in the follicle and even its entry into the area behind the uterus will not cause alarm.

The doctor will determine such content to be normative and timely (in the middle of the cycle). After a couple of days, the liquid will resolve.

Other natural causes

Fluid in the retrouterine space may also appear during some natural processes, which should not cause fear:

  • Period. During bloody discharge blood may flow into this cavity. There's no need to worry. During menstruation, the endometrium, along with secretions, moves into the abdominal cavity.
  • Young girls or girls during early puberty may experience excess liquid in the cavity. The doctor will check and diagnose the norm.

When found similar problem on ultrasound, if this is not accompanied by signs of instability of the process (temperature, pain), the doctor determines 2-3 days for observation. If the fluid was absorbed during a repeat ultrasound, the process proceeded rhythmically. If it remains, additional tests and examinations are carried out to identify the problem. Often it can be caused by a disease, and a very serious one that requires immediate intervention.


It is better not to wait and at the first symptoms of one of the diseases listed below, visit the hospital and undergo examination and treatment if necessary.

Fluid in the retrouterine space during inflammation

In addition to natural causes, a small amount of fluid in the retrouterine space collects in some diseases caused by inflammatory processes. Inflammation of any organs of the genital and urinary system can cause accumulation:

  • uterus;
  • Fallopian tube;
  • ovaries;
  • bladder.

Features of treatment

At similar diseases The liquid cannot resolve on its own. The doctor will refer the patient for an ultrasound and will monitor the situation during the course of treatment.

It is necessary to reduce and observe the fluid in the retrouterine space in a small amount. Additional tests are performed to confirm inflammation. By exposing accurate diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe antibacterial drugs. Treatment features may vary depending on the complexity of the case:

  • When a disease is detected on initial stage The doctor prescribes several types of antibiotics. If taking medications does not have an effect, antibiotics are administered through a dropper or injection.
  • In advanced situations, when tissues contain purulent accumulations, surgery is scheduled. It is necessary to open the abscess in order to prevent the abdominal cavity from filling with pus, which will lead to sad consequences. If the abscess is on the ovary or uterus, it is sometimes possible to remove the affected organ if it cannot be preserved.
  • IN mandatory order tests for the partner. He can act as a carrier of infection. If it is not eliminated, it is possible recurrent disease a similar type in a woman.

What are the dangers of an ectopic pregnancy?

Another case when fluid forms in the retrouterine space is during an ectopic pregnancy. As we know, the egg in the genital tract meets male cells, with one of which contact occurs and, as a result, fertilization. Next ovum goes to the uterus. There it should attach to its wall. But there are situations when the egg is attached to the wall of the fallopian tube. Such improper implantation provokes a rupture of the tube wall, which causes fluid to flow behind the uterus.

This is diagnosed through tests, analyzes and ultrasound. But ectopic conception gives painful signs long before excess fluid accumulates. Therefore, it will not be possible to miss this moment and detect it only with an ultrasound.

Bloody fluid - causes and treatment

Fluid in the retrouterine space, the reasons for its appearance - all this can be diagnosed by a doctor. We are considering here general cases, one of them is hemorrhage into the ovary (apoplexy). This is possible under the following circumstances:

  • ovarian stroma;
  • a blood vessel ruptured;
  • follicle cyst;
  • ovarian cyst.

In this case, hemorrhage occurs directly in the ovary, and after the tissue of the latter is destroyed, it passes into the abdominal cavity. The fluid observed on ultrasound is bloody in nature. This is predominantly blood, often with clots. Such a violation can be detected by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdominal area, in the lumbar region;
  • discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina;
  • weakness, dizziness.

Any reason can cause fluid in the retrouterine space in the form of blood clots: trauma, rough sexual intercourse, severe physical exertion. Any such action causes violations in vascular system or ovarian tissue. If a girl has some abnormalities, in the form of dilated vessels, small cystic deformation of the ovary, hyperemia, or even inflammatory process, she is considered predisposed to apoplexy.

This is very serious illness, requiring urgent treatment and contacting a doctor. Treatment occurs in stages: stopping bleeding, restoration of tissue of the damaged ovary, stabilization of the body due to large blood loss.

Other types of diseases

If free fluid accumulates in the retrouterine space and rectal cavity, this may be caused by acute inflammation of the pelvic organs. The name of the disease is purulent salpingitis. On ultrasound it looks like an extension fallopian tubes(enlargement or lengthening) and the presence of fluid. This disease can be identified by the following signs:

When taking tests, the diagnosis will be confirmed by a large number of leukocytes, ESR and detection of pus during puncture of the posterior fornix. Treatment involves surgery. In this case, excess fluid is necessarily removed and the acute manifestation inflammation, suppression of the effects of microbes, the lesion is treated and metabolic disorders are corrected. The treatment takes a long time and includes a rehabilitation period under the supervision of a doctor to ensure that the normal rhythm work of all organs.

So, fluid in the retrouterine space after ovulation or during follicle rupture should not cause alarm. It is within normal limits and disappears quickly. But there are also many serious reasons, which are also accompanied by the collection of fluid into the cavity. Therefore, it is worth visiting a gynecologist regularly, even if there are no problems, so as not to miss a deviation in the usual operation of all systems. For pain and other unpleasant symptoms, there is no need to postpone contacting a gynecologist.

Hello, please tell me, I took 2 pregnancy tests, both showed 2 stripes, went for an ultrasound and this is what they gave me: the contours of the uterus are clear, even, Length 52mm PZR 43mm Width 44mm, Echostructure of the myometrium is homogeneous, M-Echo 14mm corresponds to phase 2 of the cycle The echostructure of the endometrium is heterogeneous; the contours of the cavity are fuzzy and uneven. At the time of examination, the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity is not reliably scanned. The cervix is ​​intact, the left ovary is pulled to the uterus size. 31*22*25 mm, normal echostructure with yellow telos 13mm right ovary pulled to the uterus size. 27*17*21mm echostructure normal follicle max 3mm up to 8 in PZ liquid in posterior fornix no, after that I took a digital test and it showed 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, is everything okay? I’m very worried about the ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy was wanted

Dear Elena Vyacheslavovna! At a gestational age of 2-3 weeks, the fertilized egg in the uterus may not yet be visualized. If you have a reasonable fear of an ectopic pregnancy ( outside intrauterine pregnancy history, presence adhesive process in the pelvis, etc.), I recommend that you consult a gynecologist. One way to keep the situation under control is to study the dynamics of hCG content in the blood serum. The ultrasound should be repeated only when recommended by your doctor.

Hello, this situation arose, I was admitted to the hospital on Monday, April 10, with a threat of miscarriage for 6 weeks, I took tests for hCG 347, at 6 o’clock in the morning on April 14, bleeding began, they put an IV in and gave me prajisan, and at 12 noon I went for an ultrasound, they said Pregnancy was not detected and the miscarriage was questioned, all medications were stopped, nothing came out of the genital tract, but it came out later blood clot 2 cm in size, the blood did not stop, but after a day everything stopped, there was no pain or anything, and then a nurse comes in and forbids taking painkillers, supposedly the miscarriage is not confirmed, there may be a Pregnancy, please tell me how this is possible, the Federal Property Management Agency no one did anything then did you do all these days to save the embryo?

Dear Anastasia Andreevna! Very difficult to comment clinical situation without knowing all its details. Did you have an ultrasound scan upon admission to the hospital? Was intrauterine pregnancy detected during the examination?

In the case you describe, apparently, the death of the embryo occurred and there was a spontaneous termination of pregnancy at a very short term. Ultrasonic method diagnostics has a certain resolution, a fetal egg of microscopic size may not be detected during ultrasound. It is very difficult to talk about the reasons for what happened in absentia. If the cause of spontaneous abortion was genetic diseases or mutations of the embryo leading to its death, it is impossible to maintain the pregnancy. You need to complete comprehensive examination At the gynecologist, schemes for searching for the causes of miscarriage have now been developed and are successfully working. I recommend that you contact an experienced gynecologist and plan next pregnancy only after the examination.

Good afternoon It's not the strong that worries me, periodic pain lower abdomen, often with right side, the pain radiates to the rectum, sometimes to the vagina. There is weakness and dizziness. There is pain during sexual intercourse, also radiating to the posterior fornix. They prescribed me an ultrasound of the pelvic organs (transabdominal, transvaginal) and tests: smear for flora, culture, HPV, herpes. The tests came back good, no infections were found. Ultrasound conclusion: free fluid in the posterior fornix similar to multiple serosoceles 70-80 ml, chronic bilateral adnexitis. Ultrasound shows the uterus and ovaries are normal, not enlarged. Based on all the results, the gynecologist prescribed anti-inflammatory treatment: 1. vaginal suppositories Fluomizin and Hexicon 2. rectal suppositories Revmoxicam and Dalmaxin 3. Nimesil 4. Valtrex 5. Azicin and Unidox. After treatment, a repeat ultrasound was scheduled. After treatment, I didn’t feel any better. Pulling dull pain, often on the right, expanding the lower abdomen. In the evenings constant bloating, gas formation, discomfort in the abdomen, when you lie on your stomach, a lump is felt on the right side, like something is inflating; there is spotting discharge brown before and after menstruation. Frequent urge to defecate. Recently, spasmodic pain appeared, covering not only the lower abdomen, but the entire abdomen. On the stomach there is a pulse above the navel. Menstruation is stable, long (on average 7 days), but in the last days it is light (spotting). On repeated ultrasound, the picture did not change: chronic adnexa, multiple serosocele in the posterior fornix, 70-80 ml. I did both the first and second ultrasounds on the 8th day of the cycle. After treatment, the erosion only decreased, and better result cytology: negative for intraepithelial lesions and malignant neoplasms(NILM).
The doctor writes a suspicion of endometriosis. When examined in the mirrors, there is a retraction of the rear arch and a sharp painful sensations when examined by a bimanual. They took a smear of the flora. The conclusion is as follows: leukocytes 3-5 per p/z, epithelial cells - not significant, microflora - mixed, moderate, mucus, fungi, gonoccocci, trichomonas - not detected. They prescribed a CT scan with contrast of the pelvic organs (to confirm endometriosis, as I understand it). CT conclusion: cyst-like formations of both ovaries (left - in its structure there is a thin-walled formation measuring 2.6x2.4 cm with a density of -2+7 units x, not accumulating contrast agent, right - a formation measuring 1.2×1.3 cm, density +6+14 units, adjacent to the lower pole, does not accumulate contrast agent. The ovaries are not enlarged); moderate amount of fluid in the Douglas space. The bladder and uterus are without bulky pathologies. The pelvic lymph nodes are not enlarged. At the time of the CT scan, it was the first day of the cycle. There is a question about laparoscopy. Is this really endometriosis? And as I understand, compared to ultrasound, significantly less fluid was detected on CT? I am 23 years old, no surgeries, no childbirth, no abortions. Partner One since 18 years old. Pain during sexual intercourse occurred from the very beginning of sexual life, as if radiating to the rectum.
I would be very grateful for your help!!

Dear Yulia! Are you being bothered? frequent urge to defecation, bloating and pain radiating to the rectum. Have you consulted a proctologist? Was a sigmoidoscopy performed? What are the results general analysis blood and feces (scatology)? The volume of fluid in the pouch of Douglas can only be determined approximately using ultrasound.

Hello, I had one abortion, followed by four births, everything was fine, the children were healthy, but recently I became ill, I was shaking violently, I felt feverish, and felt dizzy, dark vision, nausea and vomiting. I called an ambulance, they checked everything at the hospital, sent me to a gynecologist, because on top of all this there was a 10-day delay, but according to the ultrasound everything is fine, everything is normal, there is no sign of pregnancy, except the doctor said that there is a small accumulation of fluid in the tummy, should we keep an eye on it? What could this be? And what are the consequences... Thank you for your understanding and answer!!!

Dear Yulia Mikhailovna! Small quantity free liquid may accumulate in the space between the uterus and rectum in the second phase menstrual cycle, This is fine. At the same time, fluid in the pouch of Douglas may be a sign of an inflammatory process. The accumulation of fluid in itself is not a disease; it only accompanies physiological or pathological processes in the small pelvis, therefore it is incorrect to talk about its dangers or consequences; it is necessary first of all to clarify the cause. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test using a urine sample? What are its results? Dizziness, a feeling of heat and chills can be signs of an inflammatory process, so thorough examination and doctor's supervision are necessary for you.

Thanks a lot. Of course I checked the test, there is no pregnancy. Yes, you really need to examine it. I completely agree with you. Today I saw a specialist, everything is fine, they did a second ultrasound, everything is fine. Indeed, even from an ultrasound it is clear that menstruation will soon occur. This is very good. I also wanted to know if a small erosion on the cervix is ​​dangerous!? What to do with it, the doctor suggests doing a series of tests and cauterizing it.... But I heard that you can’t cauterize it.... What to do! Tell me please! Thanks a lot!!

It is impossible to determine tactics in absentia in case of detection of cervical erosion. It is necessary to conduct a colposcopy and cytological examination, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe treatment for you. In some cases, when erosion is detected, it is indicated dynamic observation, in others - minimally invasive treatment. The most reliable source of information is your attending physician. In controversial cases, you can always contact an additional specialist and find out the second medical opinion, but follow the advice of people you know and don’t know when we're talking about about health, it would be wrong.

Good afternoon I have hostile hydrocephalus of the brain. I had surgery more than once as a child. Now the disease does not manifest itself in any way. The only thing is that, perhaps, due to the illness, irritability has increased; I can’t always think quickly. I am 17 years old. I got my first periods when I was 14 years old, after that I got my periods for three months and stopped. I took pills that stimulate them, they came again, but then they didn’t. At the beginning of the year, on January 16, 2017, I had an ultrasound. The conclusion was made: a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium. multifollicular ovaries with their enlargement (spex?). The presence of free fluid in the retrouterine space. Did a repeat ultrasound on 07/19/17 conclusion: structural changes from the uterus and ovaries were not detected, free fluid up to 150 mm in the abdominal cavity. I took tests for hormones, there were deviations in some indicators. They prescribed treatment, and at the same time I drank Jess Plus. Did a repeat ultrasound on October 26, 2017 and concluded: the presence of a large amount of free fluid in the retrouterine space.

The question is, what measures to take? I have been to a very large number of doctors, the fluid remains the same after all the prescribed courses of treatment. What could this be related to, the presence of fluid in my case?

Dear Alexandra Vasilievna! A small amount of free fluid in the pouch of Douglas can be detected in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, but in the case you describe, it is necessary to search for the reasons for the accumulation of fluid in such a volume. Treatment should be aimed as much at eliminating the fluid as at eliminating the causes of its appearance. It is impossible to talk about possible reasons your complaints, you must contact a qualified experienced gynecologist, be sure to take everything with you medical documents that you have on hand. Until you reach the age of 18, you can see a doctor only with the consent of your legal representatives - one of the parents.

Dear Marina! If there is no pain or pathological discharge from the vagina, expectant management and dynamic observation are quite justified. If a repeat ultrasound was performed today, what were its results?

Good afternoon. Help please. My cycle is 26 days, the date of the last M is October 18, 2018, now the delay is still 2 days (as of November 14), the test showed positive result, but 5 days before (11/8) it was negative. On November 14, I had an ultrasound because I was once suspected of having fibroids, and since then I’ve been running to every positive delay, plus started nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation on the same day. Of course, the fetal egg is not visible on ultrasound, but there is a small accumulation of fluid in the pouch of Douglas. The ultrasound specialist said that these are consequences late ovulation and the liquid has not yet had time to dissolve. Actually a question. How valid is the uzist’s opinion? Could it be that ovulation was indeed late, but the pregnancy test had already shown a weakly positive result? Or are these still signs of some processes not related to ovulation?

Dear Galina Andreevna! A small amount of free fluid accumulates in the pouch of Douglas in the second phase of the menstrual cycle; this is the result of ovulation, and the process is not pathological. At the same time, free liquid can be indirect sign inflammatory process, but without examination, carry out differential diagnosis impossible. What do you mean by “weakly positive” test result? A pregnancy test using a portion of morning urine is a qualitative reaction to the increased content of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman; the result can be either positive or negative. at the same time, the test strips are quite sensitive and allow you to determine even slight increase HCG. It is best, of course, when an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed by a gynecologist who has previously examined the patient, clarified her complaints and collected an anamnesis of the disease; in this case, it is much easier to interpret the ultrasound results. In any case, the ultrasound doctor only describes what he sees, and diagnosing the disease is the prerogative of the clinician, in this case the gynecologist.

Thanks for the answer. By weakly positive I meant that the second stripe was faintly visible. By the way, the test done today is much brighter. Examination and results hCG analysis will be on Monday, but since for me it is very long-awaited pregnancy(I hope it’s pregnancy), I’m a little nervous about any confusion. Unfortunately, in our clinic the doctor does not perform ultrasound, he only writes out a referral and looks at the results.
That is, as I understand it, it may be that even with late ovulation (according to the uzist, it was on the 19-20th day of the cycle), the test showed pregnancy on the first day of the delay, i.e. actually on the 7th day after ovulation. The sensitivity of the test was 20Me

Dear Galina Andreevna! Ultrasound results largely depend on the class of equipment used, the qualifications and experience of the ultrasound doctor, and therefore are sometimes subjective to a certain extent. Wait for the results of a blood test for hCG, and then you can say for sure whether pregnancy has occurred or not. If there are no indications, the ultrasound does not need to be repeated.

Hello. Delay 1 day. The cycle is 28 days. The dimensions of the uterus are 5 * 4 * 6.3 cm, not enlarged, correct form, not displaced.
12/20/2018 - abortion, frozen pregnancy at 12 weeks. The uterine cavity is 1.2 cm, dilated, heterogeneous. In the retrouterine space there is 22 ml of free homogeneous fluid. The pits are enlarged, in the left corpus luteum 20 mm.
Could this be pregnancy?

Dear Evgenia Igorevna! Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is not a method capable of diagnosing pregnancy at such a short period. In this case, detection in blood and urine is informative high content HCG. Theoretically, the probability of pregnancy in this situation is low, however, it cannot be completely excluded. If a pregnancy test using morning urine is positive (and this is possible, since after an abortion pregnancy hCG remains elevated for some time), it will be necessary to take a blood test for hCG content; this is a quantitative reaction; based on the dynamics of the increase in hCG titer, one can conclude that pregnancy is present.

Sometimes on an ultrasound, the doctor can say that fluid is visualized in the retrouterine space during ovulation. In most cases this is quite natural process, depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. However, sometimes fluid is visualized not only in the retrouterine space, but also in the abdominal cavity. Often its cause is not ovulation, but various pathologies.

The retrouterine space is located behind the uterus and is limited by the peritoneum. Often liquid accumulates at the bottom. U healthy women The phenomenon is caused by natural causes, but sometimes serious problems occur.

This indicator is determined by. A special sensor is inserted into the cavity, thanks to which everything is displayed on the screen. internal organs. The doctor can evaluate the structure of the uterus and look at the size of the ovaries. If a substance is missing, it is not visualized.

Find out another way about possible pathologies difficult in this area. In this regard, it is not surprising that before the examination, patients are not aware of the presence of problems.

What happens during and after ovulation

Fluid in the abdominal cavity with – normal process, carried out when the follicle ruptures and the egg is released. Having been released from the capsule, it goes towards the sperm for fertilization. It is ovulatory processes that can cause the appearance of a small amount of the substance.

These actions are cyclical and recorded monthly. They last after the end of menstruation until the end of the first phase. The substance enters the abdominal cavity. There is very little of it in the follicle itself, so fluid behind the uterus after ovulation is normal and should not cause a feeling of anxiety. After a few days it automatically resolves. If other cases arise, then it is necessary to conduct examinations of nearby organs.

Causes of fluid

There are other natural causes which should not cause concern. We are talking about:

  • menstruation. When there is discharge, blood may enter the cavity behind the uterus. This occurs because the endometrium moves smoothly into the abdominal cavity;
  • period of early puberty.

The patient's health should be monitored for several days. In this case, women often complain of pain in the ovarian area and increased body temperature. If, during repeated screening, fluid was absorbed after ovulation in the pelvis, then everything went well, and when it remains, additional tests are prescribed to identify the problem.

There are factors that explain this phenomenon. Despite the fact that they are considered indirect, you should not turn a blind eye to them:

  • bad habits;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • past genital surgeries;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Inflammations and their treatment

Often fluid in the retrouterine space occurs due to inflammation of such organs as:

  • ovaries;
  • uterus;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • bladder.

When such diseases are diagnosed, the accumulated substance must be helped to dissolve. After undergoing an ultrasound examination, the doctor will determine the course of treatment. By the way, patients cannot prescribe it for themselves; a doctor’s supervision is required. Drugs are often prescribed antibacterial action. Features of treatment depend on each specific case.

If the disease is found at the initial stage, the gynecologist will probably limit himself to prescribing antibiotics. In the case when the effect of taking medicines is not observed, it is better to resort to injections and droppers.

When the situation is advanced, purulent accumulations form in the tissues. Then surgery is performed. With it, the abscess is opened to prevent it from entering the peritoneum. Otherwise, the consequences may be dire.

It happens that the abscess is located on the uterus or ovaries, and the organs will have to be removed. The carrier of an infectious disease can be a sexual partner. In this regard, the doctor sends him for examination.

Presence of bloody fluid

One of the pathologies is the presence of a large amount of bloody fluid. It comes from an ovary that has ruptured. In medicine, this disease is called. The disease develops when follicular cyst, rupture internal vessels, ovarian stroma or cyst. After its destruction, the substance enters the peritoneum. Often the blood has small clots. All this is accompanied by:

  • abundant secretion;
  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • discomfort in the lower back.

Blood often appears as a result of harsh sexual contact, injuries, excessive physical exertion, and deformation of the appendages.

What pathologies does he talk about?

Sometimes we are talking about inflammation of the pelvic organs. This disease is called purulent salpingitis. The ultrasound specialist sees the lengthening or expansion of the pipes. The disease is characterized elevated temperature, pain, increased sensitivity.

With this diagnosis, tests show a large number of leukocytes. This needs to be treated strictly surgical intervention. Everything unnecessary is removed acute inflammation surgeons stop, the influence of microbes is suppressed, the lesion is carefully treated, if any metabolic disorders, then they are adjusted.

Himself healing process is long lasting. It consists of rehabilitation period, during which the patient's condition is monitored subject matter specialist. Periodically tests are taken and screenings are done to see how the body is recovering.


So, fluid in the retrouterine space during ovulation in general normal phenomenon. Follicle rupture should not cause concern in a woman. However, when there is more serious symptoms and the ultrasound specialist detects fluid in the retrouterine space, then you should consult a doctor. The cause of the pathology is not considered to be ovulation, but inflammatory processes.

Monitoring of a pregnant woman is carried out from the first days when she registered at the clinic. It is possible that after an ultrasound examination, the doctor sees fluid in the retrouterine space, although this should not be the case. Is it dangerous for the fetus and expectant mother? By the way, this trouble can also manifest itself in those who are not expecting the birth of a child. Let's try to find the answer to this question.

The retrouterine space, which doctors call Douglas space, in in good condition represents a closed cavity located behind the uterus and limited by the peritoneum. Free fluid usually accumulates in the lowest recess of this cavity when viewed relative to the abdominal cavity.

It is necessary to monitor your own health even in cases where, no obvious reasons for concern. Regular visits to the gynecologist are mandatory; ignoring visits to him is unforgivable frivolity for women at any age.

The female condition can be considered normal in cases where the retrouterine space does not contain fluid. But there are times when a little liquid may be present and not pose a threat. women's health. The cyclical processes occurring in the body of every woman are “to blame.”

  • Reflux of blood into the peritoneal cavity during the menstrual cycle. This is absolutely not dangerous - during menstruation, the endometrium, along with the secreted menstrual blood, “moves” to the abdominal area.
  • Ovulation, in which the follicle capsule ruptures and the free egg, ready for fertilization, comes out. The small amount of fluid released during this process will disappear without treatment after a few days; it is absorbed.
  • Even girls can have fluid in the space behind the uterus. This may be a consequence of premature puberty. But final diagnosis will be determined by the doctor after the necessary examination has been carried out.

The doctor, most often, does not make an immediate diagnosis, leaving some time to monitor the situation. If the fluid has resolved, then this is a sign of the normal completion of the ovulation process.

If the above cases, in which fluid appears in the retrouterine space, do not require special treatment, since they do not pose a danger, then a completely different attitude should be towards the causes caused by diseases. In itself, the presence of fluid is not a disease, but important symptom illness, sometimes very serious.

  • Inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity.
  • The presence of polyps on the uterus.
  • Diseases of organs that are located near the uterus - ovaries, bladder, fallopian tubes. These are pelvioperitonitis, liver diseases, heart or renal failure. Organs affected by the disease can secrete an exudative substance and, in some diseases, the doctor will find free fluid in the space behind the uterus. With pelvioperitonitis, peritoneal fluid enters the retrouterine space, the amount of which can be very significant.
  • After a recent artificial termination of pregnancy - abortion, the possibility of the presence of fluid in the retrouterine space cannot be ruled out.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The fluid in this case is blood, which may be caused by deformation or damage fallopian tube. It is on it that the fertilized egg that has not reached the uterus is most often attached.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the abdominal cavity or pelvic area. Thus, an ovarian tumor is accompanied by ascites, when fluid accumulates in the peritoneal cavity. To exclude the formation of neoplasms, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may be required. Only with their help can you “see” and diagnose a tumor.
  • Anoplexia is ovarian rupture.
  • Endometrioid cysts on the ovaries. Cavity formation pathological nature on the surface of the ovaries. This menstrual blood, located in the membrane of endometrial cells. Due to microperforation of the cyst, blood leaks out. The presence of a cyst is accompanied by a number of additional symptoms: abdominal pain, sometimes very acute, menstrual irregularities, heavy menstruation.
  • Purulent salpingitis. Purulent fluid may appear as a result of rupture of the pyosalpinx. Additional symptoms include increased temperature, painful stomach, leukocytosis. There is a high probability of developing diffuse peritonitis and, as a consequence, immediate surgical intervention.

To accurately diagnose the disease that caused fluid to appear in the retrouterine space, a mandatory cytological examination liquids. You also need to remember additional symptoms. They are usually present if the fluid is caused by a medical condition.

Although indirect, there are factors that can increase the likelihood of fluid appearing behind the uterus.


There is no particular cause for concern if fluid is detected in the retrouterine space. But you should not neglect consultation with a doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy - it is better to be safe. Good luck

Fluid behind the uterus cannot be called a disease. Rather, it is a harbinger of another gynecological disorder or a prerequisite for the emerging female disease. If the accumulation of water behind the uterus is the result of a disease, then such bright pronounced signs, such as pain when urinating, grayish discharge both during and after sexual intercourse. Fluid in the posterior fornix needs to be treated.

Fluid in the uterus is most often observed in premenopausal women who have had an unsuccessful pregnancy (miscarriage), surgery (abortion or curettage), and may be a consequence of childbirth. Most often, there are no signs of the disease: no pain, no discomfort, no discharge. Fluid in the uterus is usually detected in girls and women planning to become pregnant after undergoing an ultrasound.

Factors contributing to the appearance of fluid in the uterine wall

There are a number of factors known that contribute to the formation of fluid in the uterus:

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Disturbed diet
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Bad habits
  • Alcohol or nicotine addiction
  • Absence physical activity, passive activity
  • Nervous breakdowns, stress.

The diagnosis of serosometer (fluid accumulation in the uterus) is made when deformation of the abdominal part and an increase in the size of the uterus occur. In addition to deformation, there are a number of other symptoms that are possible due to fluid accumulation:

  • Pain in lower area belly
  • Copious watery discharge
  • Problems with urination (frequency and pain)
  • Slight increase in body temperature.

Due to the peculiarities of anatomy, fluid accumulation is observed in absolutely healthy representatives of the fair sex.

Treatment methods

Accumulated fluid behind the back wall of the uterus can form when heavy bleeding in the peritoneum. Fluid behind the uterus can sometimes be pus that has leaked into the abdominal cavity due to purulent salpingitis.

Free liquid in in rare cases can be considered normal, although, naturally, gynecologists note the absence of fluid behind the uterine wall as normal.

During the second stage of the cycle, water may be produced during ovulation, and in the first phase it may be due to the release of blood into the abdominal cavity during the menstrual cycle.

Experts advise regularly undergoing examinations and preventing the occurrence of infections and chronic inflammation. If any disease is nevertheless discovered, the next check by a gynecologist should be done no earlier than two months after treatment. To undergo the examination, you must take an immune test and a smear to check for the presence of chlamydia in the body.

Fluid accumulation in the uterus may be the result of acute endometritis. Another reason is a rupture of one of the ovaries or a cyst. There are also a number of other diseases of the organs that do not relate to the genital female system. Therefore, a comprehensive examination of the whole body is recommended.

Fluid may result from accumulation liquid blood, in medicine called a hemometer. Postpartum result of fluid accumulation in back wall the uterus may be a disturbed waste stream of lochia - lochometer.

Experts are not against it when a woman undergoes herbal treatment for the purpose of prevention. Recommended herbal decoctions include red brush and hogweed, calendula, sweet clover, coltsfoot, chamomile and sage, woodland mallow and centaury, rosemary, oak bark with cinquefoil and knotweed. Douching can also be used as a preventive measure. Use herbal decoctions Of course, it will not cause harm to the body, but before taking the course you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Preventive measures

Known following methods prevention of fluid accumulation in the walls of the uterus:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Vitamin therapy
  • Use of immunocorrectors
  • Treatment with fruit and vegetable juices.

Doctors recommend using mustard baths within 20 minutes. You should take a bath lukewarm, to do this you need to dissolve mustard powder and let the water cool. The use of such baths is contraindicated during premenstrual and menstrual periods, as well as after operations. Recommended use of honey vaginal suppositories and tampons. The cyclical use of these products should be checked with your gynecologist.

If it was necessary to remove free liquid surgery, and after that the ultrasound results showed the presence of fluid in the posterior fornix of the uterus, then you should not be alarmed. The fluid can persist after surgery for several weeks, after which it will be favorably absorbed in the body. If other symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This video is dedicated to women's health:



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs